William Hole's Bible Illustrations
Bible illustrations by William Brassey Hole.
Old Testament
[edit]New Testament
[edit]Life of Christ
[edit]- Gospel Harmony: Wikipedia
- Gospel Harmony
- Gospel Harmony: Harold Copping
- Gospel Harmony: Gustave Doré
- Gospel Harmony: William Hole
- Gospel Harmony: James Tissot
- Gospel Harmony: Sweet Publishing
Birth and early years
Joseph and Mary arrive at Bethlehem but find there is no room for them at the inn
Wise men enquiring of the birth of the King of the Jews
Christ speaking with the doctors in the temple in Jerusalem
John's & beginning of Jesus' ministry, Judean ministry
The marriage in Cana
Christ driving the money changers from the temple
Jesus in conversation with Nicodemus
1st Tour and choice of the 12, Galilean ministry
The people of Capernaum bringing Jesus many to heal
Jesus commanding Matthew, the publican, to follow him
Parables & denoicements begin, Galilean ministry
The sermon on the mount
Jesus raising a young man from the dead in a city called Nain
Sending of the 12; Feeding of the 5000, Galilean ministry
Jesus calms the storm
Feeding the multitude
Travels outside Galilee; Confession of Christ, Outside Galilee
[edit]Later Judean ministry; Sending of the 72, Judean ministry
[edit]Teachings on the road, from Luke, Judean ministry
[edit]Perean ministry & approach to Jerusalem, Perean & Judean ministry
Jesus summoning Zacchaeus the publican*
Passion week, Judean ministry
Jesus enters Jerusalem
Last Supper, Judean ministry
[edit]Condemnation, Crucifiction, Burial; Judea
Jesus brought before Pilate*
Jesus being crucified
Resurrection, Appearances, Ascension
Peter and John hurry to the empty tomb
Mary Magdalene speaks to the risen Jesus
Jesus showing himself to Peter and others by the Sea of Galilee
Acts and Letters
The Holy Spirit watches over a congregation