User:PBbot/artworks with known accession number

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Subcategories of Category:Artworks with known accession number (and descendants) sorted by number of files in descending order.

Updated: 16:32, 1 June 2023 (UTC)

  1. Category:Artworks with accession number from Wikidata (341616)
  2. Category:Details of Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (156)
  3. Category:Tombeaux de personnages marquants enterrés dans les cimetières de Paris (151)
  4. Category:Minchiate card deck - Florence - 1860-1890 (103)
  5. Category:Sketches of Oedipus and the Sphinx by Gustave Moreau (98)
  6. Category:Copies of Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (95)
  7. Category:Piedmontese tarot deck - Solesio - 1865 (79)
  8. Category:Tarot nouveau - Grimaud - 1898 (79)
  9. Category:Procession of the Oldest King by Benozzo Gozzoli (77)
  10. Category:Peniarth 482D Vaux Passional (74)
  11. Category:The Singer by Edward Onslow Ford (72)
  12. Category:La Liberté guidant le peuple (RF 129) by Eugène Delacroix (69)
  13. Category:Works of art in Uffizi Tribuna (Zoffany) (69)
  14. Category:Paintings from Boí (67)
  15. Category:Details of Battle of Issus by Altdorfer (66)
  16. Category:Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (66)
  17. Category:Chimera of Arezzo (65)
  18. Category:Triumph of the Virtues by Andrea Mantegna-details (61)
  19. Category:Uffizi Tribuna (Zoffany) - details (sculptures) (61)
  20. Category:Details of The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (59)
  21. Category:Monument aux morts du cimetière du Père-Lachaise (59)
  22. Category:Apollon Belvedere - Musei Vaticani - 1015 (57)
  23. Category:The Raft of the Medusa (57)
  24. Category:Dying Gaul (56)
  25. Category:Marriage at Cana (Paulo Veronese) (55)
  26. Category:Details of the Arnolfini Portrait (54)
  27. Category:Aluette card deck - Grimaud - 1858-1890 (53)
  28. Category:French Portrait card deck - 1816 (53)
  29. Category:French Portrait card deck - 1850 (53)
  30. Category:Details of Adoration of the Lamb from the Ghent Altarpiece (49)
  31. Category:Paris Portrait card deck - 1740-1751 (49)
  32. Category:Venus Victrix (Canova) (49)
  33. Category:Modern Spanish Catalan deck - Grimaud - 1860 (45)
  34. Category:Album of Song Emperor Portraits (44)
  35. Category:Details of Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci (44)
  36. Category:Replicas of Frescos of Boí (44)
  37. Category:The Chocolate Girl by Jean-Étienne Liotard (44)
  38. Category:Details of The Ambassadors (Holbein) (43)
  39. Category:The Birth of Venus (Botticelli) (43)
  40. Category:The Three Graces by Antonio Canova, Victoria and Albert Museum (43)
  41. Category:Lansdowne portrait of George Washington (42)
  42. Category:Self-Portrait (Dürer, Munich) (42)
  43. Category:Studies for Group portrait of Members of the State Council (42)
  44. Category:Reenactment of 'The Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci, Sydney 2013 (41)
  45. Category:Sarcophage des Époux (Louvre Cp 5194) (41)
  46. Category:Royal Gold Cup, British Museum (40)
  47. Category:Perseus frees Andromeda by Piero di Cosimo (39)
  48. Category:Coronation of the Virgin (Filippo Lippi, Uffizi) (38)
  49. Category:Burney relief, Queen of the Night (37)
  50. Category:Grave of Malet (Père-Lachaise, division 18) (37)
  51. Category:Swiss card deck - 1850 (37)
  52. Category:Borghese Gladiator (Louvre Ma 527) (36)
  53. Category:Bull capital Apadana AOD1 (36)
  54. Category:Details of The Fight Between Carnival and Lent (36)
  55. Category:Madonna lactans by Jean Fouquet (36)
  56. Category:Pauline de Galard de Brassac de Béarn, Princesse de Broglie (Ingres - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (36)
  57. Category:Uffizi Tribuna (Zoffany) - details (people) (36)
  58. Category:Works after The Birth of Venus (36)
  59. Category:Capitoline Brutus (Rome) (35)
  60. Category:Details of The Birth of Venus (Botticelli) (35)
  61. Category:French Portrait card deck - 1813 (35)
  62. Category:L'Histoire by Antoine-François Gérard (35)
  63. Category:Sistine Madonna in engravings (35)
  64. Category:Details of the Departure of the Pilgrims by Carpaccio (34)
  65. Category:Enlèvement de Proserpine par Pluton (François Girardon) (34)
  66. Category:Works after Sistine Madonna by Raffaello Sanzio (34)
  67. Category:Applause by Edward Onslow Ford (33)
  68. Category:Details of Pala di San Giobbe by Giovanni Bellini (33)
  69. Category:Details of the Adoration of the Shepherds by Hugo van der Goes (33)
  70. Category:French Portrait card deck - 1827 (33)
  71. Category:French Portrait card deck - 1853 (33)
  72. Category:Madonna del Popolo (Barocci) (33)
  73. Category:Tomb of Philippe Pot (33)
  74. Category:Dresda Tryptich by Jan van Eyck (32)
  75. Category:Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa sarcophagus (32)
  76. Category:The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne (painting by Vinci) (32)
  77. Category:The Wilton Diptych (32)
  78. Category:Bedroom in Arles (Amsterdam) (31)
  79. Category:Details of The Fountain of Youth by Lucas Cranach (I) (31)
  80. Category:Details of the Adoration of the Magi by Filippino Lippi (31)
  81. Category:The Raft of the Medusa (study) (31)
  82. Category:Donne Triptych by Hans Memling (30)
  83. Category:Medusa by Caravaggio (30)
  84. Category:Kouros base with ball-players and wrestlers, NAMA 3476 (29)
  85. Category:Melian pithamphora, NAMA 911 (29)
  86. Category:Staatliche Antikensammlungen 596 (29)
  87. Category:Walters MS W850 - Ethiopian Gunda Gunde Gospels (29)
  88. Category:Allegory of the Triumph of Venus by Agnolo Bronzino (28)
  89. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 2752 Book of Hours (28)
  90. Category:Coste collection, estampes (28)
  91. Category:Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza (28)
  92. Category:Leo X by Raphael (28)
  93. Category:Les Trois Grâces by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (28)
  94. Category:Madonna Benois (28)
  95. Category:Pandora by Harry Bates (28)
  96. Category:Relief des Prétoriens (Louvre LL 398) (28)
  97. Category:Sleeping Venus by Giorgione (28)
  98. Category:Venus, Mars and Cupid by Piero di Cosimo (28)
  99. Category:Woman at her toilet by Titian (28)
  100. Category:Adoration by the shepherds (Correggio) (27)
  101. Category:Chandos portrait (27)
  102. Category:Engravings after The Judgment of Solomon by Nicolas Poussin (27)
  103. Category:Olympia (Édouard Manet) (27)
  104. Category:The Tiger Hunt (27)
  105. Category:The Wounded Angel by Hugo Simberg (27)
  106. Category:Ambassadors Return to the English Court by Carpaccio - close-up (26)
  107. Category:Historical images of Apollon Belvedere - Musei Vaticani (26)
  108. Category:Johann Sebastian Bach (Haußmann) (26)
  109. Category:Louis XV in Armour (Jean-Baptiste van Loo) (26)
  110. Category:Martha Dandridge Custis Washington (Eliphalet Frazer Andrews) (26)
  111. Category:Orpheus by Cristofano da Bracciano (26)
  112. Category:Portrait of Napoleon in his study at the Tuileries (Jacques-Louis David) (26)
  113. Category:Sistine Madonna (26)
  114. Category:Uffizi Tribuna (Zoffany) - details (paintings) (26)
  115. Category:Venus of Urbino (details) (26)
  116. Category:A Young Man Being Introduced to the Seven Liberal Arts (25)
  117. Category:Adorazione dei Magi by Gentile da Fabriano (25)
  118. Category:Ginevra de' Benci by Leonardo da Vinci (25)
  119. Category:Manet (Guérin 39) (25)
  120. Category:The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck (25)
  121. Category:The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Delaroche (25)
  122. Category:The Fortune Teller by Caravaggio (Paris) (25)
  123. Category:Adoration of the Magi by Rogier van der Weyden (24)
  124. Category:Antinous Farnese (Naples) (24)
  125. Category:Details of the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne by Leonardo da Vinci (24)
  126. Category:Folly by Edward Onslow Ford (24)
  127. Category:Gabrielle d'Estrées and one of her sisters (Louvre RF 1937-1) (24)
  128. Category:La Rivière by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (24)
  129. Category:Lansdowne portrait of George Washington (White House) (24)
  130. Category:Sappho fresco (from Pompeii) (24)
  131. Category:Adam and Eve by Dürer in the Museo del Prado (23)
  132. Category:Arringatore (23)
  133. Category:Coronation of Charlemagne by Raphael (23)
  134. Category:Doryphoros from Pompeii (Naples) (23)
  135. Category:Empress Eugénie Surrounded by her Ladies-in-Waiting (Winterhalter) (23)
  136. Category:Grave of Oscar Wilde and Robert Baldwin Ross (23)
  137. Category:Holy Trinity Icon (Andrej Rublëv) (23)
  138. Category:Miracle of the Holy Cross at Rialto - close-up (23)
  139. Category:Monteleone Chariot (23)
  140. Category:Pocahontas (after Simon van de Passe - National Portrait Gallery, Washington) (23)
  141. Category:Portraits of Madame de Pompadour (Boucher, 1756, Alte Pinakothek) (23)
  142. Category:Venus del espejo (Velazquez) (23)
  143. Category:Apse of Sant Pere de la Seu d'Urgell (22)
  144. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 2258 Book of Hours (22)
  145. Category:Der Kaufmann Georg Gisze (Holbein der Jüngere) (22)
  146. Category:Details of Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (22)
  147. Category:Empress Elisabeth in Courtly Gala Dress with Diamond Stars (Winterhalter) (22)
  148. Category:Miracle of the Slave (Accademia) - detail (22)
  149. Category:Musei Capitolini, inv 449 (Faustina Minor) (22)
  150. Category:Mythological portrait of Louis XIV and the royal family (Jean Nocret - Versailles) (22)
  151. Category:Scène d'intercession, Musée de Lyon (22)
  152. Category:So-called self-portrait by Leonardo da Vinci in the Biblioteca Reale in Turin (22)
  153. Category:Stigmatization of St Francis by Giotto (Louvre) (22)
  154. Category:The Fortune Teller by Georges de La Tour (22)
  155. Category:The Old Fisherman (Louvre Ma 1354) (22)
  156. Category:The Rape of Helen (Guido Reni) (22)
  157. Category:The Yellow House (F464) (22)
  158. Category:Artemis (Louvre Ma 2906) (21)
  159. Category:Bacchus and Ariadne by Titian (21)
  160. Category:Bacchus by Caravaggio - details (21)
  161. Category:Bust of Louis XIV by Gianlorenzo Bernini (Place Royale, Québec) (21)
  162. Category:Carolus Magnus by Albrecht Dürer (21)
  163. Category:Derivative works of Lady with an Ermine (21)
  164. Category:Details of Adorazione dei Magi by Gentile da Fabriano (21)
  165. Category:Details of the Adoration of the Magi by Botticelli (Uffizi) (21)
  166. Category:Dying Gaul - Copies (21)
  167. Category:Fano athlete (21)
  168. Category:La Mort de Sardanapale (details) (21)
  169. Category:Madonna Rucellai by Duccio di Buoninsegna (21)
  170. Category:Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne (21)
  171. Category:Salammbô by Maurice Ferrary (21)
  172. Category:Schemes of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (21)
  173. Category:Self-Portrait (Albrecht Dürer - Museo del Prado) (21)
  174. Category:The Art of Painting by Johannes Vermeer (21)
  175. Category:7th-century amphora A 2652 in AM Paros (20)
  176. Category:Annunciation Triptych - Carlo Braccesco - Louvre INV 1410 (20)
  177. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 1509 Book of Hours (20)
  178. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 1978 Breviarium Claromontense (20)
  179. Category:Dying Gaul, Catherine Park of Tsarskoe Selo (20)
  180. Category:Empress Maria Alexandrovna (Winterhalter, 1857) (20)
  181. Category:Four Apostles by Dürer (20)
  182. Category:Hagias (Archaeological Museum of Delphi) (20)
  183. Category:La Baigneuse drapée by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (20)
  184. Category:Madonna d'Alba by Raffaello Sanzio (20)
  185. Category:Madonna with clove by Leonardo da Vinci (20)
  186. Category:Mars of Todi (20)
  187. Category:Pomone by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (20)
  188. Category:Portrait of Innocentius X by Diego Velázquez (20)
  189. Category:Portrait of Margaret van Eyck (20)
  190. Category:Retable de saint Denis (ca.1415-1416) - Louvre MI 674 (20)
  191. Category:Sacra Famiglia Canigiani (20)
  192. Category:The Family of Philip V (Louis-Michel van Loo - Museo del Prado) (20)
  193. Category:The Lippina (20)
  194. Category:Étienne Chevalier and Saint Stephen by Jean Fouquet (20)
  195. Category:A Young Girl Reading by Jean-Honoré Fragonard (19)
  196. Category:Abigail Adams by Gilbert Stuart (19)
  197. Category:Copies of Sistine Madonna (19)
  198. Category:Details of Descent from the Cross by Rogier van der Weyden (Prado) (19)
  199. Category:Details of Saint Jerome in his study by Antonello da Messina (19)
  200. Category:Fortitude by Botticelli (19)
  201. Category:Galitzin Triptych by Pietro Perugino (19)
  202. Category:Giovanna Tornabuoni by Domenico Ghirlandaio (19)
  203. Category:Grave of Falguière (Père-Lachaise, division 4) (19)
  204. Category:Jeune Fille allongée by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (19)
  205. Category:Jeunesse (Aristide Maillol) (19)
  206. Category:Les Hasards heureux de l'escarpolette by Jean-Honoré Fragonard (19)
  207. Category:Madonna di Ognissanti by Giotto (19)
  208. Category:Marie Antoinette in blue coat and white dress holding a book (Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun) (19)
  209. Category:Morpheus, after Nicolas Poussin (19)
  210. Category:Oedipus and the Sphinx by Ingres - RF 218 (19)
  211. Category:Pala di San Cassiano by Antonello da Messina (19)
  212. Category:Pallas and Centaur (Botticelli) (19)
  213. Category:Pierrot (Louvre MI 1121) (19)
  214. Category:Profile of a Woman attributed to Piero del Pollaiolo (Berlin) (19)
  215. Category:Rear view of the Singer by Edward Onslow Ford (19)
  216. Category:The Feast of the Gods (Giovanni Bellini and Titian) (19)
  217. Category:Works after Saint Michael with the Dragon by Raffaello Sanzio (19)
  218. Category:Abraham Lincoln (Healy) (18)
  219. Category:Amor Victorious by Caravaggio (18)
  220. Category:Annunciation by Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence (18)
  221. Category:Annunciation, Leonardo da Vinci (Louvre, MI 598) (18)
  222. Category:Details of Madonna with clove by Leonardo da Vinci (18)
  223. Category:Diptych of Jean Carondelet - Jan Gossaert - Louvre INV 1442, INV 1443 (18)
  224. Category:Emperor Maximilian I by Albrecht Dürer (Kunsthistorisches Museum) (18)
  225. Category:Emperor Sigismund by Albrecht Dürer (18)
  226. Category:Entombment of Christ by Caravaggio (18)
  227. Category:La Belle Jardinière - Raphael - Louvre INV 602 (18)
  228. Category:Lady with an Ermine (18)
  229. Category:Louis XIV in Coronation Robes - Hyacinthe Rigaud - Louvre INV 7492 (18)
  230. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 470 (Elagabalus) (18)
  231. Category:Painted crucifix Cross 432 (Florence) (18)
  232. Category:Portrait of Charles V seated (Alte Pinakothek) (18)
  233. Category:Profile of a Woman attributed to Piero del Pollaiolo (Milan) (18)
  234. Category:The Adoration of the Magi by Hieronymus Bosch (New York) (18)
  235. Category:The Vision of Saint John by El Greco (18)
  236. Category:Two Piece Reclining Figure: Points - Henry Moore (LH 606, Skulpturenpark Pinakotheken, Munich) (18)
  237. Category:Ugolino Martelli (Angelo Bronzino - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (18)
  238. Category:Venus of Urbino (18)
  239. Category:Works after Raphael's Cherubs (18)
  240. Category:Allegory of the Catholic Faith by Johannes Vermeer (17)
  241. Category:Captain the Honourable Augustus Keppel (Joshua Reynolds - National Maritime Museum) (17)
  242. Category:Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand (François Gérard - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (17)
  243. Category:Drawings of the Capitoline Brutus (Rome) (17)
  244. Category:Education of Cupid (Correggio) (17)
  245. Category:Elisabetta Gonzaga by Raphael (17)
  246. Category:Francis I - Jean Clouet - Louvre INV 3256 (17)
  247. Category:Girl reading a letter at an open window by Johannes Vermeer (17)
  248. Category:Hathor-E 26023 (17)
  249. Category:Huaxtec sculpture-D 94.20.600 (17)
  250. Category:La Douleur by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (17)
  251. Category:La Renommée du Roi, by Domenico Guidi (17)
  252. Category:Les Trois Grâces by James Pradier (17)
  253. Category:Madame Récamier (François Gérard - Musée Carnavalet) (17)
  254. Category:Madame Récamier - Jacques-Louis David - Louvre INV 3708 (17)
  255. Category:Mademoiselle Lange as Danaë by Girodet (17)
  256. Category:Madonna and Child by Andrea del Verrocchio - Gemäldegalerie Berlin 104A (sitting child) (17)
  257. Category:Marcellus as Hermes (17)
  258. Category:Marriage Portrait of Isaac Massa and Beatrix van der Laen (Frans Hals - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (17)
  259. Category:Portrait of a Woman inspired by Lucretia (17)
  260. Category:Seated Apollo in porphyry (Farnese Collection) (17)
  261. Category:Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio (London) (17)
  262. Category:Tazza Farnese, MAN Naples 27611 (17)
  263. Category:The Sleep of Endymion - Girodet (Louvre INV 4935) (17)
  264. Category:The glass of wine by Johannes Vermeer - Details (17)
  265. Category:Venus and Cupid by Lotto (17)
  266. Category:Whistler's Mother by James McNeill Whistler (17)
  267. Category:A Lady in Her Bath by François Clouet (16)
  268. Category:A Maid asleep by Johannes Vermeer (16)
  269. Category:Adoration of the Lamb from the Ghent Altarpiece (16)
  270. Category:Apollo Sauroktonos, Louvre Ma 441 (16)
  271. Category:Bacchus by Caravaggio (16)
  272. Category:Barberini diptych (16)
  273. Category:Bartolommeo Caporali - Exultet (16)
  274. Category:Cleopatra by Charles Gauthier (16)
  275. Category:Copies of Marie Leszczyńska after J.-M. Nattier (16)
  276. Category:Das Lesekabinett by Johann Peter Hasenclever (16)
  277. Category:Details of Amor Victorious by Caravaggio (16)
  278. Category:Details of Bacchanal of the Andrians by Titian in the Museo del Prado (16)
  279. Category:Divinities of the Planets and Constellations (16)
  280. Category:Ecce Ancilla Domini! by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (16)
  281. Category:Embarkation for Cythera by Watteau (Louvre) (16)
  282. Category:Henry VIII and the Barber Surgeons (16)
  283. Category:Hermaphrodite endormi - Musée du Louvre MR 222 (16)
  284. Category:Il bacio by Francesco Hayez (16)
  285. Category:Ivory Casket - Cluny 13075 (16)
  286. Category:Jewish woman selling oranges (16)
  287. Category:Joseph the Carpenter by Georges de La Tour (16)
  288. Category:Judith beheading Holofernes by Caravaggio (16)
  289. Category:La Perspective (View through the Trees in the Park of Pierre Crozat) (16)
  290. Category:La Source by Ingres (16)
  291. Category:Leaning satyr by Praxiteles (Musei Capitolini) (16)
  292. Category:Louvre MR 818 (16)
  293. Category:Ludwig van Beethoven (Stieler, 1820) (16)
  294. Category:Madonna with the Siskin by Dürer - Details (16)
  295. Category:Manet (Guérin 40) (16)
  296. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 11 (16)
  297. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 123 (16)
  298. Category:Nymph with a Scorpion (Louvre) (16)
  299. Category:Portrait of Ladislaus IV Vasa in coronation robes (16)
  300. Category:Quetzalcoatl-71.1887.155.1 (16)
  301. Category:Resurrection of Lazarus by Geertgen tot Sint Jans (Louvre) (16)
  302. Category:Saint Jerome in his study by Antonello da Messina (16)
  303. Category:Salomon islands sculpture-70.1999.5.3 (16)
  304. Category:Scenes from the Life of the Virgin (Giovanni Francesco da Rimini) (16)
  305. Category:The Circle of the Rue Royale (James Tissot - Musée d'Orsay) (16)
  306. Category:The Lady of Shalott (Waterhouse) (16)
  307. Category:The Lake by Isaak Levitan (16)
  308. Category:The glass of wine by Johannes Vermeer (16)
  309. Category:Tile set of The Ambassadors (16)
  310. Category:Adoration of the Magi (Zanobi Altar) by Botticelli - ca. 1476 (Uffizi) (15)
  311. Category:Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci (15)
  312. Category:An Officer of the Imperial Horse Guards Charging - Géricault (Louvre INV 4885) (15)
  313. Category:Annunciation - Rogier van der Weyden - Louvre INV 1982 (15)
  314. Category:Archduke Leopold William in his Gallery at Brussels (Prado) (15)
  315. Category:Bust of Louis XIV by Gianlorenzo Bernini (Versailles) (15)
  316. Category:Chaliapin by Boris Kustodiev (1922, GRM) (15)
  317. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 1508 Book of Hours (15)
  318. Category:Depictions of Aesop by or after Velazquez (15)
  319. Category:Details of Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (15)
  320. Category:Details of Virgin of the Rocks (Louvre) (15)
  321. Category:El príncipe Baltasar Carlos con un enano (Velázquez) (15)
  322. Category:Election of Stanislas Augustus by Bernardo Bellotto (15)
  323. Category:Entombment of Christ by Caravaggio - Details (15)
  324. Category:Eros bending his bow by Lysippos (Musei Capitolini) (15)
  325. Category:Eurytios Krater (15)
  326. Category:Historical images of the Dying Gaul (Musei Capitolini) (15)
  327. Category:Holy Family with unbearded Joseph by Raphael (15)
  328. Category:Honeysuckle Bower by Peter Paul Rubens (15)
  329. Category:Icons after Rublev's Trinity (15)
  330. Category:Iupiter Heliopolitanus - Louvre AO19534 (15)
  331. Category:L'Atelier du peintre (Courbet) (15)
  332. Category:La Nuit by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (15)
  333. Category:La Nymphe by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (15)
  334. Category:Le Serment des Horaces by Jacques-Louis David (15)
  335. Category:Manet (Guérin 32) (15)
  336. Category:Marie Antoinette and her Children (Vigée-Lebrun) (15)
  337. Category:Marie Antoinette with the Rose (Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Versailles) (15)
  338. Category:Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian by Antonio and Piero del Pollaiolo (15)
  339. Category:Musei Capitolini MC0058 (15)
  340. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 14 (15)
  341. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 505 a (15)
  342. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 74 (15)
  343. Category:Old man and grandson by Ghirlandaio (15)
  344. Category:Pala del Noviziato (15)
  345. Category:Pala di San Giobbe by Giovanni Bellini (15)
  346. Category:Portrait of Monsieur de Lavoisier and his Wife (Jacques-Louis David) (15)
  347. Category:Portrait of a Lady as a Vestal Virgin (Kauffmann, Dresden) (15)
  348. Category:Saint Louis (El Greco) (15)
  349. Category:Saint Vincent Ferrer by Francesco del Cossa in the National Gallery, London - Details (15)
  350. Category:Self-Portrait with Two Pupils, Marie Gabrielle Capet and Marie Marguerite Carreaux de Rosemond (Adélaïde Labille-Guiard - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (15)
  351. Category:The Abduction of the Sabine Women – Poussin – Met Museum of Art 46.160 (15)
  352. Category:The Ambassadors (Holbein) (15)
  353. Category:The Buffoon el Primo - formerly known as Portrait of Sebastián de Morra (Velazquez) (15)
  354. Category:The Disembarkation at Marseilles - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1774 (15)
  355. Category:The Hay Wain (15)
  356. Category:The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, Luke 5: 1-11 (Raphael) (15)
  357. Category:The Ninth Wave by Ivan Aivazovsky (15)
  358. Category:The Nymph of Loch Awe by Frederick William Pomeroy (15)
  359. Category:Thésée et le Minotaure (Maître des Cassoni Campana) (15)
  360. Category:Voltaire nu (15)
  361. Category:Works after The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne (painting by Vinci) (15)
  362. Category:Albrecht Dürer - Portrait of Oswolt Krel - Alte Pinakothek Munich (14)
  363. Category:Amazonomachy sarcophagus (Musée du Louvre) (14)
  364. Category:Angelica Singleton Van Buren by Henry Inman (14)
  365. Category:Aphrodite with turtle-AO 20126 (14)
  366. Category:Charles I at the Hunt - Anthony van Dyck - Louvre INV 1236 (14)
  367. Category:Combat of Love and Chastity by Perugino (14)
  368. Category:Dama con Liocorno (Raffaello Sanzio) (14)
  369. Category:Der einsame Baum by Caspar David Friedrich (14)
  370. Category:Details of Louvre INV 267 (14)
  371. Category:Details of Venus and Mars (Botticelli) (14)
  372. Category:El príncipe Baltasar Carlos a caballo (14)
  373. Category:Fall of the Muses (by Motti Mizrachi) (14)
  374. Category:First French Empire card deck - 1810 (14)
  375. Category:Heures du connétable Anne de Montmorency (14)
  376. Category:La Peste à Ashdod - Poussin - Louvre INV 7276 (14)
  377. Category:La femme au paon by Falguière-Ra 960 (14)
  378. Category:Lamentation Triptych (14)
  379. Category:Lot and His Daughters - Anonymous - Louvre RF 1185 (14)
  380. Category:Madame de Pompadour in her Study - Maurice Quentin de La Tour - Louvre INV 27614 (14)
  381. Category:Maestà of the Louvre (Cimabue) (14)
  382. Category:Man in a Turban by Jan van Eyck (14)
  383. Category:Maya vase-70.1998.5.1 (14)
  384. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 35 (14)
  385. Category:Musée du Louvre, Ma 1170 (14)
  386. Category:Navigational Map of Europe by Jacobo Russo (14)
  387. Category:Nymphe chasseresse by Alexandre Falguière (14)
  388. Category:Pietà by Rosso Fiorentino (14)
  389. Category:Pomone drapée by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (14)
  390. Category:Portrait of Henry VIII by Hans Holbein der Jüngere (1537, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid) (14)
  391. Category:Portrait of Richelieu by Philippe de Champaigne (Louvre INV 1136) (14)
  392. Category:Portrait of a Musician by Leonardo da Vinci (14)
  393. Category:Portrait of a Woman with a Winged Bonnet (van der Weyden) (14)
  394. Category:Portrait of a Young Man (Tymotheos) by Jan van Eyck (14)
  395. Category:Portrait of a Young Man with a Book (Agnolo Bronzino - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (14)
  396. Category:Portrait of an Actor - Domenico Fetti (14)
  397. Category:Pèlerins d'Emmaüs by Veronese (14)
  398. Category:San Romano Battle (Paolo Uccello, Paris) (14)
  399. Category:Self-Portrait (Dürer, Paris) (14)
  400. Category:Self-portrait with Death as a Fiddler (Arnold Böcklin) (14)
  401. Category:The Actress Jeanne Samary (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Pushkin Museum) (14)
  402. Category:The Death of the Virgin by Caravaggio (14)
  403. Category:Thomas Pennant (Thomas Gainsborough - National Museum Cardiff) (14)
  404. Category:Winged Victory (Lyon) (14)
  405. Category:Abraham del Court and his wife Maria de Kaersgieter, by Bartholomeus van der Helst (13)
  406. Category:Anamorphic skull from The Ambassadors (Holbein) (13)
  407. Category:Apple Core (Claes Oldenburg) (13)
  408. Category:Athénienne (Louvre, OA 10424) (13)
  409. Category:Black and white reproductions of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (13)
  410. Category:Danae by Correggio (13)
  411. Category:David Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy (13)
  412. Category:Details of La Liberté guidant le peuple (RF 129) by Eugène Delacroix (13)
  413. Category:Details of the Madonna della Vittoria by Mantegna (13)
  414. Category:Diana after the Bath - Boucher (Louvre INV 2712) (13)
  415. Category:Drunken Silenus by Ribera (Print) (13)
  416. Category:Elizabeth Farren, Later Countess of Derby (Thomas Lawrence - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (13)
  417. Category:Funeral prosession of King Charles XII (Cederström) (13)
  418. Category:Grave of Antoine de Guillaume-Lagrange (13)
  419. Category:Grave of Oppermann (Père-Lachaise, division 26) (13)
  420. Category:Group portrait of Members of the State Council (Kustodiev) (13)
  421. Category:Head of a boxer in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (13)
  422. Category:Holy Trinity Icon (Andrej Rublëv)'s riza (13)
  423. Category:Juan de Pareja by Velázquez (13)
  424. Category:La Gloire tirant Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle Adam de son sommeil éternel by Frédéric Brou (Carnavalet S 3490) (13)
  425. Category:La Scapigliata by Leonardo da Vinci (13)
  426. Category:Le Serment des Horaces - works after (13)
  427. Category:Madonna and Child by Sandro Botticelli (National Museum in Warsaw) (13)
  428. Category:Magical stick-E 3614 (13)
  429. Category:Majas on Balcony (Metropolitan) (13)
  430. Category:Marcantonio Pasqualini Crowned by Apollo (Sacchi) (13)
  431. Category:Mariana of Austria (Velázquez, c. 1652) (13)
  432. Category:Mars and Venus United by Love (Veronese) (13)
  433. Category:Maurice, Prince of Orange in Armour (Michiel van Mierevelt - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (13)
  434. Category:Memento Mori mosaic (from Pompeii) (13)
  435. Category:Miracle of the Slave by Jacopo Tintoretto (13)
  436. Category:Modern Rome by Giovanni Paolo Pannini (Louvre) (13)
  437. Category:Monument aux morts de Port-Vendres by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (13)
  438. Category:Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria with Saint Sebastian - Correggio - Louvre INV 41 (13)
  439. Category:Nok sculpture of a sitted person-70.1998.11.1 (13)
  440. Category:Pala Barbadori - Pala (Louvre - Room 3) (13)
  441. Category:Pope Paul III (Titian, National Museum of Capodimonte) (13)
  442. Category:Portrait of Doña Isabel de Requesens y Enriquez de Cardona-Anglesola - Raphael - Louvre INV 612 (13)
  443. Category:Portrait of Gian Galeazzo Sanvitale by Parmigianino (13)
  444. Category:Portrait of Madame de Verninac by David (Louvre RF 1942-16) (13)
  445. Category:Portrait of Marie-Antoinette of Austria by Jean-Baptiste André Gautier-Dagoty (13)
  446. Category:Portrait of a Woman - Leonardo da Vinci - Louvre INV 778 (13)
  447. Category:Portrait of a Young Woman, probably Simonetta Vespucci (Botticelli) (13)
  448. Category:Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Wildens (13)
  449. Category:Saint Cecilia Playing the Viol (Domenichino) (13)
  450. Category:Saint Jerome by Hieronymus Bosch (13)
  451. Category:Self-portrait (Rembrandt, 1659) (13)
  452. Category:Sleeping child with skull (Louvre, MR 355) (13)
  453. Category:Spiridon Leda (13)
  454. Category:The Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel (13)
  455. Category:The Broken Pitcher (Jean-Baptiste Greuze - Louvre INV 5036) (13)
  456. Category:The Cardsharps by Caravaggio (Fort Worth) (13)
  457. Category:The Presentation at the Temple - Gentile da Fabriano - Louvre INV 295 (13)
  458. Category:Tobias and the Angel by Andrea del Verrocchio (13)
  459. Category:Venus, Cupid and a Satyr by Corregio in the Louvre INV 42 (13)
  460. Category:Virgin of the Rocks - Leonardo da Vinci - Louvre INV 777 (13)
  461. Category:Zeuxis Choosing Models from the Beautiful Women of Croton, Vincent (Louvre INV8453) (13)
  462. Category:Annunciation by Fra Angelico (Prado) - details (12)
  463. Category:Aristaeus and Proteus by Slodtz, Versailles (12)
  464. Category:Autoportrait - Nicolas Poussin - Louvre INV 7302 (12)
  465. Category:Battle of Issus by Altdorfer (12)
  466. Category:Baudouin de Lannoy by Jan van Eyck (12)
  467. Category:Beating Heart (Yaacov Agam) (12)
  468. Category:Benjamin Franklin (Joseph Duplessis - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (12)
  469. Category:Biga de la Passió. MNAC 15833 (12)
  470. Category:Bull capital Apadana AOD1 - casting in Pushkin museum (12)
  471. Category:Charles III in armour (Anton Rapahel Mengs - Museo del Prado) (12)
  472. Category:Charles de Sainte-Maure, Mouchy (Louvre ENT1987.3) (12)
  473. Category:Christ on the Cross adored by two Donors (El Greco) (12)
  474. Category:Colbert présente à Louis XIV les membres de l'Académie royale des sciences par Henri Testelin (12)
  475. Category:Copies of the Triple portrait of Charles I by Anthony van Dyck (12)
  476. Category:Cupid and Psyche (Gérard)-details (12)
  477. Category:De Spanjaard in Parijs (12)
  478. Category:Descent from the Cross by Rogier van der Weyden (Prado) (12)
  479. Category:Details of Annunciation by Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence (12)
  480. Category:Draped Reclining Woman - Henry Moore (LH 431, Skulpturenpark Pinakotheken, Munich) (12)
  481. Category:Duke Henry the Pious (Cranach, 1514) (12)
  482. Category:Flore by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (12)
  483. Category:Fray Hortensio Félix Paravicino (El Greco - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) (12)
  484. Category:Fur-Seal Industry of the Pribylov Islands, Alaska (12)
  485. Category:Hermann von Wedigh III (Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (12)
  486. Category:Hess, Peter von – The Entry of King Othon of Greece into Nauplia (12)
  487. Category:Judith beheading Holofernes (Florence) by Artemisia Gentileschi (12)
  488. Category:Judith by Giorgione (12)
  489. Category:Kaulbach, Wilhelm von — Die Zerstörung Jerusalems durch Titus (12)
  490. Category:Kritios Boy (12)
  491. Category:L'Empire de Flore - Nicolas Poussin - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden (12)
  492. Category:La Méditerranée by Aristide Maillol (Jardins du Carrousel) (12)
  493. Category:Le Génie de la Liberté, Dumont (Louvre RF 680) (12)
  494. Category:Le Serment des Horaces - details (12)
  495. Category:Louis XV in Coronation Robes (Rigaud, 1730) (12)
  496. Category:Ludwig van Beethoven with a Lyre-guitar (Mähler) (12)
  497. Category:Madame Grand (Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (12)
  498. Category:Madame Moitessier (Ingres - National Gallery, London) (12)
  499. Category:Madame Rivière - Ingres - Louvre MI 1446 (12)
  500. Category:Mademoiselle Caroline Rivière (Ingres - Louvre MI 1447) (12)
  501. Category:Madonna Bardi by Sandro Botticelli (12)
  502. Category:Madonna Litta (12)
  503. Category:Madonna of the Harpies (12)
  504. Category:Martha and Mary Magdalene by Caravaggio (12)
  505. Category:Mazarin Venus (12)
  506. Category:Mithraic tauroctony Louvre AO22256 (12)
  507. Category:Mithras sacrificing a bull (BM Sc1720) (12)
  508. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 113 (12)
  509. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 165 (12)
  510. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 31 (12)
  511. Category:Médée by Paul Gasq (12)
  512. Category:Navy officer sabre model Prairial an XII-MnM 33 AR 162 (12)
  513. Category:Noli me tangere (Correggio) (12)
  514. Category:Paintings after Venus of Urbino (12)
  515. Category:Parnassus by Andrea Mantegna (12)
  516. Category:Peace by Antoine-Denis Chaudet (Louvre MR 3554) (12)
  517. Category:Portrait Anna de Looper by Abraham Rombouts (12)
  518. Category:Portrait of Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga (12)
  519. Category:Portrait of an Old Man (Rembrandt, Calouste Gulbenkian Museum) (12)
  520. Category:Queen Charlotte (Gainsborough, c. 1781) (12)
  521. Category:Relief Isis sur un Char (12)
  522. Category:Réunion d'artistes chez Isabey (12)
  523. Category:Sacred and Profane Love by Titian (12)
  524. Category:Sapho by James Pradier (RF 2990) (12)
  525. Category:Sarcofago Sperandio (12)
  526. Category:Self-Portrait (Titian - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (12)
  527. Category:Self-portrait with portrait of Gauguin (Émile Bernard) (12)
  528. Category:Sermon of Saint Stephen by Carpaccio (12)
  529. Category:Sidon leontocephaline (CIMRM 78-79) (12)
  530. Category:Snowdrift by Edward Onslow Ford (12)
  531. Category:The Blue Boy (Gainsborough) (12)
  532. Category:The Bohemian (Renoir painting) (12)
  533. Category:The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (12)
  534. Category:The Nobleman with his Hand on his Chest (El Greco) (12)
  535. Category:Tile set of Descent from the Cross by Rogier van der Weyden (12)
  536. Category:Tile set of Marie-Antoinette de Lorraine-Habsbourg, reine de France et ses enfants (12)
  537. Category:Tile set of The Birth of Venus (12)
  538. Category:Triumph of the Virtues by Andrea Mantegna (12)
  539. Category:Une leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière (12)
  540. Category:Unique Forms of Continuity in Space by Umberto Boccioni (12)
  541. Category:Venus and Amor by Paris Bordone (National Museum in Warsaw) (12)
  542. Category:Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan (Tintoretto) (12)
  543. Category:Adoration of the Shepherds by Hugo van der Goes (Gemäldegalerie Berlin) (11)
  544. Category:Angel in green with a vielle (Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis) (11)
  545. Category:Anna Orzelska with a Pug (Antoine Pesne - National Museum in Warsaw) (11)
  546. Category:Annunciation by Fra Angelico (Prado) (11)
  547. Category:Antea by Parmigianino (11)
  548. Category:Antwerpen Crucifixion by Antonello da Messina (11)
  549. Category:Astrolabe of ‘Umar ibn Yusuf ibn ‘Umar ibn ‘Ali ibn Rasul al-Muzaffari (11)
  550. Category:Belisarius Begging for Alms (Jacques-Louis David) (11)
  551. Category:Biscuit surtout de table by Josse-François-Joseph Leriche after Louis Boizot (Versailles) (11)
  552. Category:Captain James Cook (Nathaniel Dance - National Maritime Museum) (11)
  553. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 1522 Usage de la machine (11)
  554. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 361 (11)
  555. Category:Cupid by Parmigianino (11)
  556. Category:De geograaf (Vermeer) (11)
  557. Category:Details of Sacred and Profane Love by Titian (11)
  558. Category:Details of Sistine Madonna (11)
  559. Category:Diptych of Munich by Hans Memling (11)
  560. Category:Door leaves (Louvre OA 4064-4065) (11)
  561. Category:Déjanire enlevée par Nessus, Reni (Louvre INV 537) (11)
  562. Category:Equestrian portrait of Stanisław Kostka Potocki (11)
  563. Category:Félin brûle parfum - Louvre - Khorasan ou Asie centrale - AA 19 (11)
  564. Category:George Washington (Gilbert Stuart - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (11)
  565. Category:Getty Villa 83.AE.346 (11)
  566. Category:Gibbet cage of Marie-Josephte Corriveau (11)
  567. Category:Girl with a Fan by Titian (11)
  568. Category:Henri de la Rochejaquelein by Falguière-Ra 957 (11)
  569. Category:Human mask-71.1882.17.26 (11)
  570. Category:Isabella d'Este (Titian - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (11)
  571. Category:Jean Le Rond d'Alembert (Maurice Quentin de La Tour - Louvre RF 3893) (11)
  572. Category:King Henry VII (Anonymous - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 1505) (11)
  573. Category:Kouros base with ball-players, NAMA 3477 (11)
  574. Category:La Liberté guidant le peuple (RF 129) by Eugène Delacroix - Louvre-Lens, Gallery of Time 2013 (11)
  575. Category:La Toilette de Vénus (Boucher, 1751) (11)
  576. Category:La cena de Emaús (Velázquez) (11)
  577. Category:Lamentation of Christ by Rubens in Galleria Borghese (11)
  578. Category:Louvre G 103 (11)
  579. Category:Madonna with the Blue Diadem by Gianfrancesco Penni (11)
  580. Category:Maestà of Santa Trinita (Cimabue) (11)
  581. Category:Monsieur Rivière - Ingres - Louvre MI 1445 (11)
  582. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 122 (11)
  583. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 38 (2) (11)
  584. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 73 d (11)
  585. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 73 g (11)
  586. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 93 ter (11)
  587. Category:Myth of Prometheus by Piero di Cosimo (11)
  588. Category:Nikolaus Kratzer (Hans Holbein - Louvre INV 1343) (11)
  589. Category:Noon – Rest from Work, by Vincent van Gogh (11)
  590. Category:Nymph with a shell (Auguste Suchetet) (11)
  591. Category:Nymphs and Satyr by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (11)
  592. Category:Obusier de vaisseau model 1787 from Golymin-D 2003. 2241-222 (11)
  593. Category:Painting of Neptune and Amphitrite by Jan Gossaert in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin (11)
  594. Category:Pope Paul III and His Grandsons (Titian, National Museum of Capodimonte) (11)
  595. Category:Pope Pius VII - Jacques-Louis David - Louvre INV 3701 (11)
  596. Category:Portrait of Federico da Montefeltro (11)
  597. Category:Portrait of a Cardinal, Probably Don Fernando Niño de Guevara (El Greco - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (11)
  598. Category:Portrait of a Lady by Rogier van der Weyden (Washington) (11)
  599. Category:Portrait of a Lady, Simonetta Vespucci as a Nymph (Botticelli) (11)
  600. Category:Portrait of a Man, Said to be Christopher Columbus (Sebastiano del Piombo - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (11)
  601. Category:Portrait of a Young Man (Albrecht Dürer - Palazzo Rosso) (11)
  602. Category:Procession in piazza San Marco by Gentile Bellini - close-up (11)
  603. Category:Rinaldo e Armida by Francesco Hayez (11)
  604. Category:Scene in Plymouth Sound in August 1815 by John James Chalon (11)
  605. Category:Self-Portrait in a Straw Hat (Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun - National Gallery, London) (11)
  606. Category:Self-portrait by Arcis-2004 1 205 (11)
  607. Category:Self-portrait by Carel Fabritius (ca. 1645, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen) (11)
  608. Category:Self-portrait executing a portrait of Marie Antoinette (Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun) (11)
  609. Category:Self-portrait with a friend by Raffaello Sanzio (11)
  610. Category:Self-portrait with portrait of Bernard (Gauguin) (11)
  611. Category:Socle of a statue of Nectanebo - Louvre II E11220 (11)
  612. Category:Statue d'Hercule (Musée d'Aquitaine) (11)
  613. Category:The Ballard Prayer Carpet - Istanbul (Turkey) - ca 1575-1590 - MET -Inventory number 22.100.51 (11)
  614. Category:The Cook (Pieter Aertsen - Palazzo Bianco) (11)
  615. Category:The Stonemason's Yard by Giovanni Antonio Canal (11)
  616. Category:The infanta Maria Theresa aged 14 (Velázquez) (11)
  617. Category:Three Philosophers by Giorgione (11)
  618. Category:Three Piece Sculpture: Vertebrae - Henry Moore (LH 580, Israel Museum) (11)
  619. Category:Tile set of Young Knight in a Landscape (11)
  620. Category:Toiletry kit of François d'Orléans de Joinville-MnM 7 SO 117 (11)
  621. Category:Triple portrait of Charles I by Anthony van Dyck (11)
  622. Category:Triptych of St Hippolyte by Dieric Bouts and Hugo van der Goes (11)
  623. Category:Turquoise Bowl with Lute Player and Audience - MET - Iran - Accession number 57.61.16 (11)
  624. Category:Violante (Titian) (11)
  625. Category:Virgin of the Rocks - Leonardo da Vinci - National Gallery, London (11)
  626. Category:Works after Olympia by Manet (11)
  627. Category:1887 Herman Rossberg wedding dress (10)
  628. Category:A young woman seated at a virginal (London) (10)
  629. Category:Accademia - St John the Baptist by Titian Cat314 (10)
  630. Category:Altar of Tavernoles (10)
  631. Category:Ancient Rome (Giovanni Paolo Pannini, Louvre version) (10)
  632. Category:Arkesilas Cup (10)
  633. Category:At the Moulin Rouge (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Art Institute of Chicago) (10)
  634. Category:Bassin du sultan al-Adil II Abu Bak (10)
  635. Category:Benjamin Jesty (Michael William Sharp - Wellcome Collection) (10)
  636. Category:Buste de Munatius Plancus (Lyon) (10)
  637. Category:Capitoline Discobolus (Musei Capitolini) (10)
  638. Category:Carnival Scene - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - Louvre RF 1938-100 (10)
  639. Category:Charity - Andrea del Sarto - Louvre INV 712 (10)
  640. Category:Charles de Solier, Sieur de Morette (Holbein) (10)
  641. Category:Chateaubriand by Girodet (10)
  642. Category:Circumcision - Federico Barocci - Louvre MI 315 (10)
  643. Category:Claudia Octavia-Museo della Maremma (10)
  644. Category:Comtesse d'Haussonville (Ingres - Frick Collection) (10)
  645. Category:Confronted Animal Rug - Turkey - 14th century - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Inventory number 1990.61 (10)
  646. Category:Copies of Catherine I after J.-M. Nattier (10)
  647. Category:Cupidon et Psyché (Jacques-Louis David) (10)
  648. Category:D'Alembert by Félix Lecomte (Louvre ENT 1987.04) (10)
  649. Category:David and Bathsheba - Jan Massijs - Louvre INV 1446 (10)
  650. Category:David and Goliath by Daniele da Volterra (Louvre INV 566) (10)
  651. Category:Details of Conversion of Paul by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (10)
  652. Category:Details of Der Kaufmann Georg Gisze (Holbein der Jüngere) (10)
  653. Category:Details of Lady with an Ermine (10)
  654. Category:Details of Parnassus by Andrea Mantegna (10)
  655. Category:Details of the Bladelin Triptych - Nativity (10)
  656. Category:El Conde-Duque de Olivares a caballo in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (10)
  657. Category:El Pelele (Goya) (10)
  658. Category:Elisa Bonaparte with her daughter Napoleona Baciocchi (François Gérard - Napoleonic museum) (10)
  659. Category:Emperor Sigmund portrait (formerly attributed to Pisanello) (10)
  660. Category:Gabrielle et Jean (1895-1896) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir in the Musée de l'Orangerie (10)
  661. Category:Goya (Delteil 011) (10)
  662. Category:Group portrait of Members of the State Council (Repin) (10)
  663. Category:Guardian lion-N 432 C (10)
  664. Category:Incarnation of Jesus by Piero di Cosimo (10)
  665. Category:Infanta Margarita Teresa by Velazquez (Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1653) (10)
  666. Category:Infanta Margarita Teresa by Velazquez (Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1656) (10)
  667. Category:Infanta Margarita Teresa in a Pink Dress (10)
  668. Category:James Smithson as an Oxford Student (James Roberts - National Portrait Gallery, Washington) (10)
  669. Category:John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute (Joshua Reynolds - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 3938) (10)
  670. Category:Joute poetique - Entertainement garden - Islamic art - Iran - Ispahan - 16e - 17e siècle - Louvre museum - Inventaire OA 3340 (10)
  671. Category:Julius II portrait by Raffaello Sanzio (National Gallery, London) (10)
  672. Category:Junge Venezianerin 2 (Dürer) (10)
  673. Category:King Edward VII (by Samuel Luke Fildes, 1902) (10)
  674. Category:King Ludwig I of Bavaria in Coronation Regalia (Joseph Karl Stieler, Neue Pinakothek) (10)
  675. Category:L'Assemblée des six comtés à Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu, en 1837 (10)
  676. Category:La Mort de Sardanapale (10)
  677. Category:Last Judgment by Jacob de Backer (National Museum in Warsaw) (10)
  678. Category:Le Jugement de Salomon - Nicolas Poussin (10)
  679. Category:Le Triomphe de Neptune - Nicolas Poussin - Philadelphia Museum of Art (10)
  680. Category:Les Mystères de la Passion du Christ (Antonio Campi) (10)
  681. Category:Louvre MNB 467 (10)
  682. Category:Mace-pistol K 58 (10)
  683. Category:Madame Monet Reading Le Figaro (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Calouste Gulbenkian Museum) (10)
  684. Category:Madonna and Child by Paolo Uccello (Dublin) (10)
  685. Category:Madonna and Child with the Young St. John the Baptist (Sandro Botticelli, Louvre) (10)
  686. Category:Madonna of the Curtain (10)
  687. Category:Magical stone for acquiring pigs-72.1952.1.1D (10)
  688. Category:Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de Sévigné (attributed to Claude Lefèbvre - Carnavalet P1978) (10)
  689. Category:Medina ceramic tile (Louvre OA 3919) (10)
  690. Category:Melpomene from Louvre (replica in Pushkin museum) (10)
  691. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 473 (Maximinus Thrax) (10)
  692. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 495 (Augustus) (10)
  693. Category:Musei Capitolini, inv 447 (Faustina Major) (10)
  694. Category:Musei Capitolini, inv S 444 (Livia as Ceres) (10)
  695. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 44 15 (10)
  696. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 34 l (10)
  697. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 34 m (10)
  698. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 62 (10)
  699. Category:Musée du Louvre, Ma 1180 (10)
  700. Category:Nike Epidauros (10)
  701. Category:Odysseus returns Chryseis to Her Father by Gelée (Louvre INV4718) (10)
  702. Category:Oedipus and the Sphinx by Gustave Moreau (10)
  703. Category:Orphée et Eurydice - Poussin - Louvre INV 7307 (10)
  704. Category:Portrait de Charles VII - Fouquet - Louvre INV 9106 (10)
  705. Category:Portrait of Iseppo da Porto with his Son (10)
  706. Category:Portrait of a Man with Carnation by Jan van Eyck (10)
  707. Category:Portrait of a Youth by Filippino Lippi (10)
  708. Category:Portrait of a boy by Pinturicchio (10)
  709. Category:Portrait of a woman (Correggio - Hermitage Museum) (10)
  710. Category:Portrait painting of Eleonora of Toledo by Bronzino 1543 in the National Gallery in Prague (10)
  711. Category:Preliminary versions of Olympia by Manet (10)
  712. Category:Reclining Figure: Festival - Henry Moore (LH 293, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh) (10)
  713. Category:Roger délivrant Angélique (Louvre, INV 5419) (10)
  714. Category:Saint Michael Vanquishing Satan by Raffaello Sanzio (10)
  715. Category:Saint Michael with the Dragon by Raffaello Sanzio (10)
  716. Category:Sainte-Cécile, by Guillaume Dubufe (Musée d'Art Roger-Quilliot) (10)
  717. Category:Scenes from the Life of Saint Jerome - Sano di Pietro - Louvre MI 470-474 (10)
  718. Category:Self-Portrait with Her Daughter, Julie - Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Louvre INV 3069 (10)
  719. Category:Self-portrait by Jacques-Louis David (1794) (10)
  720. Category:Senusret-A 48 (10)
  721. Category:Silk Animal Carpet - 16th century - Kashan(?), Iran - MET - Inventory number 14.40.721 (10)
  722. Category:Taino sculpture-71.1887.156.1 (10)
  723. Category:The Ballet Class (Edgar Degas - Musée d'Orsay) (10)
  724. Category:The Battle of Gaugamela (M.A.N., Madrid) (10)
  725. Category:The Carrying of the Cross - Simone Martini - Louvre INV 670 bis (10)
  726. Category:The Fall of the Rebel Angels (Master of the Rebel Angels, Louvre) (10)
  727. Category:The Five Eldest Children of Charles I (Anthony van Dyck) (10)
  728. Category:The Man with the Golden Helmet (Circle of Rembrandt - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (10)
  729. Category:The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena - Fra Bartolomeo - Louvre INV 97 (10)
  730. Category:The Reign of Comus - Lorenzo Costa - Louvre INV 256 (10)
  731. Category:The Shipwreck by Joseph Mallord William Turner (10)
  732. Category:The Temptation of Saint Anthony by Hieronymus Bosch (Madrid) (10)
  733. Category:The Ugly Duchess (Massijs) (10)
  734. Category:Tiger (painting by Franz Marc) (10)
  735. Category:Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas by Benozzo Gozzoli (10)
  736. Category:Venus and Adonis (37.162) (10)
  737. Category:Virgin adoring the Child (Correggio) (10)
  738. Category:Yoke-71.1887.101.26 (10)
  739. Category:Adoration of the Shepherds, by José de Ribera (9)
  740. Category:Agnès Sorel after Jean Fouquet's Madonna (9)
  741. Category:Autoritratto in un gruppo di amici by Francesco Hayez (9)
  742. Category:Basket of Fruit by Caravaggio (9)
  743. Category:Bastet-E 1579 (9)
  744. Category:Bernhard von Reesen (Albrecht Dürer - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) (9)
  745. Category:Boy with a Spinning-Top - Jean Siméon Chardin - Louvre RF 1705 (9)
  746. Category:Capitoline Marsyas tied (9)
  747. Category:Cardinal Infante Don Fernando as a Hunter (Velázquez - Museo del Prado) (9)
  748. Category:Charlotte du Val d'Ognes (Marie Denise Villers - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (9)
  749. Category:Christ at Emmaus by Rembrandt (9)
  750. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 269 Généalogie des Roys de France (9)
  751. Category:Copies after La Belle Ferronière (9)
  752. Category:Copies of Entombment of Christ by Caravaggio (9)
  753. Category:Cornelis de Baellieur - Interior of a Collector's Gallery of Paintings and Objets d'Art - Louvre MI 699 (9)
  754. Category:Cristoph Wilibald von Gluck at the Spinet (Joseph Duplessis - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (9)
  755. Category:Cupid and Psyche (François Gérard - Louvre INV 4739) (9)
  756. Category:Danae by Rembrandt (9)
  757. Category:Danae by Rembrandt - details (9)
  758. Category:David and Goliath by Daniele da Volterra (Louvre INV 566) recto (9)
  759. Category:Details of Paradiesgärtlein by the Upper Rhenish Master - Städel, Frankfurt (9)
  760. Category:Disembarkation of Cleopatra at Tarsus (Claude Gellée, Louvre INV 4716) (9)
  761. Category:Dish - Iznik (Turkey) - 16th century - MET - 14.40.727 (9)
  762. Category:Earl of Chatham (after Brompton) (9)
  763. Category:Eleanor of Toledo with her son Giovanni de' Medici by Agnolo Bronzino (9)
  764. Category:Entrance to the Grand Canal and the Church of the Salute - Bellotto - Louvre RF 1961-33 (9)
  765. Category:Equestrian Portrait of Joachim Murat - Antoine-Jean Gros - Louvre RF 1973-29 (9)
  766. Category:Execution of Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico by Manet (Kunsthalle Mannheim) (9)
  767. Category:FR-631136102 RELg 0024 Peiresc (9)
  768. Category:Femme à l'éventail by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (9)
  769. Category:Frau am Fenster by Caspar David Friedrich (9)
  770. Category:Herakles killing the Lernaean Hydra restored by Algardi, Musei Capitolini MC236 (9)
  771. Category:Hortense de Beauharnais (Girodet - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (9)
  772. Category:Hydrophone-MHS 203 (9)
  773. Category:Hydrophone-MHS 93 (9)
  774. Category:Intercession of Christ and the Virgin by Filippino Lippi (9)
  775. Category:Judith beheading Holofernes (Naples) by Artemisia Gentileschi (9)
  776. Category:Julius II portrait by Raffaello Sanzio (Uffizi, Florence) (9)
  777. Category:Kaufmann Wedigh (Holbein der Jüngere) (9)
  778. Category:Kore inv 6399 (Farnese Collection) (9)
  779. Category:L'Odalisque Brune - François Boucher (Louvre RF 2140) (9)
  780. Category:L'enlèvement des Sabines - Poussin - Louvre INV 7290 (9)
  781. Category:La Comédie humaine by Ernest Christophe (musée d'Orsay, RF 285) (9)
  782. Category:La Douleur et les Regrets d'Andromaque sur le corps d'Hector son mari (Jacques-Louis David) (9)
  783. Category:La fragua de Vulcano (Velazquez) (9)
  784. Category:La reina Margarita de Austria a caballo (Velázquez) (9)
  785. Category:Last Supper by Giovanni Mauro Della Rovere in Milan (9)
  786. Category:Madonna Colonna (9)
  787. Category:Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels by Filippo Lippi (Metropolitan Museum of Art) (9)
  788. Category:Madonna della Vittoria by Mantegna (9)
  789. Category:Madonna of the Rabbit by Titian (9)
  790. Category:Marie Antoinette in Court Dress (Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (9)
  791. Category:Martyrdom of Sts. Cosmas and Damian (Fra Angelico, Louvre) (9)
  792. Category:Mecanical equatorial sundial-MHS 38 (9)
  793. Category:Melpomene (Louvre) (9)
  794. Category:Milon de Crotone, Falconet (Louvre MR1847) (9)
  795. Category:Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona, inv MNAT 386 (9)
  796. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, D 70 1 1 (9)
  797. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 13 (9)
  798. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 8 (9)
  799. Category:Narcissus Mazarini (Louvre Ma 435) (9)
  800. Category:Nymphe et satyre (Watteau) (9)
  801. Category:Pala del Noviziato - Predella (9)
  802. Category:Partida da Monção, 1897 (9)
  803. Category:Penitent Magdalene by Caravaggio (9)
  804. Category:Philip IV as a Hunter (Velazquez - Museo del Prado) (9)
  805. Category:Philip IV in Black Suit (Velázquez - Museo del Prado) (9)
  806. Category:Philip IV in Black Suit (Velázquez, c.1624) (9)
  807. Category:Philip IV in Brown and Silver (Velazquez - National Gallery, London) (9)
  808. Category:Pokal mit Stammbaum Christi (9)
  809. Category:Pope Benedict XIV by Pierre Subleyras (Metropolitan Museum of Art) (9)
  810. Category:Pope Sixtus IV - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 644 (9)
  811. Category:Portrait of Battista Sforza (9)
  812. Category:Portrait of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (Hans Burgkmair the Elder) (9)
  813. Category:Portrait of Galileo Galilei by Justus Sustermans (National Maritime Museum) (9)
  814. Category:Portrait of Jacob Obrecht (9)
  815. Category:Portrait of Lady Sunderlin by Joshua Reynolds (9)
  816. Category:Portrait of Machtelt Suijs by Maerten van Heemskerck (9)
  817. Category:Portrait of Robert Cheseman (Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Mauritshuis) (9)
  818. Category:Portrait of a Girl in Blue Dress (Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (9)
  819. Category:Portrait of a Lady in Blue by Vincent van Gogh (9)
  820. Category:Portrait of a Man with a Blue Chaperon by Jan van Eyck (9)
  821. Category:Portrait of a family by Rembrandt (9)
  822. Category:Portrait of a man with a Roman medal (Hans Memling) (9)
  823. Category:Portrait of a man, known as 'The laughing cavalier' (9)
  824. Category:Queen Elizabeth I (Anonymous - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 5175) (9)
  825. Category:Riposo durante la fuga in Egitto by Orazio Gentileschi (9)
  826. Category:Rogier van der Weyden (workshop and circle) - Portrait of Charles the Bold - Gemäldegalerie Berlin (9)
  827. Category:Russo-Balt K12/20 in the Polytechnical Museum (9)
  828. Category:Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece (9)
  829. Category:Saint Lucy (Francesco del Cossa - the National Gallery of Art) (9)
  830. Category:Saint Lucy (Francesco del Cossa - the National Gallery of Art) - Details (9)
  831. Category:Sarcophagus Apollo Marsyas (Louvre, Ma 2347) (9)
  832. Category:Seaport at sunset (Claude Gelée, Louvre INV 4715) (9)
  833. Category:Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting (Artemisia Gentileschi - Royal Collection) (9)
  834. Category:Self-Portrait at the Easel - Rembrandt - Louvre INV 1747 (9)
  835. Category:Self-portrait (Rembrandt, 1669) (9)
  836. Category:Self-portrait with Lace Jabot (M.-Q. de La Tour) (9)
  837. Category:Stańczyk by Jan Matejko (National Museum in Warsaw) (9)
  838. Category:Sword of Honour of Pierre Anguier (9)
  839. Category:The Bellelli Family (Degas) (9)
  840. Category:The Bitter Draught (Adriaen Brouwer, Städel) (9)
  841. Category:The Card Players (Paul Cézanne - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (9)
  842. Category:The Chancelor Séguier - Charles Le Brun - Louvre RF 1942-3 (9)
  843. Category:The Dead Lovers (9)
  844. Category:The Duchess of Alba in Mourning Clothes (Goya - Hispanic Society of America) (9)
  845. Category:The Duchess of Berry (Thomas Lawrence - Versailles) (9)
  846. Category:The Fountain of Youth by Lucas Cranach (I) (9)
  847. Category:The Four Evangelists - Jacob Jordaens - Louvre INV 1404 (9)
  848. Category:The Lady with Fans, Portrait of Nina de Callias (Édouard Manet - Musée d'Orsay) (9)
  849. Category:The Painter's Father (after Dürer, National Gallery, London) (9)
  850. Category:The Poet Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (Holbein the Younger, MASP) (9)
  851. Category:The Slave Market (Gérôme) (9)
  852. Category:The Toilet of Bathsheba (Rembrandt, New York) (9)
  853. Category:The Triumph of Venus (François Boucher) (9)
  854. Category:The procuress by Johannes Vermeer (9)
  855. Category:Tile set of The Annunciation by Fra Angelico (9)
  856. Category:Toba-batak-70.1998.9.1 (9)
  857. Category:Tsimshian mask-71.1881.22.1 (9)
  858. Category:Unknown - Statue of a Seated Cybele with the Portrait Head of her Priestess (9)
  859. Category:Vase as Egyptian woman-N 3344 (9)
  860. Category:Venus and Mars (Botticelli) (9)
  861. Category:Venus with a Mirror by Titian (NGA) (9)
  862. Category:Woman in a Fur Coat (Titian - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (9)
  863. Category:Œnochoé à embouchure en forme de tête d'animal (Louvre C711) (9)
  864. Category:Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach (I) (National Museum in Warsaw) (8)
  865. Category:Adoration of the Magi Triptych by Hans Memling (8)
  866. Category:Adorazione dei Magi by Gentile da Fabriano - Predella (8)
  867. Category:Aldobrandini Madonna by Raphael in the National Gallery, London (8)
  868. Category:Ambroise Vollard (Paul Cézanne - Petit Palais) (8)
  869. Category:Amédée-David, the Comte de Pastoret (Ingres - Art Institute of Chicago) (8)
  870. Category:Angel in red with a lute (Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis) (8)
  871. Category:Annunciation by Fra Angelico (Prado) - predella (8)
  872. Category:Apollo flaying Marsyas by Ribera (Bruxelles) (8)
  873. Category:Apollo flaying Marsyas by Ribera (Naples, Capodimonte) (8)
  874. Category:Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Bernard (Perugino) (8)
  875. Category:Arearea (Paul Gauguin - Musée d'Orsay) (8)
  876. Category:Aurora and Cephalus (Pierre-Narcisse Guérin) (8)
  877. Category:Bartolomé Sureda y Miserol (Goya - National Gallery of Art) (8)
  878. Category:Beethon (8)
  879. Category:Berthe Morisot with Bouquet of Violets (Édouard Manet - Musée d'Orsay) (8)
  880. Category:Big Holy Family by Raphael (Louvre) (8)
  881. Category:Blessing Christ by Giovanni Bellini (Louvre RF 2039) (8)
  882. Category:Brothel Scene (Frans van Mieris, Mauritshuis) (8)
  883. Category:Centaurus and Nymph (Arnold Böcklin - Alte Nationalgalerie) (8)
  884. Category:Character holding a cup-AM 2190-2191 (8)
  885. Category:Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, prince de Bénévent by Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (Carnavalet P 1065) (8)
  886. Category:Christ Contemplated by the Christian Soul by Diego Velázquez (8)
  887. Category:Cimabue's Celebrated Madonna is carried in Procession through the Streets of Florence (Frederic Leighton) (8)
  888. Category:Clappers-E 13920 (8)
  889. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library Em 0011 Recueil Pascal (8)
  890. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 84 Book of Hours (8)
  891. Category:Compositional Sketches for the Virgin Adoring the Christ Child, with and without the Infant St. John the Baptist (17.142.1) (8)
  892. Category:Count Stanislas Potocki and His Two Sons - Johann-Baptist Lampi the Elder - Louvre RF 1980-49 (8)
  893. Category:Cradle of the King of Rome (8)
  894. Category:Dagger with serpent dragon handle AO 31912 (8)
  895. Category:David and Goliath by Daniele da Volterra (Louvre INV 566) verso (8)
  896. Category:David, Reni (Louvre INV 519) (8)
  897. Category:Descent from the Cross - Master of the Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece - Louvre INV 1445 (8)
  898. Category:Descent from the Cross after Rogier van der Weyden (8)
  899. Category:Details of Judith by Giorgione (8)
  900. Category:Details of Madonna di Ognissanti by Giotto di Bondone (8)
  901. Category:Details of Maestà of Santa Trinita (Cimabue) (8)
  902. Category:Details of Pala di San Cassiano (8)
  903. Category:Details of Virgin of the Rocks (National Gallery) (8)
  904. Category:Details of the Three Philosophers by Giorgione (8)
  905. Category:Diana and Cupid by Batoni (8)
  906. Category:Discovery of Achilles by Jan de Bray (National Museum in Warsaw) (8)
  907. Category:Drunken Silenus by Ribera (8)
  908. Category:Dwarf with a Dog, formerly denominated Antonio el Inglés (Circle of Velázquez - Museo del Prado) (8)
  909. Category:Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse (8)
  910. Category:El Primo (Velazquez) (8)
  911. Category:El Soplón by El Greco (Naples) (8)
  912. Category:Eleanor of Toledo with her son by Bronzino - works after (8)
  913. Category:Elizabeth I of England (The Ditchley portrait) (8)
  914. Category:Enlèvement de Proserpine par Pluton (François Girardon - Strasbourg small bronze) (8)
  915. Category:Felipe IV a caballo (Velázquez, Museo del Prado) (8)
  916. Category:Four-pounder revolver gun O 313 (8)
  917. Category:Francesco Maria della Rovere, Duke of Urbino (Titian - Uffizi Gallery) (8)
  918. Category:Franz I of Austria in Coronation Robes (Von Amerling) (8)
  919. Category:Funerary male portrait Sb 2836 (8)
  920. Category:George IV in Coronation Robes (Thomas Lawrence - Royal Collection) (8)
  921. Category:George Washington, Vaughan portrait (Gilbert Stuart - National Gallery of Art) (8)
  922. Category:God the Father and the Virgin Mary by Raffaello (8)
  923. Category:Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeevna by G.C.Grooth (1745, Hermitage) (8)
  924. Category:Grave of Hertford-Wallace (Père-Lachaise, division 28) (8)
  925. Category:Halt During the Hunt (Charles-André van Loo - Louvre INV 6279) (8)
  926. Category:Head of the Virgin in Three-Quarter View Facing Right (8)
  927. Category:Hercules and the Hydra (Pollaiolo) (8)
  928. Category:Ibex rhyton (Louvre, AO 3115) (8)
  929. Category:Idealized Portrait of a Courtesan as Flora, traditionally assumed to be Lucrezia Borgia (Veneto) (8)
  930. Category:Isabel de Porcel (Goya - National Gallery, London) (8)
  931. Category:Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet - Hyacinthe Rigaud - Louvre INV 7506 (8)
  932. Category:Jupiter and Io (Correggio) (8)
  933. Category:Jupiter et Antiope -Venus du Pardo- (Louvre, INV 752) (8)
  934. Category:Kaunakes Bactria-AO 31917 (8)
  935. Category:Key Barkuk (Louvre OA 6738) (8)
  936. Category:L'Italienne Agostina (R1562) by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (8)
  937. Category:La Suisse accueille l'armée française by Alexandre Falguière-RA 1145 (8)
  938. Category:Lansdowne portrait of George Washington (Brooklyn Museum) (8)
  939. Category:Le triomphe de Flore - Poussin - Louvre INV 7298 (8)
  940. Category:Leonardo Loredan by Giovanni Bellini (8)
  941. Category:Leopold Mozart and his children, Wolfgang and Maria Anna (Carmontelle) (8)
  942. Category:Les Saltimbanques (Gustave Doré) (8)
  943. Category:Lola de Valence (Édouard Manet - Musée d'Orsay) (8)
  944. Category:Lorenzo de' Medici by Giorgio Vasari (8)
  945. Category:Louis XIII Crowned by Victory by Philippe de Champaigne (Louvre INV 1135) (8)
  946. Category:Luigi Cherubini and the Muse of Lyric Poetry - Ingres - Louvre INV 5423 (8)
  947. Category:Léda et le Cygne, Thierry (Louvre MR2100) (8)
  948. Category:Madame Georges Charpentier et ses enfants by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (8)
  949. Category:Madame Joachim Lefèvre by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux-RF 1058 (8)
  950. Category:Madame Molé-Reymond - Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Louvre MI 694 (8)
  951. Category:Madame Philippe Panon Desbassayns de Richemont (Jeanne Eglé Mourgue, 1778–1855) and Her Son, Eugène (1800–1859) (8)
  952. Category:Madonna Bardi by Sandro Botticelli - Details (8)
  953. Category:Madonna and Child (Alesso Baldovinetti, Louvre) (8)
  954. Category:Madonna and Child (Bramantino - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (8)
  955. Category:Madonna and Child by Giovanni Bellini in the Detroit Institute of Arts (8)
  956. Category:Madonna and Child with Sts. James and Zenobius - Mariotto Albertinelli and Franciabigio - Louvre INV 38 (8)
  957. Category:Madonna con Bambino tra le sante Caterina e Maria Maddalena - Giovanni Bellini - Cat 613 (8)
  958. Category:Madonna with the Siskin by Dürer (8)
  959. Category:Marcus Antonius Primus by Marc Arcis (8)
  960. Category:Marcus Aurelius – inv 6092 – MANN (Naples) (8)
  961. Category:Maria Luisa of Naples and Sicily (Vigée-Lebrun) (8)
  962. Category:Marie Eleonore de Grave - Jean Honore Fragonard - RF 1974-1 (8)
  963. Category:Marriage of Peleus and Thetis by Bartolomeo di Giovanni (8)
  964. Category:Mary Magdalene (Piero di Cosimo) (8)
  965. Category:Michelangelo Buonarroti (attributed to Daniele da Volterra - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (8)
  966. Category:Minerva Farnese (Naples) (8)
  967. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 480 (Alexander Severus) (8)
  968. Category:Musei Capitolini, inv 842 (Young Lucius Verus) (8)
  969. Category:Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona, inv MNAT 389 (8)
  970. Category:Musée Fenaille, inv 845 1 1 (8)
  971. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25044 (8)
  972. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 37 a (8)
  973. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 507 (8)
  974. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 763 (8)
  975. Category:Musée du Louvre, Ma 1138 (8)
  976. Category:Napoleon Crossing the Alps by David (Österreichische Galerie Belvedere) (8)
  977. Category:Narcissus by Ludwig von Hofmann (8)
  978. Category:Pala Jacopi predella (8)
  979. Category:Paul Gauguin's Armchair by Vincent van Gogh (8)
  980. Category:Philip IV in Armour with a Lion at his Feet (Velázquez and workshop) (8)
  981. Category:Philip V of Spain (Hyacinthe Rigaud - Versailles) (8)
  982. Category:Piloty Carl Theodor von—Seni vor der Leiche Wallensteins (8)
  983. Category:Pope Clement VII by Sebastiano del Piombo (Naples) (8)
  984. Category:Pope Paul III with camauro (Titian - National Museum of Capodimonte) (8)
  985. Category:Portrait of Alof de Wignacourt by Caravaggio (8)
  986. Category:Portrait of Barbara Radziwiłł (National Museum in Kraków) (8)
  987. Category:Portrait of Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini by Jan van Eyck (8)
  988. Category:Portrait of John Locke (Godfrey Kneller - Hermitage Museum) (8)
  989. Category:Portrait of Léon Delafosse by John Singer Sargent (8)
  990. Category:Portrait of Marie Leszczyńska by Jean-Marc Nattier (8)
  991. Category:Portrait of Mehmed II by Gentile Bellini (8)
  992. Category:Portrait of Polish Nobleman by Rembrandt (8)
  993. Category:Portrait of a Gentleman by Bartolomeo Veneto (Fitzwilliam Museum) (8)
  994. Category:Portrait of a Lady (Velázquez - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (8)
  995. Category:Portrait of the Artist's Son Jorge Manuel Theotokopoulos (El Greco) (8)
  996. Category:Portrait of Émile Zola (Manet) (8)
  997. Category:Portrait painting of Dr. Johannes Cuspinian by Lucas Cranach (I) (8)
  998. Category:Pothos – inv 6253 – MANN (Naples) (8)
  999. Category:Priesthood of Mary - Maître des Heures Collins - Louvre RF 1938-63 (8)
  1000. Category:Relief funéraire de Caius Aurunceius Princeps (8)
  1001. Category:Ritratto di uomo (Andrea Previtali) (8)
  1002. Category:Rue de Paris, temps de pluie by Gustave Caillebotte (8)
  1003. Category:Saint Jerome in his study by Caravaggio (Rome) (8)
  1004. Category:Saint Jerome in the Desert - Joachim Patinir - Louvre RF 2429 (8)
  1005. Category:Saint Margaret by Raphael (Louvre) (8)
  1006. Category:Salome (Henri Regnault) (8)
  1007. Category:Sappho bust, so-called (MANN, 4896) (8)
  1008. Category:Sargent, John Singer - The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit (8)
  1009. Category:Satiro e Dionisio bambino inv 6022 – MANN (Naples) (8)
  1010. Category:Satyres en atlante (Louvre Ma 597, Ma 598, Ma 599, Ma 600) (8)
  1011. Category:Scale model of a proposed British destroyer-AGOID 108164 (8)
  1012. Category:Self-Portrait (Ivan Kramskoi - Tretyakov Gallery) (8)
  1013. Category:Sokoto head figure-70.1999.8.2 (8)
  1014. Category:St Jerome in his Cell (Marinus van Reymerswaele - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (8)
  1015. Category:Statua colossale di un gladiatore – inv 6000 – MANN (Naples) (8)
  1016. Category:Statue of Ramses III from Beth Shean (8)
  1017. Category:Statue of a Nike (NAMA 21) (8)
  1018. Category:Studies for the Child (8)
  1019. Category:Studies for the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (8)
  1020. Category:Sunday evening in a farmhouse in Dalarna by Amalia Lindegren (8)
  1021. Category:Teotihuacan sculpture-70.2001.14.1 (8)
  1022. Category:The Abduction of Europa (Liberale da Verona, Louvre) (8)
  1023. Category:The Bathers, Fragonard (Louvre MI 1055) (8)
  1024. Category:The Clubfoot (Ribera) (8)
  1025. Category:The Doge on the Bucintoro near the Riva di Sant'Elena - Francesco Guardi - Louvre INV 20009 (8)
  1026. Category:The Family of Frederick, Prince of Wales (George Knapton - Windsor Castle) (8)
  1027. Category:The Head of Saint John the Baptist on a Charger - Andrea Solario - Louvre MI 735 (8)
  1028. Category:The Holy Trinity (El Greco) (8)
  1029. Category:The Incredulity of Saint Thomas - Francesco Salviati - Louvre INV 593 (8)
  1030. Category:The Jewish Cemetery by Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael in the Detroit Institute of Arts (8)
  1031. Category:The Knight's Dream (Antonio de Pereda) (8)
  1032. Category:The Last of the Buffalo by Albert Bierstadt (8)
  1033. Category:The Luncheon (1868) by Claude Monet (8)
  1034. Category:The Maiden (Klimt) (8)
  1035. Category:The Meadow of San Isidro on his Feast Day (Goya) (8)
  1036. Category:The Musician's Brawl by Georges de La Tour (8)
  1037. Category:The Procession of Thetis - Bartolomeo di Giovanni - Louvre RF 1347 (8)
  1038. Category:The Supper at Emmaus by Jacopo da Ponte (Kimbell Art Museum) (8)
  1039. Category:The Toilette of Esther (Théodore Chassériau - Louvre RF 3900) (8)
  1040. Category:Trajan donnant le signal de départ (8)
  1041. Category:Triple Portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu (Philippe de Champaigne - National Gallery, London) (8)
  1042. Category:Two Tahitian Women by Paul Gauguin (8)
  1043. Category:Two Tax Gatherers - Marinus van Reymerswaele (National Gallery, NG944) (8)
  1044. Category:Uli-70.1999.2.1 (8)
  1045. Category:Urne cinéraire (Louvre S 3890) (8)
  1046. Category:Velázquez - Equestrian portrait painting of the Count-Duke of Olivares - Prado (8)
  1047. Category:Venus (Louvre Ma 369) (8)
  1048. Category:Venus and the Three Graces Presenting Gifts to a Young Woman (8)
  1049. Category:Washington in the Uniform of a British Colonial Colonel (C.W. Peale) (8)
  1050. Category:William I of the Netherlands (Joseph Paelinck - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (8)
  1051. Category:Winter (Arcimboldo, 1573) (8)
  1052. Category:Works after the second cartoon for the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne by Leonardo da Vinci (8)
  1053. Category:Young Knight in a Landscape by Carpaccio (8)
  1054. Category:Yvonne and Christine Lerolle at the Piano (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Musée de l'Orangerie) (8)
  1055. Category:A Princess of Saxony by Lucas Cranach (I) (7)
  1056. Category:Adoration of the Magi by Botticelli (London NG1033)-details (7)
  1057. Category:Adoration of the Magi by Filippino Lippi (Uffizi Gallery) (7)
  1058. Category:Alessandro Vittoria (Paolo Veronese - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (7)
  1059. Category:Allegory of Wealth - Simon Vouet (Louvre INV 8500) (7)
  1060. Category:Allegory of the Virtues (Correggio) (7)
  1061. Category:Ambassadors Return to the English Court by Carpaccio (7)
  1062. Category:Anchyrrhoé, Louvre, MR 310 (7)
  1063. Category:Anouket boat-AF 9756-E 12710 (7)
  1064. Category:Antikensammlung des Liebieghauses, inv Nr St P 392 (7)
  1065. Category:Antonio Cardinal Pallavicini (Titian - Pushkin Museum) (7)
  1066. Category:Aphrodite Dresden-Capitoline inv 6283 (Naples) (7)
  1067. Category:Apollo and Daphne - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Louvre RF 2107 (7)
  1068. Category:Apollo and Marsyas - Pietro Perugino - Louvre RF 370 (7)
  1069. Category:Apollo, God of Light, Eloquence, Poetry and the Fine Arts with Urania, Muse of Astronomy (Charles Meynier - Cleveland Museum of Art) (7)
  1070. Category:At Eternity's Gate (1890) (7)
  1071. Category:At the Moulin Rouge, The Dance (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Philadelphia Museum of Art) (7)
  1072. Category:Autoritratto (Biagio Bellotti) (7)
  1073. Category:Ave Caesar Morituri te Salutant (Gérôme) (7)
  1074. Category:Bacchus and Ariadne by Cima da Conegliano (Museo Poldi Pezzoli) (7)
  1075. Category:Baile a orillas del Manzanares (7)
  1076. Category:Bladelin Triptych - Sibyl of Tibur (7)
  1077. Category:Bladelin Triptych by Rogier van der Weyden (7)
  1078. Category:Boarding sabre model 1872-MnM 33 AR 54.3 (7)
  1079. Category:Boy in a Red Waistcoat (Paul Cézanne - National Gallery of Art) (7)
  1080. Category:British Museum 1882,0422.1 (7)
  1081. Category:Bust of Artemis-AO 20122 (7)
  1082. Category:Bust of Geneviève-Françoise Randon de Malboissière (7)
  1083. Category:Callisto, Parc de Versailles, Bosquet des Dômes (7)
  1084. Category:Candlestick - Chandelier - Iraq or Syria - 1248-1249 - Louvre - AD 4414 (7)
  1085. Category:Capital from the cloister of Catedral de Girona (Louvre RF1879) (7)
  1086. Category:Carl von Linné, botanist, professor (Alexander Roslin - Nationalmuseum) (7)
  1087. Category:Chest (Louvre 74.1987.81) (7)
  1088. Category:Chloris caressée par Zéphir (7)
  1089. Category:Conversion of Paul by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (7)
  1090. Category:Copies of Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci-sculptures (7)
  1091. Category:Corot à son chevalet (R41) by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (7)
  1092. Category:Cosimo de' Medici portrait by Pontormo (7)
  1093. Category:Couple Isi and wife-E 14399 (7)
  1094. Category:Couvercle de sarcophage (Louvre S 4464) (7)
  1095. Category:Demonstration by Femen against Ikea in France (7)
  1096. Category:Details of Oedipus and the Sphinx by Gustave Moreau (7)
  1097. Category:Diana the Huntress - Louvre Inv. 445 (7)
  1098. Category:Die verzauberte Mühle (7)
  1099. Category:Dionysos (Louvre Ma 87) (7)
  1100. Category:Diskuswerfer (Liebieghaus Frankfurt) (7)
  1101. Category:Distruzione del tempio di Gerusalemme by Francesco Hayez (7)
  1102. Category:Duke of Wellington (Jackson) (7)
  1103. Category:Dying Amazon on horseback inv 6405 – MANN (Naples) (7)
  1104. Category:Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Self-Portrait with Her Daughter, Julie (7)
  1105. Category:Equestrian Portrait of the Duke of Lerma (Rubens - Prado Museum) (7)
  1106. Category:Equestrian portrait of Charles XI of Sweden (David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl - Skokloster Castle) (7)
  1107. Category:Faustine, by Nicolas Frémery (7)
  1108. Category:First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte by Antoine-Jean Gros (7)
  1109. Category:Five Famous Men - Florentine School - Louvre INV 267 (7)
  1110. Category:Flint knife from Saint-Léons, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.243.1 (7)
  1111. Category:Francesco II della Rovere (Federico Barocci - Uffizi) (7)
  1112. Category:Francisco de Goya (Vicente López Portaña - Museo del Prado) (7)
  1113. Category:Globes by Vaugondy in Clermont-Ferrand (7)
  1114. Category:Gold carriage of the Children of France by Alphonse Giroux (Carnavalet OM 2649) (7)
  1115. Category:Great Departure-MA 3397 (7)
  1116. Category:Henriette of France as Flora (Nattier) (7)
  1117. Category:Henry James by John Singer Sargent (7)
  1118. Category:Hunt in the Forest by Paolo Uccello (7)
  1119. Category:Inca sculpture-71.1894.105.1 (7)
  1120. Category:Isaac Levitan by Serov (1893, GTG) (7)
  1121. Category:Isabella d'Este (Rubens after Titian - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (7)
  1122. Category:Jakob Muffel (Albrecht Dürer - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (7)
  1123. Category:James Monroe by John Vanderlyn (7)
  1124. Category:Jean-Antoine Chaptal by Philippe-Laurent Roland-2002 1 1 (7)
  1125. Category:Jesus Christ washing the feet of the apostles by Jacopo Tintoretto (San Marcuola) (7)
  1126. Category:Jeune fille de Mégare by Louis-Ernest Barrias (musée d'Orsay, RF 159) (7)
  1127. Category:Jewish ossuary (Louvre AO 5048) (7)
  1128. Category:Jewish ossuary (Louvre AO 5049) (7)
  1129. Category:John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci (Louvre) (7)
  1130. Category:John the Baptist by Raphael (Louvre) (7)
  1131. Category:Joseph Haydn (Thomas Hardy, Royal College of Music) (7)
  1132. Category:Juliette Gordon Low by Edward Hughes (7)
  1133. Category:Jupiter Smyrna (Louvre Ma 13) (7)
  1134. Category:Katharina von Mecklenburg (Cranach, 1514) (7)
  1135. Category:King John II of France in profile (Louvre RF 2490) (7)
  1136. Category:L'hiver ou Le Déluge - Poussin - Louvre INV 7306 (7)
  1137. Category:La Belle Ferronière - engravings (7)
  1138. Category:La Folle, ou la Monomane de l'envie (Gericault) (7)
  1139. Category:La femme au paon by Falguière-Ra 954 (7)
  1140. Category:La femme à la perle (R1507) by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (7)
  1141. Category:Lady with a Fan (Velázquez - Wallace Collection) (7)
  1142. Category:Lampe de table Ombelles (7)
  1143. Category:Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (7)
  1144. Category:Last Supper (Marco d'Oggiono) (7)
  1145. Category:Last Supper by Antonio della Corna (San Lorenzo, Milan) (7)
  1146. Category:Le Cardinal Lavigerie by Alexandre Falguière Toulouse (7)
  1147. Category:Le Repas chez Simon, Subleyras (Louvre INV8000) (7)
  1148. Category:Le Serment des Horaces - drawings (7)
  1149. Category:Le collin-maillard by Jean-Honoré Fragonard (7)
  1150. Category:Le serment de La Fayette à la fête de la Fédération (7)
  1151. Category:Leaning satyr by Praxiteles (Musei Capitolini) - Copies (7)
  1152. Category:Leda and her Children (Giampietrino) (7)
  1153. Category:Leda and the Swan by Maurice Ferrary, Lady Lever Art Gallery (7)
  1154. Category:Les Enfants d'Édouard by Paul Delaroche (7)
  1155. Category:Lithic Core from Leugny, France - MHNT PRE.2005.0.10 (7)
  1156. Category:Louis XV in Armour - Maurice Quentin de La Tour - Louvre INV 27615 (7)
  1157. Category:Madame Moitessier (Ingres - National Gallery of Art) (7)
  1158. Category:Madame Trudaine - Jacques-Louis David - Louvre RF 670 (7)
  1159. Category:Madonna and Child with St Elisabeth, the Infant St John, and Two Angels - Andrea del Sarto - Louvre INV 713 (7)
  1160. Category:Madonna con Bambino e due angeli (inv. 184 E) (7)
  1161. Category:Madonna of the Green Cushion - Andrea Solario - Louvre INV 673 (7)
  1162. Category:Magical set-E 27145 ABC (7)
  1163. Category:Male head-AM 1144 (7)
  1164. Category:Marie Leszczyńska with page boy and putti (7)
  1165. Category:Mars disarmed by Venus by Jacques-Louis David (7)
  1166. Category:Maximilien de Robespierre dressed as deputy of the Third Estate (7)
  1167. Category:Meeting of St Erasm and St Maurice (Matthias Grünewald - Alte Pinakothek) (7)
  1168. Category:Miracle of the Holy Cross at Rialto by Vittore Carpaccio (7)
  1169. Category:Misfortunes of Silenus by Piero di Cosimo (7)
  1170. Category:Morpheus and Iris (Pierre-Narcisse Guérin) (7)
  1171. Category:Muhammad helping in placing the Black Stone (7)
  1172. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 475 (Gordiano I) (7)
  1173. Category:Musei Capitolini S1092 (7)
  1174. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26307 (7)
  1175. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 769 (7)
  1176. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 825 (7)
  1177. Category:Nativity and Annunciation to the Shepherds (Bernardino Luini, Louvre) (7)
  1178. Category:No Te Aha Oe Riri (7)
  1179. Category:Orrery-MnM 15 NA 13 (7)
  1180. Category:Oscar II of Sweden (Oscar Björck - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (7)
  1181. Category:Painted crucifix Cross 434 by the Master of the Cross 434 (Florence) (7)
  1182. Category:Paire de casseroles J420 (7)
  1183. Category:Panciatichi Holy Family (7)
  1184. Category:Paradiesgärtlein by the Upper Rhenish Master - Städel, Frankfurt (7)
  1185. Category:Parodies of Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (7)
  1186. Category:Philip II in Armour (Titian - Museo del Prado) (7)
  1187. Category:Philip IV in Fraga (Velazquez) (7)
  1188. Category:Piay-E 124 (7)
  1189. Category:Pierre Van Cortlandt (Brooklyn Museum) (7)
  1190. Category:Poedua, the Daughter of Orio (John Webber - National Maritime Museum) (7)
  1191. Category:Pope Urban VIII by Pietro da Cortona (Musei Capitolini, Rome) (7)
  1192. Category:Portrait of Don Gabriel de la Cueva by Giovanni Battista Moroni (7)
  1193. Category:Portrait of Galileo Galilei by Justus Sustermans (Uffizi) (7)
  1194. Category:Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Colbert by Claude Lefèbvre (7)
  1195. Category:Portrait of John, Prince Regent of Portugal (Sequeira, 1802) (7)
  1196. Category:Portrait of Nasir al-Din Shah - Louvre MAO 776 (7)
  1197. Category:Portrait of Pope Paul III (Titian, Kunsthistorisches Museum) (7)
  1198. Category:Portrait of Procope Demidov (Dmitry Levitzky - Tretyakov Gallery) (7)
  1199. Category:Portrait of Warrior with his Equerry (Uffizi Gallery) (7)
  1200. Category:Portrait of a Man in Armour with Red Scarf (Anthony van Dyck - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) (7)
  1201. Category:Portrait of a Princess by Pisanello (7)
  1202. Category:Portrait of a Woman with an Ostrich-Feather Fan (7)
  1203. Category:Portrait of a Young Man (Antonello da Messina - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin Ident-Nr 18) (7)
  1204. Category:Portrait of a Young Man (Sandro Botticelli, Louvre, RF 323) (7)
  1205. Category:Portrait of a Young Woman, probably Simonetta Vespucci (Botticelli) - Copies (7)
  1206. Category:Portrait of a boy as saint Sebastian (Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio - Pushkin Museum) (7)
  1207. Category:Portrait of a man with a quilted sleeve by Titian (7)
  1208. Category:Portrait of a young merchant by Holbein der Jüngere (7)
  1209. Category:Portrait of the Kangxi Emperor in Court Dress (Palace Museum) (7)
  1210. Category:Portrait painting of Lucrezia Panciatichi by Bronzino 1540 c. in the Uffizi Gallery (7)
  1211. Category:Pot à embouchure ronde J 413 (7)
  1212. Category:Praying Woman between Two Ionic Columns - Unknown artist - Louvre MR 67 (7)
  1213. Category:Procession in piazza San Marco by Gentile Bellini (7)
  1214. Category:Profile Portrait of a Lady (National Gallery of Art) (7)
  1215. Category:Pyrrha ou la Population, Tassaert (Louvre ENT1999.23) (7)
  1216. Category:Pèlerins d'Emmaüs by Titian (7)
  1217. Category:Ramón Satué (Goya - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (7)
  1218. Category:Raphael and the Fornarina (Ingres) (7)
  1219. Category:Raphael's Cherubs (7)
  1220. Category:Red maternity-70.1999.9.3 (7)
  1221. Category:Richard III (National Portrait Gallery NPG 148) (7)
  1222. Category:Ritratto di Alessandro Manzoni (1874) by Francesco Hayez (7)
  1223. Category:Sacred Allegory by Giovanni Bellini (7)
  1224. Category:Saint Nicholas Predella - Niccolò di Liberatore - Louvre INV 53 (7)
  1225. Category:Saint Nicholas of Bari (Carlo Crivelli - Cleveland Museum of Art) (7)
  1226. Category:Saint Vincent Ferrer by Francesco del Cossa in the National Gallery, London (7)
  1227. Category:Santa Cecilia by Il Sassoferrato (7)
  1228. Category:Sara Andriesdr Hessix (Frans Hals - Calouste Gulbenkian Museum) (7)
  1229. Category:Sarcophagus (Louvre AO 5029) (7)
  1230. Category:Scale model of 8-pounder short gun-MnM 27 AR 20 (7)
  1231. Category:Seaport, effect of mist (Claude Gelée, Louvre INV 4719) (7)
  1232. Category:Self-Portrait - Jacopo Tintoretto - Louvre INV 572 (7)
  1233. Category:Self-portrait (Judith Leyster) (7)
  1234. Category:Self-portrait (Rubens, 1623, Royal Collection of the United Kingdom) (7)
  1235. Category:Self-portrait Hesitating between the Arts of Music and Painting (7)
  1236. Category:Self-portrait Holding an Academic Study - Luis Egidio Meléndez - Louvre RF 2537 (7)
  1237. Category:Self-portrait by Eugène Delacroix (Louvre RF 25) (7)
  1238. Category:Self-portrait in a Red Mantle (Mengs, 1744) (7)
  1239. Category:Self-portrait of William Hogarth (Tate Britain) (7)
  1240. Category:Self-portraits of Sandro Botticelli (7)
  1241. Category:Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta by Piero della Francesca (7)
  1242. Category:Small cloister of the Augustins by Georges Castex (7)
  1243. Category:Spill of Paul by Parmigianino (7)
  1244. Category:St. Anthony of Padua Reading (Cosmè Tura, Louvre) (7)
  1245. Category:St. Justa and St. Rufina by Murillo (Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla) (7)
  1246. Category:Stèle anthropomorphe 22.615 (7)
  1247. Category:Swearing-in cross of the Order of the Golden Fleece (7)
  1248. Category:Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl (James McNeill Whistler - National Gallery of Art) (7)
  1249. Category:The Apparition of the Virgin to Saint James the Great by Poussin (Louvre INV 7285) (7)
  1250. Category:The Broken Pitcher (William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco) (7)
  1251. Category:The Carrying of the Cross - Lorenzo Lotto - Louvre RF 1982-50 (7)
  1252. Category:The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs (Kimbell Art Museum) (7)
  1253. Category:The Dead Christ - Philippe de Champaigne (Louvre INV 1128) (7)
  1254. Category:The Duchess of Chartres as Hebe (Jean-Marc Nattier - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (7)
  1255. Category:The Empress Marie-Louise watching over the sleep of the King of Rome (Joseph Franque - Versailles) (7)
  1256. Category:The Harp Lesson by Jean-Antoine-Théodore Giroust (7)
  1257. Category:The Philosopher Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel (Schlesinger) (7)
  1258. Category:The Raft of the Medusa (first study) - Louvre RF 2229 (7)
  1259. Category:The Spring (La Source) - Jean-Marc Nattier - Metropolitan Museum of Art (7)
  1260. Category:The Tragic Actor, Rouvière as Hamlet (Édouard Manet - National Gallery of Art) (7)
  1261. Category:The Vow of Louis XIII (Ingres - Montauban Cathedral) (7)
  1262. Category:Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk (Holbein) (7)
  1263. Category:Thomas More by Holbein der Jüngere in the Frick Collection (7)
  1264. Category:Tiki-71.1887.50.1 (7)
  1265. Category:Uffizi Tribuna (Zoffany) (7)
  1266. Category:Union of Earth and Water (ГЭ-464) (7)
  1267. Category:Veneto-Lombard School portrait of a young nobleman in the LACMA (7)
  1268. Category:Venus Anadyomene (Louvre, Ma 3537) (7)
  1269. Category:Venus Anadyomene (Titian) (7)
  1270. Category:Venus with a Satyr and Cupids (7)
  1271. Category:Victoire faisant une libation à Diane et Apollon, musée du Louvre, MR 869 (7)
  1272. Category:Victor Hugo (Léon Bonnat - Versailles) (7)
  1273. Category:Vierge à l'Enfant, Gessi (Louvre INV 523) (7)
  1274. Category:Virgin and Child between St Anthony of Padua and St Roque by Titian in the Museo del Prado (7)
  1275. Category:Votive plaque of a beard-AO 19225 (7)
  1276. Category:William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury (Holbein) (7)
  1277. Category:Woman Catching Fleas by Georges de La Tour (7)
  1278. Category:Woman baking bread-E 25213 (7)
  1279. Category:Woman mask (Louvre AE 6696) (7)
  1280. Category:Works based on La Belle Ferronière (7)
  1281. Category:A Black Woman by Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowiczowa (6)
  1282. Category:A Lady in a Fur Wrap (6)
  1283. Category:Aachener Madonna (6)
  1284. Category:Adam Smith (Muir portrait) (6)
  1285. Category:Adoration of the Magi (Bernardino Luini, Louvre) (6)
  1286. Category:Adoration of the Magi by Botticelli (Washington) (6)
  1287. Category:Adoration of the Magi by Giorgione (6)
  1288. Category:Adélaïde of France in Turkish Costume (Liotard) (6)
  1289. Category:Alessandro Vittoria (Giovanni Battista Moroni - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (6)
  1290. Category:Allegory of Isabella d'Este's Coronation - Lorenzo Costa the Elder - Louvre INV 255 (6)
  1291. Category:Allegory on the Abdication of Emperor Charles V in Brussels (Frans Francken - Rijksmuseum) (6)
  1292. Category:Altarpiece of John the Evangelist by Hans Burgkmair the Elder (6)
  1293. Category:Altarpiece of Saint Bartholomew, Cathedral of Seville (6)
  1294. Category:Aphrodite Dresden-Capitoline inv 6299 (Naples) (6)
  1295. Category:Architectural Capriccio with a Preacher in Roman Ruins - Giovanni Paolo Panini - Louvre RF 1983-65 (6)
  1296. Category:Armed warrior goddess-AO 20160 (6)
  1297. Category:Assumption of Mary, Piazzetta (Louvre INV20022) (6)
  1298. Category:Axe from Colomiers, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.222.1 (6)
  1299. Category:Axe from Landes, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.219.1 (6)
  1300. Category:Axe from Reims - MHNT PRE.2009.0.215.1 (6)
  1301. Category:Axe-Sb 6596 (6)
  1302. Category:Baal thunderbolt Louvre AO15775 (6)
  1303. Category:Baartgen Martens Doomer by Rembrandt (6)
  1304. Category:Benedikt von Hertenstein (Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (6)
  1305. Category:Bianca Maria Sforza (Ambrogio de Predis - National Gallery of Art) (6)
  1306. Category:Biface from Cintegabelle, France - MHNT PRE 2009.0.201.1 (6)
  1307. Category:Birth of Christ by Sandro Botticelli (6)
  1308. Category:Boarding sabre model 1779-MnM 33 AR 16 (6)
  1309. Category:Boats Moored at Le Petit-Gennevilliers by Claude Monet (6)
  1310. Category:Boy with a Greyhound (Paolo Veronese - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (6)
  1311. Category:Bust of Minerva (Ma 3385) (6)
  1312. Category:Bust of Philip IV (Velazquez, 1653-1655) (6)
  1313. Category:Buste de jeune femme by Auguste Rodin (musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, 887.126.1) (6)
  1314. Category:Calabazas (Cleveland Museum of Art) (6)
  1315. Category:Campo Vaccino by Gelée (Louvre INV 4713) (6)
  1316. Category:Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (Titian - National Museum of Capodimonte) (6)
  1317. Category:Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria (Gaspar de Crayer - Museo del Prado) (6)
  1318. Category:Caroline Murat before the Bay of Naples (François Gérard) (6)
  1319. Category:Caroline Murat with her daughter Letizia (Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Versailles) (6)
  1320. Category:Cartridge box-MnM 45 AR 12.1 (6)
  1321. Category:Cat sarcophagus-N 3504 (A) (6)
  1322. Category:Charles II of England in Coronation robes (Wright) (6)
  1323. Category:Charles V and Empress Isabella of Portugal (Peter Paul Rubens - Liria Palace) (6)
  1324. Category:Chloris caressée par Zéphir close-up (6)
  1325. Category:Christ as the Man of Sorrows (Albrecht Dürer - Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe) (6)
  1326. Category:Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan (Holbein der Jüngere) (6)
  1327. Category:Christina of Sweden (Abraham Wuchters, Skokloster Castle) (6)
  1328. Category:Cloelia Passing the Tiber - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1210 (6)
  1329. Category:Conversation in a Park - Gainsborough - Louvre RF 1952-16 (6)
  1330. Category:Copies of Allegory of Marriage - Titian - Louvre INV 754 (6)
  1331. Category:Copy of the Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper at Minoritenkirche (6)
  1332. Category:Corinthian plastic vase in form of a drinker (Louvre, CA 454) (6)
  1333. Category:Cornelia, mother of the Gracchin, Suvée (Louvre INV8075) (6)
  1334. Category:Countess Ekaterina Vassilievna Skavronskaia - Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Louvre RF 1966-5 (6)
  1335. Category:Crispin and Scapin (Honoré Daumier - Musée d'Orsay) (6)
  1336. Category:Crucifixion (Giotto workshop, Louvre) (6)
  1337. Category:Crucifixion by Antonello da Messina (National Gallery, London) (6)
  1338. Category:Crucifixion with Saint Dominic (Angelico Louvre) (6)
  1339. Category:David Hume (Allan Ramsay - Scottish National Portrait Gallery) (6)
  1340. Category:Demonstration telegraph-MHS 221 (6)
  1341. Category:Denis Diderot - Louis-Michel van Loo - Louvre RF 1958 (6)
  1342. Category:Dennis Miller Bunker Painting at Calcot (John Singer Sargent - Terra Museum of American Art) (6)
  1343. Category:Departure of the Pilgrims by Carpaccio (6)
  1344. Category:Dictionary with colophon AO 7661 (6)
  1345. Category:Dolley Payne Madison (Gilbert Stuart - White House) (6)
  1346. Category:Duck-shaped box - Louvre N1740 (6)
  1347. Category:Ducks-E 26913 (6)
  1348. Category:Duke of Grafton (Batoni) (6)
  1349. Category:Dynamo-MHS 1702 (6)
  1350. Category:Electron microscope-MHS 906 (6)
  1351. Category:Electrostatic machine-MHS 1459 (6)
  1352. Category:Eleonora Gonzaga (Titian - Uffizi Gallery) (6)
  1353. Category:Elisabeth of Austria, Queen of France (François Clouet - Louvre INV 3254) (6)
  1354. Category:Elisabeth of France, Duchess of Parma (Adélaïde Labille-Guiard - Versailles) (6)
  1355. Category:Empress Eugénie as Marie Antoinette (Franz Xaver Winterhalter - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (6)
  1356. Category:Endymion Porter (William Dobson - Tate Britain) (6)
  1357. Category:Entombment of Christ by Titian (Louvre) (6)
  1358. Category:Equestrian portrait of Carl Gustaf Wrangel (David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl - Skokloster Castle) (6)
  1359. Category:Equestrian portrait of Charles V (Anthony van Dyck - Uffizi Gallery) (6)
  1360. Category:Eros Bending his Bow statue in Oranienbaum Park (6)
  1361. Category:Esther before Ahasuerus (Artemisia Gentileschi) (6)
  1362. Category:Eucharistic tabernacle (Louvre, OA 1300) (6)
  1363. Category:Falcon-E 3057 (6)
  1364. Category:Family Portrait (Anthony van Dyck - Hermitage Museum) (6)
  1365. Category:Ferdinand-Philippe d'Orleans by Ingres - RF 2005-13 (6)
  1366. Category:Fishing - Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 209 (6)
  1367. Category:Flint Dagger from Denmark - MHNT PRE.2009.0.188.1 (6)
  1368. Category:Fontaine de Claude (Lyon) (6)
  1369. Category:Footrest (Louvre MAO 769) (6)
  1370. Category:Francisco Bayeu (Goya - Museo del Prado) (6)
  1371. Category:Franz Liszt (Henri Lehmann - Musée Carnavalet) (6)
  1372. Category:Frederic Bazille painting The Heron (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Musée Fabre) (6)
  1373. Category:Galvanometer-MHS 68 (6)
  1374. Category:General Antonio Ricardos (Goya - Museo del Prado) (6)
  1375. Category:George Berkeley by John Smibert (6)
  1376. Category:Gerard de Lairesse by Rembrandt (6)
  1377. Category:Gipsy Madonna (Titian) (6)
  1378. Category:Grave of Alphonse Bertillon (6)
  1379. Category:Gunner sabre of the Royal Corps of the Navy-MnM 2007.49.1 (6)
  1380. Category:Gustave Geffroy (Paul Cézanne - Musée d'Orsay) (6)
  1381. Category:Head of a princess-372 (6)
  1382. Category:Head of civil servant-512 (6)
  1383. Category:Heinrich Lubomirski as the Genius of Fame (Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (6)
  1384. Category:Hendrickje Stoffels - Rembrandt - Louvre INV 1751 (6)
  1385. Category:Henry IV as Hercules Slaying the Lernaean Hydra - circle of Toussaint Dubreuil - Louvre RF 1997-13 (6)
  1386. Category:Henry Lee Higginson by John Singer Sargent (6)
  1387. Category:Henry Pelham (attributed to Eccardt) (6)
  1388. Category:Henry VIII after Hans Holbein (II) (1536-7, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool) (6)
  1389. Category:Historical images of the Sistine Madonna (6)
  1390. Category:Holy Family with Saint John by Jacob Jordaens (National Museum in Warsaw) (6)
  1391. Category:Holy Trinity Icon (Andrej Rublëv) in art (6)
  1392. Category:Horn with votive inscriptions-Sb 102 (6)
  1393. Category:Horus horseman-E 4850 (6)
  1394. Category:Hunting - Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 210 (6)
  1395. Category:Hylas Surprised by the Naiades by John Gibson (6)
  1396. Category:Hébé endormie by Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (musée d'Orsay, RF 163) (6)
  1397. Category:I havedøren. Kunstnerens hustru (6)
  1398. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11488 (6)
  1399. Category:Izabela Czartoryska (Alexander Roslin - National Museum in Kraków) (6)
  1400. Category:J.-A. Watteau, The Halt during the Chase (6)
  1401. Category:Jali (Louvre MAO 2041-2042) (6)
  1402. Category:Jean-Paul Marat by Joseph Boze (Carnavalet P 28) (6)
  1403. Category:Jesus among the Doctors by Paolo Veronese (6)
  1404. Category:John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I (Henry Gillard Glindoni) (6)
  1405. Category:John Frederick Lewis - The street and mosque al Ghouri in Cairo - Louvre museum - DL 2011-3 (6)
  1406. Category:Juan Mateos (Velázquez - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) (6)
  1407. Category:Julie Manet with Cat (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Musée d'Orsay) (6)
  1408. Category:Jupiter and Mercury at Philemon and Baucis (Elsheimer) (6)
  1409. Category:Jupiter in the Guise of Diana, and the Nymph Callisto (Boucher) (6)
  1410. Category:King George IV (Thomas Lawrence - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 123) (6)
  1411. Category:Kropatschek rifle-MnM 31 AR 17 (6)
  1412. Category:Kwakwakawaka sculpture-71.1975.123.1 (6)
  1413. Category:L'Union du dessin et de la couleur, Reni (Louvre INV 534) (6)
  1414. Category:L'église de Marissel, près Beauvais (R1370) by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (6)
  1415. Category:L'été ou Ruth et Booz - Poussin - Louvre INV 7304 (6)
  1416. Category:La Mort de Sardanapale (studies) (6)
  1417. Category:La Place Vendôme et la rue de Castiglione avec les ruines de l'église des Feuillants by Étienne Bouhot (Carnavalet P 1285) (6)
  1418. Category:La toilette (François Boucher - Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum) (6)
  1419. Category:La vallée de la Creuse, soleil couchant (6)
  1420. Category:La vision de sainte Françoise Romaine - Poussin - Louvre RF 1999.1 (6)
  1421. Category:Lake Lucerne by Albert Bierstadt (6)
  1422. Category:Large Totem Head - Henry Moore (LH 577, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts) (6)
  1423. Category:Le Serment des Horaces - schemes (6)
  1424. Category:Liberty Leading the People on the Bethlehem barrier (6)
  1425. Category:Liegender Hund im Schnee (6)
  1426. Category:Louis Philippe I in the uniform of the General Officer (Franz-Xaver Winterhalter - Versailles MV 8563) (6)
  1427. Category:Louis Philippe I in the uniform of the General Officer (Winterhalter) (6)
  1428. Category:Louis XIII of France (Frans Pourbus - Cleveland Museum of Art) (6)
  1429. Category:Louvre RF 1609 A (6)
  1430. Category:MHNT ETH.AC.NC.194 (necklace) (6)
  1431. Category:Madame Bergeret (François Boucher - National Gallery of Art) (6)
  1432. Category:Madame Bonaparte at Malmaison (Gérard) (6)
  1433. Category:Madame Paul Duchesne-Fournet (Jean-Jacques Henner - LACMA) (6)
  1434. Category:Madame de Pompadour (François Boucher - National Gallery of Scotland) (6)
  1435. Category:Madame de Pompadour at her Tambour Frame (François-Hubert Drouais - National Gallery, London) (6)
  1436. Category:Madame de Staël as Corinne (Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva) (6)
  1437. Category:Madonna Litta by Bernardino dei Conti (6)
  1438. Category:Madonna and Child - Domenico Ghirlandaio - Louvre RF 1266 (6)
  1439. Category:Madonna and Child with Angels (Sassetta, Louvre) (6)
  1440. Category:Madonna and Child with Saint Anna and Four Saints - Jacopo Pontormo - Louvre INV 232 (6)
  1441. Category:Madonna and child with St Peter and St. Sebastian by Giovanni Bellini - Louvre (MI 231) (6)
  1442. Category:Madonna con Bambino tra le sante Caterina e Maria Maddalena - Giovanni Bellini - Cat 613 close-up (6)
  1443. Category:Madonna of the Cherries (Titian - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (6)
  1444. Category:Madonna with Two Donors - Anthony van Dyck - Louvre INV 1231 (6)
  1445. Category:Madonna with child blessing by Giovanni Bellini (6)
  1446. Category:Magdalen with two flames by Georges de La Tour (6)
  1447. Category:Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (Winterhalter) (6)
  1448. Category:Maria de' Medici, by Frans Pourbus (II) (Louvre) (6)
  1449. Category:Marie de Medici, Queen of France (Rubens - Prado Museum) (6)
  1450. Category:Marquess of Rockingham (after Reynolds) (6)
  1451. Category:Mars by Velazquez (Prado) (6)
  1452. Category:Mehmed II on medals by Gentile Bellini (6)
  1453. Category:Mermaids by Leonel de Moura (6)
  1454. Category:Microtome-MHS 428 (6)
  1455. Category:Minerva's Visit to the Muses (6)
  1456. Category:Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (Thomas Gainsborough - National Gallery of Art) (6)
  1457. Category:Musei Capitolini - MC 0735 (6)
  1458. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 279 (Young Marcus Aurelius) (6)
  1459. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26091 (6)
  1460. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26140 (6)
  1461. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26420 (6)
  1462. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 20a - Oceanus (6)
  1463. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 34 i (6)
  1464. Category:Musée du Louvre, Ma 1178 (6)
  1465. Category:Nativity (Fra Diamante, Louvre) (6)
  1466. Category:Nativity and Adoration of the Magi - Giovanni di Francesco - Louvre MI 523 (6)
  1467. Category:Neolithic necklace from Aveyron, Fance - MHNT PRE.2009.0.237.1 (6)
  1468. Category:Nkisi nkondi-71.1892.70.4 (6)
  1469. Category:Northern Italian School - Woman at a Window (6)
  1470. Category:Nymph and Fauns (Julius Kronberg - Nationalmuseum) (6)
  1471. Category:Officer musket-MnM 2007.59.1 (6)
  1472. Category:Oriental Kiss (Motti Mizrachi) (6)
  1473. Category:Painting studies for the Vow of Louis XIII (Ingres - Montauban Cathedral) (6)
  1474. Category:Paradise - Tintoretto - Louvre INV 570 (6)
  1475. Category:Piombino kouros (6)
  1476. Category:Planispherical astrolabe-MnM 11 NA 1 (6)
  1477. Category:Polyhymnia, Muse of Eloquence (Charles Meynier - Cleveland Museum of Art) (6)
  1478. Category:Pope Clement VII by Sebastiano del Piombo (Getty Center) (6)
  1479. Category:Pope Gregory XV (Guercino - Getty Center) (6)
  1480. Category:Portrait of Agatha Bas by Rembrandt (6)
  1481. Category:Portrait of Bianca Cappello (Workshop of Alessandro Allori - Uffizi) (6)
  1482. Category:Portrait of Cosimo I de' Medici in armour by Agnolo Bronzino (Uffizi) (6)
  1483. Category:Portrait of Dom Pedro, Duke of Bragança (after John Simpson - Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo) (6)
  1484. Category:Portrait of Elizabeth of Austria (National Museum in Kraków) (6)
  1485. Category:Portrait of François I as St John the Baptist - Jean Clouet - RF 2005-12 (6)
  1486. Category:Portrait of Marcantonio Trevisan, Doge of Venice, by Titian (6)
  1487. Category:Portrait of Marie Louise Gonzaga by Justus van Egmont (Royal Castle in Warsaw) (6)
  1488. Category:Portrait of Père Tanguy (F363) (6)
  1489. Category:Portrait of Queen Eleanor Maria of Austria (Wilanów Palace) (6)
  1490. Category:Portrait of Richelieu by Philippe de Champaigne (Strasbourg version) (6)
  1491. Category:Portrait of Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck and his Family (Pierre-Paul Prud'hon - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (6)
  1492. Category:Portrait of Thomas Godsalve and his Son John (Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) (6)
  1493. Category:Portrait of a Gentleman, Possibly Baudoin of Burgundy (Jan Gossaert - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (6)
  1494. Category:Portrait of a Lady (Workshop of Rogier van der Weyden - National Gallery) (6)
  1495. Category:Portrait of a Man - Giovanni Bellini - Louvre RF 1344 (6)
  1496. Category:Portrait of a Man on Horseback (Rembrandt) (6)
  1497. Category:Portrait of a Woman (Frans Hals - Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent) (6)
  1498. Category:Portrait of a Woman, Probably Margherita Paleologo (Giulio Romano) (6)
  1499. Category:Portrait of a Young Man (Giorgione - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest) (6)
  1500. Category:Portrait of a Young Man Holding a Glove (Frans Hals - Hermitage Museum) (6)
  1501. Category:Portrait of a Young Man by Parmigianino (Louvre INV 613) (6)
  1502. Category:Portrait of a Young Woman by David Ghirlandaio (6)
  1503. Category:Portrait of a Young Woman, probably Simonetta Vespucci (Botticelli) - Details (6)
  1504. Category:Portrait of a young Man (Giorgione - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (6)
  1505. Category:Portrait of an Elderly Lady (Frans Hals - National Gallery of Art) (6)
  1506. Category:Portrait of an Old Man (Luca Signorelli - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (6)
  1507. Category:Portrait of an Old Man in Red by Rembrandt (6)
  1508. Category:Portrait of the Infante Don Carlos (Velazquez) (6)
  1509. Category:Portrait of the Marquise d'Orvilliers by Jacques-Louis David (6)
  1510. Category:Portrait of the Marsham Children by Thomas Gainsborough (6)
  1511. Category:Presentation - Pietro Longhi - Louvre MNR 562 (6)
  1512. Category:Prince Augustus of Prussia (Franz Krüger - Alte Nationalgalerie) (6)
  1513. Category:Queen Charlotte with her Two Eldest Sons (Allan Ramsay - Buckingham Palace) (6)
  1514. Category:Queen Charlotte with her Two Eldest Sons (Johann Zoffany - Royal Collection) (6)
  1515. Category:Queen Victoria in Coronation Robes (Franz Xaver Winterhalter - Royal Collection) (6)
  1516. Category:Representant en mission sabre-2004.11.1 (6)
  1517. Category:Rousse, La Toilette (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec) (6)
  1518. Category:Saint Justina with the Unicorn and a Donor (Il Moretto) (6)
  1519. Category:Saint Matthew and the angel by Rembrandt (6)
  1520. Category:Saint Sebastian by Mantegna (Louvre) (6)
  1521. Category:Satyre et bacchante by James Pradier (6)
  1522. Category:Scale model of Artésien-MnM 13 MG 3 (6)
  1523. Category:Sculpture of Neapolitan fisherboy by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, Washington (6)
  1524. Category:Seated man holding a nenufar-N 1581 (6)
  1525. Category:Self-Portrait (Anthony van Dyck - Hermitage Museum) (6)
  1526. Category:Self-Portrait - Jean-Baptiste Greuze - Louvre INV 5034 (6)
  1527. Category:Self-Portrait - Théodore Chassériau - Louvre RF 3788 (6)
  1528. Category:Self-Portrait in a Casquette (Paul Cézanne - Hermitage Museum) (6)
  1529. Category:Self-portrait (Anselm Feuerbach, 1873 - Alte Nationalgalerie) (6)
  1530. Category:Self-portrait with Dr. Arrieta (Goya) (6)
  1531. Category:Sir Thomas Gresham (Anthonis Mor - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (6)
  1532. Category:Sir Walter Scott (Henry Raeburn - Scottish National Gallery) (6)
  1533. Category:Sistine Madonna on stamps (6)
  1534. Category:Six ex-voto - Jupiter et Mercure héliopolitains - Louvre AO29890-29891 AO29894-29896 AO29899 (6)
  1535. Category:St. George and the Dragon, by Vitale da Bologna (6)
  1536. Category:St. George and the Dragon, by Vitale da Bologna - Details (6)
  1537. Category:St. Louis of Toulouse (Antonio Vivarini) (6)
  1538. Category:St. Thomas by Georges de La Tour (6)
  1539. Category:Stanislaus Augustus with an hourglass by Marcello Bacciarelli (National Museum in Warsaw) (6)
  1540. Category:Statue of Demeter, British Museum 1859,1226.26 (6)
  1541. Category:Statue of the Dying Gaul in Putbus (6)
  1542. Category:Sword of a galley soldier-MnM 33 AR 226 (6)
  1543. Category:Tafelrunde by Adolph von Menzel, oil on canvas, lost in World War II (6)
  1544. Category:Terpsichore, Muse of Dance (Nattier) (6)
  1545. Category:The Adoration of the Magi (Jacopo da Ponte, Kunsthistorisches Museum) (6)
  1546. Category:The Apotheosis of War by Vasily Vereshchagin (6)
  1547. Category:The Artist's Wife: Margaret Lindsay of Evelick (Allan Ramsay - Scottish National Gallery) (6)
  1548. Category:The Attentive Nurse (Chardin) (6)
  1549. Category:The Barges by Daubigny (Louvre RF1362) (6)
  1550. Category:The Bath by Alfred Stevens (6)
  1551. Category:The Bath of Venus (Boucher, National Gallery of Art) (6)
  1552. Category:The Blessed Ranieri Frees the Poors from a Jail in Florence (Sassetta, Louvre) (6)
  1553. Category:The Count of Artois and his sister Clotilde - François-Hubert Drouais - Louvre INV 4114 (6)
  1554. Category:The Crucifixion (Doña María de Aragón reredos) (6)
  1555. Category:The Death of Actaeon by Titian (6)
  1556. Category:The Descent from the Cross, Regnault (Louvre INV7381) (6)
  1557. Category:The Education of Marie de' Medici - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1771 (6)
  1558. Category:The Exploit of a Kievan Boy (Andrey Ivanovich Ivanov - Russian Museum) (6)
  1559. Category:The Fall of the Rebel Angels (Luca Giordano) (6)
  1560. Category:The Infant Jesus Distributing Bread to Pilgrims (Murillo) (6)
  1561. Category:The Lady with a Fan, The Artist's Wife (Alexander Roslin - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (6)
  1562. Category:The Love Letter by Jean-Honoré Fragonard (6)
  1563. Category:The Lute Player (Orazio Gentileschi - National Gallery of Art) (6)
  1564. Category:The Marchioness of Villafranca Painting her Husband (Goya - Museo del Prado) (6)
  1565. Category:The Marquis de La Fayette as a Lieutenant General (Joseph-Désiré Court) (6)
  1566. Category:The Meeting - Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet (Gustave Courbet - Musée Fabre) (6)
  1567. Category:The Molo, Seen from the Bacino di San Marco - Canaletto - Louvre RF 1949-7 (6)
  1568. Category:The Muses Urania and Calliope (Simon Vouet and Studio - National Gallery of Art) (6)
  1569. Category:The Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Luca Signorelli, Louvre) (6)
  1570. Category:The Prayer before Meal (Chardin) (6)
  1571. Category:The Raising of Lazarus - Guercino - Louvre INV 77 (6)
  1572. Category:The Rape of Proserpina - Niccolò dell' Abbate - Louvre RF 3772 (6)
  1573. Category:The Seven Joys of the Virgin by Hans Memling (6)
  1574. Category:The Shrimp Girl (Hogarth) (6)
  1575. Category:The Tailor (Giovanni Battista Moroni - National Gallery, London) (6)
  1576. Category:The Third-Class Carriage (29.100.129) (6)
  1577. Category:The Three Graces (Hans Baldung) (6)
  1578. Category:The Three Graces by Jean-Baptiste Regnault (Louvre MI 1101) (6)
  1579. Category:The Trojan Women setting Fire to their Fleet (Claude Lorrain, Metropolitan Museum of Art) (6)
  1580. Category:The Virgin of the Rosary (Murillo, Prado) (6)
  1581. Category:The Wounded Man, Portrait of the Artist (Gustave Courbet - Musée d'Orsay) (6)
  1582. Category:The poet Heinrich Heine (Moritz Daniel Oppenheim - Hamburger Kunsthalle) (6)
  1583. Category:Three Scenes from the Story of Esther (Sandro Botticelli, Louvre) (6)
  1584. Category:Tile set of Elisa Bonaparte with her daughter Napoleona Baciocchi (6)
  1585. Category:Tile set of George Washington (6)
  1586. Category:Tile set of The Fall of the Rebel Angels (6)
  1587. Category:Timoclée et Alexandre, Domenichino (Louvre INV 796) (6)
  1588. Category:Tukah royal mask-73.1992.0.13 (6)
  1589. Category:Ultima Cena by Cesare da Sesto (6)
  1590. Category:Unfinished statue of Khnum-AF 10037 (6)
  1591. Category:Unique Forms of Continuity in Space by Umberto Boccioni (Metropolitan Museum of Art) (6)
  1592. Category:Urne cinéraire (Louvre Cp 3808, S 3886) (6)
  1593. Category:Venus and Vulcan - Giulio Romano - Louvre INV 424 (6)
  1594. Category:Vesuvius receiving from Jupiter the fire which will consume Herculanum, Pompei and Stabies (6)
  1595. Category:Victoire of France (Jean-Marc Nattier - Versailles) (6)
  1596. Category:Virgin Annunciate (Antonello da Messina, Munich) (6)
  1597. Category:Visitation by Domenico Ghirlandaio (6)
  1598. Category:Vulcan and Aeolus by Piero di Cosimo (6)
  1599. Category:Willem van Heythuysen (Frans Hals - Alte Pinakothek) (6)
  1600. Category:William Fraser of Reelig (6)
  1601. Category:William III of the Netherlands (Nicolaas Pieneman - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (6)
  1602. Category:Woman Grasping Fruits - Abraham Brueghel - Louvre RF 1949-4 (6)
  1603. Category:Woman with scaled coat-Sb 5793 (6)
  1604. Category:Young Man with Arrow by Giorgione (6)
  1605. Category:Young Woman with Ibis (Edgar Degas - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (6)
  1606. Category:A Nun, traditionally identified as Suor Maria Celeste, daughter of Galileo Galilei (5)
  1607. Category:A Nymph Dancing to a Shepherd's Flute-Playing (Adriaen van der Werff - Rijksmuseum) (5)
  1608. Category:A Parisian Lady (Édouard Manet - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (5)
  1609. Category:A Roman Slave Market (Gérôme) (5)
  1610. Category:Adoration of the Magi - Luca Signorelli - MI 540 (5)
  1611. Category:Adoration of the Magi by Botticelli (London NG1033) (5)
  1612. Category:Adorazione dei Magi by Gentile da Fabriano - Lunettes (5)
  1613. Category:After the Bath by Anders Zorn (5)
  1614. Category:Alexis de Tocqueville (Théodore Chassériau - Versailles) (5)
  1615. Category:Allegory of the Vice (Correggio) (5)
  1616. Category:Ambroise Vollard (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Courtauld Institute of Art) (5)
  1617. Category:Amphore à décor estampé (Louvre C7) (5)
  1618. Category:Andromeda Chained to the Rock by the Nereids - Chassériau (Louvre RF 1986-63) (5)
  1619. Category:Anna of Russia by Caravaque (1730, Tretyakov gallery) (5)
  1620. Category:Anne of Denmark (John de Critz - National Maritime Museum) (5)
  1621. Category:Annunciation - Guido Reni - Louvre INV 521 (5)
  1622. Category:Antonio de Covarrubias y Leiva (El Greco - Louvre RF 1941-32) (5)
  1623. Category:Aphrodite Dresden-Capitoline inv 6291 (Naples) (5)
  1624. Category:Apollo citaredo inv 6262 – MANN (Naples) (5)
  1625. Category:Apollo pursuing Daphne (Theodoor van Thulden - Museo del Prado) (5)
  1626. Category:Apollon ou les Beaux-Arts, Mouchy (Louvre RF3008) (5)
  1627. Category:Archangel Raphael and Tobias by Neri di Bicci (1975.1.71) (5)
  1628. Category:Arno Valley landscape by Leonardo (5)
  1629. Category:Arrangement in Grey and Black: Portrait of the Artist's Mother by Thomas Robert Way (5)
  1630. Category:Artemis (Louvre MNB 356) (5)
  1631. Category:Astrolabe-MHS 1711 (5)
  1632. Category:Attributes of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Vallayer-Coster) (5)
  1633. Category:Autoportrait (Jean Fouquet, Diptyque de Melun) (5)
  1634. Category:Axe preform from Denmark - MHNT PRE.2009.0.223.1 (5)
  1635. Category:Bacchanal of the Andrians by Titian in the Museo del Prado (5)
  1636. Category:Bacchus, Ceres and Amor (Hans von Aachen - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (5)
  1637. Category:Baptism of Christ by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (5)
  1638. Category:Baron Grenville (Hoppner, NPG 318) (5)
  1639. Category:Bathsheba at Her Toilet (Peter Paul Rubens) (5)
  1640. Category:Beer brewer-E 25212 (5)
  1641. Category:Benjamin Franklin (after Joseph Duplessis - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 327) (5)
  1642. Category:Bia de' Medici (Agnolo Bronzino - Uffizi Gallery) (5)
  1643. Category:Bishop Bernardo de' Rossi by Lorenzo Lotto (5)
  1644. Category:Bladelin Triptych - Nativity (5)
  1645. Category:Bomber sabre of the Royal Corps of the Navy-MnM 2001.18.1 (5)
  1646. Category:Boy playing jonchets by Julien-Charles Dubois (5)
  1647. Category:Brother Gregorio Belo of Vicenza (Lorenzo Lotto - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (5)
  1648. Category:Buccaneer musket-MnM 2006.4.1 (5)
  1649. Category:Bull head (Louvre AO 21113) (5)
  1650. Category:Burin from Brassempouy, France - MHNT - PRE.2009.0.213.3 (5)
  1651. Category:Burin from Brassempouy, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.213.5 (5)
  1652. Category:Calvary with St. Job at the Foot of the Cross - Francesco Francia - Louvre MI 679 (5)
  1653. Category:Canthare à une anse 353 (353) (5)
  1654. Category:Capitoline Brutus (Rome) - Cast in Pushkin Museum (5)
  1655. Category:Captain George K. H. Coussmaker (Joshua Reynolds - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (5)
  1656. Category:Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (Raffaello) (5)
  1657. Category:Cardinal Granvelle's Dwarf with a Dog (Anthonis Mor - Louvre INV 1583) (5)
  1658. Category:Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio (Anthony van Dyck - Galleria Palatina, Florence) (5)
  1659. Category:Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici and Monsignor Mario Bracci (5)
  1660. Category:Cardplayers in a Sunlit Room (5)
  1661. Category:Carthaginian mask AO 3242 (5)
  1662. Category:Cat mummy-E 2815 (5)
  1663. Category:Cat mummy-E 2818 (5)
  1664. Category:Catherine Opalińska, Queen of Poland (Jean-Baptiste van Loo - Versailles) (5)
  1665. Category:Catherine of Austria, Queen of Portugal (Anthonis Mor - Museo del Prado) (5)
  1666. Category:Cautes Louvre AO22262 (5)
  1667. Category:Cautopates Louvre AO22260 (5)
  1668. Category:Charles François Paul Le Normant de Tournehem (Louis Tocqué - Versailles) (5)
  1669. Category:Christ among the Doctors - Giovanni Serodine - Louvre RF 1983-4 (5)
  1670. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library Em 0010 Recueil Pascal (5)
  1671. Category:Clio (Pierre Mignard - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest) (5)
  1672. Category:Coffre de voyage dit de Nuremberg (5)
  1673. Category:Column, Screw and Ducks (Motti Mizrachi) (5)
  1674. Category:Cook Madonna by Carlo Crivelli (5)
  1675. Category:Copies of Adoration by the shepherds (Correggio) (5)
  1676. Category:Countess Ekaterina Vassilievna Skavronskaia (Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Musée Jacquemart André) (5)
  1677. Category:Couvercle de sarcophage (Louvre S 4473) (5)
  1678. Category:Crowning with Thorns - Titian - Louvre INV 748 (5)
  1679. Category:Cup decorated with crane Sb 6728 (5)
  1680. Category:Dagger-AO 20872 (5)
  1681. Category:Dancers Practicing at the Bar by Edgar Degas (5)
  1682. Category:David Garrick as Richard III (William Hogarth - Walker Art Gallery) (5)
  1683. Category:David by Antonin Mercié (musée d'Orsay, RF 186) (5)
  1684. Category:Deborah Hall (William Williams - Brooklyn Museum) (5)
  1685. Category:Democritus - Antoine Coypel (Louvre MI 1048) (5)
  1686. Category:Democritus by Velazquez (5)
  1687. Category:Descent from the Cross - Pietro da Rimini - RF 2287 (5)
  1688. Category:Details of Eleanor of Toledo with her son Giovanni de' Medici by Agnolo Bronzino (5)
  1689. Category:Details of The Seven Joys of the Virgin by Hans Memling (5)
  1690. Category:Dionysos and Eros – inv 6307 – MANN (Naples) (5)
  1691. Category:Doge Francesco Venier (Titian - Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum) (5)
  1692. Category:Doleful Premonition by Gerolamo Induno (Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan) (5)
  1693. Category:Don García de' Medici (Agnolo Bronzino - Museo del Prado) (5)
  1694. Category:Doppelbildnis Marées und Lenbach (1863) (5)
  1695. Category:Double Tomb of Don Àlvar Rodrigo de Cabrera, Count of Urgell and His Wife Cecília of Foix (5)
  1696. Category:Dying Gaul (casting in Pushkin museum) (5)
  1697. Category:Désirée Clary (François Gérard - Musée Marmottan Monet) (5)
  1698. Category:Earl of Liverpool (Lawrence) (5)
  1699. Category:Easter island Rei Miro sculpture-71.1887.31.75 (5)
  1700. Category:El cacharrero (5)
  1701. Category:Eleanor of Toledo with a son, possibly Giovanni de' Medici by Agnolo Bronzino (Detroit Institute of Arts) (5)
  1702. Category:Electric engine-MHS 1616 (5)
  1703. Category:Ellen Peabody Endicott, Mrs. William Crowninshield Endicott (John Singer Sargent - National Gallery of Art) (5)
  1704. Category:Epiphany, Le gâteau des rois (Greuze) (5)
  1705. Category:Equestrian Portrait of Charles I (Anthony van Dyck - National Gallery, London) (5)
  1706. Category:Euterpe inv 6398 (Farnese Collection) (5)
  1707. Category:Eva Prima Pandora (Louvre, RF 2373) (5)
  1708. Category:Fall of man by Michiel Coxie (5)
  1709. Category:Farmyard with a Beggar - Cornelis van Dalem - Louvre RF 2217 (5)
  1710. Category:Ferdinand I, duke of Parma (Johann Zoffany) (5)
  1711. Category:Fortress 12-pounder 144831.1 (5)
  1712. Category:Four Dancers by Edgar Degas (5)
  1713. Category:Fourche à garance - palais du Roure (5)
  1714. Category:Fra' Luca Pacioli and an unknown Young Man by Jacopo de' Barbari (5)
  1715. Category:Fragment of victory stele of a king of Akkad-Sb 3 (5)
  1716. Category:Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Second Earl of Moira and First Marquess of Hastings (Joshua Reynolds - Royal Collection) (5)
  1717. Category:Frederik V in Anointment Robes (Carl Gustaf Pilo - Statens Museum for Kunst) (5)
  1718. Category:Funerary post-71.1901.6.12 (5)
  1719. Category:Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (Goya - Museo del Prado) (5)
  1720. Category:Genie of prosperity and Ramesses-E 32663 (5)
  1721. Category:Georg Stiernhielm (David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl - Nationalmuseum) (5)
  1722. Category:Golden pendant-70.2003.14.1 (5)
  1723. Category:Grover Cleveland by Anders Zorn (5)
  1724. Category:Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden and Fredrika Dorotea of Baden (Jonas Forsslund - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (5)
  1725. Category:Hanging of Bernardo Bandini Baroncelli (5)
  1726. Category:Hercules Slaying the Hydra of Lerna - Guido Reni - Louvre INV 535 (5)
  1727. Category:Hippolyte-Alfred Chauchard (Weigele) (5)
  1728. Category:Horse-MAO S 268 (5)
  1729. Category:Il bacio (1861) by Francesco Hayez (5)
  1730. Category:Infanta Margarita Teresa by Velazquez (Louvre, 1653) (5)
  1731. Category:Ino, Parc de Versailles, Bosquet des Dômes (5)
  1732. Category:Inverted compound microscope-MHS 461 (5)
  1733. Category:Isabella of Portugal (workshop of Rogier van der Weyden, Getty Center) (5)
  1734. Category:Isabella of Portugal by Titian (Prado Museum) (5)
  1735. Category:Isis-Thermouthis - Louvre AE - E20750 - E20749 - E29783 (5)
  1736. Category:Jean Renoir as a Hunter (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - LACMA) (5)
  1737. Category:John Adams (Gilbert Stuart - National Gallery of Art) (5)
  1738. Category:John Quincy Adams by George Caleb Bingham (5)
  1739. Category:Josefina (5)
  1740. Category:Joseph and Potiphar's Wife (Master of the Joseph Sequence) (5)
  1741. Category:José Álvarez de Toledo, marqués de Villafranca y duque de Alba (Goya, Prado) (5)
  1742. Category:Juan Martínez Montañés, by Diego Velázquez (Museo del Prado) (5)
  1743. Category:Jupiter and Callisto (François Boucher - Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts) (5)
  1744. Category:King Henry V (National Portrait Gallery, NPG 545) (5)
  1745. Category:L'Enfant à la cage, Pigalle (Louvre RF654) (5)
  1746. Category:La Bella (Palma il Vecchio) (5)
  1747. Category:La Liberté guidant le peuple (RF 129) by Eugène Delacroix on stamps (5)
  1748. Category:La Mort Saint-Innocent (Louvre RF 2625) (5)
  1749. Category:La Reine Marie-Amélie visitant les blessés des journées de Juillet à l'ambulance de la Bourse, le 25 août 1830 by Nicolas Gosse (Carnavalet P 127) (5)
  1750. Category:La costurera (Velazquez) (5)
  1751. Category:La rêverie by Pierre Travaux (5)
  1752. Category:Lady Agnew of Lochnaw (John Singer Sargent - Scottish National Gallery) (5)
  1753. Category:Landscape with Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun (Nicolas Poussin) (5)
  1754. Category:Laocoonte by Francesco Hayez (5)
  1755. Category:Le prophète Agabus by Marc Arcis (5)
  1756. Category:Leo X by Andrea del Sarto (5)
  1757. Category:Les Funérailles de l'Amour (Louvre RF 1954-4) (5)
  1758. Category:Lithic Core from Le Grand-Pressigny, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.191.1 (5)
  1759. Category:Lithic core from Brassempouy, France - MHNT.PRE.2009.0.213.1 (5)
  1760. Category:Lord North (Dance) (5)
  1761. Category:Louis XIII, King of France (Philippe de Champaigne - Museo del Prado) (5)
  1762. Category:Louvre AO 20132 (5)
  1763. Category:Louvre E 634 (5)
  1764. Category:Louvre E 643 (5)
  1765. Category:Louvre G 142 (5)
  1766. Category:Louvre G 467 (5)
  1767. Category:Ludwig van Beethoven (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (5)
  1768. Category:Madame Countess Adèle de Toulouse-Lautrec in the Garden of Malromé (5)
  1769. Category:Madame Cézanne in a Red Dress (Paul Cézanne - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (5)
  1770. Category:Madame Georges Bizet by Jules-Élie Delaunay (5)
  1771. Category:Madame Lerolle (Henri Fantin-Latour - Cleveland Museum of Art) (5)
  1772. Category:Madame Marcotte de Sainte-Marie - Ingres - Louvre RF 2398 (5)
  1773. Category:Madame Seriziat and Her Son - Jacques-Louis David - Louvre RF 1282 (5)
  1774. Category:Madame de Pastoret and Her Son (Jacques-Louis David - Art Institute of Chicago) (5)
  1775. Category:Madame de la Popelinière by Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne the Younger-Ra 917 (5)
  1776. Category:Madame la Maréchale Lannes, Duchesse de Montebello, with Her Children (Gérard) (5)
  1777. Category:Madonna Colonna - Details (5)
  1778. Category:Madonna Stroganoff (Agnolo Bronzino - Pushkin Museum) (5)
  1779. Category:Madonna and Child (Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Louvre) (5)
  1780. Category:Madonna and Child - Barnaba da Modena - Louvre RF 1968-4 (5)
  1781. Category:Madonna and Child - Quinten Massijs (I) - Louvre RF 1475 (5)
  1782. Category:Madonna and Child - Ugolino di Nerio - Louvre RF 1986-56 (5)
  1783. Category:Madonna and Child with Angels - Marco Zoppo - Louvre RF 1980-1 (5)
  1784. Category:Madonna and Child with Saint Elisabeth and the Infant Saint John - Andrea del Sarto - Louvre INV 714 (5)
  1785. Category:Madonna and Child with Saints - Hans Memling - Louvre RF 309 (5)
  1786. Category:Madonna and Child with St. Benedict, St. Quentin and Two Angels - Francesco Marmitta - Louvre INV 116 (5)
  1787. Category:Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Mary Magdalene - Cima da Conegliano - Louvre INV 253 (5)
  1788. Category:Madonna and Child with St. Stephen, St. Jerome and St. Mauritius - Titian - Louvre INV 742 (5)
  1789. Category:Madonna and Child with a Dove - Piero di Cosimo - Louvre INV 817 (5)
  1790. Category:Madonna di San Zaccaria (5)
  1791. Category:Magdalena Bay - François-Auguste Biard - INV 2578 (5)
  1792. Category:Man with a Glove by Titian (Louvre) (5)
  1793. Category:Mantes carpet (Louvre OA 6610) (5)
  1794. Category:Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria (Rubens - National Gallery of Art) (5)
  1795. Category:Marguerite de Sève by Nicolas de Largillière (5)
  1796. Category:Maria Amalia of Saxony, Queen of Spain (Louis de Silvestre - Museo del Prado) (5)
  1797. Category:Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies, Queen of the French (Winterhalter, 1842) (5)
  1798. Category:Maria Theresa of Savoy (Lié Louis Périn-Salbreux - Musée Cognacq-Jay) (5)
  1799. Category:Marie Thérèse of Austria in Royal Costume (Charles and Henri Beaubrun - Versailles) (5)
  1800. Category:Marie de Flavigny, comtesse d'Agoult (Henri Lehmann - Musée Carnavalet) (5)
  1801. Category:Marie-Yolande de Fitz-James (Henri Fantin-Latour - Cleveland Museum of Art) (5)
  1802. Category:Marinus Willett (Ralph Earl - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (5)
  1803. Category:Martyrdom of St Processo and St Martiniano, by Valentin de Boulogne (Pinacoteca Vaticana) (5)
  1804. Category:Mary Shelley (Richard Rothwell - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 1235) (5)
  1805. Category:Maya anthropomorphic whistle-71.1878.1.120 Am (5)
  1806. Category:Meeting of Francis I and Pope Clement VII in Marseilles on 13 October 1533 (5)
  1807. Category:Melpomene, Erato and Polyhymnia - Eustache Le Sueur - Louvre INV 8058 (5)
  1808. Category:Mentuhotep-A 123 (5)
  1809. Category:Mentuhotep-A 124 (5)
  1810. Category:Microscope-MHS 1837 (5)
  1811. Category:Microscope-MHS 439 (5)
  1812. Category:Minerva as personification of wisdom (Goltzius) (5)
  1813. Category:Mise au tombeau - Louvre MI 770 (5)
  1814. Category:Mithras carrying the bull Louvre AO22257 (5)
  1815. Category:Mona Lisa sketch by Raffaello Sanzio (5)
  1816. Category:Monsieur Fourcade (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - São Paulo Museum of Art) (5)
  1817. Category:Monument to Alexander Pushkin in Arkhangelskoe (5)
  1818. Category:Mothers' Memorial (Ashland, Pennsylvania) (5)
  1819. Category:Mrs. Jens Wolff (Thomas Lawrence - Art Institute of Chicago) (5)
  1820. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 380 (Julia Cornelia Paula) (5)
  1821. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 428 (Annia Faustina) (5)
  1822. Category:Musei Capitolini MC 450 (Young Marcus Aurelius) (5)
  1823. Category:Museum of the Ancient Agora in Athens S2154 (5)
  1824. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2012.1.1 (5)
  1825. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26133 (5)
  1826. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26167 (5)
  1827. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 85 1 1 (5)
  1828. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 91.1.1 (5)
  1829. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 91.1.2 (5)
  1830. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 28 a (5)
  1831. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 333 (5)
  1832. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 386 b (5)
  1833. Category:Musée du Louvre, Ma 1149 (5)
  1834. Category:Musée du Louvre, Ma 1175 (5)
  1835. Category:Napoleon I in Chasseur Colonel Uniform (Robert Lefèvre - Musée Carnavalet) (5)
  1836. Category:Neptune calmant les flots, Adam (Louvre MR1743) (5)
  1837. Category:Ngulu-71.1886.77.2 (5)
  1838. Category:Noli me tangere - Bronzino - Louvre INV 130 (5)
  1839. Category:Os filisteus atacados da peste by Nicolas Poussin, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (5)
  1840. Category:Painted Crucifix (Master of Saint Francis, Louvre) (5)
  1841. Category:Painted crucifix (Giotto workshop, Louvre) (5)
  1842. Category:Paintings by Maurice Quentin de La Tour in the Musée de Picardie (5)
  1843. Category:Pair of four-barrelled pistols-M 1771 (5)
  1844. Category:Pala Casio - Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio - Louvre INV 103 (5)
  1845. Category:Pala Jacopi by Lorenzo di Credi (5)
  1846. Category:Penitent Magdalene (van der Werff, 1711) (5)
  1847. Category:Perpetual calendar-MHS 911 (5)
  1848. Category:Philip IV by Diego Velazquez (National Gallery, London) (5)
  1849. Category:Piccola ercolanese inv 6057 – MANN (Naples) (5)
  1850. Category:Pier Maria Rossi di Sansecondo by Parmigianino (5)
  1851. Category:Pierre Quthe, apothicaire - François Clouet - RF 1719 (5)
  1852. Category:Pippo Spano (Andrea del Castagno - Uffizi Museum) (5)
  1853. Category:Pirogue (Carnavalet CAPVAL III, P2) (5)
  1854. Category:Pomone drapée by Aristide Maillol (Musée d'Orsay) (5)
  1855. Category:Pope Benedict XIV by Giuseppe Maria Crespi (Pinacoteca Vaticana) (5)
  1856. Category:Pope Clement IX by Carlo Maratta (Hermitage) (5)
  1857. Category:Pope Clement IX by Carlo Maratta (Pinacoteca Vaticana) (5)
  1858. Category:Pope Pius VI by Pompeo Batoni (Pinacoteca Vaticana) (5)
  1859. Category:Portable Buddhist Shrine - Walters 61266 (5)
  1860. Category:Portable stele-E 10954 (5)
  1861. Category:Portrait de Madeleine by Marie-Guillemine Benoist (5)
  1862. Category:Portrait of Anna van Egmond (Royal Collections of the Netherlands, SC-0069) (5)
  1863. Category:Portrait of Anne of Austria by Martin Kober (Alte Pinakothek) (5)
  1864. Category:Portrait of Benedetto Varchi by Titian (Kunsthistorisches Museum) (5)
  1865. Category:Portrait of Bonaparte, First Consul, 1803, (François Gérard) (5)
  1866. Category:Portrait of Charles Couperin and the daughter of the painter by Claude Lefèbvre (5)
  1867. Category:Portrait of Charles II d'Amboise - Andrea Solario - Louvre INV 674 (5)
  1868. Category:Portrait of Charles Le Brun (Louvre, INV 5661) (5)
  1869. Category:Portrait of Charles V (Rijksmuseum, SK-A-979) (5)
  1870. Category:Portrait of Francis I by Titian - Louvre (INV 753) (5)
  1871. Category:Portrait of Isabella Coymans (Frans Hals) (5)
  1872. Category:Portrait of John Jennings Esq., his Brother and Sister-in-Law (Alexander Roslin - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (5)
  1873. Category:Portrait of Ladislaus IV Vasa by Peeter Danckers de Rij (Royal Castle in Warsaw) (5)
  1874. Category:Portrait of Lady Arundel with her Train (Rubens) (5)
  1875. Category:Portrait of Lady Warwick and her Son (John Singer Sargent - Worcester Art Museum) (5)
  1876. Category:Portrait of Madame Cézanne (Paul Cézanne - RF 1982 47) (5)
  1877. Category:Portrait of Madame Roland - Musée Lambinet (5)
  1878. Category:Portrait of Maritge Voogt Claesdr (Frans Hals - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (5)
  1879. Category:Portrait of Master Bunbury (Joshua Reynolds - Philadelphia Museum of Art) (5)
  1880. Category:Portrait of Michel de Montaigne by unknown painter in the Musée Condé (5)
  1881. Category:Portrait of Michelangelo - attributed to Baccio Bandinelli - Louvre INV 874 (5)
  1882. Category:Portrait of Miss Dora Wheeler (William Merritt Chase - Cleveland Museum of Art) (5)
  1883. Category:Portrait of Monsieur Brun by Edouard Manet (5)
  1884. Category:Portrait of Pietro Bembo (Titian, National Museum of Capodimonte) (5)
  1885. Category:Portrait of Richelieu by Philippe de Champaigne (National Gallery, London) (5)
  1886. Category:Portrait of Two Young Men - Unknown artist - Louvre INV 101 (5)
  1887. Category:Portrait of a Clad Warrior - Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo - Louvre INV 659 (5)
  1888. Category:Portrait of a Elderly Lady - Hans Memling - Louvre RF 1723 (5)
  1889. Category:Portrait of a Girl, Lavinia Vecellio (Titian - Museum of Capodimonte) (5)
  1890. Category:Portrait of a Halberdier, Francesco Guardi? (Jacopo Pontormo - Getty Center) (5)
  1891. Category:Portrait of a Jeweler - Jacopo Pontormo - Louvre INV 233 (5)
  1892. Category:Portrait of a Man (Raffaello Sanzio - Galleria Borghese) (5)
  1893. Category:Portrait of a Man with a Samson Medal (5)
  1894. Category:Portrait of a Scholar (Archimedes?) - Domenico Fetti - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (5)
  1895. Category:Portrait of a Young Man (Dürer, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 1507) (5)
  1896. Category:Portrait of an African Man (5)
  1897. Category:Portrait of an Infanta by Juan de Flandes (5)
  1898. Category:Portrait paintings of Henry VIII and the Barber Surgeons by Hans Holbein der Jüngere (5)
  1899. Category:Portret van Willem II (1626-1650), prins van Oranje, en zijn echtgenote Maria Stuart (1631-1660) (SK-A-871) (5)
  1900. Category:Prayer by Jean-Louis-Nicolas Jaley (Louvre LP 64) (5)
  1901. Category:Presentation at the Temple - Ambrogio Bergognone - Louvre MI 346 (5)
  1902. Category:Presumed portrait of François Devienne by Jean-Baptiste-Claude Robin (5)
  1903. Category:Presumed portrait of Guillaume Filastre (5)
  1904. Category:Prince Hercule-François, Duc d'Alençon (National Gallery of Art) (5)
  1905. Category:Queen Bianca by Albert Edelfelt (5)
  1906. Category:Queen Charlotte (Thomas Lawrence - National Gallery, London) (5)
  1907. Category:Raphael and the Fornarina (1943.252) (5)
  1908. Category:Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Correggio) (5)
  1909. Category:Rio San Francisco and Fort Maurice, Brazil - Frans Post - Louvre INV 1727 (5)
  1910. Category:Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester (attributed to Steven van der Meulen) (5)
  1911. Category:Rome. - Monte Pincio. La Trinité des Monts (R83) by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (5)
  1912. Category:Saint Elizabeth of Portugal by Zurbarán (Museo del Prado) (5)
  1913. Category:Saint Emerentia - Jan Provoost - Louvre RF 1472 (5)
  1914. Category:Saint Mary Magdalene - Quinten Massijs (I) - Louvre RF 2006-1 (5)
  1915. Category:Saint Victor by Bernardino Zenale - MG 1295 (5)
  1916. Category:Saint-Jean-Baptiste by Bernardino Zenale - MG 1294 (5)
  1917. Category:San Juan Evangelista en Patmos (Velázquez) (5)
  1918. Category:Sarah Barrett Moulton: Pinkie (Thomas Lawrence - Huntington Library) (5)
  1919. Category:Sarcophagus (Louvre AO 4962) (5)
  1920. Category:Scale model of Clan Alpine-AGOID 106308 (5)
  1921. Category:Scale model of HMS Edinburgh-AGOID 106282 (5)
  1922. Category:Scale model of a 50-gun ship-AGOID 106306 (5)
  1923. Category:Scale model of an FBA 150 hp-MnM 1 AE 22 (5)
  1924. Category:Scène allégorique (INV 6530) (5)
  1925. Category:Seated woman with tiara-AO 1579 (5)
  1926. Category:Self-Portrait (Anthony van Dyck - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna) (5)
  1927. Category:Self-Portrait (Charles Laval - Van Gogh Museum) (5)
  1928. Category:Self-Portrait with Pipe (Gustave Courbet - Musée Fabre) (5)
  1929. Category:Self-Portrait with a Portrait on an Easel by Nicolas Régnier (5)
  1930. Category:Self-portrait (Rubens, 1623) (5)
  1931. Category:Spencer Perceval (Joseph, NPG 4) (5)
  1932. Category:Sphinx-AO 1439b (5)
  1933. Category:Spring Bouquet (1866) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir in the Fogg Art Museum (5)
  1934. Category:St Carlo Borromeo (Orazio Borgianni - Hermitage Museum) (5)
  1935. Category:St Joseph with the Infant Jesus (Guido Reni - Hermitage Museum) (5)
  1936. Category:St. Andrew and St. Francis (El Greco) (5)
  1937. Category:Statue of Hygieia by Timotheos (Athens) (5)
  1938. Category:Statue of Nike in the Ancient Agora Museum (Athens) (5)
  1939. Category:Stele de ‘Abdallah al-Tujibi (5)
  1940. Category:Still Life with Silver Ewer (Willem Kalf - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (5)
  1941. Category:Still Life with a Basket of Fruit by Cornelis de Heem (5)
  1942. Category:Studies of The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist (5)
  1943. Category:Supper at Emmaus by Titian (National Gallery of Ireland) (5)
  1944. Category:Susanna and the Elders (Guercino - Museo del Prado) (5)
  1945. Category:Susanna and the Elders (Pieter Lastman - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (5)
  1946. Category:Susanna and the Elders by Artemisia Gentileschi, Schloss Weißenstein (5)
  1947. Category:Susannah and the Elders - Paolo Veronese - Louvre INV 137 (5)
  1948. Category:Suzanne bathing by Pierre-Nicolas Beauvallet (Louvre MR 1757) (5)
  1949. Category:Sword of François d'Orléans de Joinville-MnM 7 SO 143 (5)
  1950. Category:Sword-AO 20876 (5)
  1951. Category:Teotihuacan sculpture-70.1998.2.1 (5)
  1952. Category:Teotihuacan sculpture-70.2001.14.2 (5)
  1953. Category:The Amazon, Portrait of Marie Lefebure (Édouard Manet - São Paulo Museum of Art) (5)
  1954. Category:The Annunciation by Caravaggio (5)
  1955. Category:The Apotheosis of Henri IV - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1779 (5)
  1956. Category:The Banquet of Herod - Lorenzo Monaco - Louvre INV 290 (5)
  1957. Category:The Bath by Jean-Léon Gérôme (5)
  1958. Category:The Cellar Boy (Chardin) (5)
  1959. Category:The Chess Game by Sofonisba Anguissola (5)
  1960. Category:The Cosmographer Sebastien Münster (Christoph Amberger - Gemäldegalerie) (5)
  1961. Category:The Countess del Carpio, Marchioness de la Solana - Goya - Louvre RF 1942-23 (5)
  1962. Category:The Countess of Chinchón (Goya - Museo del Prado) (5)
  1963. Category:The Countess of Chinchón or her sister María Luisa (Goya - Uffizi Gallery) (5)
  1964. Category:The Dauphin Charles-Orlant (Master of Moulins - Louvre RF 1942-28) (5)
  1965. Category:The Death of Queen Sophia Amalie (Kristian Zahrtmann, 1882) (5)
  1966. Category:The Doctors of the Church - Pier Francesco Sacchi - Louvre INV 598 (5)
  1967. Category:The Doge in the Bucentaur at San Nicolò di Lido on Ascension Day - Francesco Guardi - Louvre INV 319 (5)
  1968. Category:The Dowager Queen Juliane Marie (Eriksen, Statens Museum for Kunst) (5)
  1969. Category:The Dream (660 (1978.15)) (Franz Marc) (5)
  1970. Category:The Duchess of Berry and her Children (François Gérard - Versailles) (5)
  1971. Category:The Fall of Icarus (Museum Van Buuren) (5)
  1972. Category:The Family of Philip V (Louis-Michel van Loo - Versailles) (5)
  1973. Category:The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis (David) (5)
  1974. Category:The Holy Children with a Shell (Murillo) (5)
  1975. Category:The Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist (Andrea del Sarto - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (5)
  1976. Category:The Inspiration of the Poet by Nicolas Poussin (Louvre RF 1774) (5)
  1977. Category:The Judgement of Paris by Rubens (National Gallery, NG194) (5)
  1978. Category:The Ladies Waldegrave (Joshua Reynolds) (5)
  1979. Category:The Ladies in the Dining Room (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest) (5)
  1980. Category:The Madonna of Humility Adored by a Prince of the House of Este (Jacopo Bellini, Louvre) (5)
  1981. Category:The Magdalen (unidentified sitter, National Gallery London collection) (5)
  1982. Category:The Marquise de Pezay, and the Marquise de Rougé with Her Sons Alexis and Adrien (Vigée-Lebrun) (5)
  1983. Category:The Martyrdom of St. Andrew (Murillo) (5)
  1984. Category:The Martyrdom of St. James the Greater - Lorenzo Monaco - INV 290 (5)
  1985. Category:The Mother and Sister of the Artist (Berthe Morisot - National Gallery of Art) (5)
  1986. Category:The Order of Release by John Everett Millais (5)
  1987. Category:The Presentation of Marie de' Medici's Portrait to Henry IV - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1772 (5)
  1988. Category:The Purification of the Virgin - Guido Reni - Louvre INV 522 (5)
  1989. Category:The Siege of Cozel (Wilhelm von Kobell - Neue Pinakothek) (5)
  1990. Category:The Sisters (Berthe Morisot - National Gallery of Art) (5)
  1991. Category:The Source (Gustave Courbet - Musée d'Orsay) (5)
  1992. Category:The Third-Class Carriage by Honoré Daumier (5)
  1993. Category:The Triumph of Bacchus by Cornelis de Vos (5)
  1994. Category:The Virgin of the Blue Veil (Ingres - São Paulo Museum of Art) (5)
  1995. Category:The Vision of St. Jerome - Guercino - Louvre INV 82 (5)
  1996. Category:The Vocation of Saint Aloysius (Luigi) Gonzaga by Guercino (Metropolitan Museum of Art) (5)
  1997. Category:The Wedding of Thetis and Peleus - Hendrick van Balen and Jan Brueghel (I) - Louvre DL 1973-21 (5)
  1998. Category:The Well-Stocked Kitchen (Beuckelaer) (5)
  1999. Category:The Woman in the Waves (Gustave Courbet - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (5)
  2000. Category:The annunciation by Zurbaran (5)
  2001. Category:The head of St Anne (RCIN 912533) (5)
  2002. Category:Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Arundel (Rubens - National Gallery, London) (5)
  2003. Category:Thomas Paine (Laurent Dabos - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 6805) (5)
  2004. Category:Three Archangels with Tobias by Francesco Botticini (5)
  2005. Category:Tiburcio Pérez Cuervo (Goya) (5)
  2006. Category:Tombeau de Charles de Maigny (Louvre MR 1729) (5)
  2007. Category:Triumph of Titus and Vespasian - Giulio Romano - Louvre INV 423 (5)
  2008. Category:Unknown - Statuette of a Bearded Man, Probably Tinia - 55.AB.12 (5)
  2009. Category:Unknown Self-Portrait (Rembrandt, 1659) (5)
  2010. Category:Urne cinéraire (Louvre Cp 4259) (5)
  2011. Category:Van Gogh, The Painter of Sunflowers (Paul Gauguin - Van Gogh Museum) (5)
  2012. Category:Veiled woman holding an infant-AO 29624 (5)
  2013. Category:Venus after Lorenzo Bartolini, Lady Lever Art Gallery (5)
  2014. Category:Venus and Adonis by Paolo Veronese (Prado) (5)
  2015. Category:Venus and Cupid, Louvre, MR 386 (5)
  2016. Category:Venus and Vulcan by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Philadelphia Museum of Art) (5)
  2017. Category:Venus in a Landscape - Lucas Cranach (I) - Louvre INV 1180 (5)
  2018. Category:Venus und Adonis by Peter Paul Rubens (5)
  2019. Category:Victoria, Duchess of Kent (George Hayter - Royal Collection) (5)
  2020. Category:View of Pirna, from Sonnestein Castle - Bernardo Bellotto - Louvre DL 2004-1 (5)
  2021. Category:Virtutem forma decorat (5)
  2022. Category:Wakizashi by Norimitsu-ETHAS 017508 (5)
  2023. Category:Warrior king from Moab-AO 5055 (5)
  2024. Category:Warrior on horseback inv 6407 (Collezione Farnese) MANN (Naples) (5)
  2025. Category:Wilhelm II of Germany by Laszlo (Charlottenburg Palace) (5)
  2026. Category:Willem Coymans (Frans Hals - National Gallery of Art) (5)
  2027. Category:Woman Playing a Guitar (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon) (5)
  2028. Category:Woman in Blue (Thomas Gainsborough - Hermitage Museum) (5)
  2029. Category:Works after Il bacio by Francesco Hayez (5)
  2030. Category:Xipe Totec mask-71.1878.1.60 (5)
  2031. Category:Young Lady in 1866 (Manet) (5)
  2032. Category:Young Lady with Drawing Utensils (Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein - Galerie Neue Meister) (5)
  2033. Category:Young Woman with Feather Hat (Titian - Hermitage Museum) (5)
  2034. Category:Zoie Ghika, Moldavian Princess (Alexander Roslin - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (5)
  2035. Category:Écho et Narcisse - Poussin - Louvre INV 7297 (5)
  2036. Category:Étude de femme nue, couchée sur un divan, by Delacroix (Louvre RF1657) (5)
  2037. Category:A Blonde Woman (Palma il Vecchio - National Gallery, London) (4)
  2038. Category:A Young Roman Woman (Sebastiano del Piombo - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (4)
  2039. Category:Acis, Parc de Versailles, Bosquet des Dômes (4)
  2040. Category:Aclamação de Amador Bueno (Oscar Pereira da Silva) (4)
  2041. Category:Adoration of the Shepherds - Luca Giordano - Louvre MI 869 (4)
  2042. Category:Adorazione dei pastori di castellammare di stabia (Castellammare di Stabia) (4)
  2043. Category:Adélaïde of France Tying Knots (Jean-Marc Nattier - Versailles) (4)
  2044. Category:Agnus Dei by Zurbarán in the Museo del Prado (4)
  2045. Category:Agony in the Garden by Joos van Cleve (National Museum in Warsaw) (4)
  2046. Category:Alerte ! by Léon Bonduel (4)
  2047. Category:Allegory (Mars, Venus, Victoria and Cupido) - Paris Bordone - Kunsthistorisches Museum (4)
  2048. Category:Allegory of France as Minerva Trampling Ignorance and Crowning Virtue - Sebastiano Ricci - Louvre INV 562 (4)
  2049. Category:Allegory of Love, Cupid and Psyche (Goya) (4)
  2050. Category:Allegory of Marriage - Titian - Louvre INV 754 (4)
  2051. Category:Amalia de Llano y Dotres, Countess of Vilches (Federico de Madrazo - Museo del Prado) (4)
  2052. Category:Ambrosius Volmar Keller by Hans Baldung (4)
  2053. Category:Annunciation (Bernardo Daddi, Louvre) (4)
  2054. Category:Annunciation - Giulio Cesare Procaccini - Louvre RF 1987-13 (4)
  2055. Category:Antoinette Gabrielle Danton (Jacques-Louis David - Musée des Beaux-Arts de Troyes) (4)
  2056. Category:Antonio del Rio and His Two Sons - Adriaen Thomasz Key - Louvre RF 216 (4)
  2057. Category:Aphrodite Dresden-Capitoline inv 6296 (Naples) (4)
  2058. Category:Arrangement in Gray, Portrait of the Artist (Selfportrait) - Whistler (4)
  2059. Category:Artworks after La Source by Ingres (4)
  2060. Category:At Eternity's Gate (F1662) by Vincent van Gogh (4)
  2061. Category:Athaliah Expelled from the Temple (Louvre, INV 3496) (4)
  2062. Category:Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, Princess of Wales (Charles Philips - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 2093) (4)
  2063. Category:Augustus II the Strong in Armour (Silvestre, 1718) (4)
  2064. Category:Aurore, Parc de Versailles, Bosquet des Dômes (4)
  2065. Category:Autorretrato de Diego Velázquez (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia) (4)
  2066. Category:Axe from Carcassonne, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.217.1 (4)
  2067. Category:Axe from Denmark - MHNT PRE.2009.0.224.1 (4)
  2068. Category:Axe from Niort, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.221.1 (4)
  2069. Category:Axe from Plagne, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.216.1 (4)
  2070. Category:Axe inscribed with name of king Untash-Napirisha-Sb 3975 (4)
  2071. Category:Baal god of storms-AO 17409 (4)
  2072. Category:Bacchus and Ariadne (Jonas Åkerström) (4)
  2073. Category:Barbara Rimsky-Korsakova (Franz Xaver Winterhalter - Musée d'Orsay) (4)
  2074. Category:Barthélemy-Jean-Claude Pupil (Nicolas de Largillière - Timken Museum of Art) (4)
  2075. Category:Bas relief of a god-Sb 44 B (4)
  2076. Category:Bashi-Bazouk (Jean-Léon Gérôme - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2077. Category:Bertel Thorvaldsen (Eckersberg, 1814) (4)
  2078. Category:Berthe Morisot (Édouard Manet - Musée Marmottan Monet) (4)
  2079. Category:Blade from Brassempouy, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.213.4 (4)
  2080. Category:Bladelin Triptych - Journey of the Wise Men (4)
  2081. Category:Blunderbuss 1777 pattern-MnM 31 AR 109 (4)
  2082. Category:Boarding sabre model Louvois-MnM 2000.1.1 (4)
  2083. Category:Boarding sabre model Louvois-MnM 2007.59.2 (4)
  2084. Category:Box as bound gazelle-N 1741 (4)
  2085. Category:Boy and Rabbit (Henry Raeburn - Royal Academy of Arts) (4)
  2086. Category:Bracelet-MAO 124 (4)
  2087. Category:Brest arsenal sabre-MnM 33 AR 228 (4)
  2088. Category:Bust of Augustin Fresnel by David d'Angers-MnM 41 OA 256 D (4)
  2089. Category:Bust of Bougainville by Bosio Astyanax Scevola-MnM 41 OA 40 D (4)
  2090. Category:Bust of Louis XV by Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne the Younger (1749) (4)
  2091. Category:Bust of a young man by François Lucas-2014 1 1 (4)
  2092. Category:Bâton percé from the Abri de la Madeleine, France - MHNT PRE.2010.0.1.2 (4)
  2093. Category:Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry (Charles Meynier - Cleveland Museum of Art) (4)
  2094. Category:Capital (Louvre 74.1962.0.730) (4)
  2095. Category:Carbin-MnM 31 AR 27 (4)
  2096. Category:Cardinal Roberto Ubaldini, Papal Legate to Bologna (Guido Reni - LACMA) (4)
  2097. Category:Carmela Bertagna by John Singer Sargent (4)
  2098. Category:Celestial globe-MnM 15 NA 15 (4)
  2099. Category:Celestial globe-MnM 2008.66.2 (4)
  2100. Category:Censer-E 14687 (4)
  2101. Category:Chapiteau de l'annonciation (Musée de Die) (4)
  2102. Category:Charles Dickens in his Study (William Powell Frith - Victoria and Albert Museum) (4)
  2103. Category:Charles Gravier Count of Vergennes and French Ambassador, in Turkish Attire (Antoine de Favray) (4)
  2104. Category:Charles I with M. de St Antoine (Anthony van Dyck - Royal Collection) (4)
  2105. Category:Charles Joseph Crowle - Pompeo Batoni - Louvre RF 1981-37 (4)
  2106. Category:Charles de La Fosse - Le sacrifice d'Iphigénie - Versailles (4)
  2107. Category:Charles, Prince of Asturias by Alonso Sánchez Coello (Kunsthistorisches Museum) (4)
  2108. Category:Charles-Alexandre de Calonne (Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Royal Collection) (4)
  2109. Category:Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (Pierre-Paul Prud'hon - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2110. Category:Childebert (Louvre, ML 93) (4)
  2111. Category:Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple - Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione - Louvre INV 241 (4)
  2112. Category:Christ at Emmaus by Bernardo Strozzi (4)
  2113. Category:Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane; The Three Marys at the Tomb - Lorenzo Monaco - Louvre RF 965 (4)
  2114. Category:Christ in the Tomb - Pietro Perugino - Louvre MI 481 (4)
  2115. Category:Christine Boyer - Antoine-Jean Gros - Louvre RF 838 (4)
  2116. Category:Chênes Apremont by Rousseau (Louvre RF 1447) (4)
  2117. Category:Claude Henri Watelet - Jean-Baptiste Greuze - Louvre RF 1982-66 (4)
  2118. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library Ep 0049 Recueil Pascal (4)
  2119. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 2810 Vie de Paschal (4)
  2120. Category:Clio, Euterpe and Thalia - Eustache Le Sueur - Louvre INV 8057 (4)
  2121. Category:Clio, Muse of History (Charles Meynier - Cleveland Museum of Art) (4)
  2122. Category:Clytemnestra hesitates before killing the sleeping Agamemnon - Pierre-Narcisse Guérin (Louvre INV 5185) (4)
  2123. Category:Coalbrookdale by Night (4)
  2124. Category:Cobra-E 3855 (4)
  2125. Category:Colbert peinture du Musée de la Compagnie des Indes (4)
  2126. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 3 (4)
  2127. Category:Complex-Simple - Wassily Kandinsky (4)
  2128. Category:Composition IX - Wassily Kandinsky (4)
  2129. Category:Composition X - Wassily Kandinsky (4)
  2130. Category:Concert by Leonello Spada (4)
  2131. Category:Concert on a Balcony - Gerard van Honthorst - Louvre INV 1364 (4)
  2132. Category:Constance Pipelet by Jean-Baptiste-Francois Desoria (4)
  2133. Category:Copies of The Tiger Hunt (4)
  2134. Category:Cornelis Ploos van Amstel (1726-1798) by Jacobus Buys (4)
  2135. Category:Coronation of the Virgin with St. Augustine and St. William of Aquitaine - Giovanni Lanfranco - Louvre INV 332 (4)
  2136. Category:Cosimo I de' Medici (Agnolo Bronzino - Hermitage Museum) (4)
  2137. Category:Country Gift (Bayeu) (4)
  2138. Category:Crops of Allegory of Marriage - Titian - Louvre INV 754 (4)
  2139. Category:Cross-staff-MnM 11 NA 5 (4)
  2140. Category:Crucifixion - Andrea Mantegna - Louvre INV 368 (4)
  2141. Category:Crucifixion - Andrea Solario - Louvre INV 61 (4)
  2142. Category:Crucifixion - Lorenzo Monaco - INV 290 (4)
  2143. Category:Crucifixion - Paolo Veronese - INV 145 (4)
  2144. Category:Crucifixion - Unknown artist - Louvre MI 358 (4)
  2145. Category:César François Cassini de Thury (Nattier) (4)
  2146. Category:Danae by Rembrandt (before vandalism) (4)
  2147. Category:David by Antonin Mercié (musée des Augustins, D 2005 1) (4)
  2148. Category:Death of Cleopatra - Alessandro Turchi - Louvre INV 703 (4)
  2149. Category:Death of Cleopatra - Giampietrino - Louvre RF 2282 (4)
  2150. Category:Demonstration electric engine-MHS 69 (4)
  2151. Category:Derich Born (Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Windsor Castle) (4)
  2152. Category:Details of Madonna Benois (4)
  2153. Category:Details of Madonna Litta (4)
  2154. Category:Details of Man in a Turban by Jan van Eyck (4)
  2155. Category:Details of Tobias and the Angel by Andrea del Verrocchio (4)
  2156. Category:Details of Young Knight in a Landscape by Carpaccio (4)
  2157. Category:Diana and her Nymphs Surprised by the Fauns (Rubens, Prado) (4)
  2158. Category:Diane de Poitiers in the studio of Jean Goujon (Louvre, RF 1997-38) (4)
  2159. Category:Die Kleinen Blauen Pferde (4)
  2160. Category:Dionysos – inv 6318 – MANN (Naples) (4)
  2161. Category:Dish Depicting Two Birds among Flowering Plants - Iznik (Turkey) - 16th century - MET - Inventory number 59.69.1 (4)
  2162. Category:Domenico Cimarosa (Francesco Saverio Candido - Museo Nazionale di San Martino) (4)
  2163. Category:Draperie enveloppant les jambes d'une figure assise (INV 2257) (4)
  2164. Category:Duck-shaped box AO 14779 (4)
  2165. Category:Eagle-AO 28360 (4)
  2166. Category:Earl Grey (after Lawrence) (4)
  2167. Category:El Conde-Duque de Olivares a caballo (4)
  2168. Category:Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony (Titian - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (4)
  2169. Category:Elephant with warriors (Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin) (4)
  2170. Category:Elizabeth Shewell West and Her Son, Raphael (Benjamin West - Cleveland Museum of Art) (4)
  2171. Category:Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler, Mrs. John Jay Chapman (John Singer Sargent - Smithsonian American Art Museum) (4)
  2172. Category:Elsa Koeberle (Lothar von Seebach) (4)
  2173. Category:Elzbieta Branicka-Woroncow (George Hayter) (4)
  2174. Category:Empress Eugénie (Winterhalter, 1862) (4)
  2175. Category:Erato, Muse of Lyrical Poetry (Charles Meynier - Cleveland Museum of Art) (4)
  2176. Category:Erminia and the Shepherds - Domenichino - Louvre INV 799 (4)
  2177. Category:Espingole-MnM 27 AR 4-35 AR 39 (4)
  2178. Category:FR-631136102 - RELp 0208 - Auli Gellii Luculentissimi Scriptoris Noctes Atticae (4)
  2179. Category:Ferdinand VII in Court Dress (Goya - Museo del Prado) (4)
  2180. Category:Ferry Carondelet with his Secretaries (Sebastiano del Piombo) (4)
  2181. Category:Figure of Lono-71.1879.10.11 (4)
  2182. Category:Five Horses Scroll (4)
  2183. Category:Flowers, Fruit with a Woman Picking Grapes (Christian Berentz - Museum of Capodimonte) (4)
  2184. Category:Fork Sb 3740 (4)
  2185. Category:Francesco de' Medici (attributed to Alessandro Allori - Art Institute of Chicago) (4)
  2186. Category:Françoise-Marguerite de Sévigné, comtesse de Grignan (attributed to Pierre Mignard - Carnavalet P 234) (4)
  2187. Category:Frederic Chopin - Eugène Delacroix - Louvre RF 1717 (4)
  2188. Category:Funerary female portrait Sb 6767 (4)
  2189. Category:Gabriel Bernard de Rieux (Maurice Quentin de La Tour - Getty Center) (4)
  2190. Category:Galatée, Parc de Versailles, Bosquet des Dômes (4)
  2191. Category:Geometry problem-Sb 13088 (4)
  2192. Category:George II (Hudson) (4)
  2193. Category:George Moore (Édouard Manet - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2194. Category:Giovanni de' Medici as a Child (Agnolo Bronzino - Uffizi Gallery) (4)
  2195. Category:Google Art Project works by Domenico Ghirlandaio (4)
  2196. Category:Grace Dalrymple Elliot (Thomas Gainsborough - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2197. Category:Hagar and the Angel by Carel Fabritius (4)
  2198. Category:Halbfigur eines Apostels (17614) (4)
  2199. Category:Head of an Old Man (NMH 1/1863) (4)
  2200. Category:Henriette of France playing the Viola da Gamba (Jean-Marc Nattier - Versailles) (4)
  2201. Category:Hercule enchaîné par l'Amour, Vinache (Louvre MR1809) (4)
  2202. Category:Hercules and Cacus (Goltzius) (4)
  2203. Category:Hersilia Separating Romulus and Tatius - Guercino - Louvre INV 85 (4)
  2204. Category:Honfleur. - Calvaire de la Côte de Grâce (R224 bis) by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (4)
  2205. Category:House-E 14698 (4)
  2206. Category:Hubert Robert - Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Louvre INV 3055 (4)
  2207. Category:Hunting rifle of Napoléon by Jean Lepage (4)
  2208. Category:Idalion Tablet (4)
  2209. Category:Il bacio (1867) by Francesco Hayez (4)
  2210. Category:Immaculate Conception by Diego Velázquez (4)
  2211. Category:Industriens Mænd (4)
  2212. Category:Inscribed chair from Korazim (4)
  2213. Category:Inés de Zúñiga, Countess of Monterrey (Carreño de Miranda) (4)
  2214. Category:Isaak Abrahamsz Massa (Frans Hals - Art Gallery of Ontario) (4)
  2215. Category:Isabel de Valois, por Juan Pantoja de la Cruz (Museo del Prado) (4)
  2216. Category:Isabella Brant (Anthony van Dyck - National Gallery of Art) (4)
  2217. Category:Isabella Clara Eugenia (Rubens - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (4)
  2218. Category:Jacques Cartier rencontre les Indiens à Stadaconé, 1535 (4)
  2219. Category:Jakob Magnus Sprengtporten (Carl Fredrich Brander - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (4)
  2220. Category:Jasper Schade van Westrum (Frans Hals - National Gallery in Prague) (4)
  2221. Category:Jean Henri Riesener (Antoine Vestier - Versailles) (4)
  2222. Category:Jean-François Champollion - Léon Cogniet - Louvre INV 3294 (4)
  2223. Category:Jedediah Strutt (Joseph Wright - Derby Museum and Art Gallery) (4)
  2224. Category:Jerónimo de Cevallos (El Greco - Museo del Prado) (4)
  2225. Category:Jeunes baigneurs bretons (4)
  2226. Category:John Chambers by Holbein der Jüngere (4)
  2227. Category:John VI of Portugal (Simplício Rodrigues de Sá - Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo) (4)
  2228. Category:John, Lord Mountstuart, later 4th Earl and 1st Marquess of Bute (Jean-Étienne Liotard - Getty Center) (4)
  2229. Category:John, Prince of Portugal (workshop of Anthonis Mor - Royal Collection) (4)
  2230. Category:Judith and her Maidservant by Artemisia Gentileschi Inv. Palatina 398 (4)
  2231. Category:Jupiter and Antiope by Ingres (4)
  2232. Category:Kaiser Franz I. von Österreich (Amerling) (4)
  2233. Category:Kestner Museum, Nr 1968 97 (4)
  2234. Category:Kimbell APg 1980.03 (4)
  2235. Category:Kyathos à anse cornue et décor estampé (Louvre CA1580) (4)
  2236. Category:L'espion by Victor Henri Juglar (4)
  2237. Category:La Mort de Saphire - Poussin - Louvre INV 7286 (4)
  2238. Category:La Prise de Juliers (Rubens) (4)
  2239. Category:La Résurrection de Lazare, Jouvenet (Louvre INV5489) (4)
  2240. Category:La Séance de portrait, Traversi (Louvre RF 1990-1) (4)
  2241. Category:La dama in rosso (4)
  2242. Category:La gallina ciega (P000804) (4)
  2243. Category:La gallina ciega (P002781) (4)
  2244. Category:La reina Isabel de Borbón, a caballo (Velázquez) (4)
  2245. Category:Lady Caroline Howard (Joshua Reynolds - National Gallery of Art) (4)
  2246. Category:Lady Hamilton as Ambassadress (George Romney - Blanton Museum of Art) (4)
  2247. Category:Lady Hamilton as Nature (George Romney - Frick Collection) (4)
  2248. Category:Lady Louisa Theodosia Hervey, Countess of Liverpool (George Romney - Ickworth House) (4)
  2249. Category:Lady Maria Conyngham (Thomas Lawrence - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2250. Category:Landscape with Saint John on Patmos by Nicolas Poussin (Art Institute of Chicago) (4)
  2251. Category:Le Chagrin (Carnavalet S 3557) (4)
  2252. Category:Le Printemps - Poussin - Louvre INV 7303 (4)
  2253. Category:Le Ravissement de Saint-Paul - Poussin - Louvre INV 7288 (4)
  2254. Category:Le bénédicité (INV 3202) (4)
  2255. Category:Le martyre de saint Barthélémy, Bridan (Louvre RF3962) (4)
  2256. Category:Leandro Fernández de Moratín (Goya - Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando) (4)
  2257. Category:Lectern (Louvre AD 7315) (4)
  2258. Category:Leonardo da Vinci (Uffizi, 436 E) (4)
  2259. Category:Leonardo de' Ginori (Giuliano Bugiardini - National Gallery of Art) (4)
  2260. Category:Les adieux d'Hector et d'Andromaque, Vien (Louvre INV8427) (4)
  2261. Category:Levallois Point from Beuzeville, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.203.1 (4)
  2262. Category:Lié-Louis Périn-Salbreux-La Petite Reine (4)
  2263. Category:Locking Piece - Henry Moore (LH 515, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag) (4)
  2264. Category:Loth and His Daughters - Guercino - Louvre INV 75 (4)
  2265. Category:Louis Duval de l’Épinoy (Maurice Quentin de La Tour - Calouste Gulbenkian Museum) (4)
  2266. Category:Louis Guéymard as Robert le Diable (Gustave Courbet - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2267. Category:Louis XIV in Coronation Robes by Hyacinthe Rigaud (Salon d’Apollon, Versailles) (4)
  2268. Category:Louis XIV of France in Coronation Robes (Henri Testelin, 1648) (4)
  2269. Category:Louis-Auguste Schwiter (Eugène Delacroix - National Gallery, London) (4)
  2270. Category:Louise Elisabeth of France, Duchess of Parma (Jean-Marc Nattier - Versailles MV 3806) (4)
  2271. Category:Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans, Queen of Spain (Jean Ranc - Museo del Prado) (4)
  2272. Category:Louvre G 264 (4)
  2273. Category:Louvre MNB 770 (4)
  2274. Category:Louvre Myr 42 (4)
  2275. Category:Luncheon in the Studio (Manet) (4)
  2276. Category:Lécythe à fond blanc 2001.4 (2001.4) (4)
  2277. Category:Madame Bergeret de Frouville as Diana (Jean-Marc Nattier - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2278. Category:Madame Crozat (Joseph Aved - Musée Fabre) (4)
  2279. Category:Madame Drouais - François-Hubert Drouais - Louvre RF 1942-19 (4)
  2280. Category:Madame Hamelin by Andrea Appiani (Carnavalet P 1685) (4)
  2281. Category:Madame René de Gas (Edgar Degas - National Gallery of Art) (4)
  2282. Category:Madame Récamier by Antoine-Jean Gros (4)
  2283. Category:Madame de Pompadour (François Boucher - Wallace Collection) (4)
  2284. Category:Mademoiselle Huquier - Jean-Baptiste Perronneau - Louvre MI 1119 (4)
  2285. Category:Mademoiselle V. in the Costume of an Espada (Édouard Manet - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2286. Category:Madonna Bardini (4)
  2287. Category:Madonna and Child - Lorenzo Veneziano - Louvre MI 395 (4)
  2288. Category:Madonna and Child - Paolo Veneziano - Louvre MI 396 (4)
  2289. Category:Madonna and Child between St. Justina and St. George, with a Kneeling Benedictine Monk - Paolo Veronese - Louvre INV 139 (4)
  2290. Category:Madonna and Child with Four Saints - Guercino - Louvre INV 84 (4)
  2291. Category:Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Catherine of Alexandria - Pietro Perugino - Louvre INV 720 (4)
  2292. Category:Madonna and Child with St. Zenobius, St. John the Baptist, St. Anthony and St. Francis of Assisi - Francesco di Stefano Pesellino - Louvre MI 504 (4)
  2293. Category:Madonna and Child with Two Angels - Filippino Lippi - Louvre RF 1265 (4)
  2294. Category:Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John (Yáñez de la Almedina) (4)
  2295. Category:Madonna di San Zaccaria - Details (4)
  2296. Category:Madonna of Justice - Bernardo Strozzi - Louvre INV 684 (4)
  2297. Category:Man with a Glass of Wine - french anonymous - Louvre RF 1585 (4)
  2298. Category:Manuscrit de Moun espelido. Memòri e raconte - palais du Roure (4)
  2299. Category:Margaret, Duchess of Parma (Antonis Mor - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (4)
  2300. Category:Margarita of Austria in Mourning Dress (Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo - Prado Museum) (4)
  2301. Category:Maria Serra Pallavicino by Peter Paul Rubens (4)
  2302. Category:Mariana de Austria, orante, by Diego Velázquez (Museo del Prado) (4)
  2303. Category:Marie Antoinette in Court Dress (Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Versailles) (4)
  2304. Category:Marie Josèphe of Saxony (Jean-Marc Nattier - Versailles MV 2179) (4)
  2305. Category:Marie Leszczyńska, Queen of France - Louis Tocqué - Louvre INV 8177 (4)
  2306. Category:Marie Stuart - Francesco Hayez - Louvre RF 2012-23 (4)
  2307. Category:Marie-Anne Carolus-Duran, The artist's daughter (Carolus-Duran - California Palace of the Legion of Honor) (4)
  2308. Category:Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles, conventionnel by Jean-Louis Laneuville (Carnavalet P 2539) (4)
  2309. Category:Mars Undressing Venus with Cupid and a Dog (Veronese) (4)
  2310. Category:Mars et Vénus, allégorie sur la Paix (Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée) (4)
  2311. Category:Marten Looten (Rembrandt) (4)
  2312. Category:Martyrdom of Saint Thomas by Peter Paul Rubens (4)
  2313. Category:Mary Anne Bloxam, later Mrs. Frederick H. Hemming (Thomas Lawrence - Kimbell Art Museum) (4)
  2314. Category:Mary Magdalene as a hermit by Alfred Stevens (4)
  2315. Category:Mary Wollstonecraft (John Opie - Tate Britain) (4)
  2316. Category:María de Austria, by Diego Velázquez (Museo del Prado) (4)
  2317. Category:Medici Madonna (van der Weyden) (4)
  2318. Category:Mentuhotep-A 125 (4)
  2319. Category:Messenger (1897) by Nikolai Roerich (4)
  2320. Category:Metropolitan Museum of Art 34.11.2 (4)
  2321. Category:Minerva by Parmigianino (4)
  2322. Category:Mrs. Asher B. Wertheimer (John Singer Sargent - New Orleans Museum of Art) (4)
  2323. Category:Mrs. Boere in Carnival Costume (Jean-Étienne Liotard - Rijksmuseum) (4)
  2324. Category:Musical Festival Given by the Cardinal de La Rochefoucauld - Giovanni Paolo Panini - Louvre INV 414 (4)
  2325. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 10 29 (4)
  2326. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 156 (4)
  2327. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 24024 (4)
  2328. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25072 (4)
  2329. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25074 (4)
  2330. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25136 (4)
  2331. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26111 (4)
  2332. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26151 (4)
  2333. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26297 (4)
  2334. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26416 (4)
  2335. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 93 1 2 (4)
  2336. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, D 2006 1 1 (4)
  2337. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 28 c (4)
  2338. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 501 (4)
  2339. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 506 (4)
  2340. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 809 b (4)
  2341. Category:Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine - Parmigianino - Louvre RF 1992-411 (4)
  2342. Category:Nativity with Saints Elizabeth and John the Baptist (Correggio) (4)
  2343. Category:Nell Gwyn (Simon Verelst - NPG 2496) (4)
  2344. Category:Neptune's Horses (Walter Crane - Neue Pinakothek) (4)
  2345. Category:Nicolaas van Bambeeck by Rembrandt (4)
  2346. Category:Nicolaes van der Borght. Merchant of Antwerp (Anthony van Dyck - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (4)
  2347. Category:Nok sculpture-70.1998.11.2 (4)
  2348. Category:Octavia minor or Sibyl Farnese inv 6125 – MANN (Naples) (4)
  2349. Category:Olifant (MARQ 56.544.1) (4)
  2350. Category:Pala degli Otto (4)
  2351. Category:Paulus van Beresteyn - Frans Hals - Louvre RF 424 (4)
  2352. Category:Per Brahe the Elder (attributed to Johan Baptista van Uther) (4)
  2353. Category:Perseus Freeing Andromeda (Rubens - Gemäldegalerie) (4)
  2354. Category:Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau (Hyacinthe Rigaud - Versailles) (4)
  2355. Category:Philosophy, Self-Portrait (Salvator Rosa - National Gallery) (4)
  2356. Category:Pietro d'Abano - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 647 (4)
  2357. Category:Pompeius Occo (Dirck Jacobsz - Amsterdam Museum) (4)
  2358. Category:Pope Boniface VIII portrait (Serie Gioviana) (4)
  2359. Category:Pope Pius VIII carried into St. Peter’s on the sedia gestoria (Horace Vernet, Palace of Versailles) (4)
  2360. Category:Pope Sixtus IV by Titian (4)
  2361. Category:Portrait of Alfred Bérard with His Dog (1881) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (4)
  2362. Category:Portrait of Ambrogio Spinola (Michiel van Mierevelt - Rijksmuseum SK-A-3953) (4)
  2363. Category:Portrait of Cecilia Renata of Austria with a tulip (4)
  2364. Category:Portrait of Charles V (Titian, National Museum of Capodimonte) (4)
  2365. Category:Portrait of Galeazzo Campi, the Artist's Father (Giulio Campi - Uffizi Gallery) (4)
  2366. Category:Portrait of Gian Giorgio Trissino - Vincenzo Catena - Louvre RF 2098 (4)
  2367. Category:Portrait of Gianlorenzo Bernini by Baciccio (Scottish National Gallery) (4)
  2368. Category:Portrait of Giulio Romano by Titian (4)
  2369. Category:Portrait of Hyacinthe Gabrielle Roland by Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (4)
  2370. Category:Portrait of Italian woman by Vincent van Gogh (4)
  2371. Category:Portrait of Joanna of Austria with her son Philip (Giovanni Bizzelli - Uffizi) (4)
  2372. Category:Portrait of John I, Duke of Cleves - Workshop of Rogier van der Weyden - Louvre INV 20223 (4)
  2373. Category:Portrait of King James II of England ca 1690 by unknown painter (4)
  2374. Category:Portrait of Louis XVI (Antoine-François Callet, Versailles) (4)
  2375. Category:Portrait of Madame Cézanne (Paul Cézanne - Musée de l'Orangerie) (4)
  2376. Category:Portrait of Maria Mancini Colonna (Jacob Ferdinand Voet - Rijksmuseum) (4)
  2377. Category:Portrait of Napoleon III (Adolphe Yvon - Walters Art Museum) (4)
  2378. Category:Portrait of Nicolaes Ruts (Rembrandt - Frick Collection) (4)
  2379. Category:Portrait of Portrait Engelbert II of Nassau-Breda (Master of the Portraits of Princes) (4)
  2380. Category:Portrait of Suzanne Valadon (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Argentina) (4)
  2381. Category:Portrait of Wally (Egon Schiele - Leopold Museum) (4)
  2382. Category:Portrait of Yvonne Lerolle in three views (Maurice Denis - Musée d'Orsay) (4)
  2383. Category:Portrait of a Humanist by Giovanni Bellini (Castello Sforzesco) (4)
  2384. Category:Portrait of a Knight of the Order of Christ, probably Francisco de Andrade Leitão (Velázquez - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) (4)
  2385. Category:Portrait of a Lady with her Son (Paris Bordone - Hermitage Museum) (4)
  2386. Category:Portrait of a Man (Frans Hals - Timken Museum of Art) (4)
  2387. Category:Portrait of a Man (Mantegna, National Gallery of Art) (4)
  2388. Category:Portrait of a Man - Antonello da Messina - Louvre MI 693 (4)
  2389. Category:Portrait of a Man by Antonello da Messina in the National Gallery London (4)
  2390. Category:Portrait of a Scholar's Wife by Lucas Cranach (I) (4)
  2391. Category:Portrait of a Venetian Woman - Paolo Veronese - RF 2111 (4)
  2392. Category:Portrait of a Woman, Possibly Maria Trip (Rembrandt) (4)
  2393. Category:Portrait of a Woman, called "The Nun" (Uffizi Gallery) (4)
  2394. Category:Portrait of a Young Man as David (Jacopo Tintoretto - National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo) (4)
  2395. Category:Portrait of a Young Woman with the Veil by Johannes Vermeer (4)
  2396. Category:Portrait of a lady, traditionally identified as Maria de' Medici (Alessandro Allori? - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (4)
  2397. Category:Portrait of a man holding a statuette (Bronzino) (4)
  2398. Category:Portrait of jester Gonella (4)
  2399. Category:Portrait painting of Honoré de Balzac by Louis Boulanger (4)
  2400. Category:Pots à garance - Palais du Roure (4)
  2401. Category:Poussin - Diogène jetant son écuelle - Louvre INV 7308 (4)
  2402. Category:Presumed Portrait of Magdalena Luther - Lucas Cranach (I) - Louvre RF 1767 (4)
  2403. Category:Presumed Portrait of a Member of the Spinola family in Armour (Van Dyck) (4)
  2404. Category:Presumed portrait of Aubin Vouet, The Artist's Brother (Simon Vouet - Musée Réattu) (4)
  2405. Category:Prince Djehutymes baking bread-E 2749 (4)
  2406. Category:Princess Elizabeth of York by Laszlo (4)
  2407. Category:Princess Natalia Petrovna Golitsyn (Roslin) (4)
  2408. Category:Proun G.B.A. (4)
  2409. Category:Psyche by James Pradier (Louvre CC 8) (4)
  2410. Category:Ptolemy - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 657 (4)
  2411. Category:Punishment of Tityus by Titian (4)
  2412. Category:Pyxides gigognes J 497 (4)
  2413. Category:Quai des Orfèvres et pont Saint-Michel by Jean-Baptiste Corot (Carnavalet P 1378) (4)
  2414. Category:Queen Victoria by George Hayter (Holyrood Palace) (4)
  2415. Category:Reclining Figure: Arch Leg - Henry Moore (LH 610, San Diego Museum of Art) (4)
  2416. Category:Rehearsal on Stage by Edgar Degas (4)
  2417. Category:Relief spinner Sb 2834 (4)
  2418. Category:Relief votif : sacrifice à Déméter ou à Aphrodite (Louvre, Ma 756) (4)
  2419. Category:Repeating circle-MHS 183 (4)
  2420. Category:Richard Wagner (Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Musée d'Orsay) (4)
  2421. Category:Robert Peel (Scanlan) (4)
  2422. Category:Roman Charity by Mellin (Louvre RF 1985-81) (4)
  2423. Category:Rome. - Le Tibre et le Château Saint-Ange (R73) by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (4)
  2424. Category:Royal profile-E 11058 (4)
  2425. Category:Rue de Paris, temps de pluie by Gustave Caillebotte (details) (4)
  2426. Category:Rue des Moulins, The Medical Inspection (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - National Gallery of Art) (4)
  2427. Category:Saint Augustine (Philippe de Champaigne) (4)
  2428. Category:Saint Augustine and a Kneeling Donor - Ambrogio Bergognone - Louvre RF 1164 (4)
  2429. Category:Saint James of the Marches - Carlo Crivelli - Louvre MI 290 (4)
  2430. Category:Saint John the Baptist as a Boy (Murillo) (4)
  2431. Category:Saint Praxedes by Johannes Vermeer (4)
  2432. Category:Saint Sébastien, Dejoux (Louvre RF3962) (4)
  2433. Category:Saints Cosmas and Damian Healing the Sick - Francesco di Stefano Pesellino - Louvre INV 418 (4)
  2434. Category:San Antonio Abad y san Pablo ermitaño (Velázquez) (4)
  2435. Category:Sarcophage (Louvre CP 4346, CP 4347) (4)
  2436. Category:Sarcophagus (Louvre AO 17268) (4)
  2437. Category:Sarcophagus (Louvre AO 5036) (4)
  2438. Category:Saturn devouring a Son (Rubens - Museo del Prado) (4)
  2439. Category:Scale model of 1912 Nieuport floatplane-MnM 1 AE 7 (4)
  2440. Category:Scale model of Brave-AGOID 106288 (4)
  2441. Category:Scale model of HMS Bristol-AGOID 106283 (4)
  2442. Category:Scale model of a 36-pounder howitzer-MnM 11 AR 3 (4)
  2443. Category:Scribe table (Louvre MAO 871) (4)
  2444. Category:Self-Portrait (Anthony van Dyck - Alte Pinakothek) (4)
  2445. Category:Self-Portrait (Salvator Rosa - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2446. Category:Self-Portrait (Simon Vouet - Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon) (4)
  2447. Category:Self-Portrait - Pierre Mignard - Louvre INV 6653 (4)
  2448. Category:Self-Portrait as Winter (Rosalba Carriera - Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) (4)
  2449. Category:Self-Portrait as a Huntsman - François Desportes - Louvre INV 3899 (4)
  2450. Category:Self-Portrait in a Turban (Hyacinthe Rigaud - Musée Hyacinthe-Rigaud) (4)
  2451. Category:Self-Portrait with Family - Nicolas de Largillière - Louvre MI 1085 (4)
  2452. Category:Self-Portrait with Vanitas Symbols (David Bailly - Museum De Lakenhal) (4)
  2453. Category:Self-portrait (Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Uffizi Gallery) (4)
  2454. Category:Self-portrait (Mengs, 1773) (4)
  2455. Category:Self-portrait of William Hogarth (Engraving) (4)
  2456. Category:Self-portrait with Allegories (David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl - Nationalmuseum) (4)
  2457. Category:Self-portrait with a Palette - Guercino - Louvre INV 87 (4)
  2458. Category:Serpent plaque AO 29142 (4)
  2459. Category:Sextant-MnM 11 NA 101 (4)
  2460. Category:Shepherd with Flute by Antoine Coysevox (Louvre MR 1820) (4)
  2461. Category:Sir Martin Frobisher (Cornelis Ketel - Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford) (4)
  2462. Category:Sky Blue - Wassily Kandinsky (4)
  2463. Category:Soapstone cup-AO 21099 (4)
  2464. Category:Soldat bandant son arc, Rousseau (Louvre MR1766) (4)
  2465. Category:Sphinx dedicated to Ita daugther of Amenemhat II-AO 13075 (4)
  2466. Category:St. Andrew (Ribera, Prado) (4)
  2467. Category:St. Apollonia (Ercole de' Roberti, Louvre) (4)
  2468. Category:St. Francis in Ecstasy with St. Benedict and an Angel - Guercino - Louvre INV 83 (4)
  2469. Category:St. Jerome Reviving the Cardinal Andrea - Pietro Perugino - Louvre MI 483 (4)
  2470. Category:St. Jerome Supporting Two Hanged Young People - Pietro Perugino - Louvre MI 482 (4)
  2471. Category:St. Michael (Ercole de' Roberti, Louvre) (4)
  2472. Category:St. Peter Weeping before the Virgin - Guercino - Louvre INV 78 (4)
  2473. Category:Stigmata of St. Francis (Francesco di Stefano Pesellino, Louvre) (4)
  2474. Category:Still Life of Fruit on a Kraak Porcelain, by Balthasar van der Ast (4)
  2475. Category:Still life with fruit by Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo (National Museum in Warsaw) (4)
  2476. Category:Still life with pea and plums by Mateusz Tokarski (4)
  2477. Category:Still-Life with Quails, an Owl and a White Stilt - Paolo Porpora - Louvre RF 1969-1 (4)
  2478. Category:Story of Verginia (Filippino Lippi, Louvre) (4)
  2479. Category:Stu-mick-o-súcks, Buffalo Bull's Back Fat, Head Chief, Blood Tribe (George Catlin - Smithsonian American Art Museum) (4)
  2480. Category:Studies The Judgment of Solomon by Nicolas Poussin (4)
  2481. Category:Studies for the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne by Leonardo da Vinci (4)
  2482. Category:Studies for the second cartoon for the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne by Leonardo da Vinci (4)
  2483. Category:Studies of the Virgin of the Rocks (Louvre) (4)
  2484. Category:Suzanne Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau by Jacques-Louis David (4)
  2485. Category:Tadea Arias de Enríquez (Goya - Museo del Prado) (4)
  2486. Category:Te aa no areois by Paul Gauguin (4)
  2487. Category:The All-Powerful Hand (Brooklyn Museum) (4)
  2488. Category:The Baptism of Christ - Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem - Louvre RF 1983-25 (4)
  2489. Category:The Circumcision (Giulio Romano) (4)
  2490. Category:The Copper Cistern by Jean Siméon Chardin (Louvre MI 1037) (4)
  2491. Category:The Countess Maria Theresia Bucquoi (Vigée-Lebrun) (4)
  2492. Category:The Damnation of the Soul of the Miser of Citerna - Sassetta - Louvre RF 1988-9 (4)
  2493. Category:The Danaides by John Singer Sargent (4)
  2494. Category:The Dowager Princess of Conti (Rigaud, 1706) (4)
  2495. Category:The Duchess of Orléans (Vigée-Lebrun) (4)
  2496. Category:The Duke of Chartres and his Family (Lepeintre) (4)
  2497. Category:The Fall of the Rebel Angels (Sebastiano Ricci) (4)
  2498. Category:The Family of Philip V (Jean Ranc - Prado Museum) (4)
  2499. Category:The Governess (Chardin) (4)
  2500. Category:The Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute - Michele Marieschi - Louvre INV 162 (4)
  2501. Category:The Hay Wain (full-scale study) (987-1900) (4)
  2502. Category:The Holy Family (Schongauer) (4)
  2503. Category:The Holy Family - Bernard van Orley - Louvre RF 1473 (4)
  2504. Category:The Holy Family - Bernardino Luini - Louvre INV 359 (4)
  2505. Category:The Marriage of the Virgin - Luca Giordano - Louvre MI 868 (4)
  2506. Category:The Meeting of Marie de' Medici and Henry IV at Lyons - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1775 (4)
  2507. Category:The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine by Paolo Veronese (Venice) (4)
  2508. Category:The Ox Cart - Frans Post - Louvre INV 1728 (4)
  2509. Category:The Pearl and the Wave (4)
  2510. Category:The Penitent St. Jerome in Ecstasy (attributed to Luca Signorelli, Louvre) (4)
  2511. Category:The Preaching of St Géry - Master of the View of Ste-Gudule - Louvre INV 1991 (4)
  2512. Category:The Presentation at the Temple - Guido da Siena - Louvre RF 1968-10 (4)
  2513. Category:The Prince Dmitry Mikhaylovich Golitsyn (François-Hubert Drouais - Pushkin Museum) (4)
  2514. Category:The Procession of the Doge at San Zaccaria - Francesco Guardi - Louvre INV 324 (4)
  2515. Category:The Return from War: Mars Disarmed by Venus (Rubens and Brueghel - Getty Center) (4)
  2516. Category:The Royal Family in 1846 by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (4)
  2517. Category:The Sacrifice of Isaac - Brunswick Monogrammist - Louvre INV 1980 (4)
  2518. Category:The Second Lieutenant Charles Legrand (Antoine-Jean Gros - LACMA) (4)
  2519. Category:The Sleeping Spinner (Gustave Courbet - Musée Fabre) (4)
  2520. Category:The Sofa (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2521. Category:The Three Graces - Lucas Cranach (I) - Louvre RF 2011-1 (4)
  2522. Category:The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite (Frans Francken (I) - Cleveland Museum of Art) (4)
  2523. Category:The Triumph of St Augustine by Claudio Coello (Museo del Prado) (4)
  2524. Category:The Virgin and Child surrounded by the Holy Innocents - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1763 (4)
  2525. Category:The Virgin and Child with Saint Catherine and Saint Barbara - Ambrosius Benson - Louvre RF 1971-19 (4)
  2526. Category:The Virgin with Scales - Master of the Virgin with Scales - Louvre INV 785 (4)
  2527. Category:The Visit to the Nursery (Jean-Honoré Fragonard - National Gallery of Art) (4)
  2528. Category:The Woman Taken in Adultery - Lorenzo Lotto - Louvre INV 353 (4)
  2529. Category:The Young Virgin by Zurbarán (Metropolitan Museum of Art) (4)
  2530. Category:The head of Judas (RCIN 912547) (4)
  2531. Category:The head of St James, and architectural sketches (RCIN 912552) (4)
  2532. Category:The head of the Madonna (RCIN 912534) (4)
  2533. Category:Thetis Bringing Armor to Achilles by Benjamin West (Los Angeles) (4)
  2534. Category:Thirty - Wassily Kandinsky (4)
  2535. Category:Tiere in einer Landschaft (Franz Marc) (4)
  2536. Category:Tile set of Bedroom in Arles (Amsterdam) (4)
  2537. Category:Tile set of Der Kaufmann Georg Gisze (4)
  2538. Category:Tirol (Franz Marc) (4)
  2539. Category:Titus van Rijn ("Wallace Collection") (4)
  2540. Category:Tragedy and Comedy by Angelica Kauffmann (National Museum in Warsaw) (4)
  2541. Category:Trinquesse, Louis-Roland – Divertissement musical – 1774 (4)
  2542. Category:Tête de femme presque de profil (INV 2376) (4)
  2543. Category:Ulrik Scheffer (Roslin, Skokloster) (4)
  2544. Category:Ulysses and the Sirens by John William Waterhouse (4)
  2545. Category:Unique Forms of Continuity in Space by Umberto Boccioni (Museo del Novecento, Milan) (4)
  2546. Category:Unknown - Statuette of Pluto - 71.AA.438 (4)
  2547. Category:Venice - The Dogana and San Giorgio Maggiore by Joseph Mallord William Turner (4)
  2548. Category:Venus Appearing to Aenaes - Pietro da Cortona - Louvre INV 112 (4)
  2549. Category:Venus Having Beauty Crowned by the Graces (Louvre, OA 10436) (4)
  2550. Category:Venus Led by Cupid to the Dead Adonis - Jacopo Bertoia - Louvre RF 1995-8 (4)
  2551. Category:Venus and Amor (Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Kunstmuseum Basel) (4)
  2552. Category:Venus at her toilet (Louvre, RF 658) (4)
  2553. Category:Venus, Flora, Mars and Cupid (Allegory) by Paris Bordone (Hermitage) (4)
  2554. Category:Virgil - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 652 (4)
  2555. Category:Viscount Goderich (Lawrence) (4)
  2556. Category:Viscount Melbourne (Partridge) (4)
  2557. Category:Visitation - Sebastiano del Piombo - Louvre INV 357 (4)
  2558. Category:Vittorino da Feltre by Pedro Berruguete and Joos van Wassenhove - Louvre (MI 645) (4)
  2559. Category:Volterra. - Vue prise en regardant le municipe (R303) by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (4)
  2560. Category:Warclub-AO 16598 (4)
  2561. Category:Weidende Pferde IV (Franz Marc) (4)
  2562. Category:William IV in Uniform of Admiral (Martin Archer Shee - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 2199) (4)
  2563. Category:William McKinley by Adolfo Müller-Ury (4)
  2564. Category:Wolfgang William, Count Palatine of Neuburg (Anthony van Dyck - Staatsgalerie Neuburg) (4)
  2565. Category:Woman - Henry Moore (LH 439, Tate Britain, London) (4)
  2566. Category:Woman with baldrick-Sb 7638 (4)
  2567. Category:Works after The head of St Anne (RCIN 912533) of Leonardo da Vinci (4)
  2568. Category:Worn Out (d0378V1962) by Vincent van Gogh (4)
  2569. Category:12-pounder gun combined with 8-inch mortar O 344 (3)
  2570. Category:A Road in Louveciennes (c. 1870) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (3)
  2571. Category:Abraham, Sarah, and the Angel - Jan Provoost - Louvre RF 1989-35 (3)
  2572. Category:Achille De Gas in the Uniform of a Cadet (Edgar Degas - National Gallery of Art) (3)
  2573. Category:Achromatic compound microscope-MHS 376 (3)
  2574. Category:Achromatic compound microscope-MHS 655 (3)
  2575. Category:Acoustic-Electric Guitar (ca. 1933) by Vivi-Tone. Kalamazoo, Michigan. MET 2016.415a, b (3)
  2576. Category:Adam and Eve by Hans Baldung (Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum) (3)
  2577. Category:Admiral Sir Edward Hughes (Joshua Reynolds - Budapest Museum of Fine Arts) (3)
  2578. Category:Adolphe Alphand (Alfred-Philippe Roll, 1888) (3)
  2579. Category:Adonis Led by Cupids to Venus - Francesco Albani - Louvre INV 12 (3)
  2580. Category:Adoration of the Shepherds with Sts. Longinus and John - Giulio Romano - Louvre INV 421 (3)
  2581. Category:Adorazione dei Magi by Gentile da Fabriano - Tondoes (3)
  2582. Category:Adze-AO 11611 (3)
  2583. Category:Aleksander Benedykt Sobieski (Circle of Hyacinthe Rigaud - Wilanów Palace) (3)
  2584. Category:Alessandro de' Medici (Jacopo Pontormo - Philadelphia Museum of Art) (3)
  2585. Category:Alexandra Golitsyna and her son Piotr (Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Pushkin Museum) (3)
  2586. Category:Alexandra, Princess of Wales (Franz Xaver Winterhalter, Royal Collection) (3)
  2587. Category:Amalia de Solms-Braunfels (Anthony van Dyck - Museo del Prado) (3)
  2588. Category:Ammeter-MHS 128 (3)
  2589. Category:Ammeter-MHS 259 (3)
  2590. Category:Ammeter-MHS 261 (3)
  2591. Category:Amphitrite, Parc de Versailles, Bosquet des Dômes (3)
  2592. Category:An Officer (Conde de Teba?) (1914.1.64) (3)
  2593. Category:Ana deo-70.1999.5.2.1 (3)
  2594. Category:Ana deo-70.1999.5.2.2 (3)
  2595. Category:Anemometer-MHS 12 (3)
  2596. Category:Anemometer-MHS 2189 (3)
  2597. Category:Angel Holding a Phylactery - Raphael - RF 1981-55 (3)
  2598. Category:Angel with an Olive Branch - Hans Memling - Louvre RF 1993-1 (3)
  2599. Category:Anna Amalia of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (Johann Friedrich August Tischbein, Gleimhaus) (3)
  2600. Category:Anna de' Medici, Archduchess, with her Lapdog (Justus Sustermans - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (3)
  2601. Category:Anne-Marie-Louise d'Orléans as Minerva (Pierre Bourguignon - Palace of Versailles) (3)
  2602. Category:Annunciation - Giorgio Vasari - Louvre INV 732 (3)
  2603. Category:Annunciation by Artemisia Gentileschi (72) (3)
  2604. Category:Antinous statue (Granite Terrace in Catherine Park) (3)
  2605. Category:Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle by Titian (3)
  2606. Category:Antonia de Ipeñarrieta y Galdós and Her Son Luis (Velázquez - Museo del Prado) (3)
  2607. Category:Antonin Proust (Édouard Manet - Musée Fabre) (3)
  2608. Category:Antonin Proust (Édouard Manet - Toledo Museum of Art) (3)
  2609. Category:Apollo in Love with Daphne - Nicolas Poussin - MI 776 (3)
  2610. Category:Apostle St. Andrew (Zurbarán) (3)
  2611. Category:Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Simon Stock - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Louvre RF 1983-44 (3)
  2612. Category:Applique with character-Sb 3362 (3)
  2613. Category:Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria (Joseph Ducreux - Versailles) (3)
  2614. Category:Archduchess Maria Magdalena of Austria (Frans Pourbus II - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (3)
  2615. Category:Arion, Parc de Versailles, Bosquet des Dômes (3)
  2616. Category:Aristotle - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 656 (3)
  2617. Category:Armiliary sphere-MnM 9 NA 70 (3)
  2618. Category:Armillary sphere-MnM 9 NA 73 (3)
  2619. Category:Asensio Julià (Goya - Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum) (3)
  2620. Category:Astrolabe-MnM 9 NA 61 (3)
  2621. Category:Audience Granted by the Doge - Francesco Guardi - Louvre INV 325 (3)
  2622. Category:Auf Vorposten (1829) by Georg Friedrich Kersting (3)
  2623. Category:Axe from Ariège, France - MHNT PRE. (3)
  2624. Category:Axe-AO 24013 (3)
  2625. Category:Bacchus and Ceres with Nymphs and Satyrs (Sébastien Bourdon - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest) (3)
  2626. Category:Bacchus on a Throne − Nymphs Offering Bacchus Wine and Fruit (Caesar Boetius van Everdingen - Museum Kunstpalast) (3)
  2627. Category:Badande kullor i bastun by Anders Zorn (3)
  2628. Category:Banquet with musicians-AO 14053 (3)
  2629. Category:Baronne de Crussol (3)
  2630. Category:Bather Entering Her Bath (Louvre, MR 1846) (3)
  2631. Category:Bead dedicated to the Moon god-AO 27622 (3)
  2632. Category:Bearded man-MNB 849 (3)
  2633. Category:Bertel Thorvaldsen with the Bust of Horace Vernet (Horace Vernet - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (3)
  2634. Category:Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac (Jean-Louis Laneuville - Kunsthalle Bremen) (3)
  2635. Category:Biface from Bosman's Crossing, South Africa - MHNT PRE.2009.0.195.1 (3)
  2636. Category:Birth of the Virgin - Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 190 (3)
  2637. Category:Blessing Christ (Bernardino Luini, Louvre) (3)
  2638. Category:Boarding axe-MnM 33 AR 29.2 (3)
  2639. Category:Boarding sabre model 1811-MnM 33 AR 190 (3)
  2640. Category:Bottle (Louvre UCAD 37268) (3)
  2641. Category:Bull-man wrestling a lion AO 12449 (3)
  2642. Category:Bust of Gaston d'Orléans (Louvre RF 1227) (3)
  2643. Category:Bust of a praying figure-AO 19071 (3)
  2644. Category:Calvary - Giovanni Bellini - Louvre RF 1970-39 (3)
  2645. Category:Camille Delivers the Schoolmaster of Falerii to His Pupils - Nicolas Poussin - Louvre INV 7291 (3)
  2646. Category:Campo Santi Giovanni et Paolo, with the Scuola di San Marco in Venice - Francesco Guardi - Louvre RF 2252 (3)
  2647. Category:Candlestick (Louvre AOR 41/96) (3)
  2648. Category:Canon Ludovico di Terzi (Giovanni Battista Moroni - National Gallery, London) (3)
  2649. Category:Canthare M95 (3)
  2650. Category:Capital (Louvre MAO 2012) (3)
  2651. Category:Captain Edward Knowles, R.N. (Francis Cotes - Museum of Fine Arts, Houston) (3)
  2652. Category:Carnival Thursday on the Piazzetta - Francesco Guardi - Louvre INV 321 (3)
  2653. Category:Caroline of Brunswick (James Lonsdale - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 498) (3)
  2654. Category:Carousing Couple - Judith Leyster - Louvre RF 2131 (3)
  2655. Category:Celestial sphere-MnM 11 NA 118 (3)
  2656. Category:Ceres - Raphael workshop - Louvre INV 657 (3)
  2657. Category:Charity (Francesco Salviati) (3)
  2658. Category:Charles-Joseph Natoire - Gustaf Lundberg - Louvre INV 30867, recto (3)
  2659. Category:Charon, nocher des Enfers, Hutin (Louvre MR1882) (3)
  2660. Category:Chichester Canal (Turner) (3)
  2661. Category:Child holding a goose-AM 135 (3)
  2662. Category:Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter - Guido Reni - Louvre INV 526 (3)
  2663. Category:Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery (Rembrandt) (3)
  2664. Category:Christ as 'The Light of the World' (Paris Bordone, National Gallery, London) (3)
  2665. Category:Christ at the Column by Antonello da Messina (Louvre RF 1992-10) (3)
  2666. Category:Christina of Denmark (Coxie) (3)
  2667. Category:Cleaver from Griquatown, South Africa - MHNT PRE.2009.0.197.1 (3)
  2668. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 29 Ambrose Expositio de psalmo CXVIII (3)
  2669. Category:Compass-MAO 339 (3)
  2670. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 11 (3)
  2671. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 119 (3)
  2672. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 55 (3)
  2673. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 82 (3)
  2674. Category:Composition VI - Wassily Kandinsky (3)
  2675. Category:Composition VIII - Wassily Kandinsky (3)
  2676. Category:Concert dans le salon ovale du château de Pierre Crozat à Montmorency (3)
  2677. Category:Congreve rocket-MnM 37 AR 29 (3)
  2678. Category:Copies of Amor Victorious by Caravaggio (3)
  2679. Category:Copy of Gallileo Firenze thermometer-MHS 1882 (3)
  2680. Category:Copy of Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper at Royal Academy of Arts, London (3)
  2681. Category:Corbulo so-called portrait (copy, Louvre Ma 925) (3)
  2682. Category:Cosimo I de' Medici as Orpheus (Agnolo Bronzino - Philadelphia Museum of Art) (3)
  2683. Category:Couvercle de sarcophage (Louvre S 4470) (3)
  2684. Category:Crookes tube-MHS 2021 (3)
  2685. Category:Crown Prince Friedrich Christian of Saxony (Carriera) (3)
  2686. Category:Crown prince Frederik de Great in Armour (Antoine Pesne - Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) (3)
  2687. Category:Crucifixion (Bartolomeo Bulgarini, Louvre) (3)
  2688. Category:Cupid (Eros) Carves the Bow (Rubens - Alte Pinakothek) (3)
  2689. Category:Cybele-AO 3164 (3)
  2690. Category:Danae by Artemisia Gentileschi (3)
  2691. Category:Danseuses sur la scène (MBA Lyon) (3)
  2692. Category:Dante Alighieri - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 648 (3)
  2693. Category:Das Schaf (Franz Marc) (3)
  2694. Category:David, Manfredi (Louvre RF 1990-29) (3)
  2695. Category:Dead Christ - Marco Palmezzano - Louvre MI 680 (3)
  2696. Category:Death of Seneca - Luca Giordano - Louvre MI 871 (3)
  2697. Category:Demonstration electric engine-MHS 367 (3)
  2698. Category:Deposition by Vrancke van der Stockt in the Alte Pinakothek (3)
  2699. Category:Details of Bellini, Jacopo - Madonna and Child by a Prince of the House of Este (3)
  2700. Category:Details of Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci by Leonardo da Vinci (3)
  2701. Category:Details of Saint Sebastian by Mantegna (Louvre) (3)
  2702. Category:Diana and her Nymphs setting out for the Hunt (Rubens and Brueghel - Musée de la chasse et de la nature) (3)
  2703. Category:Dogs fighting-AO 19704 (3)
  2704. Category:Domenichino by Julie Charpentier (Louvre LL 227) (3)
  2705. Category:Door (Louvre AD 7674) (3)
  2706. Category:Doña María de la Luz Padilla y Gómez de Cervantes (Miguel Cabrera - Brooklyn Museum) (3)
  2707. Category:Drawings of Dying Gaul (3)
  2708. Category:Drilled tooth from La Madeleine, France - MHNT PRE.2010.0.1.8 (3)
  2709. Category:Duet - Hendrick ter Brugghen - Louvre RF 1954-1 (3)
  2710. Category:Duke of Portland (Pratt) (3)
  2711. Category:Dynamo-MHS 616 (3)
  2712. Category:Earl of Wilmington (Kneller) (3)
  2713. Category:Ecce Homo - Guido Reni - Louvre INV 528 (3)
  2714. Category:Edward Pierce (Isaac Fuller - Yale Center for British Art) (3)
  2715. Category:Egyptian funerary set (Carnavalet AC 1000/320, AC 1000/439) (3)
  2716. Category:Eiffel Tower by Georges Seurat (3)
  2717. Category:Electric motor-MHS 566 (3)
  2718. Category:Electrometer-MHS 1094 (3)
  2719. Category:Electrometer-MHS 544 (3)
  2720. Category:Electroscope-MHS 2028 (3)
  2721. Category:Electroscope-MHS 617 (3)
  2722. Category:Elizabeth of York (Anonymous - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 311) (3)
  2723. Category:Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, Prince of Oneglia (Anthony van Dyck - Dulwich Picture Gallery) (3)
  2724. Category:Emperor Kangxi at his desk (3)
  2725. Category:Emperor Maximilian I in Armour (Rubens) (3)
  2726. Category:Empress Maria Theresa (Matthias de Visch after Martin van Meytens - Groeningemuseum) (3)
  2727. Category:Erminia and Valfrino Tending the Wounded Tancred After the Battle with Argante - Pier Francesco Mola - Louvre INV 399 (3)
  2728. Category:Ernest Renan (Léon Bonnat - Ernest-Renan Museum) (3)
  2729. Category:Etude d'un esclave égorgé pour la Mort de Sardanapale (RF 29666) (3)
  2730. Category:Etui de Chepenoupet II - Egypte - entre -780 et -656 - Louvre - E 10814 (3)
  2731. Category:Family Group - Henry Moore (LH 269, Tate Britain, London) (3)
  2732. Category:Female figurine holding her breasts-AM 1176 (3)
  2733. Category:Fillette à l'oiseau et à la pomme, Pigalle (Louvre RF1511) (3)
  2734. Category:Flickan på loftet by Anders Zorn (3)
  2735. Category:Flint Blade from Leugny, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.189.2 (3)
  2736. Category:Fraises by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Musée de l'Orangerie RF 1963-17) (3)
  2737. Category:Frank Billings Kellogg by Laszlo (National Portrait Gallery, Washington) (3)
  2738. Category:Frans Jansz. Post (Frans Hals - Worcester Art Museum) (3)
  2739. Category:François Marius Granet (Ingres - Musée Granet) (3)
  2740. Category:Françoise Marie de Bourbon, duchesse d'Orléans (Alexandre-François Caminade - Versailles) (3)
  2741. Category:Félix Pissarro wearing a Red Beret (Camille Pissarro) (3)
  2742. Category:Gabriel Huquier - Jean-Baptiste Perronneau - Louvre RF 35521 (3)
  2743. Category:Galvanometer-MHS 229 (3)
  2744. Category:General Ottavio Piccolomini (Anselm van Hulle - Deutsches Historisches Museum) (3)
  2745. Category:Geneviève-Françoise-Laurette Randon de Malboissiere as Melpomene (Louis-Michel Van Loo) (3)
  2746. Category:George Grenville (Hoare) (3)
  2747. Category:Gli ultimi momenti del doge Marin Faliero by Francesco Hayez (3)
  2748. Category:God Ched-N 524 (3)
  2749. Category:God on chariot Sb 2824 (3)
  2750. Category:Graziella (1896) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir in the Detroit Institute of Arts (3)
  2751. Category:Groupe cinéraire (Louvre Ma2348) (3)
  2752. Category:Hagar and the Angel - Giuseppe Bottani - Louvre RF 1997-19 (3)
  2753. Category:Hairpin-MA 2557 (3)
  2754. Category:Head of Christ (Rembrandt, Philadelphia) (3)
  2755. Category:Head of a goddess-E 12696 (3)
  2756. Category:Head of a man (Louvre AM 2786) (3)
  2757. Category:Head of a woman-AO 29577 (3)
  2758. Category:Head of a young veiled woman (Louvre MNB 3231) (3)
  2759. Category:Head of civil servant-201 (3)
  2760. Category:Helena Fourment with a Carriage - Rubens - Louvre RF 1977-13 (3)
  2761. Category:Henri IV et ses enfants by Pierre-Henri Révoil (3)
  2762. Category:Henri de La Rochejaquelein (Guérin) (3)
  2763. Category:Henry Addington (Beechey) (3)
  2764. Category:Henry Solomon Wellcome (Hugh Goldwin Riviere, 1906) (3)
  2765. Category:Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke (National Portrait Gallery, NPG 593) (3)
  2766. Category:Hercule-François, Duke of Alençon and of Anjou (François Clouet - Royal Collection) (3)
  2767. Category:Hercules and Achelous - Guido Reni - Louvre INV 536 (3)
  2768. Category:Hercules by Piero della Francesca (3)
  2769. Category:Hercules on the Pyre - Guido Reni - Louvre INV 538 (3)
  2770. Category:Heroic Battle - Salvator Rosa - Louvre INV 585 (3)
  2771. Category:Historical images of the Mars of Todi (3)
  2772. Category:Hourglass-MHS 1908 (3)
  2773. Category:Ifugao sculpture-70.1999.4.1 (3)
  2774. Category:Ignacio Garcini y Queralt (Goya) (3)
  2775. Category:Impression III (Concert) - Wassily Kandinsky (3)
  2776. Category:Improvisation Gorge - Wassily Kandinsky (3)
  2777. Category:In Grey - Wassily Kandinsky (3)
  2778. Category:Interior of the Church of St Bavo at Haarlem by Pieter Jansz. Saenredam - Louvre RF 1983-100 (3)
  2779. Category:Isabella Clara Eugenia (Frans Pourbus II - Royal Collection) (3)
  2780. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11455 (3)
  2781. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11459 (3)
  2782. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11467 (3)
  2783. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11468 (3)
  2784. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11470 (3)
  2785. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11482 (3)
  2786. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11484 (3)
  2787. Category:James Douglas, 4th Earl of Morton (Arnold van Bronckorst - Scottish National Portrait Gallery) (3)
  2788. Category:James VI & I (John de Critz - Montacute House) (3)
  2789. Category:Jane Fleming, later Countess of Harrington (Joshua Reynolds, Huntington Library) (3)
  2790. Category:Johan of Arc - Archives nationales (France) - AE/II/2490 (3)
  2791. Category:Johann Friedrich the Magnanimous - Lucas Cranach (I) - Louvre INV 1184 (3)
  2792. Category:Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto (Claude Marie Dubufe - Versailles) (3)
  2793. Category:Joseph-Antoine Moltedo (Ingres - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (3)
  2794. Category:Joven con mantilla (Goya) (3)
  2795. Category:Judith (Carlo Maratta after Guido Reni - Capitoline Museums) (3)
  2796. Category:Judith and Maidservant with Head of Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi (69) (3)
  2797. Category:Julie d'Angennes as L'Astrée (Claude Deruet) (3)
  2798. Category:Juno Receiving the Head of Argos (Jacopo Amigoni - Moor Park) (3)
  2799. Category:Jupiter, Mercury and Virtue by Dosso Dossi (3)
  2800. Category:Kimbell AP 1980.07 (3)
  2801. Category:King Gustav III of Sweden and his Brothers (Alexander Roslin - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (3)
  2802. Category:King and Queen - Henry Moore (LH 350, Hirshhorn Museum's Sculpture Garden) (3)
  2803. Category:Konstanty Władysław Sobieski (Circle of Hyacinthe Rigaud - Wilanów Palace) (3)
  2804. Category:L'Enfance de Bacchus - Poussin - Louvre INV 7295 (3)
  2805. Category:La Marquise de Pompadour - François Boucher - Louvre RF 2142 (3)
  2806. Category:La Nymphe Salmacis by François Joseph Bosio (Louvre LP 1307) (3)
  2807. Category:La Pentecôte, Restout (Louvre INV20303) (3)
  2808. Category:La Princesse de Broglie Photographie (MIC.75.47) (3)
  2809. Category:La Pêche miraculeuse, Jouvenet (Louvre INV5487) (3)
  2810. Category:La Rixe, Traversi (Louvre RF 1990-2) (3)
  2811. Category:La rencontre d'Antoine et de Cléopâtre by Sébastien Bourdon (3)
  2812. Category:Lady in a Turkish Costume, Portrait of Felicita Sartori (Rosalba Carriera) (3)
  2813. Category:Landscape - Nicolas Poussin - Prado P02310 (3)
  2814. Category:Le Duc d'Orléans à l'hôtel de ville, le 31 juillet 1830 (Carnavalet P 106) (3)
  2815. Category:Le Génie du Printemps, Monot (Louvre RF2985) (3)
  2816. Category:Le Jardin de l'artiste à Giverny (3)
  2817. Category:Leonor Lopez de Villanueva, Wife of Antonio del Rio - Adriaen Thomasz Key - Louvre RF 217 (3)
  2818. Category:Levinus Memminger by Michael Wolgemut (3)
  2819. Category:Leyden jar-MHS 1188 (3)
  2820. Category:Libation basin (Louvre E 25551) (3)
  2821. Category:Lion (Louvre AO 4837) (3)
  2822. Category:Lion (Louvre AO 4872) (3)
  2823. Category:Loth and His Daughters - Bernardo Cavallino - Louvre RF 1983-30 (3)
  2824. Category:Louis Charles, Count of Eu (Versailles MV 3737) (3)
  2825. Category:Louis Legendre by Jean-Louis Laneuville (Carnavalet P 2759) (3)
  2826. Category:Louis Philippe, King of the French (Franz Xaver Winterhalter - Royal Collection) (3)
  2827. Category:Louis XIII by Vouet (Louvre INV 8506) (3)
  2828. Category:Louis-Charles Balzac by Anne-Louis Girodet (3)
  2829. Category:Louise-Françoise de Bourbon, Princess of Condé, in Widow’s Habit (Versailles MV 4326) (3)
  2830. Category:Louvre AD 2785 (3)
  2831. Category:Louvre AO 11466 (3)
  2832. Category:Louvre Br 4997 (3)
  2833. Category:Louvre CA 1685 (3)
  2834. Category:Louvre CA 623 (3)
  2835. Category:Louvre D 162 (3)
  2836. Category:Louvre E 4850 (3)
  2837. Category:Louvre E 658 (3)
  2838. Category:Louvre ED 2772 (3)
  2839. Category:Louvre INV 2725 (3)
  2840. Category:Louvre OA 3088 (3)
  2841. Category:Louvre RF 2306 (3)
  2842. Category:Louvre RF 2396 (3)
  2843. Category:Louvre Sb 2733 (3)
  2844. Category:Luth player-Sb 7910 (3)
  2845. Category:Lyrisches - Wassily Kandinsky (3)
  2846. Category:MHNT ETH.AC.NC.200 (necklace) (3)
  2847. Category:Madame Cezanne in the Garden (Paul Cézanne - Musée de l'Orangerie) (3)
  2848. Category:Madame Cézanne in a Red Dress (Paul Cézanne - São Paulo Museum of Art) (3)
  2849. Category:Madame Cézanne with Green Hat (Paul Cézanne - Barnes Foundation) (3)
  2850. Category:Madame Georges Hartmann (1874) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir in the Musée d'Orsay (3)
  2851. Category:Madame Pasteur - Antoine-Jean Gros - Louvre RF 1948-42 (3)
  2852. Category:Madame Titon de Cogny (Nicolas de Largillière - Cincinnati Art Museum) (3)
  2853. Category:Madonna Benois on stamps (3)
  2854. Category:Madonna Kedleston (3)
  2855. Category:Madonna Litta by Leonardo da Vinci on stamps (3)
  2856. Category:Madonna and Child - Massimo Stanzione - Louvre RF 1997-36 (3)
  2857. Category:Madonna and Child between two musician Angels (Louvre, MI 539) (3)
  2858. Category:Madonna and Child with Angels - Master of the Embroidered Foliage - Louvre RF 1973-35 (3)
  2859. Category:Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Mary Magdelene - Simone dei Crocifissi - Louvre DL 1973-15 (3)
  2860. Category:Madonna and Child with St. Francis - Domenichino - Louvre INV 791 (3)
  2861. Category:Madonna and Child with St. Jerome and St. Gregory the Great (Pinturicchio, Louvre) (3)
  2862. Category:Madonna and Child with St. John - Guido Reni - Louvre INV 524 (3)
  2863. Category:Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Anthony (Neroccio de' Landi, Louvre) (3)
  2864. Category:Madonna and Child with Young John the Baptist (Pontormo, Uffizi) (3)
  2865. Category:Madonna and Child with a Dominican Offering His Heart - Joos van Cleve - Louvre RF 2068 (3)
  2866. Category:Madonna and Sleeping Child with Three Angels - Bernardino Luini - Louvre INV 360 (3)
  2867. Category:Madonna of Humility (Lorenzo Monaco, Louvre) (3)
  2868. Category:Madonna of the Rabbit by Manet (3)
  2869. Category:Madonna with Cherries - Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 194 (3)
  2870. Category:Madonna with the Child (Greek Madonna) by Giovanni Bellini (3)
  2871. Category:Magdalena and Jan-Baptist de Vos, the children of the painter (Cornelis de Vos) (3)
  2872. Category:MagnetoDynamo-MHS 642 (3)
  2873. Category:Male figure-AO 29578 (3)
  2874. Category:Malinconia by Francesco Hayez (3)
  2875. Category:Man of Sorrows with a Chalice (Christ as Redeemer) by Hendrick Goltzius (3)
  2876. Category:Manet (Guérin 88) (3)
  2877. Category:Manuscrit de Mes vingt ans et moi de Leo Larguier - palais du Roure (3)
  2878. Category:Marguerite of Navarre (attributed to Jean Clouet - Walker Art Gallery) (3)
  2879. Category:Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria (workshop of François de Troy - Versailles) (3)
  2880. Category:Maria Theresa, Infanta of Spain (Velázquez - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (3)
  2881. Category:Mariana of Austria as a Widow by Claudio Coello (3)
  2882. Category:Marie Thérèse of Austria in Royal Costume (Jean Nocret - Versailles) (3)
  2883. Category:Marquesa de Llano (Anton Raphael Mengs - Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando) (3)
  2884. Category:Marquis de Pastoret (Paul Delaroche - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) (3)
  2885. Category:Martin Zapater (Goya - Bilbao Fine Arts Museum) (3)
  2886. Category:Masse d'armes (MARQ 935.3.135) (3)
  2887. Category:Maurice Gigost d'Elbée (Guérin) (3)
  2888. Category:Mediterranée (1st state) by Aristide Maillol (Musée d'Orsay) (3)
  2889. Category:Mercury as personification of painting (Goltzius) (3)
  2890. Category:Michel Ney (Charles Meynier) (3)
  2891. Category:Microscope with camera lucida-MHS 2211 (3)
  2892. Category:Microscope-MHS 455 (3)
  2893. Category:Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland (John Singer Sargent - Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum) (3)
  2894. Category:Minerva - Fra Bartolomeo - Louvre RF 1945-9 (3)
  2895. Category:Miss Martha Carr (Thomas Lawrence - Museo del Prado) (3)
  2896. Category:Model of royal wig-299 (3)
  2897. Category:Mosaic (Louvre 74.1962.0.376) (3)
  2898. Category:Mrs. Seymour Bathurst by Thomas Lawrence (3)
  2899. Category:Musée Ingres-Bourdelle - Etude de dos pour Le Radeau de La Méduse (d'après le modèle Joseph) - Théodore Géricault (3)
  2900. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26015 (3)
  2901. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26047 (3)
  2902. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26057 (3)
  2903. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26101 (3)
  2904. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26120 (3)
  2905. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26169 (3)
  2906. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26172 (3)
  2907. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26280 (3)
  2908. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26324 (3)
  2909. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26362 (3)
  2910. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26469 (3)
  2911. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26497 (3)
  2912. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26498 (3)
  2913. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26516a (3)
  2914. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26552 (3)
  2915. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 86 1 1 (3)
  2916. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 1 1 (3)
  2917. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 10 102 (3)
  2918. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 196 (3)
  2919. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 197 (3)
  2920. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 28 k (3)
  2921. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 30 (3)
  2922. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 325 (3)
  2923. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 327 (3)
  2924. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 331 (3)
  2925. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 36a (3)
  2926. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 36b (3)
  2927. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 36e (3)
  2928. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 764 c (3)
  2929. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 764 d (3)
  2930. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 809 a (3)
  2931. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 809b et Ra 501 (3)
  2932. Category:Nackte unter Bäumen (3)
  2933. Category:Naked woman holding her breasts Sb 7742 (3)
  2934. Category:Napoleon Bonaparte Pardoning the Rebels at Cairo, 23rd October 1798 (Guérin) (3)
  2935. Category:Napoleon during his campaign in Egypt by Jean-Léon Gérome (3)
  2936. Category:Nativity (Guido da Siena, Louvre) (3)
  2937. Category:Nativity - Anonymous artist - Louvre RF 2502 (3)
  2938. Category:Navy percussion pistol model 1837-MnM 31 AR 176 (3)
  2939. Category:Nicolas Poussin - Autorretrato (3)
  2940. Category:Nude by Félix-Jacques Moulin (Metropolitan Museum of Art 2005.100.1105) (3)
  2941. Category:Nursing Madonna - Bartolomeo Vivarini - Louvre RF 2011-51 (3)
  2942. Category:Nymphs and Satyrs - Sebastiano Ricci - Louvre RF 1989-28 (3)
  2943. Category:Octave Raquin by Toulouse Lautrec (3)
  2944. Category:Oedipe et Phorbas, Lecomte (Louvre RF4009) (3)
  2945. Category:Oriental Warrior - Pier Francesco Mola - Louvre RF 1948-41 (3)
  2946. Category:Ottavio Piccolomini in Armour (Matthäus Merian) (3)
  2947. Category:Oval with Points 1968-70 (LH 596) at Princeton University (3)
  2948. Category:Parma embraces Alessandro Farnese (Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli - Galleria nazionale, Parma) (3)
  2949. Category:Pedro de Barberana with Calatrava Cross (Velázquez) (3)
  2950. Category:Perpetual calendar-MHS 1341 (3)
  2951. Category:Perpetual calendar-MHS 1906 (3)
  2952. Category:Persian tiles with flute player - Iran (Qazvin ?) - ca 1685 to 1715 - Louvre - MAO 2025 (3)
  2953. Category:Philip II in Armour (Sánchez Coello, Pollok House) (3)
  2954. Category:Philip II of Spain (Sofonisba Anguissola) (3)
  2955. Category:Philip II of Spain, by Anthonis Mor (Bilbao Fine Arts Museum) (3)
  2956. Category:Philipp Ludwig Wenzel von Sinzendorf (Hyacinthe Rigaud - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (3)
  2957. Category:Pierre Sériziat (Louvre RF 1281) (3)
  2958. Category:Pietà - Quinten Massijs (I) - Louvre RF 817 (3)
  2959. Category:Plato - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 655 (3)
  2960. Category:Pluton enchaînant Cerbère, Pajou (Louvre RF2982) (3)
  2961. Category:Plutus, dieu des richesses, Flamen (Louvre MR1851) (3)
  2962. Category:Pope Benedict XIV by Pierre Subleyras (Musée Condé) (3)
  2963. Category:Pope Clement VII with beard (study) by Sebastiano del Piombo (3)
  2964. Category:Pope Clement XIII by Anton Rafael Mengs (Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna) (3)
  2965. Category:Pope Pius VII (Lawrence) (3)
  2966. Category:Pope Pius VII by Teodoro Matteini (Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice) (3)
  2967. Category:Pope Urban VIII by Gianlorenzo Bernini (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica) (3)
  2968. Category:Porte Lyon MBA H 293 (3)
  2969. Category:Portrait de Mgr Jules de Médicis - Musée des Beaux-Arts de Narbonne (3)
  2970. Category:Portrait de Stéphane Mallarmé (1892) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir in the Musée d'Orsay (3)
  2971. Category:Portrait de la baronne de Chalvet-Souville, née Marie de Broutin, Vincent (Louvre RF 1998-5) (3)
  2972. Category:Portrait of Ambrogio Spinola (workshop of Michiel van Mierevelt - Rijksmuseum SK-A-554) (3)
  2973. Category:Portrait of Charlotte Dubourg by Henri Fantin-Latour (3)
  2974. Category:Portrait of Count Giovanni Battista Vailetti by Fra' Galgario (3)
  2975. Category:Portrait of Edward Shippen Burd of Philadelphia (3)
  2976. Category:Portrait of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro by Raphael (3)
  2977. Category:Portrait of Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, by John Singleton Copley (3)
  2978. Category:Portrait of Joost van Bronckhorst (Jan Mostaert - Petit Palais) (3)
  2979. Category:Portrait of Louis XV of France in Coronation Robes (Alexis Simon Belle) (3)
  2980. Category:Portrait of Lucrezia Borgia in male clothing (att. Dosso Dossi) (3)
  2981. Category:Portrait of Mlle Fiocre in the Ballet "La Source" (3)
  2982. Category:Portrait of Ottavio Strada (Jacopo Tintoretto) (3)
  2983. Category:Portrait of Paweł Grabowski (Giovanni Battista Lampi - National Museum in Warsaw) (3)
  2984. Category:Portrait of Philip II of Spain by Titian in the Museo del Prado (3)
  2985. Category:Portrait of Pietro Bembo (Titian, National Gallery of Art) (3)
  2986. Category:Portrait of Pope Pius V (Bartolomeo Passarotti - Walters Art Museum) (3)
  2987. Category:Portrait of Sibylle of Cleves by Lucas Cranach (I) Fondation Bemberg Toulouse (3)
  2988. Category:Portrait of Stanisław Antoni Szczuka (3)
  2989. Category:Portrait of Tognina Gonsalvus (Lavinia Fontana) (3)
  2990. Category:Portrait of William Stoughton (Harvard Art Museums) (3)
  2991. Category:Portrait of a Cleric by Albrecht Dürer (3)
  2992. Category:Portrait of a Genovese Lady - Anthony van Dyck - Louvre RF 1949-36 (3)
  2993. Category:Portrait of a Gentleman (Marco Basaiti - Philadelphia Museum of Art) (3)
  2994. Category:Portrait of a Lady (Bernardino Luini, National Gallery of Art) (3)
  2995. Category:Portrait of a Man (Frans Hals - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest) (3)
  2996. Category:Portrait of a Man (Giulio Campi - Hermitage Museum) (3)
  2997. Category:Portrait of a Man (Paolo Veronese - Getty Center) (3)
  2998. Category:Portrait of a Man in Armor with Two Pages (Paris Bordone - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (3)
  2999. Category:Portrait of a Man wearing Black Ribbons (Sébastien Bourdon - Musée Fabre) (3)
  3000. Category:Portrait of a Man with Baret and Scroll (Albrecht Dürer - Museo del Prado) (3)
  3001. Category:Portrait of a Man, Hand on His Belt - Titian - Louvre INV 756 (3)
  3002. Category:Portrait of a Peasant (Patience Escalier) (3)
  3003. Category:Portrait of a Woman - Frans Hals - Louvre MI 927 (3)
  3004. Category:Portrait of a Woman as Diana (Jean-Marc Nattier - Cleveland Museum of Art) (3)
  3005. Category:Portrait of a Woman with a Child and a Dog - Paolo Veronese - Louvre INV 149 (3)
  3006. Category:Portrait of a Woman, possibly Elisabeth, Margravine of Bayreuth (Lucas Cranach II - Alte Pinakothek) (3)
  3007. Category:Portrait of a Young Man, probably Fortunato Martinengo Cesaresco (Moretto da Brescia - National Gallery, London) (3)
  3008. Category:Portrait of a Young Woman (Aert de Gelder - Art Institute of Chicago) (3)
  3009. Category:Portrait of a Young Woman in Profile (Sofonisba Anguissola - Hermitage Museum) (3)
  3010. Category:Portrait of a gentleman in white by Frans Hals (3)
  3011. Category:Portrait of an Elderly Woman, traditionally called Mevrouw Bodolphe (Frans Hals - Yale University Art Gallery) (3)
  3012. Category:Portrait of an unknown woman, formerly identified as Anne Boleyn (Musée Condé) (3)
  3013. Category:Portrait of madame Flandrin by Hippolyte Flandrin (Louvre RF 1984-29) (3)
  3014. Category:Portrait of the Architect La Tour - Johann-Baptist Lampi d. Ä. - Louvre RF 2378 (3)
  3015. Category:Portrait of the Artist with the Yellow Christ (Paul Gauguin - Musée d'Orsay) (3)
  3016. Category:Portrait of the Infanta Catalina Micaela (Alonso Sánchez Coello - Hermitage Museum) (3)
  3017. Category:Portrait of the Princess of Lamballe (Callet, circa 1776) (3)
  3018. Category:Portrait of the Wife of Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez (Goya) (3)
  3019. Category:Portrait of the countess de Tillières by Jean-Marc Nattier (3)
  3020. Category:Préparation du feu d'artifice place Navone, Pannini (Louvre INV 415) (3)
  3021. Category:Quarter circle compass-MHS 1889 (3)
  3022. Category:Queen Anne and her son William, Duke of Gloucester (Studio of Godfrey Kneller - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 5227) (3)
  3023. Category:Queen Marie of Romania by Laszlo (Peleș Castle) (3)
  3024. Category:Queen Sophia Magdalena (Lorens Pasch the Younger - Hermitage Museum) (3)
  3025. Category:Rafaello Menicucci (Valentin de Boulogne - Indianapolis Museum of Art) (3)
  3026. Category:Randon de Boisset (Jean-Baptiste Greuze - Budapest Museum of Fine Arts) (3)
  3027. Category:Reclining Young Woman in Spanish Costume (Édouard Manet - Yale University Art Gallery) (3)
  3028. Category:Reduction compass-MHS 1880 (3)
  3029. Category:Reduction compass-MHS 1914 (3)
  3030. Category:Reduction compass-MHS 1939 (3)
  3031. Category:Rest on the Flight into Egypt - Ippolito Andreasi - Louvre INV 63 (3)
  3032. Category:Resurrection of Christ - Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 200 (3)
  3033. Category:Retable de la Résurrection du Christ (Louvre Ent 1933. 1) (3)
  3034. Category:Ritratto di Alessandro Manzoni (1841) by Francesco Hayez (3)
  3035. Category:Ritratto di Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli by Francesco Hayez (3)
  3036. Category:Ritratto di Teresa Manzoni Stampa Borri by Francesco Hayez (3)
  3037. Category:Ritual grade statue-71.1938.42.8 (3)
  3038. Category:Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester (Anonymous - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 447) (3)
  3039. Category:Robert Louis Stevenson (Girolamo Nerli - Scottish National Portrait Gallery) (3)
  3040. Category:Romulus and Remus Sheltered by Faustulus - Pietro da Cortona - Louvre INV 111 (3)
  3041. Category:Rue de Paris, temps de pluie by Gustave Caillebotte (sketches) (3)
  3042. Category:Sabre of the sailors of the Guard-MnM 33 AR 10 (3)
  3043. Category:Saint Anthony and the Miracle of the Mule - Domenico Beccafumi - Louvre RF 1966-2 (3)
  3044. Category:Saint Augustine - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 650 (3)
  3045. Category:Saint Catherine (Yáñez de la Almedina) (3)
  3046. Category:Saint Francis of Assisi - Unknown artist - Louvre RF 975 (3)
  3047. Category:Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata - Domenico Beccafumi - Louvre RF 1966-3 (3)
  3048. Category:Saint Georges terrassant le dragon - 1509 - Marbre - Michel Colombe - Louvre - M.R. 1645 (3)
  3049. Category:Saint Jerome - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 649 (3)
  3050. Category:Saint Jerome in his study by Caravaggio (Rome) - Details (3)
  3051. Category:Saint John the Evangelist - Sassetta - Louvre RF 1956-11 c (3)
  3052. Category:Saint Macarius of Ghent Giving Aid to the Plague Victims - Jacob van Oost (II) - Louvre INV 1672 (3)
  3053. Category:Saint Mary Magdalene Reading - Master of the Female Half-Lengths - Louvre INV 2156 (3)
  3054. Category:Saint Peter and a Kneeling Donor - Ambrogio Bergognone - Louvre RF 24 (3)
  3055. Category:Saint Sebastian (Régnier, Hermitage) (3)
  3056. Category:Saint Thomas Aquinas - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 651 (3)
  3057. Category:Sainte Anne, la Vierge et l'Enfant (RF 460) (3)
  3058. Category:Salmacis & Hermaphroditos by Jan Mabuse (3)
  3059. Category:Salvator Mundi - Joos van Cleve - Louvre RF 187 (3)
  3060. Category:Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (painting) (3)
  3061. Category:Sarcophagus (Louvre AO 4807) (3)
  3062. Category:Scale model of Bellatrix-MnM 1 AE 21 (3)
  3063. Category:Scale model of Gunilda-AGOID 106311 (3)
  3064. Category:Scale model of an 18-pounder carronade-MnM 17 AR 12 (3)
  3065. Category:Scenes from the Life of David - Sebald Beham - Louvre INV 1033 (3)
  3066. Category:Scraper from Gavaudun, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0212.3 (3)
  3067. Category:Sector-MHS 147 (3)
  3068. Category:Self portrait by Girodet (3)
  3069. Category:Self-Portrait (Joseph Duplessis - Versailles) (3)
  3070. Category:Self-Portrait (Paul Cézanne - Phillips Collection) (3)
  3071. Category:Self-Portrait in Profile (Annibale Carracci - Uffizi Gallery) (3)
  3072. Category:Self-Portrait in a Black Hat (Angelica Kauffmann - Hermitage Museum) (3)
  3073. Category:Self-Portrait in a Felt Hat (Paul Cézanne - Artizon Museum) (3)
  3074. Category:Self-Portrait with Monocle (Anna Dorothea Therbusch - Germanisches Nationalmuseum) (3)
  3075. Category:Self-Portrait with a Scull-Cap (Édouard Manet - Artizon Museum) (3)
  3076. Category:Self-portrait (Abraham de Vries - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) (3)
  3077. Category:Self-portrait (Joshua Reynolds - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 41) (3)
  3078. Category:Self-portrait as Abbot of the Accademia della Val di Blenio (Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo) (3)
  3079. Category:Self-portrait as a Lutenist by Jan Steen (3)
  3080. Category:Self-portrait as a Young Man (Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller - Österreichische Galerie Belvedere) (3)
  3081. Category:Self-portrait by Jacques Stella - Musée de Lyon, A2886 (3)
  3082. Category:Self-portrait wearing Glasses (Chardin, 1775) (3)
  3083. Category:Self-portrait with Easel - Cornelis Saftleven - Louvre INV 1975 (3)
  3084. Category:Seneca - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 654 (3)
  3085. Category:Serpent sarcophagus with knotted snake (3)
  3086. Category:Serpent sarcophagus-N 4201 (3)
  3087. Category:Serpent sarcophagus-N 5198 (3)
  3088. Category:Sheep bowel-AO 6033 (3)
  3089. Category:Sir Joshua Reynolds by Gilbert Stuart (3)
  3090. Category:Sitting man Dagestan (Louvre AA 265) (3)
  3091. Category:Sketches for the Last Supper, and other studies (RCIN 912542) (3)
  3092. Category:Sofia Apraxina (Henri-François Riesener - Hermitage Museum) (3)
  3093. Category:Solon - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 653 (3)
  3094. Category:Sophie Hunter Colston (William Robinson Leigh - Smithsonian American Art Museum) (3)
  3095. Category:Sphinx-AO 11478 (3)
  3096. Category:Spring (François Boucher) (3)
  3097. Category:Spring by Rousseau (Louvre RF 1450) (3)
  3098. Category:St. Francis of Assisi (Giovanni da Milano, Louvre) (3)
  3099. Category:St. Martin Cutting His Cloak (Master of the Rebel Angels, Louvre) (3)
  3100. Category:St. Paul at his Writing-Desk (Rembrandt) (3)
  3101. Category:Standing Figure: Knife Edge - Henry Moore (LH 482, Grugapark Essen) (3)
  3102. Category:Statue of the Dying Gladiator in Brigg (3)
  3103. Category:Statuette de prêtre B21 (3)
  3104. Category:Studies for Madonna Litta (3)
  3105. Category:Studies for the Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci (3)
  3106. Category:Study for the Right Arm of the Virgin (3)
  3107. Category:Susanna and the Elders by Artemisia Gentileschi, Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery (3)
  3108. Category:Suzanne Manet Playing the Piano (Édouard Manet - Musée d'Orsay) (3)
  3109. Category:Swivel gun 1840 pattern-MnM 31 AR 228.1 (3)
  3110. Category:Sword mounting-AO 25534 (3)
  3111. Category:Sword-AO 20881 (3)
  3112. Category:Sword-AO 25014 (3)
  3113. Category:Tablet of pre-cuneiform writing-AO 19936 (3)
  3114. Category:Tempered Elan - Wassily Kandinsky (3)
  3115. Category:Teresa Vandoni, Italian singer (Carl Fredric von Breda - Nationalmuseum Stockholm) (3)
  3116. Category:Terrestrial globe-MnM 2008.66.1 (3)
  3117. Category:The Adoration of the Magi (Pietro Lorenzetti, Louvre) (3)
  3118. Category:The Adoration of the Shepherds with a Donor - Palma Vecchio - Louvre INV 402 (3)
  3119. Category:The Allegory of Alfonso D'Avalos (after Titian - Royal Collection) (3)
  3120. Category:The Allegory of Alfonso d'Avalos (after Titian, c. 1625–1649) (3)
  3121. Category:The Angel of the Annunciation (Matteo Giovanetti, Louvre) (3)
  3122. Category:The Ballet Class by Edgar Degas (3)
  3123. Category:The Baptism of Christ (Paolo Veronese - Getty Center) (3)
  3124. Category:The Baptism of Christ - Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem - Louvre RF 1983-91 (3)
  3125. Category:The Birth of the Dauphin at Fontainebleau - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1776 (3)
  3126. Category:The Charity of St. Nicholas of Bari (Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Louvre) (3)
  3127. Category:The Comtesse d'Egmont Pignatelli in Spanish Costume (Alexander Roslin - Minneapolis Institute of Art) (3)
  3128. Category:The Consignment of the Regency - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1777 (3)
  3129. Category:The Coronation of the Doge - Francesco Guardi - Louvre INV 323 (3)
  3130. Category:The Countess Tessin - Jean-Marc Nattier - Louvre RF 925 (3)
  3131. Category:The Dance Class by Edgar Degas (3)
  3132. Category:The Destiny of Marie de' Medici - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1769 (3)
  3133. Category:The Doctor Alphonse Leroy (Jacques-Louis David - Musée Fabre) (3)
  3134. Category:The Doge at the Basilica of La Salute - Francesco Guardi - Louvre INV 320 (3)
  3135. Category:The Donator with St John the Baptist - Hans Memling - Louvre RF 886 (3)
  3136. Category:The Duchess of Angouleme - Alexandre-François Caminade - Louvre RF 1996-5 (3)
  3137. Category:The Education of Cupid (François Boucher - Charlottenburg Palace) (3)
  3138. Category:The Fainting of Esther - Paolo Veronese - Louvre INV 138 (3)
  3139. Category:The Guardian Angel - Domenico Fetti - Louvre INV 282 (3)
  3140. Category:The Harvest or Ceres and Triptolemos (Louis Jean Francois Lagrenée - Versailles) (3)
  3141. Category:The Hirschsprung family portrait (3)
  3142. Category:The Holy Family with St. John the Baptist - Lorenzo Lotto - Louvre INV 818 (3)
  3143. Category:The Holy Family with the Infant St. John - Polidoro da Lanciano - Louvre INV 745 (3)
  3144. Category:The Infant Jesus Sleeping - Francesco Trevisani - Louvre INV 697 (3)
  3145. Category:The Judgement of Paris (Rubens - Prado Museum, P01669) (3)
  3146. Category:The Last Supper - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Louvre RF 176 (3)
  3147. Category:The Little Milk-Girl by Martin Drolling (3)
  3148. Category:The Marquis de Marigny and his Wife - Louis-Michel van Loo - Louvre RF 1994-17 (3)
  3149. Category:The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine by Paolo Veronese (Venice) - close-up (3)
  3150. Category:The Nativity of the Virgin (attributed to Matteo di Giovanni, Louvre) (3)
  3151. Category:The Poet Alonso Ercilla y Zuniga (El Greco - Hermitage Museum) (3)
  3152. Category:The Presentation at the Temple (Bartolo di Fredi, Louvre) (3)
  3153. Category:The Reading (Édouard Manet - Musée d'Orsay) (3)
  3154. Category:The Resurrection (Doña María de Aragón reredos) (3)
  3155. Category:The Sacrifice of Isaac (Orrente) (3)
  3156. Category:The Sermon of Saint Bernardino of Siena - Domenico Beccafumi - Louvre RF 1966-1 (3)
  3157. Category:The Severed Heads (Théodore Géricault) (3)
  3158. Category:The Smoker - Joos van Craesbeeck - Louvre MI 906 (3)
  3159. Category:The Stoning of Saint Stephen - Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 204 (3)
  3160. Category:The Three Graces - Lucas Cranach (I) - Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (3)
  3161. Category:The Virgin Adoring the Host (Ingres - Metropolitan Museum of Art) (3)
  3162. Category:The Virgin Appearing to Saint Luke and Saint Yves - Jacopo Chimenti - INV 251 (3)
  3163. Category:The Virgin at the Fountain - Jacopo de' Barbari - Louvre RF 2219 (3)
  3164. Category:The arm of St Peter (RCIN 912546) (3)
  3165. Category:The greatest hunt in history near Bloemfontein 1860 by Thomas Baines (3)
  3166. Category:The hands of St John in the Last Supper (RCIN 912543) (3)
  3167. Category:The head of St Bartholomew (RCIN 912548) (3)
  3168. Category:The head of St Philip (RCIN 912551) (3)
  3169. Category:Thermogalvanometer-MHS 597 (3)
  3170. Category:Tiles from Uzbekistan (Louvre) (3)
  3171. Category:Titan foudroyé, Dumont (Louvre MR1840) (3)
  3172. Category:Tobias Cures his Father's Blindness - Jan van Hemessen - Louvre INV 1335 (3)
  3173. Category:Two Piece Reclining Figure No. 2 - Henry Moore (LH 458, Kröller-Müller Museum) (3)
  3174. Category:Un vaso di fiori sulla finestra di un harem by Francesco Hayez (3)
  3175. Category:Une soirée au Pré Catelan - Henri Gervex (3)
  3176. Category:Unfinished portrait of General Bonaparte - Jacques-Louis David - Louvre RF 1942-18 (3)
  3177. Category:Unique Forms of Continuity in Space by Umberto Boccioni (Museum of Modern Art) (3)
  3178. Category:Unknown - Statuette of Aphrodite Leaning on a Pillar - 55.AD.7 (3)
  3179. Category:Unknown 21-year old man, supposed to be Christopher Marlowe (3)
  3180. Category:Unknown woman, formerly known as Nell Gwyn (studio of Peter Lely - NPG 3976) (3)
  3181. Category:Urne cinéraire (Louvre S 3885) (3)
  3182. Category:Vasque à tête de Méduse (Louvre Ma 90) (3)
  3183. Category:Venus and Vulcan (François Boucher - Wallace Collection) (3)
  3184. Category:Vercingétorix appelant les Gaulois à la défense d'Alésia by François-Émile Ehrmann (3)
  3185. Category:Vittoria Colonna (?) by Sebastiano del Piombo (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya) (3)
  3186. Category:Vulcan's Forge by Vasari (3)
  3187. Category:Vögel (Franz Marc) (3)
  3188. Category:Weidende Pferde I (Franz Marc) (3)
  3189. Category:White on White (3)
  3190. Category:William Reskimer by Hans Holbein der Jüngere (3)
  3191. Category:Woman Playing the Guitar - Gerard van Honthorst - Louvre INV 1369 (3)
  3192. Category:Woman with a Flower (Paul Gauguin - Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek) (3)
  3193. Category:Working Model for Three Piece No. 3: Vertebrae - Henry Moore (LH 579, Hirshhorn Museum's Sculpture Garden) (3)
  3194. Category:Works after Jupiter and Io (Correggio) (3)
  3195. Category:Works after Madonna Litta (3)
  3196. Category:Works after the Burlington House Cartoon (3)
  3197. Category:Young Saint with a Sword - Pietro Perugino - Louvre INV 721 (3)
  3198. Category:Young Woman at a Window - Jan Victors - Louvre INV 1286 (3)
  3199. Category:Élisabeth of France seated at her Harp (Charles Le Clercq - Versailles) (3)
  3200. Category:Étienne Méhul (Antoine-Jean Gros - Musée Carnavalet) (3)
  3201. Category:A Blessed Abbess Receiving the Host from the Hands of Christ - Giovanni Battista Gaulli - Louvre RF 1997-34 (2)
  3202. Category:A Dessert - Willem Claesz. Heda - Louvre INV 1319 (2)
  3203. Category:A Hermit Reading - Gerrit Dou - Louvre MI 915 (2)
  3204. Category:A Painter Painting a Portrait - Joos van Craesbeeck - Louvre INV 1179 (2)
  3205. Category:A Scholar in His Study - Jacob van Spreeuwen - Louvre INV 1862 (2)
  3206. Category:A White-Haired Man by Rembrandt (2)
  3207. Category:Accent on Pink - Wassily Kandinsky (2)
  3208. Category:Actaeon Transformed into a Stag - Francesco Albani - Louvre INV 16 (2)
  3209. Category:Allegorical Landscape - Marco Marziale - Louvre RF 1345 (2)
  3210. Category:Allegory of Love (Il Sodoma, Louvre) (2)
  3211. Category:Allegory of Winter - Abraham Bloemaert - Louvre INV 1053 (2)
  3212. Category:Amphora 1868,0610.2 (2)
  3213. Category:An Old Lady (Frans Hals - Yale University Art Gallery) (2)
  3214. Category:Animal Head - Henry Moore (LH 396) (2)
  3215. Category:Animal-shaped amulet-AO 14928 (2)
  3216. Category:Anna de Noailles by Laszlo (2)
  3217. Category:Annunciation - Agostino Carracci - Louvre INV 182 (2)
  3218. Category:Annunciation by Paolo Uccello (2)
  3219. Category:Antinous Farnese (Naples) (copies) (2)
  3220. Category:Aphrodite Dresden-Capitoline inv 6286 (Naples) (2)
  3221. Category:Applique with warrior god and demon-Sb 43 (2)
  3222. Category:Archer amband-AO 17306 (2)
  3223. Category:Armida and the Companions of Rinaldo - Giuseppe Passeri - Louvre RF 1997-23 (2)
  3224. Category:Astrolabe-MnM 11 NA 120 (2)
  3225. Category:Axe from Chaumont sur Yonne, France - MHNT PRE.2010.0.103.1 (2)
  3226. Category:Axe-AO 18667 (2)
  3227. Category:Axe-AO 18668 (2)
  3228. Category:Axe-AO 20397 (2)
  3229. Category:Axe-AO 31169 (2)
  3230. Category:Bacchante by Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (musée d'Orsay, RF 143) (2)
  3231. Category:Bacchante et chèvre (Félix Soulès) (2)
  3232. Category:Bacchus et Ariane, Pellegrini (Louvre RF 1964-4) (2)
  3233. Category:Base of a statue of Isis and Horus-171 (2)
  3234. Category:Bathsheba (80) (2)
  3235. Category:Before the Performance by Edgar Degas (2)
  3236. Category:Benson Magdalen Reading NGa (2)
  3237. Category:Biface from Algeria - MHNT PRE.2009.0.196.4 (2)
  3238. Category:Biface from Grotte du Placard, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.205.3 (2)
  3239. Category:Bit plaque-AO 20867 (2)
  3240. Category:Blade from Grotte Duruthy, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.211.2 (2)
  3241. Category:Bladelin Triptych - Annunciation (2)
  3242. Category:Blessing Christ - Carlo Dolci - Louvre INV 265 (2)
  3243. Category:Boar spear-J 875 (2)
  3244. Category:Boarding axe-MnM 33 AR 29.1 (2)
  3245. Category:Boarding sabre model An IX-MnM 33 AR 27.1 (2)
  3246. Category:Boats on the Oise by Daubigny (Louvre RF 1369) (2)
  3247. Category:Borée enlevant Orithye, Pellegrini (Louvre RF 1964-3) (2)
  3248. Category:Bouquet of Flowers - Ambrosius Bosschaert - Louvre RF 1984-150 (2)
  3249. Category:Boxes and Jars of Sweetmeats by Juan van der Hamen in the Museo de Bellas Artes de Granada (2)
  3250. Category:Bull-Men around a sacred tree under star AO 12446 (2)
  3251. Category:Bust Portrait of a Woman - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1796 (2)
  3252. Category:Calvary with St. Francis of Assisi and the Young St. Vitus (Francesco di Vannuccio, Louvre) (2)
  3253. Category:Cannon-piercing machine-MnM 3 AR 1 (2)
  3254. Category:Capitoline Brutus (copy) (2)
  3255. Category:Caraib axe-71.1878.1.2699 (2)
  3256. Category:Cardinal Bessarion - Pedro Berruguete and Justus van Gent - Louvre MI 646 (2)
  3257. Category:Cartridge box-MnM 45 AR 20 (2)
  3258. Category:Catherine I by Jean-Marc Nattier (2)
  3259. Category:Ceremonial axe head-AO 24799 (2)
  3260. Category:Child playing with a turtle by Pierre Hébert (Louvre RF 13) (2)
  3261. Category:Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery - Jobst Harrich - Louvre RF 1968-7 (2)
  3262. Category:Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery - Gabriël Metsu - Louvre INV 1459 (2)
  3263. Category:Christ in the Garden - Bernard van Orley - Louvre RF 1976-1 (2)
  3264. Category:Christ with the Woman Taken in Adultery - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - Louvre RF 1975-1 (2)
  3265. Category:Christ à la colonne, Francin (Louvre MR1856) (2)
  3266. Category:Chronometer-MnM 13 NA 1 (2)
  3267. Category:Chronometer-MnM 13 NA 20 (2)
  3268. Category:Church Interior, Night Effect - Hendrik van Steenwijck (II) - Louvre INV 1865 (2)
  3269. Category:Cippus Amyntianos (Louvre Ma 2918) (2)
  3270. Category:Circumcision - Bartolomeo Veneto - Louvre RF 2485 (2)
  3271. Category:Circumcision - Benvenuto Tisi da Garofalo - INV 692 (2)
  3272. Category:Circumcision with Fra Jacopo Lampugnani as a Donor - Bernardo Zenale - Louvre MI 568 (2)
  3273. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 201 Breviary of Alaric (2)
  3274. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 2262 Book of Hours (2)
  3275. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 240 Vie de saint Léger (2)
  3276. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 363 (2)
  3277. Category:Colorful Ensemble - Wassily Kandinsky (2)
  3278. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 18 (2)
  3279. Category:Compass-MnM 11 NA 10 (2)
  3280. Category:Composition IV - Wassily Kandinsky (2)
  3281. Category:Concert d'amours - Poussin - Louvre INV 7299 (2)
  3282. Category:Concert in a Circular Gallery - Giovanni Paolo Panini - Louvre INV 407 (2)
  3283. Category:Concert of Musicians and Singers - Pietro Paolini - RF 1981-44 (2)
  3284. Category:Couvercle de sarcophage (Louvre S 4480) (2)
  3285. Category:Dagger-AO 20364 (2)
  3286. Category:Daniel in the lions' den belt pendant (2)
  3287. Category:Davis quadrant-MnM 11 NA 97 (2)
  3288. Category:Death mask of Napoleon I (Carnavalet S 845) (2)
  3289. Category:Details of A Young Roman Woman (Sebastiano del Piombo) (2)
  3290. Category:Details of Madonna with the Blue Diadem (2)
  3291. Category:Details of Portrait of an Old Man in Red (2)
  3292. Category:Details of Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan (Tintoretto) (2)
  3293. Category:Die großen blauen Pferde (2)
  3294. Category:Dirigible personnel insignia-MnM 29 ME 11 (2)
  3295. Category:Dirigible pilot insignia-MnM 29 ME 10 (2)
  3296. Category:Divinity with a torque and a loincloth-AO 15733 (2)
  3297. Category:Draped Reclining Woman - Henry Moore (LH 431, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart) (2)
  3298. Category:Duc de Choiseul portrait (2)
  3299. Category:Duck-shaped box AO 14778 (2)
  3300. Category:Duke of Devonshire (after Hudson) (2)
  3301. Category:Duke of Newcastle (Hoare) (2)
  3302. Category:Dying Gaul - Copies (Römische Bäder, Sanssouci) (2)
  3303. Category:Dying Gaul, Palace of Fontainebleau (2)
  3304. Category:Earth - Jan Brueghel (I) - Louvre INV 1092 (2)
  3305. Category:Ecce Homo by Titian in the Museo del Prado (2)
  3306. Category:Enfant jouant avec son pied, Monot (Louvre RF1901) (2)
  3307. Category:Equestrian statue of Frederik V of Denmark (San Fernando) (2)
  3308. Category:Eros (Carnavalet AM 1/94) (2)
  3309. Category:Espingole-MnM 27 AR 20 (2)
  3310. Category:Fairbank's Cherubs (2)
  3311. Category:Family Portrait - Adriaen van Ostade - Louvre INV 1679 (2)
  3312. Category:Fauno – inv 6331 – MANN (Naples) (2)
  3313. Category:Fauno – inv 6332 – MANN (Naples) (2)
  3314. Category:Feast Given under an Ionian Porch - Giovanni Paolo Panini - Louvre INV 406 (2)
  3315. Category:Fifteen Characters (Luca Signorelli, Louvre) (2)
  3316. Category:Figurine of woman-AO 16927 (2)
  3317. Category:Flint Blade from Leugny, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.189.1 (2)
  3318. Category:Flora - Paris Bordone - Louvre RF 1474 (2)
  3319. Category:Funerary male portrait Sb 5624 (2)
  3320. Category:Galley partisan-MnM 33 AR 2 (2)
  3321. Category:Gambier-Parry Madonna by a follower of Andrea del Verrocchio (2)
  3322. Category:Ganymède versant le nectar à Jupiter changé en aigle, Julien (Louvre RF3001) (2)
  3323. Category:Gebirge (Franz Marc) (2)
  3324. Category:Georges-Martin Guérin, Pigalle (Louvre RF936) (2)
  3325. Category:God the Father Blessing among the Angels (Raphael workshop, Louvre) (2)
  3326. Category:Grave of Constance de Théis (2)
  3327. Category:Gypsy Wedding Banquet - Alessandro Magnasco - Louvre RF 2619 (2)
  3328. Category:Hairpin-MA 97 (2)
  3329. Category:Head of a statuette-AO 26489 (2)
  3330. Category:Head of a woman wearing a polos crown-AO 17564 (2)
  3331. Category:Head of a woman wearing a polos crown-AO 18212 (2)
  3332. Category:Healing at Bethesda - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - Louvre RF 1961-81 (2)
  3333. Category:Henry IV, King of France, Dressed in Black - Frans Pourbus (II) - Louvre INV 1708 (2)
  3334. Category:Hill Arches - Henry Moore (LH 636, National Gallery of Australia) (2)
  3335. Category:Hope by Paul Lemoyne (Louvre CC 194) (2)
  3336. Category:Hotchkiss naval gun model 1885-Inv 9 AR 26 (2)
  3337. Category:Hunting sword-J 881 (2)
  3338. Category:Hunting sword-J 884 (2)
  3339. Category:Hunting sword-J 885 (2)
  3340. Category:Hunting sword-J 888 (2)
  3341. Category:Hunting sword-J 889 (2)
  3342. Category:Hunting sword-J 891 (2)
  3343. Category:Hunting sword-J PO 744 (2)
  3344. Category:Hunting trousse-J 803 (2)
  3345. Category:Hunting trousse-J 804 (2)
  3346. Category:Hunting trousse-J PO 1027 (2)
  3347. Category:Hyacinth by François-Joseph Bosio (Louvre LL 52) (2)
  3348. Category:Icarus (Motti Mizrachi) (2)
  3349. Category:Isabella of Aragon at the Feet of Charles VIII - attributed to Giovanni Biliverti - Louvre INV 51 (2)
  3350. Category:Ivan Zabelin by Repin (2)
  3351. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11452 (2)
  3352. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11453 (2)
  3353. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11454 (2)
  3354. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11456 (2)
  3355. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11457 (2)
  3356. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11461 (2)
  3357. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11472 (2)
  3358. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11473 (2)
  3359. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11474 (2)
  3360. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11476 (2)
  3361. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11477 (2)
  3362. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11479 (2)
  3363. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11480 (2)
  3364. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11481 (2)
  3365. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11483 (2)
  3366. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11487 (2)
  3367. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11490 (2)
  3368. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11493 (2)
  3369. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11496 (2)
  3370. Category:Ivory plaque-AO 11497 (2)
  3371. Category:Jacob venant trouver les filles de Laban, Gauffier (Louvre INV4693) (2)
  3372. Category:Jagdpokal aus dem Lüneburger Ratssilber (2)
  3373. Category:Jesus Christ Carrying the Cross by Juan de Valdés Leal in the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum (2)
  3374. Category:Jesus Driving the Merchants from the Temple - Jacob Jordaens - Louvre INV 1402 (2)
  3375. Category:Jewish ossuary (Louvre AO 5023) (2)
  3376. Category:Jewish ossuary (Louvre AO 5054) (2)
  3377. Category:Juno and Argus - Gregorio de Ferrari - Louvre RF 1981-9 (2)
  3378. Category:Jupiter Hurling Thunderbolts at the Vices - Paolo Veronese - Louvre INV 147 (2)
  3379. Category:Jupiter and Antiope - Vincent Sellaer - Louvre RF 1981-45 (2)
  3380. Category:Kamal-MnM 11 NA 113 (2)
  3381. Category:Kurfürst Max Emanuel von Bayern (1662-1726) in voller Rüstung von Joseph Vivien (2)
  3382. Category:L'Automne - Poussin - Louvre INV 7305 (2)
  3383. Category:La Belle Ferronniere - Leonardo da Vinci - Louvre INV 786 (2)
  3384. Category:La Chute d'Icare, Slodtz (Louvre MR2094) (2)
  3385. Category:La Muse (MI.867.228) (2)
  3386. Category:La Perla (Raphael) (2)
  3387. Category:La mort de Didon, Cayot (Louvre MR1780) (2)
  3388. Category:La mort de la femme de Darius, Lagrenée (Louvre INV20142) (2)
  3389. Category:La morte di Abradate by Francesco Hayez (2)
  3390. Category:La musique by Louis Ernest Barrias (2)
  3391. Category:La serinette (RF 1985-10) (2)
  3392. Category:Lamentation of Christ - Wolf Huber - Louvre RF 1968-1 (2)
  3393. Category:Lamentation over the Dead Christ - Andrea Solario - Louvre RF 1978-35 (2)
  3394. Category:Landscape with Hercules and Acheloüs - Domenichino - Louvre INV 794 (2)
  3395. Category:Landscape with The Flight to Egypt - Domenichino - Louvre INV 800 (2)
  3396. Category:Landscape with a Child Overturning Wine - Domenichino - Louvre INV 318 (2)
  3397. Category:Le Duc d'Orléans by Jean-Louis Jaley (Louvre RF 1311) (2)
  3398. Category:Le chant by Louis Ernest Barrias (2)
  3399. Category:Levallois Point - MHNT PRE.2009.0.204.1 (2)
  3400. Category:Lithic core MHNT PRE 2004.0.86 (2)
  3401. Category:Lot and his Daughters (78) (2)
  3402. Category:Louis Visconti by Théophile Vauchelet (2)
  3403. Category:Louis XIV after Gian Lorenzo Bernini (2)
  3404. Category:Louis XV récompense la Peinture et la Sculpture, Berruer (Louvre RF0427) (2)
  3405. Category:Louvre 4527 LR (2)
  3406. Category:Louvre 603 LR (2)
  3407. Category:Louvre A 76 (2)
  3408. Category:Louvre AD 15118 (2)
  3409. Category:Louvre AD 2782 (2)
  3410. Category:Louvre CA 295 (2)
  3411. Category:Louvre CA 459 (2)
  3412. Category:Louvre CA 601 (2)
  3413. Category:Louvre Camp 65 B (2)
  3414. Category:Louvre E 11197 (2)
  3415. Category:Louvre E 18868 (2)
  3416. Category:Louvre E 18869 (2)
  3417. Category:Louvre E 18870 (2)
  3418. Category:Louvre E 18871 (2)
  3419. Category:Louvre E 3807 (2)
  3420. Category:Louvre E 801 (2)
  3421. Category:Louvre E 812 (2)
  3422. Category:Louvre G 112 (2)
  3423. Category:Louvre G 496 (2)
  3424. Category:Louvre INV 2520 recto (2)
  3425. Category:Louvre INV 2705 (2)
  3426. Category:Louvre K 300 (2)
  3427. Category:Louvre L 37 LR (2)
  3428. Category:Louvre MAO 2044 (2)
  3429. Category:Louvre MAO 2231 (2)
  3430. Category:Louvre MAO S.568 (2)
  3431. Category:Louvre MNB 911 (2)
  3432. Category:Louvre MR 3212 (2)
  3433. Category:Louvre MR 852 & MR 863 (2)
  3434. Category:Louvre OA 2874 (2)
  3435. Category:Louvre OA 3099 (2)
  3436. Category:Louvre OA 6457 (2)
  3437. Category:Louvre OA 7019 (2)
  3438. Category:Louvre OA 748 (2)
  3439. Category:Louvre OA 8275 (2)
  3440. Category:Louvre OA 9151 (2)
  3441. Category:Louvre RF 1311 (2)
  3442. Category:Louvre RF 2002-28 (2)
  3443. Category:Louvre RF 2554 (2)
  3444. Category:Louvre RF 3103 (2)
  3445. Category:Louvre RF 584 (2)
  3446. Category:Louvre RF 769 (2)
  3447. Category:Louvre Sb 7783 (2)
  3448. Category:Louvre Sb 7799 (2)
  3449. Category:Lovers Lit by a Candle - Godfried Schalcken - Louvre INV 1831 (2)
  3450. Category:MADP PE 1258 (2)
  3451. Category:MET 61.11.14 (2)
  3452. Category:Mace-AO 18218 (2)
  3453. Category:Madame Rousseau and her Daughter, Vigée-Lebrun (Louvre RF2681) (2)
  3454. Category:Mademoiselle de La Vallière et ses enfants (2)
  3455. Category:Madonna and Child (52 (copy by Guerrieri)) (2)
  3456. Category:Madonna and Child Appearing to Saint Hyacinth - Ludovico Carracci - Louvre INV 186 (2)
  3457. Category:Madonna and Child Enthroned (Master of the Codex of Saint George, Louvre) (2)
  3458. Category:Madonna and Child between Two Donors - Master of 1499 - Louvre RF 2370 (2)
  3459. Category:Madonna and Child in Glory - Francesco Botticini - Louvre INV 590 (2)
  3460. Category:Madonna and Child with Angels (attributed to Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio, Louvre) (2)
  3461. Category:Madonna and Child with Angels in a Garland of Flowers - Jan Brueghel (I) and Pieter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1764 (2)
  3462. Category:Madonna and Child with Five Angels (Sandro Botticelli, Louvre) (2)
  3463. Category:Madonna and Child with Saints - Giovanni Bellini - Louvre RF 2097 (2)
  3464. Category:Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and Three Angels - Domenico Ghirlandaio - Louvre MI 547 (2)
  3465. Category:Madonna and Child with St. Sebastian - Giovanni Cariani - Louvre INV 102 (2)
  3466. Category:Madonna and Child with Three Repentant Sinners - Anthony van Dyck - Louvre INV 1230 (2)
  3467. Category:Madonna and Child with a Goldfinch - Master of the Castello Nativity - RF 1264 (2)
  3468. Category:Madonna and Child, Saints Francis, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist and Anthony of Padua - Paolo Veneziano - Louvre MI 396 - MI 396 ter (2)
  3469. Category:Madonna and Sleeping Child - Il Sassoferrato - Louvre INV 599 (2)
  3470. Category:Madonna in Glory with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Stephan - Michelangelo Anselmi - Louvre INV 67 (2)
  3471. Category:Madonna of the Harpies in the Azerbaijan National Art Museum (2)
  3472. Category:Madonna with Child - Cima da Conegliano - Louvre RF 2100 (2)
  3473. Category:Manda Lamétrie, fermière, by Alfred-Philippe Roll (2)
  3474. Category:Map of mountainous region AO 7795 (2)
  3475. Category:Marine Fortune - Frans Francken the Younger - Louvre INV 1294 (2)
  3476. Category:Martyrdom of Saint John the Evangelist - Master of the Martyrdom of Saint John the Evangelist - Louvre RF 2128 (2)
  3477. Category:Mary with Child and Sts. Stephen, Jerome and Mauritius (2)
  3478. Category:Mater Triumphalis by Annie Swynnerton (2)
  3479. Category:Maternity-73.1994.11.1 (2)
  3480. Category:Matthäus Schwarz - Hans Maler - RF 1958-8 (2)
  3481. Category:Mercury (Carnavalet AM 702) (2)
  3482. Category:Mercury (Carnavalet AM 746) (2)
  3483. Category:Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.171.18 (2)
  3484. Category:Model for royal statue-93 (2)
  3485. Category:Model of royal profile-315 (2)
  3486. Category:Modesty Presenting Painting to the Academy - Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini - Louvre INV 416 (2)
  3487. Category:Mortar with face AO 18514 (2)
  3488. Category:Mosaic (Louvre 74.1962.0.377) (2)
  3489. Category:Moses Rescued from the Nile - Niccolò dell' Abbate - Louvre RF 3937 (2)
  3490. Category:Mountainous Landscape with a Bridge and Four Horsemen - Joos de Momper (II) - Louvre INV 1104 (2)
  3491. Category:Musei Capitolini MC1157 (2)
  3492. Category:Musei Capitolini MC2446 (2)
  3493. Category:Musei Capitolini S2417 (2)
  3494. Category:Musée Ingres-Bourdelle - Première Pensée du Voeu de Louis XIII - Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (2)
  3495. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 101 (2)
  3496. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 104 (2)
  3497. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 117 (2)
  3498. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 122 (2)
  3499. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 129 (2)
  3500. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 140 (2)
  3501. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 153 (2)
  3502. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 157 (2)
  3503. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 161 (2)
  3504. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 167 (2)
  3505. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 178 (2)
  3506. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 56 (2)
  3507. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 65 (2)
  3508. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 76 (2)
  3509. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 79 (2)
  3510. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 95 (2)
  3511. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 99 (2)
  3512. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 15 50 (2)
  3513. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 22 435 (2)
  3514. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 25 20 (2)
  3515. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25675 Lampe à huile en forme de canard (2)
  3516. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25908 (2)
  3517. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25934 (2)
  3518. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26030 (2)
  3519. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26102 (2)
  3520. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26181 (2)
  3521. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26222 (2)
  3522. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26329 (2)
  3523. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26365 (2)
  3524. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26526 (2)
  3525. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 1 66 (2)
  3526. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 78 4 1 (2)
  3527. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 91 2 17 (2)
  3528. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 97 2 3 (2)
  3529. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 97 2 63 (2)
  3530. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 16 2 (2)
  3531. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 3 1 (2)
  3532. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 9 2 (2)
  3533. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, D.25086 (2)
  3534. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Niel 8293 n°8 (2)
  3535. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 1 a (2)
  3536. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 116 Ra 95 (2)
  3537. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 16 d (2)
  3538. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 220 (2)
  3539. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 258 (2)
  3540. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 3 b (2)
  3541. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 328 (2)
  3542. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 382 (2)
  3543. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 50 bis, Ra 97, Ra 98 (2)
  3544. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 809 c (2)
  3545. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 9 (2)
  3546. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 98 (2)
  3547. Category:Musée du Louvre, Ma 1187 (2)
  3548. Category:Nactanebo cartouche - Louvre E24646 (2)
  3549. Category:Naked woman AO 17227 (2)
  3550. Category:Napoleon by Claude Ramey (Louvre LP 456) (2)
  3551. Category:Nativity - attributed to Francesco Albani - Louvre INV 193 (2)
  3552. Category:Nativity fragment with Joseph and Two Shepherds - Workshop of Dieric Bouts - Louvre RF 2622 (2)
  3553. Category:Navy infantry officer's pike-MnM 33 AR 13 (2)
  3554. Category:Navy musket-MnM 31 AR 275 (2)
  3555. Category:Navy musket-MnM on display 4 (2)
  3556. Category:Navy pike-MnM 33 AR 102.6 (2)
  3557. Category:Navy pistol An XIII-MnM 31 AR 235 (2)
  3558. Category:Navy pistol model 1786-MnM 31 AR 273 (2)
  3559. Category:Nocturne by Eilif Peterssen, Nationalmuseum Stockholm (2)
  3560. Category:Noli me tangere - Fra Bartolomeo - Louvre INV 39 (2)
  3561. Category:Nursing Madonna - Marco d'Oggiono - RF 878 (2)
  3562. Category:Octant-MnM 11 NA 51 (2)
  3563. Category:Octant-MnM 11 NA 58 (2)
  3564. Category:Old Man with a Toque - Jan Woutersz. Stap - Louvre MNR 485 (2)
  3565. Category:On White II - Wassily Kandinsky (2)
  3566. Category:Pala dei tre arcangeli by Marco d'Oggiono (2)
  3567. Category:Papa Urbano II sulla piazza di Clermont predica la prima crociata by Francesco Hayez (2)
  3568. Category:Parade shield-71.1887.67.9 (2)
  3569. Category:Partida da Monção (Estudo) (2)
  3570. Category:Pietà with Sts. Francis and Mary Magdalen - Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 198 (2)
  3571. Category:Piombino Apollo (cast) (2)
  3572. Category:Pistol falchion-J 360 (2)
  3573. Category:Pistol falchion-J 361 (2)
  3574. Category:Plans of a house AO 338 (2)
  3575. Category:Polarimeter Saccharimeter-UNIL 603.867 (2)
  3576. Category:Polish Cavalry Marching through the Woods - Roelandt Savery - Louvre RF 2224 (2)
  3577. Category:Pope Clement XIII by Anton Raphael Mengs (National Museum in Warsaw) (2)
  3578. Category:Pope Clement XIII by Anton Raphael Mengs and workshop (Walters Art Museum) (2)
  3579. Category:Pope Pius VI by Pompeo Batoni (National Gallery of Ireland) (2)
  3580. Category:Pope Pius VII (Teodoro Matteini - Museo Correr, Venice) (2)
  3581. Category:Pope Pius VII and Cardinal Caprara (Jacques-Louis David - Philadelphia Museum of Art) (2)
  3582. Category:Portait of a Man - Marco Marziale - Louvre RF 1345 (2)
  3583. Category:Portrait of Baron Henri de Vicq - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1793 (2)
  3584. Category:Portrait of Bernardo di Salla - attributed to Giovanni Francesco Caroto - Louvre INV 885 (2)
  3585. Category:Portrait of Cardinal Marco Galli by Baciccio (National Gallery, London) (2)
  3586. Category:Portrait of Doctor Gachet, first version (2)
  3587. Category:Portrait of Josefa de Castilla Portugal y van Asbrock de Garcini (Goya) (2)
  3588. Category:Portrait of Peter I by Jean-Marc Nattier (2)
  3589. Category:Portrait of Pope Paul III (Titian, Hermitage) (2)
  3590. Category:Portrait of Pope Paul V (Caravaggio, Galleria Borghese) (2)
  3591. Category:Portrait of René Descartes - after Frans Hals - Louvre INV. 1317 (2)
  3592. Category:Portrait of Sebastián Martínez y Pérez (Goya) (2)
  3593. Category:Portrait of Thomas Stachel - Paris Bordone - Louvre INV 126 (2)
  3594. Category:Portrait of a 40-Year Old Monk - Jan Gossaert - Louvre RF 23 (2)
  3595. Category:Portrait of a Man - Franciabigio - Louvre INV 517 (2)
  3596. Category:Portrait of a Man - Thomas de Keyser - Louvre RF 1560 (2)
  3597. Category:Prince Albert, The Prince Consort (Franz Xaver Winterhalter - Royal Collection) (2)
  3598. Category:Princeton Vase (2)
  3599. Category:Privateer sabre-MnM 2003.40.1 (2)
  3600. Category:Public Felicity Triumphant over Dangers - Orazio Gentileschi - Louvre INV 6809 (2)
  3601. Category:Pyxis lid featuring a goddess feeding goats AO 11601 (2)
  3602. Category:Queen Victoria Taking the Coronation Oath (George Hayter - Yale Center for British Art) (2)
  3603. Category:Queen Victoria by George Hayter (Buckingham Palace) (2)
  3604. Category:Rebecca at the Well - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - Louvre RF 1975-2 (2)
  3605. Category:Recherches pour l'esclave étendu sur la couche de Sardanapale et l'éthiopien (RF 29665) (2)
  3606. Category:Reclining Figure: Angles - Henry Moore (LH 675, Art Gallery of New South Wales) (2)
  3607. Category:Reclining Figure: External Form - Henry Moore (LH 299, Israel Museum) (2)
  3608. Category:Reclining Figure: Festival - Henry Moore (LH 293, Tuileries Garden, Paris) (2)
  3609. Category:Regnier Dynamometer-UNIL 603.162 (2)
  3610. Category:Resurrection (Bartolomeo di Tommaso da Foligno, Louvre) (2)
  3611. Category:Resurrection of Christ - Gerard Seghers - Louvre RF 1990-24 (2)
  3612. Category:Revetment plaque animals fighting-AO15557 (2)
  3613. Category:Rinaldo and Armida - Domenichino - Louvre INV 798 (2)
  3614. Category:Ring with mouflons heroes and cats-AO 20529 (2)
  3615. Category:River Landscape with Windmill and Ruined Castle - Jan van Goyen - Louvre INV 1304 (2)
  3616. Category:Robert Walpole (Pond) (2)
  3617. Category:Robespierre by Boilly (Lille) (2)
  3618. Category:Rocky Landscape with a Huntsman and Warriors - Salvator Rosa - Louvre INV 586 (2)
  3619. Category:Roman Ruins with the Pyramid of Cestius - Giovanni Paolo Panini - Louvre MI 873 (2)
  3620. Category:Ronde des farfadets by David Ryckaert III (2)
  3621. Category:Sailor hat-MnM 49 AR 49 (2)
  3622. Category:Sailor hat-MnM 9 SO 119 (2)
  3623. Category:Sailor shirt-MnM 47 AR 98 (2)
  3624. Category:Saint André, Huez (Louvre MR1879) (2)
  3625. Category:Saint Anthony - Giovanni Bellini - Louvre DL 1980-2 (2)
  3626. Category:Saint Augustine - Giovanni Bellini - Louvre DL 1980-1 (2)
  3627. Category:Saint Bernardino of Siena and Saint Louis of Toulouse - Moretto da Brescia - INV 122 (2)
  3628. Category:Saint Jerome Meditating - Georg Pencz - Louvre INV 1691 (2)
  3629. Category:Saint Paul Bitten by a Viper on the Island of Malta - Maerten de Vos - Louvre INV 1931 (2)
  3630. Category:Salome with the Head of St. John the Baptist - Bernardino Luini - Louvre INV 361 (2)
  3631. Category:Saul and the Witch of Endor - Salvator Rosa - Louvre INV 584 (2)
  3632. Category:Scale model of Bawean-AGOID 106359 (2)
  3633. Category:Scale model of Bremen-AGOID 106384 (2)
  3634. Category:Scale model of Cairnesk-AGOID 106351 (2)
  3635. Category:Scale model of HMS Activity (D94)-AGOID 106328 (2)
  3636. Category:Scale model of HMS Nightingale-AGOID 106273 (2)
  3637. Category:Scale model of HMS Orby-AGOID 106327 (2)
  3638. Category:Scale model of Lammermuir-AGOID 106367 (2)
  3639. Category:Scale model of Van der Goes-AGOID 106356 (2)
  3640. Category:Scale model of a 100-gun ship of the line-AGOID 106278 (2)
  3641. Category:Scale model of a 100-gun ship of the line-AGOID 106290 (2)
  3642. Category:Scale model of a 118-gun ship under construction- MnM 27 CN 10 (2)
  3643. Category:Scale model of a 30-pounder carronade-MnM 15 AR 4 (2)
  3644. Category:Scale model of an 18-gun corvette-MnM 1 BF 75 (2)
  3645. Category:Schale mit Granatäpfeln (2)
  3646. Category:Scraper from Cro-Magnon, France - MHNT PRE.2010.0.95.3 (2)
  3647. Category:Sea dog pistol-MnM 31 AR 268 (2)
  3648. Category:Self-Portrait, Yawning (Joseph Ducreux) (2)
  3649. Category:Self-portrait (Rubens, 1623, National Gallery of Australia) (2)
  3650. Category:Sextant-MnM 11 NA 11 (2)
  3651. Category:Sextant-MnM 11 NA 20 (2)
  3652. Category:Sir Henry Wyatt - Hans Holbein d. J. - Louvre INV 1347 (2)
  3653. Category:Smoker Leaning His Elbow on a Table - David Teniers the Younger - Louvre INV 1888 (2)
  3654. Category:Smoker in the Opening of a Rustic Window - Joos van Craesbeeck - Louvre MI 1254 (2)
  3655. Category:Sphinx-AO 11475 (2)
  3656. Category:St. Francis of Assisi and St. John the Baptist - Paolo Veneziano - Louvre MI 396 bis (2)
  3657. Category:St. Jerome in Penitence - Titian - Louvre INV 750 (2)
  3658. Category:St. John the Evangelist and St. Anthony of Padua - Paolo Veneziano - Louvre MI 396 ter (2)
  3659. Category:St. Peter (Lippo Memmi, Louvre) (2)
  3660. Category:Stag-AO 11458 (2)
  3661. Category:Stele of the Genies of Nile flood-E 27208 (2)
  3662. Category:Still Life with Attributes of the Arts (Chardin) (2)
  3663. Category:Still Life with Flowers and a Dog by Juan van der Hamen (2)
  3664. Category:Still Life with Two Large and Four Smaller Shells - Adriaen Coorte - Louvre RF 1970-54 (2)
  3665. Category:Still Life with Two Large and Three Smaller Shells - Adriaen Coorte - Louvre RF 1970-53 (2)
  3666. Category:Still-Life with Fishes - Giuseppe Recco - Louvre MNR 275 (2)
  3667. Category:Still-Life: Citron Trees and Violin - Francesco Noletti - MI 891 (2)
  3668. Category:Studies of the Virgin of the Rocks (National Gallery) (2)
  3669. Category:Supper at Emmaus by Titian (2)
  3670. Category:Sword of the free companies of the Navy-MnM 2004.48.1 (2)
  3671. Category:Taino necklace-71.1927.4.1 (2)
  3672. Category:Taino sculpture-71.1893.60.1 (2)
  3673. Category:Tellem sculpture-70.1999.7.1 (2)
  3674. Category:Terra cotta axe model-Sb 9151 (2)
  3675. Category:Terrestrial globe-MHS 2457 (2)
  3676. Category:The 'Mirror' of the River Loue, near Ornans by Gustave Courbet, San Diego Museum of Art (2)
  3677. Category:The Adoration of the Magi - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1762 (2)
  3678. Category:The Adoration of the Shepherds - Abraham Bloemaert - Louvre INV 1052 (2)
  3679. Category:The Angel of the Annunciation - Carlo Dolci - Louvre RF 3826 (2)
  3680. Category:The Bridge at Talavera - Jan Brueghel (I) - Louvre MI 908 (2)
  3681. Category:The Challenge of the Pierides - Rosso Fiorentino - Louvre INV 595 (2)
  3682. Category:The Charlatan - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - Louvre RF 1938-99 (2)
  3683. Category:The Coronation of the Virgin - Vitale da Bologna - Louvre RF 1996-19 (2)
  3684. Category:The Countess of Vergennes in Turkish Attire (Antoine de Favray) (2)
  3685. Category:The Covenant between Jacob and Laban - Pietro da Cortona - Louvre INV 105 (2)
  3686. Category:The Crucifixion - Joachim Beuckelaer - RF 1997-6 (2)
  3687. Category:The Danaides (John William Waterhouse, 1906) (2)
  3688. Category:The Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels (Carlo Crivelli, Louvre) (2)
  3689. Category:The Death of Tiberius (49 3 23) (2)
  3690. Category:The Deposition - Bartolomeo Schedoni - Louvre INV 663 (2)
  3691. Category:The Destruction of Troy and the Judgment of Paris - Matthias Gerung - Louvre MNR 940 (2)
  3692. Category:The Directors of the Crossbow Militia - Bartholomeus van der Helst - Louvre INV 1332 (2)
  3693. Category:The Funeral of Miltiades, Peyron (Louvre INV7179) (2)
  3694. Category:The German princes pay homage to Emperor Franz Joseph by Franz von Matsch (2)
  3695. Category:The Holy Family - Bartolomeo Schedoni - Louvre INV 661 (2)
  3696. Category:The Holy Family - Rembrandt - Louvre INV 1742 (2)
  3697. Category:The Holy Family with St. Catherine, St. Sebastian and a Donor - Sebastiano del Piombo - Louvre INV 70 (2)
  3698. Category:The Holy Family with Sts. Francis, Anthony, Magdalene, John the Baptist and Elizabeth - Bonifacio de' Pitati - Louvre INV 119 (2)
  3699. Category:The Miraculous Deliverance of Emperor Maximilian during a Hunting Adventure - Tobias Verhaecht - Louvre MNR 401 (2)
  3700. Category:The Moneylender - Gerrit Dou - Louvre INV 1219 (2)
  3701. Category:The Penitent Mary Magdalen by Artemisia Gentileschi (2)
  3702. Category:The Plague at Ashdod (after Poussin) (NG165) by Angelo Caroselli (2)
  3703. Category:The Procession of St. Gregory to the Castel Sant' Angelo (Giovanni di Paolo, Louvre) (2)
  3704. Category:The Raising of Jairus' Daughter - Paolo Veronese - Louvre INV 141 (2)
  3705. Category:The Rape of Persephone (Paris Bordone - Fondation Bemberg) (2)
  3706. Category:The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia dy Sébastien Bourdon (Orléans) (2)
  3707. Category:The Sermon of St. John the Baptist - Giovanni Battista Gaulli - Louvre INV 20298 (2)
  3708. Category:The Seven Planetary Deities: Jupiter, Apollo, Diana and Mars - Paolo Veronese - Louvre RF 2183 (2)
  3709. Category:The Seven Planetary Deities: Venus, Saturn and Mercury - Paolo Veronese - Louvre RF 2183 bis (2)
  3710. Category:The Sibyl of Delphi - Ludger tom Ring d. Ä. - Louvre RF 2283 (2)
  3711. Category:The Silver Age - Lucas Cranach (I) - Louvre RF 1184 (2)
  3712. Category:The Tax Collectors - Marinus van Reymerswale (Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, 244) (2)
  3713. Category:The Temptation of Charles and Ubalde - Giovanni Biliverti - Louvre RF 1986-65 (2)
  3714. Category:The Thicket near Haarlem - Jacob van Ruisdael - Louvre INV 1819 (2)
  3715. Category:The Triumph of David - Matteo Rosselli - Louvre INV 592 (2)
  3716. Category:The Trumpet Player - Gerrit Dou - Louvre INV 1216 (2)
  3717. Category:The Virgin Adoring the Christ Child with St. John the Baptist and Two Angels - Francesco Botticini - Louvre RF 2082 (2)
  3718. Category:The Virgin Appears to Saint Luke and Saint Catherine - Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 196 (2)
  3719. Category:The Virgin of the Annunciation (Matteo Giovanetti, Louvre) (2)
  3720. Category:The Virgin of the Annunciation - Carlo Dolci - Louvre RF 3827 (2)
  3721. Category:The Vision of Saint Jerome - Orazio Borgianni - Louvre RF 1983-50 (2)
  3722. Category:The bust of a grotesque old woman (RCIN 912492) (2)
  3723. Category:Third-Class Carriage (1996.51) (2)
  3724. Category:Three Piece Reclining Figure No. 2: Bridge Prop - Henry Moore (LH 513, Hirshhorn Museum's Sculpture Garden) (2)
  3725. Category:Tiles (Louvre 74.1983.3.1) (2)
  3726. Category:Toilet of Venus - Francesco Albani - Louvre INV 9 (2)
  3727. Category:Tombstone IAA 1943-90 (2)
  3728. Category:Torchère au tambourin by Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (musée d'Orsay, DO 1979-88) (2)
  3729. Category:Tournament near the Moats of the Château de Steen - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1798 (2)
  3730. Category:Triangulus arithmeticus (2)
  3731. Category:Two Hounds - Jacopo Bassano - Louvre RF 1994-23 (2)
  3732. Category:Un fleuve, Caffieri (Louvre MR1773) (2)
  3733. Category:Unknown - Funerary Lion - 57.AA.11 (2)
  3734. Category:Unknown - Funerary Lion - 57.AA.12 (2)
  3735. Category:Unknown - Mummy Portrait of a Bearded Man (2)
  3736. Category:Unknown - Shield of King Pharnakes (2)
  3737. Category:Unknown - Strigil - 72.AC.101 (2)
  3738. Category:Vase with scorpion-Sb 9144 (2)
  3739. Category:Vasque à tête de dieu fleuve (Louvre Ma 82) (2)
  3740. Category:Venetia, Lady Digby (Anthony van Dyck - National Portrait Gallery, NPG 5727) (2)
  3741. Category:Venus (Carnavalet AM 1/129) (2)
  3742. Category:Venus Asks Vulcan to Cast Arms for her Son Aeneas - Anthony van Dyck - Louvre INV 1234 (2)
  3743. Category:Venus and Adonis - Luca Cambiaso - Louvre RF 2008-49 (2)
  3744. Category:Venus and Cupid Spied on by a Satyr - Hendrik Goltzius - Louvre RF 2125 (2)
  3745. Category:Venus with a Satyr and Cupids - Details (2)
  3746. Category:Vials (Louvre AO 27623 A, B, C, AO 32147) (2)
  3747. Category:Vicente López Portaña - The Marquess of Remisa - Google Art Project (2)
  3748. Category:Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, Queen of Spain by Bernhard Österman (2)
  3749. Category:Vierge à l'Enfant (Musée de Picardie, M.P.987.4.28) (2)
  3750. Category:Vision of St Francis of Assisi, Tristan (Louvre RF 240) (2)
  3751. Category:Vue de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, le Fort Saint-André by Prosper Marilhat (2)
  3752. Category:Walking bull Louvre AO4781 (2)
  3753. Category:Watercolourist in the Louvre by Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret (2)
  3754. Category:Wheel key man praying-AO 30370 (2)
  3755. Category:Wheel key with hedgehog-Sb 9630 (2)
  3756. Category:William Pitt (Romney) (2)
  3757. Category:William Reskimer (drawing) by Hans Holbein der Jüngere (2)
  3758. Category:Woman cupping her breasts-AO 29627 (2)
  3759. Category:Woman cupping her breasts-AO 29628 (2)
  3760. Category:Woman cupping her breasts-AO 29631 (2)
  3761. Category:Woman cupping her breasts-Sb 7780 (2)
  3762. Category:Woman cupping her breasts-Sb 8206 (2)
  3763. Category:Woman with baldrick-Sb 6611 (2)
  3764. Category:Woman with baldrick-Sb 7637 (2)
  3765. Category:Working Model for Three Piece No. 3: Vertebrae - Henry Moore (LH 579) (2)
  3766. Category:Works after Head of the Virgin in Three-Quarter View Facing Right of Léonard de Vinci (2)
  3767. Category:Yellow-Red-Blue - Wassily Kandinsky (2)
  3768. Category:Young Woman Holding a Fowl in a Window - Gerrit Dou - Louvre INV 1218 (2)
  3769. Category:Étude de bras et de main (Louvre RF 581) (2)
  3770. Category:Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise - Cavalier d'Arpino - Louvre INV 249 (1)
  3771. Category:Adoration of the Magi - Anonymous - Louvre DL 1973-23 (1)
  3772. Category:Aeneas and Anchises - Leonello Spada - Louvre INV 680 (1)
  3773. Category:Alabastra (Louvre AO 5703, AO 5704, AO 5705) (1)
  3774. Category:Aldobrandini Madonna - Il Sassoferrato - Louvre MI 629 (1)
  3775. Category:Allegory of Arts - Francesco de Mura - Louvre RF 1972-39 (1)
  3776. Category:Allegory of Justice - Gaetano Gandolfi - Louvre RF 1983-58 (1)
  3777. Category:Andromache by François-Dominique-Aimé Milhomme (Louvre RF 3521) (1)
  3778. Category:Annunciation - Andrea Solario - Louvre MNR 256 (1)
  3779. Category:Annunciation - Il Sassoferrato - Louvre MI 630 (1)
  3780. Category:Apollo and Daphne - Francesco Albani - Louvre INV 18 (1)
  3781. Category:Apollo, Music and Metric - Pompeo Batoni - Louvre RF 1983-47 (1)
  3782. Category:Applique with naked goddess-AO 25553 (1)
  3783. Category:Arab City - Wassily Kandinsky (1)
  3784. Category:Armour plating-AO 19095 (1)
  3785. Category:Artificial horizon-MnM 11 NA 57 (1)
  3786. Category:Ascension - Unknown artist - Louvre DL 1973-25 (1)
  3787. Category:Autoportrait, Pigalle (Louvre RF2670) (1)
  3788. Category:Autoritratto a 57 anni by Francesco Hayez (1)
  3789. Category:Awl from Tarté, France - MHNT PRE 2009.0.248.1 (1)
  3790. Category:Axe from Manzat, France - MHNT PRE.2009.0.218.1 (1)
  3791. Category:Axe-AO 20398 (1)
  3792. Category:Axe-AO 20401 (1)
  3793. Category:Axe-AO 20405 (1)
  3794. Category:Axe-AO 20428 (1)
  3795. Category:Axe-AO 22953 = AO 20159 (1)
  3796. Category:Axe-AO 26757 (1)
  3797. Category:BIS 143764 (1) (1)
  3798. Category:BIS 5337 (1)
  3799. Category:BIS 5543 (1)
  3800. Category:BIS 8734 (1)
  3801. Category:BNF Res Fol T 22 4 (1)
  3802. Category:BNF Res P T 72 (1)
  3803. Category:BNF Res ye 189 (1)
  3804. Category:Bacchante by Jeanne Itasse (RF 1276) (1)
  3805. Category:Bacchante lutinant une chèvre by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1)
  3806. Category:Bad Company - Jan Steen - Louvre RF 301 (1)
  3807. Category:Baptism of Christ by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) - Details (1)
  3808. Category:Black Grid - Wassily Kandinsky (1)
  3809. Category:Borne milliaire du château de Bellevue (1)
  3810. Category:Bunches of Grapes around a Tree Trunk - Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo - Louvre INV 595 ter (1)
  3811. Category:Bust by Joseph Chinard (Louvre RF 1488) (1)
  3812. Category:BÉNSBA 534 B34 in corto fol. 10R et 93R (1)
  3813. Category:BÉNSBA Masson 184 (1)
  3814. Category:CNRS UMR 7323 (1)
  3815. Category:Caliper compass-MHS 1907 (1)
  3816. Category:Calvary (Maestro Espressionista di Santa Chiara, Louvre) (1)
  3817. Category:Caspar von Köckeritz - Lucas Cranach (I) - Louvre RF 819 (1)
  3818. Category:Caton d'Utique, Roland (Louvre RF976) (1)
  3819. Category:Christ Blessing Children - Master HB of the Griffon's Head - Louvre MNR 521 (1)
  3820. Category:Christ Carrying the Cross - Circle of the Master of Delft - Louvre MNR 444 (1)
  3821. Category:Christ with the Woman Taken in Adultery - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - Louvre RF 1961-80 (1)
  3822. Category:Chronometer-MnM 13 NA 2 (1)
  3823. Category:Chronometer-MnM 13 NA 6 (1)
  3824. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 140 Writings on the Formulaire (1)
  3825. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 147 Vitae sanctorum (1)
  3826. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 1526 Book of Hours (1)
  3827. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 240 (1)
  3828. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 248 Chrétien de Troyes - Roman de Perceval le Gallois (1)
  3829. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 260 Caii Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii epistolarum libri IX (1)
  3830. Category:Clermont Auvergne Métropole Library MS 76 Book of Hours (1)
  3831. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 7 (1)
  3832. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 77 (1)
  3833. Category:Compass-MnM 1 NA 87 (1)
  3834. Category:Compass-MnM 11 NA 33 (1)
  3835. Category:Coronation of the Virgin - Master of Santa Verdiana - Louvre INV 816 (1)
  3836. Category:Cottage Interior - Adriaen van Ostade - Louvre INV 1682 (1)
  3837. Category:Crucifixion (attributed to Lippo Memmi, Louvre) (1)
  3838. Category:David by Antonin Mercié (musée des Augustins, 2004 1 136) (1)
  3839. Category:Derivative works of Gabrielle d'Estrées and one of her sisters (Louvre RF 1937-1) (1)
  3840. Category:Derivative works of The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1)
  3841. Category:Development in Brown - Wassily Kandinsky (1)
  3842. Category:Diana and Actaeon - Francesco Albani - Louvre INV 15 (1)
  3843. Category:Diana next to the Corpse of Orion - Daniel Seyter - Louvre RF 1997-30 (1)
  3844. Category:Divider-MHS 2551 (1)
  3845. Category:Door (Louvre AA 320) (1)
  3846. Category:Draped Reclining Figure - Henry Moore (LH 336, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden) (1)
  3847. Category:East Indies Company sword-J 09842 (1)
  3848. Category:Ecce Homo - Bartolomeo Montagna - Louvre MI 567 (1)
  3849. Category:Ecce Homo - Jan Cossiers - Louvre RF 1994-20 (1)
  3850. Category:Electrohydrolic machine-MHS 786 (1)
  3851. Category:Entombment of Christ by Michele Koeck (1)
  3852. Category:Eros bending his bow by Lysippos (Musei Capitolini) - Copies (1)
  3853. Category:Fantasy View of the Campo Vaccino with a Donkey - Cornelius van Poelenburgh - Louvre INV 1084 (1)
  3854. Category:Farmyard - Jan Brueghel (II) - Louvre INV 1120 (1)
  3855. Category:Flint Axe from Vaumort, France - MHNT PRE.2010.0.104.1 (1)
  3856. Category:Francesco II della Rovere (Lázaro Galdiano) (1)
  3857. Category:Funerary mosaic (Louvre AO 22917) (1)
  3858. Category:Funerary mosaic (Louvre AO 28293) (1)
  3859. Category:Funerary mosaic (Louvre AO 28294) (1)
  3860. Category:Galvanometer-MHS 1145 (1)
  3861. Category:Gathering of Smokers and Drinkers - Simon de Vos - Louvre RF 1166 (1)
  3862. Category:Google Art Project works by Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi (1)
  3863. Category:Group portrait of Members of the State Council (Kulikov) (1)
  3864. Category:Halberd-AO 25015 (1)
  3865. Category:Heron Hunting with the Archduke Leopold William - David Teniers the Younger - Louvre INV 1887 (1)
  3866. Category:Homer by Philippe-Laurent Roland (Louvre MR 2088) (1)
  3867. Category:Interior of a Church - Pieter Neeffs (I) - Louvre INV 1594 (1)
  3868. Category:Iris Sent to Turnus by Juno - Claudio Francesco Beaumont - Louvre RF 1983-49 (1)
  3869. Category:Jesus Healing a Deaf-mute - Bartholomeus Breenbergh - Louvre RF 1937 4 (1)
  3870. Category:Jewel-E 32663 (1)
  3871. Category:Jupiter and Danaë - Joachim Wtewael - Louvre RF 1979-23 (1)
  3872. Category:Koniag sculpture-988.2.150 (1)
  3873. Category:Kudurru-Sb 27 (1)
  3874. Category:Landscape with Hagar and the Angel - Pier Francesco Mola - Louvre INV 393 (1)
  3875. Category:Landscape with Hercules and Cacus - Domenichino - Louvre INV 795 (1)
  3876. Category:Landscape with Ruins on Palatine Hill - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre MI 966 (1)
  3877. Category:Landscape with Windmills - after Jan Brueghel (I) - Louvre RF 2547 (1)
  3878. Category:Landscape with a Hermit - Domenichino - Louvre INV 211 (1)
  3879. Category:Laurel leaf knife from Laugerie-Haute, France - MHNT PRE.2010.0.105.1 (1)
  3880. Category:Le bénédicité (MI 1031) (1)
  3881. Category:Le satyre Marsyas renversé, Loir (Louvre MR3519) (1)
  3882. Category:Lenticular make-up box-AO 14780 (1)
  3883. Category:Lithic Core MHNT PRE 2004.0.99 (1)
  3884. Category:Lot and His Family Leaving Sodom - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1760 (1)
  3885. Category:Louvre 10 DR recto (1)
  3886. Category:Louvre 11 LR (1)
  3887. Category:Louvre 136 Ni (1)
  3888. Category:Louvre 137 Ni (1)
  3889. Category:Louvre 16 LR (1)
  3890. Category:Louvre 253 LR (1)
  3891. Category:Louvre 3678 LR (1)
  3892. Category:Louvre 3704 LR (1)
  3893. Category:Louvre 3708 LR (1)
  3894. Category:Louvre 3834 LR (1)
  3895. Category:Louvre 3849 LR (1)
  3896. Category:Louvre 3852 LR (1)
  3897. Category:Louvre 3881 LR (1)
  3898. Category:Louvre 3882 LR (1)
  3899. Category:Louvre 3888 LR (1)
  3900. Category:Louvre 4069 LR (1)
  3901. Category:Louvre 4070 LR (1)
  3902. Category:Louvre 4167 LR (1)
  3903. Category:Louvre 4233 LR (1)
  3904. Category:Louvre 4313 LR (1)
  3905. Category:Louvre 4321 LR (1)
  3906. Category:Louvre 45 LR (1)
  3907. Category:Louvre 48 LR (1)
  3908. Category:Louvre 6 Ni (1)
  3909. Category:Louvre 635 LR (1)
  3910. Category:Louvre 6813 LR (1)
  3911. Category:Louvre 739 LR (1)
  3912. Category:Louvre 774 DR (1)
  3913. Category:Louvre 775 DR recto (1)
  3914. Category:Louvre AD 27708 (1)
  3915. Category:Louvre AD 37641 (1)
  3916. Category:Louvre AF 6265 (1)
  3917. Category:Louvre AM 1639 (1)
  3918. Category:Louvre AM 2235 (1)
  3919. Category:Louvre AM 2336 (1)
  3920. Category:Louvre AM 2659 (1)
  3921. Category:Louvre AM 2664 (1)
  3922. Category:Louvre AM 569 (1)
  3923. Category:Louvre AO 18842 (1)
  3924. Category:Louvre AO 19898 (1)
  3925. Category:Louvre AO 20376 (1)
  3926. Category:Louvre AO 22202 (1)
  3927. Category:Louvre AO 29561 (1)
  3928. Category:Louvre AO 4462 (1)
  3929. Category:Louvre AO 5718 (1)
  3930. Category:Louvre AO 6330 (1)
  3931. Category:Louvre AO 7095 (1)
  3932. Category:Louvre Bj 2240 b (1)
  3933. Category:Louvre CA 255 (1)
  3934. Category:Louvre CA 590 (1)
  3935. Category:Louvre Camp 16 (1)
  3936. Category:Louvre Camp 65 A (1)
  3937. Category:Louvre Camp 84 (1)
  3938. Category:Louvre Camp 85 A (1)
  3939. Category:Louvre Camp 85 B (1)
  3940. Category:Louvre Cat 1922-847 (1)
  3941. Category:Louvre Cat 1922-849 (1)
  3942. Category:Louvre E 21710 (1)
  3943. Category:Louvre E 32880 (1)
  3944. Category:Louvre ED 2775 (1)
  3945. Category:Louvre G 156 (1)
  3946. Category:Louvre INV 1024 recto (1)
  3947. Category:Louvre INV 10401 recto (1)
  3948. Category:Louvre INV 111 recto (1)
  3949. Category:Louvre INV 126 recto (1)
  3950. Category:Louvre INV 1486 (1)
  3951. Category:Louvre INV 1672 D recto (1)
  3952. Category:Louvre INV 1715 recto (1)
  3953. Category:Louvre INV 1785 recto (1)
  3954. Category:Louvre INV 18609 recto (1)
  3955. Category:Louvre INV 18870 (1)
  3956. Category:Louvre INV 18876 (1)
  3957. Category:Louvre INV 19046 recto (1)
  3958. Category:Louvre INV 19047 verso (1)
  3959. Category:Louvre INV 19053 recto (1)
  3960. Category:Louvre INV 19054 verso (1)
  3961. Category:Louvre INV 19058 recto (1)
  3962. Category:Louvre INV 19059 recto (1)
  3963. Category:Louvre INV 1970 recto (1)
  3964. Category:Louvre INV 20048 (1)
  3965. Category:Louvre INV 20653 recto (1)
  3966. Category:Louvre INV 20654 recto (1)
  3967. Category:Louvre INV 20669 recto (1)
  3968. Category:Louvre INV 2317 recto (1)
  3969. Category:Louvre INV 2481 recto (1)
  3970. Category:Louvre INV 2685 recto (1)
  3971. Category:Louvre INV 2712 recto (1)
  3972. Category:Louvre INV 290 (1)
  3973. Category:Louvre INV 3860 recto (1)
  3974. Category:Louvre INV 3983 recto (1)
  3975. Category:Louvre INV 4338 recto (1)
  3976. Category:Louvre INV 4657 recto (1)
  3977. Category:Louvre INV 5013 recto (1)
  3978. Category:Louvre INV 5086 recto (1)
  3979. Category:Louvre INV 710 recto (1)
  3980. Category:Louvre INV 714 recto (1)
  3981. Category:Louvre INV 714 verso (1)
  3982. Category:Louvre INV 727 verso (1)
  3983. Category:Louvre INV 728 recto (1)
  3984. Category:Louvre INV 8875 recto (1)
  3985. Category:Louvre INV 9877 recto (1)
  3986. Category:Louvre K 3458 (1)
  3987. Category:Louvre L 124 LR (1)
  3988. Category:Louvre L 154 LR (1)
  3989. Category:Louvre L 36 LR 161 (1)
  3990. Category:Louvre L 51 LR (1)
  3991. Category:Louvre L 58 LR (1)
  3992. Category:Louvre L 59 LR (1)
  3993. Category:Louvre L 63 LR (1)
  3994. Category:Louvre L 93 LR (1)
  3995. Category:Louvre LP 2715 (1)
  3996. Category:Louvre MAO 133 (1)
  3997. Category:Louvre MAO 471 (1)
  3998. Category:Louvre MAO 709 (1)
  3999. Category:Louvre MAO 750 (1)
  4000. Category:Louvre MAO 838 (1)
  4001. Category:Louvre MAO S.328 (1)
  4002. Category:Louvre MI 164 (1)
  4003. Category:Louvre MI 501 (1)
  4004. Category:Louvre MI 546 (1)
  4005. Category:Louvre MI 655 (1)
  4006. Category:Louvre MNB 1743 (1)
  4007. Category:Louvre MNB 2601 (1)
  4008. Category:Louvre MNC 1062 (1)
  4009. Category:Louvre MNE 1045 (1)
  4010. Category:Louvre MNE 633 (1)
  4011. Category:Louvre MR 1594 (1)
  4012. Category:Louvre MR 1641 (1)
  4013. Category:Louvre MR 1664 (1)
  4014. Category:Louvre MR 1665 (1)
  4015. Category:Louvre MR 1673 (1)
  4016. Category:Louvre MR 1677 (1)
  4017. Category:Louvre MR 1714 (1)
  4018. Category:Louvre MR 1740 (1)
  4019. Category:Louvre MR 2293 (1)
  4020. Category:Louvre MR 474 (1)
  4021. Category:Louvre MR 542 (1)
  4022. Category:Louvre MR 545 (1)
  4023. Category:Louvre MR 584 (1)
  4024. Category:Louvre MR 707 (1)
  4025. Category:Louvre MR 731 (1)
  4026. Category:Louvre MR 858 (1)
  4027. Category:Louvre MR 964 (1)
  4028. Category:Louvre MR XIII suppl. 211 (1)
  4029. Category:Louvre MR sup 55 (1)
  4030. Category:Louvre MRR 241 (1)
  4031. Category:Louvre MRR 242 (1)
  4032. Category:Louvre MRR 280 (1)
  4033. Category:Louvre MRR 281 (1)
  4034. Category:Louvre MRR 450 (1)
  4035. Category:Louvre N 25 (1)
  4036. Category:Louvre N 383 (1)
  4037. Category:Louvre OA 10047 (1)
  4038. Category:Louvre OA 10061 (1)
  4039. Category:Louvre OA 10144 (1)
  4040. Category:Louvre OA 10561 (1)
  4041. Category:Louvre OA 11758 (1)
  4042. Category:Louvre OA 1201 (1)
  4043. Category:Louvre OA 1207 (1)
  4044. Category:Louvre OA 1208 (1)
  4045. Category:Louvre OA 1210 (1)
  4046. Category:Louvre OA 12123 (1)
  4047. Category:Louvre OA 12218 (1)
  4048. Category:Louvre OA 12395 (1)
  4049. Category:Louvre OA 1306 (1)
  4050. Category:Louvre OA 1308 (1)
  4051. Category:Louvre OA 1474 (1)
  4052. Category:Louvre OA 1532 (1)
  4053. Category:Louvre OA 1538 (1)
  4054. Category:Louvre OA 1543 (1)
  4055. Category:Louvre OA 1704 (1)
  4056. Category:Louvre OA 1788 (1)
  4057. Category:Louvre OA 1857 (1)
  4058. Category:Louvre OA 1879 (1)
  4059. Category:Louvre OA 2091 (1)
  4060. Category:Louvre OA 2540 (1)
  4061. Category:Louvre OA 2588 (1)
  4062. Category:Louvre OA 2602 (1)
  4063. Category:Louvre OA 2624 (1)
  4064. Category:Louvre OA 2800 (1)
  4065. Category:Louvre OA 2849 (1)
  4066. Category:Louvre OA 2876 (1)
  4067. Category:Louvre OA 2877 (1)
  4068. Category:Louvre OA 2921 (1)
  4069. Category:Louvre OA 3116 (1)
  4070. Category:Louvre OA 3292 (1)
  4071. Category:Louvre OA 3358 (1)
  4072. Category:Louvre OA 3859 bis (1)
  4073. Category:Louvre OA 3927 (1)
  4074. Category:Louvre OA 3963 (1)
  4075. Category:Louvre OA 3964 (1)
  4076. Category:Louvre OA 3965 (1)
  4077. Category:Louvre OA 3966 (1)
  4078. Category:Louvre OA 3969 (1)
  4079. Category:Louvre OA 4074 (1)
  4080. Category:Louvre OA 5564 (1)
  4081. Category:Louvre OA 5961 (1)
  4082. Category:Louvre OA 5962 (1)
  4083. Category:Louvre OA 5989 (1)
  4084. Category:Louvre OA 6009 (1)
  4085. Category:Louvre OA 6127 (1)
  4086. Category:Louvre OA 6129 (1)
  4087. Category:Louvre OA 6426 (1)
  4088. Category:Louvre OA 675 (1)
  4089. Category:Louvre OA 6951 (1)
  4090. Category:Louvre OA 6973 (1)
  4091. Category:Louvre OA 6976 (1)
  4092. Category:Louvre OA 6987 (1)
  4093. Category:Louvre OA 7013 (1)
  4094. Category:Louvre OA 7022 (1)
  4095. Category:Louvre OA 7546 (1)
  4096. Category:Louvre OA 7550 (1)
  4097. Category:Louvre OA 7564 (1)
  4098. Category:Louvre OA 7577 (1)
  4099. Category:Louvre OA 7585 (1)
  4100. Category:Louvre OA 7590 (1)
  4101. Category:Louvre OA 7780/116 (1)
  4102. Category:Louvre OA 7822 (1)
  4103. Category:Louvre OA 8153 (1)
  4104. Category:Louvre OA 8162 (1)
  4105. Category:Louvre OA 8282 (1)
  4106. Category:Louvre OA 8290 (1)
  4107. Category:Louvre OA 8987 (1)
  4108. Category:Louvre OA 9116 (1)
  4109. Category:Louvre OA 9119 (1)
  4110. Category:Louvre OA 9156 (1)
  4111. Category:Louvre OA 974 (1)
  4112. Category:Louvre OAR 62 (1)
  4113. Category:Louvre OAR 74 (1)
  4114. Category:Louvre R 100 (1)
  4115. Category:Louvre R 240 (1)
  4116. Category:Louvre R 241 (1)
  4117. Category:Louvre R 256 (1)
  4118. Category:Louvre R 258 (1)
  4119. Category:Louvre R 309 (1)
  4120. Category:Louvre R 310 (1)
  4121. Category:Louvre R 861 (1)
  4122. Category:Louvre R 9 (1)
  4123. Category:Louvre RF 1171 (1)
  4124. Category:Louvre RF 129 (Bandinelli) (1)
  4125. Category:Louvre RF 1347 (1)
  4126. Category:Louvre RF 1515 (1)
  4127. Category:Louvre RF 1526 (1)
  4128. Category:Louvre RF 1530 (1)
  4129. Category:Louvre RF 1611 (1)
  4130. Category:Louvre RF 1669 (1)
  4131. Category:Louvre RF 1697 (1)
  4132. Category:Louvre RF 2385 (1)
  4133. Category:Louvre RF 2466 (1)
  4134. Category:Louvre RF 2574 (1)
  4135. Category:Louvre RF 2804 (1)
  4136. Category:Louvre RF 3097 (1)
  4137. Category:Louvre RF 3098 (1)
  4138. Category:Louvre RF 3101 (1)
  4139. Category:Louvre RF 38 recto (1)
  4140. Category:Louvre RF 427 recto (1)
  4141. Category:Louvre RF 438 recto (1)
  4142. Category:Louvre RF 439 recto (1)
  4143. Category:Louvre RF 5212 recto (1)
  4144. Category:Louvre RF 53004 recto (1)
  4145. Category:Louvre RF 5568 verso (1)
  4146. Category:Louvre RF 5569 recto (1)
  4147. Category:Louvre RF 5638 recto (1)
  4148. Category:Louvre RF 593 (1)
  4149. Category:Louvre RF 945 (1)
  4150. Category:Louvre RF 998 (1)
  4151. Category:Louvre Sb 41 (1)
  4152. Category:Louvre UCAD 13547 (1)
  4153. Category:Louvre UCAD 5602 (1)
  4154. Category:MADP PE 1108 (1)
  4155. Category:MNR E.Cl. 11489 (1)
  4156. Category:Madame de Verninac by Joseph Chinard (Louvre RF 3655) (1)
  4157. Category:Madonna Conestabile - Il Sassoferrato - Louvre INV 646 (1)
  4158. Category:Madonna and Child (Deodato Orlandi, Louvre) (1)
  4159. Category:Madonna and Child (Unknown artist, Louvre, RF 1947-17) (1)
  4160. Category:Madonna and Child - Anonymous - Louvre RF 2822 (1)
  4161. Category:Madonna and Child - Il Sassoferrato - Louvre MI 628 (1)
  4162. Category:Madonna and Child - Romanino - Louvre RF 1984-1 (1)
  4163. Category:Madonna and Child Holding an Apple - Anonymous - Louvre MNR 832 (1)
  4164. Category:Madonna and Child adored by Saints John the Baptist, Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Alexandria - Peter Candid - Louvre INV 516 (1)
  4165. Category:Madonna and Child with Saint Anna - Anonymous - Louvre INV 1987 (1)
  4166. Category:Madonna and Child with St. John - Domenichino - Louvre INV 195 (1)
  4167. Category:Madonna and Child with St. Martina - Pietro da Cortona - Louvre INV 108 (1)
  4168. Category:Madonna and Child with Two Angels (Unknown artist, Louvre, RF 1272) (1)
  4169. Category:Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John - Giulio Romano - Louvre INV 422 (1)
  4170. Category:Madonna of Humility (Niccolò Di Buonaccorso, Louvre) (1)
  4171. Category:Madonna of the Eglantines - Anonymous - Louvre RF 2563 (1)
  4172. Category:Margaret of York - Anonymous - Louvre RF 1938-17 (1)
  4173. Category:Mars and Venus in Vulcan's Forge - Luca Giordano - Louvre INV 306 (1)
  4174. Category:Mary Magdalene in Meditation before a Crucifix - Benedetto Luti - Louvre INV 362 (1)
  4175. Category:Mosaic Louvre (74.1962.518-520) (1)
  4176. Category:Moses Striking the Rock - Leandro Bassano - Louvre INV 429 (1)
  4177. Category:Moses and the Daughters of Jethro - Giovanni Francesco Romanelli - Louvre INV 578 (1)
  4178. Category:Musée Ingres-Bourdelle - Bélisaire reconnu par un soldat - Jacques-Louis David (1)
  4179. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 14 51 (1)
  4180. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 5 115 (1)
  4181. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 6 123 (1)
  4182. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 6 153 (1)
  4183. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 7 1 (1)
  4184. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25069 (1)
  4185. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25075 (1)
  4186. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25106 (1)
  4187. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25122 (1)
  4188. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25132 (1)
  4189. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25512 (1)
  4190. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25518 (1)
  4191. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25533 (1)
  4192. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25613 (1)
  4193. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25625 (1)
  4194. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25632 (1)
  4195. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25636 (1)
  4196. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25647 (1)
  4197. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25648 (1)
  4198. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25656 (1)
  4199. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25681 (1)
  4200. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25699 (1)
  4201. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25774 (1)
  4202. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 25783 (1)
  4203. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26016 (1)
  4204. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26082 (1)
  4205. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26158 (1)
  4206. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26168 (1)
  4207. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26279 (1)
  4208. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26400 (1)
  4209. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26404 (1)
  4210. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26450 (1)
  4211. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26474 (1)
  4212. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26479 (1)
  4213. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26496 (1)
  4214. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26524 (1)
  4215. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26557 (1)
  4216. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 26977 (1)
  4217. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 30272 (1)
  4218. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 1 12 (1)
  4219. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 1 120 (1)
  4220. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 1 15 (1)
  4221. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 1 18 (1)
  4222. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 1 71 (1)
  4223. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 1 78 (1)
  4224. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 2 19 (1)
  4225. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 2 30 (1)
  4226. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 2 65 (1)
  4227. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 2 69 (1)
  4228. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 2 76 (1)
  4229. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 75 5 9 (1)
  4230. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 874 12 5 (1)
  4231. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 15 1 (1)
  4232. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 3 93, 98 3 94 (1)
  4233. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 98 6 16 (1)
  4234. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, D 2008 1 15 (1)
  4235. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, D 98 5 3 (1)
  4236. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, D.71.1.32 (1)
  4237. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 16 a (1)
  4238. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 367 bis (1)
  4239. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 50 bis (1)
  4240. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 505 b (1)
  4241. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 97 (1)
  4242. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, VT71 H7 n°2313 (1)
  4243. Category:Mythological Couple - Paris Bordone - Louvre INV 125 (1)
  4244. Category:Nocturnal-MnM 11 NA 83 (1)
  4245. Category:Noël-Nicolas Coypel, Lemoyne (Louvre RF1501) (1)
  4246. Category:Nude man and woman groups-AO 3933 (1)
  4247. Category:Old Woman - Gerrit Dou - Louvre INV 1223 (1)
  4248. Category:Orphée descendu aux Enfers pour demander Eurydice ou la musique, Restout (Louvre INV7451) (1)
  4249. Category:Pascaline - Machine de Marguerite Périer (1)
  4250. Category:Penitent Saint Jerome - Jacopo da Sellaio - MI 500 (1)
  4251. Category:Philopoemen Recognised by an Old Woman - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre MI 967 (1)
  4252. Category:Philosopher Drawing Geometrical Figures with a Pair of Compasses - Luca Giordano - Louvre MI 894 (1)
  4253. Category:Philosopher Holding a Book and a Roll of Paper - Luca Giordano - Louvre MI 897 (1)
  4254. Category:Philosopher with Eyeglasses - Luca Giordano - Louvre MI 895 (1)
  4255. Category:Philosopher with a Flask on His Belt - Luca Giordano - Louvre MI 896 (1)
  4256. Category:Place du Carrousel and Tuileries in Ruins - Giuseppe De Nittis - RF 372 (1)
  4257. Category:Pope Clement XIII by Anton Rafael Mengs (Nationalmuseum) (1)
  4258. Category:Pope Pius VII (Vincenzo Camuccini - Kunsthistorisches Museum) (1)
  4259. Category:Port with Capitol by Gelée (Louvre INV 4712) (1)
  4260. Category:Portrait of Catharina Both van der Eem - Frans Hals - Louvre RF 425 (1)
  4261. Category:Portrait of Monsignore Francesco Carafa - Anton von Maron - Louvre RF 1997-17 (1)
  4262. Category:Portrait of Vincenzo Cappello - Palma il Giovane - Louvre RF 2110 (1)
  4263. Category:Portrait of a 25 Year Old Man - Anonymous - Louvre INV 1350 (1)
  4264. Category:Portrait of a Girl in Blue and Pink (1)
  4265. Category:Portrait of a Lady with her Daughter - Anthony van Dyck - Louvre INV 1243 (1)
  4266. Category:Portrait of a Man - Anonymous - Louvre INV 1346 (1)
  4267. Category:Portrait of a Man - Dosso Dossi - Louvre INV 866 (1)
  4268. Category:Portrait of a Man Holding a Skull - entourage of Annibale Carracci - Louvre INV 213 (1)
  4269. Category:Portrait of a Man with a Cane - Frans van Mieris (I) - Louvre INV 1546 (1)
  4270. Category:Presentation at the Temple - Master of St. Severin - RF 1972-1 (1)
  4271. Category:Proclamation of the Abolition of Slavery in the French Colonies, 27 April 1848 (1)
  4272. Category:Relief No. 1 - Henry Moore (LH 450, Israel Museum) (1)
  4273. Category:Repentance of St. Joseph - Alessandro Tiarini - Louvre INV 689 (1)
  4274. Category:Replicas from the Mars of Todi (1)
  4275. Category:Ritratto di gruppo della famiglia Borri Stampa by Francesco Hayez (1)
  4276. Category:Ruins and Figures - Paul Bril - Louvre INV 1085 (1)
  4277. Category:Rustic Interior - Cornelis Pietersz. Bega - Louvre INV 1032 (1)
  4278. Category:Saint Bonaventure and Saint Anthony of Padua - Moretto da Brescia - INV 123 (1)
  4279. Category:Saint Francis of Paola in Extasi - Pietro Bianchi - Louvre RF 1997-28 (1)
  4280. Category:Saint Jerome Meditating - Jan Cornelisz. Vermeyen - Louvre RF 2003-08 (1)
  4281. Category:Saint Jerome Praying in the Desert - Battista Dossi - Louvre INV 269 (1)
  4282. Category:Saint Nicholas of Bari - Sassetta - Louvre RF 1981-57 (1)
  4283. Category:Saint Paul - Lucas Cranach (I) - Louvre MNR 939 (1)
  4284. Category:Saint Peter - Lucas Cranach (I) - Louvre MNR 938 (1)
  4285. Category:Saint Sébastien (Louis-Alexandre Bottée) (1)
  4286. Category:Salmacis and Hermaphroditus - Francesco Albani - Louvre INV 19 (1)
  4287. Category:Samson, Roland (Louvre RF4235) (1)
  4288. Category:Sappho by Claude Ramey (Louvre RF 157) (1)
  4289. Category:Scale model of Hector-AGOID 106350 (1)
  4290. Category:Scale model of Pont-Lévêque-MnM 7 MM 94 (1)
  4291. Category:Scale model of a 100-gun ship of the line-AGOID 106291 (1)
  4292. Category:Scale model of a 16th century ship-MnM 5 MG 2 (1)
  4293. Category:Scale model of a Breguet 521-MnM 1 AE 20 (1)
  4294. Category:Scale model of a British 74-gun ship of the line-AGOID 106333 (1)
  4295. Category:Scale model of a coal cargo ship under construction-MnM 2003.29.1 (1)
  4296. Category:Scale model of the British Admiralty Floating Dock No. 58-AGOID 106315 (1)
  4297. Category:Self-portrait with Gold Chain - Rembrandt - Louvre INV 1744 (1)
  4298. Category:Sextant-MnM 11 NA 109 D (1)
  4299. Category:Sextant-MnM 11 NA 59 (1)
  4300. Category:Skating Scene - Adam van Breen - Louvre RF 1738 (1)
  4301. Category:Sleeping Christ Child with Music Making Angels - Carlo Maratta - Louvre INV 373 (1)
  4302. Category:St. Francis of Assisi Praying - Lorenzo Lippi - Louvre INV 179 (1)
  4303. Category:St. John of Capistrano - Bartolomeo Vivarini - Louvre MI 488 (1)
  4304. Category:St. Praxedes - Simone Pignoni - Louvre RF 1998-4 (1)
  4305. Category:Statuette de cochon 1859,1226.30 (1)
  4306. Category:Stele of Meli-Shipak (1)
  4307. Category:Still-Life with Grapes and Apples - Giuseppe Ruoppolo - MI 865 (1)
  4308. Category:Still-Life with Grapes and Figs - Giuseppe Ruoppolo - MI 864 (1)
  4309. Category:Still-Life with Grapes and Grenade - Unknown artist - Louvre RF 3771 (1)
  4310. Category:Still-Life with Oysters and Quinces - Giuseppe Recco - Louvre RF 1977-11 (1)
  4311. Category:Stèle de Nymp... 2000.4 (2000.4) (1)
  4312. Category:Stèle de Parhèsia E 11 (E 11) (1)
  4313. Category:Tafelrunde by Adolph von Menzel (1)
  4314. Category:Tavern Interior - Adriaen van Ostade - Louvre MI 947 (1)
  4315. Category:Terrestrial globe-MnM 9 NA 75 (1)
  4316. Category:The Adoration of the Shepherds - Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione - Louvre INV 240 (1)
  4317. Category:The Animals Boarding Noah's Ark - Jacopo da Ponte - Louvre INV 428 (1)
  4318. Category:The Assumption of the Virgin - Il Sassoferrato - Louvre INV 600 (1)
  4319. Category:The Beheading of St. Bartholomew (Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio, Louvre) (1)
  4320. Category:The Birth of Marie de' Medici - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre INV 1770 (1)
  4321. Category:The Birth of the Virgin - Carlo Saraceni - Louvre RF 1974-18 (1)
  4322. Category:The Carrying of the Cross - Biagio d'Antonio - Louvre INV 296 (1)
  4323. Category:The Charity of St. Nicholas of Bari (Giovanni Francesco da Rimini, Louvre) (1)
  4324. Category:The Continence of Scipio - Michele Rocca - Louvre RF 1997-25 (1)
  4325. Category:The Cupids Disarmed - Francesco Albani - Louvre INV 11 (1)
  4326. Category:The Destiny of Marie de' Medici - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre MI 212 (1)
  4327. Category:The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple - Francesco Solimena - Louvre INV 676 (1)
  4328. Category:The Fish Market by Adriaen van Ostade - Louvre INV 1681 (1)
  4329. Category:The Flood - Antonio Carracci - Louvre INV 230 (1)
  4330. Category:The Forge of Vulcan - Francesco Bassano the Younger - Louvre MNR 258 (1)
  4331. Category:The Herdsmen - Pieter van Laer - Louvre INV 1418 (1)
  4332. Category:The Immaculate Conception with St. Anselm and St. Martin - Giuseppe Maria Crespi - Louvre INV 259 (1)
  4333. Category:The Incredulity of St. Thomas (Unknown artist, Louvre, RF 1979-18) (1)
  4334. Category:The Judgment of Paris - Girolamo di Benvenuto - Louvre MI 587 (1)
  4335. Category:The Last Supper - Frans Pourbus (II) - Louvre INV 1704 (1)
  4336. Category:The Martyrdom of St. Irene - Carlo Francesco Nuvolone - Louvre INV 709 (1)
  4337. Category:The Meeting of Abraham and Melchisedek - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre MI 963 (1)
  4338. Category:The Money Changers - follower of Marinus van Reymerswaele (Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, 69/175) (1)
  4339. Category:The Musette-Player - David Teniers the Younger - Louvre INV 1890 (1)
  4340. Category:The Pont des Treilles - Lambert Doomer - Louvre RF 3733 (1)
  4341. Category:The Raising of the Cross - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre MI 964 (1)
  4342. Category:The Raising of the Cross - Peter Paul Rubens - Louvre MNR 411 (1)
  4343. Category:The Rapture of St. Paul - Domenichino - Louvre INV 792 (1)
  4344. Category:The Rest on The Flight into Egypt - after Adam Elsheimer - Louvre INV 1268 (1)
  4345. Category:The Rest on the Flight into Egypt - Corrado Giaquinto - Louvre RF 1983-60 (1)
  4346. Category:The Rest on the Flight into Egypt - Giovanni Francesco Caroto - RF 2327 (1)
  4347. Category:The Return of the Prodigal Son - Leonello Spada - Louvre INV 677 (1)
  4348. Category:The Sermon of St. Bartholomew (Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio, Louvre) (1)
  4349. Category:The Temptation of Saint Anthony - Pieter Huys - Louvre RF 3936 (1)
  4350. Category:The Temptation of St Anthony - David Teniers the Younger - Louvre INV 1880 (1)
  4351. Category:The Third Class Carriage (37.1226) (1)
  4352. Category:The Tooth Puller - Gerard Dou - Louvre INV 1220 (1)
  4353. Category:The Tribute Money - Anonymous - Louvre INV 1803 (1)
  4354. Category:The Turkey - Unknown artist - Louvre RF 2392 (1)
  4355. Category:The Virgin of the Annunciation - Pompeo Batoni - Louvre INV 99 (1)
  4356. Category:Three Monkeys Stealing Fruit - Frans Snyders - Louvre MI 981 (1)
  4357. Category:Tile (Louvre AD 7049) (1)
  4358. Category:Torchère à la couronne by Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (musée d'Orsay, DO 1979-87) (1)
  4359. Category:Triptych - Master of 1333 - Louvre INV 20197 (1)
  4360. Category:Two Piece Reclining Figure No. 9 - Henry Moore (LH 576, de Young Museum, San Francisco) (1)
  4361. Category:Un fleuve, Foucou (Louvre RF3979) (1)
  4362. Category:Universal horizontal sundial - MHS 722 (1)
  4363. Category:Unknown - Head of a Young Woman from a Grave Naiskos - 56.AA.19 (1)
  4364. Category:Unknown - Shell - 57.AA.6 (1)
  4365. Category:Unknown - Strigil - 56.AC.8 (1)
  4366. Category:Upright Motive No. 1: Glenkiln Cross - Henry Moore (LH 377, Hirshhorn Museum's Sculpture Garden) (1)
  4367. Category:Upright Motive No. 7 - Henry Moore (LH 386, Yorkshire Sculpture Park) (1)
  4368. Category:Van Dyck and Rubens - Anonymous - Louvre RF 2117 (1)
  4369. Category:Velázquez - Equestrian portrait paintings of the Count-Duke of Olivares (1)
  4370. Category:Venus and Cupid - manner of Rembrandt - Louvre INV 1743 (1)
  4371. Category:Vierge d'Abbeville (Louvre RF 1449) (1)
  4372. Category:View of Dordrecht downstream from the Grote Kerk - Jan van Goyen - Louvre INV 1305 (1)
  4373. Category:View of a Seaport - Anton Mozart - Louvre RF 2069 (1)
  4374. Category:Village Feast with an Aristocratic Couple - David Teniers the Younger - Louvre INV 1881 (1)
  4375. Category:Young Boy in a Studio - Jan Lievens - Louvre RF 2562 (1)
  4376. Category:Yucca Gloriosa in Parc de Neuilly, 1844 - Antoine Chazal - Louvre INV 3237 (1)
  4377. Category:Archaeological Museum of Paros 2652 (0)
  4378. Category:Artworks after Venus of Urbino (0)
  4379. Category:Blind Man's Bluff (Goya) (0)
  4380. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 2000 15 80 (0)
  4381. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, 30117 (0)
  4382. Category:Musée Saint-Raymond, Ra 34 K (0)
  4383. Category:Paintings of Apollo flaying Marsyas by Ribera (0)
  4384. Category:Ritratto di Alessandro Manzoni by Francesco Hayez (0)
  4385. Category:Studies for the Burlington House Cartoon (0)