Category:1810s maps of Croatia

Media in category "1810s maps of Croatia"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
1810 map of Umljanović.jpg 1,080 × 1,219; 494 KB
1818 Pinkerton Map of the Austrian Empire - Geographicus - Austria-pinkerton-1818.jpg 5,000 × 3,642; 5.51 MB
Riedl - Koenigreiche Illyrien.jpg 7,150 × 5,808; 39.43 MB
Upravni zemljevid Ilirskega kraljestva leta 1817.jpg 7,365 × 9,760; 9.56 MB
Upravni zemljevid Ilirskih provinc leta 1813.jpg 5,742 × 4,752; 22.05 MB