Commons:Urheberrechtsregeln nach Gebiet/Gabun
Urheberrechtsregeln: Gabun Kürzel: COM:GABUN | |
Schutzfrist | |
Standard | 50 Jahre p. m. a. |
Fotografie | Veröffentlichung + 50 Jahre |
Anonym | Veröffentlichung + 50 Jahre |
Audiovisuell | Veröffentlichung + 50 Jahre |
Gemeinschaftswerk | Das Leben des Besitzers + 50 Jahre |
Posthum | Veröffentlichung + 50 Jahre |
Angewandte Kunst | Veröffentlichung + 50 Jahre |
Andere | |
Panoramafreiheit | Ja |
Frist geht bis zum Jahresende | Ja |
Abkommen | |
Berner Übereinkunft | 26. März 1962 |
Bangui-Abkommen | 8. Februar 1982 |
Welthandelsorganisation-Mitglied | 1. Januar 1995 |
URAA-Wiederherstellungsdatum* | 1. Januar 1996 |
WIPO-Urheberrechtsvertrag | 6. März 2002 |
*Ein Werk ist in der Regel in den USA geschützt, wenn es sich um eine Art von Werk handelt, das in den USA urheberrechtsfähig ist, nach 31 December 1929 veröffentlicht wurde und im Ursprungsland am URAA-Datum geschützt ist. | |
Diese Seite bietet einen Überblick über die Urheberrechtsbestimmungen von Gabun, die für das Hochladen von Werken in Wikimedia Commons relevant sind. Beachte, dass jedes Werk, das aus Gabon stammt, sowohl in Gabun als auch in den Vereinigten Staaten gemeinfrei oder unter einer freien Lizenz verfügbar sein muss, bevor es auf Wikimedia Commons hochgeladen werden kann. Bei Zweifeln über den urheberrechtlichen Status eines Werks aus Gabun solltest du die entsprechenden Gesetze zur Klärung heranziehen.
Frankreich besetzte Gabun offiziell im Jahr 1885. Im Jahr 1910 wurde Gabun eines der vier Territorien von Französisch-Äquatorialafrika, einer Föderation, die bis 1959 bestand. Die Gebiete von Französisch-Äquatorialafrika wurden am 17. August 1960 unabhängig.
Gabon has been a member of the Berne Convention since 26 March 1962, the World Trade Organization since 1 January 1995 and the WIPO Copyright Treaty since 6 March 2002.[1]
As of 2018 the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), an agency of the United Nations, listed the 1987 Law No. 1/87 on the Establishment of the Protection for Copyright and Neighboring Rights as the main copyright law enacted by the legislature of Gabon.[1] WIPO holds the text of this law in their WIPO Lex database.[2]
Under Law No. 1/87 of 1987,
- The author's economic rights last for their lifetime and for 50 years after death.[1/1987 Article 60]
- With collaborative works, economic rights subsist for 50 years after death of the last surviving contributor.[1/1987 Article 60]
- Economic rights last for 50 years from the end of the calendar year when the work was made public for:
- Photographic works, radio and audiovisual works and works of applied art.[1/1987 Article 60]
- Anonymous or pseudonymous works where the author cannot be identified.[1/1987 Article 60]
- Posthumous works are protected for 50 years after being made public, if this happens within 50 years of death.[1/1987 Article 60]
All terms run to the end of the calendar year.
Collective work
Under Law No. 1/87 of 1987, "Collective work" shall mean a work created on the initiative of a natural or legal person who edits it, publishes it and discloses it under his direction and name, and in which the personal contributions of the various authors who participated in its development are merged in the overall work for which they were conceived, so that it is impossible to attribute to each author a separate right in the work as created[1/1987 Article 10] A collective work, in the absence of proof to the contrary, shall belong to the natural or legal person under whose name it has been disclosed. The author's rights shall vest in that person[1/1987 Article 17]
Not protected
Siehe auch: Commons:Ungeschützte Werke
Under Law No. 1/87 of 1987, Protection shall not apply: to laws and regulations and officially published preparatory work therefor, decisions of the courts and of administrative bodies and official translations of such texts;the news of the day published, diffused or communicated to the public.[1/1987 Article 11]
Public domain and folklore non-free
Siehe auch: Commons:Bezahlung des Gemeingutes
Under Law No. 1/87 of 1987, On expiry of the term of protection defined in Article 60, the work falls into the public domain. The right of exploitation of works in the public domain shall be exercised by the National Artistic and Cultural Promotion Agency (ANPAC). Performance, public execution and reproduction of such works shall require prior authorization issued by ANPAC. In the case of a profit-making utilization, authorization shall be granted against payment of a fee calculated in accordance with the general tariffs and schedules in force.[1/1987 Article 61]
Works of folklore shall belong ab origine to the national heritage.[1/1987 Article 6] "folklore" shall mean all literary and artistic productions created on the national territory by authors presumed to be Gabonese nationals or by national ethnic communities, passed from generation to generation, which form one of the fundamental elements of the national traditional cultural heritage.[1/1987 Article 6] Works of national folklore shall be protected without limitation in time.[1/1987 Article 7] The right of exploitation of folklore shall be administered by ANPAC. Such authorization shall be granted against payment of a royalty, the proceeds of which shall be used for cultural and welfare purposes for the benefit of the authors.[1/1987 Article 8]
Siehe auch: Commons:Währung
OK. Bank of Central African States, which issues Central African CFA franc used in Gabon, is based in Cameroon. Article 3c of the main IP law of Cameroon, the 2000 Copyright law, explicitly excludes banknotes and coins from copyright protection.
Please use {{PD-CA-CFA-franc}} for Central African CFA franc images.
See also: COM:CUR Cameroon
OK {{FoP-Gabon}}
Siehe auch: Commons:Panoramafreiheit
OK. For photographs, film and television of protected works of art, including architectural works, if permanently located in a public place.
OK. For incidental inclusion of protected works in films or television, regardless of location.
OK. For informational photographs of protected works in reports on a current event, regardless of location.
Under Law No. 1/87 of 1987,
- Literary, scientific or artistic works seen or heard in the course of a current event may, for the purposes of information, be reproduced and made available to the public in a report on that event by means of photography, cinematography or sound or visual diffusion.[1/1987 Article 35]
- Works of art, including architectural works, permanently located in a public place, may be reproduced and made available to the public by means of cinematography, photography or television. The same shall apply where the inclusion of such a work in a film or a broadcast is of an accessory or incidental nature only in relation to the main subject.[1/1987 Article 37]
- ↑ a b Gabon Copyright and Related Rights (Neighboring Rights). WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization (2018). Retrieved on 2018-11-05.
- ↑ Law No. 1/87 on the Establishment of the Protection for Copyright and Neighboring Rights. Gabon (1987). Retrieved on 2018-11-05.