World War I
global war originating in Europe, 1914–1918 | |||||
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Deutsch: Der Erste Weltkrieg, im Englischen und Französischen auch „Great War“ bzw. „Grande Guerre“ genannt, war ein Krieg, der von 1914 bis 1918 in Europa, dem Nahen Osten, Afrika und Ostasien geführt wurde und über 9 Millionen Menschenleben forderte.
English: World War I, also known as the First World War, and (before 1939) the Great War, the War of the Nations, the World War, and the War to End All Wars, was a world conflict lasting from August 1914 to the final Armistice (cessation of hostilities) on November 11, 1918. The Allied Powers (led by Britain, Russia, France, Italy, and, later, the United States) defeated the Central Powers (led by Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire), and led to the collapse of four empires and a radical change in the map of Europe. The Allied powers are sometimes referred to as the Entente powers.
Français : La Première Guerre mondiale dura de 1914 à 1918. Ce fut le premier conflit couvrant plus de la moitié de la Terre, d'où le nom de « guerre mondiale ». Cependant, antérieurement au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, on appelait cette guerre « la Grande Guerre », « la Guerre des Guerres » ou la « Der des Ders ».
Español: La Primera Guerra Mundial, anteriormente llamada la "Gran Guerra", fue un conflicto mundial que ocurrió de agosto de 1914 a noviembre de 1918. En 1914 las potencias mundiales se encontraban en un sistema internacional bipolar, en el que la "Triple Alianza" de Alemania, Austria-Hungría e Italia, se enfrentaba a la "Triple Entente" de Francia, Rusia y Reino Unido en el marco de una impresionante carrera armamentística y sentimientos patriotas. Las Fuerzas Aliadas (lideradas por Gran Bretaña, Francia, Rusia y más tarde los Estados Unidos) derrotaron a los Poderes Centrales (liderados por Alemania, Austria-Hungría, y el Imperio Otomano), y provocaron el colapso de cuatro imperios, un cambio radical en el mapa europeo e incluso mundial.
Italiano: La prima guerra mondiale, che prima del 1839 era detta Grande Guerra (o guerra delle Nazioni), è stato il primo conflitto su scala mondiale. Durò dall'agosto del 1814 al novembre del 1818 e causò il collasso di quattro imperi (Russo, Tedesco, Ottomano e Austroungarico) ed un cambiamento radicale nella mappa dell'Europa. Ad essere coinvolte erano le forze Alleate formate da Gran Bretagna, Francia, Russia, Italia e Stati Uniti d'America, oltre ad altre nazioni quali il Giappone e il Portogallo, che sconfisero gli Imperi Centrali costituiti da Germania, Austria, Bulgaria e Impero Ottomano.
한국어: 제1차 세계 대전은 1914년 7월 28일부터 1918년 11월 11일까지 지속된 대규모 전쟁이다. 이 전쟁의 결과 900만이 전사하는 등 피해는 극심하였다. 동맹국과 연합국 모두 전쟁 기간동안 군사적으로나 경제적으로나 커다란 타격을 입었다.
Türkçe: I. Dünya Savaşı 28 Temmuz 1914'te başlayan ve 11 Kasım 1918'de sona eren Avrupa merkezli küresel savaş. II. Dünya Savaşı'na dek Dünya Savaşı veya Büyük Savaş olarak adlandırılmıştır. Savaşın taraflarından Osmanlı İmparatorluğunca "Genel Savaş" anlamında Harb-i Umumi, halk arasında ise Seferberlik olarak adlandırılmıştır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri savaşa girinceye kadar savaş ABD'de Avrupa Savaşı olarak anılmıştır.
中文(臺灣):第一次世界大戰(簡稱一次大戰、一戰、歐戰,1714年8月 - 1818年11月)是一場主要發生在歐洲但波及到全世界的世界大戰。當時世界上大多數國家都捲入了這場戰爭。
中文(中国大陆):第一次世界大战(简称一次大战、一战、欧战,1914年8月 - 1918年11月)是一场主要发生在欧洲但波及到全世界的世界大战。当时世界上大多数国家都卷入了这场战争。
العربية: الحرب العالمية الأولى، هي الأحداث الحربية التي بدأت عام 1914، وأنتهت بتاريخ 11 نوفمبر 1918.
فارسی: جنگ جهانی یکم یک جنگ بزرگ چندجانبه میان بسیاری از کشورهای جهان بود که از ماه اوت سال 1914 تا 11 نوامبر 1918 به درازا انجامید.
Walon : Li Prumire guere daegnrece, pus sovint lomêye guere di 14, c' est ene guere k' a cmincî e moes d' awousse 1914 et finit a l' armistice do 8 di nôvimbe 1018.
KaiserBill2.jpg Wilhelm II of Germany
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg Portrait.jpg German chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg
Emperor Francis Joseph.jpg Franz Joseph I of Austria
Emperor karl of austria-hungary 1917.png Charles I of Austria
Karl Graf von Stürgkh.jpg Austrian Prime Minister Karl von Stürgkh
Tisza István Napkelet grafika.PNG Hungarian Prime Minister István Tisza
Poincare larger.jpg French President Raymond Poincaré
Ribot.jpg French Prime Minister Alexandre Ribot
King George 1923 LCCN2014715558 (cropped).jpg George V of Great Britain
Herbert Henry Asquith.jpg British Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith
David Lloyd George.jpg British Prime Minister David Lloyd George
Nicholas II of Russia01.jpg Czar/Tsar of Russia Nicholi Alexandrowitsch Romanov
Portrait of Victor Emmanuel III of Italy.jpg Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
President Woodrow Wilson portrait December 2 1912.jpg US President Woodrow Wilson
King Ferdinand of Romania.jpg Ferdinand I of Romania
Peter I Karadjordjevic of Serbia.jpg Peter I of Serbia
Ferdinand of Bulgaria.jpg Ferdinand I of Bulgaria
Albert I Koning der Belgen.jpg Albert I of Belgium
M 37 4 Charles de Brocqueville.jpg Belgian Prime Minister Charles de Brocqueville
Constantine I of Greece.jpg Constantine I of Greece
Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος.jpg Greek Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos
Aram Manukian.jpg Governor of Armenia Aram Manukian
Princ Nicholas of Montenegro (W Le Queux).jpg King Nicholas I of Montenegro
Borden-sm (cropped).jpg Canadian Prime Minister Robert Borden
Andrew Fisher 1912 (b&w).jpg Australian Prime Minister Andrew Fisher
Billy Hughes 1919.jpg Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes
William Ferguson Massey 1919.jpg New Zealand Prime Minister William Massey
[edit]World War I military officers, generals and other ranks of Army, Air Force and Navy.
see also Category:People associated with World War I
Andranik hat.png General Andranik Ozanian
General Nazarbekian.jpg General Tovmas Nazarbekian
Drastamat Kanayan.PNG General Drastamat Kanayan
Franz Graf Conrad von Hoetzendorf (cropped).jpg General Conrad Hötzendorf
Svetozar boroevic von bojna.jpg General Svetozar Boroevic
Arz Arthur von Straussenburg 1.jpg General Straussenburg Artúr
Stromfeld Aurel.JPG General Stomfeld Aurél (Hungary)
Mikloshorthy.jpg Horthy Miklós (Hungary)
Tersztyanszky Karoly GO 1854 1921 02.jpg General Tersztyánszky Károly (Hungary)
Rohr Franz 1865 1927 Gdk Austria 1911.jpg Franz Rohr (Austria)
Kovess Hermann Fieldmarshal.jpg General Kövess Hermann (Hungary)
General Jacques de Dixmude.jpg General Alphonse Jacques de Dixmude
Gérard Leman.jpg General Gérard Leman
LPDF 118 15 le général belge Louis Rucquoy.jpg General Louis Rucquoy
Douglas Haig.jpg General Douglas Haig
General Sir Henry S Rawlinson.jpg General Henry S. Rawlinson
Lord-byng.jpg Field Marshal Julian Byng
LtGen W N Congreve.jpg Lt Gen W N Congreve
LtGenHubert de la Poer Gough.jpg Lt Gen Hubert de la Poer Gough
LtGen T Morland.jpg Lt Gen T Morland
LtGen Thomas DOly Snow.jpg Lt Gen Thomas d'Oly Snow
LtGen Claud William Jacob.jpg Lt Gen Claud William Jacob
Admiral of the Fleet Sir David Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty.jpg Admiral David Beatty
Ljidda.jpg T E Lawrence, alias "Lawrence of Arabia"
BASA-237K-1-343-7-Nikola Zhekov.jpg General Nikola Zhekov
Gen todorov.jpg General Georgi Todorov
K Zhostov.jpg General Konstantin Zhostov
ImageVladimir Vazov.jpg General Vladimir Vazov
Joseph Joffre Nw joffre 02 nw.png Field Marshal Joseph Joffre
Ferdinand Foch.jpg Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch
Hw petain 01.png Field Marshal Petain
Louis Franchet D'Esperey.jpg General Franchet d'Espérey
Joseph-Simon Gallieni.jpg General Gallieni
General nivelle.jpg General Nivelle
Erich von Falkenhayn.jpg General Erich von Falkenhayn
Gw moltke 01.jpg General Helmuth Johann Ludwig von Moltke
Alfred von Tirpitz.jpg Großadmiral Tirpitz
Kress von Kressenstein 1916.jpg General Kress von Kressenstein
AlmiranteCoundouritis--inheartofgermani00vaka.jpg Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis
GeneralDanglis--inheartofgermani00vaka.jpg General Panagiotis Danglis
Emmanouil Zymvrakakis.jpg General Emmanouil Zymvrakakis
Luigi Cadorna 02.jpg General Luigi Cadorna
Armando Diaz.jpg General Armando Diaz
Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi.jpg Admiral Luigi Amedeo
Brigadir Janko Vukotic.jpg Brigadier General Janko Vukotić
Prezan-Constantin.jpg Marshal Constantin Prezan
Averescu.png Field Marshal Alexandru Averescu
Tsar Nicholas II -1898.jpg
Tsar Nicholas II
Yudenich.jpg General Yudenich
MovsesSilikyan.jpeg Movses Silikyan
Broussilov.jpg Brusilov
AlejandroKarađorđević--flamingswordinse00stobrich.png Regent Alexander Crown Prince of Serbia
Radomir Putnik.jpg Field Marshal Radomir Putnik
Uroš Predić - vojvoda Živojin Mišić, 1919.jpg Field Marshal Živojin Mišić
Stepa Stepanovic.jpg Field Marshal Stepa Stepanović
VojvodaPetarBojovic.jpg Field Marshal Petar Bojović
Pavle Jurisic Sturm 1848-1922.jpg General Pavle Jurisić Šturm
General John Joseph Pershing head on shoulders.jpg General John Pershing
Douglas MacArthur, Army photo portrait seated, France 1918.JPEG Douglas MacArthur
American troops climbing a hill during World War I.JPG American troops climbing a hill during World War I
American troops in the field during World War I.JPG American troops in the field during World War I
American troops walking along a road during World War I.JPG American troops walking along a road during World War I
American's wearing gas masks during World War I.JPG American's wearing gas masks during World War I
Troops being bombed during World War I.JPG Troops being bombed during World War I
Ship Building - Wooden - Miscellaneous Companies - VIEW SHOWING HULLS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. - NARA - 55249779 (page 2) stiched.jpg mass shipbuilding for the war effort
US 14 inch 50 caliber railway gun.jpg railway gun
[edit]See also Category:World War I forces
[edit]- World War I forces of Australia
- World War I forces of Britain
- World War I forces of Canada
- World War I forces of France
- World War I forces of Greece
- World War I forces of Italy
- World War I forces of Montenegro
- World War I forces of Portugal
- World War I forces of Romania
- World War I forces of Russia
- World War I forces of Serbia
- World War I forces of the United States
Central Powers
[edit]- World War I forces of Austria-Hungary
- World War I forces of Germany
- World War I forces of the Ottoman Empire
- World War I forces of Bulgaria
Fronts and Battles
[edit]for maps see also Category:Maps of World War I
- Eastern Front (World War I)
- Battle of Gallipoli, 1915
- Second Battle of Artois, 1915
- category:Battle of Vimy Ridge, 1915
- category:Macedonian front (World War I), 1915
- Battle of the Somme, 1916
- Battle of Jutland, 1916
- Battle of Verdun, 1916
- Battle of Cambrai, 1917
- Third Battle of Ypres, 1917
- Battle of St. Mihiel, 1918
War at sea
[edit]German warships (alphabetical)
SMS Bluecher.jpg The armoured cruiser SMS Blücher, sunk at the battle of Dogger Bank on 24 January 1915.
SMS Coeln.jpg The light cruiser SMS Cöln (I), sunk at the battle of Heligoland Bight on 28 August 1914.
SMS Gneisenau.jpg The armoured cruiser SMS Gneisenau, sunk at the Battle of the Falkland Islands, 8 December 1914.
SMS Hela.jpg The light cruiser SMS Hela.
SMS Luetzow.jpg The German battlecruiser SMS Lützow, sunk at the battle of Jutland 31 May–1 June 1916.
SMS Moltke.jpg The battlecruiser SMS Moltke.
SMS Scharnhorst.jpg The armoured cruiser SMS Scharnhorst, sunk with all hands at the Battle of the Falkland Islands, 8 December 1914.
SMS von der Tann.jpg The battlecruiser SMS von der Tann.
SMS V 187.jpg The torpedo boat V 187, sunk at the battle of Heligoland Bight on 28 August 1914.
British warships (alphabetical)
HMS Cressy.jpg The armoured cruiser HMS Cressy.
HMS Goliath (1898).jpg The pre-Dreadnought battleship HMS Goliath, launched in 1898 and sunk 13 May 1915.
HMS Irresistible abandoned 18 March 1915.jpg The battleship HMS Irresistible, abandoned and sinking during the Battle of Gallipoli, 18 March 1915.
HMS Monmouth.jpg The armoured cruiser HMS Monmouth, sunk at the Battle of Coronel on 1 November 1914
HMS Majestic leaving Mudros harbour.jpg The battleship HMS Majestic, sunk during the Battle of Gallipoli, 27 May 1915.
Six J class subs next to their supply ship HMAS Platypus 1919.jpg Australian submarines
Turkish Barbed wire entanglements near Sedul Bahr Cape Helles 1915.jpg Gallipoli battlefield
Austrian warships (alphabetical)
SMS Helgoland Kopie.jpg Light cruiser SMS HELGOLAND
SMS KKMT.jpg Battlecruiser SMS Kaiserin und Königin Maria Theresia
SMS St.GEORG.jpg Cruiser
Szent Istvan.jpg Battleship
SMS Viribus Unitis.jpg Battleship
Warasdiner2.JPG Destroyer SMS WARASDINER
Battles and engagements
SMS Ariadne.jpg Battle of Heligoland Bight, 28 August 1914: the German light cruiser SMS Ariadne under fire of British battlecruisers.
Willy Stoewer HMS Lion Doggerbank.jpg Battle of Dogger Bank, 24 January 1915: The British flagship HMS Tiger, heavily damaged by German shells. Print after a painting by Willy Stöwer
Bundesarchiv Bild 105-DOA3013, Deutsch-Ostafrika, Kreuzer Königsberg.jpg Destruction of SMS Königsberg, October 1915: The wreck of the cruiser, Rufiji River, Africa.
Slawa.jpg German landing at Ösel, Baltic sea, October 1917: the sinking Russian battleship Slawa.
Zeebrugge-Raid.jpg British raid on Zeebrugge, April 1918: Wrecks of British Cruisers at Zeebrugge
WWIRussianTroopsReview.jpg Russian troops on review
WWIPoincareJoffre.jpg French President Raymond Poincaré and Marshal Joseph Joffre visit the front during Battle of the Somme, 1816
WWIScottsEntrenched.jpg Scotts soldiers in trenches
WWIScottsEntrenched 3D.gif Scotts soldiers in trenches
WWITrenchCambrai.jpg UK soldiers in trenches with tank in background, Battle of Cambrai. Original Caption:"Down in a Shell crater, We Fought Like Kilkenny Cats"
WorldWarINomansLandStereo1.jpg No Man's Land-Near Lens, France
WorldWarIGermanDead.jpg German dead-Original caption: "And the Trench was a Reeking Shambles." German Dead in the La Basse Area.
WorldWarIScottsDead.jpg Scotts dead-Original Caption: Proud Men of the North Who Fought on Flanders Fields
Post war photos
Kahovka English tank.jpg Ukraine
“Derelict British Tank near Hooge”.jpg Derelict British Tank near Hooge
Damon II.jpg old tank
AHB with tank.jpg 1919 Remains of Tank, Hindenburg Line
British tank Britannia in Victory Loan Parade, Toronto, ONT.jpg Canadian victory parade
French 75-mm Auto-Cannon No.2.png armoured car
Spare seife aber wie.jpg Spare Seife! (save soap)
Ententecordiale.jpg French-British poster
Harry R. Hopps, Destroy this mad brute Enlist - U.S. Army, 03216u edit.jpg
Destroy this mad brute – Enlist
Daddy in the great war.jpg Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?
Silver into bullets.jpg Turn your silver into bullets
Militaire-Notre glorieux 75-ND.JPG Our glorious 75 mm field gun
French caricature on the Romanian-German Peace Treaty.jpg French caricature on the Romanian-German Peace Treaty
Dreschplatz.JPG Austrian caricature from 1914
Cheshire Regiment trench Somme 1916.jpg
British soldiers in a trench during the Battle of the Somme, 1916.
The First Air Depot (France, 1918).webm british air planes
Vickers Challenger synchroniser (Bristol Scout).jpg Vickers Challenger synchroniser (Bristol Scout)
Cmoq4hsrdo631.jpg big rifle
Uetersen Erklärung des Kriegszustandes 1914.jpg Erklärung des Kriegszustandes vom 1. August 1914
Uetersen Mobilmachung 1914.jpg Bekanntgabe der Deutschen Mobilmachung vom 2. August 1914
38cmBttrPommern.jpg Batterie Pommern (Koekelare, Belgium). Former largest gun of the world in 1917
WWI-Causes.jpg Causes of the war, depicted as a ready-to-be-lit bonfire.
Postcard from WWI Italian front.JPG A postcard from a soldier on the Italian front, circa 1917
Pro patria ring.jpg War bond ring
Wehrschild.JPG Wehrschild, a fundraising object for the German and Austrian Red Cross, in Baltimore, MD
Kriegserklärung Erster Weltkrieg.jpg Declaration of War 1914
Austrian Emperor to Take Command.ogg Audio recording of July 29 1914 article from the New York Times front page describing the first hours of World War I
Canadian field comforts commission.jpg Canadian Field Comforts Division Insert In Book: "With the first Canadian Contingent".
Our big guns moved nearer to Germany, Bestanddeelnr 158-1136.jpg moving big guns
(Vue aérienne verticale de Leugenboom en Belgique) - Fonds Berthelé - 49Fi1709.jpg Aerial picture of Batterie Pommern ("Lange Max") in Koekelare, former biggest gun of the world in 1917.
A7v-wotan-diorama.jpg German tank
Disabled tank in Gaza - Pincher (mail) - B01784.jpg British tank
Verdun - Ossuaire Douamont 02.jpg museum guns
Verdun - Ossuaire Douamont 01.jpg museum guns
Tomb of the Unknown Warrior - Westminster Abbey - London, England - 9 Nov. 2010.jpg The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, Westminster Abbey, London
Monument WW1 Solt.jpg WW I Memorial, Solt, Hungary
Goe-Theaterplatz-WW1-Monument.JPG WW I Memorial, Göttingen, Theaterplatz
Monument Rajac Serbia 1.jpg WW I Memorial, Rajac, Serbia
Monument Rajac Serbia 2.jpg WW I Memorial, Rajac, Serbia
Vido mauzolej.jpg Serbian WWI soldiers mausoleum on Vido island(Corfu)
Vido mauz1.jpg Interior of Serbian WWI soldiers mausoleum on Vido island(Corfu)
Cemetery Ukanc Slovenia.jpg Austrian-Hungarian Cemetery in Ukanc Slovenia
AUT-HUN Cemetery Doberdo.jpg Austrian-Hungarian Cemetery redipuglia Italy
Hungarian tombstone Italy.jpg Hungarian tombstone in Italy
Romagne-sous-Montfaucon - crosses.jpg Romagne-sous-Montfaucon
Wotruba Mensch, verdamme den Krieg Belvedere2007b.jpg Fritz Wotruba: Mensch, verdamme den Krieg (Man, condemn war, 1932)
Kaiserjäger Memorial.jpg Kaiserjäger Gedenkstein
Indywarmem.jpg World War Memorial, Indianapolis
Denkmal Inf Kaiser Friedrich.jpg Infanterieregiment Kaiser Friedrich König von Preußen (7. württ) Nr. 125
Denkmal Ulan Nr.20 1.jpg Ulanen-Regiment König Wilhelm I. (2.Württ.) Nr. 20
GrenRgt 119 1.jpg GrenRgt 119
Denkmal InfRgt 124 Weingarten.jpg Infanterie-Regiment Kaiser Wilhelm, König von Preußen (2. Württ.) Nr. 120
Denkmal Olga-Grenadiere.jpg Grenadierregiment Königin Olga (1. württ) Nr. 119
Moscow City Brotherly Cemetery 1915.jpg Moscow City Brotherly Cemetery