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Weight: 3,494-3,559 g of gold 997‰.
From the italian word zecca (mint). The name was the unofficial name of the Ducato of Venice. The name became official about 1550.
Was also minted elsewhere.
Deutsch: Zecchine
English: Sequin
Français : Sequin
Hrvatski: Cekin
Italiano: Zecchino
Українська: Цехін
Zecchino del doge Antonio Venier (1382 - 1400)
Ducato del doge Michele Steno. (1400-1413).
Moneta papale
Mezzo zecchino Benedetto XIV (1740-1758)
Altri stati
Zecchino Rodi (1503)
Sequin di Solimano il magnifico (1520).
Sequin di Murad III (1576)