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Commons:Photo challenge/Previous/2021

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December 2021

Fences: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Winter on Mt.Rigi in Central Switzerland Fenced-off land on Last Dollar Mountain, with a
view toward Lizard Head Wilderness, Colorado, USA
Winter Impression from Bavaria near Miesbach
Author GabrielleMerk Semiautonomous Mölchlein
Score 20 16 12
Cities at dusk and dawn: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title View of Kirtipur and hills
and mountains at dawn
Midtown Manhattan at dusk Blue hour in Yekaterinburg.
Author Shadow Ayush King of Hearts The Cosmonaut
Score 22 14 13

November 2021

Top views of vehicles: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Taxi Driver pull car to the
front line to pick up passengers
An old Nissan Sunny with
cats taking a rest on it.
Sport boat below Bamberg
lock in MD canal
Author Mojtabagolestani97 Annatsach Ermell
Score 37 17 14
Hedges: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Hedges protecting on the
Vieux chemin de Lille.- Bailleul (Fr)
Landscape with hedges in the snow
near Alfreton, Derbyshire, England
Snow-covered hedge
Author Pierre André Leclercq Kmtextor Sudzie
Score 18 16 13

October 2021

Autumn leafs: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Faggeta di Canfaito (Marche,
Italia) nella nebbia autunnale
Autumn trees against the sky
in Six Mile Canyon near
Virginia City, Nevada, USA
In the Bruderwald in Bamberg
Author IvoK. Semiautonomous Ermell
Score 24 14 12
Loneliness: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Lonesome dromedary in
Wahiba Sands (Oman)
In a beautiful town,
in the south of France
Одиночество в большом городе
Author DEspel Celeda Андрей Малков
Score 14 13 12

September 2021

COA: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title O'Neill & Walsh Crests-
Wedding 14 September 1995
Populonia - Stemma degli
Appiani sulla Porta del Castello
simbolo dei Signori di Piombino
Coat of arms on the portal
of the former Domherrenhof in Bamberg
Author Joseywales1961 PROPOLI87 Ermell
Score 14 12 10
Lightbox: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title CACTUS flower lightbox blooms
only of one night in year --Arpit Suman
Philips projection lamp
6280C/05 for slide projectors,
base G17q, 220 V, 300 W
Siemens & Halske flat relay 48
of an telephone exchange
Author Arpit Suman F. Riedelio F. Riedelio
Score 12 11 9

August 2021

Contre-jour: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Chephrenpyramide in Gizeh Sunrays shining through trees and
weak fog near Walchwil, Switzerland
Echinopsis Oxygona
Author Sadarama Roy Egloff PtrQs
Score 15 9 8
Playgrounds: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Playground with a view Детская площадка в
холодное время года
Tiny playground (rather playboard),
Berkeley, Jan 1970
Author GabrielleMerk Vitaliy VK Foeniz
Score 19 11 8

July 2021

Framing: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Begegnung früh morgens in
der Oberalsterniederung
(Naturschutzgebiet), Schleswig-Holstein
La finestra sul mare, Finale Ligure Concrete workers on the
ABS Nuremberg-Ebensfeld
Author ThomasLendt Valeria1582 Ermell
Score 34 24 12
Baby related equipment: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title A stroller wagon Hundeschlitten zum Transport eines Kindes Lost pacifiers on the pacifier tree in
the Lüneburg Heath Wildlife Park
Author Ka23 13 Bühnenreif F. Riedelio
Score 23 18 18

June 2021

Birds in Flight: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Abyssinian roller hunts a grasshopper at dusk whinchat in flight jump from bush to bush Geese and Common cranes fly
with Christian Moullec who
reared them. Airshow Bex 2007, Switzerland
Author Dotun55 Irvin calicut Roy Egloff
Score 22 21 20
Five: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Reporter bei der Arbeit Cinq loups arctiques Five fishing boats on quiet misty lake
Author Mensch01 Musicaline Foeniz
Score 27 21 20

May 2021

Arthropods: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Wolf Spider Eyes Misumena vatia with prey Juvenil hermit crab Pagarus,
Praslin, Seychelles
Author Hsingtism Bendix Grünlich Mozzihh
Score 17 17 16
Water sports: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Nella pallanuoto attacco da
lontano con difesa schierata
Two canoeists on Maligne Lake (Canada) Sailing on the Baltic sea
Author 66colpi DEspel Dizelede
Score 24 17 15

April 2021

Fossils and Sediments: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 2
Deutsch: Stenoperygius sp im
Fosilienmuseum des Werkforum Dotternhausen
Fossil of a crocodile in the AMNH Who ate who? Echinodermata
fossils from Morocco
Author Wuselig Ermell RomanDeckert
Score 23 22 22
Angles and Squares: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Hochhausfassade in Tel Aviv triangular stairwell,
Genoa Italy
Square origami boxes
Author Sadarama Ddgfoto Changku88
Score 25 17 17

March 2021

Electricity: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Im Industriemuseum Nürnberg Overhead power line at sunset Windräder mit einem
Kohlekraftwerk im Hintergrund
Author Mensch01 Ermell Lowcarb23
Score 18 16 15
Needlework: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Oma strickt Strümpfe Cross stitch image of
a street flower market
Knitted tent
Author Sadarama Garth Weals Spielvogel
Score 53 13 13

February 2021

Bridges: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Harbourbridge bei Nacht Devil's bridge (lo schiaccianoci) Harbour Bridge, Sydney
Author Sadarama Repuli Ddgfoto
Score 13 11 11
Wind: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title "verdammt windig hier oben" Windy Wedding Baumreihe an einer Straße in Südengland
Author Sadarama Paulhaberstroh DEspel
Score 37 25 11

January 2021

Darkness: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
image [[File:|x240px]]
Title Maintenance of a railroad switch Searching the night sky. The Pink Floyd exhibition:
their mortal remains, Rome
Author Ka23 13 Annatsach Ddgfoto
Score 23 12 12
Umbrellas: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
image File:Under the "Umbrellas" of Thessaloniki.jpg
Title Rue Saint-Jean,
Sancerre, France
zwei Skulpturen in
Hannovers Innenstadt
Under the "Umbrellas"
of Thessaloniki (Greece).
Author Rolf Kranz Sadarama Annatsach
Score 31 16 15