Uploads by MaxDZ8

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This special page shows all uploaded files that have not been deleted; for those see the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
09:32, 11 June 2008 PrevisionepiccoProduzionePetrolio.svg (file) 68 KB {{Information |Description=Studio del picco di produzione per petrolio e gas - Study of Peak Oil and Gas. |Source=*Ölförderungs-Prognose.svg |Date=2008-06-11 09:25 (UTC) |Author=*derivative work: [[User:MaxDZ8|MaxD
07:35, 28 May 2007 New Vehicle Purchase Preference.svg (file) 19 KB {{Information |Description=US Dept. of Energy |Source=US Dept. of Energy, converted to SVG by [:en:User:MaxDZ8|MaxDZ8]. |Date=Converted 28 May 2007 |Author=US Dept. of Energy, converted to SVG by [:en:User:MaxDZ8|MaxDZ8]. }} Additional links: http://www.e
17:37, 27 May 2007 Carbon Tetrachloride.svg (file) 7 KB {{Information |Description={{en|Molecular Structure of Carbon tetrachloride, also called Tetrachloromethane}} {{sk|Tetrachlórmetán}} |Source=H Padleckas, vectorized by MaxDZ8. |Date=2005-05-19
17:25, 27 May 2007 Centipede game.svg (file) 11 KB {{Information |Description=A extensive form representation of a three stage centipede game. |Source=self-made, based on work from Kzollman. |Date=27 may 2007 |Author= MaxDZ8, based on work from [[User:Kzollman|Kzollma
14:38, 27 May 2007 Circularite.svg (file) 2 KB {{Information |Description=Circularité (tolérance géométrique) |Source=Own work |Date=mercredi 20 décembre 2006 (converted to SVG by MaxDZ8 27 may 2007 |Author=Original work by Haha, converted to SVG by [[User:MaxDZ8
08:19, 25 May 2007 Coaxialite.svg (file) 3 KB {{Information |Description=Converted version of Coaxialite.png, from original file: "Coaxialité (tolérance géométrique)" |Source=self-made |Date=25 May 2007 |Author= MaxDZ8, originally uploaded by Haha. }}
16:09, 24 May 2007 Ts-rankine.svg (file) 19 KB {{Information |Description=Quoting original page: "Based on TS diagram of Rankine cycle extracted from [http://tis.eh.doe.gov/techstds/standard/hdbk1012/h1012v1.pdf] " |Source=self-made, based on Ts-rankine.png (english wiki) by Wiki-En-User:Dric dolphin
11:29, 24 May 2007 Lenoir pv.svg (file) 22 KB {{Information |Description=From original file "Lenoir pressure - specific volume diagram (C. Depcik, chris@depcik.com)" Keeping the SA2.5 license as previous asset. |Source=self-made, based on work from Wiki-En-User: Mig8tr |Date=24 May 2007 |Author= [[Us
11:22, 24 May 2007 Lenoir Ts.svg (file) 21 KB {{Information |Description=From previous JPG version: "Lenoir pressure - specific volume diagram (C. Depcik, chris@depcik.com)". Keeping the shareAlike license as specified in the previous license conditions. |Source=self-made, based on Wiki-EN:Lenoir_pv.
17:29, 9 May 2007 PixelShader.MaxDZ8.svg (file) 19 KB {{Information |Description=A pixel shader schematics for the wiki-en shader page. Actually, this gone too far. |Source=self-made |Date=09th may 2007 |Author= MaxDZ8 }}
18:48, 16 April 2007 GeometryShader.MaxDZ8.svg (file) 23 KB {{Information |Description=Diagram of a geometry shader. |Source=My own work, inferred from various GLSL and D3D docs. |Date=26/03/07 dd/mm/yy |Author=MaxDZ8, see English wiki. |Permission=Public domain (but if you want to cite me, I would be glad). |othe
18:38, 16 April 2007 VertexShader.MaxDZ8.svg (file) 20 KB {{Information |Description=A vertex shader. This isn't actually meant to be referenced by articles in the short term (it's an helper for a revision I'm writing offline and I plan to update a day). |Source=Self made using InkScape for linux. |Date=end 2006
18:33, 16 April 2007 GenericShader.MaxDZ8.svg (file) 20 KB {{Information |Description=A generic shader. This isn't actually meant to be referenced by articles (it's an helper for a revision I'm writing offline and I plan to update a day). |Source=Self made using InkScape for linux. |Date=end 2006. |Author=MaxDZ8,
10:00, 31 August 2006 Bumpmapping-ParallaxOcclusionMapping-steepAngle.MaxDZ8.png (file) 398 KB {{Information |Description=Parallax occlusion mapping (as proposed by Tatarchuk, 2006) extends steep parallax mapping by doing a linear interpolation on hit sample, assuming the heightfield as a straight line. Although this does not hold true for very ste
09:52, 31 August 2006 Bumpmapping-SteepParallaxMapping-steepAngle.MaxDZ8.png (file) 414 KB {{Information |Description=Steep parallax mapping (as proposed by McGuire, 2005) retains the illusion of depth at steep angles even with high-energy height fields. The associated cost of a much more computationally intensive shader far more advanced GPU r
09:37, 31 August 2006 Bumpmapping-ParallaxWithOffsetLimitingMapping-steepAngle.MaxDZ8.png (file) 382 KB {{Information |Description=Parallax mapping with offset limiting (bumpmapping evolution) as proposed by Welsh (2003) viewed at an extreme angle. The resulting image looks flattened but artifacts are greatly reducing, improving the overall image quality.
09:32, 31 August 2006 Bumpmapping-ParallaxMapping-steepAngle.MaxDZ8.png (file) 391 KB {{Information |Description=Plain parallax mapping (bumpmapping evolution) viewed at an extreme angle. Although the illusion of depth is retained, the awful amount of artifacts simply catch the eye. This method has been dubbed 'shimmering mess o' pixels' f
09:25, 31 August 2006 Bumpmapping-Dot3-steepAngle.MaxDZ8.png (file) 380 KB {{Information |Description=Plain dot3 bumpmapping viewed at an extreme angle. The illusion of bumpiness is completely ruined, especially at the far end of the quad. Skybox by Sock (http://www.planetquake.com/simland). |Source=My own work. |Date=1st augu
11:32, 1 August 2006 Bumpmapping-ParallaxOcclusionMapping.MaxDZ8.png (file) 394 KB {{Information |Description=A shot from an especially crafted application, shading a single quad with parallax occlusion mapping, the more advanced parallax mapping technique up to date. This shot features the same amount of tracing steps as the steep para
11:28, 1 August 2006 Bumpmapping-SteepParallaxMapping.MaxDZ8.png (file) 399 KB {{Information |Description=This shows steep parallax mapping (http://graphics.cs.brown.edu/games/SteepParallax/index.html), a more advanced parallax mapping technique which is able to deal with great height differences.<br /><br />Skybox by Sock (http://w
11:25, 1 August 2006 Bumpmapping-ParallaxMappingWithOffsetLimiting.MaxDZ8.png (file) 395 KB {{Information |Description=A shot from a self-made application to show parallax mapping with offset limiting.<br />In this case, it looks very similar to parallax mapping.<br /><br />Skybox by Sock (http://www.planetquake.com/simland). |Source=My own work
10:52, 1 August 2006 Bumpmapping-ParallaxMapping.MaxDZ8.png (file) 394 KB == Summary == {{Information |Description=A shot from a self-made application, this time demostrating unlimited parallax mapping.<br />This looks just better plain bumpmapping in this case.<br /><br />Skybox by Sock (http://www.planetquake.com/simland). |S
10:42, 1 August 2006 Bumpmapping-dot3.MaxDZ8.png (file) 392 KB {{Information |Description=A shot from a self-made application demostrating dot3 bumpmapping with some point lights. |Source=My own work. |Date=1st august 2006 |Author=MaxDZ8, see english wiki. |Permission=Do whatever you want with it. |other_versions=Add
18:55, 12 July 2006 RhusFlowerMeasure.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 1.05 MB {{Information |Description=A measure of Sumac's flowers. Flowers will last all the winter, although their color slowly fades to brownish. The smallest flower I've found was about a fist. Flower usually do have this size. Red flowers do not attract bees an
18:48, 12 July 2006 RhusFlowerWithBees.MaxDZ8.JPG (file) 982 KB {{Information |Description=Rhus infiorescence with bees. Flowers turn from green to red as they wear out and there's an audible buzz in the first "green" stage, as there is usually much more bees than shown here. Note the fur on young branches. |Source=Ow
18:41, 12 July 2006 RhusBranchBroken1.MaxDZ8.JPG (file) 3.51 MB {{Information |Description=A Rhus branch severed for safety after a storm. I intentionally left on the date as a reminder of the period of the year. The leafs on the background are from another tree. |Source=Private shoot with camera. |Date=01st july 2006
08:25, 1 July 2006 SumacTrunkTextureStraight.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 1.6 MB Another shot of a Sumac's trunk texture, this time a straight one (also see SumacTrunkTextureBending.MaxDZ8.jpg). The light should also help giving an idea of surface's roughtness. {{Information |Description= |Source=Own shot with camera. |Date=May 2006 |
08:17, 1 July 2006 SumacTrunkTextureBending.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 3.55 MB A shot of a Sumac trunk to show its texture. This tree presents several bends. Shot taken using an Exilim Z-60 camera.
16:00, 25 February 2006 DiscreteLodAndCullExampleRanges.MaxDZ8.svg (file) 7 KB Maybe there will also be a " ContinuousLodAndCullExample.MaxDZ8.svg " in the near future. {{Information| |Description=- |Source=Self made using InkScape for linux! |Date=2006-02-25 (25th Feb 06) |Author=MaxDZ8 |Perm
11:12, 21 February 2006 SpheresLodded.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 29 KB Images of some vertex-lighted spheres floating in a virtual frustum. Demostrates usage of a discrete lod algorithm. I find it rather amusing. This image shows a shows a snapshot made using a stupid discrete-lod algorithm. {{Information| |Descrip
11:09, 21 February 2006 SpheresBruteForce.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 30 KB Images of some vertex-lighted spheres floating in a virtual frustum. Demostrates usage of a discrete lod algorithm. I find it rather amusing. This image shows a full-detail snapshot. {{Information| |Description=Full-detail solid spheres floating
11:00, 21 February 2006 WireSphereMaxTass.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 125 KB Image of a vertex-lighted wireframe sphere I made using a hand-crafted program I written. It is expected to be used in an article I'm writing about level of detail. Other similar images I did do exist. They're in the form of "WireSphere{Min,Low,Std,Hi,Max
10:57, 21 February 2006 WireSphereHiTass.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 105 KB Image of a vertex-lighted wireframe sphere I made using a hand-crafted program I written. It is expected to be used in an article I'm writing about level of detail. Other similar images I did do exist. They're in the form of "WireSphere{Min,Low,Std,Hi,Max
10:54, 21 February 2006 WireSphereStdTass.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 88 KB Image of a vertex-lighted wireframe sphere I made using a hand-crafted program I written. It is expected to be used in an article I'm writing about level of detail. Other similar images I did do exist. They're in the form of "WireSphere{Min,Low,Std,Hi,Max
10:51, 21 February 2006 WireSphereLowTass.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 66 KB Image of a vertex-lighted wireframe sphere I made using a hand-crafted program I written. It is expected to be used in an article I'm writing about level of detail. Other similar images I did do exist. They're in the form of "WireSphere{Min,Low,Std,Hi,Max
10:46, 21 February 2006 WireSphereMinTass.MaxDZ8.jpg (file) 33 KB Image of a vertex-lighted wireframe sphere I made using a hand-crafted program I written. It is expected to be used in an article I'm writing about level of detail. Other similar images I did do exist. They're in the form of "WireSphere{Min,Low,Std,Hi,Max