Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Statues in Ukraine
Files in Category:Statues in Ukraine
[edit]Per COM:FOP#Ukraine: non-free works. I've done a thorough review, but please let me know if there is any that is free.
- File:"Маугли" (1978 г.). Скульптура Макушиной И.В..jpg
- File:Avitchena.jpg
- File:Baba Yaga - O. Ryabo.JPG
- File:BalakliiaShevchenkoMonument.jpg
- File:Bench of lovers, Komsomolsk.JPG
- File:Bogdanu Khmelnyckomu Chernigov.jpg
- File:Cat Leopold with mice, Komsomolsk.JPG
- File:Cossak with bandura, Komsomolsk.JPG
- File:Falz Ask nova.JPG
- File:Granny with sun-flower seeds.JPG
- File:Marine school entrance-26122010(010).jpg
- File:Monument in the center of Mykolieb at the main shoping street "Sovietskaja".JPG
- File:Monument to childhood, , Komsomolsk.JPG
- File:Mother Mary - Cossaks' grave.JPG
- File:Petofi statue Uzhhorod 1.jpg
- File:Petofi statue Uzhhorod 2.jpg
- File:Plumber and the puppet.JPG
- File:Preying Cossak, Komsomolsk.JPG
- File:Prometheus.jpg
- File:Puss in Boots.JPG
- File:Skovoroda monument kharkov kavaleridze.JPG
- File:Snowwite.JPG
- File:Svyatogor.JPG
- File:Timoshenko Shmatko.jpg
- File:Zaporizhya Pioneers Monument.jpg
- File:Zmiy Horynych.JPG
- File:Єдина Європа.jpg
- File:Батьківщина-Мати в Жовтневому (м. Миколаїв).JPG
- File:Безуглівка 14.jpg
- File:Великий князь Святослав Ігорович Хоробрий.JPG
- File:Види Софіївки.JPG
- File:Володимир. Єпископський замочок.jpg
- File:Гладіатор.JPG
- File:Гриславці3.jpg
- File:Гурзуфский-парк.jpg
- File:Джерело "Жага" у парку дому відпочинку «Айвазовське».JPG
- File:Дніпро (станція метро)..jpg
- File:Дніпро (станція метро).jpg
- File:Дрогобич С . Бандера.jpg
- File:Замковая гора.jpg
- File:Замковий парк 077.jpg
- File:Июнь 2011.jpg
* File:Кам'яні баби. Гора Крем'янець.jpg
- File:Камянка1.JPG
- File:Камянка2.JPG
- File:Комплекс споруд станція метро.jpg
- File:Крим, Партенит - Памятник Авиценне.jpg
- File:Ліхтарник дядя Коля (Ужгород).JPG
- File:Леся Українка - Новоград-Волинскька поетеса.JPG
- File:Личаківський парк Кілінському.JPG
- File:Майдан Независимости Фонтан.JPG
- File:Матір Покрова -- Берегиня козацтва.jpg
- File:Материнство.JPG
- File:Мати і дитина.JPG
- File:Мауглі та Багіра.png
- File:Меморіал Великої Вітчизняної війни (Щербані).jpg
- File:Митрополит Петро Могила.jpg
- File:Монумент пожежним.jpg
- File:Морской царь.JPG
- File:Музы у дома техники, Луганск.JPG
- File:Музы у дома техники.JPG
- File:Наречена.jpg
- File:Невідомий солдат (інший ракурс).JPG
- File:Николаев. Памятник Св. Николаю..JPG
- File:Новгород-Сіверський. Парк ім. Т. Г. Шевченка. Алея..JPG
- File:Обеліск «Орел».jpg
- File:Олександрія, Біла Церква 23.JPG
- File:Пам'ятний знак на честь заснування міста Києва (1982).JPG
- File:Пам'ятний знак працівникам міліції, полеглим в період становлення радянської влади та при захисті Вітчизни 1917–1977 рр..jpg
- File:Пам'ятний знак працівникам міліції, полеглим в період становлення радянської влади.jpg
- File:Пам'ятник "Борцям за владу Рад від вдячних Очаківців".jpg
- File:Пам'ятник Анатолію Солов'яненку (2001).jpg
- File:Пам'ятник винахідникам гасової лампи Яну Зегу та Ігнасію Лукасевичу.JPG
- File:Пам'ятник Гнату Юрі (2011).JPG
- File:Пам'ятник Европі.jpg
- File:Пам'ятник Леопольду фон Захер-Мазоху.JPG
- File:Пам'ятник на місці перших маївок робітників м.Миколаєва 1898, 1912 – 1916, рестав. у 2008 р..jpg
- File:Пам'ятник на місці перших маївок робітників м.Миколаєва 1898.jpg
- File:Пам'ятник студентам та викладачам, що загинули у Другій світовій війні.JPG
- File:Пам'ятник Чкалову В. П. вул. Олеся Гончара.jpg
- File:Пам'ятник Шевченку Т.Г. -Яготин.jpg
- File:Пам'ятник Шурі Коберу і Віті Хоменко.jpg
- File:Памятник Артему в Харькове.JPG
- File:Памятник дачникам.jpg
- File:Парк «Відрадний» 2.jpg
- File:Парк імені Тараса Шевченка 76.jpg
- File:Парк імені Тараса Шевченка 90.jpg
- File:Парк імені Тараса Шевченка День людей похилого віку.JPG
- File:Парк дому відпочинку «Судак» 2.JPG
- File:Площа Героїв (Берегово).jpg
- File:Помятник Горькому г. Мукачево городской парк им Горького.jpg
- File:Русалонька в парку 50-річчя. Черкаси.JPG
- File:Самбір. Пам’ятний знак депортованим українцям з Лемківщини, Холмщини, Надсяння, Підляшшя.jpg
- File:Скульптура "Слава Труду".jpg
- File:Скульптура в парке 8.JPG
- File:Скульптура Посейдон у парку дому відпочинку «Айвазовське».JPG
- File:Скульптурна група "Слава Труду" в місті Вознесенську.jpg
- File:Тернопіль, будинок на вулиці Йосипа Сліпого.JPG
- File:Тернопіль. пам`ятник Степану Бандері.JPG
- File:Фото Дегтяри..jpg
- File:Фото1347.jpg
- File:Хапхальський заказник3.JPG
- File:Ялта 049.jpg
Eleassar (t/p) 08:49, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
[edit]- Не могу понять причину удаления (выставления на удаление) файла: File:Невідомий солдат (інший ракурс).JPG
I can not understand the reason for deleting the file File:Невідомий солдат (інший ракурс).JPG BohdanBocharov16 (talk) 07:51, 25 October 2013 (UTC)
- Не могу понять причину удаления файла
I can not understand the reason for deleting the file --Rafshm (talk) 09:07, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- Кому то просто делать нечего! 09:12, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- The file is missing permission by the copyright holder on the sculpture (i.e. Mykola Shmatko, still living). --Eleassar (t/p) 09:23, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- File:Timoshenko Shmatko.jpg has OTRS permition from sculptor --Butko (talk) 09:36, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- File:Гурзуфский-парк.jpg - Park in Gurzuf was founded in 1803 so I think that it is 19th-century sculpture --Butko (talk) 09:45, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- I'm not sure about this. [4] states: "Once, the Gurzuf Park was adorned with five original sculptural allegoric compositions with fountains. However, only two of them - 'Rachel' and 'Night', created after antique mythology motives - survived until now. They are true artworks that are probably the main sight of the landscape complex. There is also a sculptural gallery in the park. It features busts of famous people, who visited Gurzuf and were affected by its beauties: Vladimir Mayakovski, Lesya Ukrainka, Adam Mickiewicz, Feodor Chaliapin, Anton Chekhov and many others." Some of these people were living in the 20th century, so it seems that monuments and sculptures were also added to the park later. --Eleassar (t/p) 10:18, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- File:Кам'яні баби. Гора Крем'янець.jpg - this sculptures are Kurgan stelaes and were created few centuries or milleniums ago --Butko (talk) 09:51, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- Thanks, I withdraw my nomination. --Eleassar (t/p) 10:18, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- I can not understand the reason for deleting the file File:Новгород-Сіверський. Парк ім. Т. Г. Шевченка. Алея..JPG. There depicts park sculptures. who clung massively in many parks and are not works of authorship.— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)
- Park sculptures are considered creative works. If there is no evidence these are free per {{PD-Ukraine}}, we can't keep them. --Eleassar (t/p) 17:54, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- These sculptures are installed without the author's name (anonymously), and the name of the author did not become known until January 1, 1996. And it is not known so far. Therefore, these sculptures are in the public domain.— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)
- If you don't know the author's name, this does not mean that his name is not known to anyone. Someone had to order them at a sculptor whose name was known to him. --Eleassar (t/p) 18:40, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- These sculptures were commissioned and were produced in large numbers by some templates. They are not works of art. They are an element of decoration of the park. After all, benches and lights too, someone manufactured to order. but we do not protect their copyright.
- This has no bearing on the copyright status; all works of sculpture are copyrighted if the copyright has not expired yet. The prototype and the mold still had to be created by someone. --Eleassar (t/p) 19:26, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- Is it possible to copy all the files to uk-wiki and ru-wiki before deletion? Oleksiy.golubov (talk) 01:11, 24 October 2013 (UTC)
- It is possible to copy them in accordance with the local EDP; i.e. the usage must be specifically to illustrate the work in an article that discusses it. --Eleassar (t/p) 07:07, 24 October 2013 (UTC)
- I think so. that your efforts to protect copyright exceeded reasonable limits. I believe. it should not take hasty decisions and do not take the time to remove the photos.
Kept: There are different cases here. Many images maybe free. We should discuss them in separate DRs. Now all kept. Anatoliy (talk) 00:19, 25 October 2013 (UTC)
- Reopened; the DR has been closed in less than 7 days (per Commons:Deletion, DRs should stay open at least 7 days). The closing administrator has a clear conflict of interest (born in Ukraine). Except for File:Кам'яні баби. Гора Крем'янець.jpg, no evidence has been provided that any of these files are free. --Eleassar (t/p) 06:34, 25 October 2013 (UTC)
- Well, but where is conflict? I born in Ukraine (btw in that time it was Soviet Union), I live in Ukraine, and I know Ukrainian laws better than other sysops. Where is conflict of interests? You should better open separate request and find authors of statues and their year of life. It will be better confirmation that images are non-free. Here you provide the list of iamges and sya that they may be non-free. But what evidence that they are non-free? I do not say that all these files are free, I request to change procedure.--Anatoliy (talk) 10:21, 25 October 2013 (UTC)
- Comment I have looked at all of the photos, and I don't think that any of the statues are de minimis. Some of the statues look very new, but other statues look more aged and are probably decades or centuries old. I think that it would be better to close this request and open separate requests where we can focus on the age of each individual statue. --Stefan4 (talk) 10:32, 25 October 2013 (UTC)
- I've reviewed the images one by one. It's unfortunately not always possible to find the years of authors' death (see orphan work) and in such cases images can't be kept. I left those that are free or at least presumably free (e.g. [5]) [6], [7]) out of the nomination. For others, per COM:EVID, the burden of evidence remains on the uploader. If there are some that are presumably very old, it would be good to say which these are, and these can then be reviewed individually or withdrawn altogether. --Eleassar (t/p) 10:35, 25 October 2013 (UTC)
Closed again I am closing this again. I think that the closing by Anatoliy was entirely appropriate, as it had become obvious that there were too many different cases here. This should be divided into more manageable groups, starting with those sculptures by known artists, then perhaps those that are clearly modern, and then the rest.
Before commenting on any new DRs arising from this, those who commented above should understand that any sculpture created by a person who died less than seventy years ago is under copyright and cannot be reproduced here on Commons. This includes those made by anonymous artists -- if the artist is truly anonymous, not simply unknown to us, then the period starts at the creation of the work. It also includes those made in multiples or copies. Benches and lights are utilitarian and never have a copyright; sculptures always do. . Jim . . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 11:21, 25 October 2013 (UTC)