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Národní galerie v Praze

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Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague) is largest art gallery in the Czech Republic. Its collection includes more than 350 000 works. It has permanent exhibitions in Šternberský palác (from ancient art to baroque), Klášter sv. Anežky České (Czech medieval art), Schwarzenberský palác (Czech baroque art), Klášter sv. Jiří (Czech 19th century art), Veletržní palác (modern and contemporary art) and House of the Black Madonna (Czech cubism art). In 2009 gallery closed two permanent exhibitions - Asian art in Zámek Zbraslav and Czech landscape art in Palác Kinských, in 2010 new permanent exhibition of ancient and Asian art will be opened in Palác Kinských. Temporary exhibitions are held mostly in Valdštejnská jízdárna.

National Gallery Prague   wikidata:Q1419555
National Gallery Prague
Native name Národní galerie v Praze
Coordinates 50° 06′ 04″ N, 14° 25′ 57″ E Link to OpenStreetMap Link to Google Maps Edit this at Wikidata
Established 5 February 1796 Edit this at Wikidata
Website ngprague.cz
Authority file
institution QS:P195,Q1419555

Klášter sv. Anežky České - Czech medieval art


Šternberský palác - from ancient art to baroque


Schwarzenberský palác - Czech baroque art


Klášter sv. Jiří - Czech 19th century art


Palác Kinských - The Art of the Ancient World


Palác Kinských - The Art of Asia


Veletržní palác - modern and contemporary art


Dům U černé Matky boží - Czech cubist art
