User:Jheald/BL18C/batch 10 (GB larger county features)

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# Best guess Zoom Proposed file name Sysnum

East Midlands
Category:Old maps of Nottinghamshire
1 12 File:A PLAN OF the HAYS of Birkland and Bilhagh - within the Forest of - SHERWOOD in the COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM belonging to the CROWN - John Renshaw, 1793 - BL Maps K.Top.33.30 (BLL01004980045).jpg 004980045

East of England
Category:Old maps of Cambridgeshire
2 11 File:Nova & Accuratissima Celeberrimæ Universitatis Oppidique Cantabrigiensis Ichnographia. An.o 1688 - David Loggan, 1688 - BL Maps K.Top.8.43 (BLL01004813446).jpg 004813446
3 11 File:((Plan of Cambridge)) - Nicholas Hawksmoor, 1720-1730 - BL Maps K.Top.8.44 (BLL01004977879).jpg 004977879
4 11 [[File:To the High, Puissant and most Noble Prince, Peregrine, Duke of Ancaster, and Kesheven, Marquis and Earl of Lindsey, Baron Willoughby, of Eresby, Hereditary Lord Great Chamberlain of England. Master of the Horse, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County of Lincoln &c. This Map of Newmarket Heath, & the adjacent Villages - J. Chapman, 1768 - BL Maps K.Top.8.70 (BLL01004898881).jpg]] 004898881
5 11 File:A Plan of Newmarket Heath, and the Country Adjacent, describing all the Race Courses now used - J. Chapman, 1787 - BL Maps K.Top.8.71 (BLL01004898882).jpg 004898882
Category:Old maps of Huntingdonshire
6 11 File:A CHART Of the Beautiful Fishery of WHITTLESEA MERE in the County of HUNTINGDON - John Bodger, 1786 - BL Maps K.Top.16.5 (BLL01004956712).jpg 004956712

Greater London

North East England

North West England
Category:Old maps of Cumbria
7 12 File:An Accurate BROADWATER or BASSENTHWAITE LAKE ner KESWICK CUMBEWRLAND - Peter Crosthwaite, 1788-1800 - BL Maps K.Top.10.9 (BLL01004800153).jpg 004800153
8 12 File:An Accurate MAP of the beautiful Lake of ULLS-WATER - Peter Crosthwaite, 1782 - BL Maps K.Top.10.13 (BLL01017413262).jpg 017413262
9 12 File:An Accurate MAP of the matchless LAKE of DERWENT - Peter Crosthwaite, 1788-1800 - BL Maps K.Top.10.11 (BLL01004828544).jpg 004828544
10 11 File:An Accurate MAP of the Grand Lake of WINDERMERE, being the largest in ENGLAND, situate in WESTMORLAND and LANCASHIRE - Peter Crosthwaite, 1783 - BL Maps K.Top.43.16.a (BLL01017467349).jpg 017467349
11 12 File:An Accurate MAP of CONISTON LAKE, near Hawkshead, LANCASHIRE - Peter Crosthwaite, 1788-1800 - BL Maps K.Top.18.66 (BLL01004823266).jpg 004823266
12 12 File:Coniston Lake - Samuel Alken, 1795 - BL Maps K.Top.18.92.a (BLL01004823268).jpg 004823268
Category:Old maps of Greater Manchester
13 10 File:A TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN OF MANCHESTER AND SALIFORD WITH THE ADJACENT PARTS - Charles Laurent, 1794 - BL Maps K.Top.18.79.2 TAB (BLL01017431083).jpg 017431083
14 10 File:A PLAN OF Manchester AND Salford DRAWN from an ACTUAL SURVEY - William Green, 1794 - BL Maps K.Top.18.80.5 TAB.END (BLL01017431063).jpg 017431063

South East England
Category:Old maps of Berkshire
15 11 File:PLAN de la Forest de WINDSOR - Gabriel Delahaye, c. 1720 - BL Maps K.Top.7.30 (BLL01004977777).jpg 004977777
Category:Old maps of Buckinghamshire
16 12 File:A Plan of Country, North of Beaconsfield - 1790-1810 - BL Maps K.Top.8.4.2 (BLL01004977816).jpg 004977816
17 12 File:A Plan of the Country, South of Beaconsfield - 1790-1810 - BL Maps K.Top.8.4.3 (BLL01004977817).jpg 004977817
Category:Old maps of Kent
18 9 [[File:To the Honourable and most Reverend Frederick, by Divine Providence, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Primate of all England and Metropolitan. - This Parochial Map of his Grace's Diocese, is with Permision, humbly Inscribed, by his Grace's obliged and most obedient Servant, P De Lasaux, Registrar - P De Lasaux, 1782 - BL Maps K.Top.16.25 (BLL01004814671).jpg]] 004814671
19 12 File:A Map of the Isle of Thanet - 1777 - BL Maps K.Top.16.28 (BLL01004943660).jpg 004943660
20 12 File:A New Map of the Isle of Thanet - William Mudge, 1808 - BL Maps K.Top.16.29 (BLL01004943661).jpg 004943661
21 12 File:((Circular map of the sights around Tunbridge Wells)) - James Baker, 1803 - BL Maps K.Top.18.56.d (BLL01004947122).jpg 004947122
22 12 File:A PLAN of the Intended Harbour between Sandwich Town & Sandown Castle - John Harris, 1740 - BL Maps K.Top.17.11.1 (BLL01004926351).jpg 004926351
23 12 File:A PLAN of SHEERNESS at the Mouth of the RIVER MEDWAY 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.17.14 (BLL01004977359).jpg 004977359
24 12 File:PLAN of the MAGAZINE, one Bastion, and Buildings Adjacent, at SHEERNESS - 1740-1750 - BL Maps K.Top.17.19.c (BLL01004977376).jpg 004977376
25 12 File:PROPOSED DESIGN for Wharfing and Repairing the Breach at SHEERNESS - 1740 - BL Maps K.Top.17.19.d (BLL01004977378).jpg 004977378
26 11 File:The Description of Romney Marsh Walland Marsh Denge Marsh & Guildeford Marsh - 1737 - BL Maps K.Top.16.26 (BLL01004920640).jpg 004920640
27 11 File:Carter's Survey of the Coast of Kent - 1750-1775 - BL Maps K.Top.16.27 (BLL01004977281).jpg 004977281

South West England
Category:Old maps of Cornwall
28 11 File:A Plott of Falmouth Harbour - 1670-1690 - BL Maps K.Top.9.30 (BLL01004976952).jpg 004976952
29 11 File:((A colored plan of the Harbour of Falmouth up to Truro and Tregony)) - c. 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.9.31 (BLL01004976955).jpg 004976955
Category:Old maps of the Isles of Scilly
30 11 File:((Map of the Islands of Scilly; with four Views)) - c. 1742 - BL Maps K.Top.9.47 (BLL01004929042).jpg 004929042

West Midlands
Category:Old maps of Staffordshire
31 12 [[File:NEEDWOOD FOREST. The PROPOSAL of the Officers of the Duchy of Lancaster, on the Part of the Crown, to the Freeholders and other Persons interested in the Forest of Needwood, in the County of Stafford, for a DIVISION of the said Forest - 1778 - BL Maps K.Top.38.41 (BLL01004896597).jpg]] 004896597

Yorkshire and the Humber
Category:Old maps of the East Riding of Yorkshire
32 12 File:An accurate Survey of some Stupendous Remains of Roman Antiquity on the WOLDS in YORKSHIRE, Through which some grand Military Ways to several eminent Stations, are traced - John Haynes, 1744 - BL Maps K.Top.44.21 (BLL01004966605).jpg 004966605
Category:Old maps of North Yorkshire
33 9 File:RICHMONDIÆ COMITATUS et ALVERTUNÆ SCHIRA - 1722 - BL Maps K.Top.44.20.1 (BLL01004919155).jpg 004919155

Isle of Man

Channel Islands

Category:Old maps of County Donegal
34 9 File:The Baronie Of Enishoweb in the County of Dunagal - Thomas Phillips, 1684 - BL Maps K.Top.52.43 (BLL01004982389).jpg 004982389
Category:Old maps of County Wicklow
35 9 [[File:To The Rt. Honble and Honble the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the County of Wicklow This Map of the said County Taken from actual Surveys, Is Dedicated by their most Humble Servant A. R. Nevill - Arthur Richards Neville, 1786-1820 - BL Maps K.Top.55.44 (BLL01004956792).jpg]] 004956792
Category:Old maps of County Cork
36 11 File:The Harbour of Corke - Richard Wilson Seale, 1743-1747 - BL Maps K.Top.52.5 (BLL01004824076).jpg 004824076
37 12 File:Corke Harbour - 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.52.6 (BLL01004982347).jpg 004982347
38 12 File:Corke Harbour at Large - 1680 - BL Maps K.Top.52.7 (BLL01018547486).jpg 018547486
39 11 File:A Map of Kinsale Harbour - Thomas Phillips, 1684 - BL Maps K.Top.52.23 (BLL01004982370).jpg 004982370
40 12 File:Kingsaile Harbour - 1680-1690 - BL Maps K.Top.52.21 (BLL01004982367).jpg 004982367
41 12 File:Kingsaile Harbour - 1680-1690 - BL Maps K.Top.52.22 (BLL01018547471).jpg 018547471
42 12 File:A Map of Kinsale Harbour - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.52.24 (BLL01004982368).jpg 004982368
Category:Old maps of County Limerick
43 12 File:Lymrick - Thomas Phillips, 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.54.8 (BLL01004982463).jpg 004982463
44 12 File:((Plan of Limerick)) - 1690 - BL Maps K.Top.54.12 (BLL01004982465).jpg 004982465
45 12 File:Plan des Villes et Chteau de Limerick. 1691 - 1691 - BL Maps K.Top.54.13 (BLL01004982467).jpg 004982467
46 12 File:Plan Des Villes de Limerick et des ses environs - 1691 - BL Maps K.Top.54.14 (BLL01004982466).jpg 004982466
47 12 File:Plan du Proiet des Fortifications des Deux Villes des Limrick - 1692 - BL Maps K.Top.54.15 (BLL01004982468).jpg 004982468
48 12 File:Plan pour le Proiet de la fortification des Villes de Limrick - 1692 - BL Maps K.Top.54.16 (BLL01018631851).jpg 018631851
49 12 File:Plan de Limmerike - 1700 - BL Maps K.Top.54.17 (BLL01004982469).jpg 004982469
50 12 File:((Plan of Limerick)) - 1700 - BL Maps K.Top.54.19 (BLL01004982470).jpg 004982470
51 12 File:Draught of the Country Round Limerick - William Eyres, 1752 - BL Maps K.Top.54.20 (BLL01004982472).jpg 004982472
52 12 File:A Plan of Limerick - William Eyres, 1752 - BL Maps K.Top.54.21 (BLL01004982473).jpg 004982473

Northern Ireland
Category:Old maps of County Londonderry
53 12 File:Coleraine - 1720-1780 - BL Maps K.Top.54.25.1 (BLL01004822290).jpg 004822290
54 12 File:((Plan of Londonderry)) - Thomas Phillips, 1700 - BL Maps K.Top.54.25.3 (BLL01004982482).jpg 004982482
55 12 File:((Plan of Londonderry)) - 1685 - BL Maps K.Top.54.26 (BLL01004982477).jpg 004982477
56 12 File:((Plan of Londonderry)) - 1685 - BL Maps K.Top.54.27 (BLL01004982481).jpg 004982481
57 12 File:London Derry - 1685 - BL Maps K.Top.54.29 (BLL01004982480).jpg 004982480
58 12 File:The Ground Plane of LondonDerry - 1685 - BL Maps K.Top.54.30 (BLL01004982478).jpg 004982478
59 12 File:London Derry - Thomas Phillips, 1680-1693 - BL Maps K.Top.54.31 (BLL01004982476).jpg 004982476
60 12 File:Profils, ou diverses Coupes de Londonderry - 1705 - BL Maps K.Top.54.32.b (BLL01004982485).jpg 004982485

Category:Old maps of Aberdeenshire
61 8 File:The Shire of KINCAIRDEN or MEARS. With the South Part of ABERFEEN SHIRE &c - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016777011).jpg 016777011
62 8 File:The Shires of BAMF and ABERDEEN - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016777024).jpg 016777024
63 10 File:SURVEY of the Road FROM THE WATER AVEUN TO BRAE-MARR CASTLE. MEASURING 27 Miles - George Campbell, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.48.68 (BLL01004982013).jpg 004982013
64 10 File:SURVEY FROM THE CASTLE OF CARGAFF TO THE CASTLE OF BRAE-MARR THREE DIFFERENT ROADS - George Campbell, 1751 - BL Maps K.Top.48.73 (BLL01004982032).jpg 004982032
65 10 File:PLAN of PART of the ROAD from PERTH TO FORT GEORGE - Henry Gordon, 1753 - BL Maps K.Top.48.74 (BLL01004982031).jpg 004982031
Category:Old maps of Angus
66 12 File:The Town and Water of Montross - 1740 - BL Maps K.Top.49.20 (BLL01004982178).jpg 004982178
Category:Old maps of Argyll and Bute
67 8 File:ARGYLE. LORN, KNAPDALE, and COWAL. All Parts of Argyle Shire - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016776888).jpg 016776888
68 9 File:((Map of Cowal)) - William Edgar, 1745 - BL Maps K.Top.49.26 (BLL01004982046).jpg 004982046
69 12 [[File:A Map of Taynish Duntaynish Scotnish Ardnafadbeg Barbay Ardnakog Turbuskel Upper Fernogh Barnashalog Barbrack Barbay in Ross Ardbeg Barcormick and Kilmurrey all Contigous Situate in the Shire of Argyll and Kingdom of Scotland Belonging to Roger McNeil of Taynish Esq. and Surveyed by his order & appointment in July & August 1747 - Stephen McDougal, 1747 - BL Maps K.Top.49.28 (BLL01004982055).jpg]] 004982055
70 12 File:A Map of the Island Giga Situate in the shire of Argyll and Kingdom of Scotland Belonging to Roger Mc:Neil of Taynish Esq.r and Surveyed by his appointment in June 1747 - Stephen McDougal, 1747 - BL Maps K.Top.49.37.1 (BLL01004982056).jpg 004982056
71 12 File:Plan of the Proposed CRINAN CANAL, between the LOCHS of CRINAN and GILP, in the County of Argyll - John Rennie, 1792 - BL Maps K.Top.48.79 (BLL01004929388).jpg 004929388
Category:Old maps of Dumfries and Galloway
72 8 File:GALLOWAY Contains The Shires of WIGTON and KIRKCUDBRIGHT - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016773618).jpg 016773618
73 9 File:STEWARTRY OF KIRKCUDBRIGHT - John Ainslie, 1797 - BL Maps K.Top.50.50.2 TAB (BLL01004871687).jpg 004871687
74 9 File:The Middle Part of GALLOWAY Contains the W. Part of KIRKCUDBRIGHT Shire - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016773644).jpg 016773644
75 9 File:The East Part of GALLOWAY Being Part of the Shire of KIRKCUDBRIGHT - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016773654).jpg 016773654
76 9 File:The Shire of DUMFRIES or NITHISDALE - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016773692).jpg 016773692
77 9 File:ANANDALE is Part of Dumfreis Shire. EUSDALE or ESKDALE and LIDDESDALE is the South Part of Roxburgh Sh - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016773700).jpg 016773700
78 10 File:Plan of the proposed GLENKENS CANAL, from the RIVER DEE near KIRKCUDBRIGHT to the Boat Pool of Dalry - 1800 - BL Maps K.Top.48.80 (BLL01004929387).jpg 004929387
Category:Old maps of Highland council area
79 8 File:INVERNESS with The adjacent COUNTRY - William Edgar, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.60.a (BLL01004982181).jpg 004982181
80 8 File:The East Part of the Shire of INVERNESS with BADENOCH &c - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016777046).jpg 016777046
81 8 File:The West Part of Inverness Sh. LOCHABER with all the Territories west from it - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016777139).jpg 016777139
82 8 File:The Shires of CAITHNESS and SUTHERLAND - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016777198).jpg 016777198
83 9 File:PLAN of the ROADS from FORT AUGUSTUS to BERNERA with the Country Adjacent - Daniel Paterson, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.62 (BLL01004982189).jpg 004982189
84 9 File:PLAN OF THE ROADS FROM FORT-AUGUSTUS TO BERNERA - Daniel Paterson, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.63 (BLL01004982188).jpg 004982188
85 9 File:Survey from fort GEORGE at ARDESEER to BELLAMOOR in STRATH SPEY - George Campbell, 1751 - BL Maps K.Top.48.72 (BLL01004982184).jpg 004982184
86 9 File:An Exact Survey of the Severall Lakes, Rivers and Roads, between Fort William and Inverness, Extending from the East to the West Sea. Latt: from 57, to, 58 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.1 (BLL01004982180).jpg 004982180
87 9 File:An Exact Survey of the Lakes and Rivers situate in that part of the Highlands of Scotland lying between Inverness and Fort William from the East to the W.t Sea - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.2 (BLL01016866068).jpg 016866068
88 9 File:The Shires of MURRAY and NAIRN - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016777035).jpg 016777035
89 11 File:A SURVEY of the Road made by the Detatchments of Col.n Battereau's, Gen;l Guise's, & Col;n Rich's Regiments, between Fort William & King-loch Levan. 1748 & 50 - John Archer, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.48.66.a (BLL01004982185).jpg 004982185
90 11 File:SURVEY FROM THE BRIDGE OF DALCIE TO NAIRN FROM THENCE TO THE FERRY OF FINDORN NEAR FORRES Measuring 18-1/2 miles - George Campbell, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.48.71 (BLL01016813474).jpg 016813474
91 11 [[File:A PLAN of LOCHEALE RIVER in the SHIRE of INVERNESS shewing the Towns, Hovses Rivulets, Woods, Mountains, Glens, bogs &c. adjoyning. as likewise y.e depth of water and flowing of the Tide, with the Falls, Shoals, Rocks, Sands and safest places for Anchorage 1725 - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.3 (BLL01004982208).jpg]] 004982208
92 11 File:A True and Exact PLAN of LOCHEAL or LOCh YELL, in North Britain - 1725 - BL Maps K.Top.50.4 (BLL01016950244).jpg 016950244
93 12 File:A SURVEY of the POINTS of ARDERSEER and CHANNARY Shewing the Situation of FORT GEORGE 1752 - Charles Tarrant, 1752 - BL Maps K.Top.50.23 (BLL01004982227).jpg 004982227
94 12 File:A PLAN Shewing the Situation of FORT GEORGE 1752 - Charles Tarrant, 1752 - BL Maps K.Top.50.24 (BLL01016935153).jpg 016935153
Category:Old maps of Moray
95 12 File:General Mapp of the River=Spey from the Reid-rock above the Boat att Focaber downward to the Sea being four measured miles in length - William Adam, 1732 - BL Maps K.Top.48.78 (BLL01004982107).jpg 004982107
Category:Old maps of Perth and Kinross
96 8 File:THE COUNTIES OF PERTH AND CLACKMANNAN - James Stobie, 1783 - BL Maps K.Top.50.68 (BLL01004821199).jpg 004821199
97 8 File:The South Part of PERTH SHIRE Contaning PERTH. STRAT:HERN. STORMOUNT. and CARS of GOURIE &c - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016776949).jpg 016776949
98 9 File:PART Of the Reduction from the Great Map, shewing the King's Road which is express'd by a Red Line & the Country Roads by a Brown Line - William Roy, 1753-1755 - BL Maps K.Top.48.64 (BLL01004982269).jpg 004982269
99 9 File:The North P. of PERTH Shire Contaning ATHOL and BROADALBIN - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016776967).jpg 016776967
100 10 File:AN EXACT MAP OF THE COUNTRY about PERTH, with The Course of The Rivers TAY and ERN &c - William Edgar, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.50.72.1 (BLL01004982284).jpg 004982284
101 11 File:SURVEY of the different Parts of the ROAD joined betwixt BLAIR GOWRIE and BRAEMAR Made by a Detachment of one hundred Men of Lord Viscount BURY'S Regim.t in the Year 1750 - George Morrison, 1750 - BL Maps K.Top.48.67 (BLL01004982030).jpg 004982030
Category:Old maps of the Scottish Borders
102 8 [[File:To The Nobility, Gentry & Clergy of the COUNTIES of HADDINGTON, EDINBURGH AND LINLITHGOW; This MAP of the Three Lothians Is most humbly Inscribed, by their much Obliged and most Obedient humble Servants - Mostyn John Armstrong, 1773 - BL Maps K.Top.48.49.5 TAB.END (BLL01016843814).jpg]] 016843814
103 9 File:The North Part of ye Shire of ROXBURGH and The Shire of SELKIRK called also ETTERICK FORREST - Herman Moll, 1725 - BL 118.b.1 (BLL01016773673).jpg 016773673
104 12 File:A Map of the Baronry of STOBBO in the Sherreffdom of PEEBLES Now belonging to Charles Murray Esq.r with the Parks and and Improvements made upon it by S.r Alexander Murray of Stanhope - Andrew Bearhop, 1740 - BL Maps K.Top.50.66 (BLL01016942056).jpg 016942056
105 12 File:PLAN of Part of the County of ROXBURGH on the East, towards BERWICK SHIRE and the English Border - Robert Blyth, 1780 - BL Maps K.Top.50.89 (BLL01004921166).jpg 004921166
Category:Old maps of Stirling council area
106 10 File:The River Forth from Loch Ard to Sterling with an account of ye Fords - William Edgar, 1744-1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.77.a (BLL01004843032).jpg 004843032
107 10 File:DESCRIPTION of THE RIVER FORTH above STIRLING - William Edgar, 1746 - BL Maps K.Top.48.77.b (BLL01016818194).jpg 016818194

Category:Old maps of Anglesey
108 9 File:Anglesey - John Speed, 1676 - BL Maps K.Top.46.13 (BLL01004791857).jpg 004791857
Category:Old maps of Neath Port Talbot
109 11 File:A Plan of the Town & Port of Neath, in the County of Glamorgan - 1686-1727 - BL Maps K.Top.47.40 (BLL01004896510).jpg 004896510
Category:Old maps of Powys
110 12 File:Map of Langattock & Langeney. Glebe Land - David Davies, 1804 - BL Maps K.Top.46.26 (BLL01004981946).jpg 004981946