Category:Carbon budget

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<nowiki>presupuesto de emisiones; カーボンバジェット; budget carbone; 碳预算; koldioxidbudget; Pressupost de carboni; Емісійний бюджет СО₂; Carbon budget; Эмиссионный бюджет СО₂; Hiilibudjetti; CO₂-Budget; 탄소 예산; carbon budget; ميزانية الكربون; Uhlíkový rozpočet; ogljikov proračun; termine; limit on cumulative net global CO₂ emissions to achieve a specific level of global warming with a specified probability, accounting for the impact of other anthropogenic climate factors; Begriff aus der Klimapolitik; ilmastopolitiikan konsepti; typ av budget för CO₂-utsläpp; terme; límit d'emissió de CO2 per a un determinat impacte climàtic; njedebe na ikuku CO2 maka mmetụta ihu igwe enyere; proračun CO2; emisijski proračun; Emissionsbudget; Kohlenstoffbudget; Carbon Budget; Emissionskredit; klimatbudget; utsläppsbudget; CO2 budget; emissions budget; carbon emissions budget; total CO2 budget; total carbon budget; 碳預算; presupuesto de carbono</nowiki>
carbon budget 
limit on cumulative net global CO₂ emissions to achieve a specific level of global warming with a specified probability, accounting for the impact of other anthropogenic climate factors
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Media in category "Carbon budget"

The following 20 files are in this category, out of 20 total.