User talk:Hedwig in Washington/Archive 5

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Hi Hedwig, this is a graphic processing made by me whit the computer of this photo of a Prado sculpture: is the file ok on licensed or should be deleted? In the second case I apologize ... Thank you--Never covered (talk) 08:47, 27 July 2017 (UTC) [Salve Hedwig, questa è un’elaborazione grafica fatta da me con il computer di questa foto di una scultura del Prado: il file è ok come licenza o deve essere cancellato? Nel secondo caso mi scuso… Grazie ]

@Never covered: Sorry for the late reply, it's just way to nice to sit inside at the keyboard. The photograph isn't free. Even if the statue itself is in the public domain, the photograph isn't. Sorry, you need permission from the photographer. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:48, 7 August 2017 (UTC)

Ok Thank you Hedwig I have already asked for the file to be deleted: I will find another solution, like making a statue sketch by my hand. Good holidays [it. Ok Grazie Hedwig ho già chiesto la cancellazione del file: troverò un’altra soluzione, come fare uno schizzo a mano della statua. Buone vacanze]--Never covered (talk) 07:53, 7 August 2017 (UTC)


Hello there! Good afternoon. Regarding the file that you've removed, I've sent the permission from the author of the pic around a week ago. How is the procedure after that? How long I have to wait to see the file restored? Thanks for your help. Kind regards, — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 17:56, 27 July 2017 (UTC) (talk) 17:56, 27 July 2017 (UTC) Hi! The backlog as of today is 63 days. Sorry for the wait. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:50, 7 August 2017 (UTC)

Frage zu Ausstellungsbildern

Hallo Hedwig, ich hoffe, es geht Dir gut. Ich habe Bilder einer Ausstellung, fotografiert von einem Steinmetz bzw. dessen Frau, die Einwilligung bekomme ich problemlos. In der Ausstellung sind dessen eigene Werke, auf einem Foto aber auch ein Buch-Cover und auf einem weiteren Foto eine Bilder-Galerie, wobei nur ein Bild wirklich zu erkennen ist. Ich brauche Hinweise, welche Details ich hinter wieviel Unschärfe verbergen müsste, um den Rest ("Atmosphäre" der Ausstellung) noch zu zeigen zu dürfen. Wenn ein Vortragender vor dem Publikum steht, wird von dem auch eine Freigabe benötigt ? (welche ?) Soll ich die Bilder zu den Fragen irgendwo hin senden (wäre mir lieber) oder erst mal hochladen ?

Das Bild und die anderen in Category:Get Dancing Ruhland - Linedance & Country bei der 700-Jahr-Feier sind noch offen - gibt es da nur ein Zeit- oder auch ein anderes Problem ? Viele Grüße --Wilhelm Zimmerling PAR (talk) 17:17, 29 July 2017 (UTC)

@Wilhelm Zimmerling PAR: Moin, moin! Sonnenschein, da bin ich wenig am Compi. Mannomann. 35+ Grad gehabt hier. ☀ Sehe bald aus wie ein Broiler. ;-)
  • Get Dancing Ruhland: Ja, da ist ein 15 Tage Zeitlimit für OTRS. Gibt es de bereits ein Ticket?
  • Du kannst die Bilder z.B. auf Flickr oder IMGUR hochladen. Flickr ist am einfachsten, kann man dann auch gleich für's hochladen nutzen.
  • Freigabe ist notwendig in D-Land, ausser die Person ist zufällig im Bild und nicht das hauptaugenmerk ders Fotos. Ein paar mehr Ausnahmen gibt es, aber die greifen wohl nicht? Tabelle gier, Commons:Photographs_of_identifiable_people#Country_specific, weitergehende Erklaerung (Englisch) Commons:Country_specific_consent_requirements#Germany.
  • Buch Cover: Wer ist der Fotograf? Wer hat das eine erkennbare Foto gemacht? Ggf muss man das Bild unkenntlich machen. Da kannst Du idR nach Bauchgefühl arbeiten.
  • Alle Klarheiten erstmal beseitigt? Oh, wenn Du die Steinmetz-Bilder hochlädst, vlt. kannst Du den Titel des Werkes angeben? Nur so ein Gedanke. LG, --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:21, 7 August 2017 (UTC)

Moin, moin! Hier ist auch Sonne, aber nur weil es alle 3 Tage auch mal regnet ist der Phlox so schön wie noch nie.

Die Linedance-Collagen haben [Ticket#2017062910024557]. Hochgeladen hatte ich 20170611_091109.jpg, 20170611_091703.jpg, 20170611_092155.jpg und 20170611_092405.jpg, diese Dateinamen sind auch in der Erlärung genannt. Beim Zusenden der Erklärung hatte ich erstmals die Links (natürlich mit den neueen Dateinamen) mitgeschickt, damit der Bearbeiter es leichter hat:

  > hier eine Freigabe-Erklärung, die 4 Bilder
  > [[File:Get Dancing Ruhland - Linedance-Werbung bei der 700-Jahr-Feier 01.jpg|thumb|Gegenüber vom V-Cafe hat ...]]
  > [[File:Get Dancing Ruhland - Linedance-Werbung bei der 700-Jahr-Feier 02.jpg|thumb|Gegenüber vom V-Cafe hat ...]]
  > [[File:Get Dancing Ruhland - Linedance-Werbung bei der 700-Jahr-Feier 03.jpg|thumb|Gegenüber vom V-Cafe hat ...]]
  > [[File:Get Dancing Ruhland - Linedance-Werbung bei der 700-Jahr-Feier 04.jpg|thumb|Gegenüber vom V-Cafe hat ...]]
  > habe ich gerade hochgeladen. Das 1. Bild wird noch durch eine neue Version / Bearbeitung ersetzt, die Text und Bild des Zeitungsartikels unleserlich macht.
  > Die 4 Bilder sind in der Kategorie
  > [[Category:Get Dancing Ruhland - Linedance & Country bei der 700-Jahr-Feier]]

dann kam die Antwort

  eine Freigabe ist derzeit nicht möglich, weil in der angehängten Freigabeerklärung andere Dateinanmen genannt werden als in der Mail.

ich hatte dann noch angefragt, ob es nicht ein Hochlade-Log gibt, an dem sich das klären lässt, dann kam nichts mehr. Bin jetzt am Grübeln, beim Hochladen wird ja normalerweise (fast) jedes Bild umbenannt, und die Namen habe ich bei der Freigabeerklärung nicht, da der Freigeber die ursprünglichen Dateinamen nimmt. Die Original-Dateien habe ich noch hier, könnte erneut hochladen (oder auch nicht, da ja die Bilder schon da sind) aber ich möchte auch die bisher eingegebene Info nicht verlieren.

Die Steinmetz-Bilder sind hier. Alle vom Steinmetz selbst oder seiner Frau fotografiert. Das Buch-Cover (es ist wohl nur eins kritisch) ist in _MG_4466.JPG. Zur Person ist es _MG_4437.JPG ist die Frage, wie die Einverständniserklärung aussehen muss. Außerdem sind neben der Vortragenden Bilder an der Wand (das Wappen ist unkritisch - sind die Bilder kritisch - wie unkenntlich muss man die erforderlichenfalls machen ? kannst Du das ggf. für mich tun, so dass die Anforderung erfüllt aber noch was zu sehen ist?). Zu _MG_4506.JPG ist sicher das Bild unten links kritisch, auch hier - wie unkenntlich muss man die erforderlichenfalls machen ? kannst Du das ggf. für mich tun, so dass die Anforderung erfüllt aber noch was zu sehen ist? Ich würde die kritischen Details leicht eintrüben, aber das nötige Mindestmaß kenne ich nicht.

Viele Grüße --Wilhelm Zimmerling PAR (talk) 06:36, 7 August 2017 (UTC)

@Wilhelm Zimmerling PAR: Get Dancing Ruhland ✓ Done Das Ticket hab ich einfach übernommen. Hoffe ich bekomme da keinen auf den Deckel. :-))))
Buchcover: Alle Cover mit dem Blatt sind nicht OK. Da bleibt eigentlich nicht viel übrig, ich würde das Bild ganz weglassen.
_MG_4506.JPG zeigt ein ein Werk welches wohl © ist. Freigabe notwendig. Unkenntlich machen geht schon, aber da bleibt dann auch nix übrig.
_MG_4440.JPG und _MG_44437.JPG Freigabe notwendig (Die Bilder an der Wand neben dem Wappen würde ich geflissentlich ignorieren, grenzwertig Com:DM, passt schon)
_MG_4470,JPG Kunstwerke sind ©, Freigabe des Fotografen und des Künstlers notwendig. Fuer die Person im Foto brauchst Du keine Freigabe.
DSC00801(1).JPG MMn keine Freigabe notwendig.
Einladung 001.jpg Text ist wohl ©. Für das Foto brauchst Du auch wieder eine separate Freigabe, falls Text und Foto nicht von der gleichen Person stammen.
Falls irgendwas unkenntlich gemacht werden muss kann ich das gerne übernehmen. Kein Problem. Du kannst auch in der Werkstatt anklopfen: Commons:Graphic Lab/Photography workshop.
Alle Klarheiten wie immer beseitigt. LG ,--Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:01, 8 August 2017 (UTC)

Moin und Danke, Hedwig ! Super und schnell gelöst. Das mit dem Deckel hoffe ich auch, wäre aber schon komisch. Für das andere versuche ich die von Dir genannten Dinge zu lösen. Grüße aus Ruhland ! --Wilhelm Zimmerling PAR (talk) 05:40, 8 August 2017 (UTC)

Inselbahn Amrum

Moin Hedwig. Danke für den Hinweis auf meiner Disk. Ich habe das Bild geschossen und es kann unter einer CC-Lizenz Deiner Wahl gerne wieder veröffentlicht werden. Gruß --Matthias Süßen (talk) 07:52, 2 August 2017 (UTC)

@Matthias Süßen: Vielen Dank fuer die Blumen, geht so aber leider nicht. Du musst die Lizenz selber festlegen. Du hast bei einem anderen Bild {{cc-by-sa-4.0}} genutzt. OK? --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:28, 7 August 2017 (UTC)
Sorry für die Arbeit, die ich Dir mache. {{cc-by-sa-4.0}} ist super. Gruß --Matthias Süßen (talk) 06:40, 7 August 2017 (UTC)
Kein Problem. Erledigt und eingebaut: w:de:Amrumer Inselbahn. LG, --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 01:44, 8 August 2017 (UTC)

Do you remember Holy Goo?

User Holy Goo is cursing Commons on the Wikipedia in Portuguese. The translation of "Duvido que eles serão inteligentes o suficiente para chegar a essa segunda conclusão. E depois dizem que sou nervoso" is "I doubt they will be smart enough to come to this second conclusion. He just got blocked there because of it. Also see what he did here too 1, 2 and 3. Hugs. 06:28, 6 August 2017 (UTC)

Thx, I have an eye on this. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 04:00, 7 August 2017 (UTC)
✓ Done HG shot himself in the foot this time. Blocked indef by Daphne. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 01:12, 8 August 2017 (UTC)

Undelete request

Hi Hedwig in Washington, I recently put up a group of 13 photos from Tony Robbins. The photos were immediately taken down, I guess because there was no permission letter on file ahead of time, since I first wanted to generate the URLs to place in the permission letter. In any case, now the permission letter has been sent by Tony Robbins declaring that he is the sole copyright holder of all the photos, so I hope you will be able to un-delete the photos so some of them can be used on his Wikipedia page. I was cc'd a copy of the permission letter, and I am posting it here for your convenience.

I hereby affirm that I, Tony Robbins am the sole owner of the exclusive copyright of

I agree to publish that work under the free license: "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported"

I acknowledge that by doing so I grant anyone the right to use the work in a commercial product or otherwise, and to modify it according to their needs, provided that they abide by the terms of the license and any other applicable laws.

I am aware that this agreement is not limited to Wikipedia or related sites.

I am aware that I always retain copyright of my work, and retain the right to be attributed in accordance with the license chosen. Modifications others make to the work will not be claimed to have been made by me.

I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw this agreement, and that the content may or may not be kept permanently on a Wikimedia project.

Tony Robbins, Jami Schlicher and their relevant email address (to allow future verification of authenticity)

I, Tony Robbins, am the copyright holder (or: I, Jami Schlicher, am the appointed representative of Tony Robbins) of the attached images or images at the following url's:


As I stated above, this is just a copy I received. There should be the same letter on file with the OTRS volunteers on Commons. Thank you so much, Mr. John Caffeinated (talk) 07:43, 7 August 2017 (UTC)

@Mr. John Caffeinated: Sorry, we have 60+ days of backlog. We work as fast as we can. Have a few cups of joe in the meantime to stay caffeinated! (Love the username!) C(_) --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:10, 8 August 2017 (UTC)
Thanks. I know it can take a while. Maybe the problem is too much 'joe' on my part? I do get impatient sometimes. As long as I know its in the pipeline, I can now lay back and chill. Mr. John Caffeinated (talk) 07:21, 9 August 2017 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #272

Temporarily undeleted


Can I remove {{Temporarily undeleted}} from File:Prof. Tony Jun Huang.jpg? I think it has a valid permission now. Thank you 4nn1l2 (talk) 22:44, 11 August 2017 (UTC)

{@4nn1l2: Yeah you could, no problem. You as OTRS agent can certainly be trusted to remove a template like that. yes I removed the template real quick. Thanks for heads up! --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:09, 12 August 2017 (UTC)

Frage zur R-126

Hi Hedwig,

Wieso hast du hier die IP-Bearbeitung rückgängig gemacht? Die Einordnung in die Cat war doch korrekt? Weil der User gesperrt ist? (Mir ist das am Ende egal, aber ich wollte gerade exakt die gleiche Cat anfügen und wurde über den Halbschutz stutzig. Und bevor ich unerwünschte Dinge tue...) Gruß, --Druschba 4 (talk) 00:45, 12 August 2017 (UTC)

Und im Fall von File:RD-115(inside).JPG kann die Oberkategorie doch raus, oder? Gruß, --Druschba 4 (talk) 00:56, 12 August 2017 (UTC)
@Druschba 4: Ja, HHubi socked hier rum. Du kannst da gerne an den Kategorien rumbasteln. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:05, 12 August 2017 (UTC)
Alles klar, danke dir. --Druschba 4 (talk) 08:33, 12 August 2017 (UTC)


[1]: FWIW, I'd have left this. It helps to make clear to all where this user is coming from. I'd be inclined to let such people discredit themselves publicly. - Jmabel ! talk 15:20, 25 August 2017 (UTC)

@Jmabel: Restored. I thought you might have forgotten to take the trash out. ;-) Good point you are making, thanks for your thoughts. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:00, 26 August 2017 (UTC)

نشان مترجم

سپاس از شما بسیار لطف کردید 🌷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Mohammadmansoory666 (talk) 04:20, 26 August 2017 (UTC) Mohammadmansoory666 (talk) 04:20, 26 August 2017 (UTC)

Deletion of image file [Ticket#2017071610005181] Confirmation of receipt (Re: Craig Chaquico Photo [...])

Hello, I think this file was prematurely deleted since the photographer had sent his permission to use his file with the proper license via the Interactive Permission Tool and given his permission to me to upload it. This is the response he got: Dear Dave Cackowski:

Thank you for your email. This is an automatically generated response to inform you that your message has been received. Because all emails are handled by volunteers, it may take some time for us to reply. We kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we try our best to reply as quickly as possible. If your article or file has been deleted in the mean time, please don't worry. Any administrator can restore these later.

If you want to send more emails about the same subject, please add the following to the subject bar of the email: [Ticket#: 2017071610005181].If you could restore it, I would greatly appreciate your help. Grateful for any help!Cheryl Fullerton (talk) 21:32, 3 August 2017 (UTC)Cheryl Fullerton

@Cheryl Fullerton: Sorry, the backlog is terrible. As of today it's 63 days and probably not getting better soon. It's the summertime. ☀ --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:33, 7 August 2017 (UTC)

My new photos

Hi, I am very new to adding photos, and i was wondering if when you have a chance you could take a look at them and check if I have done it correctly. Again whenever you can and if you do not want to do not feel like you have to do it. Thank you Jkd4855 (talk) 15:50, 10 August 2017 (UTC)

@Jkd4855: I just delete Fenchurch Station Platforms.jpg as requested. On second thought I probably shouldn't have. Anyway.
You might want to take a look at the geograph upload tool: If you have more questions, feel free to ask me or Com:VP for general questions and Com:VPCOPY for everything copyright related. Cheers, --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 04:04, 12 August 2017 (UTC)


Ich glaube, daß er in einer größeren Behörde im Kölner Raum sitzt, wo er von einem Rechner zum nächsten rennt um mit immer neuen IP Adressen hier aufzuschlagen. Scheint nicht viel sonstige Beschäftigung zu haben! -- Centenier (talk) 09:42, 12 August 2017 (UTC)

Ja, sieht schon stark nach Beamtentum aus. Hier in den Staaten wuerden wir eher w:en:Department of Motor Vehicles vermuten. ;-) --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 23:09, 13 August 2017 (UTC)

User: Ferhad Kurdi

I do apologize, I was not aware of all the deletions and warnings. Thank you so much for letting me know. I do upload photos that I'm unsure about copyright, but I give it its reference or HTTP for that reason. Regards ^___^ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ferhad Kurdi (talk • contribs) 07:34, 13 August 2017 (UTC)

@Ferhad Kurdi: Please don't upload photos with unclear copyright status. This will end in your account being blocked here. If you are unsure if a photograph is ok, please ask first! A good place to ask is here: Com:VPCOPY Thanks! C(_) --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 23:18, 13 August 2017 (UTC)
@Hedwig in Washington: I am very disappointed to know that all the photos I have uploaded have been deleted while some of them should not be. A friend of me has taken some pictures and gave me permission to add them, but unfortunately they have been deleted. could you please give a clarification? Thank you ^___^ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ferhad Kurdi (talk • contribs) 08:16, 14 August 2017 (UTC)
It is pretty simple. If you haven't created it, you need permission. Statements like above (from a friend) aren't good enough, we need proof. Have your friend upload it by themself or have them send permission to OTRS. Instructions here -> Com:OTRS. You can also ask copyright questions here: Com:VPCOPY. Best, --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:46, 15 August 2017 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #274

Sorry very much

Sorry for ignoring some of the provisions of the Wikimedia Commons.
I promise to fix the above error to not lock the right to work anymore.
Love! Giang-wikia (talk) 06:34, 20 August 2017 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #273

The filter should be redundant to Special:AbuseFilter/141. If you see any edits by the LTA that's not caught by 141 please notify me. DL used to do this :/ --Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 05:12, 14 August 2017 (UTC)

I saw just your message to @RadiX: and fixed 141 for Special:Diff/255277584 --Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 05:37, 14 August 2017 (UTC)
Ok, thanks for letting me know. RadiX 10:58, 14 August 2017 (UTC)
@Zhuyifei1999: Will do. Thanks! --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:43, 15 August 2017 (UTC)

Neoguri image

Hi and could you please revert your image to the Typhoon Neoguri image? The image has to be a JPG image not a PNG because it made the image blurry now. I have made so much effort in the image and now you ruined the image. Thanks so much. Typhoon2013 (talk) 00:26, 17 August 2017 (UTC)

@Typhoon2013: ✓ Done Sorry, somehow I mixed the two files up and deleted the jpg. Thanks for letting me know! --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 00:36, 17 August 2017 (UTC)


Hi, Please see m:Steward_requests/Global#Global_lock_for_Classiccardinal. Regards, Yann (talk) 18:36, 21 August 2017 (UTC)

What a joke, thanks for all your help Meta. He's not getting unlocked Commons, that's for sure. Otherwise I throw in the towel for good. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 00:10, 27 August 2017 (UTC)

Question about block evasion

Hi Hedwig!

Can a user upload or edit content here on behalf of another user that is indefinitely blocked on Commons?

The content is valid but it looks like some sort of block evasion to me.

Thanks! Dune Sodium (talk) 04:13, 27 August 2017 (UTC)

@Dune Sodium: No, that is not allowed. The user who assists an indef blocked user is likely to be blocked himself. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 04:22, 27 August 2017 (UTC)
Hi! Thanks for your reply! Dune Sodium (talk) 04:45, 27 August 2017 (UTC)
Please, check your email. Thanks! Dune Sodium (talk) 04:53, 27 August 2017 (UTC)
I noticed. I am not an admin on the project concerned. You need to find help over there. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 05:03, 27 August 2017 (UTC)
I'm sorry to hear that none can be made here on Commons regarding the issue, but thank you very much for your assistance. Dune Sodium (talk) 05:07, 27 August 2017 (UTC)

Collin Dugmore / Bilder

Hi, warum hast Du die Bilder gelöscht? Collin Dugmore persönlich hat euch die E-Mails an geschickt das er Inhaber des vollumfänglichen Nutzungsrechts ist. Vorgangs-Nummer: 1113-0ff80ae74e95f392, Vorgangs-Nummer: 1112-8e76e336b18c2ae3., Vorgangs-Nummer: 1114-204e99b74229e0ed. Bildnamen: „File:Collin.Dugmore mit Burkhard Sarholz von KTM Sarholz.jpg“, „File:Collin Dugmore.jpg“ „File:Dugmore Offroad Schools.jpg“ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Crusty450 (talk • contribs) 18:11, 18 August 2017 (UTC)

Diese Vorgangsnummern gibt es bei uns nicht. Bitte die Ticket# angeben. Kein Ticket => Datei wird nach 15 Tagen geloescht, weil wir keine Dateien ohne gültige Freigabe und/oder Lizenz hosten können. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 23:38, 18 August 2017 (UTC)

Thank you for Advice

Hereafter i wont do any copyright violations, then how could we add the pictures of celebrities. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Napolee007 (talk • contribs) 05:59, 26 August 2017 (UTC)

@Napolee007: You have to find free photographs or shoot yourself a few pics. That's what we all do. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 23:00, 26 August 2017 (UTC)

I am sending an OTRS permission while you deleted my photo. Could you restore it and I add the template of OTRS pending? Thank you. Gm King (talk) 03:02, 28 August 2017 (UTC)

@Gm King: ✓ Done Sometimes I am too fast... C(_) --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:05, 28 August 2017 (UTC)
@Hedwig in Washington: Is okay. This is the ticket number: Ticket:2017082810003916 . Thank you. Gm King (talk) 03:09, 28 August 2017 (UTC)
You have mail. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:26, 28 August 2017 (UTC)
@Gm King: User:Gm King/Declaration of File:KYP16-AndreaSo 307.jpg doesn't work this way. If you want a declaration of any kind, you need to remove the no reproduction part and the no edit part. It's fine to say it's in use on the Chinese Wikipedia, but that doesn't make much sense. There is an automatic list, just scroll down a bit - it will show usually within a minute after you added it to a wiki page. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:55, 28 August 2017 (UTC)

Could you also help to deal with this photo? This is the same situation as File:KYP16-AndreaSo 307.jpg. Thank you. Gm King (talk) 03:47, 28 August 2017 (UTC)

I rather have someone reading Chinese deal with this one. Some of the emails are partly in Chinese. The Google Translator often makes mincemeat when translating Chinese -> English. I hope you understand. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:55, 28 August 2017 (UTC)
Okay, thank you. Gm King (talk) 04:00, 28 August 2017 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #275

Dear Hedwig in Washington,

This picture you deleted today, was used in nl:Philip van Praag sr., see [2]. The uploader of the file tries to remove the image from the article since 9 August, see the article history. Yesterday the user uploaded a new version of the file, consisting of an egal white background, which was undone by Xxmarijnw. Could you ckeck whether the deletion was correct? Wikiwerner (talk) 13:33, 26 August 2017 (UTC)

@Wikiwerner: The user tricked me into thinking that the file is just plain old white. I should have checked. Restored, the picture is back in the article, I made a creator page, added the whole caboodle in Wikidata. I protected the file so only admins can alter anything. Might be a good idea for the article for a few days/weeks on NLwiki. Sorry for the mishap. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 04:23, 27 August 2017 (UTC)
Fortunately it has been solved now. Thank you very much! I have the Wikipedia article on my Watchlist; if the vandalism continues, I will request to block the user. Wikiwerner (talk) 13:14, 27 August 2017 (UTC)

r Andrassy66

Hi Mr. Hedwig in Washington, I write before I saw that he blocked the following user titled above, accusing him of being a sock or puppet of a3cb1, I would say that is not so, since the uploaded files respect the prerogatives Of the PD License, he is not a puppet, are just instances made by the User:Jeff G. thinking the uploads are copyviol, but it is absolutely not true,-- 14:56, 31 August 2017 (UTC)

And you know this how?   — Jeff G. ツ 15:28, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
Knock off that nonsense and find something else to do. IP block as it is a A3cb1 sock --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:27, 2 September 2017 (UTC)


Hey Hedwig, wanna hear some jokes that will definently "tickle your funny bone"?😄😄😄😄--Wiki Jokes (talk) 13:00, 27 September 2017 (UTC)

Undelete request

Hello, you deleted the file file:Mauricio Rosenmann Taub 2008.jpg from the german, english and french article Mauricio Rosenmann Taub. The photograph is in the article since years. I myself made it and ask you to undelete it. As I see i'm not the only one affected by your practice. I feels quite rude. Please be more careful. Kastenwirbel (talk) 15:06, 5 September 2017 (UTC)

@Kastenwirbel: Uploading 16 copyvios in a row is rude. How can we know that this one photograph is really yours? Please be more careful with your uploads and cease uploading protected media. IF the photograph actually is yours, please send permission to OTRS and let me know the ticket number. If everything checks out, I'll restore the file. If you want to, you can use the ; release generator here] and attach the file. Still, let me know the ticket number. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:57, 6 September 2017 (UTC)


Hello I want to know about upload photos on Commonc عاقب نذیر (talk) 05:52, 2 September 2017 (UTC)

Start here: Commons:First steps --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 05:53, 2 September 2017 (UTC)

Liz Bonnin photo

I feel a little bit silly asking this, but how do you know that the Liz Bonnin photo copyright belongs to the photographer Toby Strong? Greg (talk) 02:41, 31 August 2017 (UTC)

We have some tools that help us finding copyright violations. How do you know about this? --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:47, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
Are those tools only accessible to administrators? They sound extremely useful - I would love to get my hands on them! I found this via CommonsDelinker on the Bonnin history page. Greg (talk) 13:16, 1 September 2017 (UTC)
@Greggydude: The easiest thing is to scroll all the way down and have a look at the metadata/exif data. That often shows © ABC.... Two great tools you can use are TinEye and GoogleImageSearch. You can activate them in the preferences, gadgets. Just look for TinEye, Google is right below that. Refresh your browser. Press the down arrow when you are on file page, it show both TinEye and Google. Enjoy! --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:53, 2 September 2017 (UTC)

Overwriting source and licensing with wrong information

It looks like recently you've been dealing with the duplication between Oxyman's uploads to Commons and lower-resolution versions of the same pictures imported via Geograph. I'm all in favour of this, but I'm have serious reservations about how you've merged the metadata. To take a concrete example, File:313032 at Finsbury Park.jpg was uploaded by Oxyman to Commons in 2009, licensed {{self|GFDL|cc-by-2.5}}. They also uploaded a lower-resolution version of it to Geograph: 1275619. As a result of your changes, the Commons version is now marked as having come from Geograph and as being licensed only {{cc-by-sa-2.0}}. You've also overwritten the {{Location}} template and removed the time of day from the date field. I think it would be better if you left the original source and licence, and only replaced date and location where the replacement is obviously an improvement. --bjh21 (talk) 10:46, 3 September 2017 (UTC)

@Bjh21: Right you are. Thank you for pointing this out and restoring the information! C(_) --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 21:55, 3 September 2017 (UTC)

Commons:Deletion requests/File:Cyclopentanol 001.png

Looks like you deleted the svg version instead of the png. I can't see the svg, but I assume it was correct, and shouldn't have been deleted? kennethaw88talk 07:51, 4 September 2017 (UTC)

@Kennethaw88: m( Repaired. Thanks for keeping an eye on the shop! --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 04:01, 6 September 2017 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #276

ultuna mesai?

Balungkang ie comisanke do di oitelang narung cikonto abelas? Kumhahti liraouet banga, tum hehe isalum kenotingan gungfadelo, ie domon reulun tusabeng pambuhlin telu kantamngo di kahu, tul besamato lopemo riebenu, on gongwa - Buileducanh (talk) 15:28, 5 September 2017 (UTC)

@Buileducanh: Please write in another language, if possible. Google Translator can't translate any of this. Thank you! --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 03:19, 6 September 2017 (UTC)

Undelete request

Hi, I am just checking back since it has been a month since you deleted a group of 13 photos from Tony Robbins. I tried to find the original request that I sent to you on August 7, but it seems you cleaned up your talk page and it must be archived and I could not find it. Tony Robbins has sent a permission letter to WikiCommons, so there should not be a copyright violation problem. Can you please check this and see if you can undelete these photos. Here are the URLs:

Thank you so, so much. Mr. John Caffeinated (talk) 06:57, 30 August 2017 (UTC)

The backlog is up from 60 to 80 days within a month. Sorry. We do what we can. --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 22:55, 30 August 2017 (UTC)
What if I just re-uploaded ONE of the above pictures and put a "permission pending" tag on it, and then used it to replace the "headshot" that is on the Tony Robbins page now? I want to use the one that is called "File:TonyRobbins_Headshot.jpg". What do you think of that idea? Thanks, Mr. John Caffeinated (talk) 06:29, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
Reuploading deleted media is always a bad idea. What is the ticket number? --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:40, 2 September 2017 (UTC)

Hallo, kannst du bitte, nachdem du die Datei umbenannt hast, auch den Link zur FP Nominierungsseite reparieren. Der funktioniert nämlich jetzt nicht mehr und ich weis nicht wie ich den reparieren kann. Nebenbei frage ich mich, wer diese Umbenunngsanträge stellt, bei denen eine ganze Beschreibung in den Dateinamen soll, dafür gibt's ja eigentlich das Bildbeschreibungsfeld. Ich sehe da keinen Mehrwert. Viele Grüße --Berthold Werner (talk) 07:39, 4 September 2017 (UTC)

Die Reparatur ist unterdessen erfolgt, nachdem Berthold auch im Commons-Forum nachgefragt hat. Hedwig, es ist für den Link zur Nominierung egal, aber bedenke in Zukunft Folgendes aus der Einleitung zu Commons:File renaming#Which files should be renamed?: “Uploaders often have schemas naming their files; moving files might break them. If possible, language and schema should be preserved, as well as the camera or catalogue number.” Da Du Admin bist, könntest Du nicht die Datei in Capri harbour from Anacapri BW 2013-05-14 13-32-36.jpg umbenennen und die Version unter dem frisch angelegten Namen wieder löschen? Edit (19:18, 5 September 2017 (UTC)): Wenn ich so überlege, ist das Löschen gar nicht norwendig, dann hat man eben eine Weiterleitung mehr. — Speravir – 19:04, 5 September 2017 (UTC)
Hedwig, da Du gerade aktiv bist: Ich habe im Admin-Forum eine Bitte gestartet, eine Vorlage zur Übersetzung zu markieren. Kannst Du so nett sein? Das hat übrigens eine direkte Beziehung zu meinem obigen Text, weil ich dort ursprünglich eigentlich „nur“ etwas an der Textauszeichnung ändern wollte … — Speravir – 02:56, 6 September 2017 (UTC)
@Speravir: ✓ Done --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:59, 6 September 2017 (UTC)
Dafür von mir ein Danke schön! -<-@ — Speravir – 03:05, 6 September 2017 (UTC)
M*st, ich hab einen Tippfehler eingebaut, also gleich nochmal, bitte? Diesmal mit Direktlink hier: Template:File renaming reasons/i18n. — Speravir – 03:27, 6 September 2017 (UTC)
@Speravir: ✓ Done --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 04:00, 6 September 2017 (UTC)
yes — Speravir – 16:25, 6 September 2017 (UTC)

Hi HinWash, I was a bit surprised that you speedied this and its associated file less than an hour after I informed the uploader of the OTRS process on the File Talk page as well as her User talk page. Since she was contesting the SD, don't you think she should have been given a reasonable time to respond? JGHowes talk - 16:01, 4 September 2017 (UTC)

Not in this case. The intention of this pic is plain advertising for another business adventure of her, see the filename. I didn't see any reason to keep the file. Anyhow, I (almost) never use the file talk page, only the user talk page, since this page doesn't get deleted (normally). If you see this case differently, feel free to go ahead and restore the file. I wouldn't take this the wrong way. As long as the other admin gives me a short info, I don't mind to be reverted. C(_) --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 02:38, 6 September 2017 (UTC)
I don't see any reason to revert at this point, unless she appeals. It undoubtedly would have eventually been deleted anyway, as out of scope. I do use the file talk page so that others can readily see what's going on and that's what the template says to do. JGHowes talk - 13:48, 8 September 2017 (UTC)

File:Hansjürg Saager (2017).jpg


you have deleted the file even though the rights owner has sent a release mail to the team. I assured him that this will work if he follows exactly the instructions. What an embarrassment! How is this possible? His mail reads like this:

   -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
   Betreff: Ticket#: 2017081310002874
   Datum: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 08:18:17 +0200
   Von: <>
   Kopie (CC):
   Guten Morgen
   Ich erkläre in Bezug auf das Bild Hansjürg Saager (2017) (ürg Saager (2017).jpg), dass ich den Inhaber eines vollumfänglichen Nutzungsrechtes rechtmäßig vertrete.
   Ich erlaube hiermit jedermann die Weiternutzung des Bildes unter der freien Lizenz „Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0“ (
   Ich gewähre somit in urheberrechtlicher Hinsicht Dritten das Recht, das Bild (auch gewerblich) zu nutzen und zu verändern, sofern sie die Lizenzbedingungen wahren. Mir ist bekannt, dass ich diese Einwilligung üblicherweise nicht widerrufen kann.
   Mir ist bekannt, dass sich die Unterstellung unter eine freie Lizenz nur auf das Urheberrecht bezieht und es mir daher unbenommen ist, aufgrund anderer Gesetze (Persönlichkeitsrecht, Markenrecht usw.) gegen Dritte vorzugehen, die das Bild im Rahmen der freien Lizenz rechtmäßig, aufgrund der anderen Gesetze aber unrechtmäßig nutzen.
   Gleichwohl erwerbe ich keinen Anspruch darauf, dass das Bild dauerhaft auf der Wikipedia eingestellt wird.
   Thomas Peterhans
   sda awp multimedia
   Corporate Publishing Redaktion

--Peteremueller (talk) 06:23, 14 September 2017 (UTC)

Large range

Hi! I removed the block for registered users on the range (which is used by A3cb1 - but I maintained the IP block) because it is quite a large range for Italian IPs, and at WikiLoveMonuments they received some complains from regular used that are being blocked. Cheers! --Ruthven (msg) 12:42, 14 September 2017 (UTC)

Undeletion request for maps

Dear Hedwig, could you please review my undeletion request for maps deleted almost year ago. Somehow it appeared not so easy to prove those maps are not derived work. --Koryakov Yuri (talk) 12:41, 12 September 2017 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #278

Wikidata weekly summary #277

Wikidata weekly summary #279

Wikidata weekly summary #280

Dear Hedwig in Washington Thank You for your attention and vigilance. Indded the photos of my wife (list of them below) are available on web sites, because few years ago I posted them on The photos were made by me personally between 2005 and 2007. I understand that my explaininig is a very poor proof for You because in digital reality the copy is identity with original. Sincerely Your Stan old Stanisław Kucharczyk

File:Baby doll 2.jpg File:Baby doll 1.jpg File:Black bra gstring2.jpg File:Tanga front and back.jpg File:Tanga 1.jpg File:Tanga 3.jpg File:Tanga 0.jpg File:Gstring tanga4.jpg File:Gstring tanga3.jpg File:Gstring tanga2.jpg File:White bra and panties.jpg File:Crotchless tights 1.jpg File:Crotchless tights 2.jpg File:Gstring tanga.jpg File:Cameltoe 4.jpg File:Cameltoe 1.jpg File:Cameltoe 3.jpg File:Cameltoe 2.jpg File:Fishnet tights 4.jpg File:Fishnet tights 1.jpg File:Fishnet tights 3.jpg File:Fishnet tights 2.jpg File:Babydoll 3.jpg File:Half corset black.jpg File:Black camisole.jpg File:Cupless bra black1.jpg File:Black bra gstring.jpg File:White bra mature2.jpg File:White bra mature3.jpg File:Crotchless pantyhose back.jpg File:Crotchless pantyhose front.jpg File:Nipples of mature woman.jpg File:Breasts of mature woman.jpg File:Shelf bra black2.jpg File:Cupless bra black.jpg File:Female body mature.jpg File:Female body mature2.jpg File:Net pantyhose black.jpg File:G string lingerie.jpg File:White bra mature.jpg File:White babydoll back.jpg File:White babydoll front.jpg — Preceding unsigned comment added by Stan old (talk • contribs) 16:04, 6 September 2017 (UTC)

Copyright status unclear + the person is easily identifiable, consent needed. -> Com:Photographs of identifiable people#Consent --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 23:56, 27 September 2017 (UTC)

Hi Hedwig in Washington, I am a bored bot (this is kind of a computer program) that is watching the recent changes and tapping buttons like I did now.

Curious about the reason? Possibly not but I will tell you anyway:

  1. You edited MediaWiki:Gadget-fastcci.js. Thank you for caring about Wikimedia Commons's javascript pages.
  2. Though, that change appears to introduce 1 new esprima issue — the page's status is now having ERRORS.
  3. To help you understanding where the issues are, I have aggregated a report here and now. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask users experienced in javascript writing for help. But do not ask the bot's operators (chronically overwrought) unless you suspect an error of mine.
  1. ERROR: Cannot parse line 356 column 4: Unexpected identifier

Your CommonsMaintenanceBot (talk) at 07:02, 16 October 2017 (UTC).

Hi Hedwig in Washington, I am a bored bot (this is kind of a computer program) that is watching the recent changes and tapping buttons like I did now.

Curious about the reason? Possibly not but I will tell you anyway:

  1. You edited MediaWiki:Gadget-fastcci.js. Thank you for caring about Wikimedia Commons's javascript pages.
  2. Though, that change appears to introduce 14 new jshint issues — the page's status is now having ERRORS.
  3. To help you understanding where the issues are, I have aggregated a report here and now. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask users experienced in javascript writing for help. But do not ask the bot's operators (chronically overwrought) unless you suspect an error of mine.
  1. ISSUE: line 356 character 13: Expected '}' to match '{' from line 345 and instead saw 'sv'. - Evidence: sv: 'Om FastCCI...',
  2. ISSUE: line 356 character 15: Expected '}' to match '{' from line 31 and instead saw ':'. - Evidence: sv: 'Om FastCCI...',
  3. ISSUE: line 356 character 16: Missing semicolon. - Evidence: sv: 'Om FastCCI...',
  4. ISSUE: line 357 character 9: Unexpected '}'. - Evidence: },
  5. ISSUE: line 356 character 32: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. - Evidence: sv: 'Om FastCCI...',
  6. ISSUE: line 356 character 33: Missing semicolon. - Evidence: sv: 'Om FastCCI...',
  7. ISSUE: line 358 character 14: Expected ')' and instead saw ':'. - Evidence: 'Ok' : {
  8. ISSUE: line 358 character 15: Missing semicolon. - Evidence: 'Ok' : {
  9. ISSUE: line 359 character 17: Label 'ar' on موافق statement. - Evidence: ar: 'موافق',
  10. ISSUE: line 360 character 13: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. - Evidence: de: 'OK',
  11. ISSUE: line 360 character 15: Missing semicolon. - Evidence: de: 'OK',
  12. ISSUE: line 360 character 15: Expected '}' to match '{' from line 358 and instead saw ':'. - Evidence: de: 'OK',
  13. ISSUE: line 361 character 13: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. - Evidence: hr: 'U redu'
  14. ISSUE: line 361 character 15: Missing semicolon. - Evidence: hr: 'U redu'
  15. ISSUE: line 361 character 15: Expected '(end)' and instead saw ':'. - Evidence: hr: 'U redu'

Your CommonsMaintenanceBot (talk) at 07:02, 16 October 2017 (UTC).

Wikidata weekly summary #281