User:Godai2//Commons:Copyright tags/de
Urheberrecht-Markierungen in anderen Sprachen:
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Abhängig davon welche Lizenz man mit Hilfe der Lizenzauswahl gewählt hat wird ein Copyright-Tag (Urheberrechtsvermerk) in der entstandenen Beschreibungsseite eingefügt, wie zum Beispiel {{GFDL}}. Dieser wird Lizenzinformationen auf der Beschreibungsseie anzeigen und die Datei dementsprechend kategorisieren. Man kann auch jedes dieser Tags manuell in der Hochlade-Zusammenfassung einfügen. Die Vermerke können unter [[Template:Tag-Name]] betrachtet und bearbeitet werden, z.B. Template:GFDL für {{GFDL}}.
Alle Tags werden unter Commons:Image copyright tags visual angezeigt. Für weitere Informationen über Lizenzierung und benötigte Angaben siehe Commons:Lizenzen und Commons:Projektrahmen.
[edit]Nicht-US-amerikanische Werke
[edit]Alle Werke die von Commons aufgenommen wurden müssen legal in den Vereinigten Staaten veröffentlicht werden können. Das bedeutet für nicht-US-amerikanische Werke unter „Public-Domain“ (Gemeinfreiheit), dass sie in beiden Ländern, der nicht-US-amerikanischen Quelle und innerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten, unter Public-Domain stehen müssen, oder es muss explizit unter einer freien Lizenz für die USA herausgegeben werden.
Für nicht US-amerikanische Werke füge bitte eine der folgenden Vorlagen zusätzlich zu einer passenden Lizenz-Vorlage ein:
- {{PD-1923}} für Werke die vor den 1. Januar 1923 publiziert wurden.
- {{PD-URAA}} oder {{PD-URAA|Land|URAA-Datum}} falls 1923 oder danach publiziert und in im Herkunftland des Werkes am URAA-Datum nicht urheberrechtlich geschützt (1. Januar 1996 in den meisten Ländern) [ein späteres Datum kommt nur dann in Frage, wenn das betreffende Herkunftsland später Mitglied der Berner Konvention, des WIPO-Urheberrechtsvertrages, WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty oder der WTO wurde; ergibt sich aus englischen Wikipedia-Artikel URAA, Anmerkung des Übersetzers -- Godai2 18:04, 10 March 2008 (UTC))]
- {{Not-PD-US-URAA}} oder {{Not-PD-US-URAA|Land|URAA-Datum}} falls 1923 oder später veröffentlicht aber am URAA-Datum im Herkunftsland urheberrechtlich geschützt, selbst wenn das nicht-US-amerikanische Urheberrecht seit dem verfallen ist. Beachte dass das alle 1923 oder später veröffentlichten Werke von Autoren die nach 1925 starben betrifft (bei Ländern mit „Lebenszeit des Autors plus 70 Jahre“-Urheberrechtsregelungen).
- Für Werke von solchen Autoren, die vor 1923 veröffentlicht wurden, verwende {{PD-1923}} zusätzlich zu den passenden Urheberrechtsvermerk des Herkunftsland.
[edit]- {{PD-Art|Urheberrechtsvermerk}} – für Verfielfältigungen zweidimensionaler Kunstwerke, deren Künstler vor mehr als 70 Jahren starb oder das unter einer freien Lizenz steht.
- Die Variable Urheberrechtsvermerk ist die Bezeichnung des Urheberrechtsvermerks, das den Lizenzstatus des originalen Bilds beschreibt. Wenn diese Variable unausgefüllt bleibt, wird PD-old angenommen. Lies bitte auch When to use PD-Art?
- {{PD-old}} – für Werke unter Gemeinfreiheit, da ihr Urheberrecht verfallen ist. Dies findet findet bei allen Länder der Europäischen Union, den Vereinigten Staaten und Ländern mit einer Urheberrechtsregelung „Lebenszeit des Autors plus 70 Jahre“ Anwendung.
- {{PD-old-100}} – für Werke unter Gemeinfreiheit, da ihr Urheberrecht verfallen ist bei Ländern und Gebieten, die Werke auf Lebenszeit plus 100 oder weniger Jahre urheberrechtlich schützen.
- {{PD-old-80}} – für Werke unter Gemeinfreiheit, da ihr Urheberrecht verfallen ist bei Ländern und Gebieten, die Werke auf Lebenszeit plus 80 oder weniger Jahre urheberrechtlich schützen.
- {{PD-old-75}} – für Werke unter Gemeinfreiheit, da ihr Urheberrecht verfallen ist bei Ländern und Gebieten, die Werke auf Lebenszeit plus 75 oder weniger Jahre urheberrechtlich schützen.
- {{PD-old-70}} – für Werke unter Gemeinfreiheit, da ihr Urheberrecht verfallen ist bei Ländern und Gebieten, die Werke auf Lebenszeit plus 70 oder weniger Jahre urheberrechtlich schützen.
- {{PD-old-50}} – für Werke unter Gemeinfreiheit, da ihr Urheberrecht verfallen ist in den USA und Gebieten, die Werke auf Lebenszeit plus 50 oder weniger Jahre urheberrechtlich schützen.
- {{PD-self}} – für Werke, die vom Erschaffer selbst unter Gemeinfreiheit veröffentlicht wurde und auch selbst hochgeladen wurde.
- {{PD-user|Benutzername}}– für Werke, die vom Erschaffer selbst unter Gemeinfreiheit veröffentlicht wurde, wenn der Erschaffer ein Benutzerkonto bei Wikimedia Commons erstellt hat.
- {{PD-user-en|Benutzername}} – für Werke für Werke, die von den Erschaffers selbst unter Gemeinfreiheit veröffentlicht wurden, wenn die Erschaffer ein Benutzerkonto bei der englischen Wikipedia erstellt haben.
- {{PD-user-w|Projektkode|Projektname|Benutzername}} – für Werke, die von den Erschaffern selbst unter Gemeinfreiheit veröffentlicht wurden, wenn die Erschaffer andere Wikipedianutzer sind.
- Die Variable Projektkode ist der Nahme der Sprache der lokalen Wikipedia des Erstschaffers (Z.B. „de“ für die deutsche Wikipedia, und „ja“ für ie japanische).
- Die Variable Projektname ist der für Menschen lesbare Name [in English] (z.B. „French Wikipedia“, „German Wiktionary“, usw.).
- Die Variable Benutzername ist der Anmeldenahme in der lokalen Wikipedia des Erschaffers.
- {{PD-author|Autor}} – für Werke, die von Benutzern aus keinem Wikimedia-Projekt unter Gemeinfreiheit veröffentlicht wurden. Einige weiterführende Erklärungen sollten gegeben werden, wie ein Link zu der Webpräsenz der Autoren, auf der sie ausdrücklich die Veröffentlichung des Werkes in die Gemeinfreiheit angeben (z.B. {{PD-author|[ Autor]}}).
- {{PD-heirs}} – für Werke die von den Erben des Erschaffers unter Gemeinfreiheit veröffentlicht wurden.
- {{PD-ineligible}} – für zu triviale Werke um urheberrechtlich geschützt zu sein.
- {{PD-because|reason}} – allgemeine Vorlage – bitte füge einen Gründ für die Gemeinfreiheit hinzu.
- {{Patent}} – für Patentbilder.
- {{Anonymous work}} – Anonymes Werk älter als 50 Jahre (Berner Konvention).
- {{Anonymous-EU}} – Anonymes Werk älter als 70 Jahre (Europäische Union).
Vereinte Nationen
[edit]- {{PD-UN}} – für offizielle Dokumente der Vereinten Nationen
- {{UN map}} – für Karten der Vereinten Nationen
Länderspezifische Vermerke
[edit]- {{PD-Egypt}} - Photographs, paintings, and drawings 25 years after publication, or before the year 1987.
[edit]- {{PD-Albania-exempt}} - For work not copyrightable under the copyright law of 2005.
[edit]- {{PD-Algeria}} - Photographs 50 years after publication, starting from the end of the publication year.
[edit]- {{PD-AR-Photo}} - for Argentinian photographs first published more than 25 years ago. A proper source and date of publications has to be provided.
- {{PD-AR-Movie}} - for Argentinian cinematographic works 50 years after the death of the script writer, the producer and the director.
- {{PD-AR-Anonymous}} - for anonymous works belonging to an institution, corporation or legal entity, registered in Argentina published 50 years ago or more
- For all other works 70 years after the death of the author {{PD-old}} applies.
[edit]- {{PD-AM-exempt}} - for works of folklore; communications on daily news or on current events that are press information; official documents (laws, decisions, decrees, etc.) as well as their official translations; state emblems and signs (flags, coats of arm (armorial bearings), medals (decorations), monetary signs, etc.); results obtained by technical means without the intervention of human creative activity.
[edit]- {{PD-Australia}} - for Australian photographs published 70 years after the life of the creator, or photographs taken prior to 1955.
[edit]- {{PD-AZ-exempt}} - for official documents (laws, court decisions, other texts of legislative, administrative or judicial character) and official translations thereof; State emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs); works of folklore, which have no signs of Article 5 of this Law; communications concerning events and facts that have informational character.
[edit]- {{PD-Bahrain}} - for photographs and films 50 years starting from the end of the production year, for other works 50 years after the author's death
[edit]- {{PD-VL-shield}} - für Wappen
[edit]- {{PD-BrazilGov}} - for official, public, national, foreign or international escutcheons, coats of arms, medals, flags, emblems, badges and monuments.
- {{PD-Brazil-media}} - for Brazilian photographs and audiovisual works first published more than 70 years ago.
[edit]- {{PD-Canada}} - for Crown Copyright images first published over 50 years ago, photographs created before 1949 and other works where the author has been dead for over 50 years.
- {{PD-Canada-stamp}} - for stamps over 50 years old.
[edit]- {{PD-Chile}} - For works in the public domain according to Chilean law (see: Template talk:PD-Chile).
[edit]- {{PD-China}} - For images in the public domain according to the People's Republic of China (mainland) and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
- {{PD-Manchukuo-stamps}} - For images of Manchukuo stamps that are now in the public domain in China.
Volksrepublik China
[edit]- {{PD-PRC-exempt}} - For images in the public domain according to the People's Republic of China for free of copyright
Siehe auch #Hongkong und #Macao weiter unten.
Republik China
[edit]- {{PD-ROC-exempt}} - For images in the public domain according to the Republic of China for free of copyright
- {{PD-ROC-Traffic Signs}} - For Taiwanese traffic signs from the website of the Institute of Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications
- {{PD-ROC-Traffic Indicating Lines}} - For Taiwanese traffic indicating lines (also known as pavement markings in certain places) from the website of the Institute of Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the same source as above
[edit]- {{PD-Denmark50}} – für „photografische Bilder“ unter Gemeinfreiheit nach dänischem Gesetz. Beachte dass „photografische Werke“ nur 70 Jahre nach dem Tod des Erschaffers gemeinfrei werden.
- {{PD-DenmarkEVH}} – für Illustrationen die blos Kopien von sachbezogenen Vertretungen [gemeint sind wohl Sachinformationen, also "factual information" statt "factual representation" Godai2 11:38, 11 March 2008 (UTC)] und diese nicht als værkshøjde qualifiziert werden.
[edit]- {{PD-GermanGov}} - für gemeinfreie Bilder aus Bestimmungen und anderen Vorschriften Deutschands.
- {{PD-BW}} - für öffenlich zugängliche Dienstvorschriften ("Zentrale Dienstvorschrift") des deutschen Millitärs (Bundeswehr)
- {{PD-Coa-Germany}} - für deutsche Wappen von öffentlich-rechtlichen Unternehmen die nach deutschen Gesetz gemeinfrei sind, da es sich um offizielle Werke handelt (§ 5 Abs. 1 UrhG).
- {{PD-Flag-Germany}} - für deutsche Flaggen von öffentlich-rechtlichen Unternehmen die nach deutschen Gesetz gemeinfrei sind, da es sich um offizielle Werke handelt (§ 5 Abs. 1 UrhG).
- {{PD-VzKat}} - für Straßenschilder veröffentlich in Bestimmungen und anderen Vorschriften
- {{PD-German stamps}} – für aktuelle deutsche Briefmarken
- {{PD-Deutsche Bundespost stamps}} – für deutsche Briefmarken herausgegeben als Deutsche Bundespost
- {{PD-GDR stamps}} – für deutsche Briefmarken herausgegeben als Deutsche Post der DDR
- {{PD-Meyers}} – für Bilder aus der 4. Ausgabe Meyers Konversationslexikon (1885-90)
[edit]- {{PD-EE-exempt}} - Copyright does not apply to works of folklore, legislation and administrative documents, court decisions and official translations thereof; official symbols of the state and insignia of organizations. Freedom of panorama in Estonia is restricted to non-commercial uses only, or to overview photos.
[edit]- {{Faroe stamps}} - for stamps by the Faroe post office in the public domain.
[edit]- {{PD-Fiji}} - for photographs at least 50 years after production
[edit]- {{PD-GallicaPic}} – für digitalisierte Versionen alter Bilder von der Online-Bibliothek der Bibliothèque nationale de France
- {{PD-BnFMandragorePic}} – für digitalisierte Versionen alter Bilder von der Mandragore-Datenbank der Bibliothèque nationale de France
- {{PD-JORF}} - Für offizielle rechtliche französiche Texte wie im Journal officiel de la République Française (oder neu gedruckt auf Légifrance (beachte: nicht von allen Texte auf Légifrance ist das Urheberrecht verfallen, viele weitere sind urheberrechtlich unter freien Lizenzen geschützt, manchmal auch unter nicht-freien Lizenzen).
- {{PD-JORF-nor-conso}} – mit NOR (Idendifikationsnummer) und Index des aktuallisierten Textes.
[edit]- {{PD-Finland50}} - for photographic "images" in the public domain according to Finnish law.
- {{PD-Finland}} - for photographic "works" and other art works in the public domain according to Finnish law.
- {{PD-FinlandGov}} - for laws, statements and decisions of Finnish officials.
- {{PD-Coa-Finland}} - for Finnish coats of arms of municipalities (kunta), districts (maakunta) or administrative or historical provinces (lääni).
[edit]- {{PD-GE-exempt}} - for official documents (laws, decisions of courts, other texts of administrative and normative character), as well as their official translations; official symbols of state (flag, emblem, anthem, award, monetary symbols, other official signs and symbols of state); information of events and facts.
[edit]Siehe Vereinigtes Königreich
[edit]- {{PD-HK}} - for work with copyright expired.
- {{PD-HK-PR}} - for work which was considered as a Public record.
[edit]- {{PD-India}} - India public domain images and sounds - 60 years after the end of the year of first publication, provided that the subject matter of the photo or recording is also not protected by copyright.
[edit]- {{PD-IDGov}} - Indonesian public domain because the artwork/file was published and/or distributed by the government of Republic of Indonesia.
- {{PD-IDOld-Art29}} - Indonesia public domain of old writings, music, arts, architecture, lectures, maps and translation products.
- {{PD-IDOld-Art30}} - Indonesian public domain of old pictures, movies, software and other engineered products.
[edit]- {{PD-Iran}} - copyright in photographs and movies lasts 30 years from the date of publication or presentation. Copyright in other images lasts for the life of the creator plus 30 years.
[edit]- {{PD-Iraq}} - photos 5 years after publication, starting from the publication date.
- Irish government works are generally released to the public domain 50 years after creation.
[edit]- {{PD-Israel}} - According to Israel's copyright law, works are released to the public domain 70 years after their author's death, starting from January 1st which occurs after the date of death. Photographs taken before May 2008 are released to the public domain 50 years after their creation, starting from January 1st which occurs after the day in which the photograph was taken. Photographs taken by a public authority (i.e. the government and its affiliated bodies) are released to public domain 50 years after their publication, starting from January 1st which occurs after the date of the first publication (regardless of the date in which it was taken). According to the new Israeli copyright law, effective since May 2008, photographs are no longer an exception, and are released to the public domain 70 years after their photographer's death, unless taken by a public authority in which case the previous arrangement remains.
[edit]- {{PD-Japan-oldphoto}} - for Japanese photos published before 31th December 1956, or photographed before 1946 and not published for 10 years.
- {{PD-Japan}} - for Japanese non-photographic works 50 years after the death of the creator (there being multiple creators, the creator who dies last).
- {{PD-Japan-film}} - for films produced in Japan prior to 1953
- {{PD-Japan-organization}} - for images of the works in names of organizations/companies/corporations 50 years after the publication
[edit]- {{PD-AustrianGov}} - für Gesetzesteile, Verordnungen oder offizielle Vorschriften ausgegeben von einer österreichichen Bundes- oder Landesbehörde und für Werke, die überwiegend von solcher Behörden offiziell genutzt werden sollen.
- {{PD-StVZVO}} - für Straßenschilder in Verordnungen oder anderen Regulierungen veröffentlich.
Tschechiche Republik
[edit]- {{PD-CzechGov}} - for public domain Czech official works, state symbols etc.
[edit]- {{PD-HU-exempt}} – für Werke die in Ungarn nicht urheberrechtlich geschützt werden können.
[edit]- {{PD-BY-exempt}} - for formal documents (laws, judgements, other texts of legal, administrative and judicial nature), and also their official translations; state symbols and signs (flag, coat of arms, anthem, awards, banknotes and other signs); works of folk arts, authors of which are not known.
[edit]- {{PD-KZ-exempt}} - for official documents (laws, court decisions and other texts of a legislative, administrative, judicial or diplomatic nature) together with official translations thereof, state emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs), works of folklore , communications concerning events and facts that have an informational character.
[edit]- {{PD-Kenya}} - for works whose author died more than 50 years ago (for photographs 50 years after first publication)
[edit]- {{PD-South Korea}} - for works whose author died more than 50 years ago or published in the name of an organization more than 50 years ago
[edit]- {{PD-Kuwait}} - Photographs, films and two dimensional artistic works 50 years after publication, starting from the end of the publication year.
[edit]- {{PD-KG-exempt}} - for Official documents (laws, resolutions, decisions, etc) as well as official translations thereof; State emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, orders, monetary signs and etc.); Works of folklore; Information on the news of the day or information on the current events that are of the common press-information character; The results obtained with the help of technical means for the production of a certain type without creative activity of a man directly targeted for creation of an individual work. (as amended by Law # 120 from November 6, 1999)
[edit]- {{PD-LV-exempt}} - for official Latvian State symbols and insignia (flags, coats-of-arms, anthems, banknote designs, and other State symbols and insignia)
[edit]- {{PD-Lebanon}} - photos and two dimensional artistic works 50 years after publication, starting from the end of the publication year after which attribution is still required forever.
[edit]- {{PD-Libya}} - photos 5 years starting from the date of first publication of the work.
[edit]- {{PD-LT-exempt}} - for official Lithuanian State symbols and insignia (flags, coats-of-arms, anthems, banknote designs, and other State symbols and insignia)
[edit]- {{PD-MacaoGov}} - for official works of Macao
- {{PD-MO}} - for works 50 years after the author's death or 50 years after creation if authorship unknown
[edit]- {{PD-Malawi}} - for following types of works:
- a) photographs after 25 years from the end of the year of first publication;
- b) computer programs 10 years after the end of the year in which they were first sold, leased or licensed;
- c) audio-visual works 50 years from the end of the year of first publication;
- d) other works 50 years from the end of the year of the author's death.
[edit]- {{PD-Mauritius}} - photographs 25 years after creation, audio-visual works 50 years after publication, other works 50 years after the author's death.
[edit]- {{PD-Mexico}} - Government works created by author that has been dead over 100 years.
[edit]- {{PD-MD-exempt}} - for official documents (laws, court decisions, etc.) or to the official translations thereof, state emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs, etc), folklore expressions, daily news and facts of simple informational nature, the mode of expression rather than ideas, processes, functioning methods or mathematical concepts as such shall be protected by copyright.
[edit]- {{PD-Morocco}} - photos and films 50 years after publication, starting from the end of the publication year. Other works 50 years after the author's death.
[edit]- {{PD-Namibia}} - photos, films and computer programs 50 years after publication, starting from the end of the publication year. Other works 50 years after the author's death.
Niederlande, Königreich der
[edit]- {{PD-NL-gemeentewapen}} - for coats of arms and flags of (no longer existing) municipalities, provinces and the country itself
[edit]- {{PD-NZ}} - for expired Crown Copyright.
[edit]- {{PD-Nigeria}} - for following types of works:
- a)cinematograph films or photographs 50 years after first publication;
- b)sound recordings 50 years after creation;
- c)broadcasts 50 years after first taking place;
- d) other works 70 years after author's death or in case of governmental or corporative authorship - 70 years after first publication.
[edit]- {{PD-Statens vegvesen}} - For Norwegian road signs from the website of The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
- {{PD-Norway50}} - Norwegian photos not considered to be "works of art"
- {{Norwegian coat of arms}} - Norwegian coats of arms
- {{Kirkeinfo}} - Photos from the media database of the Church of Norway
- {{PD-NorwayGov}} - Part of a decision or a statement by an authority or a public body of Norway
- {{}} - Images without a byline from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute
[edit]- {{PD-Oman}} - 50 years starting from the end of the publication year for photographs and 50 years after the author's death for other works, after which attribution is still required forever.
[edit]- {{PD-Pakistan}} - for public domain works first published in Pakistan. According to Pakistani copyright laws, all photographs enter the public domain fifty years after they were created, and all non-photographic works enter the public domain fifty years after the death of the creator.
[edit]- {{PD-Philippines}} - for public domain Philippine images whose copyrights expired or released into the public domain
[edit]- {{PD-Polish}} - for public domain Polish photographs published in Poland without a copyright notice prior to May 23, 1994.
- {{PD-Polishsymbol}} for public domain Polish government documents, materials, signs and symbols
- See also non-PD Polish copyleft license tags: {{PolishSenateCopyright}}, {{PolishPresidentCopyright}}
[edit]- {{PD-RO-Symbol}} - for public domain Romanian official symbols of state, public authorities or organizations.
- {{PD-RomaniaGov}} - for official symbols of the state, of public authorities and organisations, such as: Coats of arms, the seal, the flag, emblems, badges and medals; means of payment
- {{PD-money-Romania}} - for images of coins or notes
Russland und ehemalige Sovietunion
[edit]Copyrights of works created in Russia was based on the Russian copyright law of 1993 and its amendments of 1995 and 2004 (Федеральный закон от 9.07.1993 № 5351-1). Since January 1, 2008, intellectual property rights are regulated by Russian law 230-FL of 2006: Part IV of the Civil Code, together with the Russian law 231-FL of 2006: Implementation act for Part IV of the Civil Code. This new law replaced all previous IP laws in Russia.
{{PD-Russia}}This tag is obsolete. Published before January 1st, 1954, with creator (if known) dead before that date (or, if a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, dead before January 1st, 1950). Or if belonging to the former Soviet government or other Soviet legal entity and published before January 1st, 1954. As on January 1, 2008, this is no longer valid.- In general, {{PD-Old}} applies. For some intricate special cases in which works of authors who died less than 70 years ago are PD, see {{PD-Russia-2008}}. Roughly, these special cases apply only to authors who died before the end of 1942.
- {{PD-RU-exempt}} for State emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs) of Russian Federation
- {{PD-Brockhaus&Efron}} - for image from the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (1890-1907)
For works first published not only in the RSFSR but in one of the other SSRs too, or simultanuously in various republics of Soviet Union - see the corresponding successor state of the Soviet Union. For instance, for a Soviet work first published in the Ukrainian SSR, see the entry #Ukraine. ({{PD-Ukraine}}, in this case.)
Saudi Arabien
[edit]- {{PD-Saudi Arabia}} - Photos, films, sound and artistic works 25 years after publication, starting from the publication date.
[edit]- {{PD-SCGGov}} - for public domain Serbian official works, state symbols, etc.
[edit]{{PD-Seychelles}} for the following types of works:
- a) photographs and films and 25 years after first publication;
- b) sound recordings 25 years after creation;
- c) literary, musical or artistic works other than photographs 25 years after the author's death.
[edit]- {{PD-SlovakGov}} for public domain Slovak official works, public documents etc.
[edit]- {{PD-South-Africa}} - for photographs from South-Africa.
[edit]- {{PD-Sudan}} - photos and films 25 years after publication, starting from the publication date.
[edit]- {{PD-Sweden}} for public domain images taken by Swedish photographers before 1944
- {{PD-Vägverket}} for Swedish road signs from the website of the Swedish Road Administration (Vägverket)
- {{PD-Ugglan}} - for image from the 2nd edition of Nordisk familjebok (Sweden, 1904-1926)
- {{PD-Nordens Flora}} - images from Nordens Flora (Sweden, Author: C. A. M. Lindman, 1917-1926).
- {{PD-SFJ}} - images from Svenska Familj-Journalen (1864-1887)
- {{PD-Sjöfartsverket}} for Swedish maritime fairway sign produced by the Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket)
[edit]- {{PD-Switzerland-official}} für offizielle schweizer Documente, Währung oder Patente. Siehe Vorlage für Details.
- {{PD-Switzerland-photo}} für Photografien die zuerst in der Schweiz veröffentlich wurden und keinen Charakter wie es vom Urheberrecht geschützt wäre. Siehe Vorlage für Details, aber verwende diese nur in offensichtlichen Fällen, da sonst verständlicherweise Menschen über die Individuallität des Bilders anders urteilen können.
[edit]- {{PD-Syria}} By Syrian law, photographic work is protected for 10 years starting from the production date[1]. As Syria Joined Berne Convention on November 2004, [2], Photographic works produced starting from 1994 should be protected for 25 years starting from the production date (minimum protection period set by Berne Convention). Photographic work produced before 1994 is public domain.
[edit]See #Republic of China above.
[edit]- {{PD-TJ-exempt}} for formal documents (laws, judgements, other texts of legal, administrative and judicial nature), and also their official translations; state symbols and signs (flags, coats of arms, awards, banknotes and so on); communications concerning events and facts that have informational character; works of folk arts
[edit]- {{PD-Thai}} for photographic arts photographed under jurisdiction of Thailand or first published in Thailand over 50 years ago. Do not use this tag for PD of government publication.
- {{PD-Thailand}} For works from Thailand, which have different copyright terms depending on type, usually 50 years after the creator's death or 50 years after publication.
- {{PD-ThaiGov}} For certain works by the Thailand government which are not copyrightable.
[edit]{{PD-Tunisia}} The Tunisian law n°94-36 (February 24, 1994) on literary and artistic property stipulates that :
- Copyright shall subsist for the lifetime of the author and for 50 Gregorian years counted from January 1 of the year following the author’s death...
- In the case of works of joint authorship, the date of the death of the last surviving author...
- In the case of anonymous or pseudonymous works, copyright shall subsist for 50 years as from the date on which the work has been lawfully made available to the public...
- In the case of photographic works, copyright shall only subsist for 25 Gregorian years as from the year during which the work was made.
[edit]- {{PD-Uganda}} for works meeting one of the following criteria:
- a)photographic works 50 years after creation;
- b)computer programs, audio-visual works or sound recordings 50 years after publication
- c)literary, musical or artistic works published before January 1st, 1954, whose author died before Jan 1st, 2004;
- d)other works 50 years after the author's death.
[edit]- {{PD-Ukraine}} is in effect towards works first published before January 1, 1952, and the creator (if known) died before that date). This is the effect of the retroactive Ukrainian copyright law of 1993 and the copyright from 50 to 70 years in 2001.). The final conlusion is #.4 in Chapter VI Ukrainian Copyright Law :
#.4. It shall be established that as from the day on which this Law enters into force, the terms of copyright protection, stipulated in Article 28 of this Law and parts 1 and 2 of Article 44 of this Law, shall apply in all cases where the 50-year period of copyright validity after the author's death or the period of validity of related rights has not expired prior to the date of entry into force of this Law.
An Ukrainian or Soviet work that is in the public domain in Ukraine according to this rule is in the public domain in the U.S. only if it was in the public domain in Ukraine in 1995, e.g. if it was published before 1945 and the creator died before that year, and no copyright was registered in the U.S. (This is the combined effect of the retroactive Ukrainian copyright law, Ukraine's joining the Berne Convention in 1995, and of 17 USC 104A with its critical date of January 1, 1996.)
- {{PD-UA-exempt}} for daily news or details of current events that constitute regular press information; works of folk art (folklore); official documents of a political, legislative or administrative nature (laws, decrees, resolutions, court awards, State standards, etc.) issued by government authorities within their powers, and official translations thereof; State symbols of Ukraine, government awards; symbols and signs of government authorities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations; symbols of territorial communities; symbols and signs of enterprises, institutions and organizations; bank notes; transport schedules, TV and radio broadcast schedules, telephone directories and other similar databases that do not meet the originality criteria and to which the sui generis right (a particular or special right) is applicable.
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
[edit]- {{PD-United Arab Emirates}} - Photos 10 years after publication, films 25 years after publication, otherwise 25 years after the author's death. After the terms are over, attribution is still required forever.
Vereintes Königreich
[edit]- {{PD-UK-known}} - for UK images having a known author who died more than 70 years ago
- {{PD-UK-unknown}} - for old UK images of unknown authorship where copyright has expired
- {{PD-UKGov}} - for UK Crown Copyright (government-generated) images where copyright has expired (typically works created prior to 1957)
- {{OldOS}} for OS maps published over 50 years ago.
Vereinigte Staaten
[edit]- {{PD-US}} - published before 1923 and public domain in the USA.
- {{PD-1923}} - published in the US before 1923.
- {{PD-1996}} - public domain in a source country on 1 January 1996 and in the USA.
- {{PD-US-not renewed}} - published in the United States between 1923 and 1963, with its copyright not renewed.
- {{PD-US-no notice}} - any work first published without copyright notice prior to 1978.
- {{PD-US-record}} - for sound recordings in the public domain in the US (i.e. fixed before February 15, 1972 and not based on copyrighted material - does not apply in New York)
- {{PD-Bain}} - for images from the George Grantham Bain Collection at the Library of Congress
- {{PD-Brady-Handy}} - for images from the Brady-Handy Collection at the Library of Congress
- {{PD-Edison Records}} - for public domain sound recordings from Edison Records
- {{PD-Highsmith}} - for images from the Carol Highsmith Collection at the Library of Congress
- {{PD-National Photo Company}} - for public domain images from the National Photo Company Collection at the Library of Congress
- {{PD-USNWR}} - for public domain images from the US News & World Report Collection at the Library of Congress
- {{PD-Van Vechten}} - for images from the Carl Van Vechten Collection at the Library of Congress
- {{PD-USGov}} - for images created by the US Federal Government that are ineligible for copyright.
- {{PD-USGov-money}} - for images of the official currency of the United States that are ineligible for copyright.
- {{PD-USGov-ARM}} - for public domain images from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program.
- {{PD-USGov-Atlas}} - for public domain images from the National Atlas of the United States.
- {{PD-USGov-BLM}} - for public domain images from the Bureau of Land Management.
- {{PD-USGov-CIA}} - for public domain media from the Central Intelligence Agency
- {{PD-USGov-CIA-WF}} - for public domain images from the Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook
- {{PD-USGov-Congress}} - for public domain images from the United States Congress.
- {{PD-USGov-Congress-AOC}} - for public domain images from the Architect of the Capitol.
- {{PD-USGov-Congress-Bio}} - for public domain images from the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.
- {{PD-USGov-DEA}} - for public domain images from the Drug Enforcement Administration
- {{PD-USGov-DHS}} - for public domain images from the Department of Homeland Security
- {{PD-USCG}} - for public domain images from the US Coast Guard
- {{PD-USGov-DOC}} - for public domain images from the Department of Commerce
- {{PD-USGov-DOC-Census}} - public domain files from the US Census Bureau
- {{PD-USGov-DOE}} - for public domain images from the Department of Energy
- {{PD-LosAlamos}} - for DOE public domain images from the Los Alamos National Laboratory
- {{PD-USGov-DOJ}} - for public domain images from the Department of Justice
- {{PD-USGov-DOL}} - for public domain images from the Department of Labor
- {{PD-USGov-DOS}} - for public domain images from the Department of State
- {{PD-USGov-DOT}} - for public domain images from the Department of Transportation
- {{PD-USGov-MUTCD}} - for images taken from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- {{PD-USGov-DVA}}- for public domain images from the Department of Veteran Affairs
- {{PD-USGov-ED}} - for public domain images from the Department of Education
- {{PD-USGov-EPA}} - for public domain images from the Environmental Protection Agency
- {{PD-USGov-FAA}} - for public domain images from Federal Aviation Administration
- {{PD-USGov-FBI}} - for public domain images from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- {{PD-USGov-FDA}} - for public domain images from the Food and Drug Administration
- {{PD-USGov-Federal Reserve}} - for public domain images from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors
- {{PD-USGov-FEMA}} - for public domain images from the Federal Emergency Management Agency
- {{PD-USGov-FWS}} - for public domain images from the Fish and Wildlife Service
- {{PD-USGov-FSA}} - for images from the defunct Farm Security Administration or Office of War Information
- {{PD-USGov-HHS}} - for public domain images from the Department of Health and Human Services
- {{PD-USGov-HHS-CDC}} - for public domain images from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- {{PD-USGov-Interior}} - for public domain images from the Department of Interior
- {{PD-USGov-Interior-USBR}} - for public domain images from the Bureau of Reclamation
- {{PD-USGov-Military}} - for public domain images from the US military or Department of Defense
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Air Force}} - for public domain images from the US Air Force
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Air Force Auxiliary}} - for public domain images from the Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Army}} - for public domain images from the US Army
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Army-USACE}} - for public domain images from the USACE
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Army-USACMH}} - for public domain images from the US Army Center for Military History
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Army-USAIOH}} - for public domain images from the US Army Institute of Heraldry
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Award}} - for public domain images of military medals
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Badge}} - for public domain images of military badges
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Coast Guard}} - for public domain images from the US Coast Guard
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Marines}} - for public domain images from the US Marines
- {{PD-USGov-Military-MDA}} - for public domain images from the Missile Defense Agency
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Navy}} - for public domain images from the US Navy
- {{PD-USGov-Military-NGA}} - for public domain data and images from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
- {{PD-USGov-NASA}} - for public domain images from NASA.
- {{PD-WorldWind}} - for public domain images taken with NASA's World Wind
- {{SpaceShuttle}} - Data from Note, this is not a copyright tag, but simply a source information tag
- {{AstronautPhoto|mission=mission|roll=roll|frame=frame}} - Data from Parameters are photography code. Note, this is not a copyright tag, but simply a source information tag.
- {{PD-USGov-NCBI-scienceprimer}} - for public domain images from the National Center for Biotechnology Information's Science Primer
- {{PD-USGov-NIH}} - for public domain images from the National Institutes for Health
- {{PD-USGov-NIST}} - for public domain images from the National Institute of Standards and Technology
- {{PD-USGov-NOAA}} - for public domain images from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- {{PD-USGov-NPS}} - for public domain images from the US National Park Service
- {{PD-USGov-NRO}} - for public domain images from the National Reconnaissance Office
- {{PD-USGov-NSA}} - for public domain images from the National Security Agency
- {{PD-USGov-NSF}} - for public domain images from the National Science Foundation
- {{PD-USGov-NTSB}} - for public domain images from the National Transportation Safety Board
- {{PD-USGov-POTUS}} - for public domain images from the Executive Office of the President of the U.S.
- {{PD-USGov-Treasury}} - for public domain images from the Department of the Treasury
- {{PD-USGov-TVA}} - for public domain images from the Tennessee Valley Authority
- {{PD-USGov-USAID}} - for public domain images from USAID
- {{PD-USGov-USDA}} - for public domain images from the United States Department of Agriculture
- {{PD-USGov-USDA-ARS}} - for public domain images from the Agricultural Research Service
- {{PD-USGov-USDA-FS}} - for public domain images from the Forest Service
- {{PD-USGov-USDA-NAL}} - for public domain images from the National Agricultural Library
- {{PD-USGov-USDA-NRCS}} - for public domain images from the Natural Resources Conservation Service
- {{PD-USGov-USGS}} - for public domain images from the United States Geological Survey
- {{PD-USGov-Interior-USGS-Minerals}} - for public domain images from the USGS Minerals in Your World project
- {{PD-USGov-USIA}} - for pubic domain images from the now-defunct United States Information Agency
- {{PD-USGov-VOA}} - for public domain images from the Voice of America [3]
- {{PD-USGov-WPA}} - for public domain images from the defunct Works Progress Administration
- {{PD-US-patent}} for public domain images released under U.S. patent regulations
- {{PD-FLGov}} - for images created by the Government of the US state Florida that are ineligible for copyright
[edit]- {{PD-Uruguay}} - For works in the public domain according to Uruguayan law (50 years after the author's death).
[edit]- {{PD-UZ-exempt}} - for official documents (law, resolutions, decisions, etc.) as well as their official translations; official symbols and signs (flags, arms, orders, banknotes, etc.); national creative works; reports about the news of the day or current events having the nature of usual press conference; results received with help of equipment designed for some kind of production without the person's implementation of creative activity directly associated with the creation of individual work.
[edit]- {{PD-Yemen}} - photos and two dimensional artistic works 10 years and televison screenshots 3 years after publication or broadcast, starting from the beginning of the publication year.
[edit]- {{PD-Zimbabwe}} - photographs 50 years starting from the end of publication year, other works 50 years starting from the end of the year, in which the author died
[edit]- {{PD-OpenClipart}} - for images from the Open Clip Art Library. CC PD dedication.
- {{PD-Gutenberg}} - for image from Project Gutenberg that is directly from public domain works hosted on that site. Not all works or images from this site are public domain, so be careful. See Commons:Problematic sources#Project Gutenberg.
- {{PD-PDFnet}} - material from All material from this website is released to public domain.
- {{1000Bit}} - images from, but only for those made by Tiziano Garuti
- {{PD-Internationale}} - for media using the melody of the Internationale.
- {{PD-Ireland}} - same as {{PD-old}} for images from Ireland.
- {{PD-Demis}} - for images derived from the maps in the Demis examples gallery - see also Template talk:PD-Demis for explanation.