Category:Old maps of Scandinavia
See also: w:Scandinavia
Use the appropriate category for maps showing all or a large part of Scandinavia. See subcategories for smaller areas:
If the map shows | Category to use |
Scandinavia on a recently created map | Category:Maps of Scandinavia or its subcategories |
Scandinavia on a map created more than 70 years ago | Category:Old maps of Scandinavia or its subcategories |
the history of Scandinavia on a recently created map | Category:Maps of the history of Scandinavia or its subcategories |
the history of Scandinavia on a map created more than 70 years ago | Category:Old maps of the history of Scandinavia or its subcategories |
This category has the following 20 subcategories, out of 20 total.
Media in category "Old maps of Scandinavia"
The following 83 files are in this category, out of 83 total.
Arosia.jpg 525 × 350; 54 KB
1598 map of the Polar Regions by Willem Barentsz.jpg 13,719 × 10,160; 30.66 MB
1925 Route Map of Scandinavia and the Baltic States.jpg 1,260 × 746; 338 KB
337 of 'Illustreret Norges historie. (With plates.)' (11176004453).jpg 1,605 × 2,330; 1,005 KB
34 of 'The History of Norway. (With maps.)' (11184806384).jpg 2,256 × 2,953; 1.06 MB
468 of '(The Great Ice Age and its relation to the antiquity of man.)' (11118679764).jpg 2,561 × 2,408; 1.1 MB
A-3-37-53-Scandinavia.jpg 3,000 × 2,289; 766 KB
Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Co. (3092982305).jpg 799 × 481; 334 KB
Atlas Maior, Blau. Karta över Skandinavien.PB hist.288 - Skoklosters slott - 87580.tif 4,870 × 3,590; 100.11 MB
Barents third voyage.jpg 2,000 × 1,511; 965 KB
Barentskartet, 1598 (12068020364).jpg 2,842 × 2,091; 3.85 MB
Barentsz Full Map.jpg 1,000 × 742; 258 KB
Bouillet - Atlas universel, Carte 61.png 2,760 × 3,425; 10.55 MB
Caerte van Oostlant 4MB.jpg 7,040 × 5,300; 3.84 MB
Carta de navegar - faksimile - no-nb krt 00669.jpg 6,471 × 4,685; 6.52 MB
Carta marina.gif 1,200 × 800; 92 KB
Charta öfwer Swerige med tilgränsande länder - Kungliga Biblioteket - 11692091-thumb.png 11,753 × 9,824; 539.43 MB
Charta öfwer Swerige med tilgränsande länder - Kungliga Biblioteket - 11692091.tif 11,753 × 9,824, 2 pages; 660.71 MB
Charta öfwer södra delen af Swerige - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10294581-thumb.png 9,344 × 11,702; 512.8 MB
Charta öfwer södra delen af Swerige - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10294581.tif 9,344 × 11,702, 2 pages; 625.7 MB
Cosmographia (Sebastian Münster) p 093.jpg 2,000 × 1,518; 511 KB
D515 - N° 297. Scandinavie. -liv3-ch5.png 1,448 × 2,008; 574 KB
Danska väldet under valdemar sejr.jpg 792 × 453; 201 KB
Den lilla skolkartan öfver Skandinavien, Europa och Globen - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10371878-thumb.png 10,186 × 7,176; 354.11 MB
Den lilla skolkartan öfver Skandinavien, Europa och Globen - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10371878.tif 10,186 × 7,176, 2 pages; 418.28 MB
Egnazio Danti - The Scandinavian peninsula - Google Art Project.jpg 6,547 × 7,614; 24.18 MB
Etats scandinaves - mer Baltique - création L. Bergelin, cartographe - btv1b531545278.jpg 9,112 × 11,014; 13.67 MB
Forminsket utgave av Barentskartet - no-nb krt 00487.jpg 4,418 × 3,449; 3.45 MB
Geografisk, militarisk och statistisk Karta öfver hela Sverige och Norrige..jpg 2,225 × 3,300; 2.17 MB
Gothia.jpg 490 × 399; 99 KB
Homann Scandinavia.jpg 3,000 × 2,780; 3.32 MB
Island19x1024.jpg 1,024 × 786; 130 KB
Kart over Jernbaner i Norge, Sverige og Danmark. 10de oplag - btv1b8445664q.jpg 7,104 × 9,419; 9.72 MB
Karta över Skandinavien från 1700-talet - Skoklosters slott - 98005.tif 4,690 × 3,744; 50.26 MB
La Scandinavie et … - no-nb krt 00477.jpg 4,126 × 3,934; 5.7 MB
LA2-Anders-Bure.jpg 1,983 × 1,704; 616 KB
Les Trois Courones du Nord.jpg 3,914 × 3,392; 3.52 MB
Map of the Northern Realms Including the Kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden, Norway WDL1206.png 1,243 × 1,024; 2.56 MB
Münsters skandinaviakart (24957076285).jpg 4,233 × 3,311; 7.61 MB
Nativus, Sueciae adiacenti umque regnorum typus - Kungliga Biblioteket - 11308411-thumb.png 10,361 × 8,249; 407.1 MB
Nativus, Sueciae adiacenti umque regnorum typus - Kungliga Biblioteket - 11308411.tif 10,361 × 8,249, 2 pages; 489.08 MB
Norra sverige och finland under unionstiden.jpg 793 × 808; 339 KB
Norvège et Suède. Carte des pluies. (Moyenne de l'année) - d'après Mohn - btv1b8439254x.jpg 4,080 × 5,217; 2.33 MB
Nouvelle carte de Scandinavie.jpg 3,543 × 2,739; 2.8 MB
The Northern States, comprehending the Kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden; with their divisions (NYPL b13919861-5207405).tiff 10,326 × 7,758, 2 pages; 229.46 MB
Swedland and Norway (NYPL b14428893-1503431).jpg 6,299 × 5,096; 6.87 MB
Old german map Scandinavia and Baltic States.jpg 947 × 1,451; 551 KB
Old Norway map.png 1,243 × 1,024; 2.52 MB
Pieni 3 0727.jpg 2,542 × 3,399; 3.07 MB
Pontanus 1611 Arctic Map.jpg 2,852 × 2,142; 802 KB
Regni Sueciae.jpg 3,486 × 3,069; 2.84 MB
Ruotsi-Suomen kartta.jpg 1,451 × 909; 651 KB
Scandinavia complectens Sueciæ, Daniæ et Norvegiæ regna – ex tabulis - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10348309.tif 10,126 × 7,774, 2 pages; 450.47 MB
Svecia Dania et Norvegia - no-nb krt 00590.jpg 8,653 × 6,801; 23.26 MB
Svecia Dania et Norvegia - no-nb krt 00636.jpg 8,586 × 6,809; 23.2 MB
Svecia et Norvegia - no-nb krt 00509.jpg 4,692 × 3,607; 7.8 MB
Svecia et Norvegia - no-nb krt 00608.jpg 7,889 × 5,964; 18.26 MB
Svecia et Norvegia cum confinijs - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10377574-thumb.png 9,793 × 7,542; 354.27 MB
Svecia et Norvegia cum confinijs - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10377574.tif 9,793 × 7,542, 2 pages; 422.65 MB
Svecia, Dania et Norvegia, Regna Europæ Septentrionalia.jpg 4,310 × 3,476; 10.17 MB
Svecia, Dania et Norvegia.jpg 2,022 × 1,657; 2.33 MB
Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, from the best authorities. NYPL1404020.tiff 6,299 × 5,248; 94.6 MB
Swedland and Norway. NYPL1503431.tiff 6,299 × 5,096; 91.86 MB
UBBasel Map 1570 Kartenslg AA 91.tif 11,527 × 9,763, 2 pages; 322 MB