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<nowiki>Decápolis; Dekapolisz; Dekapolis; Decàpolis; Dekapolis; Decapolis; Декаполис; Decapolis; デカポリス; Dekapolisy; Decapolis; דקאפוליס; Decapolis (antiquus Oriens Medius); 德卡波利斯; Dekapolis; Decapolis; Dekapolis; Decapoli; Décapole; Dekapolis; Dekapolis; 德卡波利斯; Dekapolis; Dekapolis; Dez Cidades; 德卡波利斯; 德卡波利斯; Декаполис; Dekapolis; Dekapolis; Decapolis; Decápolis; Декаполис; ทศบุรี; Dekapol; Dekapolis; Dekapolis; Decapolis; 데카폴리스; Decàpułi; Десятимістя; Decapolis; حلف الديكابولس; Δεκάπολις; Dekapolo (judeo); regione storica; tíz ókori város csoportja a római birodalom keleti határán; historyczny Region Cisjordani; קבוצה של עשר ערים הלניסטיות שהיו ממוקמות ברובן בעבר הירדן המזרחי; Syrië; zehn antike Städte östlich und südlich des See Genezareth; MÖ 323'te Büyük İskender tarafından kurulan on şehir ittifakı; group of ten cities on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire in the southeastern Levant; حلف روماني قديم قبل الميلاد; sdružení měst v antice; grupo de diez ciudades en la frontera oriental del Imperio Romano; Decapolis; Decapole; Dekapolis; דקפוליס; ליגת עשר הערים; ברית עשר הערים; Десятиградие; Decapolis; Decápolis; Decapolis; Lega delle Decapoli; Decapolis; Lega della Decapoli; الديكابوليس; اتحاد المدن العشر; الديكابولس; 低加波利; Decapolis</nowiki>
group of ten cities on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire in the southeastern Levant
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The Decapolis (Greek: Δεκάπολις, Ten Cities, from deca - ten and polis - city) was a group of anient citystates in the Middle East.