Category:1883 books PDF files
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Media in category "1883 books PDF files"
The following 157 files are in this category, out of 157 total.
18830320 Le Temps.pdf 4,266 × 6,400, 4 pages; 5.67 MB
1883Končnik.pdf 589 × 943, 268 pages; 15.9 MB
20,000 leagues under the seas (IA 20000leaguesunde00verniala).pdf 677 × 1,050, 304 pages; 13.18 MB
A Greek-English Lexicon, 1883 (cu31924021605831).pdf 1,095 × 1,614, 1,796 pages; 248.73 MB
Abbotsford and Newstead abbey (IA abbotsfordnewste00irvi).pdf 652 × 1,047, 188 pages; 7.38 MB
Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey ; A Tour of the prairies (IA abbotsfordnewste00unse).pdf 1,225 × 1,866, 880 pages; 67.15 MB
ABC moderner weltanschauung in beziehung auf religion und verwandte gebiete (IA abcmodernerwelta00kauf).pdf 1,066 × 1,600, 44 pages; 3.01 MB
An account of the exercises at the laying of the corner-stone of Whitin hall (IA accountofexercis00newm).pdf 1,129 × 1,760, 16 pages; 889 KB
Advanced lessons in kitchen garden (IA advancedlessonsi00kitc).pdf 654 × 1,008, 128 pages; 4.02 MB
Album histórico, científico y literario de Galicia (1883).pdf 960 × 1,283, 444 pages; 88.5 MB
Anti-tobacco (IA antitobacc00live).pdf 654 × 945, 140 pages; 9.21 MB
Apuntes de la gran romería de San Cristóbal celebrada en el año 1883.pdf 4,283 × 5,583, 20 pages; 6.72 MB
Arabeski (1883).pdf 0 × 0; 46.15 MB
The art of boxing, swimming and gymnastics made easy .. (IA artofboxingswimm00will).pdf 687 × 966, 98 pages; 5.61 MB
Medical Heritage Library (IA b21530336).pdf 910 × 1,427, 134 pages; 9.45 MB
Biblioteca hispano americana setentrional (IA b24872520 0002).pdf 829 × 1,241, 738 pages; 58.86 MB
BaANH50340 Boletin del Instituto Geográfico Argentino (Tomo IV 1883).pdf 639 × 947, 310 pages; 16.05 MB
Bayne's self-instruction book for dress cutting by the French glove-fitting tailor system (IA baynesselfinstru00bayn).pdf 812 × 1,250, 28 pages; 1.48 MB
BLV 163 Michael Lindeners Rastbüchlein und Katzipori.pdf 747 × 1,277, 221 pages; 5.39 MB
BLV 164 Villinger Chronik.pdf 754 × 1,252, 280 pages; 8.42 MB
BLV 165 Der Kampf um Teneriffa.pdf 756 × 1,279, 428 pages; 4.9 MB
BLV 166 Das Schachgedicht Heinrichs von Beringen.pdf 752 × 1,279, 436 pages; 7.47 MB
Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu - Din istoria limbeĭ române.pdf 935 × 1,437, 94 pages; 2.51 MB
Boston births, baptisms, marriages and deaths, 1630-1699 (IA bostonbirthsbapt00bost).pdf 820 × 1,256, 300 pages; 16.64 MB
Deutsche Classiker des Mittelalters - mit Wort- und Sacherklärungen (IA bub gb Bo8 AQAAMAAJ).pdf 625 × 991, 397 pages; 24.31 MB
Cantos populares do Brazil (Volume I).pdf 747 × 1,181, 327 pages; 4.8 MB
Claretie - Erckmann-Chatrian, 1883.pdf 691 × 1,054, 52 pages; 2.17 MB
Claretie - Lud. Halévy, 1883.pdf 679 × 1,064, 48 pages; 2.11 MB
Claretie - O. Feuillet, 1883.pdf 668 × 1,062, 48 pages; 2.2 MB
Claretie - Paul Déroulède, 1883.pdf 681 × 1,056, 48 pages; 2.1 MB
Colorado cook book (IA coloradocookbook00denv).pdf 664 × 925, 44 pages; 2.26 MB
Consistorii Academici vid Åbo universitet äldre protokoller (IA consistoriiacad00goog).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 673 pages; 23.01 MB
Contos Tradicionaes do Povo Portuguez.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 543 pages; 27.56 MB
Correspondance de Christophe Plantin (IA correspondancede01plan).pdf 793 × 1,266, 346 pages; 14.44 MB
Correspondance de Christophe Plantin (IA correspondancede02plan).pdf 781 × 1,285, 334 pages; 13.71 MB
Correspondance de Christophe Plantin (IA correspondancede03plan).pdf 806 × 1,268, 396 pages; 16.57 MB
Correspondance de Christophe Plantin (IA correspondancede04plan).pdf 785 × 1,272, 360 pages; 14.52 MB
Correspondance de Christophe Plantin (IA correspondancede05plan).pdf 858 × 1,343, 356 pages; 10.84 MB
Correspondance de Christophe Plantin (IA correspondancede06plan).pdf 818 × 1,272, 362 pages; 14.55 MB
Correspondance de Christophe Plantin (IA correspondancede07plan).pdf 779 × 1,277, 392 pages; 16.88 MB
Correspondance de Christophe Plantin (IA correspondancede08plan).pdf 818 × 1,291, 668 pages; 26.93 MB
Crítica de la razón pura (1883).pdf 1,939 × 1,241, 439 pages; 124.53 MB
The defence of Guenevere, and other poems (IA cu31924013528025).pdf 689 × 1,060, 268 pages; 3.19 MB
Reminiscences of the Guilford Grays, Co. B., 27th N. C. regiment (IA cu31924032778452).pdf 693 × 1,079, 148 pages; 3.76 MB
Cuentos de hadas (1883).pdf 777 × 1,204, 150 pages; 6.79 MB
D'Orléans - Histoire de la guerre civile en Amérique - Tome 5, 1883.pdf 2,133 × 3,062, 765 pages; 20.62 MB
D'Orléans - Histoire de la guerre civile en Amérique - Tome 6, 1883.pdf 2,133 × 3,062, 782 pages; 21.36 MB
Diccionario Bibliographico Brazileiro v1.pdf 737 × 1,256, 467 pages; 67.09 MB
Dramas de Guillermo Shakspeare - Volumen 2 (1883).pdf 800 × 1,072, 410 pages; 7.68 MB
Duiliu Zamfirescu - Fără titlu - poeme și nuvele.pdf 710 × 1,181, 202 pages; 2.67 MB
El gaucho Martín Fierro Jose Hernandez-1883.pdf 1,010 × 1,502, 65 pages; 13.55 MB
Estudios sobre Longfellow - bdh0000108087.pdf 0 × 0; 4.66 MB
Feydeau - Amour et piano.pdf 687 × 1,035, 44 pages; 736 KB
Fingal poema epico di Ossian.pdf 597 × 975, 110 pages; 171.24 MB
Folhas do outono.pdf 677 × 1,045, 265 pages; 11.2 MB
Fran Erjavec - Prirodopis rudninstva ali mineralogija.pdf 850 × 1,283, 92 pages; 11.28 MB
Francesca da Rimini (1883).pdf 635 × 1,018, 43 pages; 2.66 MB
Gheorghe Bibescu - Istoria unei fruntarii. România pe malul drept al Dunărei.pdf 818 × 1,310, 264 pages; 5.79 MB
Exposição districtal de Aveiro em 1882 - reliquias da arte nacional (IA gri 33125000281036).pdf 1,500 × 1,264, 162 pages; 15.23 MB
Heliga Birgittas uppenbarelser (IA heligabirgittas04klemgoog).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 294 pages; 5.46 MB
Historia de la República Argentina - Vicente F. López (tomo 1).pdf 422 × 700, 590 pages; 33.1 MB
Historia de la República Argentina - Vicente F. López (tomo 2).pdf 425 × 702, 693 pages; 41.17 MB
Historia de la República Argentina - Vicente F. López (tomo 3).pdf 420 × 691, 672 pages; 41.48 MB
Historia de la revolución de Inglaterra - Tomo II (1883).pdf 1,577 × 2,252, 369 pages; 34.06 MB
Historia de la revolución de Inglaterra - Tomo III (1883).pdf 1,650 × 2,258, 557 pages; 50.96 MB
Hokkai shōbunten.pdf 2,587 × 4,354, 72 pages; 79.76 MB
The hotel book of soups and entrees (IA hotelbookofsoups00whit).pdf 852 × 1,456, 52 pages; 4.25 MB
The housekeeper's new cook book (IA housekeepersnewc00kirk).pdf 1,091 × 1,802, 272 pages; 14.32 MB
Imperialgazettee030583mbp.pdf 835 × 1,352, 594 pages; 34.38 MB
Indicaciones para la reforma del sistema electoral de Bolivia.pdf 970 × 1,258, 42 pages; 4.25 MB
Jakob Alešovec - Ne v Ameriko!.pdf 577 × 937, 232 pages; 15.28 MB
Jewish Encyclopedia Volume 10.pdf 1,020 × 1,491, 722 pages; 61.53 MB
Journal of fabrics and textile industries (IA journaloffabrics03unse).pdf 1,718 × 2,247, 132 pages; 23.43 MB
Journey to Parnassus (IA journeytoparnass00cerviala).pdf 666 × 1,072, 476 pages; 12.33 MB
Justa literaria - Rafael Obligado y Calixto Oyuela.pdf 645 × 810, 79 pages; 1.66 MB
Józef Rostafiński. Odezwa.pdf 935 × 1,750, 3 pages; 1.32 MB
Krajnska čbelica 1.pdf 1,593 × 2,516, 449 pages; 103.3 MB
Kyokutei - Okoma, 1883.pdf 2,710 × 2,133, 83 pages; 18.27 MB
La Ilíada - Tomo II - Biblioteca Clásica II.pdf 720 × 1,075, 440 pages; 35.42 MB
La Ilíada - Tomo III - Biblioteca Clásica III.pdf 706 × 1,066, 410 pages; 37.65 MB
La razón social - Fromont y Risler (1883).pdf 850 × 1,189, 376 pages; 12.96 MB
La vuelta al campo - Calixto Oyuela.pdf 500 × 681, 19 pages; 358 KB
The Led-Horse claim, a romance of a mining camp (IA ledhorseclaimrom00foot 0).pdf 1,079 × 1,641, 302 pages; 95.64 MB
Loi fédérale concernant la propriété littéraire et artistique du 23 avril 1883.pdf 766 × 1,172, 12 pages; 353 KB
London Town (1883).pdf 997 × 1,160, 64 pages; 153.48 MB
London Town WDL627.pdf 1,000 × 1,143, 64 pages; 27.34 MB
The loom-fixers' manual; (IA loomfixersmanual01bald).pdf 622 × 902, 126 pages; 3.46 MB
Luthers Reformatoriske Skrifter i Udvalg.pdf 1,060 × 1,629, 846 pages; 274.38 MB
Maria Edgeworth (1883 Zimmern American Edition).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 325 pages; 5.35 MB
Marta y María. Novela de costumbres (1883).pdf 606 × 1,077, 380 pages; 57.48 MB
Mary Lamb (1883 Gilchrist American Edition ).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 365 pages; 3.41 MB
McDonough's bar-keepers' guide, and gentlemen's sideboard companion (IA mcdonoughsbarkee00mcdo).pdf 662 × 1,131, 64 pages; 5.76 MB
Meisterwerke der Dresdner Galerie (Levy).pdf 916 × 1,320, 112 pages; 98.61 MB
Myra's well. A tale of All-Hallow-e'en (IA myraswelltaleofa00daws).pdf 754 × 1,220, 28 pages; 1.31 MB
Nicolae Costin - Literatura populară română.pdf 602 × 1,006, 616 pages; 7.61 MB
Nights with Uncle Remus - myths and legends of the old plantation (IA nightsuncleremus00harrrich).pdf 652 × 1,089, 494 pages; 24.24 MB
Oberamt Kuenzelsau 1.pdf 725 × 1,062, 474 pages; 32.81 MB
Odas, epistolas y tragedias de Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo con una introducción de Juan Valera.pdf 200 × 1,077, 405 pages; 28.82 MB
O-neh-da Te-car-ne-o-di; (IA onehdatecarneodi00wait).pdf 781 × 1,018, 138 pages; 6.07 MB
Oud Holland (IA oudholland125geld).pdf 1,283 × 1,556, 36 pages; 2.18 MB
Our new cook book and household receipts (IA ournewcookbookho00fros).pdf 675 × 1,014, 466 pages; 18.09 MB
Owls of the Always Open. A novel (IA owlsofalwaysopen00chit).pdf 989 × 1,606, 188 pages; 59.27 MB
Peculiar poems (IA peculiarpoems00lant).pdf 727 × 1,058, 92 pages; 4.99 MB
Pisma Henryka Sienkiewicza (1883) t. 5.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 318 pages; 4.92 MB
PL Dzieduszycki - Sceptycy stoicy i epikurejczycy.pdf 822 × 1,266, 52 pages; 9.18 MB
PL Edward Nowakowski-Wianeczek z kwiatków majowych uwity na cześć i chwałę Przenajśw. Matce Bożej Królowej Korony Polskiej.pdf 2,341 × 3,116, 182 pages; 62.4 MB
PL Stanley-Jevons - Ekonomia polityczna.pdf 800 × 1,135, 196 pages; 98.18 MB
Poems (IA poems00barn).pdf 712 × 1,097, 86 pages; 1.55 MB
Salmagundi (IA salmagundi02irvi).pdf 668 × 1,012, 306 pages; 18.77 MB
The salmon fisheries (IA salmonfisheries00frye).pdf 768 × 1,237, 90 pages; 4.2 MB
Sichel - Notes d'un bibeloteur au Japon, 1883.pdf 2,133 × 3,537, 91 pages; 11.4 MB
Simion Florea Marian - Ornitologia poporană română. Volumul 1.pdf 666 × 1,031, 443 pages; 6.89 MB
Simón Bolivar (IAsimnbolvar00roja).pdf 768 × 1,318, 370 pages; 14.61 MB
The song of Milkanwatha- translated from the original Feejee (IA songofmilkanwath00hend).pdf 635 × 931, 136 pages; 4.43 MB
Tales of a traveller (IA talesoftraveller01irvi).pdf 672 × 1,033, 292 pages; 20.62 MB
Teatro completo de Esquilo (1883).pdf 710 × 1,110, 662 pages; 49.76 MB
The Brasilian language and its agglutination.pdf 831 × 1,347, 202 pages; 8.27 MB
The Bread-Winners, a Social Study (1883).pdf 552 × 789, 332 pages; 18.84 MB
The land of fetish.pdf 787 × 1,295, 362 pages; 23.66 MB
A tour of the prairies (IA tourofprairies00irvi).pdf 825 × 1,268, 148 pages; 11.67 MB
Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society (IA transactionsofma1883mass).pdf 1,085 × 1,662, 364 pages; 22.37 MB
Tres poesías. El ángel de la muerte - Canción de la campana - Epístola moral (1883).pdf 833 × 1,187, 142 pages; 31.52 MB
Vasile Alexandrescu Urechia - Opere complete. Seria E, Tomul 1 - Novele, cugetări, foiletone, bibliografii, varia.pdf 781 × 1,262, 400 pages; 5.33 MB
Katalog Kunstausstellung Kunstakademie Dresden 1883.pdf 1,237 × 1,752, 58 pages; 32.47 MB
Vietnamese coinage and medals (Monnaies et de Médailles de l'Annam et de la Cochinchine Française) by J. Silvestre (1883).pdf 2,133 × 3,200, 128 pages; 6.52 MB
Vitebsk antiquity.pdf 1,350 × 1,987, 96 pages; 20.83 MB
Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsvereins 5.pdf 829 × 1,283, 350 pages; 9.18 MB
Zioła Lecznicze, zeszyt 2.pdf 1,045 × 1,641, 53 pages; 3.94 MB
Étude de biologie industrielle sur le café.pdf 985 × 1,483, 201 pages; 6.77 MB
Веневитинов М.А. Заметки к истории Хождения игумена Даниила. (ЖМНП, 1883, май).pdf 956 × 1,400, 13 pages; 685 KB
ЖМНП 1883 Часть 225.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 785 pages; 35.3 MB
ЖМНП 1883 Часть 226.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 745 pages; 32.72 MB
ЖМНП 1883 Часть 227.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 851 pages; 33.75 MB
ЖМНП 1883 Часть 228.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 689 pages; 28.83 MB
ЖМНП 1883 Часть 229 .pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 771 pages; 31.41 MB
ЖМНП 1883 Часть 229.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 791 pages; 29.74 MB
ЖМНП 1883 Часть 230.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 783 pages; 29.66 MB
Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1883 Часть 223 Вопрос о кельтах.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 118 pages; 6.18 MB
Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1883 Часть 226 Еще раз о мнимом славянстве гуннов.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 51 pages; 2.43 MB
Из пещер и дебрей Индостана (1883).pdf 754 × 1,125, 449 pages; 16.99 MB
Сапунов. Витебская старина т1.pdf 850 × 1,256, 714 pages; 51.19 MB
Тимей и Критий (Платон, Малеванский).pdf 768 × 1,197, 310 pages; 25.52 MB
ספר המצות לרמב"ם.pdf 1,277 × 1,918, 276 pages; 80.56 MB
مشهد الأحوال.pdf 654 × 981, 138 pages; 7.35 MB
ঋগ্বেদ সংহিতা - চতুর্থ অষ্টক.pdf 625 × 1,064, 1,026 pages; 40.88 MB
জ্ঞানাঙ্কুৰ.pdf 602 × 1,012, 52 pages; 7.65 MB
বিবিধ প্রসঙ্গ - রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর.pdf 468 × 822, 154 pages; 3.78 MB