Template talk:Original upload date

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{{Editrequest}} Add sr =првобитни датум слања --Milićević (talk) 21:37, 31 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Magog the Ogre (talk) (contribs) 00:33, 1 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Translation request


{{Editrequest}} Add gl =data de subida orixinal. Thanks, --Elisardojm (talk) 17:35, 10 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done --Steinsplitter (talk) 17:28, 17 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]



{{Editrequest}} Lithuanian translation:
|lt=pirminio įkėlimo data

Thank You, Hugo.arg (talk) 16:41, 29 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done --Steinsplitter (talk) 09:25, 17 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]



{{Editprotected}} |bn=মূল আপলোডের তারিখ

--Aftab (talk) 17:33, 15 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Aftabuzzaman: ✓ Done Magog the Ogre (talk) (contribs) 04:37, 16 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]



eu:Jatorrizko igoera-data --Zorion (talk) 02:48, 18 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Zorion: ✓ Done. Hope you wanted it capitalized, because that's how you got it. Magog the Ogre (talk) (contribs) 02:59, 18 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Perfect,  Thank you. --Zorion (talk) 03:05, 18 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]



2015 шаран 6 июль (дӀайолалун файл чуяьккхина терахь).

The format also needs to change as I have shown above. -- Дагиров Умар (talk) 00:56, 6 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I had meant the date format. -- Дагиров Умар (talk) 01:00, 6 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]



{{Edit request}}

|be-tarask=дата загрузкі арыгінальнага файлу

Апісаньне па-беларуску. Thanks in advance, Renessaince (talk) 13:54, 28 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 01:19, 14 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]



{{Edit request}}

|vi=ngày tải lên ban đầu

Please add this Vietnamese translation of this template. Thank you! Quenhitran (talk) 16:54, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done --Jarekt (talk) 17:39, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]



{{Edit request}}

|eo=origina alŝuta dato

Thank you! --ThomasPusch (talk) 07:07, 13 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Magog the Ogre (talk) (contribs) 22:26, 13 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • Laŭ mi devus estis anstataŭe aŭ «originalalŝutdato:» (tro kompakta) aŭ «dato de originalalŝuto:» aŭ «dato de la alŝuto de la originalo:» (tro mallerta). Eble plej bone tamen ion kia «originalalŝuto je:» aŭ «originalo alŝutita je:» (kaj "je" kaj "en" bonas). Mi komprenas la tradukendan originalon kiel «Original upload date» = «Date of original upload», = «Date when the original was uploaded»; "original" tie ĉi kiel substantivon (="originalaĵo"). NB: La vorto "origino" ne rilatas al tiu ĉi afero. -- Tuválkin 23:13, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

ru, uk


{{Edit request}} Unfortunately, this (English: [the] date of uploading of [the] source (or original) file) wasn’t fixed in time by language-savvy users, and was later aggravated by a uk/ru bilingual user:Ahonc who translated an incorrect Russian text. Should be:

|ru = дата первоначальной загрузки файла
|uk = дата початкового завантаження файлу

Incnis Mrsi (talk) 18:47, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Incnis Mrsi: Но ведь смысл шаблона в том, что он указывает the upload date in another Wikimedia project. То есть указывается дата загрузки исходного файла (то есть файла в другом проекте). В твоем же понимании получается дата первой загрузки файла в текущем проекте.--Anatoliy (talk) 20:21, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
In my interpretation the template specifies the date of the original (initial, earliest, primary) upload anywhere. I might fail to understand nuances of Ukrainian, but
Українська: оригінального файлу
IMHO refers to some original file presumably distinct from this file. Whereas
Français : date de téléversement originale
Македонски: датум на изворното подигање
place the adjective “original” under the word “upload”, and
Español: fecha original de carga
Српски / srpski: првобитни датум слања
 – clearly under “date” which has the same meaning. Only Slovenian apparently contains the same error.
В моём понимании шаблон указывает дату первоначальной (изначальной, самой ранней, первичной) загрузки файла куда-либо. Я могу упускать какие-то тонкости украинского, но
Українська: оригінального файлу
по-моему указывает на некий «оригинальный» файл, отличный от данного. На других же языках (см. выше) чётко видно, что прилагательное original подчинено «загрузке» или «дате» (что означает одно и то же). За исключением словенского языка, где допущена та же ошибка. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 21:08, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
В белорусском тоже. Мне более понятен текущий перевод. Там подчеркнуто, что речь идет именно об исходном (оригинальном) файле, то есть файле в другом проекте. В твоем же варианте перевода не понятно, что речь идет именно об исходом файле. Твой перевод можно интерпретировать, как дата первой загрузки текущего файла (в текущем проекте), а не исходного (в другом проекте), поэтому уточнение об исходном файле важно. Как вариант можно написать дата первоначальной загрузки исходного файла.--Anatoliy (talk) 21:14, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
My version is about the same file uploaded to another site. Why should it be about
Русский: исходного файла
? ru:исходный файл is an idiom usually meaning “source file” (for a compiler or interpreter); note the deleted redirect. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 21:31, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Source file, original file are synonyms. Исходный файл, оригинальный файл — синонимы в данном случае. Или как ты предлагаешь назвать файл-источник в другом проекте?--Anatoliy (talk) 21:45, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Again. Original upload resulted in the same file in a sense it has (or had) the same size and is (or was) byte-for-byte equal to this file. They are different from the operating system’s viewpoint (occupied different blocks, possibly on different devices), but from the digital rights viewpoint they are indistinguishable. These are different uploads of [the same] file. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 22:00, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Phisically, there are two files. Original file is source file in other project, and current - destination file in this project. And they have different upload dates. // Файлы одинаковые (хотя могут быть и разные, если исходный файл обрезан или уменьшено разрешение), но их физически два — один исходный, второй текущий. И они имеют разную дату загрузки.--Anatoliy (talk) 22:06, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Of course, upload dates are different – that’s this template is about. It should not be confused with {{Retouched picture}}s where files are necessarily different in their data (sequence of bytes). Incnis Mrsi (talk) 22:12, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
But current translation does not have misunderstanding what file date should be provided. And your variant has such misunderstanding. So I suggest to leave accent about original file or source file: дата первоначальной загрузки исходного файла.--Anatoliy (talk) 22:18, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Belorussian version was, obviously, translated from two mistaken texts on languages which are easily intelligible to a Belorussian. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 22:00, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Amazing. Slovenian was initially correctly written by user: Eleassar who later changed the mind. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 21:31, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for bringing this up. So, the original version is the correct one? I'm going to restore it if that's so. --Eleassar (t/p) 09:58, 8 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I can only assure that “izvorna datoteka” is grossly ambiguous, at least in sibling languages. See discussion. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 13:59, 9 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Mutual concessions?


I am pressing only for removal of misleading “original (≈ source?) file”; proposed variants below. Also note that |be and |sl texts need fixing by experts. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 23:12, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

|ru = дата первоначальной загрузки файла, идентичного данному
|uk = дата початкового завантаження тотожного файлу
Файл необязательно идентичен. Если файл обрезать или загрузить в другом разрешении, он не будет идентичен. Поэтому, если менять, то на «файл-источник». В описании есть поле «Источник», где указывается файл-источник. Именно этого файла дату загрузки и нужно указать. На украинском тотожний = тождественный, тоже не совсем верно. Лучше оставить оригінальний.--Anatoliy (talk) 23:18, 7 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You’re right about original ≠ this (I forgot that a file can be edited, both in the original wiki and on Commons).
Русский: файл-источник
is misleading, because there is a plenty of situations (e.g. files in unsupported formats) when the image data must be changed before uploading. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 09:26, 8 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
|ru = дата первоначальной загрузки файла на вики

would be fine (English: [the] date of original/primary uploading of [a|the] file to [a] wiki). It forgoes the “same/identical/original/source” point of controversy and shifts attention to another point: that the media (either the same file byte-for-byte, or before editing) was uploaded to a public site running MediaWiki on the date specified. Let Ahonc care about |uk= himself, as it’s him who is a sysop here ☺ Incnis Mrsi (talk) 14:18, 9 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I agree. "original" definitely applies to "upload" and should not be interpreted as noun (= "original file"). Also, applying "original" to "date" is incorrect. Fixed ru (per request) and pl. I am leaving other translations intact. Maybe a native English speaker should be consulted it there are doubts concerning meaning of the English text? Ankry (talk) 19:29, 9 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I agree that English phrase "original upload date" should be interpret as "date of the first upload" to one of Wikimedia sites. (I am not really native English speaker but I live in US since 80s). I will remove edit request template. Please re-add it if new corrections are needed. --Jarekt (talk) 19:39, 9 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

nds translation



Could you please add:

|nds=Datum, as de Datei toeerst hooglaadt worrn is

Thank you! --Slomox (talk) 14:03, 24 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done --Jarekt (talk) 14:17, 24 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]



{{Edit request}} Add |zh-hant=原始上傳日期. Thanks! :) --Efly (talk) 20:45, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 08:10, 1 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Korean translation



Add new "ko" message just below 'ja':

|ko=원본 올리기 일시

Thanks. --Garam talk 10:57, 8 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Garam: as far as Wiktionary knows, “원본” is a noun. Be aware about the mistake several translators already did. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 13:22, 8 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Incnis Mrsi: This translation made allowance for it. And Japanese "当初" is also noun. Thanks. --Garam talk 14:15, 8 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Garam: if understand Japanese, can you please (reverse) translate “当初のアップロード日”? Preserving grammar as closely as possible. Incnis Mrsi (talk) 14:43, 8 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Incnis Mrsi: In East Asian languages, especially in Japanese and Korean language, nouns, and with "of" ("の" in Japanese and "의" in Korean) is same functions as adjective of other languages. Thanks. --Garam talk 15:40, 8 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
So, it literally means "upload day of original", and liberally means "originally upload day". Thanks. --Garam talk 15:46, 8 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done Awesome! Thank you! Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 09:10, 20 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Translation in Croatian


{{Editprotected}} Please, add

|hr=izvorni datum postavljanja

Thank you. MaGa 19:08, 29 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done --Lucas Werkmeister (talk) 20:43, 29 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]