The user name Pompilid refers to a group of wasps that prey on spiders, the best known of which is the Tarantula Hawk, a conspicuous resident of the Sonoran Desert where I live.
My name is Michael J. Plagens. I was borne in Detroit, Michigan, USA 1954. I attended Lakeview H.S. in St. Clair Shores and Wayne State University in Detroit. I eventually migrated to Tucson in Arizona where I completed Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Entomology. I took botany as a minor.
In 1981 I began my Ph.D. at the University of Florida in Gainesville. My dissertation was on spider ecology in corn fields. My PhD with major in entomology and minor in zoology was completed in 1985.
I returned to Arizona in 1986 and have devoted my spare time to the study and enjoyment of the Sonoran Desert.
On May 12, 2005 I was married to Zahra, a Nandi from Kenya. She is teaching me Kalenjin and Kiswahili. I am looking forward to many years of nature study in Kenya!
Digital Photographs Flora
Acacia farnesiana
Amaranthus palmeri
Amaranthus albus Prostrate Pigweed
Calotropis procera
Calotropis procera
Atriplex elegans Wheelscale Saltbush
Boerhavia coccinea Scarlet Spiderling
Boerhavia intermedia Spiderling
Bowlesia incana Hairy Bowlesia
Bouteloua aristidoides Needle Grama
Bouteloua curtipendula Sideoats Grama
Bouteloua rothrockii Rothrock Grama
Brassica tournefortii
Camissonia californica
Castela emoryi
Castillaja exserta
Carnegiea gigantea + Parkinsonia microphylla
Chenopodium album
Clematis drummondii Virgin's Bower
Chamaesyce florida
Chamaesyce hyssopifolia Hyssop Spurge
Chamaesyce polycarpa Prostrate Spurge
Chamaesyce setiloba Yuma Sandmat
Crassula connata Sand Pygmy-weed
Cryptantha angustifolia Narrow-leaf Popcorn Flower
Cryptantha pterocarya Wingnut Cryptanth
Cryptantha pterocarya
Cyperus rotundus Purple Nut-sedge
Cynodon dactylon with fungal parasite Ustilago cynodontis
Datura wrightii
Dasylirion wheeleri Sotol
Dichelostemma capitatum
Dicoria canescens
Draba cuneifolia
Eriastrum eremicum
Ferocactus wislizenii
Fragaria chiloensis
Galium stellatum
Heliotropium currasivicum Heliotrope
Herniaria cinerea
Ipomoea barbatisepala Canyon Morning-glory
Ipomoea hederacea Morning-glory
Isocoma acradenia Alkali Goldenbush
Jatropha cuneata Sangre de Drago
Kallstroemia grandiflora Summer Poppy
Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush
Lycium fremontii Fremont Thornbush
Mimulus cardinalis Cardinal Monkey Flower
Monoptilon bellioides
Nerium oleander Oleander Leaf Scorch disease
Notholaena standleyi Standley Cloak Fern
Oligomeris linifolia
Parkinsonia aculeata Mexican Palo Verde
Pectocarya recurvata Arch-nutted Comb Bur
Petalonyx thurberi Sandpaper Plant
Pluchea odorata Salt Marsh Fleabane
Pluchea sericea Arrow Weed
Prosopis pubescens Screwbean Mesquite
Quercus emoryii Emory Oak
Rhamnus crocea Hollyleaf Buckthorn
Rhus ovata Sugar Sumac
Schismus barbatus Mediterranean Grass
Senna covesii Desert Senna
Stephanomeria pauciflora Wire Lettuce
Thymophylla pentachaeta
Tidestromia lanuginosa Woolly Tidestromia
Tiquilia plicata
Trianthema portulacastrum
Digital Photographs Arthropoda
Adelpha bredowii eulalia Arizona Sister
Agapostemon texanus
Aphis nerii Oleander Aphid
Apiomerus Bee Assassin
Calephelis nemesis Fatal Metalmark
Cicindela oregona Tiger Beetle
Gerridae Geris sp. Water Strider
Gnathatermes perplexus Encrusting Termites
Homalodisca liturata Smoketree Sharpshooter
Ichneumonid parasite of buprestid larvae
Kukulcania hibernalis
Limenitis arthemis arizonensis
larva of previous
Lygaeus kalmii Milkweed Bug nymphs
Lytta auriculata Red-eared Blister Beetle
Oecobius annulipes Wall Spider
Peucetia Green Lynx with eggs
Prodoxidae (moth)
Progomphus borealis
Tegrodera latecincta
Trimerotropis pallidipennis
Other Biota
Podaxis pistillaris
Rumina decollata
Sauromalus ater Common Chuckwalla