Der Fotowettbewerb soll Fotografen anspornen, richtig gute Bilder zu machen und diese auf Commons hochzuladen. Monatlich wechselnde Themen sollen die Teilnehmer ermutigen, neue Sujets und neue Techniken der Fotografie und der Entwicklung auszuprobieren. Sie können ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten weiterentwickeln, während sie die freie Bildersammlung auf Commons verbessern. Fotografien, die für einen Wettbewerb eingereicht werden, müssen neu auf Commons und von einem Commons-Benutzer fotografiert sein. |
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Wettbewerbe folgen einem Thema und laufen über einen Monat. Bei den Themen kann es sich um konkrete Objekte/Gegenstände, abstrakte Konzepte, fotografische Techniken/Methoden oder künstlerische Stile/Darstellungsweisen handeln.
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Electric steam iron.jpg|Ein elektrisches Dampfbügeleisen
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Wettbewerbe in der Einreichungsphase
2025 – January – Leatherwork
The new challenge features Leather, Leatherwork and Leather crafting. Photographs depicting the process of making leather, its use in craftworks, and the finished products.
Ideally, each submission should contain a summary description of the subject in the file information, including the location of the subject, and relevant categories should be added to the files to enable other Commons users to find them and use them. Please take care not to violate copyright in respect of non-free creative works, and observe our educational project scope and the personality rights of identifiable people, or your files may be subject to deletion.
The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout January UTC.
Checklist for this theme:
- Photographs must be the work of the nominator.
- Photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period i.e. January 2025 UTC (but may have been taken earlier).
- Submissions must be added to the top of the "Entries" section below.
- Please do not nominate lots of similar photos; instead choose just your best and most varied images.
Add your entry between the <gallery> tags as indicated. Gallery entries are placed each on a new line, and consist of the filename, a vertical bar |, and a description. For example:
Electric steam iron.jpg|An electric steam iron
For help on the syntax of entries in a gallery see Help:Gallery tag. Please do not add square brackets [[ ]] or include a thumb parameter or the full URL. The File: prefix is not required, but harmless.
- Restriction: A maximum of four entries can be submitted per photographer.
This challenge has already ended. (refresh)
Handmade shoes
Leather bags in strong colors at the leather market in Florence
Slingshot Catapult with leather pad
Leather goods in Sardinia
Shoes with leather leggings in a Sardinian market
Traditional Sardinian leather mask
Dealer of goat leather in the souks of Marrakesch
Used leather
Kolhapuri chappals made from buffalo-hide and thread in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Kolhapuri chappals made from buffalo-hide and thread in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Kolhapuri chappals made from buffalo-hide and thread in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Kolhapuri chappals made from buffalo-hide and thread in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Old women's shoes
Suede jacket
boots without an owner
I am at home...
Moroccan pouf made with camel leather
Nine guys wearing leather jackets in 1991, trying to look cool in a school library
Leather coin purse
Winter shoes
leather bag
horse harness
women's fur coats
women's shoes
Spanish flask with Don Quixote'relief
Leather horse harness
Pilot with Leather Aviator Helmet
Leatherworks at the market
Red leather credit card holder
Portapenne o portamatite in pelle con coperchio
Women's handbag
Horseshoe coin purse
Détail des coutures d'un gant en cuir
Boucle de ceinture en cuir
An old wallet with brown color
Moccasins in children's size
A girl pets curious wild horses
Hip flask - leather protection
Leather handbag with appliqué at the market in Santanyí
Leather belts at the market in Santanyí
Autograph book with leather cover
Kastinger mountaineering boot “SELLA 76” made of leather with triple stitched soles
Leather seats and cockpit of a Volkswagen WD (Denzel) Sport, built in 1949 in the Prototype Car Museum, Hafencity, Hamburg, Germany
Shoes and boots hanging on a line above Norderstraße, Flensburg, Germany
Grotesque leather handbag in the shape of a retro telephone seen in a shop window in Stralsund, Germany
Black leather boots on beautiful ladies' legs
Chair for visitors in Macao Museum of Art
performers wearing white boots
promotional model wearing white boots
Trousers belt
Trousers belt
Trousers belt
Sign of Genuine Leather. Sign of leather against a dark background
Bare male legs in traditional lederhosen, Graz, Austria
Tanners at work in one of the old tanneries of Fez, Morocco
View from above into a tannery and leather dye works in Fez, Morocco
Leather chandelier weighing 1200kg with a diameter of 5m in the patio of the Musée de Marrakesh, Marocco
leather boots in Bangladesh
Old leather glasses case
Portrait of a man wearing an old leather flight helmet and goggles
Soviet copy of german Leica camera produced in the sixties of the twentieth century in a leather case
A cow with a cowbell in Switzerland
Leather boots
Intricate design of a leather lamp shade 2
Intricate design of a leather lamp shade 3
Intricate design of a leather lamp shade 1
Leather lamp shades
Leather shoes kept away from getting wet at sea shore of Gopalpur on the sea
Large drum made out of leather
Delicately designed leather sandals
Leather bags craft of Shantiniketan, West Bengal
Leather quiver
Couverture en cuir du livre Plautus publié en 1577
Handmade historical medieval reconstruction bag and belt
Handmade historical medieval reconstruction bag
Sannomiya Center Gai, Kobe, Japan
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in NYC
Sella della Maremma in Piazza Garibaldi a Pitigliano
Libro di poesie con copertine in pelle. Titolo Casperia, poesie di Ignazio Gennari (1953).
Gukje Market, Busan, South Korea
Leather bridle of a horse from the French Republican Guard
Ancient leather sandals in Asnapio'museum.- Villeneuve d'Ascq (Fr)
Ethiopian leather pouch
Leather wraps in Asnapio'museum.- Villeneuve d'Ascq (Fr)
Leather harness strap and buckle used for controlling working horses
Leather bags
A Leather Belt
2025 – January – Oval
The new challenge features Circles, Ellipses, Spheres and Ovals.
Ideally, each submission should contain a summary description of the subject in the file information, including the location of the subject, and relevant categories should be added to the files to enable other Commons users to find them and use them. Please take care not to violate copyright in respect of non-free creative works, and observe our educational project scope and the personality rights of identifiable people, or your files may be subject to deletion.
The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout January UTC.
Checklist for this theme:
- Photographs must be the work of the nominator.
- Photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period i.e. January 2025 UTC (but may have been taken earlier).
- Submissions must be added to the top of the "Entries" section below.
- Please do not nominate lots of similar photos; instead choose just your best and most varied images.
Add your entry between the <gallery> tags as indicated. Gallery entries are placed each on a new line, and consist of the filename, a vertical bar |, and a description. For example:
Electric steam iron.jpg|An electric steam iron
For help on the syntax of entries in a gallery see Help:Gallery tag. Please do not add square brackets [[ ]] or include a thumb parameter or the full URL. The File: prefix is not required, but harmless.
- Restriction: A maximum of four entries can be submitted per photographer.
This challenge has already ended. (refresh)
The dog and the ball
My lying backpack through my glass
A special window in a Toulouse church
Rules for visiting the park
Baptismal font in a church of St. Gallen
View of a porthole of a aeroplane
leftover iced drink
deliciousness for a winter evening
New Year's decorations on the streets of Kharkov
New Year's decorations on the streets of Kharkov
Christmas lights with smiles
Wooden Peg Solitaire with black balls
At the playground
Karin Miyawaki as Bronze Medalist of Paris 2024 Olympics Fencing Women's Foil
From left to right, Koji Miyajiki, Yuji Taguchi, Naoki Hagiwara and Yuto Sano as Gold Medalist of Paris 2024 Paralympics Men's Goalball
Miho Yoshioka (left) as Silver Medalist of Paris 2024 Olympics Sailing Mixed Dinghy and Ayano Tsujiuchi (right) as Bronze Medalist of Paris 2024 Paralympics Para Swimming 100m Freestyle S12
Yakisoba with fried egg
Traffic mirror at a narrow passage near Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
Bird flying towards the setting Sun. Taken in Padua, Italy.
Elbe Dam, Czech Republic
The Bell
Tourist sign in Besedice Rocks, Czech Republic
Sculpture Seed by Peter Randall-Page in the Eden Project in Cornwall
Wicker Ball in the Belper River Gardens in Belper, Derbyshire, England
Fountain in the Allerheiligenstrasse in Speyer
Fountain at Speyer Cathedral
Yokohama tires
Colorful Ceramic Bowls
Round pillow. Crochet, Slovak folk technique.
Sphere backlit colour balls
Jánošíkov dukat, Slovakia
Wristwatches, Slovakia
Tray, paper bowls, nut-chocolate filling and colorful dragees.
Top view of the Sony E 10-18mm F4 OSS, a wide-angle zoom lens for Sony E-mount.
A cheap Smena 35mm camera.
Gumballs for sale at an airport in Detroit, Michigan.
Alloy wheels on display at the Huawei flagship store in Wangfujing, Beijing, China.
A yakiniku grill plate containing assorted slices of beef, chicken and pork, in varying states of doneness.
Window of the New Synagogue in Libeň, Prague, Czech Republic
The Moon inside Leicester Cathedral
Circles within circles of wood grain
Tram track monument in Prague, Czech Republic
Exhibit in the Museo do Trigo (Mill Museum) on the Azores
Exhibit in the Museo do Trigo (Mill Museum) on the Azores
Picnic table at the Miradouro da Ponta da Madrugada on the Azores
Guns at Fort De Soto (Pinellas County, Florida)
Gros plan sur des chocolats de Noël emballé dans des papiers colorés
Chocolats de Noëls emballés dans des papiers colorés
Glass spheres and cabbage leaves.
Easter eggs viewed from above look like spheres.
The unwashed bowl.
A drop of water, a little sphere.
Water Striders
Parziale vista di Narni attraverso un oblò
Spherical observatory, Japan
stones as decoration
Rattan making a ball
valve with Chinese and English wording
White plate - tomato
Sweet tomato
A slice of sausage on a plate
Nature reserve Petgatten De Feanhoop. American Herkules windmill in Petgatten de Feanhoop. Year of construction 1926 (Detail).
Nett hier (Baden-Würtemberg) sticker covering Nett hier (Bavaria) sticker in Riga, Latvia
Vintage Logging Steam Train located in Elbe, WA
The Great Wheel located on the waterfront in Seattle, WA
The gas cap on a 1965 Ford Mustang
Chemical compound in ultraviolet light
Duct Cover
River and Trees - Serra da Estrela, Portugal
Post Office sign, Ireland.
Part of spent rocket stage
Dampflokomotive 86 1333-3. Sonderfahrt im Herbst durch das Erzgebirge. Aufgenommen in Stollberg.
A lot of Japanese paper lanterns of two different Ellipsoid shape
Three elliptical round windows in the Dr.-Carl-Haeberlin-Friesenmuseum on Föhr
Sunset on the beach near Utersum on Föhr with a view of Sylt
Rubber rings as Olympic rings
Necklace made of pearls as a circle
Setting sun and transmission towers. Flaten, Orhem, Stockholm, Sweden
Begehbare und mit Haldenwärme beheizte Edelstahl-Installation. Wunderhorn (Erika Harbort) am Glückaufturm in Oelsnitz Erzgebirge, Sachsen.
Leninorden auf einem Gebäude in St. Petersburg, Russland.
Drebacher Krokuswiesen im Glaskugel. 09430 Drebach, Erzgebirgskreis, Sachsen.
Typical porcelain plate with maritime motif at front door of residential house on peninsula L-Isla, Valletta, Malta
Aerial image of circular irrigated green fields in desert sand, Sahara desert, Algeria
Church interieur of Sanctuary Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady (Rotunda of Mosta), Mosta, Malta
Ceiling light in café of art museum "Hamburger Kunsthalle", Hamburg, Germany
oval dish with side dishes
Affreschi sul soffitto della Cappella all'interno della Rocca Albornoz a Narni
Trompe l'oeils of portholes in Port of Ustka
Oval fruits tray
Chicken eggs
Water balls at Ustka beach
Water ball in Ustka
Circular pipes
Art in public space, ‘Ring’ by Mauro Staccioli in Munich
Bull's-eye panes reflected in a glass sphere, Albrecht Dürer House, Nuremberg, Germany
Dome of the church of the Vienna Central Cemetery from the inside
Yokohama fender of SSCV Sleipnir, the world's largest crane vessel, Rotterdam
Zernez, decoration on the vaults of the Reformed Church San Mauritius.
New Year Square
Giant Sphere
Chola Poori
Lifebuoy USTKA K.P.
Neuruppin Stadium
Circular "Moon Gate" and an arch with a gate, Truby King Park, Wellington, New Zealand
A Cup of Bokeh
Bale of hay in the field
Lifebuoy with text "USTKA ALUNIA"
Lifebuoy, selective color
Pulley wheel of the cable car in Mindo, Ecuador
Three fireworks during the Fourth of July fireworks show in Lexington, Massachusetts on July 5, 2024
View through a circle opening at Station La Defense, Paris
Common giant umbrella mushroom, Lampenhain, Odenwald, D
Crater lake, Lagoa das Eguas sul, São Miguel, Azores, P
Letting the circular coins to float on the water surface
Capelinhos Volcano Interpretation Centre, Fayal, Azores, P
Ovals: egg and its shadow
Train strap
Ein Teller mit Momos in einem kleinen Restaurant im Bundesstaat Himachal Pradesh in Nordindien. In der Mitte ist eine scharfe Soße und Sauerrahm.
That lots Chinese lanterns of various ovals on Taiping Old Street in Douliu City, Yunlin, Taiwan .
Striped Pumpkins
An aircraft technician performs maintenance on an airliner engine
Window of the Baltic Fleet's Machine School
A tree sparrow leaning out of a hollow tree
A nuthatch in the forest on a frosty winter day fluffing up its feathers to escape the cold
A cup of tea
Oval rear of building
A glass of tomato juice on a black plate with cherry tomatoes and lime
cathedral altar and stained glass window
Bottle slot
Miś Roundabout in Warsaw
Plaque, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Schild Thesen Island
Scaevola taccada, Blüten und Früchte
Die Bourkes Glück Strudellöcher befinden sich an der Panorama Route in Südafrika.
Mooring block at Port Dundas, Glasgow
The Raising of Lazarus by Jacob van Oost the Younger in église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine'church of Lille (Fr)
Rings as decorative elements on the ceiling of the Gorny institute metrostation
Toy bicycle wheel
Colorful rangoli design
Tea served in vintage Saucer
Latte served in mug
Grand festive cooking in huge vessels
Wall mural design with Harsingar flowers
Mosaic floor design during rain
Oil lamp captured in oval shape
Underpass of Michelinstraße in Hallstadt
Big satellite dish
Cans with cloudberries
Fruits of a hawthorn (Crataegus) Focus stack of 22 photos.
Pizza with tomato, mozzarella, and anchovies
Trier, Dom Saint-Pierre, cathédrale de Trèves. Detail of the exterior. (barred window).
A group of dusty balls with shallow depth of field, by the window. Soft window light. Foreground is a vintage golden cage and a miniature duck home decoration. (Bangkok, Thailand - Jan 2025) by enchanted_fairy for Oval Photo Contest by Wikimedia
Christmas decoration (Bangkok, Thailand - Dec 2024) by enchanted_fairy for Oval Photo Contest by Wikimedia
Solar Halo, Colorado, U.S.
Mountain path to the tongue of the Morteratsch glacier Split stone by mechanical weathering.
Making of a chiffon cake
Internal structure of the Leaning Tower in Pisa
Ceiling with round decorative elements
Ceiling with decorative circles
Lipstick Building New York City
Old Tree Trunk Hollow in the Center
Small Ring Light reflection in eye.
Trademark of S.G.M. of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, on a grain mill in A.R.A.M. (Villeneuve-d'Ascq). France
Plaque, Dublin, Ireland.
Fontana in un giardino storico in Roccalvecce (Viterbo)
The underground wine cellar and wooden wine barrels at the Tahbilk Winery, Victoria, Australia.
Portrait of Guido Reni by Simone Cantarini, Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna, Italy
Art Deco wall
Станция метро "Марьина роща" (БКЛ)
В центре ГУМа у фонтана
Воздушный шар
Work vessel - on the Prinses Margriet Canal. Lifebuoy.
Eating Table in a garden 1
Pacific sea nettles (Chrysaora fuscescens)
Orthophoto of the locomotive shed in Lichtenfels
Shakshuka in Tel Aviv (Israel)
Perfect Moon over Germany
Camera's selfie
Karlspassage Kaufhaus Breuninger Stuttgart
Rondel im Kaufhaus Breuninger
Tree on a path in Bavaria
Aspetto di un fungo Phylloscypha phyllogena (Cooke) Van Vooren. Parco urbano di Villa Ada a Roma
Chandelier ঝাড়বাতি
Wedding Decoration in front of a house in Howrah City
The underside of a winter wood fungus on a dead twig on the De Famberhorst nature reserve.
Spiral stairs and a Christmas tree
A hemispherical weir guard in a circular weir.
Basket of chili peppers
Horseshoe Bend (Arizona)
Inside Vessel (NYC)
Sleeping Siamese cat
Tropaeolum majus leaves
Round ornaments in ceiling of the Lutheran Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
Art object at a junction of paths on the Planken Wambuis. A nature reserve that is part of the (endless) Veluwe in the province of Gelderland 'Netherlands'.
Six grains of fiery hot tangyuan on the Shaved ice
Grumman F3F-2 "Flying Barrel", at an airshow in Colorado, U.S.
Olivine crystals of a meteorite (Sericho Pallasite, Kenya)
Vintage Elevator Floor Indicator
North rose window of Notre-Dame de Paris
North rose window of Notre-Dame de Paris
South rose window of Notre-Dame de Paris
South rose window of Notre-Dame de Paris
Wall Clock দেওয়াল ঘড়ি
Bunga Rafflesia gadutensis di kawasan hutan tropis Bengkulu, Indonesia pada pagi hari yang cerah di Bengkulu Utara, Indonesia
A Boeing 737 on approach to Boston at night
Wettbewerbe in der Abstimmungsphase
Abstimmen kann jeder, der seit mindestens 10 Tagen bei Commons registriert ist und mindestens 50 Bearbeitungen getätigt hat – oder selbst ein Bild bei diesem Wettbewerb eingereicht hat. Für eigene Bilder darf nicht abgestimmt werden. Es dürfen bis zu drei Bilder ausgewählt werden, um Punkte für den persönlichen 1., 2. und 3. Platz zu vergeben. Zusätzlich können beliebig viele Fotos mit besonderem Lob ausgezeichnet werden. Die Abstimmung läuft für einen Monat. Die Stimmen, die diesen Anforderungen nicht entsprechen, werden entfernt oder in Lobpreisungen umgewandelt. In einigen Fällen werden Benutzer möglicherweise aufgefordert, ihre Stimmen nach Ende der Abstimmung zu korrigieren.
Dezember 2024
Vorherige Wettbewerbe
November 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Flying on the swing | White Equinne | 1961 Cooper T53 |
Author | Vsatinet | Herbertkikoy | Julian Herzog |
Score | 18 | 11 | 11 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Rientro al tramonto | Gently sloping sidewalk in central Stockholm |
Sidewalk on Smolnaya Embankment |
Author | Repuli | Slottsviken51 | Inforested |
Score | 21 | 8 | 8 |
Oktober 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Yellow window reveal with blue window shutter |
Water drops on glass in the sun | Flight of the Blue-and-Yellow Macaw |
Author | F. Riedelio | Anna.Massini | CUIZIANG |
Score | 20 | 19 | 18 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Blacksmith/recyclers of Médine district in Bamako, Mali: Boy beating old sheet metal flat for the recycling of scrap metal into watering cans |
Stylishely recycled | Recycling von Metall-Schrott |
Author | Lusi Lindwurm | Soulful sunshine | Otto Domes |
Score | 29 | 13 | 8 |
September 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Altstadt Meißen, Dach Des Hauses Markt 3. | Workers re-doing the artistic roof line on a thatched cottage |
Holzschindeldach des Frohnauer Hammer (Sachsen) |
Author | Kora27 | Cbuske46 | YvoBentele |
Score | 19 | 18 | 8 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Fare gates at Stevens MRT station in Singapore, including a wider gate for priority users |
Wheelchair ramp, Confey Railway Station, Ireland. |
Wheelchair racer during Paralympic Games 2024 |
Author | S5A-0043 | Leimanbhradain | Ibex73 |
Score | 9 | 9 | 8 |
August 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Mustangs in Colorado, USA, 1971 | Dusty Billiard Table, former Pozzuolo del Friuli barracks, Ferrara, Italy |
The Milky Way with cosmic dust |
Author | Foeniz | Nicola Quirico | Zwiebackgesicht |
Score | 13 | 10 | 7 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | The Christmas spices star anise, cinnamon and cloves | Chili peppers at the market in Santanyí | Blüte mit Safranfäden |
Author | F. Riedelio | F. Riedelio | Tetraeder |
Score | 17 | 6 | 6 |
Juli 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | A lion is coming from a manhole, in León, Spain |
Manhole opened for cleaning, Heidelberg |
Child coming out of a sump |
Author | Guy Delsaut | Foeniz | Saral Shots |
Score | 15 | 13 | 9 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | African bush squirrel eating bread gotten from tourists in Namibia |
A young man putting discs of bread into the oven in the Islamic Cairo section of Cairo, Egypt. |
Bread being kneaded in a bakery in Aalen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
Author | Lusi Lindwurm | FischerFotos | Mozzihh |
Score | 24 | 12 | 9 |
Juni 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Carpenter working on a concrete formwork |
Workers attaching a chain to the Main bridge in Ebing |
Demolition site of the so-called Kaufhof store "Tortenschachtel" (cake box) on Berliner Platz |
Author | Ermell | Ermell | F. Riedelio |
Score | 17 | 14 | 11 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Poisonous mushrooms against a forest in autumn, Wrzosów, Poland |
Mycena interrupta NZ | |
Author | Ivonna Nowicka | Famberhorst | Haydenrjones |
Score | 15 | 13 | 9 |
Mai 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | This was shot in Kakinada Beach, shows struggle of fishermen in middle of sea |
A wave painted with a white neon lamp in a flashlight, city beach in Płock, Poland. |
Port Saint-Michel in Batz-sur-Mer |
Author | Zahed.zk | Lightpainterplock | Ibex73 |
Score | 28 | 19 | 11 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Australian Shepherd Dog | Hachi and Boy | Cat enjoying the sun between daisies |
Author | Ermell | HachiBoy | Lusi Lindwurm |
Score | 27 | 15 | 13 |
April 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
image | |||
Title | Колонны здания администрации и думы Новгородской области 2H1A4397WI |
Columns on the façade of the Philharmonie in Luxembourg |
Fassade Mark- Twain- Grundschule 02 |
Author | Kora27 | Ermell | ThoBel-0043 |
Score | 25 | 14 | 11 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Title | Visitors at the 2024 Easter fire in Rottorf | Campfire at lake Yngen, Filipstad Municipality, Värmland, Sweden |
Osterfeuer im oberen Murtal |
Author | F. Riedelio | Mozzihh | Bitisajn |
Score | 21 | 14 | 10 |
März 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Title | Sieben graue Köpfe | Reflections - Shyok River | Nina-Replica |
Author | Mensch01 | Prof Ranga Sai | Wingerham52 |
Score | 20 | 18 | 11 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Title | Palazzo di Guistizia with Courte di Cassazione at river Tiber, Rome, Italy |
North facade of Palais de justice de Paris. | Supreme Court of Finland at night |
Author | Mozzihh | FreCha | GPSLeo |
Score | 19 | 15 | 12 |
Februar 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Title | Dragon Dance, Oklahoma City, OK, Lunar New Year, 2024 (Year of the Dragon) |
Sec. 1, Wuchang St., Taipei City, with LED lights decorations above on 2024 Chinese New Year |
Eu Tong Sen Street in Chinatown, Singapore, with CNY decorations above |
Author | OKJaguar | Junyu-K | S5A-0043 |
Score | 11 | 9 | 9 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Title | Boat knot | Figure-eight loop in mountaineering |
Root knot of a beech tree |
Author | Teseo | Wagner Cxxx | Foeniz |
Score | 11 | 9 | 8 |
Januar 2024
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Title | Garfield Grain Elevator and Silos Garfield Washington USA |
Feed silos in Hirschbrunn near Burgebrach |
Silos of the Hannoversche Portland -Cementfabrik (abandoned in 1986) |
Author | DaveGinOly | Ermell | Hgrobe |
Score | 19 | 13 | 8 |
Rank | 1 | 2 | 3 |
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Title | Narrentag 2024 - Elzacher Schuttig |
Kirchseoner Perchtenlauf - old winter parade tradition in Bavaria. Mask of type "Klaubauf" |
Taken in Dublin, march 2014 |
Author | Rainer Halama | Würmchen-vom-Mölchlein | Oncewerecolours |
Score | 13 | 13 | 10 |