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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Picture of the Year and the translation is 70% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Picture of the Year and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Shortcut: COM:POTY

维基共享资源的年度图片是一项于2006年首次举办的比赛。 它旨在从当年被授予特色图片状态的图像中找出最佳的自由许可图像。 今年的候选图片列于Commons:Featured pictures/chronological/2025

2015 年度图片​(结果

The tenth edition of POTY.

2014 年度图片​(结果

A huge "Thank you" to all our 3824 voters in round 2. You contributed to the highest participation POTY ever experienced, with 4504 people voting for all 983 files in round 1, and 3824 voting for the 54 finalists in round 2.