User talk:Noclador

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It rgt


Look at this, the Multinational CIMIC Group South (Motta di Livenza) has become a regiment, as far as I understand. Just for your info. No CoA avlbl for this rgt, ex 7th engineer. Would like to let you know that starting from this year I'm going to gradually withdraw from de.wp (and de, the country); approaching 20 yrs, and I think it's enough. Greetings form Guate 18:23, 25 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

It's the CoA of the 7th, and also the CoA of the 9° Battaglione Guerra Elettronica "Rombo" for the new 9th Electronic Warfare Battalion "Rombo". They updated the army's website late on Thursday evening. Thank you for letting me know. And sad to see you leave wiki. Cheers, Noclador (talk) 04:29, 26 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Please do not make dynamic files as explained in the above page. Please look to build a series of files that reflected the data that changes through time. That also allows you to have an underlying redirect, that can update to a point to the correct chronological reference. So please upload your 2024 image under that name, and update as required. Thanks.  — billinghurst sDrewth 02:53, 26 January 2024 (UTC) : No. Not gonna upload a new file every time the army merely tweaks its structure. Doing that only for the major reforms. If not we will have 4-5 versions per year. Noclador (talk) 02:59, 26 January 2024 (UTC) [reply]

@Billinghurst: Reconsidered your argument after seeing your comment at the file in question. 2024 file is now at: File:Italian Army organization 2024.png. Best regards, Noclador (talk) 03:51, 26 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I know it is a tricky one, especially finding the balance. It is also the big step back and not think about only your intended use, but also how others can use these files on and off wiki, and how we document and keep them accurate and educational. Thanks for the consideration.  — billinghurst sDrewth 04:05, 26 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Organigramma Esercito Italiano


Ciao, ho alcune puntualizzazioni da fare riguardo l'organigramma dell'Esercito Italiano:

  • I reggimenti, indipendentemente dal fatto che siano mono- o pluri-battaglione, dovrebbero avere il simbolo NATO apposito (III), in quanto si tratta a tutti gli effetti di reparti comandati da colonnelli;
  • I reparti comando delle Divisioni "Acqui", "Vittorio Veneto" e "Tridentina" sono unità a livello reggimento;
  • Il reparto comando del COMAVES è a livello reggimento;
  • Il Centro Addestrativo AVES ha al suo interno il Reparto Corsi Specialistici/Terrestri a livello battaglione;
  • Il 4º Reggimento di Sostegno AVES "Scorpione" è stato trasformato in gruppo squadroni;
  • Il Centro di Eccellenza C-IED è a livello reggimento;
  • Il Comando Genio si divide in Brigata Genio e Comando Infrastrutture, per semplicità direi di lasciare solamente la brigata nell'organigramma;
  • La Brigata Genio ha al suo interno il Centro di Supporto del Genio alla Protezione delle Forze a livello reggimento;
  • Il Comando Trasmissioni ha al suo interno il Reparto Tecnico Elettronico a livello compagnia;
  • Il Centro Formazione Informazioni Tattiche è a livello reggimento.

--Araldica AMI (talk) 09:56, 26 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Ulteriore aggiunta: il Centro Addestramento Operazioni Speciali del COMFOSE è a livello battaglione. Araldica AMI (talk) 06:56, 27 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Grazie per le informazioni. I reggimenti, anche se sono comandati da colonnelli, rimangono con il simbolo di battaglione visto che si tratta di battaglione. In altri eserciti NATO colonnelli comandano brigate, solo in Italia che ha troppi ufficiali i colonnelli comandano unita con la forza di battaglione. Stesso argomento con i reparti delle divisioni e del AVES che sono formati da due compagnie, ma comandati da Colonnelli. La grafica è basato sui ranghi dei comandanti ma sul numero di truppe. Cambiato: 4º Gruppo Squadroni di Sostegno AVES "Scorpione", Centro Addestramento Operazioni Speciali del COMFOSE, e aggiunto Reparto Corsi Specialistici/Terrestri, Centro di Supporto del Genio alla Protezione delle Forze e Reparto Tecnico Elettronico. Noclador (talk) 12:07, 28 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Colour coding


What does the colour coding of the military unit icons indicate? Such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple Larsche ENG (talk) 21:15, 3 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

As per Italian Army tradition, and gorget patches (collar tabs, collar patches) in Italian called "Mostrine", the color of the infantry is red, mountain troops is green, paratroopers is sky-blue, cavalry is orange, armor is red and blue, artillery is yellow, engineers is crimson, army aviation is sky-blue, transmission is electric blue and red, transportation and materials corps is black and blue, commissary is dark-violet, sanitary is purple red, veterinary is pale sky-blue. FrancescoC.italy (talk) 15:54, 26 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, really appreciate your work and the NATO Joint Military Symbology military charts that you made. I saw that you recently created charts for all the Israeli divisions in the IDF, but the unified diagram in the IDF central Wikipedia entry is old and not updated, is there a possibility to unite them or create an updated one? Aviadav (talk) 13:19, 25 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

thank you. I would love to update the main graphic of the IDF, alas there is not enough information as to the changes in the various staffs. For the commands I found all units on the Hebrew wiki, but for the staff organization using google translate doesn't work. If someone provides all the needed changes I will then update the main graphic too. Best regards, Noclador (talk) 23:55, 25 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much, I'll see what I can do. Can you update the idf Central Command graphics and the battalions of the 417th Territorial brigade according to to what appears in the Hebrew Wiki? (If you need it, I will send you an English translation) Aviadav (talk) 17:13, 10 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Aviadav: I can certainly update the graphics once more information is available. If you can update the respective articles, please do so. If you wish for me to update the articles and then the graphics, please put the information that needs to be inserted into the articles here below. Thank you, Noclador (talk) 00:52, 14 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]