Category:1881 books PDF files
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Media in category "1881 books PDF files"
The following 142 files are in this category, out of 142 total.
1781. Groton Heights and New London (IA 1781grotonheight00roge).pdf 1,193 × 1,597, 16 pages; 363 KB
1881Šuman.pdf 708 × 1,181, 380 pages; 39.91 MB
A escravidão dos negros.pdf 579 × 891, 118 pages; 9.91 MB
A Laodicean (1881 Volume 3).pdf 683 × 1,052, 290 pages; 11.18 MB
Abissinia.pdf 881 × 1,297, 335 pages; 44.9 MB
An account of the habits, changes and diseases of the Bombyx mori, or common silkworm (IA accountofhabitsc00boys).pdf 793 × 1,358, 28 pages; 1.5 MB
Address at the memorial services of James A. Garfield (IA addressatmemoria00depe).pdf 866 × 1,427, 28 pages; 1.07 MB
Aires da miña terra, segunda edición, 1881, La Ilustración Gallega y Asturiana.pdf 3,839 × 5,768, 250 pages; 81.08 MB
Archives de biologie. Archives of biology (IA archivesdebiolog02li).pdf 808 × 1,279, 668 pages; 45.21 MB
Argyropolis - Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (frances).pdf 658 × 1,020, 165 pages; 7.94 MB
The Harveian oration (electronic resource) - Royal College of Physicians, 1881 (IA b20411911).pdf 800 × 1,156, 48 pages; 1.76 MB
Medical Heritage Library (IA b21530324).pdf 910 × 1,400, 68 pages; 4.22 MB
Opium smoking and opium eating, their treatment and cure (IA b21957769).pdf 720 × 1,129, 164 pages; 4.32 MB
BaANH50716 Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina - Guerra (1881).pdf 504 × 883, 315 pages; 8.32 MB
BaANH50717 Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina - II. Marina (1881).pdf 602 × 897, 550 pages; 21.9 MB
BaANH50718 Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina - Guerra Anexo A (1881).pdf 512 × 902, 590 pages; 18.93 MB
BaANH50719 Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina - Marina Tomo III Anexo B (1881).pdf 508 × 920, 495 pages; 17.86 MB
BaANH51077 Memorias Ingenieros Nacionales (1871-1881).pdf 666 × 1,020, 632 pages; 42.76 MB
BaANH51107 Memoria del Ministerio del Interior (1880).pdf 510 × 862, 904 pages; 45.51 MB
The bells (IA bells00poee).pdf 910 × 1,129, 60 pages; 3.21 MB
The bloody chasm. A novel (IA bloodychasmnovel00defo).pdf 1,089 × 1,714, 324 pages; 15.3 MB
BLV 151 Chronik des Bickenklosters zu Villingen.pdf 731 × 1,245, 173 pages; 4.86 MB
BLV 152 Tristrant und Isalde.pdf 729 × 1,245, 241 pages; 5.79 MB
BLV 153 Lutwins Adam und Eva.pdf 764 × 1,264, 138 pages; 2.09 MB
BLV 154 Die basler Bearbeitung von Lambrechts Alexander.pdf 754 × 1,227, 234 pages; 5.78 MB
BLV 155 Des Bamberger Fuerstbischofs Johann Gottfried von Aschhausen Gesandtschafts-Reise.pdf 754 × 1,227, 208 pages; 5.89 MB
BLV 156 Egerer Fronleichnamsspiel.pdf 754 × 1,227, 368 pages; 7.39 MB
BLV 157 Elisabeth Charlotte Herzogin von Orleans Briefe Band 6.pdf 764 × 1,306, 615 pages; 17.13 MB
Breakfast, dessert, and supper (IA breakfastdessert00knig).pdf 741 × 1,208, 104 pages; 4.57 MB
Bug-Jargal (1881).pdf 739 × 1,089, 236 pages; 48.54 MB
Bulgarian-Macedonian Charitable Society Statute.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 8 pages; 5.75 MB
Cameron - A travers l'Afrique, 1881 (page 24 crop).jpg 3,426 × 1,965; 450 KB
Cameron - A travers l'Afrique, 1881.pdf 2,133 × 3,197, 599 pages; 108.52 MB
Collins - L'Hôtel hanté, 1881.pdf 2,133 × 3,481, 252 pages; 58.48 MB
Comedias de Aristófanes (1880-1881) - Aristófanes - Tomo II.pdf 1,666 × 2,516, 414 pages; 33.16 MB
Comedias de Aristófanes (1880-1881) - Aristófanes - Tomo III.pdf 483 × 789, 361 pages; 14.38 MB
Comercio de armas en la República Argentina, documentos de la legacion Boliviana - uc1.a0000257931.pdf 918 × 1,360, 44 pages; 4.81 MB
Coupey - Fables originales, 1881.pdf 2,133 × 3,118, 172 pages; 3.37 MB
The poems of William Winter (IA cu31924022229714).pdf 595 × 993, 184 pages; 1.94 MB
History of Livingston County, New York (IA cu31924028853822).pdf 1,172 × 1,679, 814 pages; 37.42 MB
Del método en las ciencias físicas - bdh0000098966.pdf 877 × 1,212, 23 pages; 770 KB
El doctor Arce y su rol en la política boliviana - txu.059173017834256.pdf 964 × 1,487, 70 pages; 6.71 MB
El libro de la provincia de Guadalajara - bdh0000246900.pdf 0 × 0; 14.5 MB
El sombrero de tres picos - Décima edición (1891).pdf 606 × 995, 248 pages; 3.61 MB
Encheiridion of Epictetus - Rolleston 1881.pdf 708 × 1,022, 104 pages; 1.44 MB
Florae fluminensis, seu descriptionum plantarum praefectura fluminense sponte nacentium liberprimus ad systema sexuale concinnatus.pdf 1,391 × 2,025, 505 pages; 17.66 MB
Fluernes munddele trophi dipterorum - in veritate sapienta (IA fluernesmunddele00mein).pdf 1,225 × 1,789, 122 pages; 6.53 MB
Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte 21.pdf 743 × 1,229, 658 pages; 24.92 MB
Fünfzig Jahre eines deutschen Theater-Directors.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 367 pages; 5.14 MB
Guinault - Sergent ! (1881).pdf 662 × 1,012, 152 pages; 6.84 MB
Historia de la Revolución Argentina - Vicente F. López.pdf 500 × 845, 348 pages; 36.39 MB
The history of Buchanan County, Missouri (IA historyofbuchana00unio).pdf 850 × 1,412, 1,100 pages; 71.41 MB
Home cookery (IA homecookery00hows).pdf 791 × 1,272, 144 pages; 5.31 MB
Hood's cook book number two (IA hoodscookbooknum00ciho).pdf 595 × 945, 24 pages; 1.51 MB
How to cook (IA howtocook00newy).pdf 550 × 933, 68 pages; 3.79 MB
Illma, or, Which was wife? (3atEAQAAMAAJ).pdf 708 × 1,068, 369 pages; 6.72 MB
Jakob Alešovec - Vrtomirov prstan ali zmaj v Bistriški dolini.pdf 577 × 885, 83 pages; 4.75 MB
John Sobieski - Tatham.pdf 818 × 1,277, 76 pages; 3.34 MB
Kalligo. A poem (IA kalligopoem00west).pdf 700 × 939, 44 pages; 1.73 MB
Keramic art of Japan (IA keramicartofjapa00auds).pdf 1,112 × 1,650, 426 pages; 20.9 MB
The kings of Wall street (IA kingsofwallstree00cour).pdf 860 × 1,300, 42 pages; 1.33 MB
La revolucion Argentina su origen, sus guerras y su desarrollo politico hasta 1830 - V. F. López (Tomo 1).pdf 452 × 754, 681 pages; 47.19 MB
La revolucion Argentina su origen, sus guerras y su desarrollo politico hasta 1830 - V. F. López (Tomo 2).pdf 464 × 775, 457 pages; 30.63 MB
La revolucion Argentina su origen, sus guerras y su desarrollo politico hasta 1830 - V. F. López (Tomo 3).pdf 464 × 785, 577 pages; 42.04 MB
La revolucion Argentina su origen, sus guerras y su desarrollo politico hasta 1830 - V. F. López (Tomo 4).pdf 487 × 806, 870 pages; 73.24 MB
Las historias de Cayo Cornelio Tácito - Biblioteca Clásica XL.pdf 1,477 × 1,089, 369 pages; 23.57 MB
Los bibliofagos - Bartolome Mitre.pdf 752 × 1,162, 25 pages; 1.6 MB
Lourenço- chronica pernambucana.pdf 847 × 1,322, 320 pages; 6.96 MB
Législation ottomane ou Recueil des Aristarchi-Bey Grégoire Tome6.pdf 2,133 × 3,387, 290 pages; 10.93 MB
The magic northland (IA magicnorthland00dimo).pdf 847 × 1,310, 132 pages; 16.79 MB
March's A-B-C book (IA marchsabcbook00marc).pdf 666 × 1,031, 52 pages; 3.22 MB
Memorias Posthumas de Braz Cubas.pdf 704 × 1,210, 404 pages; 7.27 MB
Mihail Zamfirescu - Cantece și plangeri - Poesiĭ - 1860-1873.pdf 541 × 868, 305 pages; 2.52 MB
Neue Boidengattung und Art von den Philippinen.pdf 2,689 × 3,366, 16 pages; 12.65 MB
Nicolae S. Basilescu - Dota în dreptul roman și român - Thesă pentru licență - Act public.pdf 820 × 1,189, 91 pages; 15.72 MB
Otto mesi nel Gran Ciacco. Viaggio lungo il fiume Vermiglio di Giovanni Pelleschi.pdf 979 × 1,377, 438 pages; 36.46 MB
OttomanlawsFrench6.pdf 702 × 1,093, 292 pages; 7.03 MB
Our cooks in council. A manual of practical and economical recipes for the household (IA ourcooksincounci00jeff).pdf 693 × 1,081, 172 pages; 8.04 MB
PL A.Kieł - Sztuka przypodobania się płci pięknej sylwetki.pdf 870 × 1,260, 118 pages; 44.86 MB
PL Moraczewski - Droga żelazna.pdf 1,031 × 1,397, 34 pages; 12.38 MB
PL Platon - Protagoras; Eutyfron.pdf 737 × 1,222, 107 pages; 9.91 MB
PL Tacyt Kossowicz Agrykola.pdf 747 × 1,050, 64 pages; 14.44 MB
A pocket guide to British ferns (IA pocketguidetobri00ridliala).pdf 600 × 983, 116 pages; 3.16 MB
The Poems of William Winter (complete ed., Osgood, 1881) (IA poemsofwilliamwi00wintiala).pdf 487 × 866, 184 pages; 3.37 MB
Poesias - Tobias Garzon.pdf 708 × 1,050, 231 pages; 4.17 MB
Poezye (Jankowski, 1879—1884). Zeszyt II.pdf 2,581 × 3,939, 102 pages; 18.07 MB
Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (IA proceedingsofasi1881asia).pdf 902 × 1,368, 284 pages; 19.47 MB
Quatro regras de diplomacia.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 239 pages; 32.96 MB
Rapport sur les grands viaducs en Maçonnerie à l'Exposition Universelle de 1878 - Heidelberg University.pdf 2,983 × 5,131, 56 pages; 52.55 MB
Redbook-1881 (18GA).pdf 454 × 679, 37 pages; 1.94 MB
Reminiscences of gunboat life in the Mississippi squadron (IA reminiscencesofg00huli).pdf 1,062 × 1,450, 98 pages; 3.02 MB
Roden Noel - A Little Child's Monument - 1881.pdf 650 × 989, 174 pages; 5.57 MB
A serio-comic poem, entitled Perihelion (IA seriocomicpoemen00lela).pdf 785 × 1,258, 24 pages; 1.14 MB
Seven Years in South Africa v1.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 546 pages; 299.53 MB
Seven Years in South Africa v2.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 566 pages; 314.44 MB
Småstycken på forn svenska I (Klemming 1881).pdf 731 × 1,245, 334 pages; 54.66 MB
Statement of the attempted rescue of General Lafayette from Olmutz.pdf 725 × 1,093, 54 pages; 8.29 MB
Swedenborg's Writings and Catholic Teaching.pdf 914 × 1,350, 186 pages; 27.27 MB
T. Hodi - Pan Ślepy-Paweł.pdf 587 × 929, 310 pages; 6.24 MB
Teatro selecto de Calderon de la Barca.- Tomo III - Biblioteca Clásica XXXVIII.pdf 825 × 1,337, 472 pages; 25.74 MB
Teatro selecto de Calderon de la Barca.- Tomo IV - Biblioteca Clásica XXXIX.pdf 802 × 1,316, 608 pages; 31.58 MB
Teatro selecto de Calderón de la Barca.- Tomo II - Biblioteca Clásica XXXVII.pdf 835 × 1,327, 596 pages; 27.88 MB
Thoughts in verse (IA thoughtsinverse00sanb).pdf 858 × 1,400, 118 pages; 4.79 MB
Tōyō Dai-Nihonkoku Kokken-an.pdf 612 × 793, 72 pages; 71.16 MB
Katalog Kunstausstellung Kunstakademie Dresden 1880 bis 1882.pdf 2,083 × 3,043, 168 pages; 27.33 MB
Katalog Kunstausstellung Kunstakademie Dresden 1881.pdf 1,237 × 1,752, 55 pages; 27.31 MB
Wasserschleben-ludoviciana.pdf 1,156 × 1,481, 32 pages; 39.54 MB
Water lilies, and other poems (IA waterliliesother00heat).pdf 675 × 1,110, 232 pages; 8.1 MB
Weenonah - a narrative poem (IA weenonahnarrativ00couc).pdf 572 × 791, 112 pages; 4.14 MB
Where to go in Florida .. (IA wheretogoinflori00tyle).pdf 779 × 1,262, 58 pages; 3.78 MB
Widow Melville's boarding house.. (IA widowmelvillesbo00obri).pdf 1,177 × 1,822, 86 pages; 30.55 MB
William Money Hardinge - Clifford Gray; A Romance of Modern Life.pdf 627 × 920, 314 pages; 16.18 MB
Władysław Syrokomla. Studjum literackie (Spasowicz, 1881).pdf 685 × 935, 160 pages; 41.85 MB
Władysław Syrokomla. Studyum literackie (Kościałkowska, 1881).pdf 791 × 1,206, 60 pages; 16.69 MB
Władysław Łebiński - Kółka rolniczo-włościańskie.pdf 939 × 1,470, 58 pages; 23.84 MB
Z pieśni Litwina (1881).pdf 768 × 1,085, 32 pages; 10.28 MB
Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsvereins 3.pdf 800 × 1,308, 398 pages; 15.42 MB
Über Handel und Wandel in Brasilien.pdf 977 × 1,431, 109 pages; 2.82 MB
Дадатак да беларускага слоўніка Івана Насовіча.pdf 829 × 1,304, 28 pages; 5.99 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 213.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 702 pages; 29.77 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 214.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 823 pages; 37.83 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 215-1-.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 813 pages; 36.72 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 215.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,140 pages; 53.58 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 216.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 693 pages; 32.82 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 217 .pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 672 pages; 35.27 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 217.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 681 pages; 27.15 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 218 .pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 704 pages; 38.01 MB
ЖМНП 1881 Часть 218.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 650 pages; 36.86 MB
Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1881 Часть 215 Вопрос о народности руссов, болгар и гун.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 38 pages; 1.7 MB
Наука. 1881 г.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,087 pages; 55.93 MB
Про багацтво да бьедносць (1881).pdf 1,239 × 1,652, 36 pages; 13.17 MB
ימין צדקי.pdf 735 × 1,143, 112 pages; 15.16 MB
غابة الحق.pdf 445 × 743, 152 pages; 5.28 MB
পণ্ডিতমূর্খপ্রহসন.pdf 745 × 1,177, 76 pages; 3.1 MB