Category:Housekeepers' Chat, 1929
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Media in category "Housekeepers' Chat, 1929"
The following 185 files are in this category, out of 185 total.
Aching thrift to children. (IA achingthrifttoch1929unit).pdf 1,066 × 1,493, 6 pages; 310 KB
Amy Jane cooks her second meal. (IA amyjanecookshers1929unit).pdf 1,320 × 1,783, 6 pages; 351 KB
Angel food cake. (IA angelfoodcake1929unit).pdf 1,141 × 1,535, 6 pages; 316 KB
Another April dinner. (IA anotheraprildinn1929unit).pdf 1,129 × 1,522, 6 pages; 328 KB
Another New Year's dinner. (IA anothernewyearsd1929unit).pdf 1,147 × 1,541, 6 pages; 310 KB
Another Sunday menu. (IA anothersundaymen1929unit).pdf 1,150 × 1,531, 8 pages; 425 KB
Appetizing nut dishes. (IA appetizingnutdis1929unit).pdf 1,160 × 1,554, 6 pages; 269 KB
Arranging cut flowers for the home. (IA arrangingcutflow1929unit).pdf 1,156 × 1,566, 6 pages; 289 KB
Attractive homes on small incomes. (IA attractivehomeso1929unit).pdf 1,170 × 1,554, 6 pages; 287 KB
Baked beans and brown bread. (IA bakedbeansbrownb1929unit).pdf 1,106 × 1,522, 4 pages; 235 KB
Baked ham for New Year's dinner. (IA bakedhamfornewye1929unit).pdf 1,170 × 1,550, 6 pages; 265 KB
Beds and bedding. (IA bedsbedding1929unit).pdf 1,156 × 1,527, 6 pages; 324 KB
Betty cooks her first meal. (IA bettycooksherfir1929unit).pdf 1,127 × 1,508, 8 pages; 394 KB
Betty Lou plans a company supper. (IA bettylouplanscom1929unit).pdf 1,156 × 1,554, 6 pages; 289 KB
Betty Lou plans a dinner for April Fools' Day. (IA bettylouplansdin1929unit).pdf 1,281 × 1,766, 8 pages; 389 KB
A bib for the run-about. (IA bibforrunabout1929unit).pdf 1,104 × 1,510, 6 pages; 326 KB
Buying sheets and pillow slips. (IA buyingsheetspill1929unit).pdf 1,106 × 1,487, 6 pages; 317 KB
Campaigning against dangerous summer pests. (IA campaigningagai1929unit 0).pdf 1,125 × 1,527, 6 pages; 326 KB
Campaigning against flies and bedbugs. (IA campaigningagain1929unit).pdf 1,110 × 1,522, 6 pages; 334 KB
Candies from the green cookbook. (IA candiesfromgreen1929unit).pdf 1,164 × 1,554, 4 pages; 220 KB
Canning corn and tomatoes. (IA canningcorntomat1929unit).pdf 1,158 × 1,543, 6 pages; 301 KB
Canning fruits and vegetables at home. (IA canningfruitsveg1929unit).pdf 1,160 × 1,520, 6 pages; 352 KB
Care of the bathroom. (IA careofbathroom1929unit).pdf 1,164 × 1,579, 6 pages; 263 KB
Care of bulbs. (IA careofbulbs1929unit).pdf 1,110 × 1,522, 6 pages; 317 KB
Care of ferns. (IA careofferns1929unit).pdf 1,104 × 1,525, 6 pages; 352 KB
Care of house plants in winter. (IA careofhouseplant1929unit).pdf 1,166 × 1,564, 6 pages; 291 KB
Care of rugs and carpets. (IA careofrugscarpet1929unit).pdf 1,183 × 1,558, 6 pages; 289 KB
Care of young children. (IA careofyoungchild1929unit).pdf 1,137 × 1,493, 6 pages; 324 KB
Aunt Sammy's radio record (IA CAT10502025).pdf 960 × 1,520, 52 pages; 3.3 MB
Children's frocks for summer days. (IA childrensfrocksf1929unit).pdf 968 × 1,506, 8 pages; 317 KB
China closets and pantry shelves. (IA chinaclosetspant1929unit).pdf 918 × 1,466, 8 pages; 381 KB
Christmas dinner. (IA christmasdinner1929unit).pdf 935 × 1,416, 8 pages; 304 KB
Christmas pudding. (IA christmaspudding1929unit).pdf 937 × 1,450, 8 pages; 345 KB
Clam chowder and corn bread. (IA clamchowdercornb1929unit).pdf 979 × 1,437, 8 pages; 298 KB
Clothes for the baby. (IA clothesforbaby1929unit).pdf 970 × 1,406, 8 pages; 328 KB
Clothes for small boys. (IA clothesforsmallb1929unit).pdf 937 × 1,452, 8 pages; 288 KB
Clothes makes the child. (IA clothesmakeschil1929unit).pdf 1,027 × 1,418, 10 pages; 462 KB
Clothes moths and their control. (IA clothesmothsthei1929unit).pdf 816 × 1,185, 10 pages; 446 KB
Concerning so-called health foods. (IA concerningsocall1929unit).pdf 950 × 1,464, 8 pages; 328 KB
Conservation points for picnickers. (IA conservationpoin1929unit).pdf 950 × 1,347, 8 pages; 421 KB
Cooking the breakfast cereal. (IA cookingbreakfast1929unit).pdf 862 × 1,143, 8 pages; 322 KB
Cotton fabrics for comfort and style. (IA cottonfabricsfor1929unit).pdf 947 × 1,483, 8 pages; 305 KB
Cotton frocks for spring. (IA cottonfrocksfors1929unit).pdf 831 × 1,200, 8 pages; 376 KB
Curtains and covers. (IA curtainscovers1929unit).pdf 966 × 1,339, 8 pages; 326 KB
Curtains for the home. (IA curtainsforhome1929unit).pdf 885 × 1,250, 8 pages; 327 KB
Curtains that add charm. (IA curtainsthataddc1929unit).pdf 941 × 1,450, 8 pages; 352 KB
Cut flowers for the home. (IA cutflowersforhom1929unit).pdf 831 × 1,129, 8 pages; 340 KB
Dash of imagination in housekeeping. (IA dashofimaginatio1929unit).pdf 1,056 × 1,445, 8 pages; 359 KB
Day's vacation. (IA daysvacation1929unit).pdf 945 × 1,466, 8 pages; 347 KB
Dinners for children. (IA dinnersforchildr1929unit).pdf 937 × 1,456, 6 pages; 245 KB
Dinner to be thankful for. (IA dinnertobethankf1929unit).pdf 918 × 1,489, 6 pages; 229 KB
Dish washing up to date. (IA dishwashinguptod1929unit).pdf 820 × 1,127, 8 pages; 343 KB
Early flower garden. (IA earlyflowergarde1929unit).pdf 895 × 1,147, 8 pages; 317 KB
Easily prepared meal for a warm Sunday. (IA easilypreparedme1929unit).pdf 952 × 1,479, 8 pages; 311 KB
Easter breakfasts. (IA easterbreakfasts1929unit).pdf 858 × 1,166, 8 pages; 335 KB
Eggs at any meal. (IA eggsatanymeal1929unit).pdf 820 × 1,227, 10 pages; 444 KB
Establish good food habits early. (IA establishgoodfoo1929unit).pdf 906 × 1,179, 8 pages; 334 KB
Facts every housewife should know about tea. (IA factseveryhousew1929unit).pdf 935 × 1,260, 10 pages; 448 KB
Fall care of house plants. (IA fallcareofhousep1929unit).pdf 937 × 1,410, 8 pages; 309 KB
Fall notes on family safety (IA fallnotesonfamil1935unit).pdf 1,081 × 1,585, 6 pages; 215 KB
Farewell dinner for Joe College. (IA farewelldinnerfo1929unit).pdf 872 × 1,093, 8 pages; 308 KB
Fine points on jelly making. (IA finepointsonjell1929unit).pdf 1,050 × 1,460, 8 pages; 330 KB
First call to dinner. (IA firstcalltodinne1929unit).pdf 970 × 1,475, 8 pages; 312 KB
Food fallacies and superstitions. (IA foodfallaciessup1929unit).pdf 947 × 1,447, 8 pages; 353 KB
A Fourth of July dinner. (IA fourthofjulydinn1929unit).pdf 962 × 1,512, 8 pages; 333 KB
Garden in May. (IA gardeninmay1929unit).pdf 908 × 1,162, 10 pages; 439 KB
Getting the most from your refrigerator. (IA gettingmostfromy1929unit).pdf 962 × 1,493, 8 pages; 353 KB
Gingerbread days. (IA gingerbreaddays1929unit).pdf 925 × 1,552, 8 pages; 294 KB
Golden rule days. (IA goldenruledays1929unit).pdf 933 × 1,406, 8 pages; 335 KB
Good food habits for children. (IA goodfoodhabitsfo1929unit).pdf 1,008 × 1,327, 10 pages; 461 KB
Green vegetables as spring tonic substitutes. (IA greenvegetablesa1929unit).pdf 825 × 1,093, 8 pages; 342 KB
Hatching and brooding chicks. (IA hatchingbrooding1929unit).pdf 912 × 1,245, 8 pages; 367 KB
Hints for the home dressmaker. (IA hintsforhomedres1929unit).pdf 858 × 1,122, 8 pages; 394 KB
Home-made furniture polish. (IA homemadefurnitur1929unit).pdf 883 × 1,156, 8 pages; 309 KB
Homemakers' library. (IA homemakerslibrar1929unit).pdf 950 × 1,460, 8 pages; 330 KB
Homes for birds. (IA homesforbirds1929unit).pdf 922 × 1,185, 8 pages; 342 KB
Hot beds and cold frames. (IA hotbedscoldframe1929unit).pdf 860 × 1,231, 8 pages; 331 KB
How does your child sleep? (IA howdoesyourchild1929unit).pdf 962 × 1,489, 8 pages; 332 KB
How the Food and Drugs Act protects our canned foods. (IA howfooddrugsactp1929unit).pdf 956 × 1,447, 6 pages; 227 KB
How the milk supply is guarded. (IA howmilksupplyisg1929unit).pdf 893 × 1,191, 8 pages; 313 KB
How to build a camp fire. (IA howtobuildcampfi1929unit).pdf 941 × 1,445, 8 pages; 327 KB
How to cook beef, according to the cut. (IA howtocookbeefacc1929unit).pdf 877 × 1,050, 8 pages; 374 KB
How to furnish the nursery. (IA howtofurnishnurs1929unit).pdf 943 × 1,366, 9 pages; 427 KB
How to launder silk and rayon. (IA howtolaundersilk1929unit).pdf 945 × 1,462, 8 pages; 327 KB
How to make biscuits. (IA howtomakebiscuit1929unit).pdf 1,041 × 1,427, 8 pages; 345 KB
Ice cream making in the home. (IA icecreammakingin1929unit).pdf 935 × 1,472, 8 pages; 314 KB
It's time to plant bulbs for spring. (IA itstimetoplantbu1929unit).pdf 945 × 1,406, 8 pages; 316 KB
Ivy poisoning - how to prevent it. (IA ivypoisininghowt1929unit).pdf 1,041 × 1,456, 8 pages; 348 KB
Keeping house ferns contented. (IA keepinghousefern1929unit).pdf 983 × 1,495, 8 pages; 322 KB
Kitchen goes modern. (IA kitchengoesmoder1929unit).pdf 939 × 1,437, 8 pages; 333 KB
Know your insecticides. (IA knowyourinsectic1929unit).pdf 1,039 × 1,402, 8 pages; 372 KB
Lads and salad dressings. (IA ladssaladdressin1929unit).pdf 870 × 1,135, 8 pages; 354 KB
Lamb as you like it. (IA lambasyoulikeit1929unit).pdf 852 × 1,156, 8 pages; 338 KB
Lamb as you like it. (IA lambasyoulikeit1929unit 0).pdf 964 × 1,450, 8 pages; 308 KB
Last-minute gift from the kitchen. (IA lastminutegiftfr1929unit).pdf 972 × 1,381, 8 pages; 322 KB
Last-of-the-garden dinner. (IA lastofthegardend1929unit).pdf 935 × 1,514, 8 pages; 326 KB
Learn to read the label. (IA learntoreadlabel1929unit).pdf 922 × 1,331, 8 pages; 355 KB
Lines for the stout and stylish. (IA linesforstoutsty1929unit).pdf 797 × 1,143, 8 pages; 399 KB
Luncheon for Valentine's day. (IA luncheonforvalen1929unit).pdf 854 × 1,137, 8 pages; 329 KB
Making a family budget. (IA makingfamilybudg1929unit).pdf 885 × 1,095, 8 pages; 379 KB
Making ice cream at home. (IA makingicecreamat1929unit).pdf 943 × 1,475, 8 pages; 302 KB
Making jelly at home. (IA makingjellyathom1929unit).pdf 981 × 1,466, 8 pages; 326 KB
Making the living room liveable. (IA makinglivingroom1929unit).pdf 868 × 1,037, 10 pages; 418 KB
Making the turkey into hash. (IA makingturkeyinto1929unit).pdf 950 × 1,389, 6 pages; 216 KB
Man's meal - beefsteak and french fried potatoes. (IA mansmealbeefstea1929unit).pdf 927 × 1,354, 8 pages; 339 KB
Materials for window curtains. (IA materialsforwind1929unit).pdf 845 × 1,147, 8 pages; 358 KB
May day - child health day. (IA maydaychildhealt1929unit).pdf 885 × 1,112, 10 pages; 424 KB
Meat recipes for the kitchen library. (IA meatrecipesforki1929unit).pdf 975 × 1,475, 8 pages; 291 KB
Mid-winter company luncheon. (IA midwintercompany1929unit).pdf 862 × 1,189, 8 pages; 364 KB
Milk and the household refrigerator. (IA milkhouseholdref1929unit).pdf 968 × 1,522, 8 pages; 335 KB
Modern vegetables in modern ways. (IA modernvegetables1929unit).pdf 947 × 1,447, 8 pages; 341 KB
Modern ways with vegetables. (IA modernwayswithve1929unit).pdf 962 × 1,289, 8 pages; 345 KB
More cut flowers for the home. (IA morecutflowersfo1929unit).pdf 858 × 1,170, 8 pages; 349 KB
New ideas in midwinter breakfasts. (IA newideasinmidwin1929unit).pdf 845 × 1,181, 8 pages; 332 KB
New window shades for old. (IA newwindowshadesf1929unit).pdf 960 × 1,412, 8 pages; 336 KB
Not for publication. (IA notforpublicatio1929unit).pdf 941 × 1,460, 8 pages; 284 KB
Of making many meals there is no end. (IA ofmakingmanymeal1929unit).pdf 962 × 1,456, 8 pages; 312 KB
Old-fashioned flower garden. (IA oldfashionedflow1929unit).pdf 885 × 1,177, 8 pages; 400 KB
Out of babyhood into childhood. (IA outofbabyhoodint1929unit).pdf 991 × 1,479, 8 pages; 331 KB
Pin-wheel cookies for the cookie jar. (IA pinwheelcookiesf1929unit).pdf 887 × 1,266, 8 pages; 350 KB
Planning the kitchen garden. (IA planningkitcheng1929unit).pdf 895 × 1,156, 8 pages; 359 KB
Planning a summer vacation. (IA planningsummerva1929unit).pdf 935 × 1,285, 8 pages; 380 KB
Points on selecting a washing machine. (IA pointsonselectin1929unit).pdf 891 × 1,062, 8 pages; 375 KB
Pork in preferred ways. (IA porkinpreferredw1929unit).pdf 935 × 1,408, 12 pages; 506 KB
Preserving eggs for home use. (IA preservingeggsfo1929unit).pdf 897 × 1,270, 8 pages; 323 KB
Preventive housecleaning. (IA preventivehousec1929unit).pdf 881 × 1,154, 8 pages; 357 KB
Primer for town farmers (IA primerfortownfar1929unit).pdf 1,168 × 1,635, 44 pages; 2.88 MB
The problem of sweets for children (IA problemofsweetsf1930unit).pdf 910 × 1,237, 8 pages; 350 KB
Proper care of bathroom fixtures. (IA propercareofbath1929unit).pdf 914 × 1,158, 8 pages; 348 KB
Proper food habits lay the foundation for child health. (IA properfoodhabbit1929unit).pdf 1,025 × 1,497, 8 pages; 380 KB
Pruning roses and shrubbery. (IA pruningrosesshru1929unit).pdf 862 × 1,154, 10 pages; 427 KB
Questions and answers. (IA questionsanswer1929unit 0).pdf 935 × 1,212, 8 pages; 351 KB
Questions and answers. (IA questionsanswer1929unit 1).pdf 891 × 1,077, 10 pages; 411 KB
Questions and answers. (IA questionsanswer1929unit 2).pdf 875 × 1,135, 8 pages; 316 KB
Questions and answers. (IA questionsanswer1929unit 3).pdf 843 × 1,183, 8 pages; 312 KB
Questions and answers. (IA questionsanswer1929unit 4).pdf 920 × 1,491, 10 pages; 416 KB
Questions and answers. (IA questionsanswer1929unit 5).pdf 968 × 1,477, 8 pages; 314 KB
Questions and answers. (IA questionsanswers1929unit).pdf 843 × 977, 8 pages; 405 KB
Removing common stains. (IA removingcommonst1929unit).pdf 964 × 1,350, 8 pages; 302 KB
Rice pudding again. (IA ricepuddingagain1929unit).pdf 954 × 1,477, 8 pages; 296 KB
Rkey and cranberry sauce. (IA rkeycranberrysau1929unit).pdf 947 × 1,491, 8 pages; 296 KB
Roast chicken with savory stuffing. (IA roastchickenwith1929unit).pdf 968 × 1,533, 6 pages; 240 KB
Roast spareribs with sausage stuffing. (IA roastspareribswi1929unit).pdf 937 × 1,475, 8 pages; 284 KB
Salads and salad dressings. (IA saladssaladdress1929unit).pdf 854 × 1,075, 8 pages; 376 KB
Sandwiches for the school lunch box. (IA sandwichesforsch1929unit).pdf 935 × 1,218, 8 pages; 371 KB
Saving money on the ice bill. (IA savingmoneyonice1929unit).pdf 945 × 1,070, 8 pages; 346 KB
Saving our wild flowers. (IA savingourwildflo1929unit).pdf 989 × 1,389, 8 pages; 324 KB
Savory pork, for the Thanksgiving dinner. (IA savoryporkfortha1929unit).pdf 979 × 1,420, 8 pages; 270 KB
School dresses for little girls. (IA schooldressesfor1929unit).pdf 943 × 1,431, 8 pages; 334 KB
School lunch. (IA schoollunch1929unit).pdf 952 × 1,260, 8 pages; 373 KB
School lunch box. (IA schoollunchbox1929unit).pdf 958 × 1,485, 8 pages; 313 KB
Simple plumbing repairs in the home. (IA simpleplumbingre1929unit).pdf 979 × 1,439, 8 pages; 289 KB
Soups for winter appetites. (IA soupsforwinterap1929unit).pdf 864 × 1,162, 12 pages; 572 KB
Spring luncheon. (IA springluncheon1929unit).pdf 843 × 1,245, 8 pages; 379 KB
Story of a 4-H club girl. (IA storyof4hclubgir1929unit).pdf 972 × 1,452, 8 pages; 310 KB
Stuffed flank steak and browned potatoes. (IA stuffedflankstea1929unit).pdf 956 × 1,416, 6 pages; 250 KB
Style plus comfort in the children's spring outfits. (IA stylepluscomfort1929unit).pdf 904 × 1,139, 6 pages; 298 KB
Suits for the small boy. (IA suitsforsmallboy1929unit).pdf 960 × 1,425, 8 pages; 337 KB
Summertime toys - or the backyard playground. (IA summertimetoysor1929unit).pdf 916 × 1,460, 8 pages; 355 KB
Sunday dinner menu. (IA sundaydinnermen1929unit 0).pdf 1,047 × 1,391, 6 pages; 252 KB
Sunday dinner menu. (IA sundaydinnermenu1929unit).pdf 893 × 1,225, 6 pages; 229 KB
Sunlight for babies. (IA sunlightforbabie1929unit).pdf 960 × 1,477, 8 pages; 321 KB
Sun suits for children. (IA sunsuitsforchild1929unit).pdf 889 × 1,179, 8 pages; 335 KB
Teaching good manners through play. (IA teachinggoodmann1929unit).pdf 964 × 1,443, 8 pages; 325 KB
Tempers and food. (IA tempersfood1929unit).pdf 1,189 × 1,564, 8 pages; 319 KB
Value of fish in the diet. (IA valueoffishindie1929unit).pdf 929 × 1,204, 8 pages; 329 KB
Variety in breakfast menus. (IA varietyinbreakfa1929unit).pdf 852 × 1,250, 8 pages; 346 KB
Vegetables to serve with meats. (IA vegetablestoserv1929unit).pdf 937 × 1,293, 8 pages; 316 KB
Washing blankets and ironing shirts. (IA washingblanketsi1929unit).pdf 966 × 1,310, 8 pages; 314 KB
Well-lighted kitchen. (IA welllightedkitch1929unit).pdf 833 × 1,122, 8 pages; 357 KB
What green tomatoes are good for. (IA whatgreentomatoe1929unit).pdf 1,006 × 1,529, 8 pages; 298 KB
What Thanksgiving Day should mean to the children. (IA whatthanksgiving1929unit).pdf 972 × 1,433, 8 pages; 332 KB
When the dinner bell rings. (IA whendinnerbellri1929unit).pdf 981 × 1,506, 8 pages; 304 KB
When kitchens come up for discussion. (IA whenkitchenscome1929unit).pdf 922 × 1,125, 8 pages; 362 KB
When the sofa cushions step out. (IA whensofacushions1929unit).pdf 866 × 1,114, 8 pages; 342 KB
When we eat out of doors. (IA whenweeatoutofdo1929unit).pdf 970 × 1,260, 8 pages; 381 KB
When we go picnicking. (IA whenwegopicnicki1929unit).pdf 954 × 1,493, 8 pages; 314 KB
When you buy shoes. (IA whenyoubuyshoes1929unit).pdf 933 × 1,322, 6 pages; 243 KB
When you go food shopping. (IA whenyougofoodsho1929unit).pdf 995 × 1,533, 8 pages; 335 KB
Why use a thermometer. (IA whyusethermomete1929unit).pdf 897 × 1,095, 8 pages; 374 KB
Winter sun baths for babies. (IA wintersunbathsfo1929unit).pdf 956 × 1,370, 8 pages; 333 KB
With oranges and grapefruit. (IA withorangesgrape1929unit).pdf 1,066 × 1,450, 8 pages; 382 KB
W to fry. (IA wtofry1929unit).pdf 854 × 1,158, 10 pages; 433 KB
Yarbs' and spring tonics. (IA yarbsspringtonic1929unit).pdf 854 × 1,166, 10 pages; 427 KB
Zero hour on Christmas day. (IA zerohouronchrist1929unit).pdf 966 × 1,466, 8 pages; 356 KB