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Seznam anglických zkratek (CommonsKategorie). CAT: napsáno na Help:Namespaces, CT: není velmi populární prefix pro důležité zkratky na diskuse na Commons. COM: je alias pro commons: nebo project:, čili, COM:COM a project:COM znamená Commons:COM, takže budete přesměrováni na tuto stránku commons:shortcuts. A také COM:shortcuts a project:shortcuts půjdou na tuto stránku (ale bez přesměrování jelikož to nejsou zkratky).

Zkratka Celý název
Stránky pro údržbu a žádosti
COM:A, COM:ADMIN Commons:Administrators
COM:A/RV Commons:Administrators/Requests and votes
COM:ABL, COM:LOABL Commons:List of administrators by language
COM:B Commons:Bureaucrats
COM:BABEL, COM:BBL Commons:Babel
COM:BOT, COM:BOTS Commons:Bots
COM:BR Commons:Bots/Work requests
COM:CFD Commons:Categories for discussion
COM:CHU Commons:Changing username
COM:CU, COM:RCU, COM:CHECK Commons:Requests for checkuser
COM:DEL, COM:DR Commons:Deletion requests
COM:O Commons:Oversight
COM:R, COM:PR Commons:Picture requests
COM:UR, COM:UNDEL Commons:Undeletion requests
COM:W, COM:WL Commons:Welcome log
COM:CDC User:CommonsDelinker/commands
Stránky projektů
COM:FP Commons:Featured pictures
COM:FPC Commons:Featured picture candidates
COM:GL Commons:Graphic Lab
COM:GL/I Commons:Graphic Lab School/Images to improve
COM:PSF Commons:Pearson Scott Foresman
COM:POTD Commons:Picture of the day
COM:POTY Commons:Picture of the Year
COM:MFC Commons:Media for cleanup
COM:MOTD Commons:Media of the day
COM:QI Commons:Quality images
COM:QIC Commons:Quality images candidates
COM:VI Commons:Valued images
COM:VIC Commons:Valued image candidates
COM:VICR Commons:Valued image criteria
Stránky nápovědy
COM:COA Commons:Coats of Arms
COM:CB Commons:Image casebook
COM:COM Commons:Shortcuts (tato stránka)
COM:COWN Commons:Contributing your own work
COM:CT Commons:Copyright tags
COM:EIC, COM:EITC Commons:Editor's index to Commons
COM:ET, COM:EMAIL Commons:Email templates
COM:F, COM:FI, COM:FLICKR Commons:Flickr images
COM:FOP Commons:Freedom of panorama
COM:FS Commons:First steps
COM:FT Commons:File types
COM:HD Commons:Help desk
COM:HELP, COM:HLP Help:Contents
COM:HPM, COM:TCC Commons:Help page maintenance
COM:I Commons:Image guidelines
COM:IRC Commons:Internet Relay Chat
COM:MT Commons:Message templates
COM:OVERCAT Commons:Categories#Over-categorization
COM:PRS Commons:Problematic sources
COM:REUSE Commons:Reusing content outside Wikimedia
COM:SS Commons:Screenshots
COM:T Commons:Templates
COM:TOOLS, COM:TUL Commons:Tools
Pravidla a doporučení
COM:ART, COM:PDART Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag
COM:BP, COM:BLOCK Commons:Blocking policy
COM:C Commons:Categories
COM:D, COM:DG Commons:Deletion guidelines
COM:DESYSOP Commons:Administrators/De-adminship
COM:DW Commons:Derivative works
COM:IDENT, COM:PEOPLE Commons:Photographs of identifiable people
COM:FU, COM:FAIRUSE Commons:Fair use
COM:FAN Commons:Fan art
COM:L Commons:Licensing
COM:LP Commons:Language policy
COM:NPOV Commons:Project scope/Neutral point of view
COM:NUDE Commons:Nudity
COM:OWN Commons:Ownership of pages and files
COM:P Commons:Page protection
COM:POL Commons:Policy and Guideline
COM:PRP Commons:Project scope/Precautionary principle
COM:PS, COM:SCOPE Commons:Project scope
COM:PSP Commons:Project scope/Pages, galleries and categories
COM:SCAN Commons:When to use the PD-scan tag
COM:SIG Commons:When to use the PD-signature tag
COM:SXC Commons:Stock.xchng images
COM:TALK Commons:Talk page guidelines
COM:USER Commons:User-specific galleries, templates and categories policy
COM:V Commons:Vandalism
Stránky diskusí
COM:AN, COM:ANB Commons:Administrators' noticeboard
COM:AN/B, COM:AN/P Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/Blocks and protections
COM:AN/U Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/User problems
COM:AN/V Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/Vandalism
COM:DI Commons:Discussion index
COM:DN Commons:Disputes noticeboard
COM:GVP Commons:Graphics village pump
COM:VP, COM:PUMP Commons:Village pump
CT:L Commons talk:Licensing
CT:FOP Commons talk:Freedom of panorama
COM:MELLOW Commons:Staying mellow
COM:SALT Commons:Protected against recreation
COM:SB, COM:SANDBOX Commons:Sandbox
COM:U, COM:UL Commons:Upload
COM:UBX, COM:USERBOX Commons:Userboxes
CAT:CAT Category:Categories
CAT:CSD Category:Candidates for speedy deletion
CAT:CV Category:Copyright violations
CAT:DESKTOP Category:Commons featured desktop backgrounds
CAT:DR Category:Deletion requests
CAT:HELP Category:Commons help
CAT:IFC Category:Images for cleanup