Category:SVG maps of the Czech Republic
These are SVG (Scaleable Vector Graphics) of various locations in the Czech Republic created by Caroig using Inkscape. They are based on various paper maps which have been scanned and the layers aligned. These sources cannot be posted here as they are copyrighted materials but can by asked for by writing to the author.
This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
Media in category "SVG maps of the Czech Republic"
The following 146 files are in this category, out of 146 total.
Czechia - outline map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 127 KB
2004 Czech European Parliament election.svg 1,060 × 530; 756 KB
2009 Czech European Parliament election.svg 1,060 × 530; 729 KB
2014 Czech European Parliament election.svg 1,060 × 530; 753 KB
2019 Czech European Parliament election.svg 1,060 × 530; 753 KB
2024 Czech European Parliament election.svg 1,060 × 530; 689 KB
Czech Republic - blank map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 131 KB
Bavarian succession new-01.svg 512 × 311; 366 KB
Berounka (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 143 KB
Bečva River (CZE) - location and watershed.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 138 KB
Blank map of the Czech Republic.svg 5,338 × 3,056; 77 KB
Bohemia in Czechland.svg 3,433 × 1,973; 232 KB
Cesko-kraje.svg 3,433 × 1,973; 195 KB
Beskydy Landscape Protected Area (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 131 KB
CHKO Český les (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 133 KB
CHKO Křivoklátsko (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 131 KB
CR-okresy-general-Model.svg 512 × 384; 1 MB
CZ-cleneni-Slezsko-wl.svg 3,433 × 1,973; 127 KB
CZ-cleneni.svg 3,433 × 1,973; 208 KB
Czech general election 2017 - Results by Region.svg 2,097 × 943; 580 KB
Czech kraje and historic regions.svg 800 × 460; 53 KB
Czech parliament elections 2002 - region winners.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 116 KB
Czech parliament elections 2006 - region winners.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 116 KB
Czech parliament elections 2010 - districts, turnout.svg 512 × 384; 693 KB
Czech parliament elections 2010 - regions winners map.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 257 KB
Czech parliament elections 2013 - regions winners map.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 257 KB
Czech parliament elections districts winner map 2010.svg 1,021 × 587; 225 KB
Czech RegionalEl 2008.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 116 KB
Czech RegionalEl 2012.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 116 KB
Czech Republic - Czechomoravia - geographic map - cz.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.99 MB
Czech Republic adm location map.svg 1,004 × 611; 184 KB
Czech Republic districts 2007 blank for elections.svg 1,045 × 604; 596 KB
Czech Republic Köppen.svg 765 × 720; 537 KB
Czech Republic map.svg 730 × 782; 244 KB
Czech Republic railway 240 diagram.svg 1,035 × 523; 23 KB
Czech Republic regions.svg 3,433 × 1,973; 232 KB
Czech Republic relief location map.svg 932 × 567; 3.37 MB
Czechia Köppen.svg 765 × 720; 488 KB
Czechia-geographic map-cz.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.99 MB
Czechia-geographic map-en.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.56 MB
Czechia-geographic map-eo.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.56 MB
Czechia-geographic map-fr.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.56 MB
Czechomoravia-geographic map-en.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.56 MB
CzechRepublic-geographic map-cz.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.99 MB
CzechRepublic-geographic map-en.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.56 MB
CzechRepublic-geographic map-fr.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.56 MB
D1 Highway (Czech Republic) update.svg 640 × 370; 117 KB
D1 Highway (Czech Republic).svg 640 × 370; 21 KB
D11 Highway (Czech Republic).svg 640 × 370; 111 KB
D2 Highway (Czech Republic).svg 640 × 370; 116 KB
D3 Highway (Czech Republic).svg 640 × 370; 14 KB
D5 Highway (Czech Republic).svg 640 × 370; 117 KB
D8 Highway (Czech Republic).svg 640 × 370; 111 KB
Pilsen Little District (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 132 KB
Tachov Little District (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 134 KB
Districts of Czech Republic vector line model.svg 1,021 × 587; 231 KB
Dlouhopolsko (NPP) (CZE) - location map.svg 6,678 × 3,904; 54 KB
ETRS89CZ-NULRAD+DOPNUL-geodetická síť Česká republika.svg 3,189 × 1,826; 1,018 KB
EU location CZE.svg 1,600 × 1,200; 2.47 MB
EU-Czech Republic.svg 2,045 × 1,720; 7.33 MB
Europe cz.svg 680 × 520; 795 KB
GADM CZE Administrative Divisions.svg 630 × 362; 610 KB
Hostýnsko-vsetínská hornatina (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 129 KB
Hultschiner Ländchen.svg 512 × 382; 46 KB
IC trains network Czechia 2020.svg 5,800 × 3,750; 188 KB
Jablunkovská brázda (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 327 KB
Jarní prázdniny.svg 1,021 × 587; 1.07 MB
Jihocesky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 180 KB
Jihomoravsky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 181 KB
Karlovarsky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 178 KB
Kernenergie in Tschechien.svg 819 × 567; 30 KB
Kojetice map.svg 1,050 × 756; 86 KB
Kraj Vysocina old colors.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 110 KB
Kraj Vysocina.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 177 KB
Kralovehradecky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 182 KB
Liberecky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 183 KB
Locator map Czech Socialist Republic.svg 1,260 × 670; 142 KB
Locator map of the Czech Republic.svg 680 × 520; 657 KB
Malé Karlovice.svg 1,154 × 697; 13 KB
Map of the Czech Republic clip art.svg 571 × 322; 544 KB
Mapa CHKO České středohoří.svg 3,307 × 2,846; 156 KB
Mapa da Chéquia (OCHA).svg 254 × 254; 973 KB
Morava, židovské osídlení 1300.svg 1,800 × 1,330; 41 KB
Morava, židovské osídlení 1835.svg 1,801 × 1,301; 96 KB
Morava, židovské osídlení do 1420.svg 1,800 × 1,330; 68 KB
Moravia in Czechland.svg 3,433 × 1,973; 232 KB
Moravian-Silesian Region - outline location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 134 KB
Moravian-Silesian Region - outline map.svg 1,440 × 1,265; 167 KB
Moravskoslezsky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 180 KB
Motorway D0-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 51 KB
Motorway D1-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 48 KB
Motorway D10-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 51 KB
Motorway D11-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 46 KB
Motorway D2-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 48 KB
Motorway D3-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 56 KB
Motorway D35-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 47 KB
Motorway D4-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 46 KB
Motorway D43-CZ map.svg 776 × 446; 150 KB
Motorway D46-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 52 KB
Motorway D48-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 56 KB
Motorway D49-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 54 KB
Motorway D5-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 52 KB
Motorway D52-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 51 KB
Motorway D55-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 59 KB
Motorway D56-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 50 KB
Motorway D6-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 57 KB
Motorway D7-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 53 KB
Motorway D8-CZ map.svg 780 × 450; 51 KB
Motorways in Czechia map.svg 776 × 446; 156 KB
MotorwaysCZmap.svg 776 × 446; 198 KB
Nerealizované země ČR - Drápela Sýkora.svg 1,021 × 587; 234 KB
Krkonoše National Park (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 134 KB
Podyjí National Park (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 135 KB
Šumava National Park and Landscape protected Area (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 148 KB
Návrh země ČR Malík.svg 1,021 × 587; 244 KB
Okresy CR mirne generalizovane.svg 512 × 293; 169 KB
Olomoucky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 183 KB
Pardubicky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 185 KB
Pałac Bílá Voda - plan.svg 472 × 611; 296 KB
Planned Motorways in Czechia.svg 728 × 418; 139 KB
PlannedMotorwaysCZ.svg 728 × 418; 198 KB
Plzensky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 182 KB
Podbeskydská pahorkatina (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 132 KB
Railway network Czech Republic.svg 3,389 × 1,940; 263 KB
Moravian-Silesian Beskids - location map in Moravian-Silesian Region.svg 1,440 × 1,265; 170 KB
Moravskoslezské Beskydy (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 130 KB
České Středohoří - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 130 KB
República Checa-Cheqomoravia-geographic map-es.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 17.03 MB
Lužnice River (CZE) - location and watershed map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 142 KB
River Ostravice (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 173 KB
Sázava River (CZE) - location and watershed.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 143 KB
Rožnovská brázda (CZE) - location map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 327 KB
République tcheque-Tchécomoravie-geographic map-fr.svg 1,949 × 1,200; 14.56 MB
Semafor of COVID-19 disease at 2020-09-04 at Czech Republic.svg 512 × 293; 170 KB
Senatni obvody 2+3n.svg 3,845 × 2,991; 307 KB
Senatni obvody 3n.svg 3,845 × 2,991; 307 KB
Senátní volební obvody 1. třetina.svg 3,845 × 2,991; 387 KB
Senátní volební obvody.svg 3,845 × 2,991; 307 KB
Silesia in Czechland.svg 3,433 × 1,973; 232 KB
SilniceI2 map.svg 1,318 × 757; 288 KB
Slepá mapa okresu Hradec Králové.svg 300 × 174; 111 KB
Stredocesky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 185 KB
Ustecky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 180 KB
Vltava River (CZE) - location and watershed.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 149 KB
Zlinsky kraj.svg 3,417 × 1,956; 184 KB
Čeladenka River - location and watershed map.svg 5,342 × 3,123; 130 KB