Category:Maps showing 10th-century history
Preceded by: 9th century maps |
10th century maps 901 AD-1000 AD |
Succeeded by: 11th century maps |
This category has the following 16 subcategories, out of 16 total.
- Maps showing the 930s (4 F)
- Maps showing the 940s (3 F)
- Maps showing the 970s (3 F)
- Maps showing the 980s (1 F)
- Maps showing the 990s (5 F)
Media in category "Maps showing 10th-century history"
The following 137 files are in this category, out of 137 total.
El reino de los francos bajo Hugo Capeto-es.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.48 MB
Great Britain and Ireland 1000.svg 120 × 170; 336 KB
Map of Bulgaria (10th cent).jpg 2,333 × 1,544; 824 KB
87EarlyBagratid884-962 (1).gif 700 × 457; 69 KB
87EarlyBagratid884-962-pt.svg 512 × 330; 69 KB
87EarlyBagratid884-962.gif 700 × 457; 62 KB
93-vaspurakan908-1021.gif 700 × 486; 61 KB
Actas de Hugo Capeto-es.svg 896 × 996; 650 KB
Actes de Hugues Capet.svg 896 × 996; 872 KB
Airgialla-900.svg 633 × 825; 686 KB
Approximate extension of Alodia based on accounts of Ibn Hawqal.png 835 × 934; 237 KB
Arabische Eroberung 2 (Bulgarisches Reich 945).jpg 388 × 449; 99 KB
Arctic cultures 900-1500.png 259 × 989; 251 KB
Atlas Hermann Haack.jpg 5,694 × 7,211; 6.2 MB
Azarbaijan and its surroundings during the Iranian Intermezzo.svg 900 × 675; 1.38 MB
Bagratid Armenia, 962-1064.gif 700 × 472; 61 KB
Balkans 960s.JPG 551 × 386; 30 KB
Battle of Achelous (917)-zh.png 1,844 × 1,730; 559 KB
Battle of Achelous (917).png 1,844 × 1,730; 534 KB
Battle of Anchialos (917) es.svg 657 × 620; 35 KB
Battle of Anchialos (917) PL.svg 657 × 655; 216 KB
Battle of Anchialos (917)-pt.svg 657 × 620; 31 KB
Battle of Anchialos (917)-zh.svg 822 × 775; 77 KB
Battle of Anchialos (917).svg 649 × 677; 67 KB
Battle of the Gates of Trajan.png 2,631 × 2,466; 1.02 MB
Bulgaria Simeon I (893-927)-ar.svg 752 × 719; 639 KB
Bulgaria Simeon I (893-927)-zh.svg 752 × 719; 127 KB
Bulgaria Simeon I (893-927).svg 752 × 719; 232 KB
Buyid amirates in the Middle East, ca. 970.svg 1,446 × 1,002; 10.34 MB
Buyids 970-ar.png 1,321 × 841; 1.07 MB
Buyids 970.png 1,321 × 841; 1.01 MB
Buyids within the Middle East, ca. 970.png 1,202 × 680; 359 KB
Byzantium975.jpg 572 × 368; 35 KB
Carolingian empire 915-hu.svg 1,091 × 1,053; 159 KB
Carolingian empire 915-pt.svg 1,091 × 1,053; 159 KB
Carolingian empire 915-ru.svg 1,169 × 1,129; 164 KB
Carolingian empire 915.svg 1,091 × 1,053; 159 KB
Carolingian empire 947-hu.svg 1,091 × 1,053; 170 KB
Carolingian empire 947-pt.svg 1,091 × 1,053; 171 KB
Carolingian empire 947.svg 1,091 × 1,053; 171 KB
Caucasus, 884-962.gif 700 × 473; 67 KB
Central and Eastern Europe around 950 AD.png 628 × 525; 272 KB
Central europe 919 1125.png 2,281 × 1,801; 2.91 MB
Engilin1000.JPG 252 × 197; 24 KB
Eroberung des Danelags.jpg 848 × 868; 165 KB
Eurasie An 1000.PNG 670 × 448; 49 KB
Europe 1000.jpg 1,932 × 1,544; 689 KB
Europe 912.jpg 998 × 1,024; 414 KB
Europe around 900.jpg 1,962 × 1,563; 3.75 MB
Europe in 1000.png 652 × 392; 152 KB
Europe map 998.PNG 800 × 554; 161 KB
Europe998newer.png 800 × 554; 59 KB
Európa a 10. sz. végén.png 718 × 537; 129 KB
Expansion of Rus.png 1,609 × 711; 188 KB
Fall of the Aghlabid Emirate-es.svg 1,483 × 701; 486 KB
Fall of the Aghlabid Emirate.svg 1,483 × 701; 464 KB
Farghana Tenth Century.svg 550 × 250; 394 KB
FatimidCaliphate969 (orthographic projection).svg 550 × 550; 539 KB
FatimidCaliphate969.png 1,222 × 752; 35 KB
First Bulgarian Empire (976-1018).png 1,620 × 1,476; 1.09 MB
Fragmentation of the Abbasid Caliphate-ar.jpg 1,344 × 903; 348 KB
Fragmentation of the Abbasid Caliphate.jpg 1,344 × 903; 311 KB
France in the 10th century ru.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.15 MB
Francia en el siglo X.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 897 KB
Francja987.png 1,009 × 1,041; 391 KB
Fromer bridges on the Cosson in Blois.svg 1,317 × 897; 1.72 MB
Germany962.jpg 618 × 770; 172 KB
Hamdanids 955 AD-ar.jpg 1,039 × 653; 217 KB
Hamdanids 955 AD-es.svg 2,347 × 1,798; 10.58 MB
Hamdanids 955 AD.jpg 1,050 × 660; 259 KB
Heiliges Römisches Reich 1000.PNG 6,170 × 4,941; 50.04 MB
History of Russia, IX-XV c.jpg 2,538 × 3,277; 1.4 MB
Ilaq Tenth Century.svg 720 × 405; 896 KB
Imperial Dynasties in China 917 CE (Chinese).png 592 × 645; 143 KB
Ireland circa 900.png 621 × 806; 142 KB
IrlandaHaciaElAño900.svg 633 × 825; 1.36 MB
Jorgat harasm.gif 700 × 579; 73 KB
Kingdom of Breifne-900.svg 633 × 825; 687 KB
Kingdom of Connacht-900.svg 633 × 825; 701 KB
Kingdom of Leinster-900.svg 633 × 825; 691 KB
Kingdom of Mide-900-es.svg 633 × 825; 689 KB
Kingdom of Mide-900-nb.svg 633 × 824; 538 KB
Kingdom of Mide-900.svg 633 × 824; 542 KB
Kingdom of Munster-900-ar.svg 633 × 825; 666 KB
Kingdom of Munster-900.svg 633 × 825; 707 KB
Kingdom of Osraige-900.svg 633 × 825; 685 KB
La France au Xe siècle-el.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.17 MB
La France au Xe siècle.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.15 MB
La France au Xe siècle2.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.16 MB
Le royaume des Francs sous Hugues Capet-be.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.36 MB
Le royaume des Francs sous Hugues Capet-en.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.37 MB
Le royaume des Francs sous Hugues Capet-es.svg 1,916 × 1,916; 1.37 MB
Le royaume des Francs sous Hugues Capet-fr.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.38 MB
Le royaume des Francs sous Hugues Capet-ka.svg 1,796 × 1,800; 1.23 MB
Le royaume des Francs sous Hugues Capet-ru.svg 1,796 × 1,796; 1.07 MB
Map Eadred-fr.svg 960 × 1,304; 1.32 MB
Map Eadwig-fr.svg 960 × 1,304; 1.32 MB
Map Edgar-fr.svg 960 × 1,304; 1.33 MB
Map Edmund I-fr.svg 929 × 793; 1.33 MB
Map of the Caliphate in 945.svg 1,569 × 854; 2.68 MB
Map of the Samanid amirate at the death of Abd al-Malik I, 961.svg 1,603 × 1,127; 6.89 MB
Map of the Samanid amirate at the death of Nasr II, 943.svg 1,603 × 1,127; 6.95 MB
Markgrafschaft Meissen 1000.png 890 × 570; 369 KB
Medieval Bosnian State 949.svg 884 × 706; 929 KB
Medieval canals along the Blind Tigris.svg 240 × 180; 42 KB
Medieval canals below Wasit.svg 235 × 260; 38 KB
Nordgau 1000.PNG 544 × 496; 193 KB
Northeast.Irish.Sea.Norse.placenames.jpg 1,005 × 897; 282 KB
Península Ibérica siglo X.png 692 × 535; 14 KB
Poland in 992.jpg 1,200 × 1,024; 203 KB
Regions of Bilad al-Sham by al-Muqaddasi.png 927 × 968; 1.37 MB
Regions of the Lands of Islam by al-Muqaddasi.jpg 8,925 × 3,500; 9.44 MB
Regions of the Lands of Islam by al-Muqaddasi.svg 8,925 × 3,500; 9.33 MB
Republik Venedig.png 625 × 361; 409 KB
Rus Caspian.png 711 × 612; 669 KB
Russia-10c-tribes.png 2,241 × 2,731; 264 KB
SalernoPrincipato annomille.jpg 411 × 441; 56 KB
Samarkand-Bukhara Road Tenth Century.svg 550 × 250; 326 KB
Skandinavische Ortsnamen in England.jpg 733 × 1,044; 395 KB
Sviatoslav1.png 886 × 578; 706 KB
SW Caspian.jpg 640 × 360; 227 KB
The Emirate of Córdoba-pt.svg 694 × 539; 289 KB
The End of the Kingdom of Medieval Italy.png 500 × 337; 30 KB
Thüringen HHR 1000AD.JPG 356 × 360; 155 KB
ValleDeFerganáTopográficoSigloX.svg 934 × 467; 10.21 MB
Wales 986-99 (Maredudd ab Owain).svg 744 × 1,052; 469 KB
Zemlja Bosna.svg 445 × 302; 232 KB
Zirid Dynasty 971-1014.jpg 1,471 × 1,080; 172 KB
Zirides sous les Fatimides.PNG 601 × 434; 16 KB
Zirzipanien 1000.PNG 487 × 326; 108 KB
ZiríesComoClientesFatimíes-pt.svg 628 × 401; 79 KB
ZiríesComoClientesFatimíes.svg 670 × 428; 324 KB
Племена-бодричей-и-лютичей.png 700 × 849; 420 KB
Племена-лужицких-сербов.png 750 × 766; 410 KB
Славянские-племена-Силезии-и-их-соседи.png 700 × 864; 369 KB
اٹلی 1000ء وچ.png 418 × 600; 108 KB
五代时的河西.png 269 × 216; 89 KB