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Story 18 - Desert Maps

· 4 min read

Hello there!

This is the first interview of year 2020! After recent holiday fuss many of us encounter emotional downfall, which is normal and logical. We return to our everyday routine and spend less time with our families and friends. The only thing that keeps us going through hardships of winter greyness is passion. And if You read this blog, chances are that Your passion is traveling! Today’s interview will cheer You up in any case for our guest is Abu, who will share his adventures.

Abu as many of our users apply OsmAnd for travelling by a four-wheel drive vehicle. Not only is OsmAnd applicable in cities, but it is also great for off-road navigation, one can find even the tiniest routes on the highly detailed map.

Story 18

Everyone starts traveling in their own time. Abu was 17 when he set off for his first trip. In our teens we are always encouraged to find our passions and purpose in the world, we are more influenced by the experience. That trip certainly was not easy for Abu, there were no navigation programs around at that time. However, 18 year later he is still as passionate about traveling as he was at 17!

Story 18

Abu has just recently joined OsmAnd, he started using the app in July 2019. He is now known within OSM community for creating maps of Saudi Arabia by the name ‘Rahal_Team’.

“It's a very cool program. I open the maps in OsmAnd before a trip and sort them by specifying each city as a place to stop, which is a great feature of OsmAnd. As a matter of fact, the program has a number of other wonderful features and it is difficult to mention all of them. OsmAnd provides the user with so many benefits!”

Story 18

Would it be an interview worth reading without a story from Abu’s life? Surely not.

Once he was in the desert of Saudi Arabia. Deserts are dangerous and unpredictable, so without coordinates even experienced travelers find it hard to navigate through this terrific and mesmerising wonder of nature. One of Abu’s friends lost coordinates on his Garmin device.

“From all of my friends it was only me who had the app. So I turned it on and copied a waypoint that the Garmin device accepts. What distinguishes OsmAnd is its reliability, which is fairly impressive!”

Story 18

The level of Your satisfaction with the app is important both for us and our users, so we always ask You about the impact of OsmAnd on the battery of Your devices. Abu does not specify the device that he uses, but he is content with the energy consumption.

“The battery holds just fine. The app does not demand a lot, such energy consumption is considered average and this is perfectly normal.”

It is hard to define the level of our happiness, the app is running better and better, the users are content. Another successful year is ahead of us!

Story 18

“We in Saudi Arabia would love to help OsmAnd with the guidance of our off-road navigation. To make it clearer and more specific to a certain point. If I were to advise on something, I would ask for a feature that Google Maps already have - being able to draw a line from a selected point of your route to a specific point on an unmarked map. I would also appreciate a 3D option. Finally, thank You for a wonderful application with all specifications. Thanks from the bottom of my heart!”

And we thank You all for staying with us. Let’s make 2020 unforgettable together! Fight winter sadness by doing the very things You love.

See You soon!

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