User talk:Spurzem/Archive 7
This is an archive of past discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page. If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the current talk page. |
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Opel GT 1900 (2016-07-02 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Opel GT 1900, Heck (2017-07-01 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:15, 21 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Yamaha XS 750 u. Rennmotorrad Kreidler 50-cm³-Eigenbau (2017-06-11 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Yamaha XS 750 (re.) u. Kreidler-Eigenbau (Foto Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:17, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
Hallo Spurzem, Bei allem Respekt vor deinen Fotografien hier auf Commons, kannst du bitte deinen Kleinkrieg gegen A.Savin unverzüglich einstellen? Es haben mich schon mehrere Nutzer hinsichtlich dem angesprochen, deshalb schreibe ich auch hier.
Konkret geht es um:
- "Ich muss vorsichtig sein, A.Savan's [sic] Kritik zu bewerten; denn wahrscheinlich würde er mich wieder sperren"
- "Was wollen Sie mit dieser Schikane bezwecken, und was meinen Sie konkret?"
- "Ich habe den Eindruck, dass Sie mich provozieren wollen"
- "Sie wollen offensichtlich Macht demonstrieren" etc.
- "ist auch bemüht, mich hinauszuekeln"
- Und so weiter
Ich vermag, objektiv gesehen, keine Schikane zu erkennen - lediglich einen Konflikt. Also bitte sachlich bleiben und ad-personam vermeiden und friedlich, im Sinne von COM:AGF und COM:MELLOW miteinander Kommunizieren. An sich wären deine Auslassungen schon sperrbar, möchte aber noch einmal ausdrücklich darauf hinweisen so das es für die Zukunft klar ist. Also bitte löse zukünftig Konflikte sachlich, denn wenn du so so weiterfährst wird es früher oder später zu einer Sperre führen. Wer von euch beiden recht hat ist mir allerdings egal, es geht alleine darum sachlich zu bleiben. Also bitte. lg --Steinsplitter (talk) 10:07, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
- Hallo Steinsplitter, Dein letzter Satz ist wohl der entscheidende: Wer recht hat, ist egal. Vielleicht sollte ich den seinerzeitigen Rat befolgen und mich aus den Commons ganz zurückziehen. Viele Jahre hat es Spaß gemacht, Bilder hochzuladen und gelegentlich sogar Anerkennung zu erfahren. Inzwischen aber droht der Ärger zu überwiegen und ich frage mich, warum ich überhaupt mitgemacht habe. Wikipedia würde sicher auch ohne meine Fotos existieren. Trotzdem noch einmal zu dem, was ich mit Schikane meinte: Jahrelang verlangte niemand, zu Fotos von Fahrzeugen Kategorien anzulegen, aus denen Anlass und Ort der Aufnahme ersichtlich sind, und darüber hinaus eventuell einen Kategorienbaum zu erstellen, damit sie als brauchbar anerkannt werden können. Plötzlich aber erlässt jemand diese Vorschrift, die andere zu befolgen haben. Freundliche Grüße -- Spurzem (talk) 19:37, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
- Woher nimmst du denn die "Vorschrift"? Du nominierst ein Bild als Qualitätsbild, jemand anderes - Admin oder nicht - meint, dass es aus diesen oder jenen Gründen nicht wäre. Darüber kann man doch diskutieren! Und wenn Alexander meint, dass es ein systematischer Mangel deiner Bilder wäre, dass sie nicht richtig kategorisiert sind, dann kannst du dem doch entgegentreten und entweder argumentieren, dass das nicht der Fall ist, dass das - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - nicht notwendig ist, oder halt das "Qualitätsbilder müssen ... brauchbar kategorisiert ... sein" aus den Regeln herausnehmen. Alles Dinge, über die man sine ira et studio reden kann. Du diskutierst aber nicht inhaltlich, sondern emotional und ad personam - und setzt dich damit automatisch ins Unrecht. Und, ja, die Qualitätsbilder sind halt eine Privatveranstaltung einiger weniger, mit eigenen Regeln usw. Ich für mein Teil weiß jedenfalls, warum ich dort nicht mitmache. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 20:53, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
- Dass QIC eine "Privatveranstaltung einiger weniger" ist, wusste ich bisher nicht. Das erklärt jetzt freilich, dass von Fall zu Fall individuell bewertet wird: mal nach der technischen Qualität eines Bildes, mal nach der Komposition, mal nach der Aussagekraft und ein anderes mal nach der Frage, ob der Fotograf eine zweite, dritte oder vierte Kategorie wählte oder erstellte, die für das Motiv absolut unbedeutend ist. Wäre es aber nicht erstrebenswert, dass das "QI-Siegel" etwas über die Qualität eines Bildes aussagt, wenn ich mir zum Beispiel aus einer großen Anzahl die guten Bilder anzeigen lasse, und nicht, dass es in eine willkürlich verlangte Kategorie eingeordnet ist? Es wäre schön, wenn die Betreiber der Privatveranstaltung QIC darüber nachdächten und Kritik nicht als schwere Beleidigung zurückwiesen. -- Spurzem (talk) 21:36, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
- Um es in Zahlen zu fassen: Es sind rund 150 Benutzer, die sich mehr oder minder aktiv an QIC beteiligen, angesichts der 30.000 aktiven Commons-Benutzer eine - horribile dictu - vernachlässigbare Zahl. Und: man kann ja niemanden zwingen, an bestimmten Diskussionen teilzunehmen, also z.B. auch über die Qualitätsbilder zu befinden. Es werden also immer nur diejenigen sein, die sich dort - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - wohlfühlen, die die Umstände und den Umgangston dort bestimmen.
- Rein grundsätzlich befindet man sich in Commons aber in einem gewissen Widerspruch, wenn man einerseits Bilder als Qualitätsbilder auszeichnet, ansonsten aber Qualität ausdrücklich kein Kriterium ist. Die Überlegung sollte also schon bei der Frage einsetzen, an wen sich die Qualitätsbilder überhaupt richten. (Wenn man mich fragt: Nur an die Insassen von QIC - den Normalnutzer von Commons interessieren sie nicht die Bohne, der ist entweder froh, überhaupt ein Bild gefunden zu haben oder hat ganz eigene Auswahlkriterien...) --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 10:49, 23 July 2017 (UTC)
- Mir begegnen in Wikipedia, Wikivoyage usw. ziemlich oft Bilder, die nicht optimal sind. Entweder ich verbessere das selbst schnell oder ich suche was Besseres. Und genau dafür ist die Schaltfläche "gute Bilder" hervorragend geeignet. --Ralf Roleček 11:37, 23 July 2017 (UTC)
- Na ja, mag sein, dass es für dich ein nützliches Werkzeug ist - trotzdem werden diese Möglichkeiten im Allgemeinen eher selten genutzt. Vor allem, weil es eben doch sehr viele gute Bilder auch jenseits der "quality images" gibt - und weil nicht jedes qualitativ gute Bild auch wirklich zur Illustration eines Sachverhalts geeignet ist. Wir hatten grad eine entsprechende Diskussion in der Hamburger Community anlässlich der Ernennung der Speicherstadt zum Weltkulturerbe - es gibt ein von der fotografischen Qualität sehr gutes Bild aus der Speicherstadt (hat m.W. einen Preis bei WLM gewonnen) - das aber leider sehr wenig von der Speicherstadt zeigt und daher zur Illustration eher schlecht geeignet ist. Man kann auf jeden Fall lange diskutieren, was "Qualität" ausmacht und wie weit fotografische Qualität z.B. für Wikipedia wichtig ist (bei der üblicherweise kaum mehr als daumennagelgroßen Darstellung kommt es m.E. auf anderes an als auf leichte Schärfeprobleme oder Flecken - ganz zu schweigen natürlich von "richtiger Kategorisierung"). --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 13:32, 23 July 2017 (UTC)
- QI sollte ursprünglich mal die Bilder rausfiltern, die technisch auf akzeptablem Niveau sind. Anders als bei FP, wo immer wieder mal gerne ein "Wow" verlangt wird, sollten QI einfach nur nüchtern die Qualität abklopfen. Nun sieht aber jeder Qualität anders und das ist hier das Dilemma.
- Bei WLM & Co. geht es oft eher um künstlerische Qualität. Der enzyklopädische Wert ist auch so eine undefinierte Sache. Das wird nie einheitlich und von allen gleich gesehen. Bei der ganzen hier angesprochenen Geschichte gings jedoch weniger um die Qualität. Man kann das hier auch ziemlich klar sehen. Es geht um ein vernünftiges Miteinander. --Ralf Roleček 17:35, 23 July 2017 (UTC)
- Das besagte Bild war auch technisch hervorragend, nichtsdestoweniger aber vom Motiv her ungeeignet - ist aber auch egal...
- Mir ist schon klar, dass es hier um das Miteinander - in einem ganz bestimmten Bereich von Commons - geht. Und ich bin keineswegs der Meinung, dass Lothar da allein den Konflikt betreibt. Allerdings verhält er sich taktisch ungeschickt, wenn er nicht rein sachlich argumentiert, sondern das Ganze auf eine persönliche Ebene schiebt. Aber letztendlich macht ihr eure Regeln bei QIC selbst, müsst also untereinander klären, was beispielsweise unter "vernünftiger Kategorisierung" zu verstehen ist. Und ich halte mich da raus, denn QIC ist nun mal - wie ja schon mehrfach geschrieben - nicht mein Arbeitsgebiet, und Grund für administratives Eingreifen sehe ich nicht. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 08:35, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Wer sich wehrt, hat immmer Schuld. ;-) Stimmt's? -- Spurzem (talk) 08:47, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Nein: wer in einer Auseinandersetzung nicht sachlich bleibt, der macht es anderen schwer, seiner Argumentation zu folgen. "Sich wehren" und "wer hat Schuld" sind da schon einmal völlig falsche Ansätze, zumindest dann, wenn man vermitteln will, dass es um sachliche Fragen geht. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 12:33, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Wer sich wehrt, hat immmer Schuld. ;-) Stimmt's? -- Spurzem (talk) 08:47, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Na ja, mag sein, dass es für dich ein nützliches Werkzeug ist - trotzdem werden diese Möglichkeiten im Allgemeinen eher selten genutzt. Vor allem, weil es eben doch sehr viele gute Bilder auch jenseits der "quality images" gibt - und weil nicht jedes qualitativ gute Bild auch wirklich zur Illustration eines Sachverhalts geeignet ist. Wir hatten grad eine entsprechende Diskussion in der Hamburger Community anlässlich der Ernennung der Speicherstadt zum Weltkulturerbe - es gibt ein von der fotografischen Qualität sehr gutes Bild aus der Speicherstadt (hat m.W. einen Preis bei WLM gewonnen) - das aber leider sehr wenig von der Speicherstadt zeigt und daher zur Illustration eher schlecht geeignet ist. Man kann auf jeden Fall lange diskutieren, was "Qualität" ausmacht und wie weit fotografische Qualität z.B. für Wikipedia wichtig ist (bei der üblicherweise kaum mehr als daumennagelgroßen Darstellung kommt es m.E. auf anderes an als auf leichte Schärfeprobleme oder Flecken - ganz zu schweigen natürlich von "richtiger Kategorisierung"). --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 13:32, 23 July 2017 (UTC)
- Mir begegnen in Wikipedia, Wikivoyage usw. ziemlich oft Bilder, die nicht optimal sind. Entweder ich verbessere das selbst schnell oder ich suche was Besseres. Und genau dafür ist die Schaltfläche "gute Bilder" hervorragend geeignet. --Ralf Roleček 11:37, 23 July 2017 (UTC)
- Dass QIC eine "Privatveranstaltung einiger weniger" ist, wusste ich bisher nicht. Das erklärt jetzt freilich, dass von Fall zu Fall individuell bewertet wird: mal nach der technischen Qualität eines Bildes, mal nach der Komposition, mal nach der Aussagekraft und ein anderes mal nach der Frage, ob der Fotograf eine zweite, dritte oder vierte Kategorie wählte oder erstellte, die für das Motiv absolut unbedeutend ist. Wäre es aber nicht erstrebenswert, dass das "QI-Siegel" etwas über die Qualität eines Bildes aussagt, wenn ich mir zum Beispiel aus einer großen Anzahl die guten Bilder anzeigen lasse, und nicht, dass es in eine willkürlich verlangte Kategorie eingeordnet ist? Es wäre schön, wenn die Betreiber der Privatveranstaltung QIC darüber nachdächten und Kritik nicht als schwere Beleidigung zurückwiesen. -- Spurzem (talk) 21:36, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
- Woher nimmst du denn die "Vorschrift"? Du nominierst ein Bild als Qualitätsbild, jemand anderes - Admin oder nicht - meint, dass es aus diesen oder jenen Gründen nicht wäre. Darüber kann man doch diskutieren! Und wenn Alexander meint, dass es ein systematischer Mangel deiner Bilder wäre, dass sie nicht richtig kategorisiert sind, dann kannst du dem doch entgegentreten und entweder argumentieren, dass das nicht der Fall ist, dass das - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - nicht notwendig ist, oder halt das "Qualitätsbilder müssen ... brauchbar kategorisiert ... sein" aus den Regeln herausnehmen. Alles Dinge, über die man sine ira et studio reden kann. Du diskutierst aber nicht inhaltlich, sondern emotional und ad personam - und setzt dich damit automatisch ins Unrecht. Und, ja, die Qualitätsbilder sind halt eine Privatveranstaltung einiger weniger, mit eigenen Regeln usw. Ich für mein Teil weiß jedenfalls, warum ich dort nicht mitmache. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 20:53, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
- Hallo Steinsplitter, Dein letzter Satz ist wohl der entscheidende: Wer recht hat, ist egal. Vielleicht sollte ich den seinerzeitigen Rat befolgen und mich aus den Commons ganz zurückziehen. Viele Jahre hat es Spaß gemacht, Bilder hochzuladen und gelegentlich sogar Anerkennung zu erfahren. Inzwischen aber droht der Ärger zu überwiegen und ich frage mich, warum ich überhaupt mitgemacht habe. Wikipedia würde sicher auch ohne meine Fotos existieren. Trotzdem noch einmal zu dem, was ich mit Schikane meinte: Jahrelang verlangte niemand, zu Fotos von Fahrzeugen Kategorien anzulegen, aus denen Anlass und Ort der Aufnahme ersichtlich sind, und darüber hinaus eventuell einen Kategorienbaum zu erstellen, damit sie als brauchbar anerkannt werden können. Plötzlich aber erlässt jemand diese Vorschrift, die andere zu befolgen haben. Freundliche Grüße -- Spurzem (talk) 19:37, 22 July 2017 (UTC)
Reinhard, es hat wahrscheinlich keinen Zweck, weiter unsere Standpunkte auszutauschen. Trotzdem noch mal: Wenn jemand plötzlich neue Regeln aufstellt und von anderen verlangt, sich diesen Regeln zu unterwerfen, sollte Kritik erlaubt sein, nötigenfalls mit Nennung von Namen. Als ich mich an Dich wandte, war meine Hoffnung, dass ein Wort von Admin zu Admin zur Versachlichung beitragen könnte. -- Spurzem (talk) 13:56, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Nun ja, die Regel "Qualitätsbilder sollten brauchbar kategorisiert sein" ist ja nicht neu - es geht darum, was unter "brauchbarer Kategorisierung" zu verstehen ist. Wenn du auf Commons_talk:Quality_images_candidates/de gefragt hättest "Wie seht ihr das? Ich halte eine Kategorisierung in der Kategorie xyz für völlig ausreichend." hätte man das in Ruhe diskutieren können, und ich meine, eine Mehrheit hätte dir zugestimmt, dass Alexander da übers Ziel hinausgeschossen ist. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 14:16, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Auf einem der kritisierten Fotos zeige ich zum Beispiel einen NSU Ro 80 von 1976 und meine Frage war und ist, welche Bedeutung es für die Beurteilung des Bildes haben soll zu beschreiben, wo dieses Auto stand und aus welchem Anlass es dorthin gekommen war. Jahrelang wurde diese Information nicht verlangt und vor allem war es nicht nötig, neue Kategorien anzulegen. Freilich hätte ich eine Reihe anderer Benutzer zu befragen versuchen können, wie sie die Notwendigkeit dieser Kategorisierung einschätzen, bin aber überzeugt, dass das Ergebnis A.Savin nicht beeindruckt hätte. -- Spurzem (talk) 14:38, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Das glaube ich nun eher nicht. In der deutschen Wikipedia haben wir für so etwas die "Dritte Meinung" - wenn sich dabei ein klares Meinungsbild abzeichnet, gibt es eigentlich niemanden, der dagegen angeht, und wenn doch, wird er ziemlich schnell eingefangen. Wichtig ist halt immer, dass man sachlich bleibt, auch wenn ich verstehe, dass das manchmal schwerfällt. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 14:52, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Danke für Deine Verhaltensratschläge, die sicher gut gemeint sind. Aber glaube mir, dass ich sie als 75-Jähriger, der über 40 Jahre von Berufswegen täglich mit anderen Menschen zu tun hatte, sie nicht brauche. Und im Übrigen kann mir niemand ernsthaft vorhalten, in Wikipedia oder in Commons jemals ausfallend geworden zu sein. -- Spurzem (talk) 15:03, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Ich bin ja nun auch kein heuriger Hase mehr und pflege gemeinhin auch einen eher direkten Ton, der einigen nicht passt (schau mal auf meine Wiederwahlseite, was sich da für Mimöschen tummeln...) Insofern: es hat niemand von "ausfallend werden" gesprochen. Es ist schlicht und ergreifend so, dass eine Wortwahl "Schikane", "provozieren wollen" usw. nicht deeskalierend wirkt und man dann halt einfach in der Sache nicht weiterkommt. Und man halt manchmal zurückrudern muss. Hab ich auch schon oft genug gemacht, ich werte das nicht als Schande, sondern als Zeichen von Intelligenz. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 18:02, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Na ja, dann muss ich wohl hinnehmen, dass es mir an der nötigen Intelligenz mangelt. ;-) -- Spurzem (talk) 18:13, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Ich bin ja nun auch kein heuriger Hase mehr und pflege gemeinhin auch einen eher direkten Ton, der einigen nicht passt (schau mal auf meine Wiederwahlseite, was sich da für Mimöschen tummeln...) Insofern: es hat niemand von "ausfallend werden" gesprochen. Es ist schlicht und ergreifend so, dass eine Wortwahl "Schikane", "provozieren wollen" usw. nicht deeskalierend wirkt und man dann halt einfach in der Sache nicht weiterkommt. Und man halt manchmal zurückrudern muss. Hab ich auch schon oft genug gemacht, ich werte das nicht als Schande, sondern als Zeichen von Intelligenz. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 18:02, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Danke für Deine Verhaltensratschläge, die sicher gut gemeint sind. Aber glaube mir, dass ich sie als 75-Jähriger, der über 40 Jahre von Berufswegen täglich mit anderen Menschen zu tun hatte, sie nicht brauche. Und im Übrigen kann mir niemand ernsthaft vorhalten, in Wikipedia oder in Commons jemals ausfallend geworden zu sein. -- Spurzem (talk) 15:03, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Das glaube ich nun eher nicht. In der deutschen Wikipedia haben wir für so etwas die "Dritte Meinung" - wenn sich dabei ein klares Meinungsbild abzeichnet, gibt es eigentlich niemanden, der dagegen angeht, und wenn doch, wird er ziemlich schnell eingefangen. Wichtig ist halt immer, dass man sachlich bleibt, auch wenn ich verstehe, dass das manchmal schwerfällt. --Reinhard Kraasch (talk) 14:52, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
- Auf einem der kritisierten Fotos zeige ich zum Beispiel einen NSU Ro 80 von 1976 und meine Frage war und ist, welche Bedeutung es für die Beurteilung des Bildes haben soll zu beschreiben, wo dieses Auto stand und aus welchem Anlass es dorthin gekommen war. Jahrelang wurde diese Information nicht verlangt und vor allem war es nicht nötig, neue Kategorien anzulegen. Freilich hätte ich eine Reihe anderer Benutzer zu befragen versuchen können, wie sie die Notwendigkeit dieser Kategorisierung einschätzen, bin aber überzeugt, dass das Ergebnis A.Savin nicht beeindruckt hätte. -- Spurzem (talk) 14:38, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Opel Kadett A, Bj. 1964 (2017-06-11 Foto Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:18, 23 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Porsche 944 Cabrio (2016-07-02 Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Opel Kadett B Coupé (2016-05-01 Sp r).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! MGA 1600 Coupé (2017-07-01 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kreidler Eigenbau, Cockpit (2017-06-11 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:27, 25 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hanomag Granit 501-S (2017-04-06 r).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Moss Malvern (2017-06-11 Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Moss Malvern, Cockpit (2017-06-11 Foto Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Moss Malvern, Heck (2017-06-11 Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Opel Rekord D GS Coupé, Heck (2017-06-11 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:18, 27 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Gleisbaumaschine der Brohltalbahn - KLV 53-0592 (2007-06-09).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Oldsmobile Special 60 V8, Bj. 1947, Heck (2017-06-11 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Maria Laach - Paradies, Teufelchen (2017-06-06).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kreidler Eigenbau, 50 cm³ (2017-06-11 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 28 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Audi 100 C1 Coupé, Bj. 1976 (2017-06-11 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:17, 29 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham, Bauzeit 1973-74 (2017-06-11 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham, Bauzeit 1973-74, Front (2017-06-11 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Mercedes-Benz 170, Pritsche, Bj. 1953 (2014-06-15 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kirche St. Mauritius Kärlich - Mayer-Orgel 1994.JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:14, 30 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! 2007-06-17 06 Veritas RS, Bj. 1948, Cockpit.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! 2007-06-17 07 Veritas RS, Bj. 1948 (Motor BMW 328).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! BMW R 25-2, Bj. 1952 (2015-09-12 3694).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! DKW RT 175 (vorn), Bj. 1954, u. NSU Max (2015-09-12 3637).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 31 July 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Audi A3 Cabriolet, Heck, Bj. 2008 (2008-12-13).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Panther Kallista 2,8 L, Kühlerfigur (2015-09-12 3663).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Vauxhall DX 14HP Saloon, Bj. 37 (2011-09-24 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:12, 1 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Mercedes-Benz 220 SE Cabrio W 128 (2014-09-13 7002).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Hund mit Motorradbrille.JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! 2007-06-16 BMW 315-1 (05b), 1490 cm³, Bj. 1935.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Panther Kallista 2,8 L (2015-09-12 3660 b).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Panther Kallista 2,8 L, Heck (2015-09-12 3664 b).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:10, 2 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Bauer-Fahrrad 1961-68 (2017-08-02).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:09, 6 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Ford Modell A Pick-up (2017-08-02 Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:11, 7 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Renault Twingo Liberty, Generation 1 (2017-07-28 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:11, 8 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Smart mhd Modell 2010-2012, Cabrio vorn (2017-07-27 Sp r).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Smart mhd Modell 2010-2012, Cabrio hinten (2017-07-27 Sp r).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:12, 9 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Kneipp-Denkmal, Bad Wörishofen (2017-07-29 Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Ford Modell A, Bj. 1928 (2017-08-02 Sp r).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:13, 10 August 2017 (UTC)
...begreifen es leider nie. hilarmont \\ talk, talk, talk 15:17, 12 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Bauer-Fahrrad 1961-68, Emblem (2017-08-02).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Renault Twingo, Generation 3 (2017-07-27 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:10, 17 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Renault Twingo Liberty, 1. Generation, li. vorn (2017-07-28 r).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:13, 22 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Komatsu WA 380, Bj. 2016 (2017-08-27 3725).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Komatsu WA 380, Bj. 2016 (2017-08-27 3723).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Komatsu WA 380, Bj. 2016 (2017-08-27 3721).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:12, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Fiat 500 Giardiniera, Bj. 1969 (2017-06-26 re).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:09, 2 September 2017 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! FGS Marksburg in Koblenz (2011-07-17 Sp).JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:14, 4 September 2017 (UTC)
Valued Image Promotion
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Kenneth Spencer.
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Goliath Pionier – right side and front.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Mülheim-Kärlich, Pfarrhaus, Pfr.-Rödelstürtz-Str. 1.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 11 September 2017 (UTC)
Valued Image Promotion
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Kenneth Spencer.
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Valued Image Promotion
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Goliath Pionier – right side and front.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Mülheim-Kärlich, Pfarrhaus, Pfr.-Rödelstürtz-Str. 1.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 11 September 2017 (UTC)
Valued Image Promotion
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Lloyd LP300 – front of the 1950/51 model with small engine bonnet.
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Lloyd LP300 – rear of the 1950/51 model.
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Denny Hulme – in the paddock of Nürburgring at 1965 German Grand Prix.
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Gerhard Mitter – in 1965 German Grand Prix on Nürburgring.
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Lorenzo Bandini in 1966 – in practice for German Grand Prix on Nürburgring.
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Portrait of Lorenzo Bandini in 1966 at Nürburgring.
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Gérard Larrousse driving Porsche 908/2 in 1970 on Nürburgring.
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Marksburg (Ship) at Koblenz on the Rhine.
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Brian Redman driving an Alfa Romeo 33 TT at 1000 km race 1974 on Nürburgring.
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Joseph Siffert in 1969 with BMW Formula 2 during practice for Eifelrennen on Nürburgring.
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The British racing-driver John Surtees in 1965 with Ferrari‘s constructing ingeneer Mauro Forghieri at Nürburgring.
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Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Mülheim-Kärlich, Alte Kapelle (7) - Chorfenster (2017-09-10 Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Mülheim-Kärlich, Alte Kapelle (9), Dachreiter (2017-09-10 Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Mülheim-Kärlich, Alte Kapelle (8), außen (2017-09-10 Sp).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 22:34, 14 September 2017 (UTC)
Valued Image Promotion
Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
The Scottish racing-driver Jim Clark in 1962 at German Grand Prix on Nürburgring.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
I made a proposal of scope for your image if you want to modify the scope I think this image will be elected. This image deserves it. Regards --Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 05:59, 17 September 2017 (UTC)
- I saw your proposal. If you will modify the scope please do it. My interest of VI meanwhile is only low. Remember to the image of Clay Regazzoni too. But I don't need your positive election. The nearly 70 articles using this image are enough. Regards -- Lothar Spurzem (talk) 08:26, 17 September 2017 (UTC)
File:Kreuzweg Kärlich, 5. Station, G. Kau (2016-07-29 Sp).JPG has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. |
Themightyquill (talk) 10:27, 17 September 2017 (UTC)
Valued Image Promotion
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Jim Clark in 1966 in front of the Lotus stand at the Nürburgring.
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Chaparral 2D driven by Joakim Bonnier at practice on Nürburgring in 1966.
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Valued Image Promotion
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Crowd at the start of the 6 Hours of Nürburgring 1973.
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Jackie Stewart at practice of 6 Hours of Nürburgring 1973 with Ford Capri in section Hohe Acht.
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Chris Amon with BMW 3.5 CSL at 6 Hours of Nürburgring 1973.
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Lloyd LP 400 – front.
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Borgward Hansa 2400 II – front.
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Valued Image Promotion
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Borgward Hansa 1500 Sportcoupé – front.
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Valued Image Promotion
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Four door Borgward Isabella – rear.
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Valued Image Promotion
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Le-Mans-Start zum 1000-km-Rennen 1965 auf dem Nürburgring.
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