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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Iraq and the translation is 97% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Iraq and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

本頁面概述了與將作品上傳到維基共享資源相關的伊拉克版權規則。請注意,任何源自伊拉克的作品在上傳到Wikimedia Commons之前必須在伊拉克和美國處於公共領域,或在免費許可下可用。如果對伊拉克作品的版權狀況有任何疑問,請參閱相關法律進行澄清。



截至2018年,聯合國機構世界知識產權組織將1971年第3號版權法列為聯合國製定的主要版權法。伊拉克立法機關。[1]產權組織在其WIPO Lex數據庫中保存了該法律的文本。[2][3]本法於2004年5月1日通過第83號命令《版權法修正案》進行了修訂。[4]

Since 2013, Kurdistan Region of Iraq had its own copyright law.[5] Refer to COM:IRAQI KURDISTAN for relevant information.



  • 版權在作者去世後25年到期,但保護期自作品出版之日起不得少於50年。[3/1971 Art. 20]
  • 僅提供風景自動轉移的攝影和電影作品的版權自作品首次出版之日起5年到期。[3/1971 Art. 20]
  • 聯合作品的持續時間從最後一位倖存參與者的死亡日期開始計算。[3/1971 Art. 20]
  • 如果權利人是公共或私人法人,則權利自首次出版之日起30年到期。[3/1971 Art. 20]
  • 匿名或假名作品不受保護,除非作者或其繼承人透露了他的身份。[3/1971 Art. 21]
  • 作者去世後首次發表的作品的保護期限自其去世之日起計算。[3/1971 Art. 22]


  • 作者的經濟權利在作者有生之年和從他去世之日起50年內受到保護。[83/2004 Art. 20 (1)]
  • 與合著作品相關的經濟權利在所有合著者的一生中以及從最後一位倖存者去世後的50年內受到保護。[83/2004 Art. 20 (2)]
  • 對於應用藝術作品以外的集體作品,
    • 如果版權持有人是法人實體,則經濟權利自作品出版或首次向公眾提供之日起50年內受到保護,以先到者為準。[83/2004 Art. 20 (3)]
    • 著作權人為自然人的,保護期按其終生加50年計算。[83/2004 Art. 20 (3)]
  • 與作者去世後首次出版的作品有關的經濟權利在該作品首次出版或首次向公眾提供之日起50年後到期,以先到者為準。[83/2004 Art. 20 (3)]
  • 與匿名或以筆名發表的作品有關的經濟權利應受保護50年,自該作品首次發表或首次向公眾提供之日起,以先到者為準。[83/2004 Art. 20 (4)]
  • 實用藝術作品作者的經濟權利在作品發表或首次向公眾提供之日起50年後到期,以先到者為準。[83/2004 Art. 20 (5)]
  • 2004年法律的規定適用於其生效時存在的作品,前提是這些作品的保護期限尚未進入公有領域。[83/2004 Art. 49a]


Copyright notes

Copyright notes
Per U.S. Circ. 38a, the following countries are not participants in the Berne Convention or 世界版权公约 and there is no presidential proclamation restoring U.S. copyright protection to works of these countries on the basis of reciprocal treatment of the works of U.S. nationals or domiciliaries:
  • Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Marshall Islands, Palau, Somalia, Somaliland, and South Sudan.

As such, works published by citizens of these countries in these countries are usually not subject to copyright protection outside of these countries. Hence, such works may be in the public domain in most other countries worldwide.


  • Works published in these countries by citizens or permanent residents of other countries that are signatories to the Berne Convention or any other treaty on copyright will still be protected in their home country and internationally as well as locally by local copyright law (if it exists).
  • Similarly, works published outside of these countries within 30 days of publication within these countries will also usually be subject to protection in the foreign country of publication. When works are subject to copyright outside of these countries, the term of such copyright protection may exceed the term of copyright inside them.
  • Unpublished works from these countries may be fully copyrighted.
  • A work from one of these countries may become copyrighted in the United States under the URAA if the work's home country enters a copyright treaty or agreement with the United States and the work is still under copyright in its home country.

Iraq has enacted Law No. 3 of 1971 on Copyright (Arabic) which came into force on 21 January 1971. Iraq has enacted Regulation No. 10 of 1985 on the National Committee for the Protection of Copyright (Arabic) which came into force on 2 September 1985. Iraq has enacted Order No. 83, Amendment to the Copyright Law (Arabic) (unofficial English (WIPO) translation) which came into force on 1 May 2004.




根據1971年的法律,以下內容不受保護:[3/1971 Art. 6]

  1. 詩歌、散文、音樂和其他合集的選集,不影響每部作品作者的權利。
  2. 已落入公有領域的作品集。
  3. 官方文件集,如法律、法規、國際協議、司法裁決等官方文件文本。




  • {{PD-Iraq}}——照片发表后50年,从发表日期开始计算。




 不可以用於1974年之後發行的貨幣。根據伊拉克法律,鈔票和硬幣不受版權保護的任何已知例外情況的保護。伊拉克中央銀行的網站,其中包括對伊拉克硬幣和鈔票的描述,有以下頁腳:Copyright © 2011. Central Bank of Iraq. All rights reserved. 請閱讀重要信息disclaimer。免責聲明稱:本網站上的所有文本、數據和信息均歸CBI所有。其中包含的數字化照片、圖形和徽標是CBI的財產,未經許可不得使用。




  • 保護應包括以文字、聲音、繪畫、繪畫或運動表達方式的作品,尤其是以下作品:... 建築。[83/2004 Art. 2(4)]
  • 未經作者或其繼承人的書面許可,任何人不得從事以下任何行為:...以任何方式或形式複製作品,無論是暫時的還是永久的,包括在攝影(包括電影)膠片上或 到數字或電子存儲介質上。[83/2004 Art. 8(1)]






  1. Iraq Copyright and Related Rights (Neighboring Rights). WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization (2018). Retrieved on 2018-11-08.
  2. Law No. 3 of 1971 on Copyright (in Arabic). Iraq (1971). Retrieved on 2018-11-08.
  3. Law No. 3 of 1971 Copyright Protection Act. Retrieved on 2019-03-22.
  4. Order No. 83, Amendment to the Copyright Law. Iraq (2004). Retrieved on 2018-11-10.
  5. Kurdistan's Law No. 17 of 2012 on Copyright (in Arabic) (2012). Retrieved on 2024-05-31.
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