User talk:Ahmad252/Archive 3

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بیان نکته ای

فایل عکس vahid va sistani از فایل هایی است که در اینترنت موجود نیست و یک عکس شخصی و در عین حال مهم است لذا علت حذف ما آن برای من مبهم است — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 10:29, 10 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام. به نظر می‌رسد که این تصویر، تصویری از یک تصویر دیگر (چاپ‌شده) است. تصویر اصلی (که چاپ شده) نیازمند مجوز است. Ahmadtalk 15:07, 10 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]

حاجی فیروز

سلام وقت بخیر . تقاضا دارم برچسب نامزدی حذف را موقتا از روی حاجی فیروز مادرمرده بردارید :( تا زمان پایان اجماع بر روی لوگو ویکی فا 99 اگر اجماع حاصل شد حاجی بخت برگشته را با تصویرسازی دیگری جایگزین میکنم . — Preceding unsigned comment added by Sftzed (talk • contribs) 16:24, 12 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Sftzed: سلام. ممنونم، وقت شما هم بخیر. لطفاً این موضوع را در صفحه درخواست که ایجاد شده (Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Sftzed) بنویسید. لطفاً منبع ماهی و سبزه را هم ذکر کنید و اگر غیرآزاد هستند، آن‌ها را هم جایگزین کنید. مدیری که درخواست را جمع‌بندی کند، این موارد را در نظر خواهد گرفت. در ضمن چون انبار یک پروژه چندزبانه است، مهم نیست که به چه زبانی می‌نویسید. Ahmadtalk 18:42, 12 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]

درخواست بازگشت

سلام خسته نباشید

جناب ببخشید من از روی لوگوی پیام رسان سروش آپ که داخل خود ویکیپدیا هم هست یک کپی گرفتم و از روی ان ترسیم کردم و دوباره به صورت svg گذاشتم تو ویکیپدیا

کجای این کپی برداری غیر قانوینه. چون مال خود ویکی هست و از جایی کپی نکردم که؟

من درخواست احیای برگشت فایل را دارم.

و اگر نشد حداقل خود فایلی که اپلود کردم را دوباره به خودم برگردانید.


Behnam N (talk) 08:24, 3 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Behnam N: سلام. ممنونم، شما هم خسته نباشید.
بله؛ اما آن نگاره به صورت محلی در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی بارگذاری شده بود؛ تحت استفاده منصفانه. استفاده منصفانه در انبار مجاز نیست (COM:FAIR را ببینید. بخشی از آن را ترجمه کردم که در Commons:Fair use/fa در دسترس است)؛ مخصوصاً با توجه به این که قانون حق نشر ایران تمام آثار را محافظت می‌کند و اثری را بیش از حد ساده نمی‌داند. شما می‌توانید این پرونده را به‌طور محلی در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی (و نه در انبار) بارگذاری کنید (تحت همان استفاده منصفانه). برای این کار باید به w:fa:ویژه:بارگذاری پرونده بروید و از آن‌جا، اقدام به بارگذاری کنید. آیا به پرونده‌ای که در انبار بارگذاری کرده بودید دسترسی دارید؟ مثلاً به‌طور محلی، روی رایانه شخصی‌تان. Ahmadtalk 19:33, 3 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

والا چی بگم. نمی دونم حالا این قوانین توسط چه کسی نوشته شده و از کجا حمایت میشه. فکر کنم لازم است شما بدانید چون خودم تو حوضه رسانه های اجتماعی فعالیت می کنم و با قوانین این حوضه سرو کار دارم.

قانون حمایت از نشان ثبت تجاری (همان لگو) در ایران که فقط برای بخش حقوقی است می گوید ثبت هر نشان تجاری فقط مورد حمایت و استفاده در همان بخش است و قانون کپی رایت در همان بخش حیطه فعایت خود سازمان مورد استفاده می تواند قرار بگیرد.

یعنی که مثلا تیم و یا گروه برنامه /خندوانه/ ارم خودشان را ثبت ملی کردند و چیزی که اینجا باید توجه کنی فقط قانون در حوضه رسانه .تلوزیون و روزنامه مورد استفاده می تواند قرار بگیرد.

و اگر من دلم بخواد می تونم راحت یک کارخانه چیپس بزنم و لوگوی انها را استفاده کنم

و یک توضیح و مثال دیگه مثلا ارم شرکت شما فقط در بخش کاری اساس نامه خود شرکت دارای حق کپی رایت است و جایی دیگر قابلیت حق استفاده از را ندارید : شرکت شما تو کار امنیت و دوربین مداربسته و شبکه است و فقط در این حیطه مال شما است

ولی من یک شرکت ثبت می کنم مثلا در برنامه نویسی در نرم افزار و خیلی راحت می کنم از لوگوی شما استفاده کنم. (این قانون ایران است). حالا نرم افزار سروش حق شکایت و یا هیچ گونه اعتراضی را ندارد از اینکه نشان او بر روی وب منتشر شده است . چرا که حتی جز اتحادیه کسب و کارهای مجازی هم نیست. چه برسه به چیزهای دیگه

درمورد درخواست اخری من بیخیال فایلم پیدا شد.

ببخشید که زیاد شد و باتشکر از شما که وقت گذاشتید.

Behnam N (talk) 20:12, 3 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
این قانونی که بالاتر اشاره کردم، قانون حمایت حقوق مؤلفان و مصنفان و هنرمندان است (متن کامل در این‌جا). فکر می‌کنم اشاره شما به قوانین مربوط به trademark است که تا حدودی با قوانین حق نشر متفاوت هستند (COM:CB#TRADEM را ببینید). بحث ما در این‌جا این است که آیا خود لوگو، مطابق با سیاست پروانه‌دهی انبار هست یا خیر. نتیجه این است که نیست؛ چون تحت پروانه‌های کریتیو کامنز منتشر نشده، و آن‌قدر هم ساده نیست که بتوان آن را پایین‌تر از آستانه اصالت به شمار آورد (مخصوصاً با توجه به قانون حق نشر ایران). در واقع، این اثر (لوگوی پیام‌رسان)، جدای از این که ثبت تجاری شده یا نه (و این که trademark به شمار برود یا نه)، به خودیِ خود توسط حق نشر محافظت می‌شود (به عنوان یک اثر، نه یک نشان تجاری). Ahmadtalk 16:26, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

خالی کردن رده‌های بازبینی

سلام. برای خالی کردن Category:Unreviewed files from Iran فقط کافی است ۱۰ فایلی که در Category:Farsnews review needed قرار دارند بازبینی شوند. تصویرها در سایت فارس نیستند (یا حذف/جایگزین شده‌اند) و در بایگانی اینترنت هم پیدا نشدند ولی ظاهراً در بایگانی شده‌اند. من به هر چاره‌ای متوسل شدم، نتوانستم به این سایت دسترسی پیدا کنم. اگر برایتان ممکن است لطفاً آن‌ها را بازبینی کنید. دو ویدئو هم هست که ظاهراً یکی بریدهٔ دیگری است ولی آن ویدئو را هم نتوانستم پخش کنم. اسم فایل‌ها را می‌آورم چون ممکن است در فاصلهٔ نوشتن پیام تا مشاهدهٔ آن توسط شما، رده با فایل‌های دیگری پر شود. تشکر

  1. File:Iran vs Cambodia, 10 October 2019 (01).jpg
  2. File:Iran vs Cambodia, 10 October 2019 (03).jpg
  3. File:Iran vs Cambodia, 10 October 2019 (05).jpg
  4. File:Iran vs Cambodia, 10 October 2019 (06).jpg
  5. File:Iran vs Cambodia, 10 October 2019 (08).jpg
  6. File:Iran vs Cambodia, 10 October 2019 (13).jpg
  7. File:Iran vs Cambodia, 10 October 2019 (16).jpg
  8. File:Tehran Wagon Manufacturing Company 2019-07-16 19.jpg
  9. File:Fars News; IRGC Navy Displays Latest Products in Exhibition.webm
  10. File:Yasir flyover.webm

4nn1l2 (talk) 01:13, 14 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@4nn1l2: سلام. اول خیلی تشکر می‌کنم به خاطر زحماتتان در خالی کردن این رده‌ها و بازبینی آن همه تصویر؛ خسته نباشید.
تمام تصاویر مربوط به دیدار ایران و کامبوج را در بایگانی یافتم و در نتیجه بازبینی شدند (همراه با درج پیوند مستقیم که هنوز حذف نشده). پرونده مربوط به ساخت واگن هم به طرز مشابهی تأیید شد. File:Yasir flyover.webm (بخشی از File:Fars News; IRGC Navy Displays Latest Products in Exhibition.webm) را هم تأیید کردم. اصل File:Fars News; IRGC Navy Displays Latest Products in Exhibition.webm کاملاً با ویدئوی موجود در منبع همخوانی دارد (ثانیه به ثانیه را بررسی کردم) و تنها تفاوتش این است که موسیقی متن (که به نظرم آزاد نبود) در نسخه انبار حذف شده. با این حال، یک مشکل وجود دارد: در خیلی از قسمت‌های این ویدئو، بنرهایی دیده می‌شوند (گاه با اندازه‌های بزرگ که به نظرم de minimis نیستند) با وضعیت حق نشر نامعلوم و احتمالاً غیرآزاد. راستش یک مقداری هم راجع به حق نشر تکه‌هایی از ویدئو مشکوکم که محتمل است متعلق به فارس نباشد و از طرف نهادهای دیگر برایشان ارسال شده باشد. در نتیجه، فقط همین ویدئو را بازبینی نکردم (هرچند تأیید می‌کنم که با ویدئوی منبع همخوانی دارد). Ahmadtalk 01:55, 14 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
تشکر مجدد
دربارهٔ ویدئو، از نظر تکنیکی و اینکه برخی فریم‌ها مشکل دارند حق با شماست، ولی اگر بخواهیم موبه‌مو به سیاست‌ها پایبند بمانیم، کار بازبینی طاقت‌فرسا می‌شود. ویرایش ویدئو به سادگی ویرایش عکس نیست و پخش و دانلود و آپلود و ... هم دردسر دارد. به هر حال ویدئو را از لحاظ پروانه تأیید کردم. حذف فریم‌های مسئله‌دار یا حتی نامزد کردن فایل برای حذف در آینده هم ممکن است. 4nn1l2 (talk) 03:47, 14 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
ممنون. امیدوارم بتوانیم خالی نگهشان داریم! Ahmadtalk 13:47, 14 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Question about The page “Ölümcül Sınıf”

Hey yesterday you remove my pictures for this page But one of the pictures is already in Wikipedia Commons why did you remove that :) I’m new at Wikipedia but as long as I read I can add pictures from its own database. And for the other photos I add them with wizard and I saw these pictures in lots of other sites I think it can’t be any issue about copyright. I’ll be very happy if you return me I wanna learn about it thanks already. Caglaozenc1 (talk) 10:00, 18 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Caglaozenc1: Hi. If I'm not mistaken, I think you're talking about a series of images about "Deadly class". These images (which I think were mostly book covers) are not "free" and can't be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. An important note is that if an image is available widely on the web, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's free and can be used on Commons (for more information, please see Commons:Licensing). However, some Wikipedias accept fair use (while Commons doesn't). If the wiki you're planning to use these images on allows it, you can alternatively upload them locally to your wiki and use them there (but please be aware that, in many aspects, fair use has stricter rules than using free media. If you're interested, I strongly suggest reading w:en:WP:NFCCP. It's the English Wikipedia's policy about fair use and the use of non-free content on Wikipedia). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Ahmadtalk 15:10, 18 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

File:Logo JOSAprova.png

Hi, I uploaded this file because it's a logo of an Orchestra, and it's Public Domain, but I don't know how to set the file correctly, can you help me? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Gnadal (talk • contribs) 13:41, 18 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Gnadal: Hi. Sure. In my opinion, it should be below the threshold of originality. Therefore , you can remove the {{Remove this line and insert a license instead|year=2020|month=04|day=17}} from the page and replace it with {{PD-textlogo}}. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Ahmadtalk 15:14, 18 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Done, thanks Gnadal (talk) 16:44, 18 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. I removed the tag. Ahmadtalk 16:46, 18 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

File:Rafa Kalimann.jpg

Hello .. Good evening! I uploaded an image, but I would like to delete it. You left a warning about the copyright of the image, so I send you this message. Can you delete it? GuilhermeViana08 (talk) 06:27, 20 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@GuilhermeViana08: Hello. Sure, thanks for letting me know. I deleted it.
Please note that images from Instagram are extremely unlikely to be free (and allowed on Commons), and the usual practice is that they shouldn't be uploaded here. In addition, every file uploaded to Commons needs some essential pieces of information such as a license (only certain licenses are allowed; you can read about that here), source and date. The reason why I tagged the photo was because the license was missing, but as the source was Instagram, it was also a copyright violation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If I'm not available or if you want to ask someone else, you can always ask at the help desk. Ahmadtalk 06:45, 20 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

I have contacted the owners of the original website for permission and am waiting for a response. It doesn't seem though that either the website or the accompanying Facebook page are active anymore. If I don't get any response, how could I check if the copyright has expired? The website has no information on copyright or terms of use beyond "Unless otherwise stated, all maps on this site are © ExploreTheMed".--Excelsius (talk) 02:04, 22 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Excelsius: As far as I know, if the source does not release the content under a free license (and there is no other evidence), the work should be deleted from Commons (as it's not likely to be free). Ahmadtalk 02:51, 22 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]


عکس نشلا چه مشکلی داره چرا باید حذف بشه؟ من آن را از سایت آشپزی روسی برداشتم حتا اسمش هم پای عکس دیده میشه. --Irman (talk) 10:36, 23 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

این عکس همراه با دیگر عکسهای همراه آن در ویسایتهای دیگر روسی هم منتشر شده و حصوسی نیست. --Irman (talk) 12:50, 23 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Irman: سلام. هر تصویری که در انبار بارگذاری می‌شود، باید یک سری اطلاعات ضروری را داشته باشد. یکی از این اطلاعات ضروری، پروانه است. تصویری که شما بارگذاری کردید پروانه ندارد. هر تصویری که پروانه نداشته باشد، هفت روز پس از برچسب خوردن و اطلاع دادن به بارگذار، حذف می‌شود؛ مگر این که در آن هفت روز پروانه مناسبی برایش قرار داده شود. لطفاً توجه کنید که هر تصویر موجود در اینترنت قابل بارگذاری در انبار نیست. اگر بخواهید تصویری را بارگذاری کنید، باید توجه کنید که آیا پروانه‌ای که اثر تحت آن منتشر شده با سیاست پروانه‌دهی در انبار مطابقت دارد یا خیر. اگر بله (مثلاً اگر این تصویر تحت مجوزهای مجاز کریتیو کامنز منتشر شده)، می‌توانید مجوزش را در صفحه تصویر قرار دهید و به بنده اعلام کنید تا برچسبی که روی تصویر زدم را حذف کنم. اگر پرسشی هست، در خدمتم. ممنون. Ahmadtalk 16:09, 23 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Copyvio at Qasemi.jpg and Behzad Qasemi.jpg

Hello Ahmad,

I noticed that you added a request for evidence of permission template to both Qasemi.jpg and Behzad Qasemi.jpg files. The author revealed in an AfD at enwkiki that he is not the author and that there is no compatible license (quote form en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Behzad Qasemi (2nd nomination)):

Hello @BenYaamin: Please confirm if you are the author of the two pictures you uploaded or if you have a direct relationship with Behzad Qasemi. If you do, it must be disclosed. --Crystallizedcarbon (talk) 15:45, 22 April 2020 (UTC)
 @Crystallizedcarbon: Hi my friend and guide, I just uploaded the images, I downloaded and uploaded the first image from this address File:Behzad Ghasemi.jpg and I downloaded and uploaded the second image from the news sites, and I have no connection with this person, I am Iranian and this person It is Iranian, and in Iran Behzad Qasemi's scientific theories are very important. I have helped Wikipedia to complete it and explain Behzad Qasemi --BenYaamin (talk) 00:56, 23 April 2020 (UTC)

A previous copy of one of the files was deleted yesterday for copyvio (see here). Regards, --Crystallizedcarbon (talk) 07:52, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The user recreated one of the files you deleted and removed speedy templates from others. --Crystallizedcarbon (talk) 13:27, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Crystallizedcarbon. I deleted their uploads and left them two messages. Thanks for letting me know; I must've missed that part of the AfD. Ahmadtalk 15:50, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Ahmad, and thank you for your help! The user has just recreated Behzad Qasemi.jpg for the third time... . --Crystallizedcarbon (talk) 17:22, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. They actually reuploaded three of their previous uploads. All deleted, last warning sent. Ahmadtalk 17:55, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. --Crystallizedcarbon (talk) 18:01, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Anytime :) Ahmadtalk 18:07, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Ahmad, would it be a good idea adding minecraft and fortnite to Special:AbuseFilter/154? Kids keep uploading screenshots of these unfree games every day.--BevinKacon (talk) 17:32, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@BevinKacon: Hi. I think that is a good idea; ✓ Done (see Special:AbuseFilter/history/154/diff/prev/2210). I also remember some screenshots of Call of Duty: Mobile, but I'm not sure if that's frequent or not, so I just let it be for now. Ahmadtalk 18:05, 24 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]


Hallo Ahmad252,
die von dir in Funktion als Commons-Admin bzw. OTRS-Bearbeiter befürworteten Löschungen der folgenden Bilddateien kann ich nicht nachvollziehen:

Deiner Argumentation mangelt es meines Erachtenbs an rechtlicher Substanz und deine Ermessensentscheidung ist mir nicht erklärlich. Es drängt sich meiner Meinung nach der Eindruck auf, dass du hier möglicherweise "irgendwie voreingenommen agiert" hast?!
Die beiden Originalbilder stammen aus dem Nachlass der Familie und wurden von einem Familienangehörigen angefertigt. Sie wurden von dem Erblasser des familiären Nachlasses (!!!) und zugleich heutigem Inhaber des Familienunternehmens (!!!) (in vierter Generation) zur Verfügung gestellt und unter einer freien Lizenz freigegeben. Der Bildspender ist in rechtlicher Hinsicht der alleinige Inhaber der umfassenden Rechte an diesen Bildern. Mit anderen Worten, es spielt überhaupt keine Rolle, welcher seiner Vorfahren die Fotos angefertigt hat -- er ist der Erbe (!!!). So what, was soll hier noch kommen??
All dies war dir bekannt und wurde dir von mir ausreichend mitgeteilt und erläutert. Gleichwohl hast du auf Löschung der Bilder bestanden. Ich denke, dass du hier deine erweiterten Rechte als Commons-Admin respektive als OTRS-Mitarbeiter missbraucht und willkürlich gehandelt hast. Bitte, überprüfe und revidiere deinen Standpunkt. Danke.
Gruß, --Jocian (talk) 15:37, 25 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Jocian. Sorry, I can't understand German, but I tried using Google Translate (sorry if you can't read English).
Based on the information in the ticket, I believe that the original photographer's identity is not clear (I can't explain details here as the OTRS-related information is private and confidetial). If the photographer's identity is unknown, I believe that we should treat these images as "anonymous" (for the United States, such photos will be in the public domain after 95 years of the publication date or 120 years of the creation date). If I'm missing something, please advise. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 16:17, 25 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

2Stallions Digital Marketing Agency Logo.png deletion & Dhawal-Shah-2Stallions-425x425-profile.jpg deletion

Hi Ahmad252, just wanted to find out why the photo and the logo were deleted? That logo belongs to a company I work at, and I'm trying to set up the wikidata for that company. The logo is free to use and since it belongs to me, I can attribute the copyright I wish to it. What did I do wrong to have it removed? I do not understand. Additionally, the image also belongs to me. As you can see, it was uploaded to my LinkedIn profile here - so I'm not sure the reason for the deletion as I was just requesting a name change?

Dhawalshah2s (talk)

@Dhawalshah2s: Hi. I deleted these two images because one of them is a logo that is above threshold of originality, and the other one, as you said, can be found elsewhere on the web. Please note that the copyright of a photograph belongs to the photographer (and not the person depicted in the photo), unless the copyright has been transferred by a legal contract. If you're the creator/copyright holder, please send a permission to OTRS and release these files under a free license (such as CC-BY-SA 4.0) so that we can undelete and keep them. An easy way to do it is by using COM:relgen; a tool designed for this purpose. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Ahmadtalk 01:26, 30 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

How do I add my real informations in Wikipedia.

Hey brother AssalamuAlaikum. Recently I'm trying to make a perfect wikipedia account for me because it will help me to grow my social network sites. Please help me. Mr.tahmid (talk) 05:51, 5 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Mr.tahmid: Hi. About the nomination for deletion, you can solve the problem by asking the photographer to release their photo (of you) under a free license. They should send the release statement to the OTRS. If they have transferred the copyright to you by a contract or statement, please advise.
But, since you said that you want to grow your social network sites using Wikipedia, I'm afraid that's not the purpose of the Wikipedia, and, on a greater scale, the Wikimedia. Please read Commons:What Commons is not and w:en:Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not for more information. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 06:25, 5 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]


Hello. Can you take a look at the contributions of Alikarooni on Seems spam-ish to me. Minoraxtalk (formerly 大诺史) 15:30, 13 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Minorax: Hello. I agree; the edits are apparently self-promotion, mostly in user namespace. I left them a warning on their fawiki talk page for now. Thanks. Ahmadtalk 15:43, 13 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. Their local user page appears to be a cut and paste of the version. Deletable as out of scope? Minoraxtalk (formerly 大诺史) 15:51, 13 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe. I personally believe that it is out of scope (because Commons is not an encyclopedia), but I believe it can't be speedy deleted (U3). I think it is deletable with a DR. Ahmadtalk 19:17, 13 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

René Dupont cathédrale d'Andong

Vous avez supprimer la photo de la cathédrale d'Andong sur l'article : René Dupont Cette photo figure sur le site des Missions Étrangères de Paris : Elle a été prise par Ophélie Surcouf en 2015. J'ai contacté Ophélie Surcouf via son site : Elle m'a répondu et donné son accord pour mettre la photo sur l'article René Dupont de Wikipedia. Je vais donc la remettre via Wikicommons Pierre Dupont — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dupontpm (talk • contribs) 11:52, 14 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Dupontpm: Hello. I unfortunately can't understand French, but according to the Google Translate, I think you have contacted the copyright holder and obtained the necessary permissions. In that case, please ask the copyright holder to send an email to and release the photo under a free license. They may use COM:relgen for this purpose. Please see Commons:OTRS for more information. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 12:07, 14 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Dupontpm: Bonjour. Je ne comprends malheureusement pas le français, mais selon Google Translate, je pense que vous avez contacté le détenteur des droits d'auteur et obtenu les autorisations nécessaires. Dans ce cas, veuillez demander au titulaire des droits d'auteur d'envoyer un e-mail à et de publier la photo sous une licence gratuite. Ils peuvent utiliser COM:relgen à cet effet. Veuillez consulter Commons:OTRS pour plus d'informations. Je vous remercie. Ahmadtalk 12:07, 14 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
translator: Ahmadtalk using Google Translate

Hi Ahmad, thank you for your message about the photograph I uploaded a couple of days ago. I have sent a message to the discussion page, but I appreciate having someone to address directly so I send it to you too.


I have translated a page about Giancarlo Puecher (an Italian partisan shot in 1943) from it.wikipedia into French. I have loaded a photograph of Puecher into Commons, and I have received a message that it could be deleted as the copyright info is not available. Three questions: - how can a 1943 photograph be subject to copyright? particularly a photograph of historical subject? Probably it's a photo from his ID card... - a photograph published in Wikipedia shouldn't have already been checked upon publishing? - how can I add info about the photo in Commons? I tried, but I couldn'find a way unquote Thenk you for your help --Frigio55 (talk) 08:56, 17 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Frigio55: Hi. The point here is that every media file uploaded to Commons must have a license. A full list of licenses that you can most probably use in this specific case can be found at Commons:Copyright tags/General public domain (or at Category:PD license tags). If you remove the {{Remove this line and insert a license instead|year=2020|month=05|day=13}} from the file page and instead insert a valid license, the problem with the license (the reason why I sent you the message) will be resolved.
About choosing the right license tag, you should keep in mind that photographs are only acceptable on Commons if they are released under a free license (and/or are in the public domain) both in the United States and in the source country. If I'm not mistaken, this photograph's source country is Italy, so you should keep COM:US and COM:ITALY in mind. Can you please read those two pages and indicate how the photo is in the public domain in the US and Italy, so that we can proceed? Thank you. Ahmadtalk 13:55, 17 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you Ahmad. I tried to follow your directions. I hope it's fixed. Let me know, thanks again--Frigio55 (talk) 19:10, 17 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

I think the no-license issue is fixed now. Thank you! Ahmadtalk 19:22, 18 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Moving Persian Files

Hi, Ahmad if possible can you please identify and move Persian named files from this Category:Uncategorized media with description or file name in Arabic letters to Category:Uncategorized media with description in Persian language‎ Perumalism (talk) 21:11, 19 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Sure; I'll review some now. Ahmadtalk 09:00, 20 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

A Gift for You!

تصویری از ابیانه تقدیم شما. ممنونم از وقتی که صرف بازبینی تصاویر می‌کنید. Hanooz 21:50, 19 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
خیلی ممنون! تلاشم بر این است که تا حد امکان خالی نگهشان داریم. تصویر ابیانه هم خیلی چسبید و بابت بارگذاری و هدیه صمیمانه تشکر می‌کنم؛ حال و هوای باصفایی دارد که این روزها کمتر می‌توان یافت. Ahmadtalk 09:01, 20 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]


Dear Ahmad, not only I was in rush today but haven't seen your question (probably Ping was not worked); so please accept my apology. I have not made any edits in request page because it was closed. also, I agree with you regarding Flicker licence washing in that case. anyway, thank you so much for your help and cooperate. kind regards Déjà vu 19:56, 20 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

I get it; my question was in the middle of other ones and it wasn't really visible at first sight (and because I pinged after asking the question, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work). Anyways, that's no big deal. Congrats! Ahmadtalk 21:14, 20 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Mary Ajami

Thanks for the information you left on my talk page. I saw this photo on the ARMENIAN page for Mary Ajami, and figured it would be okay to transfer over to the english as I couldn't find it when searching for the photo- I thought wiki operated as a single entity and licenses would be valid throughout the entirety of the site. Please can you advise what to do next, thanks — Preceding unsigned comment added by JJNito197 (talk • contribs) 21:30, 20 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@JJNito197: Can you please link to the Armenian page? I couldn't find it myself. Thanks. Ahmadtalk 12:07, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

no problem here is the page and this is the photo page, thanks JJNito197 (talk) 17:18, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@JJNito197: Thank you. I'm not familiar with the language, but I think w:hy:Պատկեր:Մարի Աջամի.jpg states that the photo is copyrighted, right? If so, the photo would unfortunately be unacceptable on Commons. However, given that it is relatively old, I think it's possible that it is in the public domain by now, so I'll create a proper deletion request for it. If you have information regarding the indentity of the photographer or the date the photo was taken or first published, please advise - it will be a great help. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 21:24, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Ahmad, You left a message on my talk page about how the photo I uploaded was not properly certified. I believe I chose the correct certification, but I don't know if that will help cancel the deletion notification, and am unsure of what to do next. ItsDaBunnyYT (talk) 22:09, 20 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@ItsDaBunnyYT: Hello. Yes, it looks fine to me after your edits, so I removed the tag and also made a few modifications to the file page. Thank you! Ahmadtalk 13:00, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Tove Lo - Sunshine Kitty (Sunshine Kitty (Paw Prints Edition).png

(I don't know if I should write to you here or on the Wikimedia page so I am doing both of them to be sure)

Hi Ahmad! When I went to upload the file on to Wikimedia commons I did check the box that said: "I did not make this" when asked who the author(s) were I answered correctly (I think). The photographer, the model (Tove Lo), the artist who drew the yellow character/lynx, the line then got more blurry when it came to who drew in the barbed wire, if you want to take a look at the original cover you can click here, it's an album cover for the Swedish singer Tove Lo. As you can see the picture in the middle is the same but you can see that there have been some changed in regards to the art of the album cover. So, I don't know who was it who drew in the barbed wire, the lipstick, the flowers, etc... Was it Harley Janes the man who drew the yellow lynx or was it Samuel Burgess-Johnson the Director for Art and Desing for the album. So that is why I added both of them to be sure but it could very well be somebody else who did it, but it seems to be the more logical way of choosing.

In regard to the licensing for the picture, I don't have it. I thought that since I had uploaded it to Wikimedia by answering the questions correctly and truthfully. That the picture would be used without any problems, I gave the source where I found it. If you want I can give you another source for the album cover: I think it's a more credible source then a not so well known Taiwanese music streaming service. So feel free to use this as a source. So I don't think that I need a license but I could be wrong.

I can probably tell you with 100% certainty that this will be the album cover that Tove Lo will use for the deluxe reissue of her album Sunshine Kitty. It will come out on May 22d so one way on another it will probably be on Wikimedia. Yours truly. --Der under Smurf (talk) 22:49, 20 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thanks; I will respond on your talk page. Ahmadtalk 20:37, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Question Re:Copyright

Hi @Ahmad252:. You left a message on my talk page about two of my images. Both these images represent soccer team logos. Every wikipedia page I've seen has the club logos, so I figured these were acceptable to upload as part of 'fair use'. Is this the case? If yes, what extra steps would I need to add to ensure they do not get deleted (if they are indeed allowed). If they are not allowed, I apologize. I just uploaded the Nagold image just now using the Wikipedia upload file. I had opened up the Manchester United image file and tried to use that as a guide, but don't think I did it in the exact same way. I don't really know the process for items like team logos. Kindly let me know if I am doing something wrong. I am not trying to violate copyright. RedPatchBoys (talk) 14:45, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@RedPatchBoys: Hi. Logos that aren't freely licensed should be uploaded under fair use on a local project (e.g. English Wikipedia). Some logos, like Google's logo, are below a standard called threshold of originality. Such logos may freely be uploaded to Commons, as they are in the public domain (basically for being too simple to be copyrighted). Logos that are complex but are freely licensed are also allowed on Commons, such as Wikipedia's logo. So I suggest uploading these to English Wikipedia under fair use, if you want to use them there (fair use is not allowed on Commons). But I'm not sure about the logos, especially about File:VflNagold.jpg, so I created a deletion request to see if other users agree that they are complex enough to be considered above the threshold of originality. If the result is delete, then uploading them locally on the English Wikipedia is probably the best solution. If the result is keep, then you can use them directly from Commons and there would be no need to upload them locally to the English Wikipedia. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Ahmadtalk 20:56, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the update. From your explanation, it sounds like the best place for them would be to upload them via the Wikipedia File Upload. For whatever reason, I mistakenly assumed that the Wikimedia Commons was the "Image Place" for all Wikipedia images. I did not realize originally that Wikipedia had a File Upload option. Deletion from the commons is probably the best course of action based on the Terms. Is there a way for me to just delete it myself, rather than to go through the Deletion request process? RedPatchBoys (talk) 21:13, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@RedPatchBoys: I personally suggest waiting for the result of the deletion request, at least for File:VflNagold.jpg because it's not unlikely for it to be below the threshold of originality. Nonetheless, you can request speedy deletion for these files by simply placing {{SD|G7}} on them. It will tag the files, and because they have been uploaded recently, they can be deleted without discussion. But please upload File:Chicago Fire SC Logo.png to the English Wikipedia under fair use and use it on w:en:Chicago Fire FC before requesting deletion here on Commons, because if the file is still in use when you request speedy deletion, it's possible that the reviewing admin rejects the deletion request. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 09:27, 22 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Speedy delete

Thank you! Please also speedy delete the redirect File:Zschorno, Gutshaus (07).jpg. I was confused with serializing my uploads of the old manor. I want to move File:Zschorno, Gutshaus (06).jpg to ..(07), then SD no. (06) and upload a new file to .. (06). --Tommes 23:32, 30 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Tommes: Anytime. I'll delete #7 now, but please note that you can do it yourself (in case the file is not used). You can't delete it when it's been created, but moving it without leaving a redirect will do the same thing; see Commons:File renaming#Leaving redirects for more info. Ahmadtalk 23:36, 30 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done. Ahmadtalk 23:37, 30 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

For the My File

Why do you delete My File, This Is From Tnternet and I Fill in the information! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Baivietngaunhien (talk • contribs) 13:25, 31 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Baivietngaunhien: Hi. If I'm not mistaken, I just tagged files uploaded by you (I didn't delete them). All files uploaded to Commons must have a license. If these files are released under a free license, please remove the {{Remove this line and insert a license instead|year=2020|month=05|day=27}} part from file pages and replace it with the license tag. If they aren't free, I'm afraid they can't be hosted here on Commons. Ahmadtalk 15:46, 31 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]


درود، سئوالی از حضورتان دارم مبنی بر اینکه با پرونده‌های بارگذاری شده از فارس نیوز (بعنوان نمونه این پرونده) که نام خالق (عکاس) ذکر شده در اثر با نام صاحب و یا خالق آن در متادیتا تناقض دارند و متفاوت هستند چه باید کرد؟ چراکه دیدم شما به آنها مجوز داده‌اید! با تشکر--Déjà vu 04:13, 4 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام. با نظر Hanooz که در بحث خودشان دادند، موافقم. معمولاً در مورد فارس (و دیگر منابعی که از لحاظ رعایت حق نشر، اعتباری دارند)، سهل‌گیری‌ها بیشتر است. در این مورد خاص، به نظر خودم مشکلی وجود ندارد (چون محدود به یک گالری نبوده و در گالری دیگری هم نام محمد آهنگر هست). اگر مشکلی باشد، فکر می‌کنم که از جنس کپی‌رایت نخواهد بود (از جنس این خواهد بود که نام عکاس این تصویر آزاد را بگذاریم فلان یا بهمان)، اما در چنین موقعیتی معمولاً نام ذکرشده در منبع (اگر معتبر باشد) را ترجیح می‌دهیم. Ahmadtalk 10:10, 4 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
یعنی بعبارتی ساده‌تر آقای عکاس دوربین رفیقش را قرض گرفته :) بهر رو سپاس از پاسخ Déjà vu 16:42, 4 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
ممکن است. البته مثلاً ممکن هم هست که نام مستعار داشته باشند، دوربین را از شخص دیگری خریداری کرده باشند، یا هم این که واقعاً با نقض احتمالی کپی‌رایت مواجه باشیم. Ahmadtalk 20:20, 5 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Javascript knowledge?

Ahmad, do I remember correctly that you are versed in Javascript or do I mix you up with someone other? (4nn1l2?) The reason why I ask is in COM:AN: Admin with JS knowledge: massrename script. — Speravir – 18:03, 9 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

I'm familiar with it, Speravir (not an expert, but probably enough to tweak scripts). 4nn1l2 is better than me in JS, I believe, but I managed to do it myself. Tested it, too; seems to work smoothly. Thanks for reporting! Ahmadtalk 22:43, 9 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, Ahmad! Yes the checkbox is now marked as enabled. Could you be so kind and additionally remove in line 265 the part || this.userRights === 'filemover'? From my rudimentary understanding this is not valid anymore after lifting the right for filemovers. — Speravir – 23:06, 9 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Don't mention it. That's ✓ Done now; see Special:Diff/425800240/prev. Ahmadtalk 17:02, 12 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you once again, Ahmad. The checkbox is now active and enabled by default, exactly as I wanted. — Speravir – 22:51, 12 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Pubblicazione foto non proprie

Salve Ahmad252, scusatemi ma ancora non capisco questo problema del copyright. Se una foto è sul web e si lascia scaricare , ed usare, perchè altri Utenti di DISPOSIZIONI FONICHE, che non l'hanno trovata, non possono SOLO vederla tramite la pubblicazione sulla pagina DISPOSIZIONI dove si indica il link della pagina originale? Chi l'ha scattata, nel caso specifico di organi a canne, non viene MAI citato, o quasi, perchè non si parla di opere d'arte, ma di semplici foto che uno scatta quando và in giro. L'uso che se ne fa è SOLO di visualizzarla, non se ne ricava un utile economico. Grazie!--Momimariani1962 (talk) 17:18, 13 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Momimariani1962: Hi. First of all, I apologize for writing in English; Unfortunately, I can't speak Italian. I believe that this is about File:Roma S.Antonio in Campo Marzio consolle.jpg and File:Roma Basilica S.Cuore di Gesù a Castro Pretorio.jpg, so my response will cover them. If there are other files as well, please advise.
The reason why I've tagged these two photos is that they don't have a license. Any file uploaded to Commons must have a license. Also, given that Commons can only accept free files, the license must be free (you can read more about this here). So, tagging these files is apparently the only step you should take. However, I can't find any indication of publication under a free license on the source of these files (I couldn't open [1], though), and, after reading your message (I translated it to English using Google Translate, I hope there are no mistakes), I believe that such evidence is not likely to be available. The point is that if an image is available on the internet for free, it doesn't necessarily mean it can be uploaded to Commons. The image must be released under a free license, as I explained above, by it's author/copyright holder. Without the copyright holder's consent, uploading files to Commons is usually a copyright violation (unless the file is in the public domain for reasons like being too simple, being too old, etc.). But I think none of those exceptions apply here, so I believe that these files can be considered as copyright violations and should be deleted, unless there is something I've missed. If that's the case, please advise. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 20:41, 13 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Ciao. Prima di tutto, mi scuso per aver scritto in inglese; Sfortunatamente, non so parlare italiano. Credo che si tratti di File:Roma S.Antonio in Campo Marzio consolle.jpg e File:Roma Basilica S.Cuore di Gesù a Castro Pretorio.jpg, quindi la mia risposta li coprirà . Se ci sono anche altri file, si prega di avvisare.
Il motivo per cui ho taggato queste due foto è che non hanno una licenza. Qualsiasi file caricato su Commons deve avere una licenza. Inoltre, dato che Commons può accettare solo file gratuiti, la licenza deve essere gratuita (puoi leggere ulteriori informazioni al riguardo qui). Quindi, contrassegnare questi file è apparentemente l'unico passo che dovresti fare. Tuttavia, non riesco a trovare alcuna indicazione di pubblicazione sotto una licenza gratuita sull'origine di questi file (non ho potuto aprire [2], comunque) e, dopo aver letto il tuo messaggio (l'ho tradotto in inglese utilizzando Google Translate, spero che non ci siano errori), credo che tali prove non saranno probabilmente disponibili. Il punto è che se un'immagine è disponibile su Internet gratuitamente, ciò non significa necessariamente che possa essere caricata su Commons. L'immagine deve essere rilasciata con una licenza gratuita, come ho spiegato sopra, dal suo autore / detentore del copyright. Senza il consenso del detentore del copyright, il caricamento di file su Commons è generalmente una violazione del copyright (a meno che il file non sia di dominio pubblico per motivi come essere troppo semplice, essere troppo vecchio, ecc.). Ma penso che nessuna di queste eccezioni si applichi qui, quindi credo che questi file possano essere considerati violazioni del copyright e debbano essere eliminati, a meno che non ci sia qualcosa che ho perso. In tal caso, si prega di avvisare. Grazie. Ahmadtalk 20:41, 13 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
translator: Ahmadtalk using Google Translate

File:مهدی عبدالوهاب.jpg

Hi Ahmad, just a quick note to let you know that File:مهدی عبدالوهاب.jpg is still there, even though you closed the deletion request as "delete". --Slashme (talk) 07:43, 15 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Slashme. This is a different version under the same name. I deleted the one uploaded by Theeali, but this new file was uploaded by Erfan.haqshenas. This is the list of logs for the page. And the uploaded file is different (so it can't be speedy deleted by CSD G4). Ahmadtalk 18:51, 16 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, OK! --Slashme (talk) 19:17, 16 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Félicien Brut par Mathias Nicolas

Monsieur Ahmad252, je viens vers vous car la photo de Félicien Brut par Mathias Nicolas ajoutée à wikimedia a été supprimée, le photographe a dû oublier le mail de permission à cette adresse : Je relance la procédure. Bien cordialement, — Preceding unsigned comment added by Journaliste36 (talk • contribs) 08:30, 26 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Journaliste36: (sorry for writing in English; unfortunately I'm not familiar with French) Thank you! But I think they should send the permission to, since the photo is here on Commons. And is multilingual, so they can send the permission in French. I also recommend using COM:relgen, which makes it much easier to prepare the permission and send it.
And one more thing: you don't need to (and, generally, shouldn't) re-upload the file after its deletion, since all files are still available. Administrators can restore deleted files once they make sure there are no problems with them. So when the permission is accepted, the file will be restored by an administrator, in case it has been deleted. Ahmadtalk 20:59, 26 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
(désolé pour avoir écrit en anglais; malheureusement je ne connais pas le français) Merci! Mais je pense qu'ils devraient envoyer la permission à, puisque la photo est ici sur Commons. Et est multilingue, ils peuvent donc envoyer l'autorisation en français. Je recommande également d'utiliser COM:relgen, ce qui facilite grandement la préparation de l'autorisation et son envoi.
Et encore une chose: vous n'avez pas besoin (et, généralement, ne devriez pas) de télécharger à nouveau le fichier après sa suppression, car tous les fichiers sont toujours disponibles. Les administrateurs peuvent restaurer les fichiers supprimés une fois qu'ils s'assurent qu'il n'y a aucun problème avec eux. Ainsi, lorsque l'autorisation est acceptée, le fichier sera restauré par un administrateur, au cas où il aurait été supprimé. Ahmadtalk 20:59, 26 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
translator: Ahmadtalk using Google Translate

Question about image licensing/public use


So re: Sorry I saw the notification so late

I was wondering about what the process would be like for undeleting this - I'm still new to Wikipedia so although I read the FAQ pages on this I'm still a bit confused. To give more background, I'm a student volunteer with the organization which this logo represents, which is also a non-profit organization. We've been using this logo on our 2019 website and social media but I'm not sure whether we've ever made a statement that this is can be for public use. I can also get the original artist who designed this logo to say that it is for public use. Do you have any advice for what would be the most straightforward process to clarifying the image's licensure or what additional information I would need to have it republished on Wikimedia? Some insight into the correct appeal process would be appreciated as well!

Thanks! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Timohthee (talk • contribs) 19:23, 29 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Timohthee. A helpful explanation is available here. You can discuss it with the administrator who closed the deletion request, with an individual admin, or directly at COM:UDR. Personally speaking, I think requesting on COM:UDR is the best approach in this case. That being said, please note that the reason provided for deletion is not copyright-related, but scope-related. Wikimedia Commons only hosts files that fall within its scope. Therefore, if you want to request undeletion, I strongly suggest reading COM:SCOPE first, and filing an appeal according to the said page. Specifically, you should provide evidence that shows why this logo can realistically be used for an educational purpose. If there is an article for the subject (Hack the North) on any Wikipedia (or, generally, a page for it on any Wikimedia project), please provide a link to it. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks. Ahmadtalk 02:10, 30 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. Thank you for deleting this photo. Could I ask you to also revision delete all revisions of the DR up to and including Special:Diff/429322678? There is insulting and abusive language used in the original vandal nomination. FredWalsh (talk) 13:00, 5 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. ✓ Done. I think some other DRs created by that IP also need redaction, but since the list is rather long and other admins have not revdelled/redacted them, I will just try to remove the attacks - for now. Ahmadtalk 17:37, 5 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]


Hi, Ahmad. I just saw that you cleaned up Commons:Deletion requests/File:Ruben Meiller.jpg. Thank you very much for that. Can you also clean the contents of Commons:Deletion requests/File:00-Naturist woman 2.JPG, including revdel of file history? I would be very grateful to you. Thanks in advance and take care. --E4024 (talk) 18:49, 5 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi E4024. It was nothing, really. Thanks for reporting; I redacted and revdelled the attacks, though we should probably redact and/or revdel some (all?) other DRs created by the user, too. Ahmadtalk 19:40, 5 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Mr Inbetween image issue

Hi Ahmed!

I'm trying to add the official poster FX Networks published here ( to the show's official wikipedia page ( But when I uploaded it, I got a message saying I need to specify where I found the image but I don't know how to do that.

the image :


-Dan — Preceding unsigned comment added by Danoxmas (talk • contribs) 19:14, 16 July 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

Hi Dan. Generally, posters, album covers, game covers etc. are copyrighted and can't be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. Sometimes, asking the copyright holder to send the permission to OTRS works, but that's not the usual practice. Usually, such copyrighted works are uploaded locally under fair use (Commons does not allow fair use). English Wikipedia accepts fair use content (see w:en:WP:FAIR). I believe you should upload the poster to English Wikipedia instead and use it under fair use on the said article (w:en:Mr Inbetween). In addition, the image uploaded to Commons should be deleted, because it's a copyright violation. Therefore, I'll delete the Commons version. Please feel free to upload the poster locally on the English Wikipedia. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Ahmadtalk 20:01, 16 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Ahmed do i really have to wait 4 days and maybe 10 edits on articles before I can upload to english wikipedia?— Preceding unsigned comment added by Danoxmas (talk • contribs) 20:47, 16 July 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

Hi Dan. I believe so. Technically, you should either be an autoconfirmed or confirmed user to be able to upload files locally on the English Wikipedia, and waiting four days and having 10 edits makes you an autoconfirmed user. If you don't want to wait that long and/or make 10 edits, you can alternatively request at w:en:WP:FFU, though I think making 10 edits shouldn't be difficult; after all, there are probably lots of interesting articles you can spend your time on! Ahmadtalk 08:26, 17 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

تصاویر محکومان به اعدام

لایسنس برای محتوای عفو بین‌الملل این جا قابل دسترسی است: — Preceding unsigned comment added by Melancholist20 (talk • contribs) 08:11, 18 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Melancholist20: لطفاً COM:L را ببینید. اول این که CC-BY-NC-ND (و هر کریتیو کامنز دارای NC و/یا ND) در انبار پذیرفته نیست. دوم هم این که آن پروانه محدود به محتوای متعلق به عفو بین‌الملل است. آن سه تصویر متعلق به عفو بین‌الملل نیستند و این سازمان، حق عرضه آن‌ها تحت پروانه خاصی را ندارد. با توجه به همین موضوع، بارگذاری این تصویر در انبار، نقض حق نشر به حساب می‌آید. همچنین با توجه به این که این افراد هنوز زنده هستند، امکان بارگذاری محلی این تصویر به عنوان «استفاده منصفانه» در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی (یا هر جای دیگر) هم مقدور نیست. برای فراهم شدن امکان استفاده در پروژه‌های ویکی‌مدیا، تنها راه احتمالاً این است که دارنده حق نشر تصاویری از این افراد، اجازه‌نامه‌ای به سامانه اوتی‌آراس بفرستند و این تصاویر را تحت یک پروانه قابل قبول در انبار عرضه کنند؛ چیزی که چندان عملی به نظر نمی‌رسد (حداقل برای من). Ahmadtalk 20:18, 18 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]


چرا شما برای تصاویر صفحات ادیت شده توسط من درخواست حذف تصویر رو دادی؟ — Preceding unsigned comment added by ملانصرالکفر (talk • contribs) 19:22, 27 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@ملانصرالکفر: دلیل نامزد شدن هر یک را در صفحه نامزدی مخصوص خودش ذکر کرده‌ام. به‌طور کلی، در مورد وضعیت حق نشر این تصاویر (و آزاد بودنشان) شک دارم و درخواست حذف دادم تا اگر این شک صحیح بود، این تصاویر حذف شوند. Ahmadtalk 05:36, 28 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Image license

Hi, I received a warning that my uploaded images will be deleted unless properly licensed. The files published by the OSCE and are publicly available. I don't know what license do images in this situation have. Any help? — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 13:15, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Can you please provide a link to the image you are discussing, or tell me what your username is? Thanks. Ahmadtalk 18:33, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

probable deletion of an image

Hello and thank you for your message

The picture you sent me a message about, is taken from the person's personal social media account. He also has a public one, for political reasons. The point is, I have no experience in navigating Wikimedia to allow me to fill everything correctly to avoid a picture's deletion.


@Aftaminas: Hello. Most of the time, content shared on the social media is not acceptable here on Commons and is considered to be unfree. If you mean "being accessible" by "public", then it does not make a difference, since the problem here is with the license. If "public" means being in the public domain, then it'd be acceptable, but I think the former was what you meant, right?
Unfortunately, if the copyright holder/photographer of this photo has not released it under a free license (as explained here), the file can't be hosted on Commons. Alternatively, you can try to look for a free replacement on the web. If you think it's likely for the copyright holder to release this (or a similar) photo under a free license, you can ask them to do so (they should use the OTRS process). If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Ahmadtalk 19:56, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Ahman252: Hi. I did mean the former. But, in the mean time, I have emailed the campaign to ask for the presidential candidate to upload a picture of himself, which I can then use — Preceding unsigned comment added by Aftaminas (talk • contribs) 21:08, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Aftaminas: Hi. Thank you. Can you please inform me if they agree (or disagree) to release a photo under a free license? On a side note, they can also use COM:relgen, it makes the process easier. Ahmadtalk 07:40, 30 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

ادوارد عويس

، الصورة لشخص متوفي يعني تحقق شرط سياسة الاستخدام العادل — Preceding unsigned comment added by عمر الشامي (talk • contribs) 16:50, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@عمر الشامي: (Sorry for the English) Please see COM:FAIR. Fair use (استخدام العادل) is not allowed on Commons. You should upload fair use material locally on Wikipedia (see w:ar:ويكيبيديا:محتوى غير حر). If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Ahmadtalk 20:02, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
يرجى الاطلاع على COM:FAIR. الاستخدام العادل غير مسموح به في المشاع. يجب عليك تحميل مواد الاستخدام العادل محليًا على ويكيبيديا (انظر w:ar:ويكيبيديا:محتوى غير حر). إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة ، فلا تتردد في طرحها. Ahmadtalk 20:02, 29 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
translator: Google Translate

Добрый день! Подскажите, как подтвердить права на изображение, если я сам являюсь его автором? Мне нужно предоставить письменное разрешение на его использование от моего имени? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Aslan Ahmadov (talk • contribs) 13:32, 4 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Aslan Ahmadov: Hi, and sorry for the English; unfortunately, I don't know Russian. Yes; if you're the copyright holder/author, you can send a declaration of consent to the OTRS. You can use COM:relgen for that purpose. You should release it under a free license (please see COM:License for a list of acceptable licenses on Commons). If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 14:04, 4 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Привет и простите за английский; к сожалению я не знаю русский Да; если вы являетесь правообладателем/автором, вы можете отправить заявление о согласии OTRS. Вы можете использовать COM:relgen для этой цели. Вы должны выпустить его под свободной лицензией (пожалуйста, смотрите COM:License список приемлемых лицензий для Commons). Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь спрашивать. Спасибо. Ahmadtalk 14:04, 4 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]
translator: Google Translate

Okay! Thank you, I'll send an email with my agreement to I hope this will help to cancel deleting of my photo.--Aslan Ahmadov (talk) 10:38, 5 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

انفجار بیروت 2020

سلام این عکس ها از خبرگزاری موج گرفته شده که زیر نظر لایسنس licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. هست --Hoseina051311 (talk) 08:53, 5 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Hoseina051311: سلام. لطفاً متن نظرخواهی را ببینید. موج، تسنیم، فارس و سایر خبرگزاری‌ها فقط در شرایطی می‌توانند خودشان محتوا را تحت پروانه خاصی منتشر کنند که صاحب حق نشرش باشند. در این‌جا، تردیدهای جدی در خصوص مالکیت وجود دارد و بنده باور دارم که موج این اجازه را ندارد که این محتوای خاص را تحت CC-BY 4.0 منتشر کند، برای همین (و بر اساس اصل احتیاط)، آن‌ها را نامزد حذف کردم. کلاً اگر جایی چشمتان به "received" یا «دریافتی» به عنوان منبع خورد، پیشنهاد می‌کنم که در مورد آن تصاویر محتاط باشید. Ahmadtalk 09:37, 5 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]
بله حواسم نبود عکس ها دریافت شده بود با سپاس از اطلاع رسانی --Hoseina051311 (talk) 10:09, 5 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]


I am new to all this. I am working on a Wikipedia page for a client John D. Rees. Briefly, John was a Corrections Commissioner, Warden, Accreditation auditor, author, etc. He sent me the photo and he has no clue who took the photo in 1980. We really would like to use this photo. John was a warden at one of the state prisons and it was my understanding that government photos of public figures are not under copywrite since they are paid by taxpayer dollars. I guess I'm wrong in that.

Warden John D Rees, Kentucky State Reformatory.png

I have uploaded four other photos that fall in the same category. The photographer is unknown to either myself or my client (John D. Rees).

Holmes_administrative_staff_KY_BOC.png This photo is over the 50 year range This was a press release from the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections (now Dept. of Corrections)

Gov_Martha_L_Collins_with_Warden_John_Rees.png This is of a Kentucky Governor with Warden John Rees taken 1980. This was a press release from the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections (now Dept. of Corrections)

Department_of_Corrections_Commissioner_George_Wilson_with_KSR_Warden_John_Rees.jpg This picture also taken 1980 This was a press release from the Kentucky Bureau of Corrections (now Dept. of Corrections)

Paws_with_a_purpose_Rees_and_Lt_Gov_Pence.jpg This was a press release by the Department of Corrections when John was Commissioner to the press. It has been in the public domain.

Should we delete all of them? I really hate it because they make the story and all pictures have been in newsletters, newspapers, and other documentation over the years.

Your assistance, guidance and comments will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for the time I have caused you to expend on this. Sharon for John D. Rees Wikipedia page — Preceding unsigned comment added by Smko47 (talk • contribs) 17:06, 6 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Smko47: Hi. It depends, really. You mentioned "government photos", do you mean the USA government? If yes, then please see {{PD-USGov}}. In short, works by the US federal government are in the public domain, but they should be "prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties". That being said, please note that this only applies to works by the federal government, not those by sub-national governments, such as states. Although some states, such as Florida, have chosen the (more or less) same approach as the federal government, not all of them have, and, to my knowledge, Kentucky has not done so (see w:en:Copyright status of works by subnational governments of the United States for more info). As a result, I believe we can't count on that. I can only think of two solutions that apply here: 1. To ask the copyright holder (Dept. of Corrections, in some cases) to release the work under a free license by sending a declaration of consent to the OTRS, and 2. To wait until the copyright is expired. For anonymous works in the US, this is the publication date + 95 years or creation date + 120 years (whichever is shorter). Please see COM:US for more info. It is my understanding that these photos are, unfortunately, still copyrighted, unless I'm missing something.
Also, and this is not related to the copyright but, since you mentioned that Mr. Rees is your "client", you may want to read w:en:WP:PAID. In short, if you've been paid to edit English Wikipedia, you should disclose it when doing so - but you don't need to do so when editing Commons (this website).
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Ahmadtalk 23:12, 6 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

File:Gösta Säflund (1903-2004).jpg

Dear Ahmad! The abovementioned file was uploaded from the url I mentioned in the description. Since I didn't find an appropriate license here (I've forgotten that the "fair use" is not accepted at Commons), feel yourself free to delete it immediately, not waiting for 7 days. After that I'll try to download it at local Wiki, where the "Fair use" tag is accepted. Sincerely, Cherurbino (talk) 18:27, 6 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Cherurbino. I deleted it, thanks for letting me know! Ahmadtalk 23:21, 6 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Rees photos

Ahmad, thank you for your direction on the Rees photos. I took all but one off the page I am creating. I will remove that one and will get the permission from the Kentucky Department of Corrections for another one John just sent me. I call him my client. I am not getting paid. I'm really using his story to learn how to be a Wikipedian. Not sure with all the rules that I'll get the hang of it, but I'm going to try. Thank you again for your assistance. Please stay safe. Sharon — Preceding unsigned comment added by Smko47 (talk • contribs) 22:34, 7 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Don't mention it. In that case, it's all good; thanks for the clarification. As for the "rules", I think using common sense will help a lot (English Wikipedia actually has a policy that encourages users to ignore all rules when necessary). Thank you for your efforts. Ahmadtalk 19:08, 8 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Help needed

Hi, I tried to make things right for the two files you tagged, please tell me if it's ok or not so that I do the right thing next time. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Malev (talk • contribs) 09:46, 8 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Malev. Yes, I believe it should be okay now. I removed the no-license tags. Thank you! Ahmadtalk 18:48, 8 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I received the message that Wonho-Signature was missing a copyright tag, I believe I fixed it. Could you let me know if I did the right thing or something is still missing to remove the no-license tags? Thanks in advance. Thisjohnny (talk) 21:06, 13 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Thisjohnny. Thank you; I removed the no-license tag. Ahmadtalk 20:00, 14 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]


احمد گرامی، ضمن عرض احترام، دو سئوال از حضورتان دارم مورد اول: برخی کاربران واترمارک تصاویر (مثلا تسنیم) را قبل از بررسی لایسنس حذف میکنند، در این موارد چه باید کرد؟ مورد دوم: چرا پس از بازگردانی برخی پرونده‌ها به نسخه‌های قبلی علی رغم اینکه در تامب‌تیل‌ها فایل‌ها به درستی دیده میشود اما در نمایش اصلی تصویر آپدیت قبل از تغییر من نشان داده میشود! و چه زمانی تصویر جدید (بازگردانده) در فایلهای بکار رفته برروز میشود؟ پیشاپیش از محبت جنابعالی سپاسگزارم Déjà vu 23:18, 13 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@DejaVu: سلام. برای اولی، اشکالی ندارد. فقط مهم است که در صفحه اطلاعات پرونده، همه‌چیز درست باشد (یعنی پروانه تسنیم استفاده شده باشد، نام عکاس صحیح باشد، پیوندی به گالری تصویر در تسنیم در دسترس باشد، و تاریخ ثبت هم به‌درستی ثبت شده باشد). خود عکس لازم نیست، چه قبل و چه بعد بررسی، واترمارک داشته باشد. البته به نظر من بهتر این است که اگر کسی قصد کراپ دارد، اول نسخه کامل را بارگذاری و بعد آن را کراپ کند تا کار برای بازبینان پرونده و مدیران آسان‌تر شود، ولی اگر چنین نکردند هم اشکالی ندارد.
در مورد دومی، احتمالاً مربوط به مرورگر باشد. روی لینوکس و ویندوز با Ctrl+ Shift+R یا Ctrl+F5 و روی مک با  Cmd+ Shift+R می‌توانید یک بارگذاری مجدد سخت انجام دهید؛ به نظرم بعدش درست خواهد شد. Ahmadtalk 20:04, 14 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]



In regard to the John D. Rees.png photo I uploaded, I found it online at this link

I thought if it was online already it was permissible. If its not, delete it for me please. Thank you for your assistance. Respectfully, Smko47 (talk) 14:43, 20 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Smko47. Thanks for letting me know. I checked the source, but I couldn't find anything indicating that the content of that website is released under a free license, and it appears that the website does not hold the copyright of the photo either, so I think it can't be hosted on Commons. I'll delete it soon. Regards, Ahmadtalk 21:32, 20 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Ahmad, Just to follow up. I met with Mr. Rees Friday and took a picture of my own using my phone and uploaded it a few minutes ago. Thank you again for your guidance and assistance. Respectfully, Smko47 (talk) 11:15, 23 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Smko47: Thank you! I think you're referring to File:Jdrees aug 21 2020.png. If that's the case, it might be a good idea (it's not necessary of course) to upload a bigger version, or one with metadata. Based on COM:PCP, photos that are small and lack metadata sometimes get deleted. If you're not comfortable with that, you can also use the OTRS; files that have a OTRS permission rarely get deleted. As I said, it's not necessary, and it may never get deleted, but doing so increases the chance of the file being kept. Thanks! Ahmadtalk 13:28, 23 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Norman Maclean

Hello Ahmad, can you help me with the file "Maclean family.jpg" which you edited for possible deletion today? It's my first upload on Commons. Are the informations now enough or what do I still need? Thank you and best regards, --Clibenfoart (talk) 16:18, 20 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Clibenfoart. I think you've added a license tag to the file ({{PD-US}}), but I think there might have been a misunderstanding: this tag refers to the publication date, not the creation date. Do you know when the photo was first published (made available to the public)? I know the source you mentioned on the file page was published in 2008, but since the photo was taken in 1911, I think it's likely that it was published elsewhere before that. Ahmadtalk 21:45, 20 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Ahmad, I did a bit of research but could not find out if it was published before 2008. I was not aware of the difference between taking a picture (which would be no problem because it's from 1911) and publishing it. It was included in the Norman Maclean reader along with other pictures of the author. --Clibenfoart (talk) 07:28, 21 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Clibenfoart: Hello. Taking a photo (generally, creating a work) is, well, taking it. When you take a photo, you can keep it private and never publish it. For the general definition of "publication", please see w:en:Publication. Since this is a rather complicated case, I'll file a deletion request (everyone can discuss the matter in a deletion request, so others may be able to help us with the copyright status of the photo). Thank you. Ahmadtalk 05:43, 22 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, hopefully there is a solution. Thank you. Best regards, --Clibenfoart (talk) 07:16, 22 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]


It seems as your query misses a lot of pages that actally meet the criteria. For example why hasn't your bot removed {{DRbox2}} from Commons:Deletion requests/File:Thomas muir horse.jpg?Jonteemil (talk) 20:47, 21 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Jonteemil. Oh... I didn't know there is a {{DRbox2}} (and it wasn't noted in the bot request either). I'll add it to the settings. Thank you! Ahmadtalk 05:28, 22 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, my bad. {{DRbox2}} is actally the template that's used by {{Delete2}} which is substituted onto deletion request pages. But apparently I didn't know this when I requested the proposal for the removal of {{DRbox}}.Jonteemil (talk) 06:46, 22 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi again!

When will you run the bot again? Special:Search/com: hastemplate:DRbox2 currently has 6000+ results.Jonteemil (talk) 18:38, 5 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Jonteemil: Hi! Thanks for the reminder. On September 7, I believe. Technically speaking, I can run it right now, but since the last run was on August 7, and because I said it will be once a month, I think it's better if we wait another two days. Ahmadtalk 19:24, 5 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
 Doing… and apologies for the delay. Ahmadtalk 00:03, 11 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Jonteemil: Hi. It's ✓ Done now. Ahmadtalk 15:29, 11 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Perfect! I noticed it isn't removed when it's not at the top. Why is this? For example Special:Search/com: insource:/\\{\{DRbox2?\}\}\<\/noinclude>.----/ can probably safely be removed.Jonteemil (talk) 15:48, 11 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Jonteemil: Thanks for the example. The current version of the code only removes the tag from the top. I think it's because I had difficulty finding a way to remove those in other positions, but this specific example seems safe to me, too. I'll add it to the code. One other example I could find is Commons:Deletion requests/File:Vihorlat 032.jpg, but that's a bit risky (the DR might still be open). I'll try to use this list and check every edit before saving it. Ahmadtalk 01:49, 12 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

File:Jen_Perelman.jpg OTRS

Dear Ahmad, A notice at File:Jen_Perelman.jpg says

The (received email) message was not sufficient to confirm permission for this file. This may, among other reasons, be because there was no explicit release under a free license, or the email address that the permission came from is not associated with the location where the content was originally published.

I am the original uploader of the image. Can you please help me fix the license issue?

Stefania0 (talk) 13:26, 25 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Stefania0. The notice means that someone has emailed the OTRS system regarding the mentioned file, but "the message was not sufficient to confirm permission" for the file. You don't need to do anything at this point; the OTRS agent handling the ticket and the person who sent the email will discuss the matter. Since the information on OTRS is confidential and can only be accessed by OTRS agents, I can't discuss the details, but the standard procedure is that the OTRS agent handling the ticket will update the page. As I said, you don't need to do anything (including fixing the license). Ahmadtalk 13:53, 25 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]

File:1973 Gay Pride.jpg

Thank you for your comments.

As legal counsel for Thom Higgins, I obtained the permit needed for the event behind File:1973 Gay Pride.jpg. I do not recall the author's name.

I am assured by other participants that the author, who is likely deceased, donated his photography to the Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies, University of Minnesota Libraries, to be shared with the public domain.

The author of File:1973 Gay Pride.jpg appears in the circle. He posted his work on Facebook as a picture to prove both source and context behind the "Gay Pride" banner. It is not offered to users of the Wikimedia Commons as a derivative work but rather as a picture to be shared in the public domain. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Y6f&tP4z (talk • contribs) 21:17, 6 September 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

Hello Y6f&tP4z. If I'm not mistaken, you mean that the photo is in the public domain, right? If that's the case, please remove the {{Remove this line and insert a license instead|year=2020|month=09|day=01}} line on the file page and replace it with the right public domain tag. Although this will solve the "no license" problem, someone may still nominate the photo for deletion, because it's not clear why the photo is in the public domain. Because of that, I suggest either providing a link, explanation etc. on the file page, or, especially if the evidence can't be shared publicly, sending an email to the OTRS and explaining why the photo is in the public domain (you can use COM:relgen for that purpose). If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Ahmadtalk 13:44, 7 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

- - - Reply #1

I sent a request via email to the Curator, Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies, asking for confirmation that (1) the author donated his photo to the University of Minnesota Libraries and that (2) the photo is in the public domain.

I will update this thread with comments I receive, which may be delayed because of the pandemic.

--Y6f&tP4z (talk) 14:28, 8 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

- - - Reply #2

I received this response from the Curator on 16 September 2020:

"It doesn't seem that the Tretter [University of Minnesota] holds copyright to this image." Also "mention that the original is held at the Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies at the University of Minnesota."

And because Jim Chalgren, the rightsholder, is deceased, "you might wish to proceed as if this is an orphan work."

Where should I send the documentation?

--Y6f&tP4z (talk) 11:04, 18 September 2020 (UTC). One link edited --Y6f&tP4z (talk) 20:58, 20 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

- - -

@Y6f&tP4z: You can send the said documentation to OTRS ( In this case, I think it's not possible to obtain the necessary permission for this file, and the file can only be undeleted when its copyright expires, right? Ahmadtalk 17:53, 18 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

- - - Reply #3

A. No. Egil Jonsson, the author of File:1973 Gay Pride.jpg, posted the picture of himself "in the orange ring" on his Facebook page in 2012, then reposted the same picture with context in 2019. Because Jim Chalgren released the photo in the US before 1988 "without an explicit Copyright notice", his work was not an "orphan" and could be used in the public domain for any purpose.

B. Contradictory information on the file page can be clarified and documented.

--Y6f&tP4z (talk) 15:00, 19 September 2020 (UTC). Two links edited --Y6f&tP4z (talk) 20:50, 19 September 2020 (UTC). Insert missing word --Y6f&tP4z (talk) 13:50, 24 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

- - -

I apologize for the late response. If it has been "published in or after 1978 but before March 1, 1989 with no copyright notice" and the copyright has not been "registered within 5 years of the work's initial publication" (see COM:US), please file an undeletion request on COM:UDR. Please note that you may be asked to provide evidence, either publicly or privately. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 21:49, 24 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]


سلام‌. ممکن است تصویر را به مقالهٔ ویکی‌پدیای فارسی‌اش برگردانید؟ به من ایمیل زده و عجله دارد! ممنونم. 4nn1l2 (talk) 19:31, 8 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام. ✓ انجام شد. Ahmadtalk 19:34, 8 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
ممنون. من با ایشان به خاطر مقاله fa:ایران اینترنشنال مکاتبه کردم (وقتی در حال خوب کردن مقاله بودم) و تصویر را هم به همین دلیل آپلود کردم. شاید وقتی باز شدم، عکس را به آن مقاله هم افزودم (خود شخص با این موضوع اوکی است). هنوز نمی‌دانم آیا بار دیگر در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی مشارکت خواهم کرد یا نه. صرفا این موضوع را اینجا نوشتم تا احیانا نامعلوم/ناگفته/نامشخص نماند. 4nn1l2 (talk) 20:23, 8 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
خواهش می‌کنم، کاری نکردم. آهان؛ پس هنوز هم امید به ایمیل زدن به اشخاص و جواب گرفتن هست :-) راستش من شخصاً مطمئن نیستم افزودن تصویر ایشان به اصل مقاله (ایران اینترنشنال) لازم باشد (البته کامل در جریان مسائل آن مقاله نیستم، ولی فقط در حد نگاه سریع). طبیعتاً به انتخابتان پیرامون مشارکت یا عدم مشارکت در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی احترام می‌گذارم، ولی راستش از مدت‌ها پیش باور داشتم که یک سری از مسائلی که در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی وجود دارد (به‌طور خاص، که شما در مورد بعضی‌شان واکنش نشان داده و/یا تلاش برای حل آن‌ها کردید) را نمی‌توان به‌سادگی حل کرد. زیر این خط، پرحرفی کرده‌ام و خواندنش ارتباط خاصی به موضوع بحث ریسه ندارد.
... پزشکی در کتاب پدرخوانده ماریو پوزو هست به نام «جولز سگال» ("Jules Segal"). آن پزشک به‌طرز آزاردهنده‌ای به مسائل اطرافش بی‌تفاوت است. او فقط زمانی که کسی سؤالی بپرسد، با بی‌تفاوتی جواب دقیقی می‌دهد، هرچند که کاملاً می‌تواند جواب کامل‌تر و واضح‌تری بدهد. او تعریف می‌کند که در گذشته، چنین نبوده، بلکه پر از احساسات، پر از عواطف و پر از شور بوده. او تعریف می‌کند که اوایل کارش، جراحی کاربلد بوده که حاضر بوده عمل‌هایی انجام دهد که نهایتاً، سال‌ها بعد، ممکن بود به مرگ مریض منجر شوند. او می‌گوید که بعد از بعضی عمل‌هایش روی زنان، به همسرشان می‌گفته: «کار تمومه». او حتی می‌گوید بعد از مدتی، تعجب کرده که چرا همسران به حرف‌ها و هشدارهایش توجه نمی‌کنند، و عمداً صدایش را هنگام گفتن این دو کلمه، بالاتر برده، اما همچنان نتیجه‌ای حاصل نشده و حتی یکی از این افراد به او گفته: «منظورت چیه کار نمونه؟»... از این‌جا بوده که داستان زندگی‌اش عوض می‌شود: «نمونه، تمومه، کی اهمیت می‌ده. پس شروع به انداختن جنین کردم. خوب و آسون. همه خوشحال. درست مثل شستن ظرف‌ها و تمیز کردن سینک. عاشقش شدم. عاشق سقط کردن بودم»...
خیلی وقت‌ها، بعضی‌ها هشدارهایی می‌دهند که واقعاً هدفی جز عمل به روال‌های مصوب پشتش نیست: «این وضعیت نادرسته! این کارو نکنید! این به ضرر پروژه‌ست! فلان مدت که بگذره، متوجه خواهید شد که این روال به فلان و بهمان دلیل اشتباهه! لطفاً!...» ولی خیلی وقت‌ها، این هشدارها مورد بی‌توجهی قرار می‌گیرند. من زمانی خیلی جوش می‌زدم. پیگیری می‌کردم، دنبال کار می‌رفتم، در یک ریسه بارها و بارها ویرایش می‌کردم تا پاسخ بدهم و پاسخ بدهم و پاسخ بدهم، و واقعاً با شور و شوق هم پاسخ می‌دادم. یادش بخیر؛ روزی صد ویرایش و کمر درد گرفتن برای خوب کردن یک مقاله از صفر در عرض یکی دو روز. در روال‌ها و طرح‌هایی که قرار بود تصویب شوند هم خیلی مشارکت داشتم، گاهی نظراتی می‌دادم که خودم ازشان ناراضی‌ام و نادرست می‌دانم، گاهی نظراتی که هنوز به آن‌ها باور دارم. بعد از یک مدت ولی دیدم بعضی چیزها پیرامون بعضی مسائل را هرچه هم که بگویی، نتیجه خاصی برایت حاصل نمی‌شود. مثلاً در مورد بی‌طرفی که خودتان هم در خصوصش حرف داشتید. من از پیگیری چنان مسائلی ناامیدم. گاهی فقط چیزکی می‌نویسم و تلاش می‌کنم ادامه ندهم. به جایش روی آورده‌ام به دبک و مبارزه با زاپاس‌بازی و ترول و غیره. خوب و آسون، همه خوشحال. گهگاهی واقعه‌ای رخ می‌دهد که باعث می‌شود یک زیرصفحه کاربری جدید باز کنم و شروع کنم به نوشتن. تند و تند، می‌نویسم. به آخرش که می‌رسم، نگاهی به کل انشا می‌اندازم، کمی فکر و... تق! صفحه را می‌بندم و بی‌خیال می‌شوم. راستش این که شما در تلاش بودید یک سری ویرایش‌هایی که، حداقل به نظر من، با این بحث‌ها مرتبط بودند انجام بدهید (و عملی واکنش نشان بدهید)، برای من عجیب/غیرقابل‌درک بود. شاید من بیش از حد بی‌خیالم. Ahmadtalk 21:06, 8 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Deletion requests for some files i uploaded

Hi Ahmad, I just joined wikipedia's community so I really appreciate any feedback about the pages I have written. I got a deletion request for some files I uploaded because of copyright issueses, but the pictures are about my grandad (who passed away in 2004) and his artworks, so I can't understand where the problem is. Could you help me fixing this issue? Thanks, EDRDCRP.

Hi EDRDCRP. Welcome!
File:Acquerello Luigi Carpi.jpg, File:Fiori e frutta.jpg and File:Manifesto Industria Bellica di guerra-Gardone.jpg are copyrighted. They will remain copyrighted in Italy and the United States until 2075. Normally, the author/painter should send a release statement to OTRS, but in this case, the current copyright holder can do so (they may be, for instance, the author's heir). A release statement can be generated by using COM:relgen.
For File:Carpi Luigi.jpg (and File:Luigi Carpi.jpg), we, again, need evidence that they are released under a free license. However, the copyright holder of a photo is the photographer, not the person depicted in it, unless the copyright has been transferred (by a contract, for instance). So, if the copyright has not been transferred, we will need a release statement from them (or, in case that is not possible, from the current copyright holder of the photo). If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Ahmadtalk 15:21, 11 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Ahmad, can we get Roblox added to Special:AbuseFilter/154? It's another Minecraft type game that children keep uploading. Thanks.--BevinKacon (talk) 12:15, 12 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@BevinKacon: Hi. ✓ Done (Special:AbuseFilter/history/154/diff/prev/2244). Thank you! Ahmadtalk 16:45, 12 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

راهنمایی در خصوص بارگذاری

باسلام خدمت شما.قبل از این که بخواهم تصویری رااز سایت های اینترنتی در رایانه ذخیره کنم و سپس در ویکی پدیا بارگذاری کنم خواستم نظر شما را بدانم که آیا این کار ایرادی دارد و از شما بپرسم که اگر هم مشکلی دارد پس چگونه می توان از تصاویر موجود در سایت های اینترنتی در ویکی پدیا استفاده کرد؟ لطفا در این خصوص مرا راهنمایی نمایید.سپاس فراوانStormaya (talk) 11:46, 14 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Stormaya: سلام. بله؛ از اکثریت وبگاه‌ها نمی‌توان محتوایی در ویکی‌انبار بارگذاری کرد. ویکی‌انبار فقط پرونده‌های رسانه‌ای آزاد را می‌پذیرد (مثلاً آن‌هایی که تحت انواع خاصی از مجوزهای کریتیو کامنز منتشر شده باشند یا آن‌هایی که در مالکیت عمومی باشند) و سایر پرونده‌ها از آن حذف می‌شوند. ویکی‌پدیا آزادی‌های بیشتری می‌دهد (چون استفاده منصفانه در آن‌جا مجاز است) و بعضی تصاویری که در انبار نمی‌توان بارگذاری کرد را به شرط و شروط خاصی می‌توانید در ویکی‌پدیا بارگذاری کنید (بیشترین استفاده از این استثنا، برای بارگذاری پوسترها، جلد آلبوم‌ها و مشابه این‌هاست). توضیحات مفصلی در خصوص این که چه پرونده‌هایی در انبار نقض حق نشر محسوب می‌شوند و چه پرونده‌هایی نه در این صفحه آمده که پیشنهاد می‌کنم سری به آن بزنید. w:fa:راهنما:ویکی‌انبار برای کاربر فارسی‌زبان را هم (که در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی نوشته شده) توصیه می‌کنم که شامل پاسخی به پرسش‌های متداول است (و موضوع همین بحث هم در اولین بخش آن، «ویکی‌انبار یا ویکی‌پدیا»، آمده). اگر پرسشی داشتید در خدمتم. Ahmadtalk 12:06, 14 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

استفاده از اسثنایی که فرمودید تحت برچسب های خاصی انجام می شود؟ و آیا تصاویر اشخاصی چون سیاستمداران مشمول این اسثنا می شود؟Stormaya (talk) 12:47, 14 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

بله؛ w:fa:وپ:منصفانه را ببینید. تصاویر افرادی که در قید حیات نباشند و هیچ جایگزین آزادی برایشان وجود نداشته باشد را می‌توان با استفاده منصفانه بارگذاری کرد، ولی خیلی اوقات می‌توانید در خبرگزاری‌های آزاد (مثلاً برای سیاستمداران ایرانی، از مهر، فارس، دانشجو، تسنیم، موج و نسیم، در کنار وبگاه‌هایی دیگر؛ فهرست خوبی در w:fa:راهنما:ویکی‌انبار برای کاربر فارسی‌زبان#وبگاه‌های آزاد هست) تصاویر جایگزین آزاد پیدا کنید که این محدودیت‌ها در بارگذاری/استفاده را هم ندارند. Ahmadtalk 16:09, 14 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام مجدد.از سایت های خارجی مثل . این ، ایناین می توان به گونه ای اجازه گرفت و از تصاویر، منصفانه استفاده کرد؟ یا مثلا اگر از تصاویر سایت یک وزارتخانه خارجی استفاده شود.Stormaya (talk) 11:10, 15 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام. اگر کار خودشان باشد، می‌توانید از راه‌هایی که برای تماس دارند (مثلاً ایمیل) بهره بگیرید و درخواست کنید مجوزی برای OTRS بفرستند (خیلی اوقات ممکن است جواب ندهند یا رد کنند، ولی امکانش هم هست که پاسخ بگیرید؛ مخصوصاً اگر ذکر کنید که برای استفاده در ویکی‌پدیا لازم دارید و طرف مقابلتان هم خیلی مشهور/پربازدید نباشد. من یکی دو باری پاسخ گرفته‌ام). از تصاویر افراد زنده نمی‌توان استفاده منصفانه کرد. برای وزارت‌خانه خارجی، بستگی دارد. بعضی دولت‌ها ممکن است در مواقعی، حاضر باشند برای OTRS مجوز بفرستند. بعضی وبگاه‌های دولتی (مثلاً مرکز بررسی‌های استراتژیک ریاست‌جمهوری ایران یا تمام محتوایی که توسط دولت فدرال ایالات متحده آمریکا ساخته شده باشد) هم محتوایشان را تحت مجوزهای آزاد منتشر می‌کنند، اما در اکثر مواقع، مجوز این وبگاه‌ها هم آزاد نیست. در مورد وبگاه‌های پیوندداده‌شده، اگر بخواهید ازشان درخواست مجوز کنید، ابتدا باید مطمئن شوید که خودشان اجازه انتشار اثر تحت مجوز خاصی را دارند. مثلاً این زیر تصویر نوشته که کار خودش نیست و از جای دیگری گرفته (و اگر بخواهید برای دریافت مجوز مکاتبه کنید، باید از آن منبع اصلی درخواست کنید). Ahmadtalk 14:30, 15 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

درود.از ویکی انبار های دیگر زبان ها (به غیر از انگلیسی) چگونه می توان بهره گرفت؟ من چند بار پرونده های موجود در ویکی انبار زبانی دیگر را در ویکی فارسی درج نموده ام اما تصویر نمایش نمی یابدStormaya (talk) 20:01, 17 September 2020 (UTC).[reply]

سلام. ویکی‌انبار فقط یک پروژه است، ولی بین‌المللی و چندزبانه (انبار زبان رسمی ندارد - گرچه عملاً انگلیسی زبان اصلی‌اش است، شما می‌توانید مثلاً در تابلوی اعلانات مدیران هم به فارسی پیام بگذارید). حدس می‌زنم منظورتان همان بارگذاری‌های محلی (استفاده منصفانه) که بالاتر اشاره کردم (و بیشتر مواقع برای پوسترها و جلدها و لوگوها و از آن قبیل استفاده می‌شود) باشد. چنین بارگذاری‌هایی، فقط محلی هستند، یعنی فقط در همان پروژه می‌توانید ازشان استفاده کنید. به عنوان مثال، تصویری که در w:en:The Lottery of Happiness قرار دارد (w:en:File:The Lottery of Happiness.jpg) فقط در ویکی‌پدیای انگلیسی قابل‌استفاده است. دقت کنید که این‌ها اصلاً در جای مجزایی به نام «انبار» نگهداری نمی‌شوند، بلکه خود دانشنامه ویکی‌پدیا از آن‌ها میزبانی می‌کند. اگر بخواهید آن تصویر را در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی استفاده کنید، باید تحت مجوز مشابهی در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی به‌طور محلی بارگذاری‌اش کرده و سپس از آن استفاده کنید. اگر بعدش بروید به ویکی‌پدیای عربی، دیگر نمی‌توانید این تصویر را در آن‌جا استفاده کنید (هرچند می‌توانید در ویکی‌پدیای انگلیسی/فارسی استفاده کنید). باید دوباره در ویکی‌پدیای عربی بارگذاری‌اش کنید تا قابل‌استفاده باشد، و به همین شکل. منظورم این است که در مواقعی که با بارگذاری‌های محلی در ویکی‌پدیاها (و نه انبار) طرف هستید، فقط در همان زبان خاص می‌توانید از پرونده استفاده کنید و برای زبان‌های دیگر، باید مجدداً اقدام به بارگذاری پرونده در ویکی‌پدیای به زبان مقصد کنید. در مورد انبار (که فقط یکی است)، هر پرونده‌ای که در آن بارگذاری کنید در تمام پروژه‌های ویکی‌مدیا (از جمله تمام ویکی‌پدیاها)، در کنار برخی ویکی‌های خارجی که به انبار متصل هستند، قابل‌استفاده است و محدودیتی در آن وجود ندارد. Ahmadtalk 00:12, 18 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام.یعنی برای بارگذاری پرونده در ویکی‌پدیای به زبان مقصد نیازی به مجوز و فرستادن ایمیل به بارگذار اصلی یا عکاس ندارد؟و اگر نیازی به اقدام خاصی نیست لطفا مرا درخصوص عمل ثبت تصویر در ویکی مدیا آموزش دهید.باتشکرStormaya (talk) 16:45, 18 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام. خیر. شما مثلاً می‌توانید تمام پرونده‌های موجود در [3] را در انبار بدون نیاز به اجازه گرفتن از خبرگزاری مهر بارگذاری کنید، چون زیر صفحه نوشته "All Content by Mehr News Agency is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License" و پروانه Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 در انبار قابل‌استفاده است. فقط برای تصاویری نیاز به اجازه هست که هیچ نشانی از آزاد بودن تصویر وجود نداشته باشد. مثلاً فرض کنید که می‌خواهید همان تصویری که بالاتر پیوند دادم (از ویکی‌پدیای انگلیسی، یک پوستر) را در انبار بارگذاری کنید، ولی نشانی از این که این تصویر توسط طراحش تحت یک پروانه آزاد منتشر شده، وجود ندارد. در این شرایط، اگر بخواهید در انبار بارگذاری‌اش کنید، می‌بایست اول از طراح اجازه بگیرید و اگر اجازه دادند، اقدام به بارگذاری کنید. شما قصد بارگذاری چه پرونده‌ای را دارید؟ Ahmadtalk 19:44, 19 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام.مقالات متعددی در ویکی پدیا می سازم که برخی از آن ها در ویکی انگلیسی تصویر ندارند اما تصویر در زبان های دیگر موجود است.مثلا در اینجا و اینجا تصاویری هستند که در ویکی انگلیسی کلا وجود ندارد.Stormaya (talk) 13:24, 20 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام. w:ka:ფაილი:საბა თავაძე.jpg را تحت استفاده منصفانه بارگذاری کرده‌اند، ولی (حداقل طبق اطلاعات بنده) چنین استفاده منصفانه‌ای مجاز نیست چون امکان تهیه جایگزین آزاد (حداقل از لحاظ فنی) وجود دارد. در مورد w:ka:ფაილი:GiorgiTargamadze.jpg، در صفحه پرونده ادعا شده که تحت CC-BY-SA 3.0 منتشر شده و در نتیجه قابل انتقال به انبار باشد، ولی ابتدا باید صحت این ادعا را بررسی کرد تا در انبار حذف نشود. Ahmadtalk 07:05, 21 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

ضمن درود و سپاس بابت راهنمایی، از شما درخواست می نمایم که لطفا اگر وقت داشتید روند بررسی را پیگیری نموده و تصاویر را برای استفاده در ویکی فارسی آماده نمایید و یا اگر وقت کافی ندارید روش وارد کردن آن تصاویر در ویکی انبار را به صورت کوتاه در اینجا آموزش دهیدStormaya (talk) 14:52, 21 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام. خواهش می‌کنم. آخر مسئله این‌جاست که (حداقل یکی از) آن‌ها را نباید اصلاً به انبار/ویکی‌پدیای فارسی برد. در مورد حداقل یکی‌شان، استفاده منصفانه هم نادرست است و در اصل باید از همان ویکی‌پدیا هم حذف شود. در مورد دومی، بالای تصویر باید بتوانید زبانه‌ای برای انتقال به انبار (Export to Wikimedia Commons) ببینید، ولی ابتدا باید مطمئن شوید که نقض حق نشر نیست وگرنه در انبار حذف می‌شود. من صفحه‌ای که به عنوان منبع معرفی شده را بررسی کردم و تا جایی که متوجه شدم، این تصویر در آن صفحه نیامده. ظاهراً گفته‌اند که با ایمیل مکاتبه کرده و اجازه استفاده از تصویر را گرفته‌اند. در این صورت، توصیه نمی‌کنم آن را به انبار منتقل کنید، چون انبار حساسیت مضاعفی دارد و ممکن است آن را حذف کند. Ahmadtalk 20:36, 22 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Inquiry of photo that was deleted

Hello Ahmad,

Nice to virtually meet you. The photo that was deleted for Tachi Yamada's page was on a public site - would that not be sufficient to be utilized on Wikipedia? Thank you for any information you could share with me. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Wiupdate100 (talk • contribs) 15:41, 15 September 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

@Wiupdate100: Hello. Thanks, nice to meet you too.
For Commons (this website) to host media files, we need the file to be released under a "free" license. A list of acceptable licenses on Commons is available here. Images available on the internet are not necessarily acceptable on Commons, even if they can be accessed by anyone. As for this specific file, I couldn't find anything on [4] indicating that the photo is released under an acceptable license (e.g. CC-BY), so I deleted the file. If I have missed something, please advise. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 20:57, 15 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Samsung image

Hi, I'm curious about your reasoning in this Deletion_requests/File:Samsung_Galaxy_S10%2B.png. If the image has been modified from a promotional image, wouldn't that be derivative work? -kyykaarme (talk) 22:17, 20 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Kyykaarme. Yes, but COM:UA applies here. Just like a car, a mobile phone is not copyrightable per se. This, however, does not apply to the background (similarly, car decals may be copyrightable), so the background has been removed to avoid copyright violation. It is my understanding that the design itself is not protected by copyright. Ahmadtalk 06:38, 21 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the answer. I wasn't talking about the phone though, but about the image itself. The user who started the DR claimed that it's a "Modified version of official promotional image", which I understood to be a photograph (possibly an online image with the phone screen edited to be black as they are often colorful). Your closing argument didn't address that claim, which is why I was confused. But the uploader has not specified how they created the image, and I guess it's possible that they scanned the actual phone, in which case there is no copyright issue, because the phone itself is not protected, like you said. -kyykaarme (talk) 18:58, 21 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think it's a photograph, because, in my opinion, it's too perfect to be one (the lighting on curved edges, for instance. It's rather difficult to achieve that in a photo). Personally speaking, I'm not sure about the method used to create the image either, but I personally think it's acceptable. Ahmadtalk 20:07, 22 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

عکس من

سلام اجمد جان مشکل عکس من چی هست من توی فارسی اپلود کردم جناب حاجی گفت درسته مشکل نداره الان این جا مشکلی داره چون کاربر مجتبی گفت توی انبار باید اپلود کرد من ایلودش کردم.پیمان کشاورزی نظرلو (talk) 07:20, 28 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

سلام. لطفاً متن درخواست حذف را مطالعه کنید. Ahmadtalk 07:34, 28 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

مطالعه کردم ولی راستش را بخواهید چیزی نفهمیدم از متنش خودتان بهتر میدانید من تا بحال اصلا در اینجا یا ویکی مشارکت نکرده ام و چیز زیادی نمیدانم اگر میشود ب زبان ساده ب من بگویید اشکالشش چیست ممنون میشوم چون حاجی گفت عکس خودت با گوشیت بگیری مشکلی نداره.پیمان کشاورزی نظرلو (talk) 12:49, 28 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

مشکل این‌جاست که سوژه در عکس ظاهر شده، اما به نظر نمی‌رسد که سوژه، عکاس تصویر هم باشد، حال آن که حق نشر اثر متعلق به عکاس است. Ahmadtalk 16:06, 28 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

بلع خوب من خودم این عکس رو نمیتونستم بگیرم گوشی رو دادم دست یکی از دوستانم ک گرفتن ولی در عکس خود من هستم در پیجمم فیلم ها و عکسهام هستن --پیمان کشاورزی نظرلو (talk) 16:44, 28 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

در هر صورت، حق نشر اثر متعلق به عکاس آن است و ارتباطی به این که دوربین متعلق به چه کسی بوده ندارد. اگر شواهدی که نشان بدهد عکاس تصویر را تحت مجوز مجاز منتشر کرده دریافت نشود، تصویر به عنوان ناقض حق نشر حذف خواهد شد. Ahmadtalk 16:47, 28 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]

درخواست تایید عکس

سلام من تصویری معروف از محمدرضا شجریان آپلود کردم و با مبنا بر اینکه صاحب اثر استفاده از آن را آزاد اعلام کرده است.

در لینک زیر صاحب اثر گفته:

«استفاده از این عکس در بُعد ملی و بین‌المللی توسط هر فرد ایرانی، تا ابد، آزاد و بدون اشکال است.»

با توجه به اینکه افراد انگلیسی زبان متوجه این موضوع نمی شوند از شما درخواست دارم به عنوان یک مدیر ایرانی اینجا این تصویر را تایید کنید

با سپاس از شما — Preceding unsigned comment added by Hoseina051311 (talk • contribs) 14:50, 12 October 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

سلام. من هم با نظر کاربر:Huji موافقم، و به نظرم اشکالات دیگری هم به آن وارد است. صحبت ایشان بسیار کلی است. مثلاً مشخص نمی‌کند که آیا می‌توان از تصویر برای مصارف تجاری هم استفاده کرد یا خیر، یا این که آیا می‌توان در تصویر تغییراتی ایجاد کرد یا نه. اجازه‌نامه‌های کریتیو کامنز خیلی دقیق‌تر از این هستند و همه این جزئیات را مشخص می‌کنند. با توجه به شرط ایرانی بودن، به نظرم این حتی از «استفاده از خبر با ذکر منبع مجاز است» وبگاه‌ها هم غیرقابل‌اعتمادتر است و نمی‌توان از آن استفاده کرد.
با این حال، اگر تمایل داشته باشید، پیشنهاد می‌کنم با ایشان ارتباط بگیرید و ازشان درخواست کنید تصویر را با فرستادن اجازه‌نامه‌ای به سامانه اوتی‌آراس، تحت یک مجوز کریتیو کامنز مجاز در انبار (که در Commons:Licensing/fa آمده) منتشر کنند. اگر اشتباه نکنم، این اینستاگرام ایشان است. راهنمای ارتباط با سامانه اوتی‌آراس در w:fa:راهنما:انبار و نیز COM:OTRS آمده. پیشنهاد شخصی‌ام این است که اگر با ایشان ارتباط گرفتید، ذکر کنید که این تصویر بعداً می‌تواند در انواع ویکی‌پدیاها استفاده شود و میلیون‌ها بازدید از آن توسط خوانندگانی از سرتاسر جهان، و نه فقط ایران، انجام بگیرد. ممنون. Ahmadtalk 18:13, 12 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Image- Groupe Quartom

Bonjour Ahmad,

L'image que j'ai insérée vient du site Internet d'un média que j'ai linké et j'ai aussi mis le nom du photographe. Comment faire pour que cette image soit acceptée? J'ai beau lire les exigences de Wikipedia, je ne parviens pas à les comprendre réellement. Merci d'avance pour votre aide. --EditionsDakini (talk) 20:57, 19 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@EditionsDakini: Hi. First of all, I apologize for writing in English. I know very little French.
For a photo to be hosted on Wikimedia Commons, it should be free. Please see Commons:Licensing/fr fore more information on this. Many websites do not release their content under an acceptable license. Such photos, that is, the photos that are not released under an acceptable license, cannot be hosted on Wikimedia Commons. I checked the source of the photo ([5]), but I couldn't find anything indicating that the photo is released under a free license. Please note that attributing the photo to its photographer and mentioning the source of the photo is not necessarily enough, because it's unclear whether the photographer has agreed to release their photo under such terms for any use whatsoever or not. It is my understanding that there is no evidence indicating the photo's publication under an acceptable license, according to the source. If I'm missing something, please correct me. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 22:13, 19 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Bonjour. Tout d'abord, je m'excuse d'avoir écrit en anglais. Je connais très peu le français.
Pour qu'une photo soit hébergée sur Wikimedia Commons, elle doit être gratuite. Veuillez consulter Commons: Licensing/fr pour plus d'informations à ce sujet. De nombreux sites Web ne diffusent pas leur contenu sous une licence acceptable. De telles photos, c'est-à-dire les photos qui ne sont pas publiées sous une licence acceptable, ne peuvent pas être hébergées sur Wikimedia Commons. J'ai vérifié la source de la photo ([6]), mais je n'ai pas pu t trouver quoi que ce soit indiquant que la photo est publiée sous licence libre. Veuillez noter qu'attribuer la photo à son photographe et mentionner la source de la photo ne suffit pas forcément, car on ne sait pas si le photographe a accepté de publier sa photo dans de telles conditions pour quelque usage que ce soit ou non. Je crois comprendre qu'il n'y a aucune preuve indiquant la publication de la photo sous une licence acceptable, selon la source. S'il me manque quelque chose, veuillez me corriger. Je vous remercie. Ahmadtalk 22:13, 19 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
translator: Google Translate

Hi,thank you, this pic send to me from mohsen toloeii, how these are copyvio? thanks again.

Hi,thank you, this pic send to me from mohsen toloeii, how these are copyvio? thanks again. yes this pics is in any and most website like google or news website, but dear Ahmad252 this pic from محسن طلوعی. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bitmaz (talk • contribs)

@Bitmaz: Hi. For a photo to be hosted on Wikimedia Commons, it should be free. Please see Commons:Licensing for more info. A photo taken from Google and/or news websites is usually not free and thus cannot be hosted on Commons (there are some exceptions, such as works by Mehr News, Fars News, Tasnim News and Moj News, but generally, news agencies don't release their content under a free license). Ahmadtalk 13:14, 24 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]


Hi again , Thank you For help me Mr @Ahmad. @Bitmaz

Hi Bitmaz. You're welcome! If you have any other question, please feel free to ask. Ahmadtalk 22:14, 25 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi There

I am the Digital Marketing Specialist at Airlink Pty Ltd [7] and unfortunately am not familiar with how to make changes to the content on the page that represents our company[[[8]]].

We have made a formal name change to the company as well as a new logo change and I was wondering how to make these changes without violating any copyright laws etc.

Kind regards Byron Lottering — Preceding unsigned comment added by Blottering (talk • contribs) 09:38, 28 October 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

@Blottering: Hi. There are two ways for updating the logo:
  • Uploading the logo locally on English Wikipedia under fair use, but please consider that fair use comes with its limitations. For example, the logo should be small, and it will only be usable on English Wikipedia. As a result, other Wikipedias may still use the old logo, or may not use the logo at all (examples: w:de:Airlink (Südafrika), w:ar:إير لينك, w:fa:ایرلینک).
  • Uploading the logo on Wikimedia Commons (this website) and releasing it under a free, acceptable license (please see COM:L for more info about acceptable licenses) via OTRS. COM:relgen can generate a release statement that can then be sent to OTRS. This way, all Wikipedias will be able to use the updated logo.
In general, I recommend the second approach, unless Airlink does not wish to release its logo under an acceptable license. Fair use, that is, the first method, is extremely limited, compared to the second method.
If you want to edit the Wikipedia article and you're being paid by Airlink to do so, you should disclose it first. Please see w:en:WP:COIPAYDISCLOSE, which explains in details how you can do so (this is not required on Commons, so, if the new logo is to be released under an acceptable license, you can upload it here without making any disclosure). If you're not being paid by Airlink to edit the Wikipedia article, you should still disclose that you have a conflict of interest (COI). Please see w:en:WP:DISCLOSE for further instructions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Ahmadtalk 23:17, 28 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Мое дело "люминь". Я позвонил Гурген Рубеновичу и сказал ему, что его страница в Википедии есть, но его фотографии там нет. Зато в Яндексе его фотографий пруд пруди"! Он ответил мне: "Это непорядок"! Это изображение Гурген Рубеновича Карапетяна давно общественное достояние. Если у вас есть претензиии, подавайте в суд. Я ни от кого не скрываюсь под именами ботов типа Ahmad252. И я патентный адвокат, специалист по авторскому и патентному праву. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Konstantine Gunin (talk • contribs) 17:32, 12 November 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

@Konstantine Gunin: Hello, and sorry for the English; unfortunately, I don't know Russian. I believe this is about File:Карапетян, Гурген Рубенович.jpg, and that you said the photo is in the public domain. If my assumption is correct, then please pick the right public domain license from Commons:Copyright tags/General public domain and use it on the file's page. Please note that you need to indicate why the photo is in the public domain. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Ahmadtalk 22:35, 13 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Привет и извините за англичан; к сожалению, я не знаю русского. Я считаю, что речь идет о File: Карапетян, Гурген Рубенович.jpg и о том, что вы сказали, что фотография находится в общественном достоянии. Если мое предположение верно, то выберите правильную лицензию общественного достояния из Commons: Copyright tags/General public domain и используйте ее на странице файла. Обратите внимание, что вам необходимо указать, почему фотография находится в открытом доступе. Если у вас есть вопросы, задавайте их. Ahmadtalk 22:35, 13 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
translator: Google Translate via Ahmadtalk

درخواست برای دسترسی rollback


به دلیل این که مداوم تصاویر بارگذاری شده در ویکی‌انبار را ویرایش می‌کنم، در صورت امکان درخواست دسترسی rollback را دارم.
برای مثال تاریخچه پرونده مقابل را نگاه کنید:

ممنون — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jooja (talk • contribs) 16:33, 16 November 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

@Jooja: سلام. ممنون به خاطر ویرایش‌هایتان در انبار. راستش به نظر من دسترسی واگردانی در این‌جا موردنیاز نیست. واگردانی یک دسترسی ویرایشی نیست و کمکی در امر ویرایش نمی‌کند، و کاربرد اصلی‌اش در نگهبانی است. واگردانی فقط گزینه‌ای اضافه می‌کند که با زدن روی آن، تمام ویرایش‌هایی که به‌طور پی‌درپی در یک صفحه توسط آخرین کاربر ویرایش‌کننده آن صفحه انجام شده باشد، برگردانده می‌شود. من تاریخچه این پرونده را بررسی کردم ولی به نظرم نرسید که این دسترسی می‌توانسته در جایی از آن به کار بیاید. اگر چیزی از نظرم دور مانده یا ابهامی وجود دارد، ممنون می‌شوم اگر توضیح بدهید. Ahmadtalk 16:47, 16 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Ahmad252: مشکلی نیست. پس یعنی برای حذف دو نسخه‌ی میانی تصویر قبل راهی وجود ندارد؟ از همان اول که تصویر را بارگذاری می‌کنم تا مدت‌ها بعد ممکن است چندین بار تصویر را بهبود بدم (حجم آن را کم کنم و غیره).
البته این که یک تصویر را چندین بار آپلود کنم برایم خیلی مهم نیست (اگر ویکی‌مدیا هم برایش مهم نیست!). فقط از این جهت که تاریخچه تصویر شلوغ نشود عرض می‌کنم. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jooja (talk • contribs) 17:00, 16 November 2020‎‎ (UTC)

@Jooja: از لحاظ فنی، چرا. مدیران می‌توانند نسخه‌های میانی را حذف کنند. با این حال، نیازی به انجام این کار نیست (و مدیران هم، اگر نسخه‌های میانی مشکلی نداشته باشند، معمولاً چنین نمی‌کنند). اتفاقاً نگهداری از تاریخچه‌ها خوب است تا اگر در آینده کاربری به تاریخچه پرونده علاقه‌مند بود، بتواند آن را بیابد. مثلاً File:COVID-19 Outbreak World Map per Capita.svg را ببینید که تاریخچه‌ای بسیار طولانی دارد، اما این تاریخچه مشکلی ندارد و اتفاقاً بودنش به‌دردبخور است. به‌طور کلی فقط زمانی که این نسخه‌ها مشکل‌دار باشند (مثلاً حق نشر را نقض کنند)، حذفشان می‌کنیم و در سایر موارد، مشکلی ندارند. Ahmadtalk 04:59, 17 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

بسیار خوب ممنون. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jooja (talk • contribs) 08:21, 17 November 2020‎ (UTC)[reply]

خواهش می‌کنم. موفق باشید. Ahmadtalk 23:51, 18 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Request to make updates to the maps and projections of Morocco

Hello! User:Ahmad252

I'm writing to you with regards to some editorial changes I would like to make of the maps and orthographic projections of Morocco. I would like to show the country based on physical borders; it's undisputed territory in the north along with it's controlled areas over Western Sahara in the south as one color. For the areas in Western Sahara claimed but not controlled by Morocco, those will be shown separately as a lighter shade of color or won't be shown at all (depending on the wiki). I have the software to make these changes and worthy for use in Wikimedia Commons. Here are the files I request to make edits to and most importantly,_WS_claimed).svg. If you could un-semi protect it briefly while I make the edit then semi protect it afterwards would be great, as additionally I would like to report M.Bitton for harassment and edit warring. My reason/sources for request to edit; The new updates come with reason and will be based off the physical Morocco-Western Sahara border which is the Berm Wall. Thanks - Taha_Khattabi

Hello Taha Khattabi. I'm unfortunately not familiar with the matter, but I think you should discuss the changes first instead of repeatedly reverting the file to an older, disputed version. You can also try to upload the new file under a different name instead of overwriting the old one with it, and try to discuss the matter with Wikipedia editors. I don't think removing the protection is a good idea, because a discussion about it is currently open at User talk:Christian Ferrer#Persistent change of border and edit warring and I think the new map is still disputed. Since the discussion is on Christian Ferrer's talk page, I believe they will address any possible inappropriate behavior/personal attack - as they have already done so (yes, using the A-word towards another user is a personal attack) -, but if you think other administrators should weigh in, please see COM:ANU. Thank you. Ahmadtalk 07:30, 22 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Parkuh's picture

Hello. I uploaded this picture. I took a screenshot of a movie I made myself. But I forgot to rename that. Now, Can you help me rename it? Please rename it to:Parkuh. It's this village's name. Thank you so much. امیدوارم منظورم را متوجه شده باشید چون انتظار یک مدیر فارسی‌زبان را در فراویکی نداشتم یک متن انگلیسی آماده کردم و فرصت برای ترجمه هم ندارم تقاضا دارم پاسخم را به فارسی بنویسید تا برای ترجمه آن به زحمت نیفتم با سپاس فراوان از شما Mehdi Parkuhi (talk) 18:23, 29 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Mehdi Parkuhi, ✓ Done. --Achim (talk) 18:52, 29 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Mehdi Parkuhi: سلام. فکر کنم زحمتش را کشیدند. Ahmadtalk 21:42, 29 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Achim55: Thank you! Ahmadtalk 21:42, 29 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Ahmad252: بله دوست عزیز آلمانی زحمتش را کشیدند در هر حال از هر دوی شما سپاسگزارم Thank you both Mehdi Parkuhi (talk) 21:53, 29 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]