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Category:Stamps of Denmark

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<nowiki>sello postal en Dinamarca; histoire philatélique et postale du Danemark; postzegels van Denemarken; история почты и почтовых марок Дании; Postage stamps and postal history of Denmark; Postgeschichte und Briefmarken Dänemarks; postage stamps and postal history of Denmark; stair an phoist agus stampaí poist de chuid na Danmhairge; Դանիայի փոստի պատմությունը և փոստային նամականիշերը; Γραμματόσημα και ταχυδρομική ιστορία της Δανίας; Postage stamps and postal history of Denmark; aspect of history; ইতিহাসের বিভিন্ন দিক; аспект історії; Geschichte der Post und Briefmarken in Dänemark; Почтовые марки Дании; Histoire philatelique et postale du Danemark</nowiki>
postage stamps and postal history of Denmark 
aspect of history
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  • aspect of history
  • postage stamps and postal history by jurisdiction
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Country of origin
Has part(s)
  • Airmail stamps of Denmark
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There appears to be no specific provision in the law for stamps and there are no special rules for works created by the government. So stamps are copyrighted following the normal terms of Life + 70 years after the death of the artist or Create/Publish + 70 years if they are created anonymously.
See also: Category:Stamps of Denmark

Attempt to use a more complete template for the management of article prefixes

A list of all Danish stamps, with numerous details provided, can be found at the old site of the Post and Tele Museum (still online). Note that all photos of stamps have been digitally watermarked by the museum. Link: http://frimaerker.ptt-museum.dk/katalog/1

Media in category "Stamps of Denmark"

The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total.