Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by VladoubidoOo
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Files uploaded by VladoubidoOo (talk · contribs)
[edit]{{No source since|month=July|day=25|year=2023}}
- File:Vouet Trinité Saint-Denis.jpg
- File:Perrier Adieux de saint Pierre et de saint Paul Rennes.jpg
- File:Laurent de La Hyre La Visitation.jpg
- File:La Hyre Nativité Rouen.jpg
- File:La Hyre Sainte Famille Nantes musée d'Arts.jpg
- File:La Hyre Sainte Famille Louvre.jpg
- File:Mauperché Repos fuite en Egypte Louvre.jpg
- File:Mauperché Paysage avec l'anesse de Balaam Lisieux.jpg
- File:Mauperché Paysage avec Tobie et l'Ange Lisieux.jpg
- File:Mauperché Paysage avec la fuite en Egypte 1665.jpg
- File:Mauperché Paysage aux ruines antiques.jpg
- File:Mauperché Paysage au pont Louvre.jpg
- File:Mauperché Figures Rennes.jpg
- File:Mauperché Balaam Bourges.jpg
- File:Mauperché Filles de Jephté Birmingham.jpg
- File:Jean Bassange Adoration des bergers Compiègne.jpg
- File:Létin Martyre de sainte Catherine.jpg
- File:Champaigne Vierge de l'Annonciation Saint-Cloud musée du Grand Siècle.jpg
- File:Philippe de Champaigne Bullion 413.jpg
- File:Champaigne Annonciation Clermont-Ferrand.jpg
- File:Régnier Vertumne et Pomone 128.jpg
- File:Régnier Tête de jeune homme musée Magnin 74.jpg
- File:Régnier Saint Sébastien Milan 52.jpg
- File:Régnier Saint Jérôme Lozzo Atestino 58.jpg
- File:Régnier Femme versant une coupe de vin.jpg
- File:Régnier Homère Potsdam 29.jpg
- File:Régnier Saint Jean Baptiste 21.jpg
- File:Coypel Vénus et ses compagnes.jpg
- File:Coypel L'Hiver Versailles.jpg
- File:Simon Vouet, Martyre de Sainte-Catherine (après restauration).jpg
- File:Coypel Portrait de Simon Guillain.jpg
- File:Coypel L'Automne Louvre.jpg
- File:Coypel Une nymphe et l'Amour.jpg
- File:Coypel L'Innocence et l'Amour.jpg
- File:Coypel Portrait de femme en Amphitrite.jpg
- File:Coypel Eloquence.jpg
- File:Coypel Mémoire triomphant.jpg
- File:Coypel Junon et Mercure.jpg
- File:Coypel Nativité.jpg
- File:Coypel Bacchus et Vénus.jpg
- File:Coypel Gloire d'anges.jpg
- File:Coypel Départ de la chasse.jpg
- File:Coypel Vénus et l'Amour.jpg
- File:Coypel Triomphe de Vénus.jpg
- File:Coypel Psyché abandonnée.jpg
- File:Coypel Arion.jpg
- File:Coypel Le repos pendant la fuite en Egypte.jpg
- File:Coypel Pan et Syrinx.jpg
- File:Coypel Le Triomphe de Galatée.jpg
- File:Coypel Europe Richmond.jpg
- File:Coypel Sacrifice d'Isaac.jpg
- File:Coypel Neptune et Amymone.jpg
- File:Coypel Le Christ chez Caïphe.jpg
- File:Coypel Melchisédech.jpg
- File:Coypel La Manne.jpg
- File:Coypel L'Adoration des bergers.jpg
- File:Louis Roger 1897 Narbonne.jpg
- File:Louis Roger Hercule ENSBA.jpg
- File:Loir Saint Paul rend aveugle Barjésus Rennes.jpg
- File:Loir Repos pendant la fuite en Egypte Rennes.jpg
- File:Loir L'Annonciation toile Rennes.jpg
- File:Loir L'Annonciation cuivre Rennes.jpg
- File:Loir Colbert protecteur des Arts Southport.jpg
- File:Nicolas Mignard L'Ange apparait à Joseph Montpellier.jpg
- File:Saint Véran Cavaillon.jpg
- File:Nicolas Mignard Angélique et Médor.jpg
- File:Giral Evasion de Jacob 1710.jpg
- File:Blondel Thésée vainqueur.jpg
- File:Tardieu Regulus.jpg
- File:L'Amour redemandant ses armes Tokyo.jpg
- File:L'Amour châtié Tokyo.jpg
- File:Le Printemps meilleure image.jpg
- File:L'Assomption La Rochelle.jpg
- File:Piétà La Rochelle.jpg
- File:L'Evanouissement de la Vierge La Rochelle.jpg
- File:La Nativité La Rochelle.jpg
- File:Bouguereau L'Iris 1895 Princeton.jpg
- File:La Fuite en Egypte La Rochelle.jpg
- File:Bouguereau Méditation 1904 Manchester Currier Museum.png
- File:Bouguereau Baigneuses 1878 Tucson.jpg
- File:Bouguereau Autoportrait Anvers 1895.jpg
- File:Bouguereau Aux aguets 1896 San Antonio.jpg
- File:Létin Madeleine.jpg
- File:Létin Madeleine Saint-Cloud.jpg
- File:Létin Saint Augustin terrassant l'Hérésie.jpg
- File:Létin Jésus chez Marthe et Marie Troyes meilleure image.jpg
- File:Létin Nativité de la Vierge Prosto di Piuro.jpg
- File:Létin L'Annonciation Prosto di Piuro.jpg
- File:Létin Déposition de Croix Troyes église Saint-Martin.jpg
- File:Létin Lycurgue.jpg
- File:Létin Christ au jardin des oliviers Troyes.jpg
- File:Létin Portement de Croix Orléans.jpg
- File:Létin Flagellation Orléans.jpg
- File:Létin Crucifixion Orléans.jpg
- File:Létin Christ au jardin des oliviers Orléans.jpg
- File:Létin Musique Rennes.jpg
- File:Létin Diane.jpg
- File:Létin Grammaire Troyes.jpg
- File:Létin Géométrie Rennes.jpg
- File:Létin Astrologie Bordeaux.jpg
- File:Létin Astronomie Bordeaux.jpg
- File:Bouguereau Secrets de l'Amour 1896.jpg
- File:Bouguereau La grande soeur Saint-Johnsbury.jpg
- File:Bouguereau Première rêverie réduction Jacksonville.jpg
- File:Bouguereau Jeunesse et l'Amour 1877 réduction.jpg
- File:Bouguereau Idylle Hartford.png
- File:Bouguereau La Liseuse Hartford.png
- File:Saint Simon Stock Orléans.jpg
- File:Noël Coypel Visitation.jpg
- File:Noël Coypel Adoration des bergers.jpg
- File:Coypel Vision de sainte Catherine Bordeaux.jpg
- File:Coypel Sainte Famille Nancy.jpg
- File:Coypel Saint Jacques Louvre.jpg
- File:Coypel Résurrection Notre Dame Snite Museum.png
- File:Coypel Parlement de Bretagne médaillon 1.jpg
- File:Coypel Nativité Rennes.jpg
- File:Coypel Nativité Collection particulière.jpg
- File:Coypel L'Assomption Rennes.jpg
- File:Coypel Félicité publique Rennes.jpg
- File:Coypel La Rosée.jpg
- File:Coypel Combat d'Hercule et Achéloüs Caen.jpg
- File:Noël Coypel Sainte Geneviève.jpg
- File:Coypel Bretagne protégeant l'Innocence Rennes.jpg
- File:Coypel Caïn après la mort d'Abel.jpg
- File:Coypel Trinité Dôme des Invalides.jpg
- File:Coypel Assomption Dôme des Invalides.jpg
- File:Coypel Apollon gardant les troupeaux d'Admète.jpg
- File:Coypel Ange présente le portrait de Louis XIV Rennes.jpg
- File:Coypel Apollon couronné par la Victoire Versailles.jpg
- File:Coypel Allégorie de la Terre Lyon.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Crucifix cuivre Getty.jpg
- File:Taraval Job 1756 Marseille.jpg
- File:Dubois Egisthe.jpg
- File:Henri Strésor Mangeur d'huitres.jpg
- File:Cazes Christ guérissant l'hémorroïsse Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.jpg
- File:David La Folle Grenoble.jpg
- File:Berthélemy Tullie Orléans.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Vierge vestale Minneapolis.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Noces de Cana Sens.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Le voeu de saint Louis Versailles église.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Bénigne Comeau Caen.jpg
- File:Lemoyne La Vierge à l'Enfant Saint-Pétersbourg.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Baptême du Christ Sens.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Apollon et Daphné esquisse.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Allégorie de la Musique Saint-Pétersbourg.jpg
- File:La Hyre Christ en croix.jpg
- File:Laurent de La Hyre Assomption.jpg
- File:Le Sueur, Saint Hugues conduisant saint Bruno.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno refuse l'archevêché.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno reçoit un message.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno dans son ermitage.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Hugues donnant l'habit.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno fait construire.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno examine un dessin.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno et ses compagnons distribuent.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno enseigne.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno enlevé au ciel.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno engage ses disciples.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno en prière.jpg
- File:Le Sueur, Saint Bruno donnant l'habit.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno aux pieds du pape.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Bruno assiste au sermon.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Raymond Diocrès répond.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Rencontre de saint Bruno et du comte.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Mort de Raymond Diocrès.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Dédicace d'une église de chartreux.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Le pape Victor III approuve l'ordre des Chartreux.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Arrivée de saint Bruno à Grenoble.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Saint Pierre ressuscite Tabitha Toronto.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Portrait de jeune homme.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Martyre de saint Laurent Kettering.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Christ en croix Dijon.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Joseph cherchant ses frères Bloomington.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Déposition de Croix 76.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Sainte Famille Norfolk.jpg
- File:Junon foudroyant Troie.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Flagellation de saint Protais Lyon.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Apparition de la Vierge.jpg
- File:Le Sueur Junon au dessus de Carthage.jpg
- File:La Hyre Présentation au Temple Orléans.jpg
- File:Champaigne Vierge au pied de la croix Leipzig.png
- File:Champaigne Présentation au temple Saumur.jpg
- File:Champaigne Paysage avec sainte Pélagie Mayence.jpg
- File:Champaigne Portrait de Madeleine Leschassier.jpg
- File:Champaigne Paysage avec saint Zozyme Tours.jpg
- File:Champaigne Les deux soeurs excommuniées Calke Abbey.jpg
- File:Champaigne La messe ou la mort de saint Benoit.jpg
- File:Champaigne Christ en croix Toledo.jpg
- File:Champaigne Assomption Bordeaux.jpg
- File:Champaigne Christ en croix Ottawa.jpg
- File:Champaigne Ange gardien Crux-la-Ville.jpg
- File:Champaigne Adam et Eve pleurant la mort d'Abel réduction.jpg
- File:Champaigne Adoration des bergers Rouen cathédrale.jpg
- File:Colombel Saint Hyacinthe Louvre.jpg
- File:Colombel Saint Dominique Grenoble.jpg
- File:Colombel Moïse Stanford.jpg
- File:Colombel Cincinnatus Maincy.jpg
- File:La Hyre Conversion de saint Paul Saint-Cloud.jpg
- File:La Hyre Présentation au temple 271.jpg
- File:La Hyre Présentation de la Vierge au Temple Dijon musée Magnin.jpg
- File:La Hyre Alléorie de la Foi publique.jpg
- File:Jean Boucher Vierge à l'Enfant avec sainte Elisabeth Louvigny.jpg
- File:Champaigne Saint Augustin.jpg
- File:Blanchard Madeleine 1.jpg
- File:Blanchard Tirésias.jpg
- File:Blanchard Sainte Catherine.jpg
- File:Blanchard Souvigny.jpg
- File:Blanchard Portrait d'homme Compiègne.jpg
- File:Blanchard Adoration des bergers Cahors.jpg
- File:Blanchard Enfants jouants Courtauld.jpg
- File:Blanchard Annonciation Vic sur Seille.png
- File:Jean Boucher L'Adoration des mages Josnes.jpg
- File:Jean Boucher L'Assomption Montluçon.jpg
- File:La Hyre Saint Pierre guérit les malades cathédrale Notre-Dame.jpg
- File:La Hyre Sainte Famille Dresde.jpg
- File:La Hyre Saint Romuald.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Pierre guérit les malades Louvre.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Odon de Cluny.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Norbert.jpg
- File:La Hyre Saint Jean de Dieu.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Jean Baptiste.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Ignace.jpg
- File:La Hyre Saint Germain d'Auxerre Ermitage.jpg
- File:La Hyre Saint François de Paule.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint François d'Assise.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Dominique.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Etienne de Grandmont.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Bruno.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Antoine.jpg
- File:La Hyre saint Augustin.jpg
- File:La Hyre Sacrifice d'Abraham.jpg
- File:La Hyre Renommée Saint-Cloud.jpg
- File:La Hyre paysage avec saint François Louvre.jpg
- File:La Hyre Pierre Nolasque.jpg
- File:La Hyre Paysage aux paysans Louvre.jpg
- File:La Hyre Noli me tangere musée de Grenoble.jpg
- File:La Hyre Panthée Montluçon.png
- File:La Hyre Glaucus et Scylla Getty.jpg
- File:La Hyre l'Assomption Louvre.jpg
- File:La Hyre Entrée du Christ a Jerusalem.jpg
- File:La Hyre aveuglement des habitants de Sodome Louvre.jpg
- File:La Hyre Défaite des Anglais devant l'île de Ré musée de l'Armée.jpg
- File:La Hyre Elie.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Vénus montrant les flèches de l'Amour musée Rodin.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Hercule et Cacus Louvre.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Narcisse Louvre.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Tête de jeune fille Epinal.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Cléopâtre Minneapolis.jpg
- File:Lemoyne Hercule et Cacus ENSBA.jpg
- File:Lemoyne L'Assomption de la Vierge Louvre.jpg
- File:Champaigne Sainte Geneviève Bruxelles.jpg
- File:Champaigne Saint Germain d'Auxerre Bruxelles.jpg
- File:Champaigne Saint Joseph Bruxelles.jpg
- File:Champaigne saint Vincent Bruxelles.jpg
- File:Champaigne Réception dans l'Ordre du Saint-Esprit Troyes.jpg
- File:Champaigne Portrait d'homme musée Jacquemart-André.jpg
- File:Champaigne Portrait de trois enfants Lyon.jpg
- File:Champaigne Paysage avec la vocation de saint Pierre Florence.jpg
- File:Champaigne L'Annonciation Caen.jpg
- File:Champaigne Placide retiré de l'eau Bruxelles.jpg
- File:Champaigne L'enfant ressuscité Bruxelles.jpg
- File:Champaigne La Fontaine miraculeuse Bruxelles.jpg
- File:Champaigne Frère Romain nourrissant saint Benoit.jpg
- File:Champaigne Cruche empoisonnée Saint-Pétersbourg.jpg
- File:Champaigne Fauchette rattachée à son manche Bruxelles.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Ravissement d'Hélène Dijon musée Magnin.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Vierge de douleur en buste.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Vierge à l'Enfant.jpg
- File:Baugin Vierge à l'Enfant endormi 2.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Vierge à l'Enfant endormi Aix-en-Provence.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Vierge à l'Enfant bénissant.jpg
- File:Baugin Vertus théologales.jpg
- File:Baugin Scène de supplice.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Sainte Famille Parme.jpg
- File:Baugin Sainte Famille avec saint Jean Baptiste et deux anges musée Magnin.jpg
- File:Baugin Sainte Famille Notre Dame Snite.jpg
- File:Baugin Saint Jérôme en habit de cardinal.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Saint Jérôme Walpole.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Saint Philippe.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Saint Jacques.jpg
- File:Baugin Martyre de saint Etienne Chinon.jpg
- File:Baugin Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine.jpg
- File:Baugin Madeleine enlevée au ciel.jpg
- File:Lubin Baugin Loth et ses filles.jpg
- File:Baugin Education de la Vierge.jpg
- File:Baugin Nativité de la Vierge Aix-en-Provence.jpg
- File:Baugin L'Assomption Cherré.jpg
- File:Baugin Conception de la Vierge Cherré.jpg
- File:Largillierre Prévot des marchands 1689 esquisse musée Carnavalet.jpg
- File:Largillierre Saint Barthélemy.jpg
- File:Largillierre Portrait d'homme musée Jacquemart-André.jpg
- File:Largillierre Portrait d'un magistrat Amiens.jpg
- File:Largillierre Portrait d'homme en Bacchus Louvre.jpg
- File:Largillierre Portrait d'homme Amiens.jpg
- File:Largillierre Portrait de femme musée Jacquemart-André.jpg
- File:Largillierre Nicolas Maillard de Landreville.jpg
- File:Largillierre La Musique Quimper.jpg
- File:Largillierre Nativité compagnie Saint-Sulpice.jpg
- File:Largillierre Magalotti ricordo.jpg
- File:Largillierre Fruits sur une draperie bleue.jpg
- File:Largillierre Fruits sur une draperie rouge.jpg
- File:Largillierre Femme au pied de la Croix Orléans.jpg
- File:Largillierre Duclos Comédie Française.jpg
- File:Largillierre Comtesse de Noirmont en Diane.jpg
- File:Largillierre Corbeille de pêches raisins et prunes.jpg
- File:Largillierre Comte de Bérulle.jpg
- File:Largillierre Apôtre.jpg
- File:Largillierre Adoration des mages compagnie Saint-Sulpice.jpg
- File:La Hyre Sainte Famille Nantes.jpg
- File:La Hyre Repos pendant la fuite en Egypte Louisville.jpg
- File:La Hyre Présentation de Jésus au Temple Terrenoire.jpg
- File:La Hyre Paysage au porcher Montréal.jpg
- File:La Hyre Paysage aux baigneuses Louvre.jpg
- File:La Hyre Paysage au patre Montpellier.jpg
- File:La Hyre Nativité Valognes.jpg
- File:La Hyre Moïse sauvé des eaux Detroit.jpg
- File:La Hyre Nativité Creil.jpg
- File:La Hyre Mercure et Hersé Epinal.jpg
- File:La Hyre Martyre de saint Barthélemy Mâcon.jpg
- File:La Hyre Marie et l'Amour Divin Amiens.jpg
- File:La Hyre Deux chiens dans un paysage Arras.jpg
- File:La Hyre L'invention du feu Lisieux.jpg
Edelseider (talk) 19:02, 25 July 2023 (UTC)
- Keep Yes, "Source: Google" is dubious, but the images seem to be properly attributed to painters who have died long ago. So the images are all PD. As per official Commons Rule, a 2D reproduction of a PD painting does not add a new copyright, so it doesn't matter whether the uploader scanned the file themselves or took them from somewhere on the internet. PaterMcFly (talk) 12:34, 26 July 2023 (UTC)
- @PaterMcFly: there is no problem with the copyrights (although some paintings are shown with their frame, which makes these images non-PD). The problem is that the "somewhere on the internet" that you so rightly mention is not indicated. Google is just the search engine that was used to find these pictures on several different sites. Which sites? We aren't told, and that's the problem. --Edelseider (talk) 14:09, 26 July 2023 (UTC)
- So the problem is that we cannot verify the author without a source? I agree, that should be improved, but if we have no copyright issue, we shouldn't delete the images but take the time to fix that. Some of the images are even in use, so we can assume that the painters are properly attributed. All images seem to have the collection/museum where the original is in the description, so this should technically be sufficient to verify the PD status. PaterMcFly (talk) 14:43, 26 July 2023 (UTC)
- @PaterMcFly: there is no problem with the copyrights (although some paintings are shown with their frame, which makes these images non-PD). The problem is that the "somewhere on the internet" that you so rightly mention is not indicated. Google is just the search engine that was used to find these pictures on several different sites. Which sites? We aren't told, and that's the problem. --Edelseider (talk) 14:09, 26 July 2023 (UTC)
- Keep Of course, I vote to keep all these images on Commons. For each file, I have always indicated the name of the author of the painting (according to the most recent published research), and the place of location. I have always categorized all of these files (exept perhaps a few oversights, my apologies) with the category of the artist concerned. I recognize that I should also have included the categories related to the subject (iconography) and the place of conservation, but this information can be completed. Regarding the source of the file, it seems to me that these works are in the public domain (as the faithful reproduction of a work in two dimensions, and whose author died more than 70 years ago) and that the information on the source (website...) can be added, without it being necessary to delete the files and thus destroy several years of work.
--VladoubidoOo (talk) 15:49, 26 July 2023 (UTC)
- Keep per PaterMcFly. All these images need is someone to go through, however painfully, and add sources. I've already tried to provide a source for File:Cazes Christ guérissant l'hémorroïsse Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.jpg. It'll just take some time.
- BusterTheMighty (talk) 05:12, 27 July 2023 (UTC)
- Keep No copyright issue. All are in the PD. -- Herbert Ortner (talk) 09:12, 27 July 2023 (UTC)
- @VladoubidoOo: well yes, of course, you have several days to correctly fill the Source field with the link to the page from where you downloaded each image before uploading it here. It's not like there will be a mass deletion in a few hours. But you cannot keep "Source = Google", because the next stage would be "Author = paintbrush".--Edelseider (talk) 17:34, 26 July 2023 (UTC)
- @Edelseider: of course, and I agree. However, I need to be sure that the files will not be deleted in seven days by a bot, as the banner that has been integrated on each of them suggests (having a job outside of my activity here, I won't have time to correct all the sources of the files by then). I will be able to make these corrections as I go, over the next few weeks, but it will take time. --VladoubidoOo (talk) 21:28, 26 July 2023 (UTC)
- A deletion discussion (such as this one) is never closed by a bot, only manually by an administrator. They can leave the thread open for much longer than 7 days if there's no clear consensus nor any obvious reason for deletion. So take your time. PaterMcFly (talk) 06:16, 27 July 2023 (UTC)
- @Edelseider: of course, and I agree. However, I need to be sure that the files will not be deleted in seven days by a bot, as the banner that has been integrated on each of them suggests (having a job outside of my activity here, I won't have time to correct all the sources of the files by then). I will be able to make these corrections as I go, over the next few weeks, but it will take time. --VladoubidoOo (talk) 21:28, 26 July 2023 (UTC)
- Keep Also Speedy or Regular-Deletion nomination, not both. If someone removes the speedy, you are not supposed to restore it. --RAN (talk) 04:03, 27 July 2023 (UTC)
- Keep Per PaterMcFly. No apparent copyright problems. Yes the source is, well, yes, but the photos are PD in the first place. We can always add the source back in, though this may take a while since, well, so many files are listed. S5A-0043Talk 11:22, 27 July 2023 (UTC)
Kept: per discussion. --Krd 04:53, 1 August 2023 (UTC)