Category:Nature versus nurture

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<nowiki>Naturaleza versus crianza; 先天定後天; öröklés-környezet vita; cоциогенетизм или биогенетизм; سرشت و پرورش; 先天与后天; Arv og miljø; خلقی; arv eller miljö; Innat; 先天與後天; 先天与后天; Luonto vastaan kasvatus; Dědičnost proti prostředí; প্রকৃতি বনাম প্রতিপালন; débat inné et acquis; inato ou adquirido; 先天與後天; 先天与后天; naturalesa versus criança; 氏か育ちか; Емпиризъм или биогенетизъм; 본성 대 양육; Nature versus nurture; arv og miljø; Təbiət yoxsa tərbiyə; Природа проти виховання; nature-nurture-debat; תורשה מול סביבה; 先天與後天; nature versus nurture; الطبيعة مقابل التنشئة; φύση ή ανατροφή; प्रकृति बनाम पोषण; importancia relativa de las cualidades innatas de un individuo ("naturaleza", en el sentido de nativismo o innatismo) en comparación con sus experiencias personales ("crianza", en el sentido de empirismo o conductismo); debatt kring hur medfödda egenskaper eller yttre påverkan bestämmer mänskligt beteende; det som påvirker alle egenskaper ved alle organismer; дискуссия о роли воспитания и природных факторов; behaviorismi: geenit vastaan kulttuuri; relative importance of an individual's innate qualities ("nature" in the sense of nativism or innatism) as compared to an individual's personal experiences ("nurture" in the sense of empiricism or behaviorism); سرشت وپرورش; interação entre herança e ambiente determina; מחלוקת על משקלן של תורשה וסביבה בהתפתחות פיזית ופסיכולוגית; Innato-adquirido; Debate natura-nurtura; Natura-nurtura; 氏か育ちか論争; 生まれか育ちか; 先天的・後天的; Arv eller miljø; Natur eller kultur; aanleg-opvoedingsdebat; cоциогенетизм; наследственность или воспитание; гены или воспитание; Innate; انیٹ; Nature versus nurture; Luonto vs. kasvatus; Luonto ja kasvatus; nature or nurture; ذاتی اکتسابی; طبیعت و تربیت; وراثت و محیط; پرورش یا طبیعت; Биогенетизъм; Arv/miljø</nowiki>
nature versus nurture 
relative importance of an individual's innate qualities ("nature" in the sense of nativism or innatism) as compared to an individual's personal experiences ("nurture" in the sense of empiricism or behaviorism)
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Wikidata Q1773859
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85090282
J9U ID: 987007560766005171
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Relative importance of an individual's innate qualities ("nature" in the sense of nativism or innatism and especially genetic ones) as compared to an individual's personal experiences ("nurture" in the sense of empiricism or behaviorism)

Media in category "Nature versus nurture"

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