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Commons:Categorization requests

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
English: This page is for requesting specified categorizations of files. Please create a new subsection for each request and explain which categorization you'd like to request with as much detail as possible or needed.
For categories getting added automatically, see Commons:Bots/Work requests#Auto-addition of inferrable categories.
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Categorization requests


Large-scale / difficult


OWID charts by latest datapoint and maps by year


Please add categories for the years of the data maps by Our World in Data as well as OWID charts by the latest data point into Category:Charts by year of latest data.

This is useful for many reasons such as making things in the image explicit as metadata, making things queryable (for example combining cats using petscan), statistics, search (see the search box in the category), better enabling people to find the latest version for some data, better WMC search engine results (often there's outdated at the top of MediaSearch results), and (probably most importantly) updating outdated/old datagraphics that are in use (the tool GLAMorgan can be used for that if the files are categorized as described).

--Prototyperspective (talk) 16:30, 19 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Currently, I sometimes work on these two by exporting the petscan results as described in (mainly) the bottom tile here and then dragging many urls into the browser so it opens them all in new tabs and then go through them manually to add the year. Maybe the OCR would make mistakes sometimes and it could be difficult to develop. I still think it would be useful. If I ever finish adding this metadata to the files, there could also be many more OWID files. If they are imported with some OWID importer tool like this, they may (and should) have the respective cats by default but people could also upload them otherwise without adding these. Sometimes cat-a-lot can be used from users' Uploads pages when they uploaded many files in a row (e.g. maps showing the same year). Prototyperspective (talk) 23:44, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Resolving videos by language contradictions


Please resolve contradictions in categorizations of videos by language which are very useful and quite of self-explanatory. People don't understand videos in languages other than the one(s) they understand, especially if there also are no subtitles. Categorization by languages enables people to more easily find videos in their language or selectively search them (also the deepcategory search operator may work with that category since it's more flat than other cats). This is also useful for finding videos to redub or add subtitles to and many other things.

Contradictions can be found by combining languages. There probably is a better way but one could for example search for deepcategory:"Videos in Spanish" deepcategory:"Videos in English" (link) to find videos that seem to have contradictory categorization: these should go into either Category:Multilingual videos or into a category that has Category:Categories with contradictory categorization set. In this example, files would be in either the English or Spanish language videos branch, and creating new subcategories like Category:NIOSH videos about respirators in Spanish are usually required for that (one can use cat-a-lot).

For Categories with contradictory categorization, there probably should be a way to resolve these contradictions, for example through changing the categorization since files are not categorizable in the way of "all of these files belong into the category except exceptions CYZ". Lastly, at some point people may want to write the video language to the structured data of the file according to the categories set but I doubt it would add much since there already are categories for that and structured data on files is barely seen or used – just something to keep in mind.

--Prototyperspective (talk) 11:01, 22 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Adding missing categories to "…by name" categories


For example one could query items in Category:Screenshots of free software but not in Category:Screenshots of free software by name or somehow categories that should be in but aren't in Category:Free software by name. Many subcategories of Category:Products by name for example are very incomplete. It would be helpful if infoboxes set these by name categories automatically depending on what is set on the Wikidata item. The cats are at Category:Categories by name.

--Prototyperspective (talk) 13:26, 22 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Fixing self-categorization (cat-cycles)


The category cycles of this report need to be fixed: Commons:Database reports/Category cycles. These are categories that contain themselves. If you fix them (by changing one part of the category chain), you could strike or remove items from the list so others going through these don't go over already-solved cases. Maybe some tool(s) – possibly AI-based – for fixing these are needed as there are really many.

--Prototyperspective (talk) 16:16, 14 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Adding missing video language categories


Maybe a bot could be used to detect the video language. Other than that one could use categories like so to identify videos that miss their language category.

See Category:Videos by language. Note that these categories can then also be used to en-masse set the language qualifier for the uses of these videos on Wikidata which in turn could be used for further things like suggesting use of the video in Wikipedias.

--Prototyperspective (talk) 14:09, 21 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]



Please copy and maybe subcategorize videos as described. I think such time-lapse videos are the most interesting ones when it comes to time-lapse videos of cities. --Prototyperspective (talk) 16:30, 19 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Deepcategory search could be used for that. --Prototyperspective (talk) 12:56, 25 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Could also be large-scale. Note that for every new subcategory created one should also search for files not yet within that category that belong into it. --Prototyperspective (talk) 12:11, 17 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Could also be large-scale. Note that for every new subcategory created one should also search for files not yet within that category that belong into it. --Prototyperspective (talk) 12:11, 17 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Recurrent cleanups


Files with the PD-algorithm license that were allegedly generated by AI need recurrent cleanup. Mainly, files that aren't AI-generated need to have this license removed or replaced and AI-generated media need to be subcategorized into Category:AI-generated images by software or similar subcats of Category:AI-generated media. One can use the thumbnail view of this PetScan query. --Prototyperspective (talk) 13:53, 30 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Wikipedia-specific videos should be there, not only a random subset. --Prototyperspective (talk) 16:30, 19 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Missing items


The following categories miss many items. If you find a category both valid and useful but to be quite incomplete (you are quite sure there's many more files on this site) you can add it here. Find more…

Including a subcat for audio files of music.

(Of and about software development.)

(Especially files about media coverage of science.)

See List of Spoken Wikipedia files without specified subject. If this category is to not be deleted, it should probably contain most or nearly all of the audio files somehow. Moreover, subcategorization by language is probably needed (both of this would need to be done using tools like cat-a-lot and good queries).