郵票的版權規則因國家/地區而異。 郵票可能被視為不受版權保護的政府作品,儘管在使用郵票的方式上可能存在非版權限制。 它們可能被視為政府或公司作品,在規定的期限內(例如發行後 50 年)受版權保護。 版權期限可能基於郵票設計貢獻者的壽命,並可能在最後一個倖存者去世後延長 70 年或更長時間。
這個項目頁面的目標是澄清郵票的版權情況。 它包含從描述每個國家/地區相關規則的頁面“嵌入”的信息。
参见:Commons:Stamps/Public domain templates
版权在首次投入流通50年后失效。[2008 Article 16.1.6]。对于50年前($年1月1日之前)出版的邮票,请使用{{PD-Afghanistan}}。
The Albanian Government regulation on postal stamps considers stamps as means of payment (General Provisions, Article 2: "Postal stamp is used to pay for postal services .."). Means of payment are exempt from copyright, see Not protected section above.
Public domain for the stamps published before 1 January 1975 (older than 50 years) if the work is anonymous. See {{PD-Antigua and Barbuda}}.
参见:Category:Stamps of Antigua and Barbuda
The basic copyright law of Argentina is Law No. 11.723 of September 28, 1933, on Legal Intellectual Property Regime (Copyright Law, as last amended by Law No. 26.570 of November 25, 2009). There is no mention of stamps or official works in the law, but Article 8 (as translated) says that "The ownership of anonymous intellectual works belonging to institutions, corporations or legal persons shall last for 50 years from the date of publication of those works." The government of Argentina is an institution and not a natural person so assume that where a stamp is anonymous, it is out of copyright after 50 years. Use {{PD-AR-Anonymous}} where applicable. If the designer of the stamp is shown, the stamp will remain in copyright for seventy years after death.
参见:Category:Stamps of Argentina
郵票似乎符合國家符號和標誌的資格,根據2013年版版權法[2013 Article 4.1(d)]不受版權保護。
不可以用於大多數徽標。澳大利亞版權保護所需的原創性水平非常低。 顯示zh:澳大利亞原住民旗幟的圖像一直從Commons中刪除,因為澳大利亞法院裁定該旗幟受版權保護。[1] 请参阅 Category:Australian Aboriginal flag related deletion requests 中的讨论。
澳大利亚原住民旗帜之所以被允许出现在 Commons 上,是因为澳大利亚政府从原作者手中购买了版权,追溯适用了将其置于原籍国公共领域的法律
参见:Category:Stamps of Australia
The Austrian postal service (Österreichische Post) has limited copyright for all stamps and the displayed images. The stamps can be used for sale, manufacture and advertising. For all other imaging requests (such as printing works, books or encyclopedias) the respective postage stamp designer needs to be contacted, since it is not advertising. For each stamp a release must be obtained individually. The contact addresses of the designers are subject to data privacy. See de:Wikipedia:Briefmarken#.C3.96sterreichische_Post. Therefore the general copyright term applies (pma + 70).
一个例外是File:1995 John Lennon..jpg。
参见:Category:Stamps of Azerbaijan
According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 262-Z of May 17, 2011, "state symbols and signs (flag, coat of arms, anthem, awards, banknotes and other signs)" are not copyrightable.[262-Z/2011 Art.7(2)] According to the Postage Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 258-З of December 15, 2003, "postage stamp is an official (state) sign of postage printed on paper and carrying an artwork, and inscriptions "БЕЛАРУСЬ", "BELARUS", year of issue (in Arabic letters) and a par value (in Arabic figures). The par value of postage stamp may be designated in letters."[2]
In Belgium an image of a stamp is copyright free when the following conditions are fulfilled: 70 years after La Poste / De Post have issued the stamp AND 70 years after the designer of the image on the stamp has died.
The works of the following artists are in public domain because the artist died before 31 December 1945.
- Baugniet, Charles (1814-1886)
- Houyoux, Léon (1856-1940)
- Meunier, Henri (1873–1922)
- Vloors, Émile (1871–1952)
The work of the following artists will be in public domain on 1 January following 70 years after their death
- Bonnevalle, Oscar (1920-1993)
- De Bast, Jean (1883-1975)
- Dolphyn, William (1935–2016)
- Van Noten, Jean (1903–1982)
According Belize's Copyright Act of 2000, where a protected work has been made by or under the direction or control of the Government and, apart from this subsection no copyright would subsist in the work, then copyright shall subsist therein by virtue of this subsection and shall initially belong to the State.[Cap.252/2000 Section 25(4)] No special terms are specified for stamps or other government works, so standard copyright rules apply.
For stamps issued before Belizean independence (1981), crown copyright applies.
The Law No.1322 of April 13, 1992 on Copyright states that copyright protection expires 50 years after the author's death calculated from 1 January following the year of death.[1322/1992 Article 18] For "anonymous works ... and in pseudonymous works, the economic rights shall last 50 years after the works have been made known" also calculated from 1 January of the following year.[1322/1992 Article 19]
For stamps published more than 50 years ago (before 1 January 1975) use {{PD-Bolivia}}.
参见:Category:Stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 1983年以前
- 1983年以后
参见:Category:Stamps of Brunei
参见:Category:Stamps of Bulgaria
COM:Burkina Faso
Stamps are not included among the types of work for which copyright does not apply.[Act 1/021 2005 Article 7] If the author is known, a stamp would be protected for life + 50 years.[Act 1/021 2005 Article 58] Otherwise, as an anonymous or collective work it would be protected for publication + 50 years.[Act 1/021 2005 Article 60–61]
版權法中沒有關於郵票的特殊規定。1921年“加拿大版權法”第12條規定,對於政府作品(“正在或已經由女王陛下或任何政府部門或在其指導或控制下製作或出版的作品”), 版權為作品出版日曆年結束後的50年。 這被稱為皇家版權。
参见:Category:Stamps of Chile
对于几乎所有中国大陆非满洲国、非汪政权时期的邮票,仍待进一步信息解释,但就现状而言 Not OK,因为多数情况下,它们所属作者的出生日期不是公开信息,除非邮票发行于1930年1月1日前可以使用{{PD-anon-expired}},我们应该相信这些邮票受中国邮政集团或其子公司(如北京邮票厂)版权保护[3]。
参见:Category:Stamps of Colombia
COM:Costa Rica
The basic copyright law of Costa Rica is: Ley Nº 6683 - Ley de Derechos de Autor y Derechos Conexos. There are no specific provision for copyrights of postage stamps, but all works are copyrighted until 70 years after the author's death. In the case of government agencies and other public entities the copyrights of official works expired after 25 years, and in special cases after 50 years (i.e. books), both since the original publication date.
参见:Category:Stamps of Costa Rica
Modern stamps of this country are not in public domain or their status is unknown. Cuba was under Spanish control until 1898 and then under U.S. control until the Republic was established on May 20, 1902. Accordingly, the copyright applicable to stamps issued during those time periods would be Spain and the U.S.
COM:Czech Republic
Postal stamps of the Czech Republic (they are since 1993) are copyrighted 70 years after the author's death by both authors: an engraver and a graphic artist. They are not official works. Stamps are officially announced in Poštovní věstník (Postal bulletin, it is published at least since 2000) and texts in this bulletin is public domain but the stamps are copyrighted.
Postage stamps of Czechoslovakia (published in 1918-1939 and in 1945-1992) are copyrighted 70 years after the author's death by both authors: an engraver and a graphic artist. (see overview of artists) Stamps issued before 1922 are PD with exception of portrait of TGM and Dove. Between 1934-1939 are PD stamps engraved by Bohumil Heinz with some exceptions (non PD graphic artist).
参见:Category:Stamps of Czechoslovakia
Under the Intellectual Property Law (Codification No. 2006-13) there is no exception for stamps, which would be protected for 70 years from publication.
- Protected works shall include, inter alia, the following: ... works of painting, drawing, engraving and lithography ....[2006-13 Art.8(f)]
- The employer or commissioner owns copyright in works by made employees or commissioned.[2006-13 Art.16]
- Where the holder of rights in a work from the time of creation of the work is a legal person, the period of protection shall be 70 years from the making, disclosure or publication of the work, whichever is the later.[2006-13 Art.81]
COM:El Salvador
According to the 2017 revision, works owned by legal entities are protected for 70 years counted from 1 January of the year following that of first publication.[2017 Article 86(c)]
Translation of the specific permission to use images of postage stamps for non-commercial educational, philatelic and cultural purposes was contained in an email message dated 11 January 2007 from Silvia María Orantes, Head of the Philatelic Office, Government of El Salvador but commercial restriction images are not permitted here.
参见:Category:Stamps of El Salvador
。郵票的版權狀態沒有具體的法律。 根據Copyright and Neighboring Rights Protection Proclamation No. 410/2004,埃塞俄比亞郵票自發行之日起 50年後進入公共領域,其中規定經濟權利在作者生前屬於作者,自作者死亡之日起50年內屬於繼承人或受遺贈人(第20條)和與視聽作品有關的經濟權利應自作品製作之日起或將作品向公眾傳播之日起,將受到五十年的保護,以最晚者為準。
参见:Category:Stamps of Ethiopia
COM:Faroe Islands
Åland has its own laws on postal matters; the discussion below does not concern stamps of Åland.
Stamps issued before 1990
Before 1990 stamps were issued by a public body whose decisions and statements are not protected by copyright. See #Not protected (above). If an image of a stamp was included in a public body's decision or statement and the stamp is not an independent work, the image would be free of copyright as part of the document, the document can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and the image can be cropped from this document. Use {{PD-FinlandStamp}} in these cases.
It is uncertain how the above affects the copyright of stamps depicted in other places. The precautionary principle is that we assume a stamp is copyrighted unless proven otherwise. A copyrighted stamp will lose copyright protection 70 years after the author's death or 70 years after publication if the author is anonymous. Information on the author of a stamp will often be available at Postimuseo's Postimerkkiselain, and should be included in the stamp description where available. Use {{PD-old-70}} or {{PD-anon-70}} in these cases.
Stamps issued from 1990
Posts and Telecommunications of Finland became a state-owned enterprise known as Posti-Tele in 1990. It is not clear whether this entity and its successors retained the status of public bodies. The precautionary principle is that we assume it did not, and any new stamps issued from 1990 onward remain copyrighted.
According to La Poste, French stamps have the same legal status as any other work of art. Stamps by designers deceased more than 70 years ago are public domain.[4] The names of the artists are generally printed at the bottom of the stamps or its main picture. Check the individual artists death dates in the frwiki category: Dessinateur de timbres/Stamp designers and also the French Phil-ouest website that lists many more than have wiki articles.
On 1st January 2015, it appears that all postage stamps of France issued until 1922 are in the public domain (doubts about the 1919 stamp known as "The Two Orphans" – cause: no information found on the date of death of Surand and Jarraud).
The following list of artists whose works are in public domain in France (but not necessarily in the United States) because they died before 31 December 1954 is non-exhaustive:
- Barre, Jacques-Jean (1793–1855)
- Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugène (1798–1863)
- Barre, Désiré-Albert (1818–1878)
- Merwart, Paul (1855–1902)
- Blanc, Joseph (1846–1904)
- Dubois, Alphée (1831–1905)
- Chaplain, Jules (1839–1909)
- Sage, Jules-Auguste (1840–1910)
- Roty, Oscar (1846–1911)
- Mouchon, Louis-Eugène (1843–1914)
- Nézière, Georges de la (1878–1914)
- Puyplat, Jules-Jacques (1843–1915)
- Merson, Luc-Olivier (1846–1920)
- Thévenin, Auguste (1856–1921)
- Dumoulin, Louis (1860–1924)
- Froment, Eugène (1844–1926 (?))
- Paul Albert Laurens (1870–1934)
- Ruffé, Léon (1864–1935)
- Mignon, Justin Abel Francois Xaviér (1861–1936)
- Dezarrois, Antoine (1864–1939)
- Gandon, Gaston (1872–1941)
- Delzers, Jean Antonin (1873–1943)
- Degorce, Georges Léo (1894–1943)
- Nézière, Joseph de La (1873–1944)
- Grégoire, René (1871–1945)
- Prudhomme, George Henri (1873–1947)
- Cortot, Henri (1892–1950)[6]
- Ouvré, Achille (1872–1951)
- Hourriez, Georges (1878–1953)[7]
- Dulac, Edmond (1882–1953)
- Nézière, Raymond de la (1865–1953)
Works by the following artists will be in public domain in France (but not necessarily in the United States) on 1 January following 70 years after their death:
- Feltesse, Émile Henri (1881–1955) @2026
- Barlangue, Gabriel Antoine (1874–1956) @2027
- Dufresne, Charles Paul (1885–1956) @2027
- Lemasson, Henri (1870–1956) @2027
- Cheffer, Henry (1880–1957) @2028
- Rigal, Louis Pierre (1888–1959) @2030
- Munier, Pierre (1889–1962) @2033
- Cocteau, Jean (1889–1963) @2034
- Kieffer, Clément (1881-1964) @2035
- Mazelin, Charles (1882–1964) @2035
- Louis, Robert (1902–1965) @2036
- Serres, Raoul (1881–1971) @2042
- Cami, Robert (1900–1973) @2044
- Lemagny, Paul Pierre (1905–1977) @2048
- Spitz, André (1883–1977) @2048
- Piel, Jules (1882–1978) @2049
- Picart Le Doux, Jean (1902–1982) @2053
- Monvoisin, Michel (1932–1982) @2053
- Miró, Joan (1893–1983) @2054
- Fernez Louis (1900–1984) @2055
- Decaris, Albert (1901–1988) @2059
- Delpech, Jean (1916–1988) @2059
- Haley, Claude (1923–1988) @2059
- Gandon, Pierre (1899–1990) @2061
- Pheulpin, Jean (1907–1991) @2062
- Cottet, René (1902–1992) @2063
- Combet, Jacques (1920–1993) @2064
- Lengellé, Paul (1908-1993) @2064
- Peynet, Raymond (1908–1999) @2070
- Hundertwasser, Friedensreich (1928–2000) @2071
- Leguay, Marc (1910–2001) @2072
- Durrens, Claude (1921–2002) @2073
- Hertenberger, Claude (1912–2002) @2073
- Bridoux, Charles (1942–2003) @2074
- Dessirier, René (1919–2003@2074
- Guillame, Cécile (1933–2004) @2075
- Folon, Jean-Michel (1934–2005) @2076
- Forget, Pierre (1923–2005) @2076
- Lacaque, Eugène (1914–2005) @2076
- Slania, Czeslaw (1921–2005) @2076
- Schach-Duc, Yvonne (1933–2009) @2080
- Sainson, Huguette (1929–2011) @2082
- Mathieu, Georges (1921–2012) @2083
- Béquet, Pierre (1932–2012) @2083
- Leliepvre, Eugène (1908–2013) @2084
- Wou-Ki, Zao (1920–2013) @2084
- Markó, Serge (1926–2014) @2085
- Taraskoff, Mark (1955–2015) @2086
- Quillivic, René (1925–2016) @2087
- Andréotto, Claude (1949–2017) @2088
According to a decision by a German regional court (Landgericht Berlin) in a case of the heirs of German artist Loriot against the Wikimedia Foundation, announced 27 March 2012, German postage stamps are not "official works" according to § 5 I or II UrhG and are therefore not in the public domain, as previously assumed on Commons.
Stamps of other private entities are copyrighted as well. However, the usual German copyright expiration term applies - copyright expires 70 years after 1 January after death of the creator. Some individual stamps may be copyright-free for other reasons (e.g. simple graphic design). For a further discussion, see Wikilegal/Copyright of Images in German Postage Stamps
- Template:PD-German stamps
for stamps of Deutsche Post AG, issued from 5 May 1995 on (imprint „Deutschland“) - Template:PD-Deutsche Bundespost stamps
for stamps of Deutsche Bundespost (Federal Mail, including Saarland) issued from 1949 until 6 April 1995 - Template:PD-Deutsche Bundespost Berlin stamps
for stamps of Deutsche Bundespost Berlin issued from 1949 until September 27, 1990 - Template:PD-GDR stamps
for stamps of Deutsche Post der DDR (German Democratic Republic, 1945 - 1990)
- Template:PD-DBZ stamps
for stamps issued by Allied Occupation authorities (1945 - 1949) - Template:PD-German Empire stamps
for stamps of Deutsche Reichspost (Imperial Mail, including foreign entities) issued before 1945 - For stamps of the pre-Imperial German states the Template:PD-old applies.
- See talk pages for updates.
Stamps by artists deceased more than 70 years ago (or pseudonymously designed more than 70 years ago, before 1 January 1955) are free. The copyright status of all other stamps issued before 1970 is disputed (possibly {{PD-GreekGov}} as government administrative documents). Stamps issued since 1970 follow the 70 years pma rule.
. Stamps by artists deceased more than 60 years ago (or pseudonymously designed more than 60 years ago, before 1 January 1965) are free.[2005 Article 20–23]
Stamps of Hungary are probably not in the public domain. Although Hungarian copyright law denies copyright protection for "means of state direction" (Act No. LXXVI. of 1999], I.4), the recommendation by the Council of Copyright Experts rejects a similar arguments for banknotes and suggests that "means of state direction" applies to specific, "official" uses of a work.
The same logic is presumed to apply to stamps as well. Assume copyrighted until general term of protection expires.
Also refer to Commons talk:Stamps/Public domain#Hungary and Commons:Undeletion requests/Archive/2013-10#File:1888 Kodaly 500.jpg
:郵票現在包含在{{GODL-India}}之下。此外,所有超過60年的印度郵票都屬於公共領域。 參見en.wikipedia討論here和 這裡。
請使用{{PD-IDGov}}獲取印度尼西亞郵政郵票的圖像。但請注意,尚未確定是否可以對第43條中列舉的作品進行修改或衍生(請閱讀共享資源對此問題的討論here )。
参见:Category:Stamps of Indonesia
: 3月22日之前發行的所有郵票1995都屬於公共領域,因為根據保護作者、作曲家和藝術家權利法,伊朗郵票設計於3 月22日之前199530年後成為公共領域,在以下情況下,圖像屬於公共領域自出版或公開展示之日起30年後(第16條):在作品屬於法人資格或權利轉移到法人資格的情況下。 伊朗郵票受版權保護,其版權屬於法人Iran Post。在這些情況下使用{{PD-Iran}}。
Irish stamps issued by the Department of Posts and Telegraphs before 1984 are official works and those over 50 years old are in the public domain (published before 1 January 1975). Use {{PD-IrishGov}} to tag them. Since 1 January 1984, when An Post was established Irish stamps are copyright to the company.
Paragraph 51 of Israeli Postal Services Statute 1986, in its 2004 revised version stipulates that the State owns full copyrights for Israeli stamps. The Israeli copyright statute from 2007 determines that the State's copyrights expire on 1 January of the 51st year after the creation of the work. Hence, only stamps created 50 or more years ago are in the public domain. Template:PD-IsraelGov would be appropriate to indicate their copyright status.
Until specific information becomes available, apply the 70 years pma rule (or 70 years after issue for anonymous/pseudonymous stamps), so stamps by designers deceased more than 70 years are public domain. Where there are joint authors, such as an engraver and a designer, the copyright term starts following the death of the last survivor.
{{PD-Italy}} does not apply to Italian stamps. The law contains no exceptions to standard copyright law for stamps.
Stamps sometimes contain date and author. The Stamp Art blog, while not necessarily reliable, does list designers and some engravers of Italian stamps and Italian stamp designers, so may be worth reviewing.
The following list of artists whose works are in public domain because they died on or before 31 December 1950 is non-exhaustive:
- Ferraris, Giuseppe (engraver) (1791–1869)
- Joubert Ferdinand (1810–1884)
- Matraire, Francesco (- c1884)
- Wyon, Leonard Charles (1826–1891)
- Bigola, Ludovico (1822–1905 )
- Michetti, Francesco Paolo (1851–1929)
- Del Neri, Edoardo (1890–1932)
- Calcagnadoro, Antonino it (1876–1935)
- Sezanne, Augusto (1856–1935)
- D'Urso, Nicola (1877–1937)
- Cellini, Guiseppe (1855–1940)
- Savage, Robert (engraver: ABNC) (1868–1943)
- Terzi, Aleardo (1870–1943)
- Constantini, Giovanni (1872–1947)
- Chiappelli, Francesco (1890–1947)
- Mezzana, Corrado (1890–1952)
Works by the following artists will remain protected until 70 years after their death:
- Rondini, Guiseppe (1881–1955) @2026
- Paschetto, Paolo Antonio (1885–1956) @2027
- Grassi, Vittorio (1878–1958) @2029
- Frigerio, Federico (1873–1959) @2030
- Cambellotti, Duilio (1876–1960) @2031
- Morbiducci, Publius (1889–1963) @2034
- Cossio, Carlo (1907–1964) @2035
- Di Fausto, Florestano (1890–1965) @2036
- Parmeggiani, Carlo (1881–1967) @2038
- Parrini, Manlio (1901–1968) @2039
- Mancioli, Corrado (1904–1968) @2039
- Conti, Gian Battista (1878–1971) @2042
- Lalia, Alfredo (1907–1971) @2042
- Marussig, Guido (1885–1972) @2043
- Guerrini, Giovanni (1887–1972) @2043
- Garelli, Franco (1909–1973) @2044
- Lerario, Giovanni (1913–1973) @2044
- Retrosi, Virgilio (1892–1975) @2046
- Morelli, Enzo (1896–1976) @2047
- Ortona, Ugo (1888–1977) @2048
- Cisari, Giulio (1892–1979) @2050
- Melis, Melkiorre it (1889–1982) @2053
- Zainea, Serban (1907–1990)[2] @2061
- Garrasi, Renato (1915–1990)(some sources say 1954) @2061
- Dominioni, Paolo Caccia (1896–1992) @2063
- Marangoni, Tranquillo (1912–1992) @2063
- Ferrini, Renato (1910–2005) @2076
- Tuccelli, Maria Maddalena-(b. 1951)
The following artists have unknown death dates:
Pursuant to Article 8 of Law No. 6-I of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Copyright and Associated Rights dated June 10, 1996, "official symbols and signs (flags, coats of arms, decorations, bills and coins and other official symbols and signs)" are not copyrighted.[419/2015 Article 8] Pursuant to Article 1 of Law No. 386-II of Kazakhstan On Post dated February 8, 2003, official signs of postage include "stamps, souvenir sheets, stamped covers, postcards, postage meter marks and other signs introduced into circulation by the authorised agency, which confirm that postal operator services have been paid."
参见:Category:Stamps of Kazakhstan
. The Copyright Act 1966 states that "any work eligible for copyright which has been created pursuant to a commission from the Government" is copyrighted "until the end of the expiration of fifty years from the end of the year in which it was first published" [3]. For stamps published more than 50 years ago (before 1 January 1975) use {{PD-Kenya|1}}.
The Copyright Law of 2000 (as amended up to June 14, 2017) says that official symbols and signs (flags, coats of arms, anthems, and awards) are not protected, but does not include stamps in this list. It also says that official documents and official translations of such texts are not protected, but a stamp cannot be considered to be the text of an official document. Under the precautionary principle we must assume that stamps are protected in the normal way.
According to the Law of May 19, 1999, on Copyright and Neighboring Rights, "Copyright protection shall not subsist in ... means of payment".[1999-2006 Art.5] However, Liechtenstein generally emulates Swiss law, and Liechtenstein's Copyright Act is based on the Swiss text. The majority of Swiss copyright law commentaries does not consider stamps "means of payment".
It is therefore likely that Liechtenstein stamps are protected by copyright as well.
In the past, {{PD-Liechtenstein}} was used for uploads of stamps from Liechtenstein, but this should not be done in the future, unless it's possible to produce evidence for the public domain claim.
参见:Category:Stamps of Liechtenstein
参见:Category:Stamps of Lithuania
Under Malawi's Copyright Act, 2016, the copyright term for works by the government is 50 years from the date of first publication and for works by individual authors is life of the author plus fifty years.[26/2016 Section 35(1a),(1e)] Since the first stamps of Malawi were issued on 6 July 1964, the earliest any stamp of Malawi was PD in 2015 (and even then only if the artwork depicted on the stamp is a government work).
根據1987年版權法(第332號法案)第23條,政府機構的作品在出版50年後的下一年年初受版權保護,所以只能上傳超過50年的郵票,他們應該使用模板{{PD-Malaysia}}。這適用於1992年馬來西亞郵局被公司化為Pos Malaysia,因此可能適用正常的藝術版權期限(壽命加50年),除非作為公司作品的出版期限加50年適用。
参见:Category:Stamps of Malaysia
由於中國一直在不承認滿洲國的情況下聲稱中國東北,因此滿洲國郵票的任何版權最遲將於1996年1月1日到期。 中國將企業版權限制為自出版起50年,並且不再知道郵票是誰設計的。
参见:Category:Stamps of Manchukuo
参见:Category:Stamps of Mexico
According to the law on Copyright of the Republic of Moldova no. 293-XIII of 23 November 1994 (Amended by Law no. 1268-XV, of 25 July 2002) Article 7. refers to "State emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs, etc.)" as Works Not Protected by Copyright. The Moldovan Postal Law No. 36 from 29 April 2016 defines postal stamp as "printed valuable sign issued and put into circulation exclusively by the state as an attribute of its sovereignty".[21]
Mozambique copyright law instituted in 2001 states that copyright subsists for 70 years following completion for "works of applied art" which appears to cover stamps.
参见:Category:Stamps of Mozambique
Under Sec. 17(a)(5) of the Law No. 15/2019, Government works of Myanmar are copyrighted for 50 years from first publication (before 1 January 1975).
According to the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Protection Act 6 of 1994, copyright of government-produced work is held by the state, and lasts for a period of 50 years after publication [6/1994 Section 6(5)]. The Namibian post was originally a department of the government's Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, and became Namibia Post Ltd, or NamPost, in 1992. Before its independence in 12 June 1968 {{PD-SAGov}} may apply.
See nl:Wikipedia:Beleid voor gebruik van media/Postzegels (In Dutch).
Prior to 1 January 1989, the government-owned corporation PTT considered Dutch stamps as being created by the PTT company and as such was considered their author. In The Netherlands copyright expires 70 years after the death of the author. With stamps issued prior to 1989, copyright expires 70 years after publication.
From 1 January 1989 onwards, the PTT became the private company TNT Post. The rules are sometimes different compared to the period before 01-01-1989; for example, when there is more than one author of a stamp.
As of 2025 Dutch stamps created in the period 1852–1954 are considered to be Public Domain.
COM:New Zealand
In New Zealand, the Crown Copyright is defined by Sections 2(1), 26 et 27 of the 1994 Copyright Act. It lasts 100 years, with exceptions. It protects the work created by a person employed or engaged by the Crown, Ministers of the Crown, offices of Parliament and government departments. See Wikipedia:Crown copyright.
According to this law, images of New Zealand stamps are in the public domain :
- 50 years after issue for stamps issued before 31 December 1944 (Template:PD-NZ-50-years on the Wikipedia in English). Use {{PD-NZ-50-years}}. All stamps from 1944 and before are thus in the Public Domain.
- 100 years after issue for stamps issued between 1 January 1945 and the 31 March 1987 by the New Zealand Post Office as a Department of the Government. No stamps from 1945 onward will therefore become public domain before 1 January 2045.
Stamps are not mentioned among the works not subject to copyright.[312/1999 Article 16] The 1904 Civil Code protected government works for 10 years after publication and the 1999 copyright law was not retroactive, so stamps issued prior to 1989 are in the public domain.
参见:Category:Stamps of Nicaragua
。根據2006年的朝鮮版權法,作者為機構、企業或組織的受版權保護的作品或受版權保護的視覺藝術作品的財產權應自出版之日起最長保護50年。[1532/2006 Article 24]
参见:Category:Stamps of North Korea
COM:Ottoman Empire
Copyright ownership of stamps is maintained by the Government of Pakistan, as stamps in Pakistan are issued by Pakistan Post, which works under the Government of Pakistan. According to Pakistan's Copyright Ordinance, 1962, stamps can be classified as artistic:
- "artistic" work' means: ... a painting, a sculpture, a drawing (including a diagram, map, chart or plan), an engraving or a photograph, whether or not any such work possess artistic quality.[XXXIV/2000 Section 2(c.i)]
- "Government work" means a work which is made or published by or under the direction or control of ... the Government or any department of the Government.[XXXIV/2000 Section 2(m)]
- in the case of a Government work, Government shall, in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, be the first owner of the copyright therein.[XXXIV/2000 Section 139(d)]
- Copyright in a Government work shall, where Government is the first owner of the copyright therein, subsist until 50 years from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the work is first published.[XXXIV/2000 Section 22(1)]
参见:Category:Stamps of Pakistan
Under the Law No. 64 of October 10, 2012, stamps are not excluded from protection (e.g. as official texts).[64/2012 Article 13] Copyright lasts for 70 years after death of the author or coauthor, or 70 years from publication if the work is anonymous or pseudonymous [64/2012 Article 59–60]. However, the economic rights for works created by authors who died before Law 15 of 8 August 1994 came into force will have the duration of 80 years as provided for in the Administrative Code of 1917.[64/2012 Article 194] In effect, works by authors who died after 1944 are still protected. For older stamps, if applicable, use {{PD-Panama}}.
: Stamps are not mentioned in Law No. 1328/98 on Copyright and Related Rights, and are not included in the categories that are not protected.[1328/1998 Article 8]
参见:Category:Stamps of Paraguay
- Stamps created prior to 1971
- Some stamps were created by Casa de Correos y Telégrafos, today Ministry of Transport and Communications-owned Servicios Postales del Perú (Serpost). In Law No. 13714 of 1961, works by the government had a duration of 25 years and its copyright expired before 1996.
- For stamps created by the Government and published before 1971 use {{PD-Peru-organization}}, for other works use {{PD-old-auto}} where applicable.
- Stamps created since 1971
The basic law on copyright in Peru is contained in Legislative Decree No. 822 of April 23, 1996. There is no special mention of stamps in this law as "official work".[822/1996 Art.9] Copyright lasts for 70 years from death, calculated from the 1 January following the year of death, or for 70 years from the year of disclosure for anonymous and pseudonymous works.[822/1996 Art.52–53]
Works by the government of the Philippines are not protected by copyright. A prior approval of the government is necessary for exploitation of such works for profit. However, the clause for prior approval is determined to be a non-copyright restriction and can be safely ignored for the purposes of Wikimedia Commons by policy. (See discussion).
Warning while Philippine stamps are public domain as works of the Philippine government, one must also take into account the underlying derivative works that may appear in the stamps, such as photographs from non-free sources and copyrighted artworks. Section 176.3 of the copyright law provides that the copyright in a work is not invalidated by its "publication or republication by the government in a public document." See also this April 2020 deletion request and this May 2021 deletion request.
According to Article 4, case 2 of the Polish Copyright Law Act of February 4, 1994 "normative acts and drafts thereof as well as official documents, materials, signs and symbols are not subject to copyrights". Such materials should use {{PD-Polishsymbol}}. Unfortunately it is unclear if Polish stamps and banknotes are considered official materials, signs or symbols by Polish law. In 2009 about 900 files with Polish stamps were deleted (see Commons talk:Stamps/Archive 1#Polish stamps are copyrighted for the discussion).
According to the Romanian Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights Law no. 8/1996 of 14 March 1996 with further amendments Chapter 3 Article 9 "means of payment" shall not benefit from the legal protection accorded to copyright; therefore images of stamps are deemed to be in the public domain. Further, the Romanian law on postal services from 6 March 2013 defines postal stamp as "paper of value issued and put into circulation exclusively under the authority of the state, as an attribute of its sovereignty",[22] implying that Romania postal stamps are "official symbols of the State, public authorities and organizations", which are not protected by the Romanian copyright.
根據俄羅斯聯邦交通部第115號令於1994年5月26日生效的官方郵資標誌和特殊郵戳條例第1.1條,具體定義了官方郵資標誌並標記了郵票、紀念品和小型張 、貼郵票的信封和作為郵資標誌的郵政文具卡。即使作品仍受版權保護,俄羅斯郵政也可以使用,而不會改變所使用作品的版權狀態。[23]
從1921年到1944年,圖瓦以坦努圖瓦的名義組成了一個主權獨立的國家,正式名稱為圖瓦人民共和國或坦努圖瓦人民共和國。 然而,坦努圖瓦的獨立只得到其鄰國蘇聯和蒙古的承認。[24] 自1944年以來,圖瓦一直是俄羅斯聯邦的一部分。
- Before June 1976
use {{PD-UKGov}} Seychelles was a British colony until June 1976; its stamps of the colonial era are covered by the "Crown Copyright", which expires after 50 years and puts the stamps in the public domain (see Crown copyright and {{PD-UKGov}}).
- Before 2000
use {{PD-Seychelles}}.
- After 2000
Postage stamps first published 25 years ago or later are not in the public domain, and should not be uploaded.
参见:Category:Stamps of Singapore
COM:South Africa
South African stamps older than 50 years (published before 1 January 1975) are in the public domain, use {{PD-SAGov}}
参见:Category:Stamps of South Africa
COM:South Korea
参见:Category:Stamps of South Korea
COM:Soviet Union
Since, according to intergovernmental and international treaties, Russian Federation is a legal successor to the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the tag {{PD-RU-exempt}} (please see "Russia" above) also applies to images of postage stamps, stamped covers and stamped post cards (postal stationery) of the RSFSR and USSR.
. Communication with Spain's Philatelic Bureau suggests no public domain. Permission to scan images of Spanish stamps requires a specific request to the Sociedad Estatal de Correos y Telégrafos.
According to Spanish copyright law, while most official works are not protected by copyright, standalone images are specifically exempted, and the author retains copyright. So it is safe to assume that Spanish stamps are copyright their designers, in which case they are protected for 70 years after the author's death, or 80 years if the author died before 1988. If the designer is unknown, the stamp falls into the public domain 70 years after it was issued, or 80 years if issued before 1987.
COM:Sri Lanka
. The Intellectual Property Act No 36 of 2003 is silent on stamps, so assume copyrighted until general term of protection expires. It seems that stamps would be public domain if published before 1 January 1955, use {{PD-Sri Lanka}}.
参见:Category:Stamps of Sri Lanka
参见:Category talk:Stamps of Sweden
According to Article 5 of the Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights, "copyright does not protect [...] means of payment". However, the prevailing view among legal commentators is that stamps are not considered means of payment and do not fall under any other exemption clause. They therefore enjoy copyright protection.
参见:Category:Stamps of Switzerland
参见:Category:Stamps of Taiwan
Pursuant to Article 7 of Law on Copyright and Related Rights (as amended up to 2009) of the Republic of Tajikistan, "state symbols and signs" are not copyrighted.
Pursuant to Article 1 of Law of Tajikistan On Postal Services dated June 4, 2003, "state signs of payment for postal communication [are] postal stamps, which are attached to postal correspondence and confirm the payment of postal communication services, blocks, stamped envelopes, postal cards"[27]
参见:Category:Stamps of Tajikistan
The copyright of postage stamps is held by Thailand Post and lasts 50 years. Public domain for stamps published before 1975年2月2日.[2537/1994 Sec.23]
参见:Category:Stamps of Thailand
The Copyright Acts 2002 states that,
- For a collective work other than a work of applied art ... the economic and moral rights are protected for fifty years from the date on which the work was either made, first made available to the public, or first published, whichever date is the latest.[2002 Sec.18]
- A "work of applied art" is an artistic creation with utilitarian functions or incorporated in a useful article, whether made by hand or produced on an industrial scale.[2002 Sec.2] The economic and moral rights are protected for twenty five years the making of the work.[2002 Sec.18]
Thus, any stamp published more than 50 years ago should be in the public domain.
Under Law No. 5846 of December 5, 1951 (as amended up to decision no 2020/29 of Constitutional Court of Turkey on July 17, 2020),
- The rights in works created by civil servants, employees and workers during the execution of their duties shall be exercised by the persons who employ or appoint them; provided that the contrary may not be deduced from a special contract between such persons or from the nature of the work.[5846/1951 Article 18]
- If the first author is a legal person, the term of protection shall be 70 years from the date on which the work was made public.[5846/1951 Article 27]
The copyright for stamps therefore belongs to the Turkish government and lasts 70 years from publication. Thus, any stamp issued 70 or more years ago (published before 1 January 1955) is public domain.
参见:Category:Stamps of Turkmenistan
According to the Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine on Copyright and Related rights, all Ukrainian stamps are in the public domain. They are defined as "state signs" in the Law of Ukraine On Postal Service (4 October 2001) :
- Postage stamp means a state sign manufactured according to the procedure set forth by legislation, with specified face value and state, serving as the tool of payment for postal services provided by the national operator.[29]
The 2002 UAE law states that such works as stamps are protected for 50 years starting from 1 January of the publication year. Yet the 1992 law gave a 25 years copyright protection (starting from the publication date). This means that all UAE postage stamps printed before 1977 are in public domain. Stamps issued after that year should wait 50 years.
也许可以标记Template:PD-United Arab Emirates stamp到任何这类图片中。
COM:United Kingdom
1969年,郵局作為一個非官方機構成立。此後,新英國郵票的版權由郵局或Royal Mail自行持有,因此一般不得上傳郵票。
参见:Category:Stamps of United Kingdom
COM:United States
- 1978年之前
- 在公共領域作為聯邦政府的工作。使用{{PD-USGov}}
- 1978年及之后
- 版權歸United States Postal Service1978年1月1日之後(1976年版權法生效之日)。[30] 書面許可需要。[31]
参见:Category:Stamps of United States
参见:Category:Stamps of Uzbekistan
参见:Category:Stamps of Venezuela
萬國郵政聯盟/ WADP/ WNS
萬國郵政聯盟與世界集郵發展協會 (WADP) 合作開發了WADP編號系統 (WNS),於2002年1月。網站( [4] )有大約160個國家和郵政實體的條目,自2002年以來有超過25,000個註冊郵票。其中許多都有圖像,通常版權歸發行國所有,但萬國郵聯和WADP允許下載。
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