User talk:JLPC/Archive 2
Des précisions
[edit]Bonjour JLPC,
- Merci de ton message, auquel je dois apporter quelques précisions.
- Pour ce qui concerne tes deux images, je n'ai pas cherché à être "sympa", comme tu dis, mais j'ai simplement regardé les choses d'un peu près, et, pour reprendre ton expression, il m'a semblé qu'il fallait tempérer le "tranchant" d'AzaToth. Tes deux photos sont parfaitement des images de qualité, et ce sera naturellement reconnu en "Consensual Review".
- Quid de la taille pour effectuer une revue ? Simplement, à la taille maximum (100%) prévue par le proposant. J'ouvre les images en grand format, taille "normale", et je ne vais pas au-delà. Je ne vois pas pourquoi je le ferais, d'ailleurs. Il y a un débat autant récurrent que byzantin sur le "downsampling" volontaire des photos (démarche qui consiste à charger une image à une résolution moindre que sa taille "sortie de l'ordi", histoire de tenter de gommer certaines imperfections, notamment en termes de netteté). Tu croiseras à cet égard des ayatollahs, pour qui c'est péché mortel. Sauf que c'est "improuvable" en l'état de la technique. Pour ce qui me concerne, j'estime qu'il ne sert à rien de télécharger une image en "super grand", si c'est pour avoir un résultat tellement flou que l'utilisateur éventuel sera, lui, obligé de réduire la taille à la sortie. C'est mon opinion et je la partage, comme dit l'autre. Tu remarqueras que, sauf très rares exceptions, la plus plus petite dimension de mes photos n'est jamais inférieure à 2000, et que la plus grande n'est jamais inférieure à 3000. C'est ma propre règle, et j'estime que c'est bien suffisant.
- Azatoth. C'est une comète nuisible qui apparait de temps en temps dans notre ciel serein, puis qui disparaît comme il était venu. Je le soupçonne d'être en fait une identité cachée, mais je n'en sais rien. Il lui a pris l'idée, il y a quelques mois, de bloquer anonymement, par un "bot" le processus de nomination en FP, justement à propos du "downsampling" (lequel est déconseillé -avec des arguments que je juge foireux-, mais en aucun cas interdit), sans rien dire ni en parler à personne. Je me suis payé une belle crise d'indignation (je ne déteste rien tant que les "initiatives" personnelles prises en dehors de tout débat, et j'ai l' "indignette" facile et rapide), d'autres que moi ont réagi aussi, et la tempête, comme toutes les tempêtes, s'est calmée. Puis l'importun a disparu.
- Le revoici donc. Pas grand-chose à faire: rester vigilant, surveiller, et limiter ses dégâts, qui ne seront pas très importants. Puis la comète noire s'éloignera pour quelques temps, avant que l'ellipse de son orbite ne soit à nouveau en phase avec notre petite planète...
- ça fouette un peu les sangs, mais ça ravigote, du coup !
- Et voilà. Bonne continuation et au plaisir de te lire !--Jebulon (talk) 09:12, 3 July 2012 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Lupinus polyphyllus FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! La Couronne Abbaye2010.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Dahlia nain FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Muflier FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hendaye école de surf 2012.JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Sers et Betpouey 65 vus de StJustin 2011.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Autopatrol given
[edit]Hello. I just wanted to let you know that I have granted autopatrol rights to your account; the reason for this is that I believe you are sufficiently trustworthy and experienced to have your contributions automatically marked as "reviewed". This has no effect on your editing, it is simply intended to make it easier for users that are monitoring Recent changes or Recent uploads to find unproductive edits amidst the productive ones like yours. In addition, the Flickr upload feature and an increased number of batch-uploads in UploadWizard, uploading of freely licensed MP3 files, overwriting files uploaded by others and an increased limit for page renames per minute are now available to you. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 20:47, 5 July 2012 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Euphorbe FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Civray 86 Arcature centrale second niveau3 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Civray 86 Pierre protestante 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Montbron 16 Enseigne 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hendaye Villa Loti b 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Civray 86 Façade arcature de droite 2nd niveau 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Montbron 16 Magasin en rénovation 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême Armoiries 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Mon vote en QI, et considérations voltairiennes
[edit]Bonjour JLPC,
- Je viens de lire ton commentaire sur la page de notre ami Archaeo, et je voulais te donner quelques précisions. Nous venons de subir la tornade Azatoth, et la comète semble s'éloigner. Nous avons été nombreux à être tourneboulés et indignés par sa façon de faire, et tu l'auras noté, de nombreuses voix se sont exprimées non pour juger des images, mais simplement pour contrer ses choix et sa façon de faire (je n'ai pas été le dernier). Ainsi ont été commis ce que qui a été appelé des "votes politiques". Toutefois, je me suis rendu compte que nous risquions de perdre le sens commun, et de "jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bain", en soutenant, par esprit de système, des images qui avaient été rejetées elles aussi par esprit de système, mais qui ne méritaient toutefois pas le label. J'ai succombé à cette tentation, et dans un cas, qui ne te concerne pas, je suis même revenu sur mon vote initial: j'avais voté "pour", mais pour de mauvaises raisons. En ce qui concerne ton image, tu as lu mon explication de vote: j'ai voté en conscience. Et effectivement, comme le souligne Archaeodontosaurus, tu t'es honoré en retirant ta proposition. J'avais juste omis cette petite explication personnelle, que j'estime te devoir. C'est fait.
- L'un dans l'autre, malgré ses imperfections, le système fonctionne (et ça continue de m'épater, je dois dire).
- Pour les VI, il y a eu aussi d'homériques batailles, et je m'en suis éloigné longtemps, étant exaspéré du débat byzantin sur la nature des "scopes" ou "domaines", pour lesquels il y avait des accrochages sans fin, entre ceux qui voulaient les réduire, et ceux qui voulaient les élargir. Le malheur (?) est qu'il n'y a de réponse qu'au cas par cas, et qu'on ne pourra jamais vraiment définir ce qu'est un "domaine". Je viens d'avoir une église promue (proposée par un autre) qui, à mon sens, ne le méritait pas selon les critères d'admission. Je l'ai souligné. Mais là ont lieu, à mon avis, les débats les plus "intelligents", et ceux où l'on apprend le plus, non pas sur le plan de la technique photo, mais sur celui de la culture en général (c'est mon cas). On se régale ainsi des échanges avec Slaunger, par exemple, sur sa DS, tant sous sa proposition que sur sa page d'utilisateur (et aussi, mais tu ne peux le savoir, par échanges de courriels privés...)
- Il n'y a pas lieu, toujours selon moi, à comparer FP, QI et VI, ce sont des choses vraiment différentes. On y trouve plaisir, à donner et à recevoir.
- Au total, comme l'aurait dit ce bon Pangloss, "tout est pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possibles", et ce n'est certes pas à toi que je vais apprendre qu'à la fin il faut... "cultiver notre jardin".
- Bien à toi, --Jebulon (talk) 15:28, 10 July 2012 (UTC)
Photo du sanctuaire
[edit]Salut JLPC,
- Merci pour ton commentaire. Je n'ai pas mis (exterior) parce qu'il n'y pas vraiment 'd'intérieur' dans ce sanctuaire. Il est composé de différents petits édifices consacrés à des divinités comme sur la photo. Il n'y a pas de bâtiments où l'on peut entrer. La photo représente la place centrale du sanctuaire. --Bgag (talk) 12:00, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Mortagne S Gironde 17 Musée 2009.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Gaillarde b FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Montbron 16 Hôtel de ville 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Grenadier FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Millepertuis androsème Fruits FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Delphinium boutons FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Liseron FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
La Clef
[edit]f30 c'était un peu trop. Mais c'est dommage car tu as là un très bon sujet. Veux-tu la refaire en 3 photos? --Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 14:45, 15 July 2012 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Lys des Incas FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Promotion cavalière
[edit]- Merci de ton intérêt pour ma cavalière (il y a de plus en plus de femmes, je n'y vois pas d'inconvénient par principe, mais franchement, le sabre, ça ne leur va pas...). Pouvoir "isoler" ainsi visuellement un cavalier de la Garde en grande tenue avec son cheval, en intégral, est inédit dans "Commons", je suis content d'avoir eu la chance de pouvoir le faire.--Jebulon (talk) 08:14, 19 July 2012 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême Ens Huissier 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême Guez1 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kaysersberg Cimetière et vignes 2011.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Joubarbe Inflorescence FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Joubarbe Boutons FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Civray 86 Arbres et Clocher est 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Image de Qualité "oubliée" par le BOT
[edit]Bonjour JLPC
Il semble effectivement y avoir eu un problème avec certaines Images de Qualité promues. Elles ont bien été classées (par le BOT ?) dans une ou plusieurs catégories de QI (dans votre cas par exemple dans la catégorie "Quality images/Subject/Plant life"), mais il n'y a pas eu d'avis sur la boîte mail, ni d'ajout du logo vert sur la page du fichier. J'ai eu la même expérience avec trois de mes photos. Je suppose qu'il s'agit simplement d'un problème technique passager. J'ai donc cru bien faire de réparer cet oubli, non seulement pour mes propres images mais aussi pour quelques autres qui étaient dans le même cas - tout en ne sachant pas si une telle démarche est autorisée... Je vous conseillerais de faire la même chose avec votre fichier de la Marguerite. Entretemps: félicitations pour vos belles photos, notamment du patrimoine français. - Cordialement, MJJR (talk) 18:51, 20 July 2012 (UTC).
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Lys royal FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Pieds d'alouette fleurs FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tomates cerises FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Montbron 16 Monument 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
[edit]Continu à travailler pour les empilements, avec le temps çà va te devenir indispensable. Même pour la botanique : les tomates cerises ou la joubarbe ne bougent pas trop. N'hésite pas à me solliciter, même pour des détails, car le diable est souvent dans les détails... --Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 17:42, 22 July 2012 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hendaye Vacances propres 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Civray Plafond détail 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Savigné 86 Boîte aux lettres 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Escallonia FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Bulla vernicosa
[edit]Thanks for your comment. You're right. I have withdrawn. --Llez (talk) 10:43, 26 July 2012 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Josselin 56 Enseigne 2009.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Genouillé 86 Moïse 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême CIBDI et Musée papier 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême Hôtel St-Simon Fenêtre 2012.JPG, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Clématite FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Genouillé 86 Lion et frise 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Pleubian 22 Artichauts 2010.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême Hôtel St-Simon Porte 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Juignac vu de St Amant.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême Enseigne pendule 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Lac de Dera Yunco
[edit]Attention je ne suis pas sûr que ton geocodage soit bon, il pointe trop à l'Est dans une foret. --Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 14:04, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
- Je suis avec attention cette discussion. Peux-tu nommer la montage que l'on voit en fond? Ce serait un atout certain pour cette image.--Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 05:29, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Valued Image Promotion
[edit]Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Église Notre-Dame la Grande de Poitiers (Tympanum).
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême Chapelle Guez tympan 2012b.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Geocoding hint
[edit]Bonsoir JLPC !
So, I finally made up my mind about the lac. Hope le feu is gone:-)
You may have noticed that I added a heading on your location template for the lake (hope SW (South West is approximately correct)). Actually, there are a number of additional optional parameters one can use in the location templates, the heading and dim are for instance useful as the heading is used to add a little arrow on the Commons logo when displaying pressing the geocode link for, e.g., Google maps, and the dim, which inform about the approximate sclae of the photo is used to zoom to an appropriate level in some of the geocoding views. I recommend using then as it adds value.
Now, it is a little tedious to find all these parameters yourself, and for this purpose I always use the Swizz knife of geocoding. Here a complete location template can be generated for you including these extra options with a few clicks with a text ready to copy into the file page. Maybe this tool can be of use for you too.
Salut !
--Slaunger (talk) 21:05, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Valued Image Promotion
[edit]Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Église Saint-André (Angoulême), (Bell tower and chevet).
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Angoulême Balcon et fenêtres Pl Marengo 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Valued Image Promotion
[edit]Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Église Saint-Jacques (Aubeterre-sur-Dronne), (Façade).
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Civray 86 Chapiteau 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Agoulême L'Houmeau vu des remparts 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Montmoreau 16 Château et paille 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Soyaux 16 Enseignes tabac 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Valued Image Promotion
[edit]Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Lac de Dera Yunco.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
Quality Image Promotion
[edit]Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Verteuil-St Médard1 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
L'aiguille creuse
[edit]Bonsoir. Désolé pour ton aiguille et tes falaises. Difficile évidemment de faire mieux : ces rouleaux on la vie dure. -- Je n'aime pas faire ce genre de proposition, mais je vois une solution : couper tout ce qui est trop blanc, un peu au-dessous du petit ponton-plongeoir qu'on aperçoit sur la droite. Tu auras alors une photo au format panoramique mais réglementaire étant donné les dimensions de l'original. Autre possibilité, si tu es de la région : refaire la photo en diminuant le contraste de ton Nikon (?!).-- À toi de voir. -- Excuse ce mot tardif et à la hâte : je suis en vacances et j'ai moins de temps à consacrer à la page QI, même si j'essaie de le faire deux fois par jour ! -- Bon été et quoi qu'il en soit, continue à bien photograhier la Normandie. -- Cordialement. --JLPC (talk) 21:09, 1 August 2012 (UTC)
- Eh non, je ne suis pas du tout Normand, et je ne pourrai donc pas refaire cette photo avant un bon moment ! Oui, en effet, ton idée de panorama serait une bonne solution mais j'ai l'impression que ma photo perdrait de son charme... et je ne suis pas à ce point-là à la chasse à l'image de qualité : je vais pouvoir m'en remettre si elle n'est pas promue :-) Merci en tout cas pour ton aide et bon été à toi aussi ! -Gzzz (talk) 19:24, 2 August 2012 (UTC)
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Congratulations! Hendaye 64 Cabines bain Thalasso 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Barèges 65 Cairn GR10 près Aigues Cluzes 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Beypouey 65 Lamborghini 550 DT 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Dahlia FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Gazania rigensb FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! St-Jean-de-Blaignac 33 Eglise 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
[edit]Le hasard a voulu que nous ayons travaillé l’un pour l’autre ce matin dans le même temps. Merci pour le « fada » en VI. c’est un problème récurent que nous évoquons souvent avec Jebulon. Tout est calme, et, arrive, d’on ne sait d’où, un météore avec des théories aussi fumeuses que personnelles. Cet orage nous revigore. J’ai placé un petit SET ce matin et j’ai revu ton lac. J’en étais attristé et j’ai eu la curiosité de voir si tu avais mis en place ces images dans l’encyclopédie. Elles y ont leur place, par leur qualité et, de droit, car une, au moins, est couverte de prix. Tu dois promouvoir tes images car le but est d’illustrer les encyclopédies. On est jamais aussi bien servie que par soi-même… --Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 07:28, 12 August 2012 (UTC)
[edit]Les CA ne peuvent se traiter que si tu parts du fichier RAW. Photoshop et d’autres programmes à ce stade vont les diminuer, voir les enlever. Mais si tu veux partir d’un fichier JPG alors… c’est très difficile. La meilleure façon de les éviter c’est de jeter la moitié de ta photo en ne gardant que le milieu. Car elles sont proportionnelles à l’éloignement du centre de l’image. --Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 11:04, 12 August 2012 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Aubeterre 16 Maison&jardins 2009.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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A little spot on QI !
[edit]Thanks for the hint. I fixed it. --Llez (talk) 12:54, 13 August 2012 (UTC)
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Congratulations! Barèges Granit Lac Dets Coubous 2011.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Sers 65 Chapelle droite 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Cafetière et soliflore
Déjà, merci pour les commentaires. J'ai enlevé les poussières sur le soliflore. Pour la cafetière, je la trouve nette, mais le principe des QI c'est de s'en remettre au jugement des autres, donc tu as raison de t'interroger, et j'ai peut-être tort (tiens, un mauvais argument : ici, à f/22, je ne trouve pas de problème flagrant de profondeur de champs — c'est un mauvais argument) ; le problème que j'y vois c'est qu'elle est blanc sur blanc, donc les passages ne sont pas contrastés du coup on ne voit pas tout ce qu'on aurait pu voir si le fond avait été noir.
Pour le côté technique, j'ai utilisé le mini studio photo que Wikimédia France vient d'acheter, c'est une boîte blanche avec plein de lumière à l'intérieur (là on voit les reflets des lampes sur les émaux) dans laquelle on met les trucs qu'on photographie par un trou (dont on voit le reflet dans la cafetière sur la facette la plus proche du bec verseur). J'en suis encore à l'essayer, donc c'est utile d'avoir des retours. J'avais consigné ici mes premières impressions, et je post-traite la première série conséquente que j'ai fait avec (encore quelques cafetières, et d'autres trucs éclectiques). Je note Combine ZP, peut-être pour la prochaine série.
Bien cordialement. --Coyau (talk) 14:01, 16 August 2012 (UTC)
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Congratulations! Angoulême Fenêtres&gargouilles 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Gargouille 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Valued Image Promotion
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Église Saint-Jean de Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac, (Situation).
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Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Hôtel Louis XIII, Civray (Vienne) (Exterior).
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Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Angoulême Chasse-roue rue Taillefer b 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Chasse-roue rue Taillefer a 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Civray 86 Boulangerie 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Zinnia 2 FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Cynara scolymus (Globe artichoke), fields.
If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Valued images candidates.
File:Vendoire 24 Maison tourbières 2011.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. |
cmadler (talk) 14:18, 20 August 2012 (UTC)
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Quality Image Promotion
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Congratulations! Rose trémière FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Monument Carnot 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Charmant 16 Paille 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Triton Pl. du Minage 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Anémone du Japon 2 FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Solanum fleurs bleues FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Rempart du Midi 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Cathédrale tympan 2 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Monument Carnot dét 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Triumph Bonneville 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Guard stones in France.
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Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Statue de Marguerite de Valois.
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Congratulations! Canna Roma FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Lys orange FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Sculpture&signature 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Façade or facade that iz ze question
[edit]J'ai délibérément enlevé la cédille pour que le scope ne soit pas qu'en français. Ceci dit tu aurais mis "exterior", s'était bien aussi. --Archaeodontosaurus (talk) 13:45, 27 August 2012 (UTC)
Re: Flower pictures
[edit]Thank you so much for the help. I found your photos interesting. The two picture I have posted today in QI have different stories. The Impatiens balsamina picture was taken with my old compact camera so can't control aperture and shutter with that, only I can control the ISO. The second one of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flower bud was taken with my newly bought DSLR with 50mm f/1.8 lens, the light condition was not good for f:11 or like that (I've tried that, this photo was my 4th or 5th try, photos becoming blurred as taken handheld), the shutter speed was slowing down. I do have a tripod but didn't carry that day (my fault nevertheless). I'm not at all an experienced photographer (but have interest for a long time), recently bought a DSLR and learning a lot everyday. I think me and you started contributing more or less at the same time in Commons (I've started from March 2012) and my age is 22 years. So I want help and advice from people like you to improve my work. If you see any defects on my photos (like today) please kindly inform me. You have rightly said "I think Commons is a collective work even if it's sometimes fun to compete", I totally agree with that. Again many thanks. Regards. -- JDP90 (talk) 13:54, 27 August 2012 (UTC)
J'ai essayé de retoucher ta photo, car je la trouve trop sombre et trop bleue (cf. mon commentaire sur QIC). Je ne peux pas déposer ma version maintenant, ma connexion est trop lente. J'essaierai demain. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 16:49, 27 August 2012 (UTC)
- bonjour JLPC
- si je peux mettre mon grain de sel (de l'Île de Ré, évidemment), je dois dire que j'abonde dans le sens de Yann. J'ajouterais qu'une petite correction d'échelle (étirage vers le bas) ne nuirait pas, le cadran de l'horloge étant vraiment trop ovale, à mon avis. Bien à toi, --Jebulon (talk) 18:30, 27 August 2012 (UTC)
- J'ai fait une correction plus importante : File:Angoulême Horloge marché 2012 edit.jpg. Je pense que le fond de l'horloge devrait être blanc. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 09:15, 28 August 2012 (UTC)
Valued Image Promotion
[edit]Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Église Saint-Guénolé de Batz-sur-Mer (Stained glass-window).
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Congratulations! Saint-Amant 16 Neige D24 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Hermès Marengo 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Datura FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Maison&pubs 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Hibiscus détail FR 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Théâtre d'Angoulême (Exterior).
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Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Carrelets de l'Île Madame.
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Congratulations! The image you nominated was reviewed and has now been promoted as a valued image. It is considered to be the most valued image on Commons within the scope:
Statue of Sadi Carnot (Angoulême).
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Congratulations! Angoulême Palais de justice 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
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Congratulations! Angoulême Horloge marché 2012.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.