Category:Air pollution statistics
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See also category: Air quality monitoring.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Air pollution statistics"
The following 129 files are in this category, out of 129 total.
2015 PM2.5 Air Pollution Index in Seoul (hourly) wide.png 1,635 × 503; 120 KB
2015 PM2.5 Air Pollution Index in Seoul (hourly).png 1,150 × 715; 131 KB
2015 PM2.5 Air Quality Index in Seoul.svg 926 × 373; 5.35 MB
2021 Death rates, by energy source.svg 1,200 × 675; 3 KB
Access-to-clean-fuels-for-cooking-vs-gdp-per-capita (OWID 0010).png 850 × 600; 98 KB
Air pollutant emissions, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 13 KB
Air pollution exposure in cities - EU limits vs WHO guidelines - fr.svg 673 × 673; 130 KB
Air pollution vs. GDP per capita, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 11 KB
Air pollution, London vs. Delhi, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 21 KB
Air polution graph.JPG 705 × 355; 25 KB
Air polution graph1.JPG 631 × 363; 22 KB
Air-pollution-deaths-by-age (OWID 0074).png 850 × 600; 59 KB
Air-pollution-london (OWID 0075).png 850 × 600; 55 KB
Air-pollution-london-vs-delhi (OWID 0076).png 850 × 600; 50 KB
Air-pollution-vs-gdp-per-capita (OWID 0073).png 850 × 600; 72 KB
Ambient-pollution-death-rates-2017-1990 (OWID 0072).png 850 × 600; 97 KB
Analysis of air sampling data using IHSTAT.JPG 959 × 831; 151 KB
Annual-co-emissions-by-region (OWID 0055).png 850 × 600; 81 KB
Annual-co2-cement (OWID 0052).png 850 × 600; 48 KB
Annual-co2-emissions-per-country (OWID 0048).png 850 × 600; 65 KB
Annual-share-of-co2-emissions (OWID 0093).png 850 × 600; 84 KB
Carbon-dioxide-emissions-factor (OWID 0130).png 850 × 600; 78 KB
Carbon-intensity-vs-gdp (OWID 0124).png 850 × 600; 96 KB
CO clay.gif 700 × 313; 20 KB
Co-emissions-by-sector (OWID 0151).png 850 × 600; 74 KB
CO2-by-source (OWID 0142).png 850 × 600; 58 KB
Co2-emissions-and-gdp (OWID 0200).png 850 × 600; 71 KB
Co2-emissions-and-gdp-long-term (OWID 0141).png 850 × 600; 61 KB
Co2-emissions-by-fuel-line (OWID 0196).png 850 × 600; 60 KB
Co2-emissions-vs-gdp (OWID 0195).png 850 × 600; 94 KB
Co2-gdp-growth (OWID 0193).png 850 × 600; 92 KB
Co2-gdp-pop-growth (OWID 0194).png 850 × 600; 101 KB
Co2-mitigation-15c (OWID 0188).png 850 × 600; 146 KB
Co2-mitigation-2c (OWID 0185).png 850 × 600; 146 KB
Co2-per-capita-marimekko (OWID 0184).png 850 × 600; 75 KB
Co2-per-unit-energy (OWID 0181).png 850 × 600; 86 KB
Coal-production-by-country (OWID 0261).png 850 × 600; 63 KB
Coal-production-country (OWID 0262).png 850 × 600; 69 KB
Consumption-vs-production-co2-per-capita (OWID 0245).png 850 × 600; 85 KB
Contributors to London air pollution.png 1,030 × 628; 50 KB
Conventional Air Pollutants per 1000 Scooters.JPG 526 × 390; 37 KB
Crude-oil-spot-prices (OWID 0226).png 850 × 600; 78 KB
Cumulative-co2-emissions-region (OWID 0221).png 850 × 600; 76 KB
Cumulative-co2-fuel (OWID 0217).png 850 × 600; 52 KB
Death rate from air pollution (per 100,000), OWID.svg 850 × 600; 9 KB
Death rates from energy production per TWh (including solar).svg 850 × 600; 27 KB
Death-rate-by-source-from-air-pollution (OWID 0328).png 850 × 600; 56 KB
Death-rate-from-pm25-vs-pm25-concentration (OWID 0319).png 850 × 600; 110 KB
Death-rate-indoor-pollution-1990-2017 (OWID 0317).png 850 × 600; 91 KB
Deaths-from-air-pollution (OWID 0303).png 850 × 600; 48 KB
Deaths-from-indoor-air-pollution-by-age (OWID 0298).png 850 × 600; 52 KB
Decrease of dioxins in ambient air over 20 years.jpg 578 × 371; 43 KB
Distribuzione-qualitativa-particolato.JPG 529 × 321; 33 KB
Effect of Independence Day Fireworks on US Air Quality.png 584 × 433; 36 KB
EIOLCA Air pollutants.JPG 718 × 565; 38 KB
Emission costs of different transport modes 500 km-en.svg 512 × 278; 5 KB
EmissionGES 2004 donneesIEA.png 700 × 450; 8 KB
Emissions CO2 par hab 2006.svg 837 × 596; 128 KB
Emissions of air pollutants, 1, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 9 KB
Emissions of air pollutants, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 14 KB
Emissions-of-air-pollutants (1).png 3,400 × 2,400; 408 KB
Fossil-fuel-cons-per-capita (OWID 0407).png 850 × 600; 53 KB
Fossil-fuel-consumption-by-type (OWID 0405).png 850 × 600; 54 KB
Fumées feux ouest USA prospective.jpg 2,987 × 3,227; 659 KB
Gas-consumption-per-capita (OWID 0486).png 850 × 600; 82 KB
Gas-production-by-country (OWID 0483).png 850 × 600; 54 KB
Gasification Toxic Chart.JPG 567 × 331; 22 KB
Ghg-emissions-by-sector (OWID 0480).png 850 × 600; 99 KB
GHG放出源と吸収源.png 2,604 × 2,708; 330 KB
Green-climate-gcf-fund-pledges (OWID 0522).png 850 × 600; 53 KB
Health effects of energy production, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 7 KB
Incineration Pollutants.JPG 667 × 405; 30 KB
Indoor-pollution-death-rates-clean-fuels (OWID 0492).png 850 × 600; 93 KB
Indoor-pollution-deaths-1990-2017 (OWID 0494).png 850 × 600; 89 KB
Jet privé 2024 Nature en 01.png 1,584 × 1,036; 211 KB
Jets privés monde nov 2024 Nature.png 1,670 × 1,621; 284 KB
Natural-gas-production-by-region-terawatt-hours-twh (OWID 0637).png 850 × 600; 87 KB
Number-outdoor-pollution-deaths-by-age (OWID 0720).png 850 × 600; 50 KB
Nébulosité artificielle Paris London 2019 a.png 580 × 568; 91 KB
Oil-consumption-by-region-terawatt-hours-twh (OWID 0706).png 850 × 600; 85 KB
Oil-production-by-country (OWID 0701).png 850 × 600; 73 KB
Outdoor air pollution death rate, 1990 to 2019.svg 850 × 600; 35 KB
Outdoor-pollution-deaths-1990-2017 (OWID 0693).png 850 × 600; 80 KB
Outdoor-pollution-deaths-1990-2017.png 3,400 × 2,400; 560 KB
Outdoor-pollution-rate-vs-gdp (OWID 0692).png 850 × 600; 117 KB
Outdoor-pollution-rates-by-age (OWID 0690).png 850 × 600; 48 KB
Particulate matter volume, number and diameter.png 980 × 642; 62 KB
Per capita nitrous oxide emissions by sector, Brazil, OWID chart.png 850 × 600; 42 KB
Per-capita-co2-by-fuel (OWID 0792).png 850 × 600; 62 KB
Per-capita-co2-region (OWID 0782).png 850 × 600; 54 KB
Per-capita-co2-sector (OWID 0780).png 850 × 600; 47 KB
Per-capita-ghg-co2-excluding-land-use (OWID 0764).png 850 × 600; 80 KB
Per-capita-ghg-co2-including-land-use (OWID 0761).png 850 × 600; 80 KB
Per-capita-ghg-sector (OWID 0760).png 850 × 600; 58 KB
Per-capita-methane-agriculture (OWID 0749).png 850 × 600; 80 KB
Per-capita-methane-sector (OWID 0746).png 850 × 600; 43 KB
Per-capita-nitrous-oxide-agriculture (OWID 0747).png 850 × 600; 81 KB
Pm-exposure-1990-2017 (OWID 0833).png 850 × 600; 67 KB
Pm25-exposure-gdp (OWID 0830).png 850 × 600; 87 KB
Pollutants for Gasification.JPG 670 × 425; 38 KB
Pompiers zurich respirationPollutionAir.jpg 1,168 × 768; 176 KB
Population-using-solid-fuels-for-cooking (OWID 0820).png 850 × 600; 83 KB
Production-vs-consumption-co2-emissions (OWID 0901).png 850 × 600; 56 KB
Sea-surface-temperature-anomaly (OWID 0953).png 850 × 600; 103 KB
Share-co2-emissions-vs-population (OWID 0939).png 850 × 600; 87 KB
Share-cumulative-co2-oil (OWID 0937).png 850 × 600; 66 KB
Share-of-cumulative-co2 (OWID 1000).png 850 × 600; 66 KB
So-emissions-per-capita-tonnes-per-year (OWID 0973).png 850 × 600; 71 KB
So-emissions-tonnes-per-year (OWID 0971).png 850 × 600; 66 KB
So2-emissions (OWID 0969).png 850 × 600; 42 KB
Sources of air pollution in the UK, OWID.svg 850 × 600; 7 KB
Sources of Air Pollution.png 356 × 382; 18 KB
SynthèsePolluantsAir.jpg 2,569 × 1,414; 537 KB
Temperature-anomaly (OWID 1054).png 850 × 600; 101 KB
Uranium and thorium release from coal combustion.gif 340 × 349; 33 KB
Value-added-growth-vs-emissions-growth-usa (OWID 1128).png 850 × 600; 91 KB
Value-added-vs-share-of-emissions-usa (OWID 1125).png 850 × 600; 76 KB
VOC-Anteile Deutschland 1990 2003.svg 460 × 311; 9 KB
World-crude-oil-price-vs-oil-consumption (OWID 1091).png 850 × 600; 95 KB