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Category:Self-portrait (Judith Leyster)

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Self-portrait (Judith Leyster)
Judith Leyster: Self-portrait by Judith Leyster  wikidata:Q18888002 reasonator:Q18888002
Judith Leyster  (1609–1660)  wikidata:Q232423
Judith Leyster
Alternative names
Judita Leystar
Description Dutch painter and drawer
Date of birth/death 28 July 1609 (baptised) 10 February 1660 (buried)
Location of birth/death Haarlem Edit this at Wikidata Heemstede Edit this at Wikidata
Work period from 1629 until 1643
date QS:P,+1650-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1629-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1643-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Work location
Haarlem (1629-1636), Amsterdam (1637-1643)
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q232423
 Edit this at Wikidata
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Self-Portrait Edit this at Wikidata
title QS:P1476,en:"Self-Portrait Edit this at Wikidata"
label QS:Len,"Self-Portrait Edit this at Wikidata"
label QS:Les,"Autorretrato"
label QS:Lhu,"Önarckép"
label QS:Lnds,"Sülvstporträt"
label QS:Lde,"Selbstporträt"
label QS:Lga,"féinphortráid"
label QS:Lfa,"چهرهٔ خود"
label QS:Lzh,"朱迪思·莱斯特的自画像"
label QS:Lda,"Selvportræt"
label QS:Lro,"Autoportret"
label QS:Lja,"自画像"
label QS:Lsk,"Autoportrét"
label QS:Lhe,"דיוקן עצמי"
label QS:Lla,"Effigies sui ipsius"
label QS:Lfi,"Omakuva"
label QS:Lkk,"Автопортрет"
label QS:Leo,"Memportreto"
label QS:Lbs,"Autoportret"
label QS:Lit,"Autoritratto"
label QS:Lfr,"Autoportrait"
label QS:Lhr,"Autoportret"
label QS:Luk,"Автопортрет"
label QS:Lvec,"Autoritrato"
label QS:Lpt,"Autorretrato"
label QS:Lbr,"Emboltred"
label QS:Lbg,"Автопортрет"
label QS:Lsr,"Аутопортрет"
label QS:Llt,"Autoportretas"
label QS:Lsl,"Avtoportret"
label QS:Lmk,"Автопортрет"
label QS:Lpt-br,"Autorretrato"
label QS:Lru,"Автопортрет"
label QS:Lth,"ภาพเหมือนตนเอง"
label QS:Lpl,"Autoportret"
label QS:Let,"Autoportree"
label QS:Lnl,"Zelfportret"
label QS:Lhy,"Ինքնապատկեր"
label QS:Lcy,"Hunanbortread"
label QS:Lbe,"Аўтапартрэт"
label QS:Lsv,"Självporträtt"
label QS:Lgl,"Autorretrato"
label QS:Lar,"بورتريه ذاتي"
label QS:Lel,"Αυτοπροσωπογραφία"
label QS:Lcs,"Autoportrét"
Object type painting Edit this at Wikidata
Genre self-portrait Edit this at Wikidata
Depicted people Judith Leyster Edit this at Wikidata
Date circa  Edit this at Wikidata
Medium oil on canvas Edit this at Wikidata
Dimensions height: 74.6 cm (29.3 in) Edit this at Wikidata; width: 65.1 cm (25.6 in) Edit this at Wikidata
dimensions QS:P2048,+74.6U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,+65.1U174728
institution QS:P195,Q214867
Accession number
Place of creation Haarlem Edit this at Wikidata
<nowiki>Autorretrato; Önarckép; Sülvstporträt; Selbstporträt; féinphortráid; چهرهٔ خود; 朱迪思·莱斯特的自画像; Selvportræt; Autoportret; 自画像; Autoportrét; דיוקן עצמי; Effigies sui ipsius; Omakuva; Автопортрет; Memportreto; Autoportrét; Autoportret; Autoritratto; Autoportrait; Autoportret; Αυτοπροσωπογραφία; Emboltred; Autorretrato; Автопортрет; Self-portrait by Judith Leyster; Självporträtt; Autoportretas; Avtoportret; Аўтапартрэт; Autorretrato; Hunanbortread; ภาพเหมือนตนเอง; Autoportret; Ինքնապատկեր; Zelfportret; Autoportree; Автопортрет; Автопортрет; Аутопортрет; Autorretrato; بورتريه ذاتي; Autoritrato; Автопортрет; dipinto di Judith Leyster; Judith Leyster festménye; pintura de Judith Leyster; quadre de Judith Leyster; Gemälde von Judith Leyster; pintura de Judith Leyster; painting by Judith Leyster; maleri af Judith Leyster; pictură de Judith Leyster; obraz Judith Leyster; målning av Judith Leyster; måleri av Judith Leyster; pintura de Judith Leyster; schilderij van Judith Leyster; peinture de Judith Leyster; pikturo da Judith Leyster; cuadro de Judith Leyster; painting by Judith Leyster; pintura de Judith Leyster; pentraĵo de Judith Leyster; maleri av Judith Leyster; pintura di Judith Leyster; Zelfportret (Leyster)</nowiki>
Self-portrait by Judith Leyster 
painting by Judith Leyster
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Instance of
Main subject
DepictsJudith Leyster, easel and paintbrush
Made from material
LocationNational Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., District of Columbia
Country of origin
Owned by
Location of creation
Inventory number
  • c. 1630
  • 65.1 cm
  • 74.6 cm
Authority file
Wikidata Q18888002
Google Arts & Culture asset ID: AAHGrS6cvWhysw
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Media in category "Self-portrait (Judith Leyster)"

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