Commons:Voice intro project/fi
A project to make audio recordings in which Wikipedia subjects speak their own name, and introduce themselves.
First suggested in a blog post, "Requesting open-licensed, open-format recordings of the voices of Wikipedia subjects for Wikimedia Commons" by Andy Mabbett (User:Pigsonthewing).
Jotta tiedämme, miltä merkittävät henkilöt kuulostavat ja miten he lausuvat oman nimensä.
- as a way of identifying a person for people that have a vision impairment
- to confirm a person's identity, if you've heard them on, say, the radio
- to distinguish them from someone else with the same name
The pronunciation is useful:
- if you are about to meet them
- if you are about to mention them in a presentation or on air
In fact, you’d have the canonical pronunciation of their name: their own.
Mitä tehdä
If you are the subject of a Wikipedia article, or a Wikidata item, please upload an MP3, FLAC or ogg audio recording of your own, normal speaking voice - you can use the Upload Wizard to do that.
If you're a Wikimedian working with notable people, you can do that for them.
If you are (or your subject is) fluent in more than one language, please record a separate file in each.
Try to find somewhere quiet to make the recording - even taking a few steps away from other people's conversations helps. If you're outdoors, get out of the wind.
En voi tehdä sitä
If you can't make an MP3, FLAC or ogg file (or don't know what that means) you can e-mail us a recording in whatever format suits you and release it under an open licence. If the file is too big to be e-mailed, you can use file sharing or sound hosting services like SoundCloud or Vocaroo. We'll do the conversion for you. You're welcome to drop a note on this page's talk page if you have questions or need help.
Another alternative is to contact a volunteer on WhatsApp - please ask for contact details.
Mitä sanoa
Yleensä ihmiset sanovat:
Hei, nimeni on [nimi]. Synnyin [paikassa] ja olen ollut [työssä tai asemassa] [vuodesta] lähtien
Please include a brief pause between "my name is" and your name.
You're welcome to say more!
Kuuntele joitakin esimerkkejä projektin englanninkielisessä luokassa.
Mitä ei pidä sanoa
- Don't mention that you're making a recording for Wikipedia/Wikipedia Commons
- No advertising, pitching for work, advocacy, proselytizing or politics
- Nothing time-dependent (so not "I am currently...", "ten years ago", or "This year..." - your recording is for posterity!)
Olet tervetullut sanomaan enemmän!
- Add a link to the recording, from the subject's page on Wikidata, using P990, with a qualifier specifying the language used.
- Transcribe the recording, as Timed Text captions.
The files
Files are sorted into categories, by language. See a list of categories, at Category:Voice intro project.