Category:Housekeepers' Chat, 1937
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Media in category "Housekeepers' Chat, 1937"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 300 total.
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Abraham and Isaac had peaches, too! (IA abrahamisaachadp1937unit).pdf 1,112 × 1,554, 4 pages; 189 KB
An abundance of grapes this fall (IA abundanceofgrape1937unit).pdf 1,104 × 1,547, 4 pages; 179 KB
Adam's ale - most common adulterant (IA adamsalemostcomm1937unit).pdf 1,106 × 1,556, 4 pages; 195 KB
Agricultural accidents (IA agriculturalacci1937unit).pdf 1,095 × 1,543, 4 pages; 205 KB
Apple storage notes (IA applestoragenote1937unit).pdf 1,060 × 1,550, 4 pages; 200 KB
Applying outlook information to individual problems (IA applyingoutlooki1937unit).pdf 1,104 × 1,539, 4 pages; 182 KB
Apricots and prunes (IA apricotsprunes1937unit).pdf 1,043 × 1,529, 4 pages; 182 KB
Are you an intelligent salmon-consumer? (IA areyouintelligen1937unit).pdf 1,093 × 1,541, 4 pages; 180 KB
The avocado wins American favor (IA avocadowinsameri1937unit).pdf 1,116 × 1,562, 4 pages; 202 KB
Bad foods under fire (IA badfoodsunderfir1937unit).pdf 1,079 × 1,545, 4 pages; 168 KB
Baking news (IA bakingnews1937unit).pdf 1,104 × 1,562, 4 pages; 196 KB
Berries - wild and tame (IA berrieswildtame1937unit).pdf 1,077 × 1,552, 4 pages; 179 KB
Bread flavor news (IA breadflavornews1937unit).pdf 1,135 × 1,560, 4 pages; 183 KB
Breakfast for cooler weather (IA breakfastforcool1937unit).pdf 1,104 × 1,533, 4 pages; 180 KB
Bringing the herb garden indoors (IA bringingherbgard1937unit).pdf 1,102 × 1,545, 4 pages; 189 KB
The cabbage family (IA cabbagefamily1937unit).pdf 1,052 × 1,539, 4 pages; 188 KB
Cake questions (IA cakequestions1937unit).pdf 1,072 × 1,533, 4 pages; 181 KB
Celery, a plant with a past (IA celeryplantwithp1937unit).pdf 985 × 1,516, 6 pages; 227 KB
Cheese (IA cheese1937unit).pdf 1,054 × 1,518, 6 pages; 215 KB
Cheeses (IA cheeses1937unit).pdf 983 × 1,529, 6 pages; 222 KB
Chiggers (IA chiggers1937unit).pdf 979 × 1,500, 6 pages; 227 KB
The chocolate tree (IA chocolatetree1937unit).pdf 981 × 1,527, 6 pages; 211 KB
Choosing an electric iron (IA choosingelectric1937unit).pdf 985 × 1,543, 6 pages; 219 KB
Christmas bath towels (IA christmasbathtow1937unit).pdf 964 × 1,564, 6 pages; 235 KB
Christmas fare from foreign lands (IA christmasfarefro1937unit).pdf 985 × 1,595, 6 pages; 205 KB
Christmas games (IA christmasgames1937unit).pdf 943 × 1,537, 6 pages; 215 KB
Christmas nuts, dates and figs (IA christmasnutsdat1937unit).pdf 1,014 × 1,504, 6 pages; 206 KB
Christmas trimmings (IA christmastrimmin1937unit).pdf 1,066 × 1,587, 6 pages; 232 KB
Controlling your weight (IA controllingyourw1937unit).pdf 1,039 × 1,587, 6 pages; 229 KB
Cooked meat dishes (IA cookedmeatdishes1937unit).pdf 933 × 1,300, 6 pages; 219 KB
Cooks' tours (IA cookstours1937unit).pdf 987 × 1,506, 6 pages; 221 KB
Corn-on-the-cob - hundred percent American dish (IA cornonthecobhund1937unit).pdf 1,022 × 1,533, 6 pages; 222 KB
Costless comforts for the kitchen (IA costlesscomforts1937unit).pdf 1,010 × 1,522, 6 pages; 222 KB
Cottage cheese in Grandma's day and in ours (IA cottagecheeseing1936unit).pdf 1,056 × 1,597, 6 pages; 234 KB
The dangerous age for chicks (IA dangerousageforc1937unit).pdf 979 × 1,518, 6 pages; 251 KB
Dangerous fat-reducing preparations (IA dangerousfatredu1937unit).pdf 1,054 × 1,522, 6 pages; 213 KB
A dangerous new drug (IA dangerousnewdrug1937unit).pdf 1,000 × 1,566, 6 pages; 232 KB
Dark days ahead (IA darkdaysahead1937unit).pdf 1,087 × 1,554, 6 pages; 252 KB
Diagnosing jelly failures (IA diagnosingjellyf1937unit).pdf 1,097 × 1,547, 6 pages; 246 KB
Dinner for company (IA dinnerforcompany1937unit).pdf 1,014 × 1,525, 6 pages; 209 KB
Do you believe in dreams? (IA doyoubelieveindr1937unit).pdf 1,000 × 1,489, 6 pages; 221 KB
Easier ironing (IA easierironing1937unit).pdf 991 × 1,531, 6 pages; 217 KB
Echoes from the outlook conference (IA echoesfromoutloo1937unit).pdf 1,006 × 1,543, 6 pages; 214 KB
Egg facts and fallacies (IA eggfactsfallacie1937unit).pdf 991 × 1,495, 6 pages; 230 KB
Eggs for the thrifty (IA eggsforthrifty1937unit).pdf 979 × 1,489, 6 pages; 218 KB
Electric ovens (IA electricovens1937unit).pdf 1,093 × 1,627, 8 pages; 289 KB
Elixir sulfanilmaide-massengill (IA elixirsulfanilma1937unit).pdf 1,016 × 1,479, 8 pages; 278 KB
An excellent drink called chocolate (IA excellentdrinkca1937unit).pdf 997 × 1,508, 6 pages; 206 KB
Fall preserving magic (IA fallpreservingma1937unit).pdf 1,112 × 1,535, 6 pages; 237 KB
Farmhouses need special plans (IA farmhousesneedsp1937unit).pdf 1,089 × 1,543, 6 pages; 243 KB
February frostings (IA februaryfrosting1937unit).pdf 989 × 1,493, 6 pages; 233 KB
Fewer hunchbacks (IA fewerhunchbacks1937unit).pdf 970 × 1,512, 6 pages; 245 KB
First aid for winter birds (IA firstaidforwinte1937unit).pdf 997 × 1,485, 6 pages; 232 KB
Food and drug review (IA fooddrugreview1937unit).pdf 1,016 × 1,527, 6 pages; 230 KB
Food and drug review (IA fooddrugreview1937unit 0).pdf 1,083 × 1,575, 6 pages; 220 KB
Food for the years ahead (IA foodforyearsahea1937unit).pdf 1,027 × 1,539, 6 pages; 211 KB
Food for the years ahead (IA foodforyearsahea1937unit 0).pdf 1,072 × 1,541, 6 pages; 212 KB
Food poisoning - how to prevent it (IA foodpoisoninghow1937unit).pdf 1,000 × 1,545, 6 pages; 223 KB
Food price prospects (IA foodpriceprospec1937unit).pdf 1,020 × 1,506, 6 pages; 202 KB
Food research in 1936 (IA foodresearchin191937unit).pdf 962 × 1,479, 6 pages; 240 KB
Foods and winter weather (IA foodswinterweath1937unit).pdf 1,000 × 1,483, 6 pages; 221 KB
A fragrant cup of coffee in the morning (IA fragrantcupofcof1937unit).pdf 1,018 × 1,525, 6 pages; 226 KB
Fried chicken for the fourth (IA friedchickenforf1937unit).pdf 1,089 × 1,539, 6 pages; 204 KB
Fruit news (IA fruitnews1937unit).pdf 1,106 × 1,552, 6 pages; 235 KB
Further news for family food shopping (IA furthernewsforfa1937unit).pdf 995 × 1,502, 6 pages; 212 KB
Further notes for food-shoppers (IA furthernotesforf1937unit).pdf 947 × 1,543, 6 pages; 219 KB
Getting the most from an electric refrigerator (IA gettingmostfrome1937unit).pdf 1,081 × 1,579, 4 pages; 142 KB
Getting the most out of the refrigerator (IA gettingmostoutof1937unit).pdf 1,022 × 1,529, 6 pages; 217 KB
Get your fill of apples this year (IA getyourfillofapp1937unit).pdf 1,052 × 1,572, 6 pages; 220 KB
Good manners in a national forest (IA goodmannersinnat1937unit).pdf 1,039 × 1,518, 6 pages; 206 KB
Greens for supper (IA greensforsupper1937unit).pdf 956 × 1,447, 6 pages; 240 KB
Half-heated houses (IA halfheatedhouses1937unit).pdf 993 × 1,295, 6 pages; 207 KB
The home garden (IA homegarden1937unit).pdf 991 × 1,500, 6 pages; 246 KB
Homemade candy (IA homemadecandy1937unit).pdf 962 × 1,560, 6 pages; 209 KB
Honey - food from the flowers (IA honeyfoodfromflo1937unit).pdf 966 × 1,516, 6 pages; 236 KB
Hot, nourishing lunches for school children (IA hotnourishinglun1937unit).pdf 1,018 × 1,577, 6 pages; 220 KB
How does it taste? (IA howdoesittaste1937unit).pdf 1,037 × 1,577, 6 pages; 199 KB
How'll you have your tomatoes? (IA howllyouhaveyour1937unit).pdf 1,006 × 1,485, 6 pages; 211 KB
How much orange juice in orangeade? (IA howmuchorangejui1937unit).pdf 962 × 1,477, 6 pages; 233 KB
How not to reduce (IA hownottoreduce1937unit).pdf 993 × 1,485, 6 pages; 216 KB
How's your diet for vitamins A and C? (IA howsyourdietforv1937unit).pdf 1,102 × 1,535, 6 pages; 216 KB
If you're making a fruit cake (IA ifyouremakingfru1937unit).pdf 1,031 × 1,589, 6 pages; 216 KB
Improving interior finish (IA improvinginterio1937unit).pdf 1,050 × 1,600, 6 pages; 235 KB
Inexpensive cake for winter (IA inexpensivecakef1937unit).pdf 931 × 1,339, 6 pages; 209 KB
Jelling and selling (IA jellingselling1937unit).pdf 1,012 × 1,527, 6 pages; 241 KB
Kitchen carelessness (IA kitchencarelessn1937unit).pdf 1,106 × 1,522, 6 pages; 229 KB
Kitchen questions (IA kitchenquestions1937unit).pdf 1,020 × 1,502, 6 pages; 215 KB
Label requirements under the McNary-Mapes amendment (IA labelrequirement1937unit).pdf 1,010 × 1,464, 6 pages; 236 KB
A laboratory on wheels, and the crab-packng industry (IA laboratoryonwhee1937unit).pdf 985 × 1,535, 6 pages; 230 KB
Locating the new electric equipment (IA locatingnewelect1937unit).pdf 1,012 × 1,543, 6 pages; 243 KB
Looking backward with the Food and Drug Administration (IA lookingbackwardw1937unit).pdf 1,056 × 1,539, 8 pages; 284 KB
Look it up yourself (IA lookitupyourself1937unit).pdf 1,112 × 1,541, 6 pages; 208 KB
Making milk safe (IA makingmilksafe1937unit).pdf 987 × 1,510, 6 pages; 221 KB
Making sauerkraut in glass jars (IA makingsauerkraut1937unit).pdf 1,027 × 1,535, 8 pages; 273 KB
Maple products (IA mapleproducts1937unit).pdf 1,002 × 1,522, 6 pages; 228 KB
Meat canning (IA meatcanning1937unit).pdf 1,016 × 1,508, 6 pages; 213 KB
Mixing muffins and biscuits (IA mixingmuffinsbis1937unit).pdf 1,022 × 1,585, 6 pages; 237 KB
A modern Alladin's lamp (IA modernalladinsla1937unit).pdf 950 × 1,279, 8 pages; 261 KB
More canning questions (IA morecanningquest1937unit).pdf 997 × 1,504, 6 pages; 218 KB
More news from the river front (IA morenewsfromrive1937unit).pdf 989 × 1,520, 8 pages; 278 KB
More protective foods as income rises (IA moreprotectivefo1937unit).pdf 947 × 1,491, 6 pages; 228 KB
The much misunderstood potato (IA muchmisunderstoo1937unit).pdf 972 × 1,516, 6 pages; 219 KB
New layouts for old houses (IA newlayoutsforold1937unit).pdf 966 × 1,522, 6 pages; 212 KB
News for food shoppers (IA newsforfoodshopp1937unit).pdf 877 × 1,072, 6 pages; 243 KB
News for food-shoppers (IA newsforfoodshopp1937unit 0).pdf 970 × 1,445, 6 pages; 245 KB
News for food-shoppers (IA newsforfoodshopp1937unit 1).pdf 977 × 1,522, 6 pages; 212 KB
News for food shoppers (IA newsforfoodshopp1937unit 2).pdf 1,135 × 1,541, 6 pages; 221 KB
News for food-shoppers (IA newsforfoodshopp1937unit 4).pdf 1,070 × 1,595, 6 pages; 221 KB
News for food shoppers (IA newsforfoodshopp1937unit 5).pdf 1,016 × 1,556, 6 pages; 218 KB
News for food-shoppers (IA newsforfoodshopp1938unit).pdf 1,075 × 1,652, 6 pages; 251 KB
News for Friday food-shopers (IA newsforfridayfoo1937unit).pdf 1,091 × 1,529, 6 pages; 224 KB
News notes from the F. &D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1936unit 3).pdf 1,037 × 1,522, 6 pages; 212 KB
News notes from the F. &D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit).pdf 985 × 1,520, 6 pages; 227 KB
News notes from the F. &D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit 0).pdf 993 × 1,493, 6 pages; 235 KB
News notes from the F. &D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit 1).pdf 989 × 1,479, 6 pages; 235 KB
News notes from the F. &D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit 2).pdf 1,058 × 1,545, 6 pages; 199 KB
News notes from the F. &D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit 3).pdf 1,029 × 1,537, 6 pages; 191 KB
News notes from the F. & D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit 4).pdf 1,050 × 1,564, 6 pages; 208 KB
News notes from the F. & D.A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit 5).pdf 1,039 × 1,533, 6 pages; 232 KB
News notes from the F. &D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit 6).pdf 1,010 × 1,581, 6 pages; 214 KB
News notes from the F. &D. A (IA newsnotesfromfda1937unit 7).pdf 1,010 × 1,531, 6 pages; 213 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit).pdf 1,070 × 1,495, 6 pages; 259 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 0).pdf 937 × 1,279, 6 pages; 211 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 1).pdf 945 × 1,308, 6 pages; 223 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 10).pdf 1,018 × 1,525, 6 pages; 231 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 11).pdf 987 × 1,506, 6 pages; 235 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 12).pdf 1,000 × 1,479, 6 pages; 226 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 13).pdf 983 × 1,493, 6 pages; 238 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 14).pdf 993 × 1,543, 6 pages; 240 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 15).pdf 1,012 × 1,537, 6 pages; 235 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 16).pdf 1,004 × 1,527, 6 pages; 218 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 17).pdf 1,041 × 1,533, 6 pages; 221 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 18).pdf 985 × 1,510, 6 pages; 231 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 19).pdf 964 × 1,491, 6 pages; 241 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 2).pdf 918 × 1,306, 6 pages; 209 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 20).pdf 977 × 1,500, 6 pages; 218 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 21).pdf 985 × 1,477, 6 pages; 249 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 22).pdf 1,008 × 1,493, 6 pages; 224 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 23).pdf 1,002 × 1,491, 6 pages; 204 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 24).pdf 1,031 × 1,535, 6 pages; 220 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 25).pdf 952 × 1,427, 6 pages; 206 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 26).pdf 1,095 × 1,541, 6 pages; 210 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 27).pdf 1,097 × 1,545, 6 pages; 235 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 28).pdf 1,047 × 1,537, 6 pages; 222 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 29).pdf 1,022 × 1,529, 6 pages; 201 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 3).pdf 947 × 1,297, 6 pages; 208 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 30).pdf 1,027 × 1,537, 6 pages; 225 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 31).pdf 1,066 × 1,520, 6 pages; 227 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 32).pdf 1,068 × 1,543, 6 pages; 214 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 33).pdf 1,050 × 1,533, 8 pages; 261 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 34).pdf 1,060 × 1,500, 6 pages; 219 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 35).pdf 1,106 × 1,529, 6 pages; 223 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 36).pdf 1,043 × 1,533, 6 pages; 235 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 37).pdf 1,085 × 1,579, 6 pages; 225 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 38).pdf 1,066 × 1,589, 6 pages; 206 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 39).pdf 1,110 × 1,529, 6 pages; 274 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 4).pdf 908 × 1,322, 8 pages; 287 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 40).pdf 1,035 × 1,525, 6 pages; 222 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 41).pdf 1,058 × 1,545, 6 pages; 233 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 42).pdf 1,060 × 1,570, 6 pages; 221 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 43).pdf 1,016 × 1,547, 6 pages; 223 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 44).pdf 1,060 × 1,620, 6 pages; 211 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 45).pdf 1,016 × 1,541, 6 pages; 221 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 46).pdf 1,000 × 1,522, 6 pages; 210 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 47).pdf 1,008 × 1,489, 6 pages; 223 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 48).pdf 997 × 1,545, 7 pages; 245 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 49).pdf 1,004 × 1,520, 6 pages; 227 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 5).pdf 1,000 × 1,518, 6 pages; 226 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 50).pdf 947 × 1,512, 6 pages; 218 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 6).pdf 979 × 1,527, 6 pages; 226 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 7).pdf 975 × 1,481, 6 pages; 216 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 8).pdf 987 × 1,564, 6 pages; 230 KB
News notes from Washington (IA newsnotesfromwas1937unit 9).pdf 991 × 1,475, 6 pages; 227 KB
News notes on bird diets (IA newsnotesonbirdd1937unit).pdf 981 × 1,491, 6 pages; 235 KB
Notes for food shoppers (IA notesforfoodshop1937unit).pdf 985 × 1,483, 6 pages; 206 KB
Notes for food shoppers (IA notesforfoodshop1937unit 0).pdf 1,050 × 1,527, 6 pages; 203 KB
Notes for Thanksgiving shoppers (IA notesforthanksgi1937unit).pdf 1,000 × 1,535, 6 pages; 238 KB
Now we can have oysters (IA nowwecanhaveoyst1937unit).pdf 1,054 × 1,587, 6 pages; 276 KB
Nut news (IA nutnews1937unit).pdf 1,047 × 1,485, 6 pages; 226 KB
Nutrition studies in the states (IA nutritionstudies1937unit).pdf 1,022 × 1,602, 6 pages; 221 KB
Our daily bread (IA ourdailybread1937unit).pdf 950 × 1,327, 6 pages; 232 KB
Pay-checks and family diets (IA paychecksfamilyd1937unit).pdf 1,012 × 1,485, 6 pages; 215 KB
Peas and snap beans - buying and cooking 'em! (IA peassnapbeansbuy1937unit).pdf 968 × 1,550, 6 pages; 220 KB
Pity the poor house plant (IA pitypoorhousepla1937unit).pdf 985 × 1,552, 6 pages; 223 KB
Planning for electric lighting (IA planningforelect1937unit).pdf 1,056 × 1,527, 8 pages; 274 KB
Planning a growing house (IA planninggrowingh1937unit).pdf 1,029 × 1,554, 6 pages; 216 KB
Planning to finance electrical installation (IA planningtofinanc1937unit).pdf 916 × 1,227, 6 pages; 243 KB
Poison! (IA poison1937unit).pdf 1,010 × 1,518, 6 pages; 224 KB
Potatoes and deep-fat frying (IA potatoesdeepfatf1937unit).pdf 914 × 1,227, 6 pages; 206 KB
Pot and pan economy (IA potpaneconomy1937unit).pdf 993 × 1,547, 6 pages; 224 KB
Preventable home fires (IA preventablehomef1937unit).pdf 983 × 1,439, 8 pages; 276 KB
Probable trends in food prices (IA probabletrendsin1937unit).pdf 1,058 × 1,583, 6 pages; 209 KB
Putting eggs down in water glass (IA puttingeggsdowni1937unit).pdf 1,006 × 1,495, 4 pages; 142 KB
Questions and answers (IA questionsanswers1937unit).pdf 975 × 1,508, 6 pages; 214 KB
Questions and answers (IA questionsanswers1937unit 0).pdf 947 × 1,306, 6 pages; 215 KB
Questions and answers (IA questionsanswers1937unit 1).pdf 918 × 1,350, 6 pages; 220 KB
Questions and answers (IA questionsanswers1937unit 10).pdf 1,010 × 1,466, 6 pages; 235 KB
Questions and answers (IA questionsanswers1937unit 11).pdf 1,008 × 1,491, 6 pages; 224 KB
Questions and answers (IA questionsanswers1937unit 12).pdf 916 × 1,245, 6 pages; 253 KB
Questions and answers (IA questionsanswers1937unit 13).pdf 983 × 1,508, 6 pages; 237 KB