Category:1887 books PDF files
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Media in category "1887 books PDF files"
The following 133 files are in this category, out of 133 total.
175 choice recipes mainly furnished by members of the Chicago women's club (IA 175choicerecipes00chic).pdf 702 × 943, 88 pages; 3.72 MB
My life and balloon experiences, with a supplementary chapter on military ballooning (IA 758 × 1,137, 290 pages; 8.25 MB
5,000 gems for the household. A book that teaches everything a lady would like to know (IA 5000gemsforhouse00foxm).pdf 727 × 1,043, 300 pages; 14.86 MB
A daskalov polozhenieto v makedonija 1887.pdf 754 × 1,114, 146 pages; 31.86 MB
A Dictionary of Correspondences, Representatives, and Significatives, Derived From the Word of the Lord.pdf 910 × 1,422, 468 pages; 47.83 MB
Abandonment; or, Absolute surrender to divine providence (IA abandonmentorabs00cau).pdf 406 × 616, 204 pages; 6.47 MB
Abhinaya-Darpanamu1887.pdf 872 × 1,239, 199 pages; 18.73 MB
About Mexico, past and present (IA aboutmexicopastp00john).pdf 885 × 1,352, 426 pages; 29.2 MB
About Mexico, past and present (IA aboutmexicopastp01john).pdf 708 × 1,087, 424 pages; 29.15 MB
Abridged interest tables .. (IA abridgedinteres00edmu).pdf 600 × 929, 24 pages; 1.1 MB
Accidents in mines (IA accidentsinmines00sawy).pdf 1,118 × 1,889, 424 pages; 14.93 MB
Adolf von Stählin - Löhe, Thomasius, Harleß.pdf 787 × 1,231, 151 pages; 6.12 MB
Agatha and the shadow, a novel (IA agathashadownove00tenn).pdf 1,054 × 1,700, 334 pages; 96.94 MB
Alexander Pope (IA alexanderpope00tep).pdf 610 × 977, 232 pages; 9.64 MB
Alexandru D. Xenopol - Etudes historiques sur le peuple roumain.pdf 639 × 1,060, 317 pages; 4.51 MB
Alexandru G. Djuvara - Regele și Presa - Interpelare desvoltată în Camera Deputaților în ședința de la 9 Decembre 1887.pdf 777 × 1,093, 69 pages; 7.98 MB
Alexandru I. Odobescu - Scrieri literare și istorice. Volumul 1.pdf 575 × 962, 509 pages; 7.04 MB
Alexandru I. Odobescu - Scrieri literare și istorice. Volumul 2.pdf 575 × 972, 548 pages; 7.22 MB
Alexandru I. Odobescu - Scrieri literare și istorice. Volumul 3.pdf 600 × 1,000, 653 pages; 8.03 MB
Ana Karenine Tomo I (1887).pdf 700 × 1,041, 379 pages; 41.88 MB
Anarchism- Its Aims and Methods (Yarros, 1887).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 33 pages; 7.7 MB
Andrej Komel - Kurzgefaßte praktische Grammatik der slovenischen Sprache für Deutsche.pdf 718 × 1,179, 253 pages; 30.32 MB
Anniston, "the model city of the South." (IA annistonthemodel00anni).pdf 916 × 1,383, 52 pages; 4.48 MB
BaANH50345 Boletin del Instituto Geográfico Argentino (Tomo VIII 1887).pdf 595 × 912, 319 pages; 12.03 MB
BaANH51100 Memoria del Ministerio del Interior (1887).pdf 493 × 841, 273 pages; 6.7 MB
The baby's own Æsop; (IA babysownsop00cran).pdf 797 × 785, 64 pages; 5.98 MB
Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu - Etymologicum Magnum Romaniae - Dicționarul limbei istorice și poporane a Românilor. Volumul 1 - A-Azuga.pdf 1,004 × 1,516, 620 pages; 14.93 MB
A book of poems (IA bookofpoems00shir).pdf 652 × 993, 96 pages; 3.16 MB
The Buckeye cook book (IA buckeyecookbook00wilc).pdf 783 × 1,262, 1,302 pages; 90.05 MB
C. Delagrave Logo 1878.png 359 × 430; 223 KB
Cartilla jeográfica de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Francisco Vázquez Cores, 1887.pdf 862 × 1,135, 67 pages; 4.21 MB
Centennial cookery book (IA centennialcooker00buel).pdf 804 × 1,283, 220 pages; 9.41 MB
The century illustrated monthly magazine (IA centuryillustratv34newy).pdf 1,291 × 1,839, 984 pages; 128.91 MB
The chest-weight manual (IA chestweightmanua00howa).pdf 479 × 825, 50 pages; 1.53 MB
Collections of Cayuga County Historical Society, No. 4 (IA collectionsofcay01cayu).pdf 860 × 1,425, 116 pages; 5.91 MB
Consistorii Academici Aboensis äldre protokoller (IA consistoriiacad01seurgoog).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 597 pages; 15.85 MB
Constantin Esarcu - Palatul Atheneului.pdf 1,304 × 1,872, 40 pages; 2.13 MB
Costache Conachi - Poesii - Alcătuiri și tălmăciri.pdf 687 × 1,120, 456 pages; 5.11 MB
Report of Winfield S. Schley, commanding Greely relief expedition of 1884 (IA cu31924083524383).pdf 1,343 × 1,760, 166 pages; 9.19 MB
De la vida y acciones de Alexandro el Grande - Tomo I - Biblioteca Clásica CVII.pdf 745 × 1,077, 344 pages; 32.54 MB
Dias amargos - Santiago Vaca Guzman.pdf 610 × 972, 320 pages; 12.46 MB
Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez (Tomo 14 - Suplemento - Luiz de Camões).pdf 935 × 1,491, 497 pages; 17.23 MB
Die griechischen Staats-, Kriegs- und Privataltertümer.pdf 625 × 877, 608 pages; 59.42 MB
Dimitrie Bolintineanu - Elena - 1887.pdf 720 × 1,170, 425 pages; 11.85 MB
Dimitrie Cantemir - Les bains minéraux de Bălțatesci - (District de Neamțu, Roumanie) - Rapport.pdf 689 × 1,135, 83 pages; 15.82 MB
El Chaco Oriental, su conquista y civilización - nyp.33433081696597.pdf 825 × 1,304, 298 pages; 25.3 MB
El titan del siglo - Alfredo Acosta.pdf 750 × 1,062, 19 pages; 1.44 MB
Emelina - bdh0000129189.pdf 1,518 × 1,016, 221 pages; 4.45 MB
Emilia Pardo Bazán 1887 La madre naturaleza tomo I.pdf 1,606 × 1,160, 168 pages; 50.54 MB
Emilia Pardo Bazán 1887 La madre naturaleza tomo II.pdf 1,508 × 1,075, 143 pages; 39.2 MB
Erler Robert Schumann's Leben B1.pdf 735 × 1,177, 349 pages; 15.54 MB
Erler Robert Schumann's Leben B2.pdf 735 × 1,177, 362 pages; 15.58 MB
Filip Haderlap - Koroške bukvice.pdf 560 × 856, 34 pages; 1.66 MB
Fra Hytterne.pdf 950 × 1,414, 156 pages; 38.51 MB
George T. Buzoianu - Pamentul - curs de geografie pentru usul învățământului secundar. (Partea 1 și a 2-a).pdf 733 × 1,181, 237 pages; 4.56 MB
Grigore G. Tocilescu - Raporturi asupra cătoru-va mănăstiri schituri și biserici din țară.pdf 1,152 × 1,397, 91 pages; 28.22 MB
Historia de la República Argentina - Vicente F. Lopez (tomo 6).pdf 425 × 708, 786 pages; 47.77 MB
Historia de San Martín y de la Emancipación Sudamericana.pdf 827 × 1,295, 705 pages; 38.34 MB
Historias extraordinarias (1887) (page 297 crop).jpg 1,058 × 852; 178 KB
Historias extraordinarias (1887).pdf 854 × 1,200, 381 pages; 43.54 MB
History of the town of Conesus, Livingston Co., N.Y. (IA historyoftownofc00boyd).pdf 881 × 1,295, 210 pages; 14.72 MB
Isidors Geschichte der Gothen, Vandalen, Sueven.pdf 672 × 1,089, 76 pages; 1.92 MB
Karl Woermann Katalog der Gemäldegalerie Dresden 1887.pdf 906 × 1,366, 934 pages; 52.89 MB
Katydid's poems (IA katydidspoems00mcki).pdf 635 × 983, 124 pages; 4.68 MB
L'Illustration, tome 89, 1887.pdf 1,750 × 2,377, 460 pages; 322.47 MB
La casa del pantano (IA lacasadelpantano00ward).pdf 670 × 1,075, 314 pages; 25.15 MB
Lamarre - La Chine et le Japon et l'Exposition universelle de 1878 (page 67 crop).jpg 3,320 × 2,599; 6.47 MB
Lamarre - La Chine et le Japon et l'Exposition universelle de 1878.pdf 2,133 × 3,550, 326 pages; 62.07 MB
Las dos guitarras. Coleccion de composiciones de autores argentinos y uruguayos.pdf 662 × 991, 32 pages; 1.03 MB
Las metamorfosis - bdh0000191423 - Volumen 1.pdf 818 × 564, 401 pages; 75.36 MB
Las metamorfosis - bdh0000191423 - Volumen 2.pdf 814 × 560, 399 pages; 74.07 MB
Las metamorfosis por Publio Ovidio Nason - Tomo I - Biblioteca Clásica CV.pdf 743 × 1,075, 397 pages; 116.46 MB
Las metamorfosis por Publio Ovidio Nason - Tomo II - Biblioteca Clásica CVI.pdf 677 × 1,062, 387 pages; 112.84 MB
Luiza Pesjak - Beatin dnevnik.pdf 1,127 × 1,658, 166 pages; 7.38 MB
Mecelle-yi ahkâm-i adliye - 1305.pdf 4,583 × 7,581, 656 pages; 203.17 MB
Memoria sobre la creación de un museo arqueológico en la ciudad de Santiago.pdf 891 × 1,337, 80 pages; 4.71 MB
Modern Spanish readings embracing text, notes, and an etymological vocabulary.djvu 2,085 × 3,052, 472 pages; 11.13 MB
Mother Hubbard's cupboard - recipes (IA motherhubbardscu00firs).pdf 760 × 1,172, 96 pages; 4.77 MB
The New England historical and genealogical register (IA newenglandhistorv41wate).pdf 1,158 × 1,843, 128 pages; 15.5 MB
Obras dramáticas de Guillermo Shakespeare - Tomo IV (1887).pdf 708 × 1,062, 396 pages; 8.96 MB
Orballeiras 1887 Fernando García Acuña.pdf 858 × 1,281, 89 pages; 7.3 MB
Our Grandfather by Vítězslav Hálek (1887).pdf 683 × 1,000, 78 pages; 2.38 MB
Paradise- a novel (IA paradisenovel00bryc).pdf 1,127 × 1,725, 188 pages; 70.36 MB
Perfiles historicos - Antonio M. Demaria.pdf 745 × 1,045, 262 pages; 10.97 MB
PL Adolf Dygasiński - Z siół pól i lasów T.1.pdf 793 × 1,185, 272 pages; 21.78 MB
PL Adolf Dygasiński - Z siół pól i lasów T.2.pdf 825 × 1,179, 229 pages; 18.24 MB
PL Arystoteles - Poetyka.pdf 858 × 1,231, 58 pages; 33.5 MB
PL Dumas - Czterdziestu pięciu T2.pdf 997 × 1,333, 338 pages; 96.27 MB
PL Dumas - Czterdziestu pięciu T3.pdf 847 × 1,279, 264 pages; 72.95 MB
PL Puszkin - Wybrane poezye.pdf 927 × 1,358, 163 pages; 4.06 MB
PL Zola - Ziemia.pdf 637 × 1,012, 280 pages; 7.64 MB
Poetisches Tagebuch.pdf 708 × 1,054, 184 pages; 1.65 MB
Pospíšil, Josef - České úlohy šachové.pdf 1,562 × 2,208, 359 pages; 16.23 MB
A practical cook book compiled from the choicest recipes of many good housewives .. (IA practicalcookboo00ewin).pdf 564 × 1,039, 80 pages; 3.26 MB
Progresos y extravagancias - bdh0000189468.pdf 1,504 × 1,039, 233 pages; 23.62 MB
Redbook-1887 (21GA).pdf 600 × 862, 203 pages; 3.25 MB
Revista de España - Índice hasta 25 de octubre de 1887.pdf 0 × 0; 12.42 MB
Revista de España (IA revistadeespaa01unkngoog).pdf 860 × 1,364, 647 pages; 30.65 MB
Revue générale de l'architecture et des travaux publics, SER4, V14, 1887.pdf 1,712 × 2,125, 29 pages; 79.96 MB
Romancero de Galicia V. Novo y García, con un prólogo de Benito Vicetto.pdf 581 × 979, 190 pages; 1.27 MB
Shuudrakamalaakaramu.pdf 1,085 × 1,535, 262 pages; 34.21 MB
Skipper George Netman (1887 Edition).pdf 1,185 × 1,414, 138 pages; 8.99 MB
Teatro selecto de Calderón de la Barca.- Tomo I - Biblioteca Clásica XXXVI.pdf 618 × 935, 506 pages; 25.7 MB
The Bible and the Age.pdf 962 × 1,370, 418 pages; 56.34 MB
Unua Libro ru 1st ed.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 42 pages; 11.66 MB
Veronica Micle - Poesii.pdf 537 × 1,012, 144 pages; 1.53 MB
Viajes por Filipinas - bdh0000187021.pdf 1,531 × 1,093, 403 pages; 6.96 MB
Volapük ve 3 lekcích.pdf 875 × 1,239, 30 pages; 7.17 MB
Weavers and weft; (IA weaversweft00brad).pdf 1,079 × 1,681, 244 pages; 130.11 MB
Zrubavel - oder Shivas̀ tsien - a drame in finf aḳṭen (IA zrubavelodershiv00lili).pdf 779 × 1,208, 56 pages; 4 MB
Úvaha posl. P. Wurma o narovnání s Uhry.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 4 pages; 2.66 MB
Über Marokko.pdf 1,066 × 1,650, 23 pages; 23.71 MB
Евреи в России Их быт, цели и средства 1887.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 178 pages; 13.14 MB
ЖМНП 1887 Часть 250.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 801 pages; 33.16 MB
ЖМНП 1887 Часть 251.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 785 pages; 32 MB
ЖМНП 1887 Часть 252.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 871 pages; 34.13 MB
ЖМНП 1887 Часть 253 Часть 9.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 814 pages; 29.14 MB
ЖМНП 1887 Часть 253.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 801 pages; 31.82 MB
ЖМНП 1887 Часть 254.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 869 pages; 38.51 MB
Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1887 Часть 253 Древне-русские повести и сказания о Смут.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 359 pages; 15.27 MB
Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1887 Часть 254 Материалы для истории Византийской импер.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 104 pages; 4.5 MB
Романов Е. Р. Бѣлорусскій сборнікъ. Томъ первый. Губерніѧ могилевскаѧ. Выпускъ третий. Сказки. Витебскъ. 1887.pdf 768 × 1,235, 464 pages; 61.64 MB
平定关陇纪略 13卷 , 1887.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 1,516 pages; 302.41 MB