User talk:Sailko/Archive 9
Foto di opere d'arte nei musei
[edit]Ciao. Gradirei sapere se posso caricare liberamente in Commons foto di quadri e sculture presenti in un museo o se serve loro autorizzazione alla pubblicazione. Grazie. --Teseo (✉) 22:59, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
- Ciao, se vuoi scrivimi un messagio su facebook o via email. --Sailko (talk) 23:07, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
Sarcofago di Marte e Rea Silvia e Sarcofagi Mattei I e II
[edit]Giusto, un fianco, la lupa che allatta Romolo e Remo, è ai Musei Vaticani. E' nel Cortile Ottagono, murato a destra nel portico nord. E, simmetricamente murato a sinistra, c'è anche l'altro fianco, quello con Marte e Rea Silvia.
Ma nel titolo della Category:Sarcophagus of Mars and Rhea Silvia (Mattei I and II) le cose non tornano. Da quanto leggo su Wikipedia, una cosa sono i sarcofagi Mattei I e Mattei II e un'altra cosa il sarcofago con Marte e Rea Silvia. Anche i fronti di Marte e Rea Silvia a Palazzo Mattei sono due (solo uno dei quali corripondente al "Sarcofago Mattei" riprodotto nel Museo della Cività Romana). E però rimane la convinzione che i Mattei I e Mattei II siano due fronti con la caccia al leone, non i due con Marte e Rea Silvia.
Anche se probabilmente la categoria è cortocircuitata, non sono abbastanza erudito per dirlo con certezza.
Però, indipendentemente da ciò, mi sembra improprio che nella "Category:Ancient Roman sarcophagi in the Vatican Museums" sia compresa in blocco, senza note esplicative, tutta la Category:Sarcophagus of Mars and Rhea Silvia (Mattei I and II). Domani cercherò ancora di approfondire, ma per limitarsi a fare solo ciò di cui siamo sicuri la cosa migliore sarà tenere nella "Ancient Roman sarcophagi in the Vatican Museums" solo quello che sta nei Vatican Museums. Ad ogni buon conto aggiungendovi un "seealso", per chi voglia andare a guardarsi tutte le altre componenti del sarcofago smembrato, puntandolo alla Category:Sarcophagus of Mars and Rhea Silvia (Mattei I and II), la quale a sua volta ha anche un rinvio al calco del Museo della Cività Romana. Ciao. Fabrizio Garrisi (talk) 22:41, 10 February 2023 (UTC)
- Fabrizio Garrisi Mi sa che ho fatto confusione allora, sistema pure tu come credi meglio, grazie del chairimento. --Sailko (talk) 13:57, 11 February 2023 (UTC)
Tiberio da Veio
[edit]Ciao. Il file denominato File:Ciclo dinastico di veio, statua colossale di augusto.JPG è una statua di imperatore giulio-claudio con una testa-ritratto non pertinente di Tiberio. Se chiedo di cambiare il nome del file creo problemi nella la voce di Wikipedia "Veio", che usa il file, anche se la didascalia che lo accompagna già lo riferisce a Tiberio? Fabrizio Garrisi (talk) 16:04, 13 February 2023 (UTC)
- Nessun problema, taggalo con rename, io non posso fare spostamenti questa settimana, sono lontano da pc e col cellulare ho paura di fare casini--Sailko (talk) 20:27, 15 February 2023 (UTC)
re:Titoli categorie standard
[edit]Hai ragione. E' che tendo ad usare il nome del catalogo, x fare in fretta. ok, ci metterò un po' più di tempo ;-) --Lalupa (talk) 18:03, 20 February 2023 (UTC)
Your photos of Louvres's collections
[edit]Hello Sailko,
For your information, I made on my freetime a little website about Louvres's collections based on Wikidata with Wikimedia Commons images. In this tool there is a way to find artworks with credit on the images filled in Wikidata. And there are a lot of yours: . Thanks and Enjoy! I know there are still a lot of others in Commons but it's already a consistent lot.
By the way, your painting photos in the Musée du Petit Palais (long-term loans of Louvre's painting collection) are gorgeous. What a pleasure to put them forward a little.
Best regards --Shonagon (talk) 03:31, 5 March 2023 (UTC)
- Hello Shonagon, thanks for your message! Nice website. I did not remeber I had so many images from the Louvre ;) I appreciate your consideration and help. --Sailko (talk) 14:54, 5 March 2023 (UTC)
[edit]Hi Sailko, it would be very helpful if you split "Category:Photographs of decorative arts by User:Sailko - Church elements - Reliquaries" by country. I know a mammoth task, but as somebody that often searches through and uses your images on en, it would be a great help. Ceoil (talk) 16:48, 5 March 2023 (UTC)
- Hi Ceoil! Thanks for the suggestion. I think you can make a search directly in the category to highlight some pictures, there is the command "incategory" that may help. I don't want to push that categorization too far, otherwise in the future it will be a lot of extra work to add new images, sorry. --Sailko (talk) 18:39, 5 March 2023 (UTC)
- Ok I do realise the amount of effort such a task would involved. Happily your search tip resolves my issue.[1] Best as always. Ceoil (talk) 18:47, 5 March 2023 (UTC)
Controllo attribuzione
[edit]Saluti! Mi permetto di disturbare un momento per una veloce richiesta di chiarimento: ci sono delle immagini di una Madonna di Savona identificata nei file come opera del Ratti (1, 2 e 3) ma da altre parti (come qui) è invece attribuita al Guidobono. Non escludendo la possibilità, visti i precedenti, che sia la scheda ad essere errata, chiederei una veloce verifica dell'attribuzione; purtroppo non ho sotto mano della bibliografia che ne parli, altrimenti avrei evitato il disturbo controllando io stesso. Grazie in anticipo, bona! N.Longo (talk) 13:29, 10 March 2023 (UTC)
- N.Longo ciao! Grazie per la precisazione. Quando ho visitato la chiesa mi sarò sicuramente basato o sulla Guida rossa Touring o su materiale reperibile in loco, ma non ho modo di ricontrollare, anche perché potrei anche esseremi sbagliato con qualcos'altro. Correggi pure se lo ritieni necessario col template Rename. Ciao --Sailko (talk) 15:08, 10 March 2023 (UTC)
Immagini con aggiunta di informazioni utili
[edit]Buongiono, volevo solo avvisare che editando le informazioni alcune sue foto cercherò di renderle Artphoto, ossia cercherò di unire oltre alle informazioni fotografiche anche alcune dal punto di vista artistico. Volevo sapere se è d'accordo (Per esempio inː Adolfo tommasi, spannocchiatrici (il canto della sfoglia), 1895 (palazzina regia, montecatini) 01.jpg). Il mio scopo non è nuocere, ma è rendere un lavoro artistico più informativo per chi è alla ricerca o è curioso di imparare più informazioni riguardo ad esso. Niketto sr. (talk) 15:03, 10 March 2023 (UTC)
- Ciao Niketto sr.. Va bene usare quel template, io purtroppo non ho modo di inserirlo dal form di caricamento. Grazie per gli aggiustamenti! A presto. --Sailko (talk) 15:09, 10 March 2023 (UTC)
- Grazie milleǃ, non esitare ad avvisarmi se faccio errori o dimenticanze dal punto di vista fotograficoǃ Niketto sr. (talk) 15:20, 10 March 2023 (UTC)
Giacomo Molinari
Hi, I would like to thank you for all the information shared here about Giacomo Molinari. I would like to introduce myself: I'm Riad, from Algeria, and I'm actually working on Giacomo Molinari. I have already written an article about him on French and Italian Wikipedia, and I'm trying to collect all information possible about this architect who lived and died here in Algeria.
I saw your mention of his name here and I would like to ask you if he is the Italian architect born in 1804 in Cavagnano, Italy, who died in Laghouat in 1908.
Thank you for your cooperation. Do not hesitate to provide any other corrections or details about Giacomo Molinari. I aim to continue improving my knowledge about this important figure in the history of Algeria.
Ciao, vorrei ringraziarti per tutte le informazioni condivise qui su Giacomo Molinari. Mi presento: sono Riad, algerino, e attualmente sto lavorando su Giacomo Molinari. Ho già scritto un articolo su di lui su Wikipedia in francese e in italiano, e sto cercando di raccogliere tutte le informazioni possibili su questo architetto vissuto e morto qui in Algeria.
Ho visto qui la tua menzione del suo nome e vorrei chiederti se è l'architetto italiano nato nel 1804 a Cavagnano, in Italia, morto a Laghouat nel 1908.
Grazie per la collaborazione. Non esitate a fornire eventuali altre correzioni o dettagli su Giacomo Molinari. Il mio obiettivo è continuare a migliorare le mie conoscenze su questa figura importante nella storia dell'Algeria.
Riad Salih (talk) 18:21, 3 April 2023 (UTC)
- Hi Riad Salih! Thanks for the nice message. No, the Giacomo Molinari of my picture is a sculptor who lived many years before the architect. Good luck for your study! --Sailko (talk) 13:36, 4 April 2023 (UTC)
- @Sailko
- Thank you for all your help I really appreciate it. Riad Salih (talk) 14:01, 5 April 2023 (UTC)
Merci, Sailko, pour toutes tes excellentes photos d'archéologie. Je suis moi-même tombé dans la potion magique de la photographie en Italie, l'été de mes 8 ans. Depuis, j'ai découvert le latin à 10 ans et le grec à 12 ans. Cela ne m'a pas quitté, et je ne cesse de consacrer mon temps aux Grecs et aux Romains, à ce qu'ils ont fait et à tout ce qu'ils nous ont raconté. Je connais moins bien les Étrusques, mais j'apprends avec toi et nos amis voyageurs de Wikipédia. C'est un vrai bonheur. Ptyx (talk) 21:13, 23 May 2023 (UTC)
- Ptyx, merci pour ton aimables paroles. Je suis heureux que vous ayez apprécié mes photos d'archéologie, et il est fascinant d'apprendre que vous aussi avez développé votre passion pour la photographie en Italie quand vous étiez jeune. Je suis ravi de partager cette passion avec vous et nos amis de Wikipédia. Il est agréable d'apprendre ensemble et d'enrichir nos connaissances: la beauté de l'apprentissage continu est un véritable cadeau. Merci encore. --Sailko (talk) 15:37, 25 May 2023 (UTC)
- Au fait, j'ai adoré comment tu as retouché mes vieux photos. --Sailko (talk) 16:24, 25 May 2023 (UTC)
Collegiata di Montevarchi
[edit]Ciao, per la scheda dell'organo su Wikibooks, mi sono permesso di ritagliare, raddrizzare e in parte schiarire (per permettere una migliore visione delle canne) questa tua immagine, in questa nuova versione. Pufui PcPifpef (talk) 08:28, 3 June 2023 (UTC)
- Pufui PcPifpef ti ringrazio, mi fa piacere che sia stata utile :) --Sailko (talk) 19:54, 3 June 2023 (UTC)
- Ciao, ti segnalo che ho ritagliato un'altra tua immagine ad uso organario. Pufui PcPifpef (talk) 20:07, 7 July 2023 (UTC)
- Grazie del messaggio ;) --Sailko (talk) 20:18, 7 July 2023 (UTC)
- Ciao, ti segnalo che ho ritagliato un'altra tua immagine ad uso organario. Pufui PcPifpef (talk) 20:07, 7 July 2023 (UTC)
[edit]Devo aver fatto un po' di confusione. Se ho ben capito, una foto, per esempio trovata su un libro, deve essere stata scattata fino al 31 dicembre 1976 in Italia, e il libro in questione deve essere stato pubblicato prima del 31 dicembre 1978. Giusto? Quindi le foto molto vecchie che trovo su un libro o un opuscolo, diciamo, del 1997 non posso metterle su Commons, e quelle che ho eventualmente caricato devo cancellarle, a meno che non dimostri che erano già state pubblicate prima del 31 dicembre 1978 da qualche parte.-- Carnby (talk) 16:59, 14 July 2023 (UTC)
- Carnby mmmm... a che policy ti riferisci? Se è quella del PD-Italia (20 anni dalla pubblicazione per foto non artistiche), non credo che qui su commons sia accettata, al massimo su --Sailko (talk) 17:03, 14 July 2023 (UTC)
- Veramente ho letto che {{PD-Italy}} vale su Commons se le foto sono precedenti al 1976 e pubblicate prima del 1978. In ogni caso chiedo conferma.-- Carnby (talk) 17:09, 14 July 2023 (UTC)
- Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ --Sailko (talk) 17:20, 14 July 2023 (UTC)
- Veramente ho letto che {{PD-Italy}} vale su Commons se le foto sono precedenti al 1976 e pubblicate prima del 1978. In ogni caso chiedo conferma.-- Carnby (talk) 17:09, 14 July 2023 (UTC)
Eleonora d'Aragona
[edit]Perché hai tolto la descrizione che avevo recuperato dalla categoria e la categoria che avevi messo? La localizzazione inoltre andrebbe prima delle categorie. Una svista? Ciao. Spinoziano (BEIC) (talk) 07:43, 7 August 2023 (UTC)
- Spinoziano (BEIC) credo che ho editato per sbaglio un versione vecchia.. annulla pure, scusa --Sailko (talk) 08:38, 7 August 2023 (UTC)
- Ok, ho annullato, ma se c'era qualcos'altro che dovevi modificare ora fa' pure ;-) Un caro saluto. --Spinoziano (BEIC) (talk) 08:43, 7 August 2023 (UTC)
Thanks back
[edit]Hi, Sailko, you are welcome. And thank you back. I have edited so many images by you (and others), I still hope you are ok with it, since I expect you to see the differences, so you'ld understand. If you'ld prefer rather the edited versions to be published as new files, please give me a note. Two more things - You photograph with so many cameras and take with each very good and also bad pictures, and I wonder, if you could reduce the number of bad ones./ It is time consuming to go through a category's entries, look at each in full resolution, only to find often similar pictures not good, not really, especially when they are big and need some time to load. Sure, it is ok, when there are no alternatives. As I said above, I think, you know what you do, and I can't believe the sheer quantity to be just the ruler. - I recently bought Victor Coonin's book on Donatello (since user:Johnbod uses it as his prime source on en:Donatello, and was surprised to see all these familiar pictures. I am sure, he wrote to you before using so many of your images. Unfortunately Reaktion Books obviously doesn't have the means to optimise them for print (the same problem with Banker's book on Piero of the same series). All the best, MenkinAlRire (talk) 20:30, 22 August 2023 (UTC)
- Hi User:MenkinAlRire, thanks for the massage! :) I like how you edit my images, it's always a good improvement, and you always respect the scope of the image, so yes, feel free to overwrite, and thanks for this preciuos activity. As regards the quality of the files I upload, the variation belongs to different "eras". If you see in the upload date, all images belong to different years, and the older ones show lower quality because I had cheaper cameras and less experience. I tried to replace bad images with new ones when I had the chance to visit again the same subject. Also the editing I did three/four years ago (or more) is not as good as what I do today, so this is why I really appreciate who fixes these files, making them still usable. About the older images: sometimes they can still offer some useful information (like old museum displays, situation before restoration, context of display, and so). Other times I understand they are just superseeded. In that case you can request deletion, or select the best ones with a "Quality image" or "Valued image" procedure. Unfortunately these procedures in Commons require quite some times, so I hardly start one. Shooting, filenaming, editing and uploading already takes me a huge amount of time, so sometimes if am forced to skip some Commons good manners (like adding templates, category organizing, linking to other projects...). I am sorry for this. My priority is basically to come to upload the files I have "parked" in my pc, which nowadays is many thousands, unfortunately.
- Anyway, I liked your message, and the infos about the books too. I hope is just a bit more clear about what you can find among all the files I uploaded. All the best to you too! Write me for any doubt or question you have :) --Sailko (talk) 13:53, 23 August 2023 (UTC)
- I'll stay in touch. MenkinAlRire (talk) 15:34, 23 August 2023 (UTC)
[edit]Ciao, vorrei un parere: questa foto frontale per me è un PD (o CC-zero) perché scatto non creativo di opera bidimensionale, il dipinto è sicuramente in PD, quindi per me è ok. Ho invece dei dubbi su questo scatto, perché ha un'angolazione diversa che potrebbe renderlo creativo. Il secondo per me va cancellato a titolo precauzionale, oppure su Commons potremmo allegramente importare metà delle foto presenti su altri siti, ma vorrei una conferma. Buon wiki, Pạtạfisik 17:33, 29 August 2023 (UTC)
- User:Patafisik Ciao carissima! Sì hai ragione, 2d si può considerare solo la prima foto, l'altra non va bene la licenza. :) --Sailko (talk) 17:36, 29 August 2023 (UTC)
[edit]Hi Sailko, thanks for your many, but many uploads. Now I notice many of them only have a license for that you took the photograph and nothing else. I've uploaded many files with the same license as well and once they were nominated for deletion and they eventually also were deleted. I had to request undeletion so I could add the requested source. Do you have experience with VisualFileChange? With that tool it should be much easier to add licenses to many files. I tried it myself but wasn't successful, so I ask you. Don't worry, I won't nominate any file of you for deletion, I try to find a solution for that it doesn't get an option to nominate them for deletion.Paradise Chronicle (talk) 05:02, 15 September 2023 (UTC)
- Hi Paradise Chronicle, thank you for the message. Before i replay to the topic of the message, can you please link me and example of your image the got delete? So i can Better understand. Thank you :) --Sailko (talk) 06:52, 15 September 2023 (UTC)
- Yes of course, those files were all nominated for deletion. Not exactly nominated but if I wouldn't have added a license they were to be deleted. Some actually then also were deleted. You see, several paintings were and are obviously in the public domain. Here is the edit I added a license to a work of someone who died in 1903 and removed the derivative work tag. This is the edit history of a work from Rembrandt. Tagged as derivative work, I added a correct license and removed the tag. This is the edit history of a work that I believe was deleted anyway as I didn't remove the derivative work tag after I added a license. I requested from King of Hearts an undeletion of the deleted files.Paradise Chronicle (talk) 07:42, 15 September 2023 (UTC)
- Thank you Paradise Chronicle. I think I had once a issue with a user claiming the photographer CC licence was not good for 2d copyright-free works. As you know the problem comes from the Upload Wizard, which has only some very -very- basic functions, and manually adding stuff requires a lot of extra time. What I pointed out in that old discussion is that we, as the uploaders, are already providing a "free" licence. If the file is "more free" because it's also in PD represents NOT an ISSUE. (The issue would be the opposite, claiming no specific rights on files that do have some rights). So as long as Commons is not providing technical assistance in the uploading process, I will not struggle to fix its lacks, and gladly I encountered many users that casually fix templates, licences and connections on my files here and there. What I think may have missed in some of your files is a reference to the dates of the artworks, and some user maybe thought they were too recent to be copyright free? Maybe the artist category? Just guessing. Some users have very limited art culture, but I have mostly encontered here art lovers that help and support. Anyway, if we are talking of a few dozen of files it's quicker to just do manual fixes. If it is more, we must point out in discussions the lack of instruments we currently have. I did not try VisualFileChange thou, if you have a positive feedback on it I should consider it for the future. --Sailko (talk) 14:37, 15 September 2023 (UTC)
- I argued similarly as you, that the uploading process over UploadWizard doesn't give such options. Good we discussed it and exchanged experiences. I'll get back to you if I found some sort of a solution and let me know if some editor tries to delete your files, I'll help you adding licenses. Paradise Chronicle (talk) 17:32, 15 September 2023 (UTC)
- Maybe you noticed I learned to multi license files with the VisualFileChange. It's actually quite easy and also a bit fun once one learned how to perform it. I also learned how to add licenses in the UploadWizard. If from a batch of files to upload all need the same license, you can also copy the license to all files with one click. Paradise Chronicle (talk) 23:27, 23 September 2023 (UTC)
- Hi Paradise Chronicle. If I have problems with licences I will ask :) I do not only upload 2d objects (like paintings), but I have some persona categories that recollect same type of items. Do you recommend me to use VisualFileChange on those categories? Is it an ecternal application or something you have to download? Thank you. --Sailko (talk) 05:48, 24 September 2023 (UTC)
- Yeah, just letting you know :) For categories, the cat-a-lot gadget is the preferred one by me. VisualFileChange is a normal on-wiki gadget for which I didn't need to download anything. I'd try it out on a small category first, so if you make a mistake (for example to nominate for deletion) you can fix it easily. I did it like this as well. Paradise Chronicle (talk) 16:29, 24 September 2023 (UTC)
- Hi Paradise Chronicle. If I have problems with licences I will ask :) I do not only upload 2d objects (like paintings), but I have some persona categories that recollect same type of items. Do you recommend me to use VisualFileChange on those categories? Is it an ecternal application or something you have to download? Thank you. --Sailko (talk) 05:48, 24 September 2023 (UTC)
- Maybe you noticed I learned to multi license files with the VisualFileChange. It's actually quite easy and also a bit fun once one learned how to perform it. I also learned how to add licenses in the UploadWizard. If from a batch of files to upload all need the same license, you can also copy the license to all files with one click. Paradise Chronicle (talk) 23:27, 23 September 2023 (UTC)
- I argued similarly as you, that the uploading process over UploadWizard doesn't give such options. Good we discussed it and exchanged experiences. I'll get back to you if I found some sort of a solution and let me know if some editor tries to delete your files, I'll help you adding licenses. Paradise Chronicle (talk) 17:32, 15 September 2023 (UTC)
- Thank you Paradise Chronicle. I think I had once a issue with a user claiming the photographer CC licence was not good for 2d copyright-free works. As you know the problem comes from the Upload Wizard, which has only some very -very- basic functions, and manually adding stuff requires a lot of extra time. What I pointed out in that old discussion is that we, as the uploaders, are already providing a "free" licence. If the file is "more free" because it's also in PD represents NOT an ISSUE. (The issue would be the opposite, claiming no specific rights on files that do have some rights). So as long as Commons is not providing technical assistance in the uploading process, I will not struggle to fix its lacks, and gladly I encountered many users that casually fix templates, licences and connections on my files here and there. What I think may have missed in some of your files is a reference to the dates of the artworks, and some user maybe thought they were too recent to be copyright free? Maybe the artist category? Just guessing. Some users have very limited art culture, but I have mostly encontered here art lovers that help and support. Anyway, if we are talking of a few dozen of files it's quicker to just do manual fixes. If it is more, we must point out in discussions the lack of instruments we currently have. I did not try VisualFileChange thou, if you have a positive feedback on it I should consider it for the future. --Sailko (talk) 14:37, 15 September 2023 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments
[edit]Ciao, sto cercando di caricare immagini attraverso l'app di Wiki Loves Monuments, ma sto avendo serie difficoltà perché molte non me le carica. Ho tentato anche di fare il passaggio dall'app a UploadWizard, ma dopo che ho cliccato sul collegamento non succede nulla. Tu come hai fatto a caricare foto per il concorso da Wizard? Pufui PcPifpef (talk) 15:53, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
- Pufui PcPifpef Io carico solo da wizard. Forse ti si è bloccata l'app. Prova a riavviare, seleziona il monumento e clicca su carica foto, una foto qualsiasi. Poi clicca subito in alto il link per passare a upload wizard. Ti appare un messaggio che chiede se vuoi davvero passare (forse ti si è bloccato qui) e poi ti si apre la pagina del caricamento vero e prorpio. Io faccio così e mi funziona. Fammi sapere se ti riparte --Sailko (talk) 15:58, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
- Grazie. Effettivamente mi si bloccava in quel punto. Ora sono riuscito a passare a Wizard: l'inghippo stava in un popup che non si vedeva. Grazie ancora. Pufui PcPifpef (talk) 16:38, 26 September 2023 (UTC)
Hi, could you please try to figure out, who really is the painter of this lekythos? It is definetly not the Palermo Painter, due to this is a lucanian painter, I never read or heard about an attic painter with this name. But there are the Painter of Palermo V 665, the Painter of Palermo 4, the Painter of Palermo 6, the Painter of Palermo 1108, the Painter of Palermo 1162, the Painter of the Palermo Owl and the Group of Palermo 16. Sadly I can't find a fitting vase in the Beazley data base. Thanks! Marcus Cyron (talk) 16:29, 4 October 2023 (UTC)
- Sure Marcus Cyron, I'll look again in the captation I have --Sailko (talk) 16:34, 4 October 2023 (UTC)
- Marcus Cyron Textually: "Vaso portaprofumo (lékithos); attribuito al pittore di Palermo (inizio del V secolo a.c.); Ceramica; Inv. MB 225." I guess I matched the correct captation to the item, as I do not have the original file any longer whe I could read the reference number. Maybe the catalogue number could help? --Sailko (talk) 11:29, 5 October 2023 (UTC)
- You mean the inventory number? Probably, then it would be possible to ask the museum. Beazley seems to be never in the Barracco museum. There's nothing in his books and also the Beazley archive did not know something from Barracco. Probably it is truely lucanian ware and the Palermo Painter. His women seem to be usually that thin. On the other hand, 500-480 ac would be much too early for him. The time would speak much more for the attic Painters of 1108 and 1162. Strange. Marcus Cyron (talk) 12:07, 5 October 2023 (UTC)
- Marcus Cyron Textually: "Vaso portaprofumo (lékithos); attribuito al pittore di Palermo (inizio del V secolo a.c.); Ceramica; Inv. MB 225." I guess I matched the correct captation to the item, as I do not have the original file any longer whe I could read the reference number. Maybe the catalogue number could help? --Sailko (talk) 11:29, 5 October 2023 (UTC)
help with quality image nominations
[edit]Hi Sailko, I have seen you were successful with a QI nomination, I have also tried that once but I didn't really work. I want to nominate this File:Zmutt reservoir, Dents Blanches, Obergabelhorn, Zinalrothorn.jpg and I also tried it, but I am not sure if I do this correctly. Paradise Chronicle (talk) 01:27, 5 October 2023 (UTC)
- Hi Paradise Chronicle! Just copy and paste from a previous nomination, changing filename and description. Put you image on top of the day. Good luck :) --Sailko (talk) 11:25, 5 October 2023 (UTC)
Già che ci siamo
[edit]Ciao Sailko, ascolta, già che vedo questo edit mi viene in mente una cosa e ne approfitto per farti notare una cosa e chiederti un parere. Nelle categorie riguardanti temi italiani si è fatto un po' di casotto qua su Commons. Lo standard quasi generale è quello di usare la locuzione "Category:Interiors of [place name]", mentre per le cose italiane abbiamo usato in modo un po' intercambiabile "Category:[place name] - Interior". Per esempio, guarda Category:Interiors of palaces in Paris o Category:Interiors of palaces in Moscow e poi guarda Category:Interiors of palaces in Rome. Insomma, noi abbiamo finito per usare uno stile tutto nostro, e non mi pare proprio il massimo... Che dici? Fra l'altro noto ora che per le chiese si è usato un metodo ulteriormente diverso (ovvero la parentesi) anche per le cose non italiche, vedi Category:Interiors of churches in London... Belin che casinisti... :-) --teatroge (dm) 16:14, 25 October 2023 (UTC)
- User:Teatroge Sì, non esiste uno standard... Io di solito uso il trattino e poi Interior maiuscolo, è più comodo quando fai upload. Interiors of.... è più lungo e macchinoso da scrivere secondo me :) --Sailko (talk) 16:35, 25 October 2023 (UTC)
- Ok! Visto che qui hai scritto il plurale ho notato fra l'altro che in genere si usa il singolare "Interior" (o, appunto, "interior of [place]"). Diciamo che se si sta facendo riferimento a più parti o elementi all'interno dell'edificio, la forma corretta è "interiors", ma se ci si riferisce in generale all'interno dell'edificio la forma corretta sarebbe "interior". Vedo che qui si preferisce intendere l'interno al singolare.. --teatroge (dm) 02:25, 26 October 2023 (UTC)
- User:Teatroge Sì sì sì, mi sono sbagliato. Invece Inside (che è usato nella zona di milano) è lessicalmente sbagliato perché avverbio e non sostantivo. --Sailko (talk) 11:23, 26 October 2023 (UTC)
- Ok! Visto che qui hai scritto il plurale ho notato fra l'altro che in genere si usa il singolare "Interior" (o, appunto, "interior of [place]"). Diciamo che se si sta facendo riferimento a più parti o elementi all'interno dell'edificio, la forma corretta è "interiors", ma se ci si riferisce in generale all'interno dell'edificio la forma corretta sarebbe "interior". Vedo che qui si preferisce intendere l'interno al singolare.. --teatroge (dm) 02:25, 26 October 2023 (UTC)
[edit]Altra domandina volante, anche se m'è venuta dopo aver già agito. :-) Questa foto non aveva a che fare con Sparzo, giusto? thanks --teatroge (dm) 02:25, 26 October 2023 (UTC)
- Mi sa di no... --Sailko (talk) 11:24, 26 October 2023 (UTC)
Question about WLMI agreements
[edit]Hi. Since your an Italian user and have experience with WLMI maybe you can answer this. But if the agreements between WLMI and the Italian government have nothing do with copyright then why does WLMI or the Italian government even bother with them to begin with? Like are they just a pointless formality and what exactly would happen if we either ignored or didn't get them to begin with since Commons doesn't care about non-copyright restrictions? Adamant1 (talk) 18:51, 31 October 2023 (UTC)
- Adamant1 I am not sure I undestood your question, but in Italy we have a double copyright issue: by the creator and by the owner of an item (the second one is not relevant in other countries like US). So even if WLM organizers do not obtain rights from the creators, they do from the owners. An item freed by the owner can be free of rights from the creator yet (Public domain), or not. In the second case the owner can guarantee for any rights, including creator ones, or just be generic. For example I own a building and agree with WLM organizers for people to upload pictures of it in free licence, but I do not provide the same agreement for any object the buildings contain (for example artworks by living artists inside it). So user can upload generic views of the building, but not specifically anything it contains. This case is relevant for buildings like churches, museums, or cemeteries... In some cases the owners also allow explicitly modern artworks, so it's ok to upload those too. They may have obtained those rights ahead of time (like in the commission contracts between them and the artist, or similar procedures), but it is not our duty to investigate whether they have the rights to do so or not: they assure for a right, so any legal complaint should be addressed to them. Is this what you wanted to know? --Sailko (talk) 19:49, 31 October 2023 (UTC)
- That kind of makes sense. Although its still not completely clear to me how it would actually work in practice. Like according to Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Italy "public cultural bodies" retain the copyright of works created on their behalf for 2 years and then it reverts back to the original author. It's questionable that even applies to churches, but assuming it does, say the Catholic Diocese has an architect build a church on the behalf, which means they would own the copyright for 2 years. But then 20 years later WLMI comes along and asks the Diocese if they will agree that it's OK for WLMI to take pictures of the church. What exactly is the point of the agreement in that case since the copyright has already reverted back to the original architect at that point? Like what is the Catholic Diocese giving WLMI permission for if they aren't the copyright holders anymore and why would we care about it on our end if it has nothing to do with copyright (because again, they don't own the copyright at that point)? --Adamant1 (talk) 20:26, 31 October 2023 (UTC)
- Adamant1 This question is a bit too technical for my knowledge, you can ask to WLMI organizers for a clearer legislative framework--Sailko (talk) 20:34, 31 October 2023 (UTC)
- @Adamant1: I don't know if you are referring to those cases, but just to provide another piece of information: in Italy, we also have the Urbani Code. Many agreements have been made simply to ensure compliance and avoid issues with this law and related rights holders. --teatroge (dm) 04:41, 5 November 2023 (UTC)
- Thanks for the information. I'll have to look into that. --Adamant1 (talk) 06:48, 5 November 2023 (UTC)
- @Adamant1: You're welcome. Feel free to ask if you need any help. --teatroge (dm) 05:06, 6 November 2023 (UTC)
- Thanks for the information. I'll have to look into that. --Adamant1 (talk) 06:48, 5 November 2023 (UTC)
- @Adamant1: I don't know if you are referring to those cases, but just to provide another piece of information: in Italy, we also have the Urbani Code. Many agreements have been made simply to ensure compliance and avoid issues with this law and related rights holders. --teatroge (dm) 04:41, 5 November 2023 (UTC)
- Adamant1 This question is a bit too technical for my knowledge, you can ask to WLMI organizers for a clearer legislative framework--Sailko (talk) 20:34, 31 October 2023 (UTC)
- That kind of makes sense. Although its still not completely clear to me how it would actually work in practice. Like according to Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Italy "public cultural bodies" retain the copyright of works created on their behalf for 2 years and then it reverts back to the original author. It's questionable that even applies to churches, but assuming it does, say the Catholic Diocese has an architect build a church on the behalf, which means they would own the copyright for 2 years. But then 20 years later WLMI comes along and asks the Diocese if they will agree that it's OK for WLMI to take pictures of the church. What exactly is the point of the agreement in that case since the copyright has already reverted back to the original architect at that point? Like what is the Catholic Diocese giving WLMI permission for if they aren't the copyright holders anymore and why would we care about it on our end if it has nothing to do with copyright (because again, they don't own the copyright at that point)? --Adamant1 (talk) 20:26, 31 October 2023 (UTC)
Hi Sailko, it looks like your image was used in but my name is mentioned as photographer. Raymond (talk) 12:59, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
- Hi Raymond. Not sure what to do, but thanks for the message :) --Sailko (talk) 13:01, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
- I added a comment now. Don't know if that helps. Raymond (talk) 13:10, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
Artista nordico, andata al calvario, 1590-1610 ca., da ss.crocifisso 02.JPG
[edit]File:Artista nordico, andata al calvario, 1590-1610 ca., da ss.crocifisso 02.JPG
Ciao Sailko. Sto facendo ridenominare questo file, che è una Deposizione (probabilmente mentre lo caricavi ti era rimasto copiato il nome del file del dipinto appeso accanto). E giacché, buon Natale. Fabrizio Garrisi (talk) 21:49, 21 December 2023 (UTC)
- Grazi Fabizio, ho spostato :)) Grazie (anche per i vari riordini) a auguri anche a te! --Sailko (talk) 07:53, 22 December 2023 (UTC)