Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Liège-Guillemins train station
Files in Category:Liège-Guillemins_train_station
[edit]No FOP in Belgium: architect is still alive. Not in public domain before at least 2083 (if architect dies this year).
Content under copyrighted (thus to delete)
[edit]- File:20100719 liege45.JPG
- File:Affichage public gare Guillemins 2004.jpg
- File:Gare centrale de Liège.JPG
- File:Gare des Guillemins First Floor View 02.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Railway View 03.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 08 Acces Bridge View.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 08 Cointe Background View.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 08 Ground Floor View.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 08 Groundfloor View 02.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 08 Groundfloor View 04.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 08 Railway View 03.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 08 Railway View 04.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 08 Railway View.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 2008 Access Bridge 02.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 2008 First Floor View.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept 2008 Side view.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept. 2008 Escalator.jpg
- File:Gare des Guillemins Sept. 2008 Side view 02.jpg
- File:Guillemins - Intérieur - Escalators Parking.jpg
- File:Guillemins - Intérieur - Salle des Pas Perdus.jpg
- File:Guillemins - Quais - Panoramique.jpg
- File:Guillemins 1.JPG
- File:Guillemins 17 Septembre 2009 02.jpg
- File:Guillemins 17 Septmbre 2009 01.jpg
- File:Guillemins 2.JPG
- File:Guillemins mai 2009.JPG
- File:Guillemins.jpg
- File:Guillemins10.JPG
- File:Guillemins11.JPG
- File:Guillemins12.JPG
- File:Guillemins14.JPG
- File:Guillemins15.JPG
- File:Guillemins16.JPG
- File:Guillemins17.JPG
- File:Guillemins18.JPG
- File:Guillemins20.JPG
- File:Guillemins21.JPG
- File:Guillemins22.JPG
- File:Guillemins23.JPG
- File:Guillemins24.JPG
- File:Guillemins25.JPG
- File:Guillemins26.JPG
- File:Guillemins27.JPG
- File:Guillemins28.JPG
- File:Guillemins29.JPG
- File:Guillemins3.JPG
- File:Guillemins4.JPG
- File:Guillemins5.JPG
- File:Guillemins6.JPG
- File:Guillemins7.JPG
- File:Guillemins8.JPG
- File:Guillemins9.JPG
- File:JEP070915GuilleminsModel1.jpg
- no deletion: Main subject is the model showing an idea of the future area rather than the actual one, the architecture is hardly recognisable.
- The model itself is copyrightable.PierreSelim (talk) 08:17, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
- File:JEP070916InsideGuilleminsStation.jpg
- File:Liege Gare Guilemain 2 Luc Viatour.jpg
- File:Liege gare pano.jpg
- File:Liege Gare-Guilemain 1 Luc Viatour.jpg
- File:Liege guillemins entree.jpg
- File:Liege Philarmonic Orchestra at Liege-Guillemins Railway Station01.jpg
- File:Liege Philarmonic Orchestra at Liege-Guillemins Railway Station02.jpg
- File:Liege Philarmonic Orchestra at Liege-Guillemins Railway Station04.jpg
- File:Liege Philarmonic Orchestra at Liege-Guillemins Railway Station05.jpg
- File:Liege-Guillemins Railway Station 18-09-2009.jpg
- File:Liège-Guillemins railway station.jpg
- File:Liège-Guillemins train station 02.jpg
- File:Luik Guillemins ZW2010-02-04.jpg
- File:Ovp-guillemins-station-stairs.jpg
- File:Panorama Sept 2008 modif.jpg
- File:Guillemins30.JPG
- No deletion: Subject are the workers. Is a bordercase.
- no deletion: Main subject is the model showing an idea of the future area rather than the actual one, the architecture is hardly recognisable.
border line cases
[edit]- File:Liege-Guillemins-20060605.jpg
- File:Guillemins19.JPG
- File:Liege Philarmonic Orchestra at Liege-Guillemins Railway Station03.jpg
- No deletion: The main subject is the orchestra and the city background. The architecture element is only partial. Smiley.toerist (talk) 17:44, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
- To me crop, focal length, distance to the subject were chosen in order to show the architecture behind. For this reason I believe COM:DM doesn't apply. PierreSelim (talk) 11:12, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
- No deletion: Main subject is the locomotieve and not the architecture. The architecture is only marginaly and incomplete in the picture.Smiley.toerist (talk) 17:17, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
- To me crop, focal length, distance to the subject were chosen in order to show the architecture behind. For this reason I believe COM:DM doesn't apply. PierreSelim (talk) 11:12, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
- Cropped like this? File:Liege type 15.cropped.JPGSmiley.toerist (talk) 10:48, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
- To me crop, focal length, distance to the subject were chosen in order to show the architecture behind. For this reason I believe COM:DM doesn't apply. PierreSelim (talk) 11:12, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
- No deletion: Main subject is the multiply unit and not the architecture.Smiley.toerist (talk) 17:45, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
- To me crop, focal length, distance to the subject were chosen in order to show the architecture behind. For this reason I believe COM:DM doesn't apply. PierreSelim (talk) 11:12, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
- Chaotic picture: Architecture content is minimal. I would say keep, but is of low-value
- No delete: No architect elements visible.
- No deletion: no significant station architecture is visible. Smiley.toerist (talk) 16:53, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
PierreSelim (talk) 16:18, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
- From the fact that this nomination contains multiple obvious free images like File:Liege Loc 201010.jpg I conclude that this nomination is rather sloppy. I hate sloppy nominations because those might get free images deleted. Please clean up the list so that it only contains clear FOP violations. You might want to (re-)read Commons:De minimis too. Multichill (talk) 21:03, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
- re-read the file list: please accept my appologies. To understand how I sorted the files I have used a temporary gallery on my user page + models are copyrighted, and borderline cases can be COM:DM but it seems the author intentionally chose to have the building in the crop. PierreSelim (talk) 22:18, 16 January 2012 (UTC)
Les lois sont là, d'accord, mais il y a quand même des limites à la déraison : si M. Calatrava ne voulait pas que l'on montre ou voit sa gare, qui est en l'un des lieux les plus fréquentés de la ville de Liège, il ne fallait pas la construire, ou alors qu'on l'emballe, et si on demande cela à Christo, c'est lui qui touchera les droits ? Immensément stupide et hypocrite ce débat, auquel je ne participerai pas au-delà de cette remarque. --Jean Housen 19:13, 18 January 2012 (UTC)
Delete. No FOP in Belgium. Artem Karimov (talk) 21:48, 22 January 2012 (UTC)
I deleted the clear cases (and the workers were one, a photo about them would have zoomed more), the aerial view and the maquettes version. File:Liege Loc 201010.jpg is kept.
For the extra ones, I would delete File:Guillemins13.JPG as it shows the bridge, and keep File:Guillemins19.JPG and File:Liege Philarmonic Orchestra at Liege-Guillemins Railway Station03.jpg, per de minimis. I strongly insist File:MS62 262 Liege.jpg is de minimis: the main subject is really the train, prominent and in foreground. --Dereckson (talk) 22:40, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
Deleted: by Dereckson Morning Sunshine (talk) 10:48, 18 April 2012 (UTC)
There is no COM:FOP in Belgium, and the architect is still alive.
- File:Admiring the architecture (8211375000).jpg
- File:Calatrava architecture (Explore) (4696459910).jpg
- File:Calatrava Crossroad (5338180123).jpg
- File:Calatrava Departure Time (6699774245).jpg
- File:Calatrava fantasy (5377120535).jpg
- File:Calatrava in Liège (4845914732).jpg
- File:Calatrava revisited (Explore) (6573654929).jpg
- File:Gare Liège Guillemins.JPG
- File:Green Bottle (Explore Frontpage) (4417138828).jpg
- File:Guillemins Rendez-Vous (7752616862).jpg
- File:Guillemins Station 02 20 pm (8130150305).jpg
- File:Guillemins Station 02.21 pm (8150429013).jpg
- File:Guillemins Station 02.22 pm (8198995873).jpg
- File:Hergé Countdown (8153120413).jpg
- File:Liège Luik Lüttich (4410093133).jpg
- File:Liège Luik Lüttich (4411635751).jpg
- File:Liège Luik Lüttich (4429333710).jpg
- File:Liège Luik Lüttich (4486949840).jpg
- File:Liège Luik Lüttich (4504712723).jpg
- File:Liège Luik Lüttich (Explore Frontpage) (4468871811).jpg
- File:Nopple liege.jpg
- File:Nouvelle gare de Liège.jpg
- File:Shapes -- Lines -- Curves -- Symmetry (Explore) (7850437972).jpg
- File:The Calatrava Eye (5354806024).jpg
- File:The Calatrava Tunnel (Explore) (6689743061).jpg
russavia (talk) 13:51, 6 July 2013 (UTC)
Deleted: INeverCry (talk) 01:08, 13 July 2013 (UTC)
Train station under copyright : build by the contemporary Architect Calatrava, No-FOP on Belgium.
- File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-001.jpg
- File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-002.jpg
- File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-098.jpg
- File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-140.jpg
- File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-144.jpg
- File:20130425 liege03.JPG
- File:20130425 liege06.JPG
- File:20131229 liege09.JPG
- File:AmSNCB005.jpg
- File:AmSNCB006.jpg
- File:BE - Liège - Guillemins - gare - entrée.JPG
- File:BE - Liège - Guillemins - gare - escalier.JPG
- File:BE - Liège - Guillemins - gare - plafond resp. toit.JPG
- File:Gare des Guillemens - Memorial interrallie de Cointe - 10.JPG
- File:Liège-Guillemins above.jpg
- File:Liège-Guillemins platforms.jpg
- File:Liège-Guillemins view on platforms.jpg
- File:Relax ... take it easy (7757527444).jpg
- File:WorldHighestBiclycle.jpg
M0tty (talk) 14:47, 8 October 2014 (UTC)
- Ich habe eine Genehmigung von Santiago persönlich. Aber immer löscht... Das macht langsam keinen Spaß mehr. --Ralf Roleček 14:55, 8 October 2014 (UTC) Außerdem ist die Architektue bei keinem der Bilder Hauptobjekt, die Bilder vom Bahnhof selbst habe ich erst gar nicht hochgeladen, die sind auf meiner Homepage.
Keep for these files: File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-001.jpg, File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-002.jpg, File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-098.jpg, File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-140.jpg, File:13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-144.jpg, File:20130425 liege03.JPG, File:20130425 liege06.JPG, File:20131229 liege09.JPG, File:AmSNCB005.jpg, File:AmSNCB006.jpg and File:Relax ... take it easy (7757527444).jpg for De Minimis: main of the files depict just trains or tracks without any architectural element. Some other have elements in background of the picture (sometimes far far away). The main subject of 13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-002.jpg is a vehicle, 13-12-26-luettich-RalfR-144.jpg are bikes, and Relax ... take it easy (7757527444).jpg are people waiting for a train, two trains and an information board. For other pictures I didn't quote I don't have opinion. Jeriby (talk) 09:50, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
Some kep, some deleted, as per Jeriby. Yann (talk) 11:52, 16 October 2014 (UTC)