User talk:Arnomane/Archiv-3

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Special characters stuffing up edit page?


Just today when I've been editing, I've noticed the area below the edit box is all weird. I get this much: "[] · [[]] · {{}} · [[Category:]] · [[:Image:]] · [[Media:]] ·" and then weirdness. Have you done something? :P Do you get this too? pfctdayelise (translate?) 15:58, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

center bei Lizenzvorlagen


Hallo, ich hab gesehen das du hier das "center" entfernt hast. Somit ist jetzt bei allen PD-Lizenzen der Text nicht mehr zentriert. Da ich in den letzten Tagen auch alle GNU-Lizenzbausteine mit der Vorlage GNU-Layout vereinheitlicht habe könnte man dort das gleiche machen. Gruß -- San Jose 17:09, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Schonmal Danke für deine Arbeit die Lizenzvorlagen zu vereinheitlichen. Mein primäres Ziel ist es, dass Lizenzvorlagen einfach zu lesen, unaufdringlich, aber doch klar erkennbar sind (und center bewirkt keinen einheitlichen Lesefluss mit linkem Führungsrand). Hättest du eine Idee für ein schlichtes einfaches Designkonzept, dass auf alle Lizenzvorlagen passt? Du kannst ja auch ruhig erstmal in einer privaten Spielwiese etwas basteln. Wir haben auch ein kleines serverseitiges Problem: Jede Änderung an einer Vorlage die im Extremfall mehrere zehntausendmal benutzt wird erzeugt auf den Server beträchtliche Last, weswegen man also die Anzahl der Bearbeitungen dort möglichst klein halten sollte. Arnomane 18:39, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Linksbündige Texte sind eindeutig besser zu lesen, da stimme ich dir zu. Und das zweite große Problem (so finde ich) ich der kursive Text. Bei mir (Firefox, Schriftgrad-normal) ist so der Lizenztext extrem schwer zu lesen, da er vom Browser nicht geglättet wird. Und die 80%-Weite der Box find ich auch nicht schön. Da ich aber nur in Wikipedia sehr aktiv bin und hier lediglich meine Grafiken hochlade, werden gravierende und von mir durchgeführte Änderungen, sicherlich als Vandalismus angesehen und gleich wieder zurückgeändert, deshalb hab ich nur mal die Vorlagen vereinheitlicht und nebenbei noch manchmal Kleinigkeiten verbessert (png zu svg, includeonly teilw. ergänzt, <br> zu <br />, usw).
Also ich würde es bevorzugen das bei Template:GNU-Layout das center entfernt wird, aber ich will mir dabei auch nicht den ganzen Ärger einfangen. Kannst du evtl. auch noch die drei Vorlagen (PD-Layout, GNU-Layout, CC-Layout) sperren damit nicht jeder dort umeinander spielt. -- San Jose 09:47, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ich brauche Hilfe


Hallo Arnomane! Ich wusste nicht, an wen ich mich wenden soll, da ich mich gerade neu auf Commons angemeldet habe. Ich habe eben ein Bild von Commoms mit einem Bildbearbeitungsprogramm bearbeitet und neu hochgeladen. Das alte Bild muss doch bestimmt gelöscht werden, auch muss bestimmt ein Hinweis gesetzt werden, dass ein neues Bild da ist. Was muss ich jetzt tun? Grüße --Franz Commons 18:46, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ich nehme an es handelt sich um Image:Alan_Garcia_Version2.png. Wo befindet sich denn die andere Version in Commons? Generell werden die Originale von bearbeiteten Versionen nicht gelöscht. Ein weiteres Problem ist dass das Bild zwar laut deiner Angabe unter der GPL steht, aber wer ist denn der Fotograf und wann hat er es gemacht und wann hat er es in Wikipedia hochgeladen? Alles Informationen dir wir dringend benötigen. Bitte schau auf Commons:First steps/Quality and description wie man eine richtige Bildbeschreibung macht. Des weiteren muss das Bild auch einsortiert werden, siehe Commons:First steps/Sorting. Ich bin gerade dabei diese (von mir geschriebenen) Hilfetexte auch auf Deutsch zu übersetzen, mit einen deutschen Text musst du dich also noch ein bischen gedulden, wenn du magst kannst du aber die Commons:Erschti Schritt in der Zwischenzeit auf Alemannisch lesen. ;-) Arnomane 19:01, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo Arnomane! Ich Deine schnelle Antwort habe ich mich sehr gefreut. Das Bild ist in der Zwischenzeit anscheinend gelöscht worden: [1]. Es hieß Alan Garcia.png. Ich habe einfach die alte Bildbeschreibung kopiert und in meine eingefügt. Hochgeladen hatte das Bild der Benutzer Tilmandralle. Grüße --Franz Commons 19:07, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Herrje, in der spanischen Wikipedia ist es auch nicht mehr. Grüße --Franz Commons 19:11, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ich hab das Bild in der Zwischenzeit gefunden: Image:Alan_Garcia.png Es ist noch da. Ähm das Original ist doch eindeutig besser. Das einzige was ich an Bearbeitung erkenne ist, dass du es kleinerskaliert hast was garkeine gute Idee ist, siehe Commons:Projektrahmen. Die Lizenz vom Original ist fast mit Sicherheit komplett falsch. Ich tippe eher auf eine Bild-URV (zumindest ist die Bildlizenz falsch da GNU nicht identisch mit GPL ist; es gibt mehere GNU-Lizenzen, wovon die GFDL die für Inhalte ist). Arnomane 19:17, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Das kann eigentlich nicht sein. Das Original ist total unscharf, oder? Aber was ja wichtiger ist: Wenn die Lizenz falsch ist, muss es sowieso gelöscht werden, denke ich. Ich möchte in Zukunft in Wikinews (da ist mein zu Hause) etwas mehr mit Bildern arbeiten, da dort die Artikel immer besser werden. Das Projekt ist gerade im Aufschwung begriffen. Grüße --Franz Commons 19:21, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ich hab der ganzen Sache mal nachrecherchiert, das Bild war ursprünglich in der spanischen Wikipedia, wo es auch wegen Bild-URV gelöscht wurde und in Commons hatten wir auch schon ältere Versionen wohl desselben Bildes unter anderen Namen die auch auf dasselbe spanische Bild verwiesen und auch wegen URV gelöscht wurden. Ich habe daher die beiden Bilder in Commons und auch die lokale Version in der de.wikipedia jetzt gelöscht. Bevor du also neue Bilder oder alte bearbeitete hochlädst les bitte Commons:Lizenzen um dir unnötige Arbeit und somit Frust zu ersparen. Arnomane 19:43, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Danke für die Hilfe und die Unterstützung! Grüße --Franz Commons 19:47, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

quick note


I guess commons is not immune to WheelWarring?

Looks pretty silly to me.

--Connel MacKenzie 22:53, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Is there a list of all the babel codes? Scotty jasper2000 23:49, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

There is Commons:Community Portal (you can find it on the left in the interface). Everthing important is listed there, for example Commons:Babel your were searching for. Arnomane 23:53, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I have been already there, but i need codes about computer related things. Scotty jasper2000 23:56, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Which computer related things? Babel is meant for natural languages. We don't want babel for everything like "This user uses an Apple iBook" as we dislike these $foobar babel templates. Arnomane 00:00, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I reverted as these countries are special in that they do not apply the rule of the shorter term (see discussion at Commons:Village_pump#.23Public_Domain_films). Regards Arniep 00:27, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It is despite that court ruling nothing special with these countries. It is an US-only law and thus only valid inside the United States. You thus could easily list many more countries. Arnomane 00:33, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Checkusage für jeden


Hallo Arnomane,
ich habe gerade gesehen, dass der Reiter Checkuser für alle (selbst für IPs!) erscheint. Du weißt, unter welchen Bedingungen ich die Nutzung damals erlaubt habe. Bitte kümmere dich darum, dass die Grenzen wieder eingehalten werden. --DaB. 10:45, 8 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ich kann zwischen Teufel und Belzebub wählen. Entweder ich hab da ein tolles Feature und nutze es aus potentiellen rechtlichen Erwägungen heraus nicht und habe das konkrete Problem, dass Commons weiterhin (auch urheberechtlich) Chaos bleibt (erst durch CheckUsage begreifen alle, nicht bloß Admins, dass man in Commons gewisse Dinge beachten muss und dieses Verstehen der Reichweite von Commons ist extrem wichtig) oder ich nutze es und löse damit konkrete rechtliche, technische und soziale Probleme des Projekts und tausche dagegen eine gewisses rechtliches Unbehagen der Toolserverbetreiber ein. Ich habe mich nach einer langen Testphase und nach intensiver Rücksprache mit Duesentrieb für ersteres entschieden und habe stets den Vorbehalt betont, dass dieses Featue unter keinen Umständen den Toolserver technisch beeinträchtigen darf, ansonsten schalte ich es ab. Ich sehe das so: Der Toolsverer wird auf wichtigen Wikipediaseiten verlinkt und als Werkzeug der Wikipedianer verstanden. Jeder sieht, dass es eine extra Webseite ist. Wer daraus weiteren Verantworlichkeitsmischmasch (ala Wikimedia Deutschland = Wikimedia Foundation) ableiten will, wird es in böswilliger Absicht vollkommen unabhängig von dem Reiter tun. Arnomane 17:19, 8 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Could you please take a look to Commons:Administrators? Several nominations should be closed. It's look like you are only one active burocrat on Commons now. --EugeneZelenko 14:42, 9 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I was watching the RFA page, and saw that just few people vote. I think that's because people don't even know what happens. It happens something that people discuss about a particular template o similar, in the template talking page, and still nobody knows anything, just if people go to watch the RC. Italian, english, german Wikipedias have created a kind of newspaper which reports links to main events happening on Wikipedia. The model I like is the italian one. Look it: it's good. Why don't we create something similar to put in the Main Page? Bye Bye --ßøuñçêY2K 20:34, 9 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hello Anomane. I really don't know the exactly the copyright status of Image:Novembrada Figueiredo.jpg and Image:Novembrada placa.jpg and these images must be deleted. Should I put {{copyvio}} in these images for speedy deletion? Sorry for this mistake. --Giro720 02:01, 10 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ups I am sory. I must have overlooked your question. Yes they sadly need to be deleted. Although there is no (c) sign these images are nonetheless copyrighted (copyright applies everytime). Have a look at Commons:Licensing about our copyright policy. Arnomane 19:08, 25 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Der Krieg geht weiter *seufz*

HardDisk 19:30, 12 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo HardDisk, ja ich hab es soeben gesehen und seine Benutzerseite schreibgeschützt (muss ja nicht gleich zum Äußersten greifen und habe nach wie vor die Hoffnung, dass er sich einkriegt und hier konstruktiv mitmacht; seine de.wp Vorgeschichte will ich garnicht genau wissen). Bitte tu mir den Gefallen und ignoriere ihn in Zukunft einfach, auch wenn es schwerfällt, okay? Man muss ihn nicht mit Aufmerksamkeit adeln und außerdem hab ich ihn ja nun auf meinem Radar und ich vermute mal andere Administratoren jetzt auch. Also bitte vermeide auch so Ausdrücke wie "Krieg". Es ist eine Auseinandersetzung und da ist souveränes Auftreten mit sachlichen klaren Worten weit effektiver als Dramatisierung. Arnomane 21:41, 12 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
OK, danke! HardDisk 11:21, 13 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



How would you respond to this? I have no idea... --pfctdayelise (translate?) 00:31, 13 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, you are very diplomatic! pfctdayelise (translate?) 10:07, 13 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I hope that it was worth the time and he calms a little bit down. Well I am not always that diplomatic, see my last comment at Commons talk:Community Portal. *me hides* ;-) Arnomane 21:19, 13 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

[ Commons talk:Community Portal short answer. I think divide 20 lines into 2 pages of 10 lines is not efficient. Good night~ I leave commons for today ] Yug (talk) 22:16, 13 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hello Arnomane,

I have received a request to unprotect this version Image:Flag of Venezuela.svg of the flag for the other version, which can be found here Image:Flag of Venezuela (civil).svg. Did you protect the other image, because to me it's difficult to see. I was going to unprotect the first image since I don't really see a reason to why it should be, however thought it better to consult with you first. Please leave a response on my talk page, thanks. Gryffindor 07:05, 14 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



How much time are users to wait for promotions? :) it's just to know, because I don't know how it works. Thank you. --ßøuñçêY2K 15:32, 16 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry was away for some days. My apologies (and it seems the others were away as well :-( ). I will execute the result today evening. Arnomane 11:37, 20 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Align on equals


Hi Arnomane. On 1 June 2006 you reverted my change to Commons:First steps/Quality and description, providing "code is for copy and paste" as your edit summary. I do not understand why you reverted my change; your edit summary is the exact reason I made the edit in the first place.

Having the parameters and arguments for a template aligned on the equals sign makes it easier to read in the wikicode. There is no difference in the way the template is rendered. I changed the sample code so that anybody copying the code will use the aligned version.

If there is some other reason you think they should be left aligned, please let me know. ~MDD4696 21:06, 16 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I can everytime introduce "just a small further change" and people think that this change is so easy. But the sum of these small easy changes can be very very complicated. In this particular case people wonder if these empty spaces have a special meaning (and thus they ergard the whole thing more complicated as it is) and are in worst case confused. I don't aim for fancy design in the main line (which is important nontheless quite often) I aim for simplicity in the first place. Arnomane 11:30, 20 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Commons:Copyright tags Protection


Hi Arnomane. Semi-protection of Commons:Copyright tags should be OK. The changes were made by an IP user. I need to add some info about Libya --Tarawneh 02:19, 22 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for pointing this out. I forgot that I had protected it in an edit war. I have now changed it to semiprotection as suggested by you. Arnomane 11:04, 22 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

template:information multilinguality


Hi Arnomane,

As you know translating this template is really annoying because when you click on a translation the content doesn't "stick" you think we could use something like Meta:Language select on this template? Essentially they put all the translations on one page and then use JS to just show one. Except I think it should have a drop-down box, not "type your code in" and no need to have "show all".

Let me know what you think. cheers, pfctdayelise (translate?) 02:12, 23 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I saw the page previous. That time it needed personal CSS tweaks which thus 90% of the users will never do (not because they are dumb just because CSS is not the easiest thing). But now it looks far more promising. I will try to understand the script ;-) Arnomane 09:02, 24 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I started a new job and can't remember the link to the music that you gave me. Please leave it on my user page :) Cary "Bastique" Bass parler voir 16:49, 23 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. I'll never lose it again! Cary "Bastique" Bass parler voir 13:46, 24 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dein Vandalismus auf meiner Seite


Kannst Du bitte deinen Vandalismus auf meiner Link-Seite unterlassen? Wenn du anderer Meinung bist, kannst du das bitte formulieren, das Löschen fremder Diskussionsbeiträge verstößt gegen die (deutsche) Wikiquette. Oder brauchst du dich nicht an diese zu halten? Unabhängig von deiner Begründung möchte ich dir mal empfehlen zu überlegen (oder besser nachzulesen), was Pluralismus ist und was das mit Enzyklopädie zu tun hat. Arofol 08:14, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ich werde nach wie vor das tun, was ich für richtig halte auch und gerade dann wenn es dir nicht passt. Wir erstellen hier eine Mediendatenbank und sonst garnix. Wenn du dich über Admins aus de.wikipedia beschwere willst kannst du das woanders tun, aber nicht hier. Kümmer dich hier um deine Bilder. Ich verliere langsam die Geduld mit deinem kindischen Geschrei. Arnomane 09:50, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Merkst du nicht, dass du für dich selbst andere Maßstäbe hernimmst, wie für mich? Du erlaubst dir hier in der Zeile vorher eine Beleidigung nach der anderen. Mir willst du berechtigte und nicht auf deinem Niveau formulierte Kritik nicht nur verbieten, sondern löscht diese Kritik auf meinen Benutzerseiten. Um es ganz klar zu sagen: auch ich werde das tun, was ich für richtig halte, auch wenn es Leuten wie dir schadet. Mir geht es nicht um diesen Schaden aber Leute wie du verletzen und schädigen mit ihrem Verhalten Prinzipien, die ich für tragend für ein Enzyklopädie-Projekt halte: Pluralismus. Und bitte verschandele nicht meine Benutzerseiten. Arofol 10:39, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Moin Arnomane, könntest Du bitte auf Arofols Seiten n Hinweis auf die Sperrung setzen? Grüsse,HardDisk 18:18, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Schau bitte mal auf die obenstehende Seite. TZM de:T/T C 13:52, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ich hatte es schon gesehen, war mir aber noch unschlüssig wegen der Parametersache (man kann in dem Fall keinen Parameter übergeben, weil der Name noch nicht festliegt) und weil ich die GUI nicht so übersichtlich finde (wollte mit Duesentrieb erst noch vorher drüber quatschen). Arnomane 21:28, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Arnomane, first, sorry for my bad english I'm try to exprese correct, I read your message and I am shamed by this situation, my intention never was violate copyright of images which I have raised to commons, that I commited mystakes and is know is my fault, but it wanted to see the way to amend them and to correct my situation here, I believe that in great part of my contributions I have respected the rules and always my only intention has been to enrich commons and the version of wikipedia in which participle, I reiterate my excuse to you and my intention to correct to me and not to return to commit a violation, that although all was involuntary I am responsible for them, I wait for your communication, thanks. Battroid (talk to me) 15:33 30 jun 2006 (CEST)

Thankyou for your communication and comprention, I'm wait your communication. See you. Battroid (talk to me) 23:13 03 jul 2006 (CEST)

Name Change Request


Hi, I request a change on [Commons:Changing_username] But nothing happend. PS : I also ask to other bureaucrats

Thanks Guillaaume.francois55 11:53, 1 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Done. However two days are a rather short time for saying "nothing happened". Arnomane 12:22, 1 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo Arnomane, ich möchte auch gern meinen Benutzernamen von "MikeKrueger" zu "Mike Krüger" ändern lassen, da ich unter diesem Benutzernamen in der Wikipedia unterwegs bin. Vielen Dank schon im Voraus. Grüße --MikeKrueger 10:01, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Erledigt. Ich hab deinen Account wunschgemäß umbenannt. Arnomane 08:50, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. I am a bit suspicious about this user (speaks German)... all their images are "PD-self" although a couple are extremely low-res, and two are called "Web4" and "Web6"! What do you think? pfctdayelise (translate?) 13:47, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Funny this town is very next to me. ;-) Hm this sounds suspicious to me as well. I made a fast google image search [2] for the town of Kitzingen but didn't find anything in that direction (I only had a very bief view). Indeed these Web4" and "Web6" sound very suspicious. I also did have a look with a text editor into one of the files (sometimes you see there hidden forgotten ASCII signatures of copyright owners etc.) but didn't find anything suspicious. The only positive explanation for these names coming into my mind is that it is a professional photographer that doesn't want to upload his/her high resolution pictures. The user seems to be identical with [3]. At least the contribution shows reusage of these images in related articles. I will look deeper into it. Anyways the image description is very short and in some cases there is even no description at all. Arnomane 14:36, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
User:Flominator did find one of the images for me. It is from a website, see: I will try to contact the people there tomorrow. Arnomane 14:54, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I now tagged the suspicious images as copyvio and "no source since" and also left a note in German on the user talk page in de.wikipedia. Sadly there doesn't seem to be a direct contact possibility at the above image forum. Arnomane 08:27, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
OK, thanks. pfctdayelise (translate?) 09:40, 6 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Arnomane, könntest Du mal bitte schaun, ob bei Image:744px-007.png eine Copyrightverletzung vorliegt? Mir erscheint die Lizensierung unter GDFL äußerst suspekt. Beste Grüße, --Frank Schulenburg 08:15, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ich hab es gelöscht und in allen Projekten entlinkt. Selbst wenn er es selbst gemacht hat ist es eine URV des Originallogos, da es ja genauso aussieht. Kannst du dem Uploader noch was zu sagen? Seine Galerie muss ich mir wohl auch nochmal anschauen: [4]. Für einige seiner Bildnutzungserlaubnisse hätte ich zumindest gerne den Originaltext... Arnomane 08:42, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Very strange


I just noticed your change to Category:Unknown - May 2006, and while looking, I saw that the category is again filled with images. I had the category completely cleared two weeks ago, and I'm totally befuddled on how it filled back up, given that it is only for images tagged in May 2006 (that is, it was only for images tagged before I cleaned it out). Seems very strange to me, as nothing should really have been added to it after the end of May. Any ideas on what I'm missing? Essjay (TalkConnect) 09:49, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Proably because of Arnomane's changes to Template:Untagged, those images are now categorized into the unknown cats by the date this template was added. --Denniss 11:57, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yes I cleaned up the deletion categories and found some low visibility duplicate deletion categories tagged after date as well with deprecated templates like Template:Untagged. The remaining images of that template were from May and early June (mainly added by User:Orgullobot AFAIK until he switched to the standard Template:nld). See also the history diff [5] for my recent reorganisation agenda. I hope that this reorganisation makes our life with deletions in future more easier (I tried not to change existing structures that do work in order not to disrupt ourselves again). Arnomane 17:15, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you


For the congratulations, I mean. ;-)

I'll read the policies again (and I'll check the Spanish translations... we'll need them more and more when the Spanish wikipedians move over here) and begin the "boring" work next Tuesday --today I go on a trip to Caceres and I'll return next Monday.

Of course, I also need to improve my English... and my social skills, I think. Regards. --Dodo 09:45, 7 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Voyeur photos


Hi, I would appreciate if you could clarify an issue here Commons:Village_pump#Voyeur_photos_.2B_censorship.3F. You stated "In Wikimedia Commons we have up to now the general rule that photos of non-famous persons are only allowed if they gave their consent". Did you mean consent for the photo to be taken or consent for a photo of them to be used on Wikimedia projects? In some of these beach photos it is clear that neither of these consents was given, and even if the subject is clearly aware of a photo being taken that doesn't necessarily mean they want their photo used on a high profile website. What is your opinion on whether these photos should be deleted? Arniep 10:25, 10 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Block from account creation


Ahhhh, how good is it!!!!!!! --pfctdayelise (translate?) 13:47, 11 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yes that's really a cool thing although I suddenly was a little bit disturbed to discover two new checkbox items. ;-) I wish there would also be a third checkbox item labeled "switch on brain of user". ;-) Arnomane 00:08, 12 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I'm really talking interwiki organization


Thanks for the answer... but I'm really championing some systemic compatibilty so people over there will be more likely to lend a hand and be productive here. Not specially designed templates, but one's already debugged, familiar, and maintained by far more 'staff regulars' than you all are likely to have. That's reality. Every wikipedia project lifts tools off en.wikipedia. They leave their translation categories all over. (See my talk, message just finished.)

Having similar tool sets are a good start on that 'user friendliness', and the two templates I cited ending in 'tmp' (template) make porting and checking versions pretty easy (or I couln't do it. I'm really not much of a template programmer.)

So the question is whether you want manpower, or want to take on the work some of the people in that 800# gorrilla of a project could manage better were there some contact points that were familiar. Lifting their tools and tool finding categories would be a good step in that direction.

That's all I was trying to get across. There's no reason that if they can change their category structure in significant ways to match those here, that some cats here couldn't be opened that match there's. All you need do is WP:Btw and connect your comfortable one's with the gorrilla's... otherwise people are going to get frustrated at the alien surroundings when a few interconnections would help them find their way around. Cheers! // FrankB 00:44, 12 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well Commons is not centered around english wikipedia. I for example come from de.wikipedia with for example another totally different (but as well mostly efficient) deletion scheme and de.wikipedia hardly copies schemes and ideas from en.wikipedia (what is taken from en.wp are article starts out of translations that's it mostly; in past more things were borrowed from en.wikipedia). Basically people wanted to introduce their schemes they were used to into Commons and that's why there were and still are so many disturbing aproaches.
  • Regarding category schemes: Please talk to User:Duesentrieb. He has way more ideas how to make them right in Commons. You may also want to have a look into the existing schemes at Category:Commons category schemes. We already have quite some automated tools for finding and managing categories (see Commons:Tools). But no question our categories could use some help (but try to avoid introducing yet another layer).
  • Tools in Wikimedia Commons mainly do not come from a single source. Most of them are either specially designed for Commons or were taken out of various Wikipedia languages (including some ideas from en.wikipedia of course). See Commons:Tools for a list of some but by far not all our tools.
  • With rergarding to "interconnections". For example many templates are redirects to our standard ones in order to match the habits of various Wikimedia communities. For example Template:Fair use (ok people will be surprised by the result of adding it ;-).
  • Linking: I deliberatly set links and hints to help and "policy" pages and try to set them in the right places in the interface as short as possible and as less annoying as possible (not red blinking and such ;). I have cleaned up the help and policy pages of Commons quite a lot as well in order to make it more easier for other people.
The only way out of chaos is not blindly copyving some wikipedia but taking some ideas and making a simple system with very very less and very obvious rules. Wikimedia Commons also has a very different community than any Wikipedia. So often things work surprisingly different. So the best thing is investigating cool simple (!) ideas in Wikipedia (in order not to reinvent the wheel) and look if and how they could improve Commons. I for example do not like templates much although I have created several key templates of Commons. So for example things like "this is a $foobar stub" is something which should have never existed in Wikipedia IMHO (and I thus have hijacked Template:Stub here) Arnomane 01:24, 12 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

SunBot's flag


Hello. Can you flag SunBot as a bot? I would like to upload almost a thousand of images. It can also be helpful with find/replace job. I also have SunBot running on and it has 25k contributions, and never a problem! Trust me! --Helios89 08:48, 14 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry for the late answer. You can request bot status at Commons:Admins in a usual bot status request vote (see hints there). Arnomane 13:59, 5 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Arnomane, as per regulations on Commons:Administrators#Requests_for_adminship I'm requesting admin permissions from you in your role as bureaucrat, based on voting on Commons:Administrators/Requests_and_votes/Siebrand. Thanks in advance, Siebrand 22:21, 16 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please ignore the previous request. Because of recent votes my RfA no longer qualifies. Siebrand 20:50, 17 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Lieber Arnomane, bei mir als DE-Admin kommen immer mal wieder Fragen zu den Commons, die ich als unerfahrener Commons-User meist nicht recht beantworten kann. Insbesondre wenn es um Bürokraten- oder Adminfragen geht, bin ich überfordert und verweise dann auf Dich. Ist das in Ordnung? .:. Sarazyn 10:50, 17 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Arnomane, Du hast diesem User am 01.06.2006 eine letzte Warnung geschrieben. Kannst Du diese bitte wahr machen ? Danke Da ich wegen einem Spam-Filter die Seite nicht speichern konnte habe ich das Wort F r e i z e i t-D i k t a t o r e n beim Beitrag [[User:Arofol2]] so geschrieben. --gildemax 20:34, 17 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ich hatte sie nicht wahrgemacht weil der User seit Ewigkeiten inaktiv ist [6] und insofern die Sperre ins Leere läuft. Ich beobachte ihn gelegentlich und da er es wohl niemals lösen wird werden wir alle seine fehlerhaften Bot-Uploads durchgehen müssen. Arnomane 13:31, 5 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hello, I have uploaded file Norway_2006_013.jpg which ticket number is 2006071410004455. I do not know which licence is better to use so I added tamplate {{PermissionOTRS|ticket http address}}. Thanks in advance for your help Cat italia

As the copyright holder just wants authorship credit this is a non-formal "attribution-license". For such cases Template:Attribution is the right one. I have enhanced the imge page of Image:Norway_2006_013.jpg that way. However there is some confusion with artworks in Norway in public space... Have a look at Commons talk:Licensing about the current progress on that topic. Arnomane 13:55, 5 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, have you seen the Terms of Use of the OAS at They write:

Users may download, copy and reprint information from the site for non-commercial purposes so long as the GS/OAS is cited as the source of the originating material, however, they may not resell, redistribute, or create derivative works absent the express written permission of GS/OAS.

The template is bogus and has to be beleted immediately along with all imaged, tagged that way. --h-stt !? 10:09, 22 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The same applies to Template:RIGIS --h-stt !? 10:22, 22 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



What commons task would you recommend I veture in? --Cool CatTalk|@ 18:39, 5 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, a request to you as bureaucrat to close this ASAP. I've no issues with this user, but when admin candidates don't meet requirements as set in COM:ADMIN (the 200 contribs one), I think the RfA should be closed ASAP to a) minimize the "pain" this contributor is going through and b) make sure that the very low hurdles we have as of now don't become even lower. Grüsse, NielsF 02:16, 10 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I've already closed my RfA. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Best regards from France,
-- AlNo (talk) 16:04, 10 August 2006 (UTC)



Hallo Arnomane,
hier auf den Commons stapeln sich in der Kategorie "Duplicate" die Bilder. Es sind bereits mehr als 1000 Stück. Wärest du so nett, und könntest dort wenigstens die von mir eingetragenen Bilder löschen ? Das wären:

Image:Marheladofriedrich.jpg falsche Farben und zu dunkel
Image:Friedrich-schip.png Falsche Farben und Helligkeit
Image:Caspar David Friedrich - Das Eismeer.jpg Exakte Kopie
Image:Wreck in the Sea of Ice.jpg Falsche Farben und Helligkeit

Ich habe alle Farbgebungen mit Google überprüft. Teilweise sogar auf der Homepage des heutigen Eigentümers. Erhaltenswerte andere Versionen sind mit systematischen Namen hochgeladen. Wäre nett, wenn Du das machen würdest. Augiasstallputzer 18:04, 10 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have answered here. --Panther 08:18, 11 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Where are you! And when will you get back?

Fred Chess 17:32, 23 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Fred. I am now back again. ATM I do so some things in de.wikipedia related to my book which I have delayed for too long (back merge of improvements into more than 100 articles) and have decided candidating for the board. Arnomane 23:45, 28 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ok. Good luck with both!
Fred Chess 10:15, 29 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Board questions


Hi. Please see your meta talk page or your German Wikipedia talk page for an urgent message. Thanks a lot! Flcelloguy 21:33, 28 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Quellen für Porträts

Gruß --Historiograf 23:06, 31 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I very, very strongly support your actions for this user's uploads. Great work. I could not think of a proper solution besides just deleting or not deleting. So well done. pfctdayelise (translate?) 01:28, 2 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It wasn't me alone. ;-) Bastique, Duesentrieb, David.Moniaux, me and some others we deliberated on the matter on IRC and came the conclusion that I conducted and suggested to Ti mi. I did think a little bit more on the matter: What do you think of a general policy (or better admin action recommendation) for potential "high legal risk images" that we hide (until clarification of the matter) such an image on a case by case basis after checking back on IRC with others and asking the uploader for a confirmation in the meantime? Arnomane 11:19, 2 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ye, I agree (except for using IRC :P). Some may say we are being overly cautious and assuming bad faith. But I just think of the damage caused if we are right vs the damage caused if we are wrong. If we are wrong, then the worst that happens is Wikimedia misses out on some more amateur naked pictures. (I note they rarely seem to find encyclopedic homes in Wikipedia anyway - I constantly see them linked in user galleries of naked images.) The damage caused if we are right is something I never want to be involved with perpetrating or condoning. pfctdayelise (translate?) 13:24, 3 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



You guys are handling this mess remarkably courageously. Just one minor point re:professional legal advice: Template_talk:PD-Soviet#A_concrete_court_case_in_the_U.S. gives Films by Jove v. Berov as a concrete case in the U.S. where copyrights on pre-1973 Soviet animated films were upheld. (And no, I don't want to incite you to enter the discussion, but I thought the people handling this should be aware of that.) Lupo 07:44, 6 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks a lot. :-) And by the way I'd like to say thank you for your research in copyright matters. I did read through quite some threads about pd-sovjet in en.wikipedia and de.wikipedia beside commons and sadly there were only a few people beside you that contributed facts and not just opinions and I wish you the best with that heated crowd in en.wikipedia. The Films by Jove v. Berov case sounds rather interesting. After the dust settled a bit it would probably the best writing everything down on russian/sovjet copyright in an article w:en:Russian copyright in Wikipedia. That way we have a compilation on all these various pieces of information scattered over many places and yet another article gap would have been closed. Arnomane 14:30, 6 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I have planned that article, and I have a lot of good sources now :-), both Russian and English ones. At least that whole brouhaha has this one positive aspect. Until now, I have not dared writing that article—can you imagine the flak I'd have had to take if I had already done it? It'll take me some time to actually write it, so don't hold your breath. I take it you've already seen the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation? (Template_talk:PD-Soviet#Retroactivity redux) (Since I don't plan to give extra notifications—let's not further the conspiracy theories—it might be a good if people just watched the relevant pages, so that you stay up-to-date. But you probably do so anyway.) Lupo 14:41, 6 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I have seen these threads on "admin abuse" and whatnot bullshit against you. Well I have time with that article. ;-) It was just something coming into my mind. Actually all these information on Template_talk:PD-Soviet confirm my suspicion that people just didn't look into the topic and just wanted to believe something. Currently the "funny" guys start falsifying image licenses from PD-Soviet to PD-something (although there are some that are indeed no PD-soviet) but as we have a list of all files that were tagged PD-soviet this can't harm us much. :-) Arnomane 23:10, 6 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Some people advocate using {{PD-Russia}}. Maybe that would offer a compromise way forward. I'm not 100% sure about the simultaneous publication and thus 70y p.m.a., for which I have only Soufron's word... (as I had pointed out long ago at Template talk:PD-Soviet-revised, which I once wrote on Fred's insistance). I still think 70y p.m.a. is a simpler rule (with the error, if any, on the safe side), but I could also agree to PD-Russia with the caveat I've added.
As for the "bullshit claims" and "falsifying image licenses": so much for AGF. It does not mean "A gullible fool"! :-) I'll have to adapt my compliments made above: you guys are handling this not only courageously, but also clever and wisely. Lupo 09:18, 7 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I think that I am one admin that is not included in Lupo's appreciative words, since I have been contending Lupo for a long time about this license.
When Arnomane said "there were only a few people beside you that contributed facts and not just opinions ", I don't know if I am a fact or an opinion guy (maybe a little of both). Yes, I did my best to avoid having to delete PD-Soviet images. By reading through all the material Lupo provided, I came to roughly the same conclusion that A.Bakharev did -- there was no precedense, and thus no hurry for us to start deleting. I think Lupo must have tried hard to find precendense, because he did not contend me on this issue, and he is usually very efficient in debunking faulty arguments.
But I did in fact try to reach my own conclusion of the The Truth and not just contend for the sake of it. Is there A Truth? Well, at least Lupo is not a prophet on copyright law. After reading through a lot of documents that Lupo provided I independantly came to the same conclusion as A.Bakharev. In the end, I have come to realize the importance of precendents because laws are so complicated, and the U.S. are thieves of copyrights in regards to countries they do not accept.
Fred Chess 20:45, 8 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Fred, I meant something different. I just meant people that ranted on a very personal level and not on topic (and I am often also a strong opinion guy but I think the main difference compared to these people I had in mind is debating on topic). And as I have seen your comment at the deletion requests I wanted to contact you that evening when I suggested to others after a long IRC debate (at first de.wikipedians and later commons people) the approach that I later wrote down. From a legal point of view you are right that PD-sovjet is an esoteric topic compared to many other obvious copyvios we face in Commons. The problem is people like to argue on such difficult topics not about the obvious ones. ;-) And of course we want to be a free media repository, so even if there would be or is a negligible legal risk there is still our own claim beeing free. And as theory is nice and beautiful but practice is another thing there is that struggle on details... Arnomane 21:15, 8 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Admin news



If you consent for statistics to be published about your actions as an administrator, please sign here: Commons:Administrator permission for statistics. (I expect that most people will not have a problem with it unless you are especially concerned with privacy.)

Also, please be aware that we now have a Commons:Administrators' noticeboard. Please put it on your watchlist, if you haven't already!

cheers, pfctdayelise (translate?) 05:33, 7 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well as my stats are available to everyone under GFDL I just can't have objections ;-) and as these stats will help users which admins are currently active so that they knows whom to contact best I support it. Arnomane 18:57, 8 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

PD Italy


Hi Arnomane. Sorry yesterday in chan, I had to leave in short time.
The whole problem about PD Italy is that Rtc believes that german law and italian laws are the same. If they are, please send me 0.15cents for every DVD you buy and I will give them to SIAE for the anti-piracy tax :-)
Apart jokes, some of the things written about "german wikipedians" were of course not meaning "all the german wp", but "some users from german wp": no country war intended.
Hope the situation sets up quickly and without deleting tons of perfectly legal work, that will have to be moved to it.wp (we will keep them, we know we are risking nothing). I am very involved, because I have lots of PD-20 images of italian trains to upload, and would be sad not to use them with our polish and english friends of project:train. --Jollyroger 17:11, 9 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No problem and as it was late night for me on IRC yesterday (I guess for you too) I also had some problems giving everyting the due attention. We had similar problems with RTC in the past (it is not the first time) and he sadly often mixes his personal interpretation with the law itself. The problem with him is that he often has indeed some valid points but is either way over the top or destroys his position with his agressive style. We had for example some time ago a severe license debate with pt.wikipedia he was deeply involved with, luckily that issue was solved by the brasilian national television agency themselves very much to our liking after some reasonable people contacted the right persons there (was just an issue on license wording, not on good intentions of the copyright owners). So as we have time until the 20. September and as the italian wikipedians are now lukily aware on the issue I hope that we can iron that thing out together. In general I'd suggest that you reply on the points given by Lupo as he did a good summary of our current knowlegde and is a reasonable person. Arnomane 17:34, 9 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You are confusing "We had similar problems with RTC in the past" with "I personally dislike RTC". In fact, you are speaking entirely for yourself. Besides that you are heavily violating the "no personal attacks and no defamation" rule, which should especially be respected by head administrators. --Rtc 18:55, 9 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
RTC I can use the word "we" as it is not a minor group of people that is unsatisfied with your behaviour. As you have been told by several people our differences with you are in most cases not based on the legal concerns you bring to our attention but your behaviour towards others and your disruptive style handling them. Having found a problem that needs clarification does not release you from the "no personal attacks and no defamation" rule and naturally nobody else including me and all other admins. And giving other people the impression that this is a war de.wikipedia vs. other wikipedias is something I just cannot ignore. I need to fight such rumors (regardless how wrong they are as you do not represent a large group of de.wikipedians) for the sake of our project. Arnomane 19:33, 9 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Re: as promised


Hm, I didn't mind it so much before, to be honest, but I like putting stuff up in those corners too. :) It doesn't interfere with LTR writing systems I guess? pfctdayelise (translate?) 07:48, 11 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I stumbled over it when I wanted to improve the Commons:Deletion requests (otherwise I wouldn't have come to the idea). There was no place for the shortcuts anylonger in the Template:DeletionMenu or at another useful place in Deletion requests. No it does not interfere with RTL as we are a LTR wiki (up to now the wiki can't be both at the same time AFAIK). Even if your interface language is arab or hebrew the interface design is still LTR (navigation is left, content right etc.) although the individual elements are RTL themselves in that case. However it did interfere with quite some other things (a template using the same element id, line breaks in shortcuts and translated shortcuts for example) but I have quickly noticed it. ;-) Arnomane 13:54, 11 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Thanks for update User:Prevert/Directrices de borrado and User:Prevert/Propostas de borrado‎. It's useful to have the last revision to avoid mistakes in the translation. Good luck in the Board of Trustees election. Greetings. --Prevert(talk) 09:47, 12 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Guide to layout


I see you found my Commons:Guide to layout. I haven't been able to work on it recently and expand it beyond just a stub, but I intend for it to be something similar to Wikipedia's en:Wikipedia:Guide to layout. The chief reason I established the page is so that there can be some consistency across image description pages, but I thought I'd also extend that to gallery and category pages as well. I'll definately make sure that what's there is new and useful, and not just a replication of other pages. ~MDD4696 16:14, 12 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

User:Elk Salmon hat zum wiederholten mal den wichtigen Hinweis, dass diese Lizenz nicht zur Nutzung in de:WP berechtigt, entfernt. Es kann aber nicht angehen, dass ein User hier auf den Commons für die de:WP die Gefahr von URV-Klagen heraufbeschwört. Meine Englischkenntnisse reichen nicht aus, dem User diesen Sachverhalt zu erklären. Könntest Du das übernehmen ? Eine Ermahnung, dass ein Beharren auf seinem Verhalten Ärger für ihn bedeutet, kann m.E. auch nicht schaden. M. f. G. Augiasstallputzer 14:30, 14 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Fred hat ja netterweise die Vorlage nun auf der Version mit dem Warnhinweis schreibgeschützt. In jedem Fall werden die davon betroffenen Bilder in Commons eh gelöscht und ich hab den Warnhinweis auch mal etwas logischer formuliert. Ich bitte auch angesichts der Tatsache, dass wir die Fotos etc. von über 640 Wikiprojekte zu verantworten haben, um etwas Geduld in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia. Die schiere Tragweite von Commons (und die daraus resultierenden Schwierigkeiten für Commonsadmins) wird leider in den einzelnen Projekten nicht wirklich erkannt (und auch nicht anerkannt) und es macht mich persönlich auch ärgerlich, wenn eigentlich besonnene Leute von der "Gefahr Wikimedia Commons" sprechen, sei es nun en.wikipedia, fr.wikipedia, de.wikipedia um nur mal ein paar der prominenten Beispiele zu nennen. Auch de.wp hatte einmal Zeiten, wo ein paar Admins gegen Horden von URV-Uploadern sehr zu kämpfen hatte. Arnomane 17:53, 14 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass dort sehr viele Bilder darunter sind, welche frei sind. Zu prüfen wäre u.A. das Copyright von:

  1. Portraits von Personen der Zeitgeschichte, wie z.B. Lenin, Stalin, Trotzki etc.
  1. Bilder aus der SU-Raumfahrt.
  2. Abbildungen von Briefmarken.
  3. Bilder von Militärischen Flugzeugen aller Art
  4. Bilder von anderen Flugzeugen

Hierbei ist zu beachten, dass Raumfahrt, Briefmarken, mil. Flugzeuge und sowiet. Fluggesellschaften staatliche Einrichtungen waren und die Bilder staatlische Veröffentlichungen sind. Augiasstallputzer 22:29, 14 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Arnomane. It is totaly unacceptable that you use your admin power to vandalize templates and to protected vandalized templates. Elk Salmon 10:07, 15 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please have a look into edit history of the template for the complex truth: [7]. As you can see there Fred protected it and I did rewrite the warning hint afterwards as this does not apply to de.wikipedia alone (the former warning hint gave that false impression). So I can honestly not see how I could have abused my admin powers I just used them as it is supposed by an admin. But if you have any further substantial feedback on the complex matter of PD-Soviet I'd be happy if you can share it at the deletion request of the template. Arnomane 10:21, 15 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



ich mach mir schonmal ein paar gedanken, da läßt sich sicher was machen. -- 23:43, 14 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Could you have a talk with User:Immanuel Giel


I see that Immanuel Giel has been making a lot of stub articles in the gallery namespace. Some have been deleted multiple times now [8]. Perhaps someone should have a talk with him about it? --Gmaxwell 03:34, 16 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the notice. I have written him in German in detail with proposals how to improve it. Arnomane 10:33, 16 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Well, i did use it :P So now i'm seeing error on my script of getParamValue not being defined (the code is still on MediaWiki:Monobook.js, so it's quite strange). That code is being used on MediaWiki:Quick-delete.js (i moved from Quick-delete to monobook) but the more important reason is that i use it on a script made to avoid its XSS voulnerabilites. It needs to be on your monobook.js and uses getParamValue, thus, that function needs to be loaded before. Platonides 11:35, 16 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed the 'undefined error'. It got into the if (wgLang = en) block. Platonides 11:53, 16 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The reason is very likely that I moved it inside an if-condition that gets only called if you have English interface language (see code why this was necessary) and you use another interface language than English. But anyhow as MediaWiki:Quick-delete.js can be embedded into MediaWiki:Monobook.js like the other scripts I would avoid placing this function somehwere else than in ediaWiki:Quick-delete.js (I like to keep things together). We can include MediaWiki:Quick-delete.js switched off by default into MediaWiki:Monobook.js until it is more mature (it does only work with recent Firefox), see as well Commons:Tool integration and the Jvascript code for the switches I introduced. Arnomane 12:02, 16 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Ok, I made a mistake. I just think we can keep clear sex pictures, but we don't have to keep tens ugly and unuse ones so we have to delete them. Looking again on the chekusage (working), it seem clear that I made a mistake. Your undelete was right, and my delete was wrong. See you. Yug (talk) 10:12, 19 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hey, I just noticed this, nice stuff. :D

I guess you know what InstantCommons is going to be implemented sometime (I guess, before the single login ;)). Do you think perhaps we should form some policy for dealing with these external wikis?

I'm not sure if they can use CommonsTickers, or if CheckUsage will show them ... but if they can use CT, I think maybe we should just request that they get one, and they have to take responsibility for all delinking, themselves.

If they can't use CTs...well maybe just too bad for them.

With InstantCommons we really will become like a free stock archive for everyone, and not just the Wikimedia repository. I think there is still sometimes some tension about what Commons' real focus should be, but I think after InstantCommons it will tip very much towards the first one.

I also wonder if it will lead to InstantCommons-ers contributing stuff here, and whether that will bring its own problems (because they don't have to have any educational, or NPOV requirements). In fact someone could just set up and show all our sex pictures at 800px, now that would be interesting...! :-?

I guess we can't deal with that until we see if it happens, but it might be nice to have a little bit of a plan in case it does.

just some musings, pfctdayelise (说什么?) 13:14, 20 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Admin news



If you consent for statistics to be published about your actions as an administrator, please sign here: Commons:Administrator permission for statistics. (I expect that most people will not have a problem with it unless you are especially concerned with privacy.)

Also, please be aware that we now have a Commons:Administrators' noticeboard. Please put it on your watchlist, if you haven't already!

cheers, pfctdayelise (translate?) 05:33, 7 September 2006 (UTC) P.S.: Pardon if this is a repeat (bot debugging...)[reply]


ein großer Bär zur Abwechslung

Ich wollte dir einfach nur mal danken für deinen Einsatz. Gruß --Steschke 21:52, 20 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ein großes Dankeschön für deine Unterstützung und danke auch dir Crux für den Gummibär. :-) Motivation kann ich immer sehr gut gebrauchen. Ich bin aber auch User:Lupo zu großem Dank für seine unermüdliche Recherchearbeit verpflichtet. Das hat mir sehr bei der Angelegenheit geholfen. Arnomane 22:44, 20 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, it took me forever..--Orgullomoore 04:00, 22 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry for the inconvenience. I specified the nature of the photo (which I got scanned from original photos taken in those years) and tagged the image with a Commons ShareAlike License. Thanks for the advice. --Lohe 16:56, 22 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Answered at your talk page. Arnomane 17:23, 23 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Answer: My grandpa took the picture in summer 1918, and he died in the early 1960s. Legal heirs of his are me, my father and a bunch of relatives, such as cousins and so, who hardly know the existence of this picture. I'd like to release all the rights and give permission for its use, since this photo itself doesn't mean very much if it's not clear that it was taken there and in that time. Is it possible to use it in Commons under these terms? And if so, how should I tag the file? Thanks. -- Lohe 03:50, 24 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Wow these are exactly the information I hoped for. :-) As you inherited that picture from your grandfather you own the exclusive rights on that picture (I just guess the property of your grandpa was divided as usual and thus you now have the solely rights on these things you got). Yes you can release all rights and the picture is thus perfectly in agreement with the Commons' license requirements. So just give these informations at the image, preferably with Template:Information (change the license template to PD-self or something similar and of course remove the deletion request ;-) and there will be no questions in future. And of course these information are also important for the content of the image itself. Have a look at Commons:First steps/Quality and description in order to get some tipps for good image descriptions. If you have any further questions just ask me, however I cannot promise answering promptly as I currently move house. P.S.: Sorry for being so nitpicking but we need to be so out of good reasons (have had some unpleasant contact with not so nice copyright owners). Arnomane 23:19, 24 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You can very well see you're asking too much. Gathering precise information about the date, the week or even the month the photo was taken is impossible. The battle took place in summer 1916, and the vegetation hasn't surely been able to grow back for much time then: moreover, the back/verso of the photo lacks any kind of information. Therefore, when I say it was shot in winter 1918, I'm making a pure estimate – and as such, it's much more based on deduction than on a scientific analysis of what I see. --Lohe 22:49, 4 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Arnomane, there's something that is not totally clear to me: how can the scan of a III Century BC coin be a copyright infringement? -- Lohe 17:02, 22 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Answered at your talk page. Arnomane 17:23, 23 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ergebnis Board-Wahl


Hallo Arnomane, leider hat es ja mit der Boardwahl nicht geklappt. Aber der vierte Platz ist meiner Meinung nach ein bemerkenswerter Achtungserfolg, wenn man bedenkt, dass Nr. 2 und Nr. 3 direkt von Jimbo unterstützt wurden. Meinen Glückwunsch ausdrücklich für dieses hervorragende Ergebnis. Ich hoffe, Du bist nicht zu sehr enttäuscht und machst Deine gute Arbeit hier auf Commons weiter. Schöne Grüße, Longbow4u 10:34, 24 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dank für die Glückwünsche. Ja wär natürlich schon unglaublich cool gewesen wenn es geklappt hätte. Aber ich wusste, dass ich nur Außenseiterchancen habe, trotz bzw. teils wohl auch gerade weil ich über de.wikipedia und Commons hinaus einigen Leuten bekannt bin. ;-) Dass es der 4. Platz geworden ist freut mich aber außerordentlich, weil ich der erste Kandidat nach den zwei von Jimbo unterstützten bin und man an die Bekanntheit von Erik in allen möglichen Wikicommunities erstmal herankommen muss... Außerdem glaube ich dass ich allein durch die Kandidatur ein bischen was erreicht habe, indem ich mit meinem Kandidaturstatement konkrete Probleme und Lösungen mehr Leuten bewusst gemacht habe und zudem mit dem respektablen Ergebnis gezeigt habe, dass meine Statements durchaus die Ansicht großer Teile der Communities wiederspiegeln und somit nicht komplett übergangen werden können. Ich bleib sebstverständlich Commons erhalten und mach weiter, schließlich muss ich ja auch ohne Boardmitglied zu sein meine Kanditaturstatments weiter in die Tat umsetzen... Schöne Grüße. Arnomane 23:37, 24 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Situation regarding PD-Italy after discussion on IRC channel #wikimedia-it


The italian law on copyright [9] makes a distinction between simple photos and artistic photos. While artistic photos have a copyright of 70 years pma, simple photos are protected by copyright only for 20 years. According to Senpai (user of and a lawyer). The EU directive has been received by the italian government only for artistic photos. What differences an artistic photo from a simple photo is "a high level of creativity".

This text offers an opinion of an italian lawyer who says that: "There's a distinction between a photographic work protected by copyright for 70 years pma and the simple photo safeguaded only for 20 years. This distinction has to be found in the high level of creativity that distinguish artistic photos from simple photos". The text also quotes a sentence of the Court of Rome (2003), which says that "In a photo depicting an artist in a public exhibition, is not possible to find that kind of necessary personal imprint of the photographer, that's to say the ability to intervene on the subject so to evoke suggestions able to distinguish a photographic work from a simple photo. It's indeed not possible to talk of originality in the shot, in the perspective, in the choice of colours, or in a particular effect, voluntarily created, of lights and shadows, and the picture is a simple documental reproduction of a certain event in the life of the artist."

--Snowdog 21:35, 24 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You forgot the EU Harmonization directive. / Fred Chess 22:26, 24 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No. According to Senpai (user of and a lawyer). The EU directive has been received by the italian government only for artistic photos.

Artikel 6

Schutz von Fotografien

Fotografien werden gemäß Artikel 1 geschützt, wenn sie individuelle Werke in dem Sinne darstellen, daß sie das Ergebnis der eigenen geistigen Schöpfung ihres Urhebers sind. Zur Bestimmung ihrer Schutzfähigkeit sind keine anderen Kriterien anzuwenden. Die Mitgliedstaaten können den Schutz anderer Fotografien vorsehen.

Member States may provide for the protection of other photographs. And Italy provides for protection of non artistic photos with a copyright of 20 years.

--Snowdog 00:15, 26 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you Snowdog. For those who don't understand German, here it is in the official English version:

Article 6

Protection of photographs

Photographs which are original in the sense that they are the author's own intellectual creation shall be protected in accordance with Article 1. No other criteria shall be applied to determine their eligibility for protection. Member States may provide for the protection of other photographs.


Fred Chess 08:42, 26 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I am answering later in detail (Tuesday probably). I am currently moving house and thus have only little time. Arnomane 23:38, 24 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

My bureaucratship


I have passed my bureaucratship with 14 supports to 0 oppositions. Thank you for your support.--Jusjih 04:07, 25 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the heads-up!


Hi Arnomane!

Thanks a lot for the heads-up, Arnomane! Mr. Introvigne himself granted me permission to use the photos of their CESNUR website for whatever I wanted. Kindly see my post here. [11] Please tell me if this is good enough. Thanks. :) Thomas S. Major 02:23, 28 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the input. I have answered at the deletion request page. Arnomane 12:56, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Arnomane,

Per the CheckUser Policy, I have been granted the checkuser permission. Thankyou for supporting this request. Requests for checkuser can be made at the Administrators' noticeboard. Thanks, Alphax (talk) 01:39, 29 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Revised license templates


Sorry about the delay; I was away for some time. Anyway, I answered now at my talk page. In short: for the Russian ones, it depends on what the commons policies are. PD-Russia is probably easier to understand. For PD-Italy, we don't know where to draw the line, and thus I think we shouldn't use it at all. I do not know of any safe way to define that narrow class of Italian photographs that might perhaps by "simple photographs". Lupo 12:13, 2 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Why do you think it is not ready for translations? There could at least be a link to the first steps guide in other languages. --Nux (talk) 17:11, 3 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It is not that easy. Translation of the page itself is not enough. I also need to bug the developers that the target link in the interface gets localisable (like I did for a long time with all other interfaces links). It is crucial to provide mature pages or I won't have any success in my localisation request. However the Help:Contents pages nears maturity and I will finish it the next days and bug the devs for the link thing. I will come back to you for translation in languages you can write. Arnomane 18:06, 3 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Arnomane, User Eldred hat seine Benutzerseite zur Löschung markiert. Kann ich das einfach so tun, oder muß ich bezüglich Benutzerkonten etwas besonderes beachten? --GeorgHH 21:19, 11 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Warning sign
This media may be deleted.

Thanks for uploading Image:Sun in X-Ray.png. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikimedia Commons (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page. If the content is a derivative of a copyrighted work, you need to supply the names and a licence of the original authors as well.

If the media also doesn't have a copyright tag, then you must also add one. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then you can use {{self|cc-by-sa-2.5}} to release it under the Creative Commons or {{PD-self}} to release it into the public domain. See Commons:Copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

Note that any unsourced and untagged images will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If you have uploaded other media, please check that you have specified their source and copyright tagged them, too. You can find all your uploads using the Gallery tool. Thank you. ~~helix84 21:02, 13 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have transformed it into a usual deletion request as it didn't lack a source but needs some clarification on its PD status. As this topic does affect several other similar files as well a broader discussion with a hopefully clear result will be helpful. So please comment at Commons:Deletion_requests/Image:Sun_in_X-Ray.png. Arnomane 19:45, 17 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Checkuser request


Hi! Would you mind to check if User:Dodotroll (funny nickname, uh? ;-) is actually a socket puppet of User:Luis María Benítez? The latter appears to spends his time trolling around here. He has been blocked at es: so it seems he just found a new toy!

Thanks in advance. --Dodo 20:37, 18 October 2006 (UTC) PS. The only contribution of User:Dodotroll is this image I just deleted. A very funny one too! :-P[reply]

It happened again: User:Papiringo uploaded the very same image, this time named Image:Wpetron.png and attibuting its authorship to es:User:Petronas, an admin at es:. Could you please check this one too? Thanks in advance. --Dodo 07:55, 19 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Servus Kellege Bürokrat. Ist es möglich, meinen Namen zu ändern? von aktuell "Kenwilliams" zu meinem Realnamen "Marcus Cyron"? Beleget habe ich schon beide Namen. Kenwilliams 15:31, 11 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hm. Also zusammenlegen kann ich die beiden Accounts leider nicht. Ich müsste also den bisherigen User:Marcus Cyron umbenennen (bspw. in User:Marcus Cyron umbenannt) und dann User:Kenwilliams in User:Marcus Cyron umbenennen. Möchtst du das? Wenn ja schreib mir kurz mit dem Account User:Marcus Cyron eine Bestätigung. Arnomane 15:18, 12 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ah Ich sehe du hast die Seite angelegt aber der Benutzer existierte noch nicht. Dann klappt es natürlich ohne Probleme. Ich probier es gerade. Arnomane 15:26, 12 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
So nach ein paar Anläufen hat es endlich geklappt. Du hattest schon ziemlich viele Bearbeitungen für eine Umbenennung, aber nun ist ja alles bestens. Arnomane 16:33, 12 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Danke schön :) Marcus Cyron 12:59, 13 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Checkuser request


PLease see: en:Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser/Case/Karl Meier. --Cat out 16:32, 11 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]