User talk:Yann/archives 30

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Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016 !
  • Look sweet...
  • Eat everything...
  • Seek the warmest spots to nap and purr...
  • Try to wait until after to demolish the paper and ornaments...

-- Ellin Beltz (talk) 20:35, 23 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Demande d'explication concernant des photos supprimées

Bonjour Yann,

J'ai reçu, il y a quelques jours, une notification de votre part et de Stefan2 disant que j'avais téléchargé des images soumises au droit d'auteur : (

N'ayant pas la possibilité de savoir quelles étaient ces images supprimées puisque, lorsque je clique sur le lien, je tombe sur une page où la discussion est close, je ne peux ni savoir si c'était une erreur de votre part ou si c'était une erreur de la mienne. Il me semble assez douteux que ces photos aient été soumises au droit d'auteur puisque la totalité des images que j'ai téléchargées sur la page de Jujols sont les miennes. Il se peut, néanmoins, que j'aie pu faire quelques erreurs. Ceci pour la forme.

Pour le fond, j'ai reçu votre notification de discussion... et, à peine une heure plus tard, une notification de suppression sans que j'aie pu comprendre ce qui se passait puisque je ne maîtrise pas le langage et les procédures compliquées de Wikipédia. De plus, la plupart des liens sur lesquels on clique pour pouvoir comprendre toutes les procédures sont en anglais que je ne maîtrise pas. J'ai été aidé, pour inclure les photos de Jujols il y a de cela deux ans, par un contributeur officiel dont je ne me souviens pas le nom et qui a supervisé la mise en page de ces photos. Je ne comprends pas que deux ans plus tard, ces photos ne soient pas les bonnes... sans qu'aucune discussion n'ait été possible. Vous êtes peut-être branché sur Internet 24 heures sur 24, ce qui n'est pas mon cas, et le délai d'une heure entre la notification de discussion et la notification de suppression me semble quelque peu cavalier... pour ne pas dire plus.

Aujourd'hui, je suis quelque peu échaudé d'avoir contribué à la page de Jujols en ayant passé énormément de temps à comprendre comment une contribution fonctionnait... le langage et les procédures Wikipédia étant extrêmement compliquées pour un béotien comme moi et à la limite du compréhensible. Aujourd'hui, ma contribution à Wikipédia n'est donc plus d'actualité. Ce qui n'est plus d'actualité non plus dorénavant, grâce à vous et à Sefan2, ce sont les dons que je fais à Wikipédia depuis des années, puisque, à la lumière de cette fâcheuse aventure qui ressemble à une censure mal maîtrisée et soumise à l'arbitraire, je considère que Wikipédia n'est plus fiable.

Le pompon, c'est quand même la dernière notification en fin de la page, je cite : Bonjour, Anton Bob, vous avez téléchargé plusieurs images qui enfreignent les droits d'auteur, ceci en dépit de nos rappels à l'ordre et de nos instructions. Si vous ne cessez pas de télécharger des images qui ne sont pas libres, votre compte sera bloqué.

Quels rappels à l'ordre ? Quelles instructions ?... "Si vous ne cesser..." alors je ne suis même pas allé sur la page en question depuis un an !!!... et, pour me remercier de ma contribution à la page de Jujols, la menace de bloquer mon compte !!! Or, je le répète, le problème n'est pas tant que j'ai pu peut-être faire une erreur due à une image ou deux dont j'ai fait, par facilité technique, une capture d'écran et qui ne puisse pas être contrôlée par rapport aux droits d'auteur, mais par le fait qu'aucune discussion n'ait été possible.

Alain ROBERT — Preceding unsigned comment added by Anton Bob (talk • contribs)

@Anton Bob: Bonjour,
Vos images sont appelées "Capture d'écran", ce qui créé le soupçon que vous n'êtes pas le photographe de ces images. Dans le cas, une autorisation écrite formelle de la part du photographe est nécessaire. Désolé si cela paraît compliqué, mais cela est nécessaire. C'est aussi le cas pour tous les documents qui ont été publiés ailleurs auparavant (sur le web ou sur papier). Les images peuvent être restaurées lorsque l'autorisation est confirmée. Voyez Commons:OTRS/fr pour la procédure.
La plupart des instructions sont traduites en français, mais n'hésitez pas à me demander si vous avez besoin d'aide. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 20:46, 25 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yann, je te souhaite de joyeuses fêtes. La DR en rubrique soulève la question plus générale de l'utilisation très extensive de la notion d'absence de qualité artistique pour les photogrammes de films italiens, au nom de laquelle certains téléverseurs estiment ne pas avoir à respecter le terme de 70 ans. A ta connaissance, cette question a-t-elle déjà été discutée ? Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 11:22, 26 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Je ne me souviens pas. J'ai ajouté cette page dans ma liste de suivi. Yann (talk) 20:10, 26 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Merci. Regarde aussi [1]. Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 15:40, 27 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I gave the file is not copyright infringement Eso1101.Jpg named because the source and do not know where it came from , who to write the author's name so he would also demand to restore the picture. Is it a copyright violation you're supposed to come because I write the author's name --İnternion (talk) 10:24, 3 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@İnternion: Hi,
All recent content is under a copyright, including this file. So you are not allowed to copy files without the author's permission. Regards, Yann (talk) 18:53, 3 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yann I it is Eso1101.jpg named file is not copyright because I gave the source but writer not name writing therefore the who I do not know it and consequently marked I endeavor to copyright infringement , but if it is not ultimately take them back every file you delete a file it is not fair use and deletion is wrong so that you can reinstall the file and that file Do not delete the risks that should not be deleted because you doğrularmıs watch page. I am writing this message in case sorry. Thank You --İnternion (talk) 19:35, 3 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yann, it is stated clearly in the File page. The file is not my own work, the author does not get permission from anyone. Files are actually public property I have and are under Creative Commons Atrributio 4.0 license and file the main author of the ESO I have so I'm going to that file to reinstall all are available worldwide, and it is obvious it is not copyright infringement. --İnternion (talk) 10:18, 13 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@İnternion: Hi,
Do not recreate the file. If you think it is under a free license, please request undeletion on COM:UDR. But copyright doesn't work that way. There is no "public property", but a copyright on every recent content. Regards, Yann (talk) 10:57, 13 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

For now I upload the public domain --İnternion (talk) 15:39, 13 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yann , such as Creative Commons licenses permit with the files I upload--İnternion (talk) 09:54, 28 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Une faveur

Hallo Yann. Je t'écris pour pratiquer mon français pour te demander une faveur: je suis à la récherche de faux-nez sur et j'ai besoin de savoir qui est le importeur de ce fichier. Peut-tu me aider?--Formica rufa 21:29, 27 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Formica rufa: C'est Enzo Bhigazzi. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 10:12, 28 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Merci. User:Enzo Bhigazzu est son faux-nez--Formica rufa 12:43, 28 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Uploaded files deleted

Hello Yann, Several of my uploaded files have been have been deleted marking them as violating copyright. However, the files belong to me only. I am a student of this college and have the right over these files that I have uploaded. Can you please suggest some way to fix this issue? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Mrcell2014 (talk • contribs)

@Mrcell2014: Hi,
Being a student in a college doesn't give you the copyright of its images. A formal written permission for a free license from the college is needed. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 17:43, 29 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

soccer article

Yann, please upload the 2 photos you deleted from the article Tasos Georgiou Vatikiotis. The commons help desk says they can be used publicly since they were printed in public publications and have the correct licensing. You were supposed to re-upload them for us, please do asap. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

Hi, 1. Please log in before posting messages. 2. Could you mention which files you are talking about? Thanks, Yann (talk) 17:28, 29 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

getting my images undeleted on general hershy bar

yann Jmabel on the help page gave me different instructions/requirements, so i wanted to copy those over. jmabel indicated that i should just put a page on my web site that says matt sweeney is mudstonephoto is diatom.phage. i took the time to make that page and load it on my server. it is at jmabel said i could do that OR send the email or do both. i did both. BUT that the webpage addition would be faster. like instant. so i did it. the email undelete could take months. this all seems like WAY TOO much hassle. what did i do wrong? i just wanted to donate a couple images to the commons. dang. matt — Preceding unsigned comment added by Diatom.phage (talk • contribs)

@Diatom.phage: Hi,
Ok, that might work. Let's wait 1 day for other opinions. I added a link to your discussion with Jmabel in your undeletion request. Regards, Yann (talk) 22:57, 29 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Now you can edit the wikiradio easily

Hi Yann,

Now you can edit wikiradio simply cliking in "edit" link for stations or dayparting.

Thanks for your recomendation. --The Photographer (talk) 22:56, 29 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Image undeletion request

Hey Yann, you recently deleted File:Flickr_-_moses_namkung_-_Vampire_Weekend-3_CROPPED.png with the reason "Non-free Flickr license disallowing commercial use and/or derivative works." However, this file is merely a cropped version of File:Flickr - moses namkung - Vampire Weekend-3.jpg which Multichill has reviewed as being under the CC-BY license at the time of upload. Since Creative Commons licenses are not revokable, this license still stands even though the Flickr user has changed the license on Flickr to "All rights reserved" and hence the cropped version is allowed. Could you please undelete the image? Thanks - Kollision (talk) 03:20, 30 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Yann (talk) 10:45, 30 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
(talk page stalker) I added {{flickr-change-of-license}} to File:Flickr - moses namkung - Vampire Weekend-3.jpg. -- Tuválkin 03:07, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

is no spam, but a notice from Heidelberg police. Please undelete. Thanks! -- 15:25, 30 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Well, I don't see why this has to be here. Yann (talk) 16:03, 30 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It has to be here because of the damage oft the statue. -- 16:50, 30 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The FPC-Bot does have a problem

for some special reasons while parsing the code. Inbetween two rounds he doesn´t take action, so I made it by hand. He is obviously not able to interprete a nowiki/strike combination correctly.--Hubertl 07:55, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Happy New Year!

Fireworks from the Philippines for celebration
Happy New Year Yann! I hope you still do your great work in 2016! Poké95 05:01, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I second that. HNY 2016. -- Rillke(q?) 13:58, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

sébastien Cipolla image de sa page

Bonjour, pour cette page, la photo ma été donné par le père de sébastien cipolla avec l'accord de ce dernier pour la mettre sur sa page widipédia. En effet sont père est un collègue de travail. Je ne sais pas si cela rentre dans les conditions mais je tenais à le préciser. Merci. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Julien Massa (talk • contribs) 14:17, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Julien Massa: Bonjour,
Dans ce cas, une autorisation écrite formelle est nécessaire. Voyez COM:OTRS/fr pour la procédure. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 14:20, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Merci pour votre réponse et pour votre rapidité. Juste une question, est-ce récent ces suppressions d'image ? Car j'ai l'impression que beaucoup d'images n'ont pas les conditions pour être mise sur une page Wikipédia. je m'interroge sur cela car avant on mettait une photo sans passer par wikimedia commons (il me semble)donc les photos mise avant l'utilisation de wikimedia commons ne seront pas supprimé ? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Julien Massa (talk • contribs) 14:28, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Julien Massa: Bonjour,
C'est vrai que nous sommes plus strict aujourd'hui. Et l'on découvre régulièrement des violations importées il y a 5, 6 ou 7 ans. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 11:07, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

*** Feliz año! *** 2016! ***

* * * Feliz Año 2016 ! * * *
* Feliz Año Nuevor!
* Joyeux Noël ! Bonne année!
* Frohes Weihnachten! Frohes Neues Jahr!
* Счастливого Рождества! С Новым годом!

Deseo que este nuevo año venga cargado de bienaventuranza para ti y para los tuyos. Un año nuevo lleno de muchos nuevos retos que yo estoy seguro conseguirás superar. Te he dejado este video, con un mensaje positivo, lleno de esperanza y amor. De mi, un Venezolano que te aprecia. Saludos --The Photographer (talk) 15:27, 31 December 2015 (UTC) [reply]

Pourrais-tu s'il te plaît... dire pourquoi tu as supprimé de Commons ma carte Transhumanţă sans page de discussion de la demande, et le jour même de celle-ci, alors que cette carte représente des jours de travail (une partie en 1975 lors de mes études, on travaillait lors encore avec du Letraset et des trames... et une autre partie ces derniers jours, scannée, actualisée et redessinée en Photoshop) ? Il y a présomption de culpabilité dans Commons ? Tu devrais consulter l'administrateur Esby [2] qui me connaît... Bonne année !, --Spiridon Ion Cepleanu (talk) 20:00, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Spiridon Ion Cepleanu: Bonjour,
J'ai restauré File:Transhumanţă.jpeg et créé une demande de suppression à la place. Il s'agit apparemment d'un malentendu. Ellin Beltz a taggué le fichier comme une violation, car elle a compris que cette carte était copiée d'un livre. Pourrais-tu préciser en français (et éventuellement en anglais, sinon je traduirais). Cordialement, Yann (talk) 20:14, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Happy New Year!

Have a great 2016. -- Colin (talk) 11:58, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Happy New Year

Thanks for the brownie -- I think our relationship has mellowed a lot over the last year or so -- I now look on you, with maybe half a dozen others, as one of my most dependable colleagues. We don't always agree on the close calls, but that's to be expected. .     Jim . . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 13:52, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Meilleurs voeux

Bonne année!!
Merci à toi, bonne et heureuse année, et bonnes contributions!! Christian Ferrer (talk) 13:57, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Bonne année !

Meilleurs vœux pour 2016 !

Hello Yann,

Merci pour ton message !
Je te souhaite une année pleine de belles surprises
Et de contributions gratifiantes à Commons Clin !
Racconish ☎ 14:38, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Many thanks

And best wishes for 2016 Yann. There are few folk on Commons whose work I appreciate and trust as much as yours. Regards --Herby talk thyme 15:46, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Hi Yann, Just wanted to pop by to say I hope you had a great Crimbo and that I hope you have a very Happy New Year too,

Thanks for all your help on Commons!
(Usually I'd send a lovely templated version but unfortunately sod all works here so I'm afraid it's a basic message, Sorry.)

   –Davey2010 Merry Xmas / Happy New Year 16:37, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Merci de ton merci !

En fait je suis parfois emmer... embêté avec Commons parce qu'il n'y a pas de catégorie simplement {Derivative work} aussi simple d'enregistrement que {own} ou {PD-old}. Aussi, lorsque je prends l'un de mes atlas anciens (antérieurs à 1910) pour en scanner un bout et le modifier en Photoshop, ou bien l'un de mes anciens documents perso pour le scanner et le modifier, je n'ai le choix qu'entre {PD-old} (pas entièrement exact puisque j'ai fait des modifs) ou {own}. Et comme on ne doit pas être beaucoup de vieillards à faire ça et que la jeunesse travaille en svg ou numérise direct (surtout les photos), du coup c'est MOI le Dinosaure. Pourtant je n'aimerais pas que tout mon boulot carto ou photo (graphique) passé se retrouve dans une benne (je n'ai pas de descendance et aucune biblio n'a de place). Mais je suis incapable d'expliquer ça en bon anglais, alors... Allez, un bon 2016 ! --Spiridon Ion Cepleanu (talk) 20:27, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Spiridon Ion Cepleanu: Bonjour,
Dans ce cas, il faut utiliser 2 modèles pour les licences : un pour l'oeuvre d'origine, un pour tes modifications. Ex: File:Monnaie de Bactriane, Eucratide I, 2 faces.jpg Cordialement, Yann (talk) 20:48, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Happy new year

Très typique ici pour cette saison

Merci beaucoup, Yann! je te souhaite la même chose, remercie tu d'être ici en Commons ;) Poco2 23:14, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


درود بر شما

تصاویری که بنده بارگذاری میکنم همش مال خودم هست اونی که تو اینترنت مشاهده میکنید مال وبلاگ خود بنده است و خودم اپلودشون کردم.

در ضمن بار اول که تصاویرم حذف شد.دوباره بعنوان تصویر اینترنتی ثبت کردم و منبع وبلاگ بهش دادم.من نمیدونم چرا حذف می کنید...

Alipour.acc (talk) 07:27, 2 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

1968 Yenko YS 8011 photo, Yenko Camaro page

Hi Yann The above photo was taken by me, by my camera on my property of a car that I owned at the time. Please let me know what I need to do. I ran the hi res photo from the camera through a thumbnail program to reduce it. Maybe that changed the exif? Thank you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 427Freak (talk • contribs) 03:15, 01 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Yann Do a google search of my photo it will not come up. Thanks — Preceding unsigned comment added by 427Freak (talk • contribs) 03:25, 01 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@427Freak: Hi,
You uploaded File:Yenko68mcacn.jpg and File:Yenkomcacn.jpg copied from the Internet, so that's why your claim is questioned. Could you upload the original picture with EXIF? Regards, Yann (talk) 11:03, 1 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Yann, I uploaded and changed the 68 Yenko photo with one from the same location shoot that I did the other photo but this one shows EXIF info. I don't know why the other photo wouldn't show the info. I like the new pic better. This should be good. I think the page is much better with photo of real car now and correct info. Thanks for bearing with me while I learn. Happy New Year 427Freak Dana (427Freak (talk) 03:20, 4 January 2016 (UTC))[reply]

Creating a article in Wikipedia

Hi!i m Peter velson.i live in Nepal.this name is not my name.i have logged in Wikipedia about 1month ago.i have joined to Wikipedia for the first,due to my small knowledge on Wikipedia I need help from I have found you to choose you. Thank you Bye So,left me messages on my talk page. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Peter velson (talk • contribs) 15:28, 03 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Peter velson and Dibashthapa: Hi,
The rule is simple: do not upload content created by others without a formal written permission for a free license. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Also do not use another account while you are blocked, as you might also be blocked for that. Regards, Yann (talk) 09:45, 4 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Yann. The DR was closed on this, but the DR tag is still in place and the image isn't in use any more. INeverCry 08:46, 5 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Yann (talk) 16:26, 5 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Can I ask you an advice?

Today I renamed this file because of this (correct) request for renaming and replaced one link. The uploader undid my revision (I don't mind, a redirect will be ok) AND uploaded the same file under the old name, thus duplicating it. I'm not tagging it as a duplicate file because I'm pretty sure he would upload it one more time. I don't know what I could do. Any suggestion?--Formica rufa 18:20, 5 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Bonne année 2016

Bonne année 2016 et pleins de bonnes photos pour commons. Grâce à toi je maîtrise mieux les permissions, il y a encore du travail mais il ne faut pas désespérer. Cordialement, --Amage9 (talk) 14:23, 6 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. Please protect my user page and talk page from unconfirmed users. Best regards, Ilya Drakonov (talk) 09:13, 7 January 2016 (UTC).[reply]

Why was this picture deleted, and even without a message in my talk page? The ASO release the rally route (among other graphic content) copyright-free as described in the file licensing chapter and presented the link to Dakar Press regulations, so why it was deleted? Rpo.castro (talk) 20:08, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Rpo.castro: Hi,
There is a message of your talk page. This file was deleted because it is from a Press Regulation, page 23, which says It is understood that websites must not, under any circumstances, use graphic elements produced by the organisation without the prior written consent of A.S.O., except for the following elements, which are provided copyright-free and that will not be altered:
File:Boulevard Plaza, Dubai, UAE.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Ras67 (talk) 14:36, 9 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Remerciements !

Oui, merci de veiller sur mes droits d'auteur dans la Roumanie communiste de ma jeunesse (une absurdité : en régime communiste, pas de libertés, mais pas d'économie de marché non plus donc pas de copyright ; on travaillait alors à l'aide d'encre de Chine, de trames décalcomanies et de lettres autocollantes) en supprimant le scanner et le retravail en Photoshop que j'en ai fait récemment avec la carte File:Transhumanţă.jpeg (l'original est en A3), dans l'idée, sans doute égoïste et absurde, de partager ce travail en l'actualisant. Aparemment les explications que j'avais fournies en "demande d'effacement" n'ont servi à rien, on ne m'a pas cru tout simplement. Il est évidant que je dois être un voleur et un faussaire, et qu'Ellin Beltz qui a demandé l'effacement, ne peut pas se tromper, puisque dans le monde actuel plus rien n'est public, que toute image, anonyme ou pas, tout paysage, immeuble, statue, monument, pont, a forcément un créateur, architecte, propriétaire ou des héritiers, et qu'il est donc illégal de les réutiliser et télécharger même fortement modifiés, que scanner un document graphique ancien est un délit, même si c'est moi l'auteur, et que s'inspirer de cartes ou de dessins scientifiques antérieurs pour garder l'exactitude scientifique est également un délit, sauf si l'auteur est mort depuis plus de 70 ans.

Dans le même ordre d'idée, elle a aussi demandé l'effacement d'une photo [3] que j'ai prise sur mon lieu de travail [4] et "esthétisée" en Photoshop : sans soute pense-t-elle que le fossile appartient aux descripteurs mentionnés sur l'étiquette, et qu'il est interdit de le photographier même si le Muséum et l'expo sont en accès libre et même si les collections sont publiques, avec droit de photographie, ce qu'elle aurait pu aisément vérifier auprès du Conservateur François Dusoulier qui est parfaitement anglophone. Le fossile, lui, appartient au Parc du Lubéron, également établissement public.

Et dans le même ordre d'idée, elle a aussi demandé l'effacement [5] de l'image composite du "Portail Paléontologie" du Wiki français, File:Paléo1.jpg sur laquelle je suis intervenu, mais qui a été créée en 2006 par Elapied [6].

Comme vous avec File:Transhumanţă.jpeg, Jim [7] avec File:Paléo1.jpg n'a pas douté que la demande d'Ellin Beltz était justifiée et a effacé Paléo1.jpg. Mais si Ellin Beltz ne peut pas se tromper, alors il faut aussi effacer [8], "image-soeur" de Paléo1.jpg, également créée en 2006 par Elapied pour le portail français de l'Évolution, ainsi que toutes les images dont était composé Paléo1.jpg, à savoir : [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15]... et ainsi que mon fossile [16] que j'ai également modifié en Photoshop après l'avoir photographié.

Il ne peut pas y avoir "deux poids, deux mesures", n'est-ce pas ? d'ailleurs, je me suis retiré définitivement de Wikipédia, où j'ai toujours accepté critiques, conseils et doutes, où j'ai toujours accepté qu'on efface des images téléchargées par moi (dinosaures, par exemple) si j'estimais que le demandeur avait raison ou pouvait avoir raison, mais où je n'accepte pas, alors que je suis comme tous les autres bénévole, la présomption de culpabilité. Bien cordialement, Ion Cepleanu --Spiridon Ion Cepleanu (talk) 17:34, 22 January 2016 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 13:33, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted photos

Hy Yann You deleted properly the photos I had uploaded. Just to say that I agree 100% with it because y did it by mistake, I didn't realize correctly about de license the photos had. Actually, I uploaded them with wrong license and later on, when I realized I changed it.... Any way. It Was just a mistake. Sorry and thank you. User:Jacobogbg

@Jacobogbg: Hi,
OK, noted. Thanks for your message. Regards, Yann (talk) 18:07, 10 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I´m sorry

that the Qahatika girl-picture doesn´t succeed. In my opinion, the expression of her face - especially because she has not look into the camera expresses more than most of other portraits. I´m really sorry for that. --Hubertl 20:29, 10 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yann,

you deleted my files. I didn´t upload the files with the wrong license on purpose. I am working for the company Wieland Electric and I wanted to edit the article. I asked my company if I can upload some pictures and they gave me the pictures I tried to upload. I didn´t know better so I did that way. I have the official permission of the company. How should I proof the permission of usage in Wikimedia? I have no weblink that shows the permission. Could you pleace give ma advice?

Thank you in advance. Kind regards,

MaLa — Preceding unsigned comment added by MaLa1989 (talk • contribs) 08:47, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@MaLa1989: Hi,
For corporate documents, a formal written permission is needed. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. The files can be restored once the permission is received. Regards, Yann (talk) 10:39, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello there!

I recently read the messages. I am in total agreement on the enforcement of the rights of authors, however, I have been careful to indicate whether or not the images are of my authorship.

For the logo CLEIV, I designed for a group of students that we form in Spain, perform during a stay there a year ago. Regarding the logo BICU, the institution itself is a public body and its image can be used as a reference in the contents published for it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Mendoza.jhonnyfrancisco (talk • contribs) 15:17, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Mendoza.jhonnyfrancisco: Hi,
For logos and all content previously published elsewhere, a formal written permission from the copyright owner is needed. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 15:20, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

You deleted my images


i noticed you deleted some of my images, for violating copywright. That was intact an error, these are my photos, and i own the copyright, thank you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dannielle.22558bbw (talk • contribs) 03:26, 10 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Dannielle.22558bbw: Hi,
Per EXIF data, the copyright holder is Harley Huke. So we need a formal written confirmation from Harley Huke. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 12:15, 10 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I am her, dannielle is my middle name. i didn't want to make a username with my full legal name. `Dannielle.22558bbw — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dannielle.22558bbw (talk • contribs) 03:41, 12 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Dannielle.22558bbw: Hi,
OK fine, but you could confirm that by mail through COM:OTRS? Regards, Yann (talk) 12:03, 12 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Both of these templates are used ...

Please restore them. Evrik (talk) 15:29, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Yann (talk) 16:04, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. Evrik (talk) 19:42, 12 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Yann

I will not get myself in the foreground, but the series of four pictures is so beautiful that I want to support it absolutely. Shall I try with one of them? With Mark? you can use it or not. --Hubertl 19:06, 12 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, I tried it:

  • I made the white balance with an neutral grey
  • Because of the different light conditons between the original pictures I tried to harmonize the paper color and light. Especially Luke was difficult.
  • The colors are really not that saturated as your pictures are. I am very sure!
  • Matthew is the only one with really different colors.
  • I changed John, the fault frame is from the backside of the paper.
  • I did some slightly sharpening and contrast.

If you don´t like it, keep your own work. I don´t mind. --Hubertl 21:28, 12 January 2016 (UTC)-[reply]

Your pictures:

Hi, Your versions seem better, but John is a too bright (not sure about about Luke). Did you made them from the TIFF files? Regards, Yann (talk) 21:48, 12 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I made them all from the original high-res Tiff-files. I changed John by darkening it a bit, but not so much the left upper corner. and yes, Luke was really difficult. You can use them as they are by copying it, then delete the test-files. --Hubertl 22:07, 12 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I reuploaded your versions of Matthew and Mark over mine, and I remade Luke and John, using your versions as models. I think yours are a bit wash-out. ;o) Yann (talk) 23:08, 12 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Can you help a French user?

Yann, can you help with File:1927-Amphitrite 1.jpg and its confused uploader? File was uploaded without any licenses and deleted and now the uploader is trying to communicate in French at the deleted page. He might be family of the sculpturer whose photo of the sculpture was deleted so he might be able to send permission to OTRS as heir. However there is still a question of who took the photograph. The user communicates in French so I thought it will be easier if the help come from a French speaker. Thanks --Jarekt (talk) 12:58, 13 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done on User talk:Didier Chartier. Yann (talk) 13:09, 13 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

files - the sources

Hello! I've indicated the sources of uploads. Sorry for mistakes. I didn't break rules on purpose. I didn't know that it's forbiden to use pictures of the items (from 19th century) if they are not "flat". But actually I deleted them from wikipedia than I was told, that it was illegal. And there are several files - duplicates. Now I'm in process of deleting categories and them from pages. But I dont' know how to delete them completely.

I'm new user of wikimedia. If a have problems with uploading files, will it be alright to ask you? Sorry and thank you.--Katerinka7 (talk) 17:31, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Katerinka7: Hi,
I am always happy if I can help. You should always upload the highest resolution and best quality possible. The license for old paintings should be {{PD-Art-100}}. See File:Кольба. Золотая Гостиная Марии Александровны.jpg. Regards, Yann (talk) 18:29, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I see. Can you tell me, why was replaced the file (picture of the coin for the wedding of Empress Maria Alexanfrovna in the artikle), what was wrong with it?--Katerinka7 (talk) 20:58, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Katerinka7: Hi,
Sorry, but I don't see which file and/or page you are talking about. Could you give a link please? Regards, Yann (talk) 21:07, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
[17]. This file - File:Alexander II's wedding rouble (1841) drawing.png IS new. I don't know why the previous one was replaced (personally, I prefer the privious file to be in the artikle)--Katerinka7 (talk) 21:49, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

+ the privious I can't find. It looks like this - --Katerinka7 (talk) 22:01, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Katerinka7: Hi,
Arachn0 added this file. The previous file is not on Commons, but on the Russian WP ru:File:Рубль свадебный бракосочетание наследника Александра Николаевича 1841 СПб серебро.jpg. I don't read Russian, so I can't really help. I think you could 1. ask Arachn0, 2. eventually change it back. Regards, Yann (talk) 22:04, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Yann: Thank you very much! So, there is no problem with this file' ru:File:Рубль свадебный бракосочетание наследника Александра Николаевича 1841 СПб серебро.jpg? I can use it?--Katerinka7 (talk) 22:26, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you

Hello Yan, thank you for your assistance with Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jagjeet Sajral. Regards, Yamaguchi先生 (talk) 20:43, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Yann. I believe this is the same file as File:New Crest.jpg which you deleted. It was uploader by the same user also as "own work". -- Marchjuly (talk) 21:53, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Deleted Yann (talk) 22:11, 14 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Is there an automated tool that can tag files for deletion like here?Eteethan (talk) 00:09, 15 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Eteethan: There are several tools. See in your preferences, tab "Gadgets", section "Maintenance tools". Regards, Yann (talk) 00:47, 15 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! Eteethan (talk) 00:59, 15 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Second set of eyes

Hi Yann, Would you take a look at this and tell me what you think we can do for this person? All those maps have no sources! Are they all from something we should *know* is free or ? Ellin Beltz (talk) 16:23, 15 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I added a message. Let's hope that we get an answer. Regards, Yann (talk) 19:48, 15 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Dirceu Guimaraes Photos

Hello Yann, All photos i added are my father (he passed away more than 20 years ago). Those photographs taken in Italy (or in Italian territory) are now in the public domain because the copyright has expired. According Italian laws, photos tooks is Italy are copyright free and public knowledge since after twentieth year of release. Some of those was uploade on Wiki Italia for other users [18]] Italians Laws regards, — Preceding unsigned comment added by Salernobr (talk • contribs)

@Salernobr: Hi,
Could you confirm that by email please? See COM:OTRS for the procedure (or COM:OTRS/it in Italian). Regards, Yann (talk) 20:11, 16 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


only one of the photos I uploaded and that were removed had taken from the web, but the others were mine. I do not understand because they have been removed. Thank you, — Preceding unsigned comment added by Massimo marino (talk • contribs)

@Massimo marino: Hi,
If you are on the picture, you are not the photographer. So for all content which is not directly created by you, or which was previously published elsewhere, a formal written permission is needed. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 04:23, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Op verzoek van LOS Muziektheater wilde ik wat foto's toevoegen. Ik had geen idee dat die auteursrechtelijk beschermd waren. Mijn excuses daarvoor. Ik zal de fotograaf om toestemming vragen om foto's van Total Los te plaatsen.

On behalf of LOS Muziektheater I wanted to put some photo's on their Wikipediasite. I didn't know that those photo's were protected. I apologize and will make contact to the author of the photo's.

I don't no what the problem is, it is a photo I made by myself and is one of a series. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Anjoirene13 (talk • contribs)

@Anjoirene13: Hi,
The other 2 files you uploaded are copied from the Internet. Can you upload the original with EXIF of this one? For any file, you need to provide the real source and a free license. Please read COM:L and COM:DW. And please sign with ~~~~ Regards, Yann (talk) 13:26, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Hello! Can you help me? I want to upload several pictures- advertising posters and wrappers, like this [[19]]. But I'm not shure of the dates. I can tell you only that these posters were made between с.1880 - 1916. Can I upload them?--Katerinka7 (talk) 15:44, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Katerinka7: Hi,
This is OK, as the artist is unknown. You can use {{PD-Art|PD-anon-70}} + {{PD-1923}} I think that [20] is of better quality. Regards, Yann (talk) 17:28, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Yann: Thank you very much!--Katerinka7 (talk) 17:34, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed. I think it just failed to upload - I make the description pages before upload a lot, since I usually make three. Adam Cuerden (talk) 21:50, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

OK, nice. I feared that the file was lost. Regards, Yann (talk) 21:53, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
It happens sometimes, alas. As for the credit thing, by the way - arrogant pricks. If they truy to strip credit for restorations I will never release a thing to Commons again. Adam Cuerden (talk) 22:28, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Quid des photos lors de fête publique

Bonjour Yann,

j'ai des photos de fête des bergers avec des Arlésiennes lors du pastrage du 17 janvier. Les personnages sont en "habits de circonstance" tout est public.

Puis-je les monter telles quelles sur commons ?

Merci d'avance,

--Amage9 (talk) 18:36, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Amage9: Bonjour,
Je pense que oui. Les costumes traditionnels ne sont pas couverts par le droit d'auteur. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 18:40, 17 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Merci Yann j'ai fait une galerie avec ces photos.
Cdlt --Amage9 (talk) 14:45, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I created this file and ask if it could be deleted please. Since nobody else can use it because of my username at Wikipedia on it, it is no matter to Wikimedia and I should have uploaded it on an outside file hoster. Thank you and regards :) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Oxana59 (talk • contribs) 11:10, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Yann (talk) 11:22, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I just wanted to leave a message to the 15th anniversary of Wikipedia until I recognized that these birthday messages are supposed to be twittered, a service which I hardly use. Yet I think that my birthday message to Wikipedia is important enough, why I appreciate things like Wikipedia/Wikimedia and why I think they are important in the digital world of the internet.
Long ago, there was no Wikipedia, I was a member of a usenet group (english) of Paint Shop Pro. This was before 9/11. A lot of people where there and created free to use graphics for other people for their webpages. I remember an American woman, who really made outstanding beautiful graphics. I am not this woman. It was the beginning age of all kinds of bots. One day, she wrote in the group that all her graphics on her website she had created appeared in a commercial image-stock-archive. So did it happen to other contributors in this group. She then started to design, because she was very upset about this, website tiles with roses and skulls, but even those graphics where harvested through bots for image-stock-archives to sell them on commercial goal. So she stopped as many other people in this group did to create graphics. And this is why Wikipedia/Wikimedia is a real relief for all those people, who enjoy to create graphics without following a commercial purpose.

-- Oxana59 (talk) 11:54, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Erreur d'orthographe de nom...

Bonjour, ce n'est pas un problème d'autorisation! certaines photos sont de "G. Dufrêne", et j'ai marqué "G. Duchêne" = comment modifier pour justement envoyer l'autorisation avec la signature de Gérard Dufrêne??? Cordialement--Philippe HENRION (talk) 13:20, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Philippe HENRION: Bonjour,
J'ai renommé les 2 fichiers avec le mauvais nom. Mais le plus important, ce sont les autorisations. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 17:12, 18 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Tagging copyvios

Hi. Where in my preferences do i find how to notify the uploader? Is there a tool I can use to tag speedys? Thanks Gbawden (talk) 09:02, 19 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Gbawden: Hi,
Yes, there are several tools, called gadgets. See in your preference to enable them, tab "Gadget", section "Maintenance tools" : "AjaxQuickDelete" and "Quick delete". These add links in the left column (or right column for Hebrew, Arabic, etc., language interface). Thanks for your help, Yann (talk) 09:39, 19 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Doh. Sorry feel a bit stupid. Should have looked there Gbawden (talk) 06:41, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Category discussion warning

Old postcards by Félix Nadar has been listed at Commons:Categories for discussion so that the community can discuss ways in which it should be changed. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this category, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for discussion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it. If the category is up for deletion because it has been superseded, consider the notion that although the category may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new category.

In all cases, please do not take the category discussion personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

Adam Cuerden (talk) 10:30, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Category discussion warning

Félix Nadar has been listed at Commons:Categories for discussion so that the community can discuss ways in which it should be changed. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this category, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for discussion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it. If the category is up for deletion because it has been superseded, consider the notion that although the category may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new category.

In all cases, please do not take the category discussion personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

Adam Cuerden (talk) 10:38, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Demande d'OTRS

Cher Yann, bonjour,

Roxane Rodriguez vous a écrit le 22 Octobre 2015 pour une demande d'OTRS. Nous avons été contacté par le contributeur 123DL souhaitant faire une page sur son travail. 123DL vient de nous contacter à nouveau pour savoir si nous avions reçu de vos nouvelles.

Nous vous remercions de nous confirmer si vous avez bien reçu notre demande pour que 123 DL poursuive sa page.

Agence Roxane Rodriguez — Preceding unsigned comment was added by 2A01:E35:8787:70C0:BC42:73AC:4A1D:2198 (talk) 13:55, 21 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Cher Yann, bonjour, Nous tenions à vous remercier pour le travail fourni; 123DL est revenu vers nous pour nous demander de téléverser à nouveaux 3 photos qui avaient été supprimé. Auriez-vous l'amabilité de créer les OTRS ? Vous en remerciant par avance, Bien à vous, Agence Roxane Rodriguez --2A01:E35:8A2D:42B0:2D89:CCA8:3F5F:F47F 14:48, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

One of your warned ones...

One of those you have given a last warning, User:Victorsnyers, continues uploads which are copyvios. Cheers! Ellin Beltz (talk) 17:56, 21 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Blocked Files deleted. Yann (talk) 17:58, 21 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]



Thank you for your feedback regarding the logo for

The logo I uploaded belongs to the school and was used with the school's permission. I'm obviously new to making edits to Wikipedia, so I would appreciate your guidance.

Regards, — Preceding unsigned comment added by Derrich (talk • contribs)

@Derrich: Hi,
Please ask the school to send a permission for a free license. See COM:OTRS for the procedure. You could also upload it in the English Wikipedia with a fair use rationale. Regards, Yann (talk) 19:41, 21 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Concerns over photos uploaded


I am concerned over the warnings I have received, in regards to three photos I have uploaded to the Wikipedia page I am creating for "ARMAND CUCCINIELLO."

NONE of the photos uploaded/attempted to be used are copyrighted in any way and have been used by various sources in the past. The CNN screenshot/screen capture of Armand Cucciniello was taken by Blue Force Communications on March 19, 2015. I am not sure why you/Wikipedia are blocking Blue Force Communications from using this image (or any of the others).

Please advise.

Best, BFC — Preceding unsigned comment added by Blue Force Comminications (talk • contribs)

@Blue Force Comminications: Hi,
For any content previous published elsewhere or not personally and directly created by you, a formal written permission is needed. Please see COM:OTRS. CNN screenshots need a permission for a free license from CNN, which we obviously won't get. Regards, Yann (talk) 20:00, 21 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Another uploading post warning

Greetings Yann: I found another of your warning tags here, and user has (of course) reuploaded an image 'of his wife' despite it being deleted as a copyvio previously along with a pile of promotional images of the same singer. I don't think some of these people realize what history admins can see! Ellin Beltz (talk) 16:03, 22 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Holiday greetings

Wishing you the happiest of holidays
and the best new year!
Vera (talk), December 2012

Deutsch  English  español  français  italiano  Nederlands  +/−

Files lock

Please, unlock the pictures. Does not violate any law. — Preceding unsigned comment added by LP Martin (talk • contribs)

File:Huggle ar 1.PNG & File:Huggle ar 2.PNG & File:Huggle ar 3.PNG

Hello Yann about the files that you have painted template deletion please invite you to wait and undo request deletion because these files are of my property and I've of personal computer screen, and I use them in essays Huggle program and we infer in the definition of the characteristics of the program means that copyright is me, I am taken by from my desktop :) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Saber omri (talk • contribs) 23:25, 21 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Merry Christmas and happy new year

Merry Christmas and happy new year. (:


If are you in India ?

नमस्ते.... मैंने आपका सदस्यपृष्ठ देखा । आप हिन्दी समझते हैं अतः आपसे हिन्दी में बात कर रहा हूँ । मैं 2 वर्ष से संस्कृतविकिपीडिया में सक्रिय हूं । यदि आप भारत में और गुजरात में हैं, तो कृपया एक बार हम से मिलने का कष्ट करें । मैं और मेरे मित्र चित्रविषय में और विकिपीडियासम्बन्धित अन्यविषय में आप से मार्गदर्शन के इच्छुक हैं । अहमदाबाद में ये हमारा निवास स्थान है । अस्तु । NehalDaveND (talk) 08:16, 23 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@NehalDaveND: Hi,
I can read Hindi, but writing is still quite difficult, so I will answer in English. I remember taking to you about the Sanskrit Wikipedia. I am not currently in India, but I can still help you. The issue is that unused personal art works are not in SCOPE. Your files are better suited for social medias, like Facebook, etc. Regards, Yann (talk) 07:26, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I understand you point. But My english is not much better and I don't have Hindi, Gujarati or Sanskrit translation of SCOPE. Please help me to put that image. If some problems are in that image, I want to change all things. I have good command on photoshop and other image software. But I need guidance to create image. Without any guidance happening this. I am not dumb person who repeat same error again and again. But lack of english knowledge mistakes are happened by me. I agree that I am (talk page stalker). Because we have small community and no one experienced person is here. Because language problem we can't be chosen some training programs or other wikipedia programs by organizers. I want to contribute in sa.wikipedia. I wrote more than 100 big article in sa.wikipedia. I inspired others too. As community we need technical help. Please help us. You suggest which path is better to put such image. I will follow you. Some time I am feeling helpless. But I am trying to get help for Sanskrit Wikipedia. NehalDaveND (talk) 08:01, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Hi Yann,

Please let me know how it is a copyright violation if I own the movie and the poster. In fact, I officially copyrighted the film.

Andrew — Preceding unsigned comment added by Andysidley (talk • contribs) 00:53, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Andysidley: Hi,
As for all content previously published elsewhere, a formal written permission is needed. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 00:55, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia Commons, I uploaded the photos clicked by the camera, which I own myself and I have a right Why, you delete the copyright photos — Preceding unsigned comment added by Faranjuned (talk • contribs) 06:29, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Faranjuned: Hi,
Some of these pictures were obviously not taken by you. And newspaper clippings and book covers are derivative works, so you need a permission from the publisher. Please upload the unmodified original files (with EXIF data), or send a permission via COM:OTRS. Regards, Yann (talk) 07:21, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Yann: what is method of upload the unmodified original files(with EXIF data) i am sorry i dont know about Newspaper clipping and books covers . if i upload with not copyright ? how can send a permission via COM:OTRS please guide step by step because i use wikipedia commonns with proud . what the deleted photos was restore ? --Faranjuned (talk) 06:20, 25 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Blocking policy

Greetings, is there any blocking policy in Commons? If so, can you please point me to the policy? Thanks. --Dan Polansky (talk) 14:51, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I am sorry; I found it: Commons:Blocking policy. --Dan Polansky (talk) 14:53, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Kephir block

Can you please explain how the indefinite User:Kephir block complies with Commons:Blocking policy? In particular, can you please explain which of the items from Commons:Blocking_policy#Use apply to Kephir? Thanks. --Dan Polansky (talk) 14:56, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

File:Salah Abdeslam.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Magog the Ogre (talk) (contribs) 04:39, 25 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

File:The Pavilion at Ole Miss construction time-lapse.webm has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Magog the Ogre (talk) (contribs) 04:47, 25 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


After two blocks, he's uploading unfree images again. Thanks in advance. --Fixertool (talk) 18:56, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Yann (talk) 10:56, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Photo Delete

Can you delete "File:Türk Telekom yeni logo.jpg"? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Farukacan (talk • contribs) 09:25, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

 Comment It's already deleted. Yann (talk) 10:56, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Have they uploaded files "despite requests from editors not to do so, and despite their instructions"?

I just saw three in a row that I wasn't sure about which I tagged for attention. Their account was created less than four hours ago and their talk page here and on Wikipedia shows no previous warnings.

Sorry to suddenly break out in their defence after reporting them, but basically keen to avoid WP:BITE... Blythwood (talk) 00:33, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

User:NCFirstResponseTeam, Blythwood, it is prominently shown here, which you need to read before uploading anything. Regards, Yann (talk) 10:47, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

The language

Hello.I am bad in English, and I use Google translate, does this prevent nomination of suitable images, or to obtain rights? --ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 12:14, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 Hi,
Sorry, I don't speak Arabic either. But 1. don't remove FPX template. Only someone else voting for support can do it. 2. You confuse MB (megabytes) and Mpx (megapixels, there are articles in Arabic Wikipedia). The limit is 2 Mpx (1600 x 1250 pixels), not 2 MB. Regards, Yann (talk) 13:51, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, is it possible that File:Simone Tomassini.jpg is identical with the deleted File:SIMONE.jpg? Regards--XanonymusX (talk) 14:14, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@XanonymusX: Hi,
No, different files. Yann (talk) 14:40, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Okay, thanks, then I will assume good faith.--XanonymusX (talk) 15:45, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Image deletions from Glasgow Science Festival page

Hi Yann

A number of images from the Glasgow Science Festival Wikipedia page were deleted. These images are owned by Glasgow Science Festival, of which I am an employee. I was tasked by the festival Director to upload these photographs, for which we own the copyright. Can you explain why these images have been removed? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Anyzaz (talk • contribs)

@Anyzaz: Hi,
For all content previously published or not directly created by you, a formal written permission is needed. Two of the files are credited to Bartosz Madejski, and the third is from Fiona Higgins. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 15:57, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Mario Brunello's photos

Hello, About the photos that I have submitted to you, I have received from the artist manager of Mr. Brunello the permission for the publication, as you can see. I have forwarded copy of the mail to you.

Gentile sig. Biondi, grazie del suo messaggio che abbiamo inoltrato al maestro Brunello. Per la pagina di Wikipedia può scegliere e scaricare le foto che trova al link Un cordiale saluto

Alessandra Zecchini Artist manager

ARTISTS MANAGEMENT COMPANY srl unipersonale R. Simoni, 1E - 37122 Verona - Italy Tel. +39 045 8014041 Fax +39 045 8014980 -

--Brunokito (talk) 06:49, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Brunokito: Hi,
The permission should come from Marco Caselli Nirmal, who is the copyright owner according to EXIF, and it needs to be for a free license, including commercial use. Please see COM:OTRS (or COM:OTRS/it in Italian) for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 10:58, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I have wroten to Mario Brunello's Artist Manager that will send to me new photos. You can delete all theese photos without any problem. Thank you. --Brunokito (talk) 15:00, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Fichiers "Une ferme en T.R.O.P"

Bonjour Yann, Yves Garric a retourné le formulaire d'autorisation avec accord pour les fichiers

  1. File:FermeTROPTréteauxLIlle1.jpg
  2. File:FermeTROPLycéePolonais.jpg
  3. File:FermeTROPEmportePièce1.jpg
  4. File:FermeTROPOrBleuTarbes1.jpg
  5. File:FermeTROPINSAToulouse1-.jpg

j'ai demandé à Secondarywaltz qui a bloqué les fichiers à quel moment je pourrai les utiliser mais il a effacé ma demande : (Not to me. Undo revision 185932026 by Amage9 (talk)). Peux-tu me dire ce que je dois faire. Merci d'avance. Cordialement --Amage9 (talk) 21:55, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Amage9: Bonjour,
Voilà, c'est fait. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 22:13, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Merci Yann bonne journée.
Bien cordialement,
--Amage9 (talk) 07:13, 30 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

An opinion?

Greetings Yann: I found [21] that page this morning when I had run out of time even to think. I see a pile of "self" images which cannot be, but can you imagine the size of the DN if I put them all on one? What do you suggest? Thanks! Ellin Beltz (talk) 16:53, 30 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I don't see a lot of issues. Most files are correctly sourced and licensed for me. These are old files, so I think Commons is the source of most copies on the Internet. Regards, Yann (talk) 17:26, 30 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, we must be looking at different things. VFC shows these all as "self" but searching finds things like "all rights reserved" and then this image File:Habiru_head.jpg claimed self. The whole gallery seems shot through with problems like that. Yes I realize these are older images, but I don't think they're all free. Ellin Beltz (talk) 18:53, 31 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
OK, this one is not OK. I deleted it. Any other issue? Regards, Yann (talk) 19:30, 31 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

POTY 2015

Hey, do you know when POTY 2015 will start? I've seen there's nothing about it yet. --Gilc (talk) 03:10, 1 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Sir ,i am sorry for my old uploads on commons .Can i upload some new photos with free licence i am not take his copyright on my photos --Faranjuned (talk) 11:07, 31 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Faranjuned: Hi,
You can upload your own photos. For all content previously published or not directly created by you, a formal written permission is needed. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. Regards, Yann (talk) 18:42, 31 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Yann, as per the user's explanation, he innocently uploaded copyvio images (scanned copies/camera pics of already published images) AND HIS OWN IMAGES. His concern right now is (re)uploading second category of images and does not want to risk you blocking him. --Muzammil (talk) 18:17, 1 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, ce film présente deux problèmes, il est incomplet et étiré. J'ai préparé une version meilleure, mais elle pèse près de 2GB. Comment puis-je l'uploader ? Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 15:51, 2 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Racconish: Salut,
Tu peux demander Help:Server-side upload. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 16:05, 2 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Fait : phab:T125540. Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 17:16, 2 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you!

The Anti-Vandalism Barnstar
Thanks for your comment, I really did an unauthorized information, but Iranduba flag, which is a small town in Brazil was provided by the municipality itself in this custom format with your permission.

(Iranduba coat) Reviewer of articles. (talk) 05:58, 3 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yann, j'ai téléversé une meilleure version et constaté à cette occasion que ce film est présenté sur BFI comme étant un panorama ded ghats de Calcutta [22]. Voir aussi [23]. Je te laisse apprécier s'il convient d'en modifier la description ou non. Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 09:56, 4 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Racconish: Salut,
Merci. L'endroit a certainement beaucoup changé. C'est difficile de dire qui a raison. Je vais demander à d'autres. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 10:15, 4 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Résolu : en:Wikipedia talk:Noticeboard_for India-related topics#File:Varanasi ghats, Ganga river, India, 1899.webm. Yann (talk) 00:25, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
File:Talking Tom logo.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

SummerPhDv2.0 (talk) 15:17, 4 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, peux-tu stp supprimer la version initiale, erronément sonorisée ? D'avance merci. Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 10:12, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done by zhuyifei1999. Yann (talk) 10:20, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

N'est-ce pas pas un peu trop faible comme EV pour un MOTD ? Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 13:17, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Si tu as mieux, vas-y. ;o) Yann (talk) 13:21, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Il y a l'embarras du choix ! File:Farewell to Arms, 1932.ogv, par exemple. Mais ces danseuses ... Clin. Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 13:25, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, c'est les danseuses qui te gênent... Perso, je les trouve pas mal. ;o) Sérieusement, il semble que ce soit un groupe connu, et non simplement des amies qui se filment et mettent leur vidéo sur YT. On a déjà un film américain ce mois-ci, il faudrait varier. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 13:31, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Très juste. File:Soviet Toys (1924).webm ? Cordialement, — Racconish ☎ 13:37, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
OK, très bien. Yann (talk) 13:38, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Undeletion requests

Commons:Undeletion requests says: "On this page, users can ask for a deleted page or file (hereafter, "file") to be restored". It means: not only files. — Николай (talk) 18:29, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

OK, but the issue here is not about undeletion of a page or a file. Regards, Yann (talk) 18:34, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Category:Victims of Putinism doesn't exist because it was deleted by Butko. It looks like political censorship. Besides, please look here:Николай (talk) 18:47, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Николай Hi, May be a discussion on the VP is needed? Regards, Yann (talk) 19:00, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Hello Yann,

Not sure what else I need to do to have this image undeleted. The image is marked public domain, is from Prince Ali's Flickr account, and part of his "Stock Photos" album for anyone to use his provided images. The photos are part of his campaign to be the president of FIFA. They are in use and connected on his various sites: PeterWesco (talk) 22:39, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@PeterWesco: Hi,
There is no general agreement about these files. In this case, it is even more a problem since Prince Ali is not the photographer. May be you could ask on Flickr that the license should be changed to CC-0, or to get a permission via COM:OTRS. Regards, Yann (talk) 23:23, 5 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I will see if he responds to a message and ask him to change to CC-0. He may not be a photographer, but one can assume he paid for full rights to the photos as he is releasing them as "Stock Photos" to the press. Thanks for the response, I will let you know if he responds and if he updates to CC-0 PeterWesco (talk) 11:54, 6 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@PeterWesco: Hi,
We usually require a formal written permission for content created by third parties. Regards, Yann (talk) 18:19, 6 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Salut Yann,

This is in response to my un-delete request for BeatBuddy— I am the creative director of the site who created the image in question. I actually realize that all our content on the site is Copyright as well: please visit, which has the image in question. That page, containing the image, has © 2016 BeatBuddy on the bottom. I respectfully request that I be allowed to re-upload that same image (I might change the licensing on it). You can email me at for more info. I hereby swear that I am the originator and creator of this work. There is already our copyright on it, so Music Connection cannot legally appropriate their own copyright on it. Merci! --SumQuidnunc (talk) 17:03, 6 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

SumQuidnunc Hi,
If not done already, please send the permission to Some volunteers will deal with the permission in the OTRS system, then the file can be restored. We are always understaffed, so it may take some time. Regards, Yann (talk) 18:23, 6 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Regarding the image in the article

Regarding the image in the articleЦыбикова_Алла Please do not eliminate the image files Tsybikova paintings. This photos of paintings of the artist, unfortunately she died in 1998, and to resolve issues of copyright is difficult. All photos of paintings are freely available on the Russian segment of the Internet. In this article an attempt to collect a gallery the most famous works of the artist. It does not want to give external links.I hope for your understanding. Sorry for machine translation .Hello from Siberia — Preceding unsigned comment added by Doc1084 (talk • contribs) 14:18, 07 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Doc1084: Hi,
For all content previously published or not directly created by you, a formal written permission is needed. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. See also about derivative works. You may find help in Russian in Commons:Форум. Regards, Yann (talk) 14:25, 7 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Doc1084: См. COM:PCP/ru. Sealle (talk) 19:01, 8 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

File:Georgia Revolution FC Crest.pdf

Hi Yann. Would you mind checking File:Georgia Revolution FC Crest.pdf to see if it's the same as the previously deleted File:Crestpng.png and File:New Crest.jpg. I've posted about this the problems with such logos before on User talk:Eric.morrison1332#File:Crestpng.png, but the uploader did not respond. It could just be a case that they are unaware of how Commons works regarding non-free logos, but I'm not sure what else can be done to try and explain things to them. -- Marchjuly (talk) 02:01, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Marchjuly: Hi,
Yes, it's the same. Deleted, user warned. Regards, Yann (talk) 22:15, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for checking. -- Marchjuly (talk) 13:35, 30 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi again Yann. Same uploader just added File:Ga Revs FC Crest.png. Not sure whether they simply do not understand the messages posted on their user talk or are just ignoring them. I left a message at en:User talk:Eric.morrison1332#Wikimedia Commons images in case they check that page more frequently, so they cannot claim to have not been informed. -- Marchjuly (talk) 01:35, 8 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. Deleted. Yann (talk) 10:27, 8 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for checking. I have a feeling they are going to try and upload it again. -- Marchjuly (talk) 08:00, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Deutsch: Hallo Yann Es gibt keinen Grund redirects zu löschen. Der filemover sollte es wissen genauso wie Du. Siehe hier → Template:FilemoverWelcome.
  • Please do not tag redirects as speedy. Other projects, including those using InstantCommons, might be using the file even though they don't show up in the global usage. Deleting the redirects would break their file references.
Deutsch: Welchen Vandalismus sollte ich jetzt begangen haben? Es sind eher diejenigen die Vandalen die meine Bearbeitung zurücksetzen oder Datein mit speedy Kennzeichen nur weil eine Verschiebung vorgenommen wurde. cheers 2003:4D:2C4E:5C59:D0E0:827A:5D0F:9EA8 05:43, 10 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
The issue is this. Stas1995 is not a vandal, so do not report him. Thanks, Yann (talk) 09:58, 10 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Block Warning

Thanks for the warning, I won't upload anything from now on (even if it's not copyrighted). As for the last two deleted uploads, File:Messi Copa America 2015 MVP.jpg and File:Camp nou mes que un club.jpg. It's stated on flickr, the first under Attribution license: why was it deleted? the second is under Attribution-NoDerivs, and I didn't know that NoDerivs is prohibited here: Plus I uploaded them all in once, meaning the requests came after all uploads, all in 28 January not one after the other and I saw them only two days ago including yours, I rarely come to commons, so I didn't ignore the requests on purpose.

Another thing, just to make sure I avoid the block you told, is these images in the links below, illegal to upload just in the concerned article FC Barcelona?

The 10 logos here: The last photo (Joan Gamper) here:

Karim3adel (talk) 16:27, 8 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Karim3adel Hi,
I have some doubt that this picture is made by the Flickr user. It is quite smll and has no EXIF data, so we need a permission from the photographer. For logos, we need a permission from the copyright owner (usually the club). Regards, Yann (talk) 10:20, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Why you have deleted this photo? It's my own photo, I made it in 2015 at Russian pottery festival. Maybe I'm a newbie so I uploaded it not right way? Caaman (talk) 05:08, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Caaman Hi,
This is a small picture, and the EXIF data says it was copied from Facebook. Could you upload the original picture ? Regards, Yann (talk) 10:16, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]


are the videos being uploaded by you are in public domain?

Not in the public domain, but under a free license. Regards, Yann (talk) 12:04, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]


He said "Mp" no "Mpx" as you said to me.Thank you --ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 11:40, 13 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2: Yes, Mp or Mpx is for megapixels, MB is for megabytes. Regards, Yann (talk) 11:42, 13 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yann, I put some clear signs of unlicensed file, thanks --İnternion (talk) 10:42, 14 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yann, 70 years old time is ending Is it loaded photos? --İnternion (talk) 11:55, 14 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

MNA logo and Business

Your warning has been received. I just want to clarify that I am indeed aware of copyright violations. The images I have taken MNAlogo.png and MNA Business.jpg has been taken directly from MNA's official facebook page which I believe is a public domain. The pictures have been uploaded with a public setting. Doesn't that mean it can be used publicly? I have also cited the source as their official Facebook. The facebook link is Please clarify. Thanks. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Cacrazy234 (talk • contribs) 14:27, 15 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Cacrazy234: Hi,
Everything has a copyright by default. So we need a formal written permission from the copyright owner. Please see COM:OTRS for the procedure. The files can be restored once the permission is received. Regards, Yann (talk) 14:30, 15 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

FYI: It was reported on IRC, and I removed the images (video track). --Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 04:57, 16 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Zhuyifei1999: Hi,
Do you have any evidence that the images are not free? Regards, Yann (talk) 14:25, 16 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I think it qualify for COM:LL, the uploader is not the copyright holder of the images, cannot release them both under ARR and cc-by. (I'm assuming the audio is dual-licensed under cc-by-nc-sa and cc-by.) ARR is claimed on the YouTube description. Pinging @Josve05a: --Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 14:32, 16 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ah yes, I missed this. Thanks a lot. Yann (talk) 14:35, 16 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, I invite you to join this discussion where you are involved in this discussion at COM:AN/B. Your input is expected. Thanks, Poké95 12:36, 16 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

photo droit

Bonjour pouvez-vous me dire si cette image (File:Carte géologique de Vesoul.jpg) est admissible sur Commons ? Étant donné que qu'elle provient de Géoportail et que c'est un site du gouvernement, je ne sais pas si il autorise de se procurer de tels fichiers. 16:51, 14 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Non, supprimée. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 17:13, 14 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Merci, et donc quelle est la raison de la suppression ? Comment procéder pour faire en sorte quelle soit admissible ? 20:52, 14 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Il faut une autorisation pour une licence libre, que vous ne pouvez obtenir dans ce cas. En général, voyez COM:OTRS/fr. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 21:11, 14 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Pourtant j'ai trouvé plusieurs images sur Commons, provenant de Géoportail et qui n'ont pas d'autorisation. (File:BP echangeur-porte-de-Bagnolet.svg ; File:Carte Grand Cret Eau.svg) 09:42, 15 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
On a probablement des dizaines de milliers de violations de copyright non encore détectées. Le premier fichier me semble suspect, mais le second me semble OK. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 12:23, 15 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Merci pour votre réponse. Est il possible de transférer une carte provenant de Géoportail sur Commons ? Comment puis-je obtenir l'autorisation ? 22:14, 15 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Non, car Géoportail n'est pas libre ("(c) IGN 2012 - Tous droits réservés"). Il faudrait obtenir une autorisation de l'IGN, ce qui n'a aucune chance de se produire. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 23:07, 15 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Merci. Si je vous dit tout ça c'est parce que j'ai vu des dizaines de photos sur COmmons qui provenait de Géoportail... Enfin bref. J'ai entendu dire que les images comme par exemple les images satellites de la NASA n'était pas soumis à copyright. Est-ce vrai ? 19:08, 17 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Oui. La NASA est une agence du gouvernement des Etats-Unis, et à ce titre, les contenus créés par la NASA sont dans le domaine public. Certains contenus créés en partenariat avec d'autres organisations ne sont pas dans le domaine public. Si vous trouvez d'autres fichiers copiés depuis Géoportail, vous pouvez en demander la suppression. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 20:32, 17 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]