Category:Master's theses of the Naval Postgraduate School
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Media in category "Master's theses of the Naval Postgraduate School"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 356 total.
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30 MeV electron beam irradiation effects on GaAs1-xPxLEDS. (IA 30mevelectronbea00fole).pdf 1,229 × 1,606, 108 pages; 5.22 MB
A 32-bit microprocessor based solid state data recorder for space based applications. (IA 32bitmicroproces00frey).pdf 1,179 × 1,570, 86 pages; 4.08 MB
3-dimensional stress analysis of superheater headers. (IA 3dimensionalstre00barn).pdf 627 × 839, 136 pages; 5.86 MB
3DShips - rapid 3D icon generation for the Command and Control Workstation of the Future. (IA 3dshipsrapid3dic00nage).pdf 1,177 × 1,633, 52 pages; 2.65 MB
90° laser light scattering from a low density plasma. (IA 90laserlightscat00alge).pdf 1,164 × 1,637, 86 pages; 2.04 MB
The A-7 ALOFT cost model - a study of high technology cost estimating (IA a7aloftcostmodel00john).pdf 1,252 × 1,639, 550 pages; 13.3 MB
The A-7 attack aircraft- contract history emphasizing the Navy business clearance process. (IA a7attackaircraft00gate).pdf 1,247 × 1,637, 160 pages; 4.2 MB
The A-7E weapon system trainers - an acquisition analysis. (IA a7eweaponsystemt00balo).pdf 1,222 × 1,631, 204 pages; 5.34 MB
A-10 ADAPTIVE BASING OPERATIONS AND APPLICATIONS IN SUPPORT OF SOF (IA aadaptivebasingo1094561232).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 104 pages; 2.37 MB
AAW effectiveness of the DD-963 Spruance class destroyer- an analytic approach (IA aaweffectiveness00john).pdf 1,195 × 1,645, 74 pages; 2.1 MB
AAW firepower indexing for Naval combatants. (IA aawfirepowerinde00zimm).pdf 1,241 × 1,614, 410 pages; 11.76 MB
A balanced approach to funding homeland security (IA abalancedpproach1094544599).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 106 pages; 952 KB
A balancing act anti-terror financing guidelines and their effects on Islamic charities (IA abalancingctntit109452368).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 100 pages; 445 KB
Abandoned ideology how the Iranian revolution failed Islamic economics and embraced populism (IA abandonedideolog109455136).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 106 pages; 937 KB
A basic guide to overlay design using nondestructive testing equipment data. (IA abasicguidetoove1094537519).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 98 pages; 2.89 MB
A Bayesian model to incorporate human factors in commanders' decision making (IA abayesimodeltoin109455832).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 139 pages; 2.82 MB
A benefit analysis of using a low-cost flight simulator for the MH-60R (IA abenefitnalysiso1094550514).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 82 pages; 1.03 MB
A best effort traffic management solution for server and agent-based active network management (SAAM) (IA abestefforttraff109456000).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 164 pages; 2.14 MB
A between-squadron analysis of cannibalization on the MV-22 (IA abetweensquadron1094547832).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 114 pages; 2.97 MB
A bioeconomic analysis of fishery management (IA abioeconomicnaly1094531426).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 69 pages; 2.35 MB
A BIT OF RECENT GROWTH- THE EVOLVING RISK OF TERRORIST USE OF VIRTUAL CURRENCY (IA abitofrecentgrow1094561349).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 78 pages; 790 KB
Ablative heat shield studies for NASA Mars-Earth return entry vehicles (IA ablativeheatshie1094534895).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 122 pages; 2.9 MB
A boundary-layer model of thermocapillary flow in a cold corner (IA aboundarylayermo109459275).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 136 pages; 4.16 MB
Absolute calibration techniques for UV spectroscopy based upon platinum emission line spectra (IA absolutecalibrat109455965).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 84 pages; 3.1 MB
Absolute and relative spectral line intensity measurements in a plasma shock tube (IA absolutendrelati1094536965).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 57 pages; 2.67 MB
Absolute neutron flux of the AGN-201 reactor (IA absoluteneutronf00perr).pdf 1,191 × 1,652, 82 pages; 2.04 MB
Absolute position measurement for automated guided vehicles using the Greedy DeBruijn Sequence (IA absoluteposition109452612).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 170 pages; 729 KB
The absorption of laser radiation by a laser produced plasma. (IA absorptionoflase00kuni).pdf 1,202 × 1,650, 94 pages; 2.71 MB
A business case for using modeling and simulation in developmental testing (IA abusinesscasefor109451166).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 147 pages; 6.09 MB
FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA acalibrationofna1094534866).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 120 pages; 3.41 MB
A calibration of the Naval Postgraduate School Middle Ultraviolet Spectrograph (MUSTANG). (IA acalibrationofna1094538504).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 61 pages; 1.78 MB
A capabilities based assessment of the United States Air Force Critical Care Air Transport team (IA acapabilitiesbas1094537671).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 266 pages; 5.76 MB
A capability-based, meta-model approach to combatant ship design (IA acapabilitybased109455766).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 102 pages; 938 KB
A carbon nanotube pillar array ionizer for miniature ion thruster applications (IA acarbonnanotubep109453696).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 114 pages; 3.64 MB
A carrier deployment model (IA acarrierdeployme1094534942).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 72 pages; 2.2 MB
A case analysis to increase awareness of current USMC Knowledge Management (KM) practices (IA acasenalysistoin1094537660).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 103 pages; 2.21 MB
A case study- Acquisition Reform and the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) program (IA acasestudyacquis109459296).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 121 pages; 4.44 MB
A case study in transnational crime Ukraine and modern slavery (IA acasestudyintran109453403).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 82 pages; 343 KB
A case study of the Army Reverse Auction (IA acasestudyofarmy1094510986).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 93 pages; 3.49 MB
A case study of the Avenger - Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) of a Non-developmental Item (NDI) (IA acasestudyofaven1094530579).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 115 pages; 3.93 MB
A case study of distance education and its application to the Marine Corps Institute (MCI) (IA acasestudyofdist1094535200).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 122 pages; 4.65 MB
A case study of diurnal variation of convection and mesoscale modeling during TOGA-COARE (IA acasestudyofdiur1094542878).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 94 pages; 5.51 MB
A case study of innovation and change in the U.S. Navy Submarine fleet (IA acasestudyofinno1094527840).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 212 pages; 27.27 MB
A case study of insitu-aircraft observations in a waterspout producing cloud (IA acasestudyofinsi109452320).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 56 pages; 5.47 MB
A case study of Internet Protocol Telephony implementation at United States Coast Guard headquarters (IA acasestudyofinte109452221).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 206 pages; 1.37 MB
A case study of introducing innovation through design (IA acasestudyofintr1094541398).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 178 pages; 2.77 MB
A case study of project ATHENA- tactical level technological innovation aboard the USS Benfold (IA acasestudyofproj1094544532).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 170 pages; 2.05 MB
A case study of the teaming concept in the procurement of the V-22 aircraft (IA acasestudyofteam1094530806).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 73 pages; 21.45 MB
A case study of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower collision and its implications (IA acasestudyofussd1094539934).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 93 pages; 3.62 MB
A case study on the implementation of DMRD 910 and its impact on a Marine Field Disbursing Office (IA acasestudyonimpl1094539869).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 138 pages; 6.54 MB
A case study on the need for and availability of patient tracking systems (IA acasestudyonneed109453489).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 50 pages; 822 KB
AC bias for a magnetic amplifier. (IA acbiasformagneti00comp).pdf 1,191 × 1,606, 60 pages; 1.73 MB
Acceleration of an unbalanced rotor through its critical speeds. (IA accelerationofun00glus).pdf 1,220 × 1,652, 176 pages; 6.56 MB
Accessing a functional database via CODASYL-DML transactions. (IA accessingfunctio00coke).pdf 1,195 × 1,572, 86 pages; 4.5 MB
Accessing hierarchical databases via SQL transactions in a multi-model database system. (IA accessinghierarc00zawi).pdf 1,402 × 1,879, 140 pages; 5.06 MB
Accessing network databases via SQL transactions in a multi-model database system (IA accessingnetwork00walp).pdf 1,172 × 1,587, 88 pages; 3.74 MB
Accessing and updating functional databases using CODASYL-DML. (IA accessingupdatin00rode).pdf 1,362 × 1,860, 142 pages; 5.96 MB
Access issues associated with U.S. military presence in Thailand and the Philippines (IA accessissuesssoc109452292).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 120 pages; 697 KB
AC compensation of AC servomechanisms. (IA accompensationof00arth).pdf 1,195 × 1,645, 174 pages; 4.58 MB
Accounting for veteran's educational assistance benefits. (IA accountingforvet00broy).pdf 1,172 × 1,616, 180 pages; 5.41 MB
A comparison of 400 cycle 1000 volt transformers to 60 cycle 450 volt transformers (IA acomparisonofcyc1094531615).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 26 pages; 2.8 MB
FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA acomparisonofjoi1094543032).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 118 pages; 4.48 MB
A compression algorithm for field programmable gate arrays in the space environment (IA acompressionlgor1094510623).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 112 pages; 6.23 MB
Acoustical effects in a neon glow discharge (IA acousticaleffect00carr).pdf 1,158 × 1,597, 104 pages; 1.95 MB
Acoustic Backscatter from a Random Rough Water Surface. (IA acousticbackscat00ball).pdf 1,266 × 1,689, 144 pages; 5.67 MB
Acoustic detection of microbubbles and particulate matter near the sea surface (IA acousticdetectio00buxc).pdf 1,227 × 1,633, 412 pages; 14.38 MB
An acoustic digital data link. (IA acousticdigitald00hopk).pdf 1,231 × 1,683, 44 pages; 1.55 MB
Acoustic Interaction with the Positive Column of a Neon Glow Discharge. (IA acousticinteract00melv).pdf 1,195 × 1,558, 54 pages; 1.97 MB
Acoustic perturbation of a neon glow discharge. (IA acousticperturba00cran).pdf 1,229 × 1,639, 134 pages; 5.02 MB
Activation energies for high temperature creep of magnesium-osdmium polycrystalline alloys. (IA activationenergi00medb).pdf 1,114 × 1,612, 94 pages; 2.34 MB
Activation energies of global reactions in laminar flame propagation. (IA activationenergi00ritt).pdf 1,181 × 1,635, 124 pages; 3.72 MB
Active Filters with Voltage-Variable Passband for Application to Range-Gated MTI Systems. (IA activefilterswit00mitc).pdf 1,220 × 1,602, 74 pages; 2.55 MB
An adaptation of the Hershey digitized character set for use in computer graphics and typesetting. (IA adaptationofhers00doyl).pdf 1,137 × 1,593, 348 pages; 8.31 MB
An adaptation of a Markov chain model for antisubmarine warfare carrier aircraft (IA adaptationofmark00lanm).pdf 1,239 × 1,654, 80 pages; 3.05 MB
Adaption of a free procession magnetometer to measurements of declination. (IA adaptionoffreepr00baco).pdf 1,235 × 1,554, 138 pages; 5.33 MB
An adaptive decision process. (IA adaptivedecision00moro).pdf 1,245 × 1,637, 44 pages; 1.43 MB
An adaptive method for the enhanced fusion of low-light visible and uncooled thermal infrared imagery (IA adaptivemethodfo00scro).pdf 1,185 × 1,620, 108 pages; 4.68 MB
Adaptive sampling frequency for sampled-data control systems (IA adaptivesampling00farr).pdf 1,191 × 1,637, 216 pages; 5.96 MB
Advertising expenditures - a game of strategy. (IA advertisingexpen1094540132).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 53 pages; 1.98 MB
A first access internet tutorial (IA afirstccessinter1094531481).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 99 pages; 3.15 MB
A functional bar code inventory system for Marine Corps Systems Command (IA afunctionalbarco1094539947).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 127 pages; 4.21 MB
An aid for the optimum design of antenna systems for very low frequencies. (IA aidforoptimumdes00gobb).pdf 1,189 × 1,633, 190 pages; 8 MB
Aircraft survivability index for low altitude penetration of an air defense comples. (IA aircraftsurvivab00alle).pdf 1,268 × 1,660, 140 pages; 5.61 MB
Aircraft survivability index for low altitude penetration (IA aircraftsurvivab00mill).pdf 1,206 × 1,635, 204 pages; 7.28 MB
A model for the ordering and distribution of the influenza vaccine (IA amodelfororderin1094510111).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 70 pages; 447 KB
Automated metadata extraction (IA automatedmetadat109454057).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 84 pages; 315 KB
The Bay Area Supply Support Pattern - an analysis of consolidation in an era of decentralization. (IA bayareasupplysup00petr).pdf 1,262 × 1,662, 206 pages; 6.02 MB
Bracket creep and deadweight from California's state income tax, 1958-1977 (IA bracketcreepndde109455867).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 49 pages; 1.02 MB
Building a virtual cultural intelligence community (IA buildingvirtualc109453444).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 92 pages; 726 KB
The Chinese perception of the spectrum of the Sino-Soviet territorial conflict. (IA chineseperceptio00good).pdf 1,116 × 1,604, 556 pages; 15.13 MB
Climatological wave statistics derived from FNWC synoptic spectral wave analyses. (IA climatologicalwa00reyn).pdf 1,177 × 1,612, 290 pages; 7.98 MB
The climatology and nature of tropical cyclones of the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. (IA climatologynatur00hans).pdf 1,250 × 1,629, 362 pages; 10.68 MB
Cnoidal wave theory applied to radiation stress phenomena. (IA cnoidalwavetheor00musi).pdf 1,247 × 1,641, 62 pages; 2.13 MB
A comparative analysis of file organizations (IA comparativeanaly00bitt).pdf 1,275 × 1,654, 170 pages; 4.25 MB
Comparative cost-effectiveness analyses at a Naval Air Rework Facility. (IA comparativecoste00mcga).pdf 1,225 × 1,635, 262 pages; 7.49 MB
A comparison of confidence interval procedures in censored life testing problems. (IA comparisonofconf00cole).pdf 1,168 × 1,606, 60 pages; 1.46 MB
A comparison of demand forecasting techniques. (IA comparisonofdema00cove).pdf 1,239 × 1,660, 164 pages; 4.07 MB
A comparison of the exact and approximate power of the chi-square goodness-of-fit test. (IA comparisonofexac00wrig).pdf 1,235 × 1,635, 146 pages; 4.54 MB
Comparison of measured and calculated sound velocity near the sea surface. (IA comparisonofmeas00goss).pdf 1,295 × 1,639, 134 pages; 3.29 MB
A comparison of methods for generating multivariate normal random vectors. (IA comparisonofmeth00slez).pdf 1,229 × 1,620, 68 pages; 1.59 MB
The correlation between current marital satisfaction and premarital counseling. (IA correlationbetwe00gund).pdf 1,179 × 1,558, 48 pages; 1.73 MB
Cultural interface in foreign procurement. (IA culturalinterfac00krei).pdf 1,172 × 1,618, 244 pages; 4.57 MB
C-Vector derived three dimensional circulations in Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. (IA cvectorderivedth00kons).pdf 1,183 × 1,585, 108 pages; 5.86 MB
The descriptive and dynamic oceanography of the mesostructure near Arctic ice margins. (IA descriptivedynam00karr).pdf 1,235 × 1,618, 194 pages; 4.62 MB
Design approach for a computer graphics system applicable to torpedo tracking and evaluation. (IA designapproachfo00scho).pdf 1,187 × 1,610, 118 pages; 2.68 MB
Design considerations for Lanchester-type models of warfare (LATMW). (IA designconsiderat00maue).pdf 1,264 × 1,633, 278 pages; 7.25 MB
Design and construction of an iodine laser oscillator. (IA designconstructi00marc).pdf 1,152 × 1,600, 174 pages; 4.55 MB
The design and implementation of a general purpose interactive graphics subroutine library. (IA designimplementa00stan).pdf 1,150 × 1,604, 256 pages; 6.52 MB
Design and implementation of a ring interface-host (IA designimplementa00wort).pdf 1,258 × 1,643, 178 pages; 3.38 MB
The design of a user interface for a color, raster scan graphics device. (IA designofuserinte00ness).pdf 1,137 × 1,608, 202 pages; 4.91 MB
Design optimization of metal-insulator-semiconductor devices for infrared solid state imaging. (IA designoptimizati00boud).pdf 1,133 × 1,575, 222 pages; 3.96 MB
Don't ask, don't tell - policy analysis and interpretation (IA dontskdonttellpo1094542888).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 127 pages; 5.79 MB
DRUGDOG 3-0 - U. S. Navy Random Urinalysis software package (IA drugdog30usnavyr00wils).pdf 1,141 × 1,572, 126 pages; 6.16 MB
EA-6B Mission Planning Program. (IA ea6bmissionplann00beau).pdf 1,152 × 1,606, 112 pages; 2.87 MB
EA-6B mission planning and route optimization program. (IA ea6bmissionplann00odel).pdf 1,202 × 1,595, 108 pages; 2.88 MB
Early delivery of purchased material- a DOD problem. (IA earlydeliveryofp00burl).pdf 1,193 × 1,550, 114 pages; 5.56 MB
An Earth's field magnetometer that utilizes the free precession of protons. (IA earthsfieldmagne00bowe).pdf 1,200 × 1,662, 202 pages; 5.26 MB
Economic incentive programs - performance evaluation and the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IA economicincentiv1094513520).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 102 pages; 3.23 MB
An enhancement of the computer typesetting capability of UNIX. (IA enhancementofcom00mcco).pdf 1,185 × 1,595, 286 pages; 7.24 MB
An evaluation of the Department of Defense drug testing program. (IA evaluationofdepa00lieb).pdf 1,179 × 1,602, 44 pages; 1.97 MB
Eye-hand preference in military officers. (IA eyehandpreferenc00carr).pdf 1,277 × 1,643, 138 pages; 3.29 MB
The geology of the Carmel Bay, California. (IA geologyofcarmelb00simp).pdf 1,181 × 1,654, 154 pages; 4.11 MB
Hazardous waste reduction efforts of the Navy and DoD in the San Diego, California region (IA hazardouswastere1094539700).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 55 pages; 2.1 MB
A historical perspective of aircrew systems effects on aircraft design (IA historicalperspe00baue).pdf 816 × 1,118, 116 pages; 5.66 MB
Homosexuality and the U.S. military. (IA homosexualityusm00mcin).pdf 1,202 × 1,556, 280 pages; 6.08 MB
Immersive articulation of the human upper body in a virtual environment (IA immersivearticul00skop).pdf 1,195 × 1,608, 244 pages; 8.77 MB
Improving performance of an IBM 360-67computer by using a hardware monitor on the disk facility. (IA improvingperform00spra).pdf 893 × 1,141, 110 pages; 2.96 MB
Influences on the international affairs and defense budgets (IA influencesoninte1094535039).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 64 pages; 2.6 MB
Investigation of moving striations in an inert high purity gas discharge (IA investigationofm00fied).pdf 1,225 × 1,660, 94 pages; 2.68 MB
Jacob A. Stockfisch and the social discount rate revisited. (IA jacobastockfisch00stam).pdf 1,145 × 1,612, 110 pages; 3.05 MB
Jamming effects on digital communications receivers (timing errors and frequency errors). (IA jammingeffectson00lees).pdf 1,235 × 1,645, 98 pages; 4.51 MB
Jamming effects on M-ary coherent and binary noncoherent digital receivers using random jammer models (IA jammingeffectson00muno).pdf 1,187 × 1,564, 128 pages; 5.72 MB
JAPAN AND THE BOMB- PERSPECTIVES FROM SOUTH ASIA (IA japanandthebombp1094563489).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 114 pages; 1.08 MB
Jewish culture and the American military (IA jewishculturenda109452581).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 136 pages; 489 KB
Job-related perceptions of naval aviators. (IA jobrelatedpercep00john).pdf 1,160 × 1,620, 86 pages; 2.1 MB
Job satisfaction for male and female U.S. Air Force officers. (IA jobsatisfactionf00amun).pdf 1,206 × 1,579, 84 pages; 4.16 MB
The Kalman filter applied to process range data of the cubic model 40 autotape system. (IA kalmanfilterappl00juli).pdf 1,208 × 1,658, 140 pages; 3.93 MB
A large-scale modeling study of the California current system (IA largescalemodeli00monr).pdf 1,179 × 1,608, 156 pages; 6.17 MB
Lessons from Fukushima- relocation and recovery from nuclear catastrophe (IA lessonsfromfukus1094545815).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 152 pages; 1.41 MB
Making the nation safe in the twenty-first century (IA makingnationsafe109454426).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 94 pages; 436 KB
Marine fouling organisms in Monterey Harbor, California, June through September, 1966 (IA marinefoulingorg00mill).pdf 1,208 × 1,650, 66 pages; 2.55 MB
Measurement of the growth rates of Mytilus californianus and Mytilus edulis in Monterey Harbor (IA measurementofgro00delg).pdf 1,277 × 1,650, 220 pages; 8.21 MB
Measurement of the polarization of photo-neutrons from deuterium (IA measurementofpol00mart).pdf 1,162 × 1,606, 92 pages; 1.85 MB
Measurement of the proton from factor at low momentum transfer. (IA measurementofpro00gord).pdf 1,283 × 1,668, 58 pages; 1.81 MB
Measurement of the ratio of charge form factors for stable lithium isotopes by electron scattering (IA measurementofrat00midg).pdf 1,195 × 1,637, 50 pages; 1.58 MB
Measurement of semi-conductor diodes at microwave frequencies using a low impedance slotted line. (IA measurementofsem00pott).pdf 1,258 × 1,647, 224 pages; 10.52 MB
The measurement of the static switching properties of junction transistors. (IA measurementofsta00haml).pdf 847 × 1,145, 216 pages; 6.99 MB
Measurement of synchronous forces and flow non-uniformity in an axial compressor (IA measurementofsyn00cuel).pdf 1,175 × 1,606, 92 pages; 3.69 MB
The measurement of thin oil films under dynamic loading conditions using light and x-ray techniques (IA measurementofthi00towl).pdf 1,233 × 1,654, 102 pages; 3.73 MB
Measurement of transference numbers of the bisulfate ion in aqueous sulfuric acid. (IA measurementoftra00gard).pdf 1,185 × 1,604, 112 pages; 2.83 MB
Measurement and prediction of the flow through an annular turbine cascade (IA measurementpredi00thom).pdf 1,143 × 1,543, 92 pages; 4.27 MB
Measurements of the scattering matrix of obstacles in multimode wave guides. (IA measurementsof00evan).pdf 1,220 × 1,652, 140 pages; 4.3 MB
Measurements of direct path and folded path optical scintillation (IA measurementsofdi00spee).pdf 1,189 × 1,560, 376 pages; 8.71 MB
Measurements of early magnetic fields in laser produced plasmas. (IA measurementsofea00wege).pdf 1,145 × 1,612, 172 pages; 3.49 MB
Mikhail Gorbachev's new thinking - implications for western security (IA mikhailgorbachev00knot).pdf 1,208 × 1,577, 202 pages; 10.5 MB
Military intervention in identity group conflicts (IA militaryinterven109459200).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 126 pages; 4.71 MB
Minimizing drug related attrition costs for incoming Naval recruits (IA minimizingdrugre00jack).pdf 1,406 × 1,912, 114 pages; 4.77 MB
New developments in financial management in the Armed Forces. (IA newdevelopmentsi00mart).pdf 1,097 × 1,579, 64 pages; 3.61 MB
A new device for estimating local area enlistment market potential. (IA newdeviceforesti00citi).pdf 1,179 × 1,562, 136 pages; 6.58 MB