Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments in Finland/fi/RKY/Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunta

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nimi ID sijaitsee hallinnollisessa alueyksikössä sijainti koordinaatit kuva
Akolan tila
1314 . . Ii 65°20′16″N 25°23′04″E / 65.337899°N 25.384566°E / 65.337899; 25.384566
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Ala-Temmeksen jokivarsitalot
1421 . . Liminka 64°45′55″N 25°32′38″E / 64.765208242°N 25.543987886°E / 64.765208242; 25.543987886
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Haapajärven kirkkoranta
1407 . . Haapajärvi
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Haapasepän tila ja Temmeksen kirkko
2075 . Temmes. Tyrnävä
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Haapaveden Vanhatien raitti
(historiallinen tie)
1408 . . Haapavesi
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Haapaveden kotitalousoppilaitos ja Mustikkamäen viljelymaisema
1409 . . Haapavesi
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1394 . . Hailuoto 65°02′00″N 24°42′00″E / 65.03333055555555°N 24.7°E / 65.03333055555555; 24.7
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Halosenniemen saha
278 . Halosenniemi. Oulu 65°14′39″N 25°19′47″E / 65.244096207°N 25.329809514°E / 65.244096207; 25.329809514
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Haukiputaan kirkko ympäristöineen
2076 . Haukiputaan kirkonkylä. Oulu
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Hietasaaren huvila-alue
2091 . Hietasaari. Oulu 65°01′15″N 25°25′41″E / 65.020765768°N 25.427994504°E / 65.020765768; 25.427994504
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Honkakosken tila
1393 . . Tyrnävä
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Huttusen laatikko
5168 . . Oulu 65°00′29″N 25°28′25″E / 65.007927965°N 25.473517708°E / 65.007927965; 25.473517708
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Iin Haminan vanha satama- ja kauppapaikka
1311 . . Ii
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Iin Röyttä
2919 . . Ii 65°16′36″N 25°12′29″E / 65.27653333°N 25.20808333°E / 65.27653333; 25.20808333
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Iso-Kraaselin ja Taskun tunnusmajakat
2920 . . Raahe
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Jylkän talonpoikaistila
2199 . . Kalajoki
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Kalajoen pappila
5263 . . Kalajoki
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Kalajokivarsi Ylivieskan keskustassa ja Savisilta
172 . . Ylivieska
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1420 . . Merijärvi 64°18′02″N 24°33′36″E / 64.300438°N 24.560009°E / 64.300438; 24.560009
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itsehallinnollinen alue)
1313 . . Kalajoki 64°19′00″N 23°30′00″E / 64.316666666667°N 23.5°E / 64.316666666667; 23.5
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4551 . Jokijärvi. Taivalkoski 65°30′04″N 28°34′31″E / 65.501222°N 28.575389°E / 65.501222; 28.575389
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Kankaanpääntien kylämaisema
4342 . . Lumijoki
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(Oulun kaupunginosa)
2092 . . Oulu 65°00′06″N 25°29′38″E / 65.001666666667°N 25.493888888889°E / 65.001666666667; 25.493888888889
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Kaupunginojan puistovyöhyke
4488 . Keskustan suuralue. Oulu
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Keisarin tie
(historiallinen tie)
1391 . . Vaala
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Kempeleen kirkonmäki
1410 . . Kempele
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Kiimingin kirkko ympäristöineen
1321 . . Oulu
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4363 . . Sievi
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Kyösti ja Kalervo Kallion talot
2232 . . Nivala
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kylä Suomessa)
4549 . . Siikalatva 64°32′28″N 25°47′25″E / 64.54115556111111°N 25.79020293888889°E / 64.54115556111111; 25.79020293888889
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Kärsämäen kirkko
1322 . . Kärsämäki 63°58′43″N 25°46′00″E / 63.9786°N 25.7667°E / 63.9786; 25.7667
63°58′43″N 25°46′00″E / 63.97863343°N 25.7667075°E / 63.97863343; 25.7667075
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Köyhänperän latoalue
4386 . . Nivala 63°52′54″N 25°04′21″E / 63.881577847°N 25.072562563°E / 63.881577847; 25.072562563
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Lamminahon talo
957 . . Vaala 64°35′11″N 26°44′18″E / 64.586391°N 26.738253°E / 64.586391; 26.738253
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Lapinkylän tuulimyllyt
3996 . . Lumijoki
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Limingan Ranta
1412 . . Liminka
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Limingan kirkko ympäristöineen
1323 . . Liminka
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Linnanmaan kampus
5064 . Linnanmaa. Oulu 65°03′33″N 25°27′58″E / 65.059166666667°N 25.466111111111°E / 65.059166666667; 25.466111111111
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Maikkulan reservikomppania
(historiallinen sotilaskohde
1395 . . Oulu
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Martinniemen saha
4137 . Martinniemi. Oulu 65°12′58″N 25°17′14″E / 65.216222222222°N 25.287333333333°E / 65.216222222222; 25.287333333333
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Mattilanperän kylä
4334 . . Alavieska 64°06′55″N 24°18′09″E / 64.11529722222222°N 24.30245°E / 64.11529722222222; 24.30245
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Montan voimalaitos
1292 . Montta. Muhos 64°49′15″N 26°00′52″E / 64.820833333333°N 26.014444444444°E / 64.820833333333; 26.014444444444
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Muhoksen kirkko
4346 . Muhoksen kirkonkylä. Muhos 64°48′56″N 25°59′16″E / 64.8156°N 25.9878°E / 64.8156; 25.9878
64°48′57″N 25°59′16″E / 64.81573635°N 25.98774493°E / 64.81573635; 25.98774493
64°48′57″N 25°59′16″E / 64.8157264°N 25.9877138°E / 64.8157264; 25.9877138
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Naamangan kylä
4353 . . Pudasjärvi 65°34′26″N 27°39′56″E / 65.57376976°N 27.665661067°E / 65.57376976; 27.665661067
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Nikolan umpipiha
1414 . . Siikajoki
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Oulaisten rautatieasema
maanpäällinen asema)
4195 . . Oulainen 64°16′10″N 24°49′17″E / 64.26953°N 24.82128°E / 64.26953; 24.82128
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Oulujoen ja Sotkamon reitin voimalaitokset
1292 . Montta. Vaala
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Oulujoen kirkko
4486 . Kirkkokangas. Oulu 65°00′20″N 25°33′47″E / 65.00543513°N 25.56299428°E / 65.00543513; 25.56299428
65°00′19″N 25°33′47″E / 65.0054162°N 25.5629972°E / 65.0054162; 25.5629972
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Oulujoen suistoalueen historiallinen kokonaisuus
2081 . . Oulu
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Oulun hautausmaa
1418 . Intiö. Oulu 65°00′46″N 25°29′29″E / 65.0128°N 25.4914°E / 65.0128; 25.4914
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Oulun rantakortteleiden julkinen kaupunkitila
1474 . . Oulu
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Oulun rautatieasema
maanpäällinen asema
4194 11a Rautatienkatu. Vaara. Oulu 65°00′41″N 25°29′02″E / 65.01142201°N 25.48397964°E / 65.01142201; 25.48397964
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Oulun tarkka-ampujakasarmit
(historiallinen sotilaskohde)
1426 . . Oulu 65°01′09″N 25°29′58″E / 65.01913°N 25.499496°E / 65.01913; 25.499496
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Oulun vanha monumentaalikeskus ja Franzénin puisto
2077 . . Oulu
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Oulun vankila
936 . Myllytulli. Oulu 65°01′05″N 25°29′22″E / 65.0181°N 25.489444444444°E / 65.0181; 25.489444444444
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Paavolan kirkonraitti
4360 . Paavola
Paavola. Siikajoki
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Pateniemen saha
336 . Pateniemi. Oulu 65°05′08″N 25°23′53″E / 65.085615988°N 25.398122672°E / 65.085615988; 25.398122672
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(taajama Suomessa
kylä Suomessa)
2068 . . Siikalatva 64°10′39″N 25°57′58″E / 64.1775°N 25.96611111111111°E / 64.1775; 25.96611111111111
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Plassin vanha markkinapaikka
1312 . . Kalajoki 64°16′06″N 23°55′53″E / 64.268336823°N 23.931515185°E / 64.268336823; 23.931515185
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Pohjanmaan rantatie
(historiallinen tie
Suomen matkailutie)
4372 . . Raahe
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Pohjanmaan teollisuuden kartanot
4736 . . Ii
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Pudasjärven kirkkomaisema
2016 . . Pudasjärvi
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Pyhäjoen kalarannat
1392 . . Pyhäjoki
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Pyramidikattoiset kesänavetat
2107 . . Kuusamo
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Päivärinteen parantola
4347 . Päivärinne. Muhos 64°52′56″N 25°51′50″E / 64.88219325539917°N 25.863937564241105°E / 64.88219325539917; 25.863937564241105
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Raahen Pekkatori ja ruutukaava-alueen puutalokorttelit
1462 . . Raahe
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Raahen rautatieasema ja tullikamari
4196 . . Raahe
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Raahen seminaari
5082 . . Raahe 64°41′37″N 24°28′05″E / 64.693473°N 24.468165°E / 64.693473; 24.468165
64°41′37″N 24°28′02″E / 64.6934884°N 24.4672016°E / 64.6934884; 24.4672016
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Rajaniemen kylä
1398 . . Pyhäjoki 64°26′39″N 24°08′51″E / 64.444104234°N 24.147493692°E / 64.444104234; 24.147493692
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Raksilan puutaloalue
5105 . . Oulu
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Rantsilan kirkko ja vanha raitti
1329 . Rantsila. Siikalatva
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Raumankarin vanha asutus ja Himangan kirkko
1640 . Himanka. Kalajoki
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Ruukin maaseutuopisto
4324 . . Siikajoki 64°41′02″N 25°05′09″E / 64.684026942°N 25.085744761°E / 64.684026942; 25.085744761
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Sahanseudun Katinhännän asuinalue
(historiallinen teollisuusympäristö)
4848 . . Siikajoki 64°38′55″N 25°07′08″E / 64.648572325°N 25.118771543°E / 64.648572325; 25.118771543
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Saloisten kellotapuli
1327 . . Raahe
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(historiallinen sotilaskohde
2021 . . Kuusamo
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(Suomen museotie)
1411 . . Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunta 64°04′10″N 26°02′44″E / 64.0694°N 26.04563°E / 64.0694; 26.04563
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Siikajoen kirkko ympäristöineen
1330 . . Siikajoki
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Siikajoen uittokanava
1308 . . Vaala 64°25′52″N 26°38′14″E / 64.431111°N 26.637222°E / 64.431111; 26.637222
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Toppilan satama ja teollisuusalue
(historiallinen teollisuusympäristö)
2080 . . Oulu
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Turkansaaren ulkomuseo
4687 165 Turkansaarentie. Madekoski. Oulu 64°56′54″N 25°42′25″E / 64.94833333°N 25.70694444°E / 64.94833333; 25.70694444
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Tyrnävän Meijeritie
(historiallinen tie)
3997 . . Tyrnävä 64°45′44″N 25°38′43″E / 64.762147603°N 25.645337496°E / 64.762147603; 25.645337496
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Ulkokrunnin majakka- ja luotsiyhdyskunta
2918 . . Ii 65°23′21″N 24°50′20″E / 65.389055555556°N 24.838861111111°E / 65.389055555556; 24.838861111111
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Vaalan rautatieasema
4199 . . Vaala 64°33′29″N 26°50′33″E / 64.558055555556°N 26.8425°E / 64.558055555556; 26.8425
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Vareksen tila
2074 . . Siikalatva
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Varjakan saha
4352 . . Oulu
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Vihannin kaivos
1456 . Lampinsaari. Raahe 64°24′35″N 25°08′22″E / 64.40983333°N 25.13947222°E / 64.40983333; 25.13947222
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3931 . . Kuusamo 66°08′48″N 29°34′58″E / 66.146731141°N 29.582889706°E / 66.146731141; 29.582889706
66°08′48″N 29°34′58″E / 66.146732716515°N 29.582881373428°E / 66.146732716515; 29.582881373428
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4370 . . Ylivieska 64°03′55″N 24°40′30″E / 64.065299758°N 24.674940646°E / 64.065299758; 24.674940646
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Ylikiimingin kirkko
1331 . Ylikiiminki. Oulu 65°01′47″N 26°07′36″E / 65.029833333333°N 26.126583333333°E / 65.029833333333; 26.126583333333
65°01′47″N 26°07′36″E / 65.029852°N 26.12658838°E / 65.029852; 26.12658838
65°01′47″N 26°07′36″E / 65.0298428°N 26.126599°E / 65.0298428; 26.126599
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4845 . . Raahe
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End of auto-generated list.