Category:1920s cookbooks
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Media in category "1920s cookbooks"
The following 71 files are in this category, out of 71 total.
Aunt Sammy's radio recipes.. (IA auntsammysradior1926unit).pdf 739 × 1,172, 28 pages; 984 KB
The Battle Creek cook book; a collection of well tested recipes (IA battlecreekcookb00batt).pdf 693 × 997, 207 pages; 9.48 MB
Baxter's practical up-to-date receipt book for bakers; (IA baxterspractical00baxt).pdf 689 × 962, 134 pages; 4.42 MB
Bettina's best desserts, (IA bettinasbestdess00weav).pdf 1,197 × 1,812, 216 pages; 11.36 MB
Blue hen's chickens' cook book; (IA bluehenschickens00milf).pdf 850 × 1,306, 116 pages; 4.44 MB
Book of recipes (IA bookofrecipes00detr).pdf 862 × 1,331, 204 pages; 9.86 MB
A book of recipes for the cooking school (IA bookofrecipesfo00lyfo).pdf 731 × 1,129, 332 pages; 13.76 MB
Bradley - For Luncheon and Supper Guests.djvu 1,234 × 2,002, 112 pages; 1.02 MB
Brighton blade cook book, adapted to use in high altitudes (IA brightonbladecoo00unse).pdf 729 × 1,070, 102 pages; 5.66 MB
Cakes, cookies and confections.djvu 1,776 × 2,632, 84 pages; 1.31 MB
Cakes for bakers (IA cakesforbaker00rich).pdf 660 × 1,075, 360 pages; 18.2 MB
Cakes for bakers (IA cakesforbakers00rich).pdf 900 × 1,370, 304 pages; 18.88 MB
Canned salmon- pink and chun (IA cannedsalmonpink00unit).pdf 1,031 × 1,725, 12 pages; 890 KB
Rice as food (IA CAT10306154).pdf 806 × 1,331, 21 pages; 788 KB
Cook book (IA cookbook00warr).pdf 852 × 1,337, 124 pages; 6.28 MB
Cook book of tested receipes (IA cookbookoftested00cary).pdf 1,068 × 1,500, 42 pages; 3.83 MB
Corn meal for breakfast, dinner, supper (IA cornmealforbreak00murp).pdf 683 × 1,083, 46 pages; 1.68 MB
Quantity cookery - menu planning and cookery for large numbers (IA cu31924000524847).pdf 772 × 1,195, 216 pages; 3.54 MB
Fruits and their cookery (IA cu31924000531800).pdf 677 × 1,045, 232 pages; 3.62 MB
Mrs. Wilson's cook book; numerous new recipes on present economic conditions (IA cu31924000535777).pdf 722 × 1,100, 522 pages; 9.22 MB
The stag cook book, written for men by men (IA cu31924000568216).pdf 727 × 1,097, 208 pages; 2.78 MB
Our candy recipes (IA cu31924003592031).pdf 660 × 1,035, 224 pages; 4.16 MB
Mrs. De Graf's cook book (IA cu31924089574242).pdf 639 × 1,064, 392 pages; 6.33 MB
The Metropolitan Life cook book (IA cu31924094646563).pdf 725 × 1,093, 68 pages; 1.72 MB
Dainty desserts - a large collection of recipes for delicious sweets and dainties (IA daintydessertsla00wrig).pdf 629 × 956, 216 pages; 7.82 MB
Date cook book; international festival of dates (IA datecookbookinte00metz).pdf 925 × 1,250, 100 pages; 6.33 MB
Delicious recipes (IA deliciousrecipes00caliiala).pdf 810 × 1,316, 36 pages; 1.82 MB
Encyclopedia of cookery;1001 recipes, menus & rules for modern, scientific and economic cookery (Vol. 1) (IA encyclopediaofco01chri).pdf 1,116 × 1,791, 290 pages; 12.67 MB
Encyclopedia of cookery;1001 recipes, menus & rules for modern, scientific and economic cookery (Vol. 2) (IA encyclopediaofco02chri).pdf 1,100 × 1,800, 264 pages; 10.89 MB
Encyclopedia of cookery; 1001 recipes, menus & rules for modern, scientific and economic cookery (Vol. 3) (IA encyclopediaofco03chri).pdf 1,120 × 1,758, 302 pages; 13.19 MB
Everywoman's cook book, recipes and food combinations for the household (IA everywomanscookb00well).pdf 868 × 1,366, 52 pages; 2.25 MB
Fancy salads of the big hotels. Copyright (IA fancysaladsofbig00kegl).pdf 739 × 1,202, 88 pages; 5.13 MB
Foods and cookery and the care of the house; (IA foodscookerycare00matt).pdf 681 × 1,079, 216 pages; 10.8 MB
Goodhousekeeping00newyrich.pdf 708 × 1,060, 268 pages; 15.16 MB
Hill - Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties.djvu 1,385 × 2,233, 294 pages; 3.17 MB
How to cook it (IA howtocookit00barr).pdf 772 × 1,243, 126 pages; 4.96 MB
The junior cook book (IA juniorcookbook00juds).pdf 681 × 1,077, 264 pages; 4.75 MB
Kiddy kookery;menus and recipes for feeding children from six months to six years. (IA kiddykookerymenu00kahn).pdf 1,306 × 1,877, 104 pages; 4.67 MB
Kiddy kookery; menus and recipes for feeding children from six months to six years, (IA kiddykookerymenu00kahn 0).pdf 1,227 × 1,822, 98 pages; 3.83 MB
Legumes- dried beans, peas, lentils for breaksfast, dinner, supper (IA legumesdriedbean00murp).pdf 791 × 1,266, 46 pages; 1.75 MB
The Lindlahr vegetarian cook book and A B C of natural dietetics (IA lindlahrvegetari00lind).pdf 1,170 × 1,833, 584 pages; 30.23 MB
Luncheon and dinner menus, (IA luncheondinnerme00naid).pdf 1,204 × 2,116, 242 pages; 14.49 MB
The Lynn bride ... 500 ways to please a husband (IA lynnbride500ways00lynn).pdf 472 × 772, 104 pages; 3.83 MB
The Malone cook book. (IA malonecookbook00unse).pdf 1,200 × 1,843, 364 pages; 21.6 MB
Meats, poultry and game; how to buy, cook and carve, with a potpourri of recipes (IA meatspoultrygame00panc).pdf 877 × 1,433, 160 pages; 7.63 MB
Menus and recipes. (IA menusrecipes00glea).pdf 1,079 × 1,768, 96 pages; 4.01 MB
Modern methods of cooking vegetables (IA modernmethodsofc1927unit).pdf 966 × 1,487, 8 pages; 349 KB
Mrs. C. H. Leonard's cook book, (IA mrschleonardscoo00leon).pdf 1,091 × 1,775, 264 pages; 10.48 MB
Mrs. De Graf's cook book (IA mrsdegrafscookbo00degr).pdf 654 × 1,100, 388 pages; 12.55 MB
National recipes and menus for "National" pressure cooker;also simultaneous cooking ... (IA nationalrecipesm00nati).pdf 1,112 × 1,756, 56 pages; 3.4 MB
The new Annie Dennis cook book; a compendium of popular household recipes for the busy housewife (IA newanniedennisco00denn).pdf 862 × 1,412, 410 pages; 21.98 MB
The new home cook book, 1922 (IA newhomecookbook100spri).pdf 760 × 1,222, 158 pages; 6.55 MB
Nine hundred successful recipes ... (IA ninehundredsucce00silv).pdf 1,145 × 1,802, 298 pages; 15.84 MB
Old-Time Recipes for Home Made Wines Cordials and Liqueurs.djvu 2,497 × 3,603, 156 pages; 3.01 MB
Party eats for luncheons and dinners, for parties and teas. (IA partyeatsforlunc00unse).pdf 979 × 1,608, 44 pages; 3.47 MB
The plain sailing cook book; a collection of simple recipes for beginners in cookery (IA plainsailingcook00brow).pdf 883 × 1,345, 172 pages; 7.76 MB
Presbyterian cook book (IA presbyteriancook00ches).pdf 775 × 1,152, 94 pages; 3.61 MB
A primer of cooking (IA primerofcooking00hami).pdf 670 × 1,079, 198 pages; 7.76 MB
Recipes for use in the dining service department of the Pacific telephone and telegraph company (IA recipesforuseind00paci).pdf 668 × 1,089, 130 pages; 4.19 MB
Recipes tested by the families of the parish and comp. by the Women's guild .. (IA recipestestedbyf00west).pdf 847 × 1,287, 124 pages; 5.14 MB
Salad secrets (IA saladsecrets00brig).pdf 743 × 550, 16 pages; 378 KB
Salads and salad dressings (IA saladssaladdress00murp).pdf 652 × 1,025, 44 pages; 1.55 MB
The Shorewood cook book (IA shorewoodcookboo00milw).pdf 704 × 1,068, 164 pages; 8.22 MB
The stag cook book (IA stagcookbook00sher).pdf 706 × 1,095, 208 pages; 7.91 MB
The Thursday afternoon cooking club's cook book (IA thursdayafternoo00thur).pdf 631 × 1,068, 374 pages; 15.94 MB
Time-saving cookery (IA timesavingcooker00spli).pdf 683 × 1,120, 24 pages; 1.09 MB