This is a gallery page containing specially selected image and media files. They have been chosen as highlights of a particular topic, but do not represent the full range of files that are available on Commons. For a wider selection of files connected with Winston Churchill, see Category:Winston Churchill.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (November 30, 1874 – January 24, 1965) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II. He served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historical writer, and an artist.
<nowiki>Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Sir Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; وېنسټون چرچل; چرچل; ونسٹن چرچل; Winston Churchill; Вінстон Черчилль; 温斯顿·丘吉尔; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; উইনষ্টন চাৰ্চিল; Винстон Черчил; Winston Churchill; विंस्टन चर्चिल; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Черчилль, Уинстон; Winston Churchill; विन्स्टन चर्चिल; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Uinston Çörçill; Winston Churchill; Vinston Çerçill; 邱吉爾; ونستون تشرشل; Winston Churchill; ချာချီ၊ ဆာဝင်စတန်၊ လင်းနတ်၊ စပင်ဆာ; 邱吉爾; Черчилл, Уинстон; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Ուինսթոն Չերչիլ; 温斯顿·丘吉尔; Winston Churchill; უინსტონ ჩერჩილი; ウィンストン・チャーチル; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; وينستون تشرشيل; වින්ස්ටන් චර්චිල්; Winston Churchill; विन्स्टन चर्चिल; विन्सटन चर्चिल; 溫斯頓·邱吉爾; Winston Churchill; Ուինսթըն Չըրչիլ; Winston Churchill; وينستون تشورتشل; Ўінстан Чэрчыль; Winston Churchill; วินสตัน เชอร์ชิล; Winston Churchill; Вінстон Черчіл; Winston Churchill; ཝིན་སུ་ཏོན་ཆུར་ཆེལ།; Winston Churchill; Uinston Çerçill; jan Winson Saso; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; .uinstyn. tcyrtcil.; Уинстон Черчилл; വിൻസ്റ്റൺ ചർച്ചിൽ; Winston Churchill; Уинстън Чърчил; வின்ஸ்டன் சர்ச்சில்; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Уинстон Черчилль; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Винстон Чирчил; Winston Churchill; Винстон Черчил; 윈스턴 처칠; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Черчилль, Уинстон; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Уинстон Черчилль; Winston Churchill; وینستون چرچیل; Winston Churchill; ווינסטאן טשערטשיל; Churchilli Winston; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Уинстон Черчилль; Vinstons Čērčils; Winston Churchill; უინსტონ ჩერჩილი; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Уинстон Черчилль; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Винстон Черчилл; وینستن چێرچڵ; 邱吉爾; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; ߥߌ߲ߛߑߕߐ߲ ߗߐߗߌߟ; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; વિન્સ્ટન ચર્ચિલ; چرچیل; Winston Churchill; Уинстон Черчилль; ਵਿੰਸਟਨ ਚਰਚਿਲ; وینستون چرچیل; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Черчилль, Уинстон; Уінстан Чэрчыль; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; विन्स्टन चर्चिल; Winston Churchill; Уинстон Черчилль; विन्स्टन चर्चिल; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; וינסטון צ'רצ'יל; Уинстон Черчилль; Winston Churchill; វីនស្តុន ឆឺឈីល; ᱩᱭᱤᱱᱥᱴᱚᱱ ᱪᱟᱨᱪᱤᱞ; విన్స్టన్ చర్చిల్; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Čerčill' Uinston; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; ዊንስተን ቹርቺል; Винстон Черчилль; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; ವಿನ್ಸ್ಟನ್ ಚರ್ಚಿಲ್; Winston Churchill; विन्स्टन चर्चिल; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; विन्स्टन चर्चिल; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; Winston Churchill; وینستون چرچیل; Уинстон Черчилль; ونسٽن چرچل; विन्स्टन चर्चिल; Winston Churchill; উইনস্টন চার্চিল; Ουίνστον Τσώρτσιλ; Winston Churchill; primer ministro del Reino Unido (1940-1945 y 1951-1955); Forsætisráðherra Bretlands (1874–1965); jan li lawa e ma Juke li utala; британиялик давлат ва сиёсат арбоби, журналист, ёзувчи, адабиёт бўйича Нобел мукофотининг совриндори; Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; British statesman, soldier and writer (1874–1965); Birleşik Krallık başbakanı (1940–45; 1951–55); سابقہ وزیراعظم برطانیہ; Storbritanniens premiärminister 1940–1945 och 1951–1955; британський державний діяч, Прем'єр-міністр Великої Британії у періоди 1940—1945 та 1951—1955 років, нобелівський лауреат (1953); chefministro di Unionita Rejio; Änglische Premierminister im zweite Wältchrieg; britaniyalik davlat va siyosat arbobi, jurnalist, yozuvchi, adabiyot boʻyicha Nobel mukofotining sovrindori; brita politikisto; britský politik; estadista britániko; steateyr, sidoor, as screeudeyr Goaldagh (1874–1965); দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধকালীন যুক্তরাজ্যের প্রধানমন্ত্রী ও সাহিত্যে নোবেল পুরষ্কার বিজয়ী; écrivain et homme d'État britannique; bivši premijer Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva; chính khách, binh sĩ và cây bút người Anh (1874-1965); Kangrunaan a Ministro idi las-ud ti Sangalubongan a Gubat II; премијер Уједињеног Краљевства (1940—45) и (1951—55); brittesche Staatsmann; tidligere britisk statsminister, offiser og forfatter; İngilis siyasi və dövlət xadimi; 再任英國首相,得諾貝爾文學獎; سیاسەتوان، سەرباز و نووسەرێکی بەڕیتانی (١٨٧٤–١٩٦٥); British statesman, soldier and writer (1874–1965); رجل دولة وجندي وكاتب بريطاني; ߡߊ߲߬ߛߊ߬ߟߊ߫ ߘߍ߬ߣߍ߲ ߥߟߴߊ߲߬ߜ߭ߌ߬ߟߋ߬ߘߎ߰ ߞߏߕߌ߯ ߝߟߐ ߡߍ߲ ߞߊ߬ ߖߊ߯ߓߊ߫ ߞߟߍ߫ ߝߌߟߊߣߊ߲ ߞߍ߬ߟߍ ߢߍߡߌ߬ߘߊ߬߸ ߊ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߝߊ߯ߘߐߞߍ߫ ߂߀߲ ߣߊ߲߬ߞߌ߲ ߘߏ߫ ߟߋ߬ ߘߌ߫; az Egyesült Királyság miniszterelnöke a II. világháború alatt; બ્રિટીશ રાજનેતા, સૈન્ય અધિકારી, લેખક અને ઇંગ્લેન્ડના પૂર્વ વડાપ્રધાન; Erresuma Batuko politikaria, militarra eta idazlea; Britse staetsman; awqaq pusaq, qillqaq wan pulitiku; prif weinidog y Deyrnas Unedig yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd; 62-і і 64-ы прэм'ер-міністр Вялікабрытаніі; نویسنده و سیاست مدار بریتانیایی; 英国政治家、军事家、作家、前首相; United Kingdom siyaasa nira ŋun nyɛ doo; बेलायतका कूटनीतिज्ञ तथा प्रखर वक्ता; イギリスの首相 (1874-1965); qillqiri & anakithiri; מדינאי, חייל וסופר בריטי, ראש ממשלת בריטניה (1940–1945, 1951–1955); politicus; インチリーぬ政治家; अंग्रेज राजनेता (1874-1965); ఒక నాటి యునైటెడ్ కిన్గ్డుం యొక్క ప్రైమ్ మినిస్టర్; Ison-Britannian pääministeri 1940–1945 ja 1951–1955; Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; politico, storico, giornalista e militare britannico (1874-1965); yon militè ak ekriven Britanik; брытанскі дзяржаўны і палітычны дзяяч, вайсковец, пісьменьнік; britský politik, premiér Spojeného kráľovstva v rokoch 1940 – 1945 a 1951 – 1955; político e escritor britânico (1874–1965); Βρετανός πολιτικός, αξιωματικός του στρατού και συγγραφέας; asertay; английски политик; negarawan, tentara dan penulis Britania Raya (1874–1965); britanski politik; британский государственный и политический деятель, премьер-министр Великобритании (1940—1945, 1951—1955); polaiteoir, saighdiúir, agus scríbhneoir Sasanach (1874–1965); om politic britanic, prim-ministru al Regatului Unit în Al Doilea Război Mondial; อดีตนายกรัฐมนตรีสหราชอาณาจักร; brytyjski premier, noblista literacki; ബ്രിട്ടീഷ് പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയും രാഷ്ട്രതന്ത്രജ്ഞനും ആയിരുന്നു വിന്സ്റ്റണ് ചര്ച്ചില്; Brits staatsman (1874–1965); britisk politiker og statsmand (1874-1965); polític britànic; òmmo de stâto ingléize; britischer Staatsmann des 20. Jahrhunderts und Literaturnobelpreisträger; estadista británico e escritor (1874–1965); políticu británicu, primel menistru de Reinu Uníu (1940-1945) i (1951-1955); British statesman, soldier and writer (1874–1965); 영국의 정치인 (1874–1965); ߗߐߗߌߟ; ߥߌ߲ߛߑߕߐ߲ ߟߌߏߣߊߙߘ ߛߑߔߍ߲ߛߊ ߗߐߗߌߟ; ߥߌ߲ߛߑߕߐ߲ ߛߑߔߍ߲ߛߊ ߗߐߗߌߟ; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; સર વિન્સ્ટન ચર્ચિલ; ચર્ચિલ; jan Winton Saso; jan Winston Churchill; jan Saso; jan Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston S. Churchill; Syr Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; 丘吉尔; 邱吉尔; 丘吉爾; 温斯顿·邱吉尔; 溫斯頓·邱吉爾; 溫斯頓·倫納德·斯賓塞·丘吉爾; 温斯顿·伦纳德·斯宾塞·丘吉尔; 丘吉尔,W.L.S.; 丘吉尔,W.; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; チャーチル; チャーチル首相; ウインストン・チャーチル; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Сер Ві́нстон Леонард Спенсер-Черчилль; Winston Churchillus; Winsṭun Čurčil; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Churchill; 温斯顿·丘吉尔; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston CHURCHILL; Winston Leonard SPENCER-CHURCHILL; Winston Leonard SPENCER CHURCHILL; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Sir Winston Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; సర్ విన్స్టన్ చర్చిల్ ,డేవిడ్ వింటర్; Winston Spencer Churchill; Charles Maurin; David Winter; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; The Honourable Sir Winston Spencer Churchill; Colonel Warden; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Leonard Spencer; Sir Winston Churchill; Sir Winston Spencer Churchill; Mr Green; The Right Honourable Sir Winston Spencer Churchill; The Right Honourable Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; The Right Honourable Sir Winston Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; וינסטון ספנסר צ'רצ'יל; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Черчилль Уинстон; Черчилль, Уинстон; Черчилл, Уинстон; Уинстон Леонард Спенсер-Черчилль; Чёрчилль Уинстон; Чёрчилль, Уинстон; Чёрчилл, Уинстон; Уинстон Леонард Спенсер-Чёрчилль; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston S. Churchill; WSC; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; Charles Maurin; David Winter; Sir Winston Churchill; Churchill; Winston S. Churchill; Uinston Cherchill; Uinston Cherchil; Churchill; Winston Spencer Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; وینستن سپێنسەر چێرچڵ; چاڕڵز مۆرین; دەیڤد وینتەر; وینستن لیۆنارد سپێنسەر چێرچڵ; Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; تشرشل; تشرتشل; ونستون ليونارد سبنسر تشرشل; شيرشل; ونستون شرشل; وينستون تشرشل; Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill; Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill</nowiki>
Winston Churchill
British statesman, soldier and writer (1874–1965)
The Roaring Lion, portret al lui Churchill din 1941
Prime Minister Winston Churchill leaving HMS AJAX to attend a conference ashore. Athens can be seen in the background
Winston Churchill with American generals on a balcony watching Allied vehicles crossing the Rhine. 25 March 1945
British Prime Minister, Mr Winston Churchill, looks over the Rhine from the ruins of the west end of the bridge at Wesel during a visit to the front. 25 March 1945
Churchill on the east bank of the Rhine, south of Wesel. 25 March 1945
Picture is from the Iranian press during Churchill's visit to Tehran in 1943
Winston Churchill (highlighted) at Sidney Street, 3 January 1911
Winston Churchill, the Morning Post correspondent during the Boer War
The First Lord of the Admiralty and Mrs. Winston Churchill, 1913
Churchill at Quebec Conference, 1943
Churchill giving his famous 'V' sign.
Consuelo and Winston Churchill at Blenheim
Winston Churchill walks through the ruins of Coventry Cathedral
Winston wears helmet during air raid warning
Atlantic Charter Conference: Conference leaders during Church services on the after deck of HMS Prince of Wales, in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, 10-12 August 1941
Atlantic Charter Churchill meets Franklin D. Roosevelt aboard the USS Augusta (CA-31)
Churchill at the Casablanca-Conference, January 1943
Chiang Kai-shek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill at the Cairo Conference November 25, 1943
Brooke, Churchill and Montgomery at Montgomery's mobile headquarters in Normandy - 12 June 1944
from left to right: Winston Spencer Churchill, Judd Dunning Blick, John Charles Blick, Frederick Russell Burnham, and the Earl of Kent, (Egypt).
Churchill waves to crowds in Whitehall on the day he broadcast to the nation that the war with Germany had been won, 8 May 1945
Rt. Hons. Winston Churchill and W.L. Mackenzie King with Canadian cabinet ministers at the Chateau Frontenac during the Octagon Conference. (L-R): Hons. C.G. Power, C.D. Howe, Rt. Hons. Winston Churchill, W.L. Mackenzie King
Churchill & Baruch talk in car in front of Baruch's home, 14 April 1961
Churchill, Burnhamet al., on S.S. Dunottar Castle returning from Boer War, July 1900
Churchill addresses a joint session of Congress, 1943
Acme. Old Friends Get Together, 1951 The leaders of NATO's newly created military arm, the Allied Command Europe, were taken from the ranks of the coalition that had won World War II in the west. The first Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, was American General Dwight D. Eisenhower; his British Deputy was Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery. They are shown here at a reunion of the British Eighth Army on October 19, 1951. Churchill, leaning across a seemingly disgruntled Eisenhower, would again become Britain's Prime Minister five days later.
Cartoon from Punch magazine, 14th January 1914, referring to the approbation of Churchill's erstwhile Conservative Party colleagues to his proposals for funding the navy; and invoking the song You made me love you popularised in a 1913 Al Jolson recording.
Churchill's election poster of the Oldham by-elections of 1899
Illustrated Sunday Herald article by Winston S. Churchill
Churchill's edited copy of the final draft of the Atlantic Charter
U.S. stamp, 1965
German stamp, 1968
Chartwell, located two miles south of Westerham, Kent, England, was the home of Sir Winston Churchill
Chartwell, located two miles south of Westerham, Kent, England, was the home of Sir Winston Churchill
Grave at Bladon
Churchill's ribbon rack as it would have appeared if he wore all thirty-seven of his civil and military awards
Commemorative plaque for the speech to the academic youth of Winston Churchill on September 19, 1946 at the University of Zürich